Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 20, 1872, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. „ A. BIW ALDERMEN: _ „ A. R. TinU!v, . J. J. y WOODLIFK, IJ. Wilburs, f- ”°^ OBKKTS , p. Fitzgerald, {, Strosg, W. L. Ellis, '• j{ US3 ei.l, jjfA. J. Smith, k ' wa.ogenstein. Daly, Treasurer. J. Williamson Clerk. u3. A. McManus, ...City Attorney. RA. O. Bacon City Physlcan. Du. O. N. Holme., ""..chief of Police. James Martin, First Lieutenant. SC. C. Taylor, Lieutenant. John Hurley, Third Lieutenant. """ Guard House Keeper. T>. P. b l!isi " " .. Street Overseer. Hilliard Cherry, GitySexton. A. K Harman, Mmraziue Keeper. • D C. Hodgliins Clerk of the Market. JOB pglNTHfi. I'll Cm OIKro In jM.lii.rC.l JDTV eeuie -I>* Frnlln* price*, t© suit !*•■ time*, aud III.a **£•** in*lMil.ctopy ‘".“J 1 * iv Holi<it made B specialty. . |lul . HOME .U FAlliS. ' "**• ,fcs ' ji ( lisiiu'c for Somebody. ONE-HALF INTEREST IN TIIE llilLV LNTLiI L’HlSh FOR SALE. • ■vEtolßlM* (/. make material improvements IV) t i„, irtfc,. and to make the pupei a mornins paper, we Oder for one ‘for partieuUrN address, & SMITH. |„ovs-lw " Macon, Ga. * Kxchuuges pleat* lucxticc. Ijep Wroken. I A lad named Richard Bright while jawing across a ditch on Windsor HiU made a m>ss s;c ... , 1 and broke his leg yesterday. ilderaaunie, Atony citizens unsounce Ihrongli our an- TOOiuicement column, to-day, Judge E. Sprinz ,as as independent candidate for Alderman from ithe ®onrtU Ward. Badly Cut. Henry Griffin was badly cut in the temple .last night at a col red ball on Fourth Street. The negro who cut him is not known. Dr. Holmes attended to the wound. Serious Aecideml. •Mrs. J. Farmer, in turning over in bed early morning, was so unfortunate as to tfall eat, breaking one other wrists, producing .a very painful injury. Gen. J. B. Hood. Jlacon is now honored by this renowned •Confederate General. He fought for her and ithe South as the Trojan Hector did for the walls .of Troy, and often falling desperately wound ed, he never fell except as a hero at the head of torsades of heroes. stealing an Axe. Johnson Thomas wags about town and the other day coming across an axe laying down doing nothing in a gentleman’s yard, he placed it on his shoulder. He afterward gave it to a colored woman to keep for him, and the owner found it in her possession. A6 there was no posi tive evidence that he stole it, His Honowdis roissed the case. Another City Clock. oil, ho! We have a city clock in our end of town. Our enterprising Fourth street Jewel er, J. H. utto, has placed a large and splendid time keeper in his front window and a bell opon the top of the Spotswood Hotel which can be .heard twe or three squares away. The clock is a piece of beautiful workman ship and certainly a great convenience to every’ • one down this way, and to people arriving and sgoing off on the trains. Shoe Stealing. “Sometime between 6ix and seven o’clock last Friday night a negro named Henry Mur ray slipped into Messrs. Mix & Kirtland’s shoe store on Third strreet and stole a box of ladies ■gaiters. He retailed them out to colored gyrens at a low figure. He was afterwards caught stealing a bridle from a countryman near the Floyd House, and was hauled up on lxsih charges. The Grand Jury will settle the little affair. Ward dominations The following are the nominations for Alder men made at the several Ward meetings last night: First Ward—Tlios. I.'. Conner, Baron Carter, I). M. Durrett. Becond Ward—John G. licit/, E. Crockett, Beni Burdick. Third Ward—B. L. Willingham* W. Burke, E. J. Johnson. Fourth Ward—J. J. Cornell, R. J. Liglitfoot, George Burdick. Mayor** Court. A gentleman from the country plead guilty to being drunk and pays |2 and costs. Henry Murray was up on two charges, both for Healing. For confiscating a bridle he pays CIO and costs; for stealing shoes lie was re manded for a warrant. The case against Richard Bassett and J. J. Walton, for cheating and swindling, was dis missed. A case of Toung America, for drunk and disorderly, was dismissed. yew ygasra/.lne*. Harper, with its usual monthly instalment of good readable matter, and Leslie with its ex quisite fashion plates and useful hints to the ladies have arrived and can be found at the jlajaunter of Brown & Cos. ! ’.By the way, Brown is making extensive ar wragementa to have one of the largest and most complete stock of holiday goods ever brought to Macon; consisting of every nice, elegant and present—able, and you should make a note of in your diary. By-the-way, again, those diaries for 1873 comprise everything from the plain to the very finest. Clark’s Business Map op Macon.