Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 11, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY SKTiBPEILI II ! . 4 !. IW!|. rtm.l-MK> BVKHV I'VPMNIJ WV LINES. WING /. SMITH. No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. Ml Mhr* ir’-ilin'i to >pti'Oi nhau/il be <id* I, lln '/•* Smil/-, .I/-""'./;''. r. i. .. •.• < />'</'• ►*"'*' ' , ' / - /„ tl.e AWi/,< . IT I 1 .......... ~ , • li Ml Clt(l'> lltl ,,'tit’ii uy'*! #.*<//'•* <• m/e/ H(H>* UnnS />■•>' " / ' lUitr'l. \\. WATHIIN Silt i*. IMltor. M Si 41 IMlfttH. Our reader* <loiibtlem read Mr Hit Held’s paper in our Satin day’s L m: '1 he exhibit made of past all airs cannot but be flattering to Mr. Collin's, the Mayor ol tin* city in that golden age. Mr. Jlarlleld, bowever. .'' in to loi;;el that Ihe city has developed, aid Ims put on beauties and attached to itself costly but important addition a, which have con tributed largely to the indebtedn<*.- s which lie seems to deplore. In our judgment, nothing benefit* a city more, than n first rate debt. Mr. ilar fleld s paper proves, what our merclmulH and citizens have already discovered, that W. A. Hull', our present chief officer, i the right man in the right place—and be retained by all means All that is wanting to make Mr. ii Gold's able paper, rounded and impfetf, i^fone brave line more, naming .Mi. Mull ns the candidate of all parties, for re elec | lion. Hut, as the people had already done this. Mr. liar Held, doubtless, thought to do it over would bo simply a work of nper oiogalion—and ho It would. -♦ ♦* Du. llmuumon s lecture on j*hilim!. ;n has attracted wide interest. We have carefully read the repuii<ol' it, furnished by the Atlanta papei We think vve undursUuul our excellent friend, and wo are retro that be is not without the most extraordinary physical < •. prr.ei.ei: Hut, when be refer the so-called wonder ful mysteries to a power in nature which nobody understands - though it may be dubbed “Od," or '•(> lit force,” he must see, that be does a very unsatisfactory thing a thing that anybody might do without his learning and gravity. Tunny that the peculiar luanih lation s of ko called npiiitualism are wrought by an un known force in nature- I?■ imply to be r the question Hut Ibis ••force l Od," i no nw di - envery, nor is its application new to the mallei in hand. Oiocovered b\ Haron Keiekciduch. who was by no m ans ca pable’ of dcHuiug it. and who called it •od." in hoiiot uf the SiMudimivian (hlin , it has m*V( r been arc epical by mL eiice as a definite power oil w hich to try conclusions. Hut we do not oiler a criti cism on Dr. Harrison's lecture, mice wo beard it not, and can only judge of it by short newspaper reports, which, taken down hurriedly, may Hl-repicsUt whirl the apeaker really raid indeed. We may nay this, however, that w e have lorn since concluded for ourself, that spiritualism cannot la* explained on tin * Odillit: by pollieHis," for it ih easy to s.iy jhut that force in epint, and no relentist could .ay Of/. *♦ It is extensively rumored Thai a n.ove incut is on foot to put a ne;.ro into Mr. Hrant's cabinet, and Mr. dolm M L-mgs ton —the moat eloquent, if not the visiM of bin race, is named for that promotion- As no necessity exists for any Mich ivcog ldtion of the superior race, on the put of the radical party, it diii i he looked upon ns a huge Joke —a poking of tun at Sambo because be is smart —•— -* Thomas Si i.i.y, the A rib! is dead He was the able contemporary 1 Hilbert Stuart. Charh-s 1. ’ it I I’m brand! lYale Mr. Sully was oi birth, hut he commenced Ida earn i a .in nil's! In South Carolina TilK lb puhiit ills (ft Spain i ’■' ply agitating the public mind on the subject of rd.vveiy. l.ate dV p*"-Ve * s'.Vo that they intend to demand of tin* (ioveinmcut the immediate emancipation of the slaves in Cuba and Porto Hieo hut they propose a system of partial indcmniticathni t hey have learned a w isie thing hum mu folly. <♦ The Woodhull-Claflin Scandal. t.MI'HATIc JIKMAI. OK Ttlti Al-I.KtA YION3 11Y Mllß 11.1/MIK.TII CAPY STANTON. I.RWisTowN, Mk . November G Mrs Hli/utK'lk Cady blaulmi, who was cited by Mis. Woodhull ns authority IV>r sonm ,<f her charges against Henry Ward Beecher, was in Ur it, elty (inlay, ami ou having her attention called lo (his mutter, cmplinti enlly denied the allegation. itml iiec’.ired hei eimviclion (hill Mrs Woodhull - s!e incuts