Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 22, 1872, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNM E NT. W . *. HITF. • ALDERMEN: A K. Tingle*. J. J. Clay, e WooDLirF, J. J. WILBI’BN, jj ROBERTS, P. Fitzgerald. jj‘ p strum., W. L Euli*. j rubsell, A. J. "MITU, r Waouenktein. I> Bar, Treasurer. 0. } R ii-i.i a•• " ' clerk. J A. M Mam*. (j[ tv Attorney. Dk.uJn "■*** chief of Police. .1 AAtiut M* KrlN . u'i rß t Lieutenant. ■l. fit Tayi-ok E *; c .„iiil Lieutenant jni* llt'BtßY, Third Lleuteniint. "p nivirr' .. (Jnaril House Keeper. '• J • t ISSEY, .• •• ■ street Overseer. I.ILUARD t City Sexton. A K - H .'.Magazine Keeper. -niu'W H JOII PItITHA. , |,U Ofli*‘ * prepared * *■ ... mV.- .lol> I’rlniillß “1 price* In ~.ii iia>- times, ''nd *• ;1 wtyle iilslhetory to all. Fine work ..1.. si np<-cinlt.r. He ,oli it ,MI- orders, and '*ill I•> <>“'• best to pleawe 3“• * K * 1 ho’mk aityirs. tl not. tsA., AOV. a, I*7*. irhance for Somebody! ORB-HALF INTEREST IN THE DAILY KYI’EBPKISK fo:l SALE. DESIRING to make material improvements in the office and to make the paper a morning paper, we offerfor one week, one-half interest in the Macon Daily Entkrfrisb for sale The paper is in a good paying condition. KJF particulars address, ■T UNES, WING A SMIIH. I jnovT-lw Macon, On. - Exchanges please notice. Geo. K. Pierce, bishop of the Methodist Church in Georgia, is sixty-one years old and his father Dr. Lovlek Pierce is eighty-eight. ■ Men. H . Krysananski. wife and child arrived at the Twtnt* How on the 20th from Washington City, and left for }?ew (irleans, on the 216 t. -M- ■Cailroad Accident. The up freight train on the Macon and West ern Railroad, Mr. Warren Richards, engineer, met with a slight accident last night by the breaking of a rail. Foar or five cars were thrown from the track into a ditch. No further datna-r'. Peraonal.. We had a call from Mr. W. H. Strickland, the gentlemanly agent of John Rabmsou s •‘great big show.” He reoorts the show all right and will be here on Monday week. Recol lect this show is uota Great Eastern Fraud but a ghnuine show and that it is as advertised. Unyer's Court. case of Officer Sessions was postponed on account of his lawyer not being able to at tend to it this morning, a* Ben Yancy was up for stealing. His case was Sostponed also. ■ Josh Smith a suspicious character was dis charged. ■Rosetta Geery and Laura Burk, had their Pise continued owing to the sickness of the latter. Iluw 'll* lOH. This is the way they treat a news item. The one below is the manner in which Harris worked up Willie Turpin’s accident: Two little Macon boys went out to have some fun with a shot gun the other day. One of them took his stand behind a tree and held out his hat There being some little delay on the part of the shooter, the holder of the hat stuck his head out to see what was the matter. He was just in time to discover. The family ph.-sician says it is singular how many shot one Bov's face will hold. Death ot Wm. Mliivera, Jr. H This old and highly respected citizen passed away yesterday, and was buried in Rose Hill this morning. if llehas resided in Macon ever since it was n small village, and truly none named him but i|i praise. He had a particular friend which SO"vires him —a friend which has been his in operable companion for at least twenty years. It \va a little roan pony, which all our citizens know by sight, about as well as they did the ? Old gentleman himself. To set one was always la see the other. ■ May the sad rest lightly upon his bosom. The Horse Disease. |ij Ti he iiorse disease is all around us, as appears fcom dispatches. It is wild in Augusta and Savannah and is reportad to be in Griffin. \tv see that onr City Council hare taken pre< autionary measures against its reaching Macon, but we cannot hope to escape it much longer except by great good luck. Indeed, '•J)ne case was reported here yesterday, but it Wus not authenticated. We never heard of a disease which spreads so rapidly. It only took four or fire days to place the entire city of a-foot, oi, as they express it, to To riding Shanks’ mare.” But it is a great relief to know that it seldom proves fatal when the animal is taken from work, given complete rest and mild atimulants; but when this is not dune death frequently ensues. Another Cremona. Macon, Ga. Nov. 21, 1872. Jj W. Smith., Eaq.: Dear Sir Wb are aware of the exceeding veneration with which you regard anything antique and genuine aud therefore, we invite you to call to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock, .and see a genuine simon pure, “Cremona,” Brained at tit,soo. Ever Yours, Guilford, Wood A Cos. I P. S.