— Mr. Th< i!Mi Freeman has this map nearly readyfor the printers. One hundred copies are to he judiciously posted in the city, and towns with in the trade radius of Macon, in the interest of the advertisers, without charge for the map Itself. It secures prominence and permanence . to the cards before the public, and we see - many of the best business firms of the city ss curing spaces on the same, which speaks well for their enterprise and foresight The map te Itself will prove valuable and attractive wher- H * TCT it ia placed. The price to subscribers to j? the sune was *5. With the business cards it K is mounted and put np in select places free. H Lcuca at regular lunch hours, Free Boup, KTomand jerry. Hotpunehes, and Cincinnati La |K Beer at ClteM’i Isaacs House ftaloou. *pl7-04-l The Wnthißs. An* hegorra it wsus a moiglity folue thing, to be shore! An its yerscl’ Harry Watkins that can act the Irishmen. Bad ’cess toyer fuather, Harry, for not axin’ the God abuv to born yees an Irishmon while he had the chance. Ycrdocs it so well, an’ if oi dl’n’tthlnk itwud be afther brakin’ th’ rules of th’ tha ler o J take yees to me arrums an’ s.iurzo .very dbrop of furrin blud oot of yees, dlvil bother me if o wuddent 1 An’ shure an’ its mesilf that a mu nine iverv wurrud I sphake! An’dl’n’tol say yees 1’ noight whin y nlaved Tirrence, an’ thatpurty, swate lady Rose playin’Kathleen ! Och, honey, Hit hadna been fur th’ painted house that yees were in, old thought' we wans in ould enough! An’ begorra how cud oi help it J. aw- • ; th’ wurruld. If yees can’t make th dlvil J himsilf thin its mesll’ that’s tilling a lie. That’s a moighty swate crutlmre y’esbavc fur a woife, Harry. An’ shure its her own swate silf that can sing ’. Dlvil ahltcan o hU, Cum crying roight oot in matin J m # £ Mags Kathleen. An if it wasna maedod to yees an' aha wans a > n ß lc kiss tfce blarncy-sthone to-morrow, an go fo, her as the blasted AmirikinS say. A,“uT* fine show yees have altog thcr, Harry. Yees *>t some gnd actors wid yo. Ait’ ils mesilf thtf. was mud las nolght. A di’n’toi say that dU-'y sphalpeeu wlmtjeca call Billy Button Cap kisathat swate > Mv : -oil, dim an liawfw. *Han. begorra its rnesiir that wanted to tbi&fcjs his two o*Bo inter <*e. ler kiss that party guv?i >ln ivlw wanes william! But fa.Hi >. in the Ptoj ' its mesilf that wml loiketo *,e an actor! Begom old kiss all th’ gurruls d’ye mind that uo-ow * t t&An’ elm goiu’ k V£‘ l, f Hairy, an l>l ‘bring the ould lady wid me, (Site knows bow to play. Faith she plays on me head wid a poker But here’s luck to yees, Harry, may th’ swutest days of yees lolfc be as long as ye live. f O MI-fU Hard .Heeling. The voters of the Fourth Ward assembled at the City Hall last night and placed Messrs. George Burdick, J. J. Cornell and Robert J. Liglitfoot in formal nomination for Aldermen. At the hour appointed for the meeting, Judge Clifford Anderson took the chair as President, ami R. W. Stubbs the pen as Sec retary. By Dr. Collins: A motion that a committee of seven be raised to suggest the candidates; voted down, and a substitute of 11. K. Har man, that the meeting select candidates by bal lot direct, prevailed. Upon the first ballot J. J. Cornell received 55 votes, R. J- Lightfoot 47, George Bijrdick 82, two other gentlemen 18 each, another IS, another 7, and scattering 7. Necessary to a choice 49. Mr. Cornell was declared by the chief officer nominated, who directed the meet ing to proceed to ballot for two others, when Dr. Clink#a!es moved that the next two high est candidates be elected by acclamation. The motion was carried, and the Chair thereupon declared