arc untrue in every t'lirlieulai what mu imrcmcit saiii \not t r.:ic AFFAIR. Augustus Walters tv I lies' to lire Xewaik I v eiling Courier Never did .Mr. Heeclter appear so ymini lo me as on the occasion of my recent visit In referring to the Woodhull outrage, I venture to express my deep sympathy, whereupon, with a rptlct liplifjug of liis lion-head, he remarked, •• My dear friend. Ido not need any sympathy." Aflei ward he remarked he felt troubled for liis friends, because they weie troubled; lmt as for himself. Ids life for twenty-live ycnia in riymoulli Church must Ik- liis uuly do fence. It would he impossible lo describe my feelings o:i leaving (he presence of Mr. Beecher on this occasion, flic tnajea lie pneaelaw ould not lie ml so hw as to notice .Mrs. Woodhull until 1 icmarkcd tint! Ihc woman was nudouhtcdly- insane . ami Ur-u. with the kiudliest of sinih-s, he it-piied "l hoiicve so lih*. At any late. I can only wish people belter mind' The Orst thing 1 stld on nppi isu liing him was, "Qf e.Htisu. Mr lie. eher. this tiling is a fraud front beginning to end l\> which he leplied. with an indeserU.ahie motion of the heu'd, "liiniAviy." In fact he made me foci that l bad never lalore realized Uie potency and cewpreheii ve nesa of that word. Mice harm the clie. se when they can mnl the girl* cJ artu the hi sand they .uu'l help it. 15V TELEGRAPH hits I ON IN Asm.' . Dispatches, yesterday, indiculo that tlie fire lie-il l lias well-nigh destroyed the city of Boston. Whole streets arc in min* mid the people are left utterly destitute in the adjacent parts. Lull t dispatches show limt the hest pail of the city is in iiiius. mid that the 1. -i s (monetary) must amount to him duals of millions. We have received no account of the origin of the lire, w lusher it is considered lo lie t tie work of an incendiary or no. Below are the dispatches, which were |. - 1 yesterday by the Telegraph GREAT FIRE IN BOSTON Three Square Miles Burnt, and File still flawing! People Fleeing before the Flamer,! Tito Ravages of the Fire beyond all Description, and a heavy Gale Pre vailing ! Boston, November id Tlicie was an alarm sounded about halfpa-t seven o’clock followed by a second, third and fourth in rapid succession. The first engine was hardly on the ground when the Haines hurst from the fourth stories of the pranile stores on the corner of Slimmer and King stone streets, wholesale mid retail dry goods house. It caught in the engine room, and the Haines following the i leva tor, and was llrsl seen under the roof of buildings in the vincinity of four story granite mansard roofs. The dame!) soon reached the mansard roof on the opposite side, far beyond the reach of the engines. In less than thirty minutes the whole city iu one direction was at (lie mercy of the Haines, which leaped fiotn roof to rot> ,: One great dry goods house idlir an ’“ter succumbed. Granite walls fcU lit the street', making them impnsM ,M '' I.ATICI' Nisi: O’cMK'K. a - SI —lh" Hie Slill ie es The engines are diivcn hack from -lation to tuition. Granite blocks weigh ing mu*, are split Into fragments and hm led across the stn i ts. Latku. They are blowing up build in;- i-ii Limb'll and Congress .streets to cheek the flames. Beebe's Block, the llnet business structure in the city, is burned. Stewart's Rooms only fed the H oik s ; pieces of dry goods went w hist ling across the sq time, tiring stores on Devonshire street Every building is now healed to the verge of spontaneous com IniHiion, catch liko tinder, and deafening e\plo i-nis are eoiis'iintly heard The tcu liinent houses on the upper end of Federal street are now burning—c.iazcd women, wilh clothes and bedding in their arms, rush to mid fro. The wool houses on Fed eral street next caught. They were cram med from cellar to garret, Thu paper houses ciinte next. Then the Fieedint-n's National Bank came next. An hour later tin- National Bank of America went At midnight the loss is estimated at 000. (several Im urunee Companies must suet limb. I.XTF.It - I'tVK Xltt.KS 111 ItNl'.l) I I. XMt.S NOW CONTKOI.KD. 10 o'clock a. xi.