—ln town one day. I We saw it. We arc now a walking arsenal. BVe carry in our coat pocket a flask of nitro gly cerine ; two mnrderons-lookiug revolvers clink sfwitu solemn music with two ten inch daggers; aonr mind it made up and when we meet Ar thur Wood, the coroner will have, a chance of J|e fee. We are mad. The Currency Ghost Hog. I That ghostly supposition of a hog lias trarel- B*"l all the way from No. 6, to New York, had ■ liis pic-tire taken by the artist of“ Day's Do ■ ings,” and got back to Brown & Cos., ob ■ Second street. D. D. thought ao much of hica K t!l t bis photograph wai hung at the front of I the gallery for this week. It is a good likenesa I of that or any other good looking hog, and by stepping around to Brown's yoa cai secure what looks like material for number one sausage and apare riba if yoa can't have the pleasure of eating any. The picture Is very true In one particular at ieaat, aa illoatrative of Geargia life theae day#. It represent# eight or ten men and women to one boy. That is about oar average supply for tLa year round, and, if that Burrency or any other ghoet will bring a drove to every farm house in the State we will be much obliged, nd give him the privilege of breaking up a few pots and skillets at each stopping place. Lunch at regular lunch hours, Free Soup, i omandjerry, Hotpunckee, and Cincinnati La ger Beer at Allman's Isaacs Honse Saloon. ’•‘plT-eod-ltn j Ts-rribl‘ Fire lu !! AN entire IILCK K HVItNKD ! ! I i ONE MAN m’BNEn TO DEATH IN TIIE EIRE ! HEAVY I.OBtEH ! From dispatches received here this morning from Mllledgevillc hy Mr. O. I. Besore, we learn that a terrible Are broke out last night in that place, destroying the hotel and hotel block. The fire fiend reached Miller’s store about half way of the adjoining block where the llnnies were subdued. The lons is great. Mr. Besore losing between eight aud teu thousand dollars. He left t 2 o'clock this> uDernoon on horseback for Hie scene of disaster One white man whose name we could not learn was burned to death. We give all the particulars possible ’ • ho had at Ibis writing LIST OF LET! LilS Kciasiuing in the Poatoftie , Macon, i, ; November 21, 1872: A—Archer, M L; Allen, Mm.v Jane- If—Bun-on, R II; Burns, Mary; Buss .1 Wh; ! Banks, J TANARUS; Blaekahear, A M; Brady, Mrs 1 Marv; Brvant, Austin (col); Bowen, Bandy (cel); i Bryant, Mrs (col); Burnett, Mrs Mary; Bark, 1 Miss Moggie; Brown, Miss Mollie; Brown, .1 1 : Brown, S M; Brown, Miss Marial (col). <l—Carter, Mrs Margaret; Campbell, James; Clierrv, A -I: Clarkson', A G; Cooper, Miss 8a ; rah (col); cooper, Simon: Chapman, Miss T B; Cochran, Isauc (col) 2; Cornelus, Arthur; Cor uelus, Daniel; Cowles, fihas 1>; Comer, Mr* Dr, Cut ham, Mrs Mary; Curtis, Henry B. O—Davie, M N; Day, Alex (col); Dcbro, Mrs Mollie; Donohue, Bernard; Drake, Miss Emma; Duncan, Mrs A L. | E—Elder, RL; Evans, F, It (2); Lllis, Miss 1 Mamin. „ F—Flcwellen, Mrs M A; Finly, \Y R; Tree man, Miss Hattie; Fletcher, John; Foaks, Miss Fannie. <—Gauldcn, D L (2); Graves, M:*s Alice (col i; Gorman, Miss Mildred. ll—Hall, tv II; Hffined, S B; Henry, 1! 1; Harwell, Augustus; Hicks, F, H; Hill, Miss C B; Hill, W M; Hill, Mrs A P; Hill, Mrs Georgia; Hind, Mrs Missouri; Howard, Janies R; Hogan, 11 M; Hunt, Miss Mattie B; Heard, Miss Carrie. .I—Jackson, Miss Julia; Jones, F E; Jones, Lawrence, Johnson, J J; Johnson, Lucy; Johnson, Miss Addeline (col. f4—Knight Miss Ella; Kelly, C 11. I.