Messrs. Burdick, Liglitfoot and Cor nell duly nominated in accordance with the rules adopted by the meeting. A message was received from other ward meetings, that they had adopted a call for a meeting at the City Halt on next Tuesday night, for the purposo of nominating city officers other than Aldermen, elective by the people. The call was sanctioned. By Mr. Stevenson: Resolved, That in Charles J. Williamson, Treasurer, and John A. McManus, Clerk of the City Council, we have honest, aide and faithful officers, and we cordially recommend them to our fellow-citizens of tlia city at large for re election. Adopted. By Mr. Harman: A motion to make the nominations for Aldermen unanimous ; lost by three or fonr dissenting votes. After ordering the proceedings published in the city papers, and appointing the candidates a committee to urge registration, the meeting adjourned. A lew Ilcjmrturc. Our friends and neighbors, Messrs. Gurnsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, have, as the citizens of Macon are aware, taken anew departure. They have opened a Builders Supply Store, with such an immense stock of goods, embra cing every feature in their line of business as to be able to sompetc successfully with Savan nah and Atlanta, their most conspicuous rivals. Their warcrooms in Blake's Block, on Poplar Street are crowded to their utmost capacity, both up and down stairs, and their daily ship ments are very large. Their stock of Builders hardware and Carpenter tools is large f>nd va ried, comprising many new arid ingenious in ventions, such as Clarke’s gravity locking blind and gate hinges, Bailey’s Patent Pianos, etc. Their assortment of doors, sashes and blinds, is also very large and varied, and no one can fail to he pleased. The beauty of the business is that parties coming to town to pur chase can select their goods and have them shipped immediately, wiiercas under the old system they were compelled to wait until what they ordered could he manufactured, Messrs. Gurnsey, Bartrum & Hendrix arc now offering most favorable terms to buyers and owing to the increase in business their prices are 25 per cent lower than they were a year ago. We were shown through their es tablishment by their efficient manager, Mr. Geo. W. Reynolds, who is thoroughly posted in the business, and who lias proved quite an acquisition to the firm. In conclusion we would commend this firm to the public, as be ing reliable and accommodating in all their transactions. Send for price lists and circular. -* The Finest Cheese in the market can he had of W. P. Carlos. TO MERCHANTS! MERCHANTS wishing to place their name and business prominently before the peo ple of Macon, Taylor, Crawford and Houston counties, should advertise in the BUSINESS MIRROR. Circulation good and increasing verv fast. Rates liberal. YF. T. CHRISTOPHER, F.d. & Prop’r. Fort Valley, Ga. To the Husiness Hen of .tic on THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively in Dougherty, Mitchell, Lee, Baker and Worth Counties. fsf The wealthiest Cotton growing section of Georgia. .JK THE NEWS I the best Advertising Medium in South west ern Georgia. ADVERTISEMENTS SOLICITED. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. 80 ry < *r a day to Agents, selling Campaign Bad -1 Oges, for ladies <fc gents as breast & scarf pins,gold plated with photog’a of Preaiden’l Candidates. Sam plea malted free for 30 cents. McKat * CX>., 99 Cedar 8k N. Y. It you want sausage made all pork and sea', soned to your taste, M.r.itt’s 1. U]place to have it put up according to your direction. lie keep* beef, roast steak aud stew, mince meat pork In any shape, mutton, lino “***■* fact, any thl.g in fresh meats to.uit the mo fastidlous-your money your choice. Oo and see and be convinced. Ills market is between the City Hall and the Dixie Works and Imme dlately on the Street Railroad nd 1. * 00<1 point to wait for the ears.- _ novis-ii Frksu every Morning.