—Three square miles hiinied. Fire slill raging. The postofllee, with tin- most of Con gress street, will go tint. I,ati it. —The lire lias reached dimensions Unit simply defy description. The people ol Boston Hud themselves in danger of their lives. The loss of houses and properly is now scarcely thought of The people are retiring before the flames toward Tremont and Court Streets, w here the lire is supposed to lie unable to reach . hut a gale is blowing and seems to have no i positive direction. Probably Fancuil Hall and Quincy Market will go The Western I’nion Telegraph oflleo w a- abandoned at half past eight. 11 111) a. m —File still raging with nn nbuled fury. ♦ ♦- I/ii'.'.s! Dispatches 'I o-l)ay. Meeting of the Mayor anil Citizens. Boston, November 11 —A inpcliiig of I ioiiiiiiriil citi/.pns was belli in the City Hull this aficrnooti. Mayor Gaston pie silling, at wllk'll encouraging speeches were iiunle. anil energetic action urged, in order to alleviate the sufferings of the needy, as well as fir rebuilding tho burnt district A numerous relief com in it tee w i> app mill'd ot which William Grey is chairman Tim committee xvill hold daily session. A bureau of roßcf was also or gaiiiced. with ex-Mnyoi N'oreross Irens urer Later from the Bos'jii Fire, r M The lire is now believed to lie under control. Old South Church is sa • < and i'lie Transcript office was destroyed Tlie B".t, n Post building was badly dam aged and o'clock i-. n—The progress of the Haines ill the direction of the water is checked, and the lire seems to lie under control everywhere*. lhe post',- m< suit 1 1 easury building w as for a long time exposed to tlie- flame* and smoko, but was -I mvoly,searrcd. Tills massive tire-proof sliucture is saved. The Boston Morning IW building was directly opposite, and helped greatly in preventing the* fire from icadiim; State street. The Old South Church also escaped, though several times given up for lost The costfy aud beautiful Transcript Building and Currier ,V Trolls jeweliy establishment on the op po ite corner of Milk street were burn oil- l ue Hosier a Express Office was ' saved Two steam (ire engines I'rtinc fom ' l’oitlatnl, xxlih four hundievl leading citi ,ens headed by Mayor Kingsburv to protferevery aid in their power. Reports of a Fresh Outbreak Washixotun. November 11.— l’rivatc dispatcher from Boston say the tire has broken out at res h crossed Slate street, and the whole city is threatened. This dispatch is dated (i.30 r. \t Boston, November 11—The places lot custody of thieves are overwhelmed. 1 hey ate only arrested to he discharged. The residences of the Fort liill section ate de stroyed,including Uridley.lligh and liroad • n rendering hundreds *f families h mu-loss. A portion of the w alls et p, j„. tty Church are standing, l. v. i it - The tire has crossed Washing ton street. * Post-office and Sub-Treaury Burned V VSIUNUTON. November 11—lloutweil " , " ' iv<st ;l dispatch that the Post otliee . Milt-Treasury ate burning The - mgsate Paueuil Hall will I H > used ! r a 1 an ice. Later—Report Contradicted. I here is no continuation that the fire has reached Suae street. It is hoped Hindis patch to fioutweli alludes to the new Post etbec in ltevonshire street Boston. Nqveiubiq II, —Among the burned out, arc Bowdoiu ifc Brown, Slee per, Fish A Cos., Stephenson Bros., D !*• Ives & Cos., A. D. Williamson & Cos., Kiee, ! Kendall & Cos., paper dealers. The ma terial of the Transcript was put in the cel lar and some may lie saved. Ihe walls of the Post building will probably stand The conflagration was checked at one o'clock Sunday afternoon, alter fifteen hours' havoc, and after having deslroyed hundreds of the costliest biddings in the country, and having temporarily paralysed the shoe and leather, wool and dry goods trades. Not u wholesale shoe uinl leather establishment is left. '1 he wool houses suffered in like manner, and the dry goods jobbing houses are few and far between. The ninth regiment, with a detachment from other regiments, ore on duty protect ing the property. VVasiiinoton, November II. —The cn -1 tire community today was startled by the news of the great lire, an account of which was published in the Sunday morning pa j pets. The desire to learn further purlieu | lars was intense, especially among the I , til/,ms of Massachusetts sojourning in Washington, including Secretary Bout well. Hundreds of them during the day thronged the ollico of the New York Aa soriuted press in pursuit of further intel ligence. .Maps of the city of Boston were produced in order to trace the limits of the burnt district. The explanations given by those familiar with the locality. Secretary