— Landers, Elizabeth; Lochran, OA; l.mve, John F; Laurkin, Fred; Lockett, Augustus. Ml—Moore, Mrs Mattie; ilasscc, Miss; ; Mcßae, Sim (col.;) Mathews, George; Massey, A (>; McKervcy, J; Myrse, A; McKelod, Gluts ; (i; Mims, C B; Mills,'Mrs Molly; Moore, P; ] Moss, Mrs Harriet 8; Morgan, George. .T—Nickson, Mrs Tcmpie; Newsom, Mrs Maria (col ) Nel Ben. | —Parka, Betsv (col.) Parker, Miss Emma; Phillips, Adam; ‘ Plaster, Mrs Truforl; Pitt man; C G. H—Rau Mrs Sophia; Richards, Mrs Henri etta; Rockmore, Susan; Rockmore, Mary Ann. M—Scott, Mrs. Julia; i-cott, John ; Sanders, Miss Eliza; Sisk, A VV; Sims, Robert; Swinney, Mrs. Lizzie; Smith, Miss Annie; Smith, Joel; Smith, Butler X—'Taylor, Mrs. Fanny; Towns, Mrs. Gov.; Thomas, Miss Mary Jane; Thompson, Harriet. W —Warren, Henry (col.); Warnock, Mist Georgia; Weed, Joseph E; William, G; Wiilinma Miss Lillie; Winn, Mrs. Eliza; Williams; Miss Minnie; Wilder Clinton (col.); Winn, Frank; Williamson, Miss Lucy; Woods. James; Wood, Miss Maggie; Wright, Mrs. 11 P; Williams, Miss S P. Letters held for Postage. Caleb Campbell, Indian Spring, Ga.; D C Sliutzer, Weat Point, Ga.; Messrs. Clark & Bro., West Point, Ga.: L P Jones, Augusta, Ga; Messrs. King <fc Lomon, Hawkinsville, Ga.; A W Evans, Covington, Ga.; W E Clark & Bro., New York; Wash Baker, Atlanta, Ga ; S D Batney, Macon, Ga.; Bryant Heardon, Eastman, Ga.; Mrs. C II Inglesby, Charleston, South Carolina. Ho! For Ciiristmss.— The finest aud best lot of dressed turkeys and chickens can be found at J. F. Barfield & Co’s., on Fourth street. Oi tlie Half Shell. With that enterprise characteristic of him, iniinauu, has secured the serviecs of Gas par Malado, the celebrated oyster opener, who is now ready to furnish customers with Savauuah, Cedar Keys and Apalachicola oys ters on the half shell, by the dozen, bushel or barrel. L llmann, has hit the nail on the head by securing Caspar. With his tine saloon and excellent oysters,Ullmann is a success. Isaac’s Honse Saloon. . Backbons.—Plenty of fine backbone and apare-ribs for Bale at J. F. Barfield A Co’s. Scenic on Poplar Street. — “Halloa, Jones ! Where did you get all those Plows and Wheels and that Straw Cutter, that Pump and Grind stone and that nice little Diamond Mill and all that big wagon load of useful thinge ?” “I got ’em at W. W. Parker’* old stand! That feller there is selling so cheap I thought I’d lay in in a supply for next year! Go and do likewise!” The Finest Chbbsb in the market can be had of W. P, Carlos. W. P. CARLOS • Yliillirrry Ml., ll< b . Ga. I' AM now fully prepared to furnish pure bot tled SODA WATER iu any quantity. Ord ers bv mail or telegrsph promptly attended to. I have in store and am constantly receiving every description of Fancy nnd Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOREIGN ar.d DOMESTIC FRUIT, FISH, GAME, and every delicacy when iu season. Bur and Restaurant up stairs, supplied with the very best In the market. Parties purchasing goods from me can always rely upon them being flesh and first class in every respect. WM. I*, t AHI.ON. 1-tf Xo the Ilusiusss tlca of .11 rim THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively in Doug! "rty. Mitchell, Lee, Maker tnd Worth Conuftcs. tar Toe wenltliiest Cotton growing secUon of Georgia .Jf-X THE NEWS Is the beet Advertising Medium In Sosithwied ero Georgia. inVEKTIsnsttXTS SOIICITEiX CARET W. STYLES Proprietor, eo Ir you want sausage made nil pork and sen; soned to your taste, Merritt's Is tlio place 1 j have it put up according to vour direction. Ho keeps beef, roast steak and stew, mince meat i pork in any shape, mutton, fine uml fat. lu lint, any tiling in fresh meats to suit the most fastidious —your money your choice. Go and ami be convinced. Ills market is between the City Hall and the Dixie Works, and imme diately on the Street Railroad and is a good point to wait for the cars. novltt-lt — KHRSn every Mo umno. — A few fine Ten ucsbu shouts, superior pork sausages, made from the same. The finest of Tennessee beef, mutton. &<•., in fact every tiling that is found j in a fresh meat market, etin ho had K. L. Henry i A BroV, n few doors above the F.meih’liish I office Call on them anil satisfy yourself. oetß tnfri. C arlos