— A few hoe Ten ncsse sheets, superior pork sausages, mad from the same. The tlnest of Tennessee beef mutton, Ac., in every thing that Is found In a fresh meat market, can he had K. L. lleniy & Bro’s., a few doors above the Enterprise office. Call on them and satisfy yourself. octS-tufri. Carlos still keeps the freshest tlsli, the Quest oysters, the coldest ice, the yellowest oranges tUo reddest apples, the Irishest potatoes the genuinest cigars, the sweetest b ranch candy, the goodlcst groceries and the best place town to buy your groceries at. . —♦ ♦> Oranges at W. I’. Carlos’. Farr ah’s Electric—W arranted to cure the following diseases or money refunded: Dip tlierla, Nandgla, Cramp and Colic, Headache, Diarrho. and Jiheumatlam if not of too long standing. ... Farrar’s Aocc OcsWE—Wurnyited to cure in three days or money tvJwuded. For sale by all Druggists. Hunt, Rankin Lamazs, y o_ l7 j Wholesale Ageuts. .———♦♦ CAjytos has Florida Oranges largo and sweet. Look to WWW Interest.— Brown makes four pictures for fi , dß’.kci 11 dolt ' n Photo graphs for $3,50 ; best dozen. This gallery makes the best pictures in the city, Compare the work. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. novXS-tf. Latest News. —Brown makes those fine Ink pictures twenty-five eents less. Old pho tographs copied correctly. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. No cards. nov. 11—tf. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meet* every Ist and 3d Mouday nigiil, at Masonic Ilall, Cotton Avenue. Mizpah Lodge, No. 47, meets eyn/'y 2d and 4tli Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantino Chapter, No. 4, R. A. M., meets every 2d and 4th Monday night at Masonic Hall. St. Omcr Commandery, No. 3, Knights Tem plW, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at Masonic Hall. FjaBMK W, Protection No. 1 meets Ist Ihicsnay night In each month—House Poplar st., corner 3d. Ocmulgee No. 3 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near City Hall. Young America No 3 meets Ist Monday night in each months —House 3d at., corner Mulberry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House corner Hawthorne and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hall. iloolt and Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night in cseh month —House Poplar st., cor ner 2d. ODD FELLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Ilall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d and 4tli Mondays of each month. KNIGHTS OF PVTIIIAS Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hail. GOOD TEMPLARS. Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday night at their Hall in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night at Progress Club Hall. Windsor Lodge,.No. 120, meets every Thurs day night at their Hall on Windsor Hill. SOCJETIHS Progress Club moots every Sunday night at their Ilall on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each month at No. 2 Engine House. Malachi Lodge, No. 140, I. O. B. 8., meets second and fourth Sundays in each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wodncsday night at the Passenger Depot. Visiting brethren welcome, CHURCHES. EpUcispitl— Christ Church, Rev. B. Johnson, Rector—Walnut st,, between 2d and 3d. Ser vices 10 1-2. A. m. and Bp. M. St. Paul’s Church, Rev. 11. K. Rees, Rector —Vincville. Services II A. M. ; sp. M. Chil dren’s Service; OP. M. Evening Prayer. St- Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Church, at sp. m. Near Macon & Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. Catholic —St. Joseph's Church, Rev. 1.. D. Bazin. Mass 7 a.m.; High Mass 10:00 A. si.; Vespers 4 1-2 p. m. Prciiyytcrian— Mulberry St. Church, Rev. C. B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 p. M. Windsor Hid Church, Rpy. Wna, McKay, pastor. Services semi-monthly. hritfliVmh Hynatforjue —J. 11. Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. JiaptUt —lst Baptist, Rev. W. H. Mclntosh, paßtor—2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 1-4 p. M. ; Sunday school 4 1 -2 p. M. Second Baptist, Rev. James Mcßrvde, pastor —near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-2 A. m. and 8 p. u. Mission Chapel, Windsor Hill, supplied from the city churches. MethodM Episcopal— Mulberry Street, Rev. J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry st., corner Ist. Services at 10 1-12 A. M. and 8 p. M. First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Hicks, pas tor—lst street, between Oak and Arch. Ser vices 101-2 A. M. and 8 P. M. Vineville Church, supplied from the city churches. East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pas tor. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 4p. M. J, CLARKE BWAYZE, i BibbConnty Court, vs. ( October Term, 1871. NINA BWAYZE. ) Libel for Divorce. It appearing to the Court that the defendant In the above stated case, resides without the limits of the State. It is ordered that Service be perfected in said case, by publication in one of the public Gazettes, published in the City of Macon, once a week for four months. M. B. GERRY, Petitioner’s Attorney. A true extract from the Minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. A. B. ROSS, Dep. Clerk. July 17, 1872. 90-law4m^ BOARD. IT will be to the interest of boarders to applj to this office, m reasonable board and pleas ant np stairs rooms eon be obtained for the summer months in a delightful portion o/Ute gtty. *3* Call at S.T.AB, I’. Walker’s this evening, If you waut Btch things as choice Tennessee Beef Pork, Sausage, FitbL Fish, Oysters, Ap ples,' Oranges, Bannanas, Malaga Grapes, or anything else In the fancy or family grocery line. octlT tf Cherry Bt. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. lbnily Betlew of Ihe Market, Office Macon Daily Enterprise, [ November 130—2 o’eloek, I. M. ' Cotton.— Report for 24 hours, since 3 P M. yesterday. Sold 880 bales; shipped 417 bales. Received 815 boles. STATEMENT. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 . bales Received last 24 hours •’< Received previously - , ' w Total receipts..... 80,109 Snipped last 24 hours 0 0 T,!,a—21 412 Shipped previously * u > Sto.*. *W WfJ this evening.... B*w 8 * w Mkrk<H kv*live 17^4a 18c. lUt’O-l I’lIH K r. OSNABURG8 —No. 1.. No. 3 Milledgeville No. 3 14 MACON SHEETING K’j Seven-eighths Waymanville Sheeting {- " Houstou Sheeting ....I J? ! Houston Stripes 13 |C?}5 Columbus Stripes ;i 1 High Shoal Stripes Montour Shirting— % 10W Factory Sewing Thread 00 YAHIfS-,,, lljO GBm-liMH-hfjskel 1 * OATS—par biiaUel <ji'aos FIELD PEAS—per bushel.., r HAY—Northern „ Tennessee I 90a2 00 Clover 1 JO PEA NUTS—per bu5he1.,,,... I®U POTATOES—Planting • Tublo UC 3 50u4 00 APPLES—Northern BUTTER—itoekyn No. 1 per lb 43a44 (losheh No. 3 per lb 85 Tennessee Nv, p Tuanessee No. 2 11 80 Country 35a40 COFFEE—Rio per lb 23a25 Java per lb !U)a88 CHEESE—Best Cream per lb,. 17>d New York per 1b,,. 15 MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 65 ‘‘Georgia” per gal,, 70 Sugar House 85 SYRUPS—GoIden Drips, per gal... 00a75 Medium per gal .... 05 Ordinary per gal 65 SUGAR—“A" per lb 13>*a White Extra “C” 18a New Orleans (hbda) 10al2J^ - Yellow C..... 18tdn Denterar a 1 il Kal 3 Port!Rico UUw'A POWDER-Hazard per keg 7 25 Orange Alllls 7 00 PROVISIONS, GRAIN, GROCERIES, AC. BACON—Clear-ribbed Sides (smokd).. 12 Shoulders : B)^a9 HAMS—Magnolia 8. C., canvassed... lO^alJO Fitch’s 19Wa20 Tonnessee, plain-cured 18a 18]^ White Bellies. lOaIOW PORK—Pickled, mess IK 00 New, mess 19 00 Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shoulderß Bellies lOaio'4 LAltD—Primeßeaf, Tierces llall^ Packages 12al8 FLOUR -Low superfine per hid u 7 00 Standard superfine.. 8 50 Extra 0 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 “Wyleys X X X X” I Georgia Mills ( 11 50u12 00 iiyapintltu.o 50 ‘ 1 Domestic ”... 12 00 Star of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Lake V! 00 CORN—White per bushel...., , 05 Mixed per bUßhel HBaoo SHOT—Per sack 3 00 CRACKERS—Butter per lh 00 50da..... Bao9 Cream . 13 Sugar ’ 131-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps,. PicNic..... 10 Fancy 17 CANDY—New York per lh 18 M. R. Rogers <fc Cos 18 BLACKING—No. 1 peygrosß 5 00 No. 3 0 00 No. 3. 