Boutweil among Ihc number, increasing the general interest Crowds also gather ed at the hotels and telegraph oflices, where dispatches nceived front time to time wi re the subjects of comment. The excitement w a-. at least, as great as at the time of tho Chicago file. Extras giving the latest details were issued by the Chron icle and the Itepubl.enn newspaper oflices, and were eagerly purchased hv all classes of the community, Hccietary Boutweil received a dispatch tliis afteni""" from General Burt, post id as te i st Boston, saying "our present post ollico and sub Treasury is now buru j>y, The Treasury vault will not be in jured. The new building lias suffered but little. The centre block around Ihc new oflleo lias been destroyed. The lire makes a clean sweep from the head of gummer to Fort Hill. Many dispatches have been received by the Secretary of the Treasury, from bank ers and Insurance Companies, both in Boston ami New York, saying there quiie a panic in those cities. The Secretary telegraphed them that there is no reason for a panic, and advises them not to yield, as lie w ill do all he can to sustain them. Secretary Boutweil intended leaving Washington to-morrow to remain till Fri day, on matters of importance, but he will not now do so, as business originating in the Boston lire requires liis presence in tliis city. Assistant Secretary of Treasury, Rich ardson, was to have left Boston for Wash ington lust night. He has been telegraph ed by the Secretary to remain there. ll' he lias already left Boston he will be in tercepted tiy telegram on the way and re quested to return. Comptroller of the Currency, fxuox. and Mr. Bigelow, Chief of the Loan Di vision of tlie Treasury Department, left for Boston to-night, at the instance of the Secretary ot the Treasury, to look after the Government's interest in Boston and to report to him the facts in the case. Mr. Leopold, Chief of the sub Treasury Bureau, was lo have accompanied these gentlemen, but it was subseuuently de termined he should remain here to answer business demands from Boston, and to send such supplies thitlior us may be need ed for the sub-Trcasuary. It is only last Saturday that the exam ination of the accounts of the Assistant, Treasurer ut Boston was completed. Sir. Conant, the chief of the warrant division of the Treasury Department, is now in Boston, and will rendei such as sistance as the treasury officials may re quire. The l’ostmustcr General has also taken action concerning post-office affairs in Boston. Reports are contradictory Governor Boutweil lets a dispatch from Providence [ depot that the tiro is under control. At Boston proper, the telegraph offices have been abandoned, but cables go by a round about route without interruption. .Special despatches say that State street ami Parker House have been saved. Chief Engineer Donnells w as killed by a falling wall. Five miles of street lias been burned 1 oil.—lt is confidently believed that tho lire is under control, Tho losses, if no more buildings are burned, xvill not bo short of two hundred millions of dollars. The burnt districts are bounded by Sum mer. Federal. Broad, Central, Water, Washington and Bedford streets. Non Tins conies via Montreal nii: vi:itv i.atks r SPECIAL TO THE ENTERPRISE. Washington. November 11. —The latest reports from Huston, say that the tire is now utitler control—so steam lire engines at work Tito wind not increased, anti lmpoa me entertained that the flic will not break out ugaiv. The firemen ami police are nearly ex hausted by .'hi hours work, hut efforts have not relaxed The city ptesenls a strange aud excited scene. The loss can only be roughly estimated at $250.000.fi11). It is believed that insurance risks are more widely spread than at the Chicago nre. and will not come so bard on the companies Joynku. In the Name of Truth. I'w i tlie Savannah Advertiser ] As an evidence of the part./.an tune of the telegraphic dispatches furnished the Southern press, we copy the concluding paragraph of ttie Tribune's leader, com menting on the result ot the late election, which is as follows l''or w hatever reform he may give us. he shall have from The I ribums cordial re cognition and praise —where lie falls short he shall have, in the future as in the past, frank and fearless criticism And. w hile there are dangerous tendencies de veloped hw this canvass, which foreshad ow a government by Ihe rich and able few . subsidizing and controlling such pur lion as they may require of the ignorant, i penniless, venal many, let us never de spair of the American Republic 1 The language as telegraphed South was calculated, as it was doubtless intended, to convey the impression that the New 5 oi k 1 ribune and Mr. Greeley were whip ped into the support of Grapt The little trick was skilllully tiled to give the anti Greeley iles an opportunity to twit the : Greeleyites and to leave a sting in the minds and hearts of the latter. Mr. Greeley'# Announcement. Mr. Greeley goes back to the Tribune with the following announcement ; A CARD. The undersigned resumes the editorship of the Tribune, which he relinquished in embarking in another line of business six month ago. Henceforth it shall be his en deavor to make this a thoroughly indepen •dent Journal, treating on parties and politi cal movements with a judicial fairness and candor; but courting tho favor and depre cating the w rath of no one. If lie can hereafter say anything that xvill tend to heartily uuite the whole American people on the broad platform of unniversal am nesty and impartial suffrage, he will glad ly do so. For the present, however, lio can best commend tliut consum&tion by silence and forbearance. The victors in our late struggle cun hardly fail to take Hie whole subject ot Southern rights and wrongs into early and earnest cousedcra lion, and to them, for tho present, he re mits it. Since lie never will again be a candidate for any office, and is not iu full accord with either of the great parties which have hitherto divided the country, lie will be able and will endeavor to give wider and steadier regard to the progress of science industry, and uesful aits than a partisan journal can do ; and lie will not be provoked to indulge in lliose bitters personalities which are the recognized bane of journalism Sustained by a gen erous public lie xvill do his best lo make tire Tribune a power in the broader Held it now contemplates as when human free dom was in peril it was in Hie arena of political partisanship. Horace New York, November t>, 1872. DR. WRIGHT. DSNTISt, HAS removed to Boardmoirs Block, over Pendleton dt lio*#’, eoriici Muibnrv nmi Second its , Macon, Ga. nov7-Bin. FOR RENT ONE live room house on First street, be tween Oak and Pine, near the residence of 11. L. Jewett, in good repair. All necessary out buildings and good well of water on the promises. Kent cheap. J. E. ELLIS, At office of Ellis A: Cutter. _ __ Notice to the Tax Papers of Ribb County. r pilK TAX BOOKS for the collection of State 1 and County Taxes for IH7*J, are now open at the office of Collins & Heath, Heal Estate and Insuiunce Agents, No. 09 Second street. F M. HEATH, octls tfeod. Tax Collector Bibb county. TO MERCHANTS! MERCHANTS wishing to place their naim . and business prominently before the peo ple of Mueon, Taylor, Crawford and counties, should advertise in the BUSINESS MIRROR. Circulation good and increu-imr very fust. Rates libertd. ‘ \V. T. CHRiac >PIIER, F.n. cfc Prop*it. Fort Valley, Ga. T. H. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IKsilmloh C2:;2S (ktiihliiig, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGORGIA. 1?.;U (iKO. F. IIOGK. ALEX. 11. STEPHENS. NOW READY - HOGE & STEPHENS, FOURTH STREET, (EAST EHONT nOLLINC.SWOKTII lU.OCK H AVE just opened a full and complete stock of Fane? ansi Family Groceries, Fresh, pure, genuine, entirely new, and war ranted to suit the taste of every one. 1 lie as sortment comprises everything required in such a house. The finest brands of Flour, Meal— the best New York Hams, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Cooking Wines, Butter—the best brands of Goshen a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nuts, Candies, Candles, Pickles and other articles tor the retail trade. FISH A JIB OYSTERS, fresh Fish ami Oysters every morning. Also | Vegetables of various kinds. We propose, in a word, to supply our friends I and the public generally with every thing niee required at reasonable rates. HOUMA- STEPHEN;- N. li —All goods delivered free of eharg-\ tiov7-!hn filler 11. I S the dav on which the sale of Tickets for the CON FEDERATE Monumental Association of (ifonritt will close. This is a splendid scheme nml worthy the patronage of all classes of our citizens. Two Thousand Prizes. $250,000. SHARKS WORTH Fie bM Jit) TO ?IG.OC;>. WHOLE TICKETS S5. Remember, onh two weeks in which to se cure your tickets. Wliie!. are for sale at the Dm*; Store of KOLAM) Ik HALL. 170-tf Cor. Cherry St, and Cotton Avenue. Spotswooi lei, NKVKI.V OI'I'OSITK PASSENGER DErOT, (Only ouc minute's walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board -hOO per Day. T li. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. M.ICIJLUN, Superintendent. Jxvr> W. Mr.ii>*, Iu the Office. 1— tf CbasKO of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE, | & liBI'MSWICK KaH.KOAH Cos., r Macon, Ga., October iiO, lS7‘.i. ) ON iinrt after Thursday October 31, 1572, trains on tills road will run us follows ; DAT I'ASSItNOEB TKAIN, IIAII.V (SUNDAYS EX CKI’TED. ) Leave Macon fl:ls a. m Arrive ut Jcsup *< "’> P- M - Arrive at Brunswick licoo r. w. Leave Brunswick 4:3*5 a. m. Arrive at Jesup *1:47 a. .. Arrive at Macon MO P- s* NIGUT PASS!-.-.' rp TRAIN, IIAII.V. Leave Macon 3.3a P. m Arrive at Jesup '7.0*1 a m Arrive at Suvuimuli B.3Ua. xi Leave Bnvunnali 7.30 r. m Leave Jesup It 10 r Arrive at Macon 7.30 A. M Botli day and night tcahis connects closely ut Jesup with trains to und from Florida. HAWKINBVILI.E TRAIN DAII.T, (sI'M.AVS EX * CEPTED.) Leave Maeon o p. M. Arrive ut IlswkiiisviUc 0:25 P. xi. I Leave Ibiwklnsvlllc 0:55 a. m. Arrive at Macon 10:::r> jj. M. \VM. M ACRE A. 17ttf General SuperinU!iidcut. Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA„ A. li. LI’CE, Propi-is’tor. j BOARD PER DAY *3.00. 131-200 FOR RENT. O* NE of the most desirable places on Troup Hill, one mile from the Court House, ant! near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at tached, orchard, garden, splendid well of wa ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, or to Messrs. B. 11. Wrigley & Cos., 0(5 aud 08 Seecyid Ht.root, Maeon, a*. IJMf JAMES W. KNOTT. BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging iu a pri vate. house, tan be had by applying r * \V. I). Kainev on YVulnut street, Maeon. Sept. 12,187 J. 137-102. ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION 08-' <JR:I2JIA , 11 J ILL commence at their Fair Grounds t \ v Suvannuh, Georgia, MOVJAYa IIECEMISER ‘2nd, 1872, And continue six days. The eentrul Railroad passes b\' the ground . For Premium List or information, address J. 11. E3TJLL, Secretary, 132-td Savsnnab, Ga. N OTI cle7 I>!!>8 will be received for (450) four hm Jibed and fifty Cypress, Cedar or Chestn t Posts, 0 ft*, i long and (7) seven inches square, delivered at, either depot i. this city. Address communications to ocW-tT WM. HAZLEIIURST. FOR RJESTT* PER MONTH by the year in advance. U Two nice rooms, best locality iu the city for Dentist or Millinery business. Apply at this office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue. oet23-tf. Mias M. A. DANIEL 1C OULD respectfully inform the Ladies of V V Macon and vicinity that she lias taken rooms at No. IO Cotton Avenue (up stairs), where she is prepared to do Dress Making in the lat<xl and most fashionable styles , and war rants to give satisfaction. oct3l-2xv Dutch Flower Bulbs. f|MIE subscriber has received a select stock 1. of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Crocus, etc., etc., directly imported from Holland. For price list apply at the store of G. Beggs, Cherry street, or to D. MILNE. Macon, Ga. Also a largo stock of Wilson’s Strawberry plants, warranted pure. D. M. oct&Vtw. Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA.. .1 NO. W. CAMERON A C 0„ PROPRIETORS. A first class lionsc in every respect, 131-309 ATTSUVriON : Aa*i >’■) <LJ.'a A.Y C Jf. A. C. ' .. : ,! VLL Insurance Agents doing business m the city are requested to call at tliis office, make returns and pay a tux of per cent. ,>n their rcrcqts to Sk-pt. 1. Bv older of Coum i; CIIAS. J. WILLIAMSON, I'-'tf Treasurer EDWARD SPRINZ. N'OTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO .11 *- TICE OF Tup: PEACE. I can be fou and for die present at all hours of the dav at 1 y office adjoining the law office of A. Proud, t, over tlie store of Jaqucs & Johnson, Third £ ~ Maeon, Ga , to attend to ail .Magisterial bu i uess. 118-330. DR. P. H. WRIGHT r> ESPECTFULLY tender hi' professtoi .1 1 t i vices to the citizens of Maeon and i fiiiily, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Bro* n Hou.