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carh. per lh OalO POTASH—PerIb 10all SOAP—Turpentine per lb 0 12 Laundry 15 Toilet, ....per doz 75al 20 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS —Preston and Merrill's per doz. 1 75u2 25 Ilorsford'a 2 00 TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per lh 75 Medium HO Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking ’ 1 25 Medium 75 Common 40 CIGARS —Imported per thousand 75 00al50 (HI Domestic 15 OOaOO 00 SNUFF—Scotch pel-lb 78 Maeahoy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50a4 50 MACKEREL—No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50 No. 2 bids 13 50a14 (X) No. 2 kits 1 70 No. 3 bhls—large..ll 50a12 50 No. 3 kits 1 50al 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50a0 (X) CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21}da23 Sperm 42045 ParatUne 80a88 STARCH—PearI 7)£aß>< EGGS—Per doz 35 CHICKENS—Per doz 3 00a5 00 SALT—Virginia per Back ... 2 lOu.'i 15 Liverpool 2 25 FEATHERS * 80 HIDES—Dry Hint 14al0 Green 6a7 BEESWAX 28a30 SWEET POTATOES 150 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05ul 10 BAGGING—BengaI Lyon Borneo Gunny Bundec 17 Patched 17 TIES-v-Gooebe Arrow.. OJ^alO Eureka 10 Aligator aOX ANOTHER (JAH LOAD -OF CHARTER OAK STOVES JIfST RECEIVER —BY— * TRUMAN & GREEN’S, TRHNUCUB BI.OCK, Bign of the Golden ‘ ‘Charter Oak. 1 102-204 EDWARD SPRINZ, XTOTARr PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS TICE Of THE PEACE I can be found for the present at all boars of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. Jrroadfit, over the atortof Jaquea <fc Jobaaon, Third EL Macon, Ga., >• attend to aU Magisterial bual neaa. 110-9*). fj xo KT —AND— Shy iimialr Stomiisliip l IOV f rjites of fre, 'gtltaml Insnrni . r,;. jeli isumssengtr am>imii.„imj„,i,' your gt ‘od shlpned 1 >y ‘‘lk..|,.i, M Steamal Up Line,'’ anfi avoid a , i handllu. {■ RIOIURB SON hai;\.\hi, ' „ ■ dgent, Savniinali (j:i tn* • ' ‘ * A. MEI ICtEi:, Com miss{on iVlerchnr.t, 1 l II tk NT, ISI.T’ r, But. Wtl taker and Barnard St, ( , a . Allordi m willrerrivnpronip attei : . •• <•, slguments of all kinds resmvit nil. li, n, ,i 181 800 BOXT&MoK'Et r Cotton an.i Com uv mCISOIIANT*'.. ION liny Sl!•<■*'i, S• m <;. . j 181-309 V MEYER, COR WHOLES VLB lIBAI.I l: 15. Boots and r ; . •IS tlrouiililou 51..5.1V ::!i, <2u Merchants supplied at N .. 131-209 Prices. A. S. ALDlifl A I. COMMISSION Mill t:\r —AND— Dealers In Fruits, Fish am!. . , ~.. No. 05 Bay St., Savanna: 1 Consignments solicited. Orders promptly attended b E. D. SMYTI IHt I*ORTKK OF CRO( hUn', Glassware n<l 4 'lstsasi. Aud Pcalor in House Furnish! ag Is, 142 Congress and 141 St. Julian M . SAVANNAH, GA. 181 209 F. W. SIMS & CO., Cotton I’lU'tom :inl trciicrul Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Bagging and Ties supplied at market pi in Advances made on Cotton, or other n>n ign incuts. Money promptly remitted. l:tl 209 A. 11. CHAMPION. GKO. I . VIIFIIMAN. CHAMPION A I’liMIM I\, Commission Merchants Corner Buy and Drayton Blivets, BAVANNAII, GA, 181 309 L. N. WHITTLIS. i .. w. <ii UN. WBITTM! A tJI S'l'J.N. AITOItNEYS, At.. AT UH, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 32-107 PROSPECTUS Macon Weekly Eilcrprise, W. YVATKIN IlirKN, I. 1 lor. ON or about the first, week in December, we wiJJ issue from tills office tie fill inim Larp. Live, Weekly Pm! It will contain all the tie 'hi ii . of the week, and tie-lute-1 it m lion on all subjects and from nil pm I, <<! We world. In its cditoriid department will ! • n>l rii cussions of all the LIVE IS-St ;>• ■ of the times. Particular attention 1 ■ iw en to the advancement of He'e ie -, Art, mid Literature; while all inter' ) tin • ■v< id mid authentic progress of the polite .<1 wid will he faithfully presented. HI’iISC'HIJ’TION ynidiC. One Year $1 60 Six Months 1 00 Invariably in advance.. £*?“Ne subscription taken for ! ■; tl.mirl.N 2*jT'Now is the time to sub. ci ibr. , ;ii MEN C'OIMKH SENT ON AA J I< . . w. iiowAieiK ATTORNEY AT W/'.v, MACON, <®ORGIA. Ofllo at entrance, of Kalston Hull, < I ff-gTAII hUbiueHA will receive j ■ , ei:<-n --tlon. 0b I T4 T. If. 4 OX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ICulwton Hull lliillding, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GOORUI.V 128tf J. .1. Aim Alls, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 151 K BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, 'I A. C COLLECTIONS promptly ath . ■! In cud J money remitted at once. P. O. Bo 131-200 Pulaski House, HAVANNAII, GA.. J NO. YV. (JAM ERON A (JO., PBOPUIF-TORS. A first class house In every r' 131-300 .71. M. UEKKV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nOKNIR OF MULBERRY A N’D f-MCO-NI) tf Streets, 111 Com t Hou v, .'