-e Block. Residence ut Rev. Samuel Bi v -1 in's, Georgia avenue. Calls left at eitl r place will receive prompt attention, oclbt: ANOTHER CAR LOAD * —OF— CHARTER OAK STOVES ii>t Ki:<'Eivn> —BY TRUMAN \ OREKXH TRIANGI UK lil.O( K. Sign of the Golden "Charter Oak." HS-AM W. HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT DAVv. MACON, GEORGIA. Offic at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cberrv street. 5-y All business will receive prompt atten tion. or-ft: ■w - A aurF’S. Cm, km it Bit Eiprii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. . THAT CELLIiRATEI) BRAND OF FLOUR, “TIE PEIDE OP DIXIE,” The Bcst'i-a tho World. Always on Hand. ! claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, Bill JI, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ’ ETC., ETC., And I will make it t he interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with tlicir MONEY or ( )D PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A, EUEF. 07-tr THE WORLD’S FAIR TO it: IIEI.D AT MACON, MONDAY DECEMBER SECOND. Great Timlin ffinsenm, Meaapris, Caravan ami Hippoirome, Combined with the Grand International Zoological Carden, Folyteclmk- Institute and MAMMOtn In Four to Ten Tents, as the space of the Ground will permit JOHN ROBINSON, Proprietor and General Director; JOHN ROBINSON, Jr, Manager, This Gigantic Enterprise has been, at a Vast Expenditure of Time and Money, thoroughly Reorganized and Equipped for the present traveling season, presents the Startling, VC ‘U Unique and Colossal Spectacle never before witnessed hi the annals of umusement enter prise either in this or any other age, oi ■lF'welvo Allows Isa one. ALL FOR A SINGLE PRICE OF ADMISSON. In the < ollection and Organization of the Museum the utmost care lias been taken to gratify and enlighten the public by presenting in One Vast Assemblage an accumulation such as has ucvi i been attempt 1 or dreamed of by the combined tact, talent and liberality of all other man ager- in America or .urope. It may be enteresting for the public to understand that for nearly Iwo Years Mr. R 0 iNSON’S NUMEROUS AGENTS, who arc found in almost Even- Part of the \\ orld, have bt i actively employed in Procuring Curiosities for his GREAT TRAVELING SHOW, Some of esc were put on exhibition for the First lime Last Year; but they have been very largely su [demented for the present season by New Accessions and Consignments brought by almost cry Steamer from Foreign Ports which has arrived in New York for the pa.-t eight months. As an illustration of the Indomitable Energy of the well known Proprietor of this estahlishmei it may be well to remark that the Exhaustless Resources of Europe, Asia, Africa and America ,ith the subdivisions of China, Japan, Australia, the Polar Regions, South Sea Islands. Arabia Turkey, Siam, Circassia, Egypt, the Pacific, Arctic, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, together w the Red Sea and Holy Land, have all been levied upon, contributing to swell the aggregate • This Single Department, which after all, constitutes but a moiety of ail that may be een. it is .nimated that in the AQUARIUM, MUSEU M, MENAGERIE and CARAVAN, there arc Twenty TJiousand Curiosities. This Stupendous O nination has been brought together at an actual cost to the Proprietor of MOKE THAN A .LION Or DOLLARS; which is ten times more than was ever invested in a single Show. 'cariosities of the several departments represent the choicest excerpts from the realms of /biology. Ornithology, Geology, Ichthyology, Conchology, Entomology, Me ehanics, Numismatic- Science, Statuary, OH Paintings, and ma’nv rare and exquisite productions of the Automatic an ilcffographic Arts, and so classified for this GREAT EXHIBITION, as to challenge the admhaii m not only of Naturalists, but of Poets, Statesmen, Philosophers and Divines. Parents, Sabbath and Public School Teachers should bear in mind that No Public Exhibition ever Instituted in America afforded a Tithe of the Practical Lessons of Intuition whieh arc found in this l nique Exposition of Object Teaching. i o this vast array is added, in a Separate Colossal Tent, capable of bolding Ten Thousand People. A MAGNIFICENT ROMAN HIPPODROME and CIRCUS. With One Hundred Horse*. Ponies. Camel-. Mules, Riding Dogs, Monkeys. Trick Horses, Elephants, and Fifty of the Best Male and Female Artists in the World. nov4-11-ls Adecl.