!■'•, 29-104 Press for Sale? WE have for *ale a large aize GORDON FKEBB fAligator) and a RUGGLES’ PAFEK CUT/'EK In good condition. To be had at a bargain. Sold to make room for lar ger and fter macblnea. * Adar.- * U.V! WING A-BMITU, ; ' Macon, On. fresh BURDICK BROTHERS S,CN OF THEi“COLDEN 3 HOC." DEALERS IN * Grain, Provisions and Groceries, U “ V " UUW in ' ui :l tn '- " Sll,l k " f and Invite tlm uttenU,,,, of the Public. WE OFFER 100,000 pounds BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, direction, the Packers, filin'. ,~f the mine “MAGNOLIA" 11 AMS. 80 llcrect. IT RE LEAF LARD. 5,000 bushels WHITE AND MIXED CORN, ' 2 CAR J,< \DS FLOUR from NEW WHEAT, 600 Rolls BAGGING, weighing 3,V pounds to the Yard. •‘AIIBOW” TIES, IN ANY QUANTITY. 25 Bags Choice RIO COFFEE. 50 1 >Mh. SL'(iAU of varloußgracdu. < le.i e, WESTERN HAY, fresh Water Ground MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, LIVERPOOL and VIRGINIA SALT. We have now a good Stock, ami rospedfully Invite the attention of all who desire to pur ehiiHe tfoods in our line. 1 Iditire satisfaction Ih guaranteed to our customers. Please call on us at 63 TliirJ Street, Macon, Ba., Sip if tlie “Golden Hi," BURDICK BROTHERS, | 110-1:15 TO EVERYBODY I AMD ms CHARMING WIFE 1 r I MIA I nil-important, event, the election, having passed away, uncf the “ times that tried men's 1 onls nave, merged into the “ piping times of pence”; and Winter has been ushered in mnoii”, twitter of birds unTHnuslc of the leaves us they full to the around ; and the Summer hav umj, fuded away and the weather reduced to somethin# agreeable, I have to announce to my liu ii"to'ik and beloved patrons that I Imve recently returned from an extended trip to New York, Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie find Wecbaasiw, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased, and have now In my store, the largest lot of * w ** <0 O I> X JE S3 !” i . m brought to Macon, comdstin# in part of Bucrar, Coflee, New York Canvassed Hums and I'reakfurtt Paeon, Lard, Butler, Cannftu Fruit, Jellies, Pickles, Kuibins, Nuts, Apples, Lemon®, < :jbba#cs, Onion , Potatoes, (Jraekers, Cheese, Spiced Hums, Bologna Bausages, and—well, it would bike me all day to write what f have#ot, and it would fill this paper so full that Smith wouldn’t have a local for a week. It Is almost unnecessary for ine to mention the fact that lam t m pared, a evr, to supply Oysters and Shellffish of all kinds, from a Crab to a G ret Icy oyster. The finest Fish, fresh and on lee, Is kept by me, and sold at living rates. In view of the fact that the people of Macon, and those visiting Macon, are determined to cat whether they net anything good or not, J have prepared myself for the emergency, by making ample arrangements to have my DINING TABLES / Hupp]led with the very best this and other markets can afford. That popular dish, “Birds on Toant” being my own invention, the people can always find the same at my restaurant. To /ether with my polite corps of waiters, this brunch of my business will receive the patronage <<f ull of my old customers, and, 1 hope, many new ones. My restaurant is, as is well known, supplied with the very best EATABLES & DRINKABLES that could he found. Therefore, gentlemen and ludles, having laid before you what I have on lend, and wi Inn you all the bent Inek and that I can uit you In your purchases from me 1 mind. clone this letter. If at any time I can servo you, you have hut to command me or my '■orpH of attentive and obliging clerks, ami you will he mude happy. Thanking you for past favors, I am tenderly yours, > J W. P, CARLOS. WINSHIP <fc CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE. 50 Noeond Street, Macon. Cxcorg-in.