still keeps the freshest fish, the finest ! oysters, the coldest ice, the yellowest oranges, j the reddest apples, the Irishest potatoes, the ; genuiucst cigars, the sweetest preneh candy, | the gaudiest groceries and the best place In i town to buy your groceries at. tf i Ikanoes at W. P. Carlos’. • — | Farrar's Electric— Warranted to cure tlie following diseases or money refunded: Dip theria, Neuralgia, Crump unit Colie, Headache, Duirrhie and Rheumatism if not of too long standing. Farrar's Aon: Cure— Warranted to cure In three days or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists. Hunt, Rankin .s Lamar, 93_lTj Wholesale Agents. Carlos has Florida Oranges large and sweet. Look to Yorn Interest.—Brown makes i four pictures for 81; makes a dozen photo j graphs for £2,50; best photographs 85 per dozen. This gallery makes the best pictures iu the city. Compare the work. No. SCotton Avenoe. novlS-tf. - —■ ■ •++ Latest News.—Brown makes those tine Ink pictures twenty-live cents less. Old pho tographs copied correctly. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. | No cards. nov. 11—tf. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 0, meets every Ist and fid ! Monday night, at Masonic Hull, Cotton Avenue. ■ Mizpah Lodge, No. 47, meets every fid and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, No. 4, K. A. M., meets j every fid and 4th Monday night ut Masonic Hull. I St, Omer Commandcry, No. 2, Knights Tom- I plar, me -Is Ist Thursdays of each month at I Masonic Hall. ITKEMEN. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in each month—House Poplar st,, corner fid. OcOQUlgec No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in eacli month—Honse on Cotton Avenue, near City Ilall. Young America Nofimeets Ist Monday night , in each month—House fid st., corner Mul berry Mechanics’ No. 4u: •:■: i t Monday night in i each month—House cornel Hawthorne and fid streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hall. Hook and Ladder No. I meets Ist Friday night in each month—House Poplar ft., cor-, ■ner 2d. OI'D FELLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 6, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Ilall. Germania Lodge, No. 5!), meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall On fid and 4th Mondays of each month. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. GOOD TEMPLARS. Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday night at their Hall in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night at Progress Club Hull. Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thurs day night at their Hall on Windsor Hill. SOCIETIES Progress Club muets every Sunday night at their Hall on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday In each month at No. 2 Engine House. Malachi Lodge, No. 140, I. O. B. 8., meet* second and fourth Sundays in each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday night at the Passenger Depot. Visiting brethren welcome. CHPRCHES. EpkiOiiu!— Christ Church, Rev. li. Johnson, Rector—Walnut st., between fid and fid. Ser vices It) 1-2 A. M. and 8 p. M. St. Paul’s Church, Rev. H. K. Rees, Rector — Vineville. Services II A. M.; sp. M. Chil dren’s Service; (5 p. m. Evening Prayer. St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Church, at sp. M. Near Macon A: Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. Catholu —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. D. Buzin. Mass 7A. M.; High Mass 10:01) a. m. ; Vespers 4 1-2 p. m. Preiibytcrtan— Mulberry St. Charcli, Rev. C. B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 r. M. Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Wm. McKay, pastor. Services semi-monthly. InradUlth Synagogue— J. 11. Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. ISaptixt —lst Baptist, Rev. VV. H. Mclntosh, pastor—2d Street,, between Cherry anil Poplar. Services 10 1-2 A. m. and 314 p. M. ; Sunday school 4 1-3 P. M. Second Baptist, Rev. James Mcbryde, pastor —near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-2 A. M. and 8 p. M. Mission Chape], Windsor Hill, supplied from the city churches. jMethodixl Epitcopal —Mulberry Streit, Rev. J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry st., corner Ist. Serviecs at 10 1-12 a. m. and 8 P. At. First Street Church, Rev. W. VV. Hicks, pas tor — Ist street, between Oak and Arch. ;• r vices 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 p. M. Vineville Church, supplied from the city churches. East, Macon Church, Rev. J. VV. Bnrkc, pas tor. Services 10 1-2 a. jl aud 4P. si. ' 3. CLARKE BWAYZE, < BibbCounty Court, vs. c October Term, 1871. NINA BWAYZE. j Libel for Divorce. It appearing to tbe Court that the defendant in tbe above stated case, resides without tbe limits of tbe State. It is ordered that Service be perfected in said case, by publication in one ! of the public Gazettes, published in the City of Macon, once a week for four months. M. B GERRY, Petitioner’s Attorney. A true extract from the Minutes o( Bibb Su perior Court. A. B. BOSS, Pep. Clerk. ' July 17, 1878 fA-lawkn Building Lot For Sale. OITCATED near Tstnall Square, wlttiln * . O few steps of Merer Univensity. Address E. C., Box K-, Wf Vs con, Ga. Cali at S. T. & B. P. Walker’s this evening, 1 if you want such things a$ choice Tenures, e Ueelj I'orU, Sausage, Frenii Fiali, Oysters, \p. pies, Oranges, Banntiuus, Malaga Grapes, or anything else In the fancy or family grocery j Hue. oetlT-tf 8S C iroHiiv Sr. FINANCIAL l COMMERCIAL oi llu* tlarkH, OtTK’F. Macon Dam.v KNTr.uiMiisr, Noveinber ‘Jv—*.’ o’clock, P. M. Cotton. —Hiport for M hours, since *J V. M. yesterday. Sold iJTO Imh s; shipped :'.s; lull - Uee,ei \ e..t 405. bales. STATKMKNT. Stock on hand, N*pl. I. 187*.’— I'Alert, lire Received Inst \ h<u.t - ‘>i i Received previously Total receipt* !i1,085 1 Snl||H*d lu>t lum mKS Sidpjwd pvt*' hni'iv. .. Stoek on hand this •*ven , .njE i ... 9,0!M Market active 18r. it iro\ nciri: n OSNARt'KtiS No. I hi No..* .. I: Milled** vill. N. I \ i MAi’ON SIIERTINd t Sevo-n-eiiflithA II NVnyinanville Sheetin£ Houston Sheet in* 11)^ \ ioußton St ripe* RWalo rulumbut* Stripes 1 . r nlS lli*h Slual Stripe® H Montour Htitrtinu' — 10; j Factory Sewln* Thread 04) YARNS— I 0.0 1 (HUTS—per bushel I i.“> OATS—per bushel Poaos KIKIjD rKAS—per bushel HAY—Northern Tennessee 1 9Ja2 00 Clover 1 n ‘ PR A NUTS per bushel 1 5) | IOTA J'Ol’.S Pluntinir Table use •: 50a* no I APPLES—Northern I RUTTER—(ioshen No. I per Ih Idsit t (loshen No. 2 per lh 25 T'ennessee No. 1 a nd) T ennessee No. 2 “ 20 Country ir*i\4o ; COFFEE—Rio per il) 2! in25 i Java per li> :;o idd I CHEESE —Best Cre-am per lb.. 17. 1 . | New York per 1t... 15 ■ MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per pul. 05 “Georgia” per*al.. 70 Sn*ari louse .. 25 SYRCP> -Goldeu Drips, per *id... <iiKi7s Medium per pil <i> < h dinary per pd 55 SUGAR —“A” per lb RRytt White Extra “C” Ida New Orleans (lihds) 10*12^ V'el low C 12J.ra Dcmerara 12k|ald ; Port! Rico 11 1 :iI2L. | POWDER —Hazard per ke* 7 25 1 Orange Mills 7 00 i FHOVISIONS, CHAIN, GKOCEIUES, AC. BACON —Clear-ribbed Sides (smokd).. 12 i .Shoulders s ’..ab [ HAMS—Magnolia S. C., canvassed... 19 1 n2O Fitch’s ItR.Va2O Tennessee, plain-c ured 18i\18^ White Bellies 10:i10\. PORK —Pickled, mess 18 do New. mess 19 00 Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shoulders 1 Bellies 10a10‘ j LARD—Prime Leaf, Tierces Uni!!.. Kegs id Package* 12u1d ! FLOUR -Low Hiipertinepcrl>bl *i7 ol) ’ Standard superfine.. 8 50 : Extra 9 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 ‘ ’ Wyleys X XXX”, Georgia Mills i 11 50a 13 00 Jlyaciuthe 9 50 “Domestic” 13(H) Star of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 13 00 Silver Lake 13 00 CORN—White per bushel 95 Mixed per bushel KBa9o SHOT—Per suck fi 00 CRACKERS—Butter per lb 09 Soda Bao9 Cream lfi Sugar 13 1-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps PicNic 10 Fancy 17 CANDY —New York per lh 18 M. R. Rogers & Cos 18 BLACKING—No. 1 pergross 5 00 No. 2.. li 00 • No. 3 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carb, per lh 9alo POTASH—Per lb lO.ill SOAP—Turpentine per lb 0 1-3 Laundry 15 Toilet per doz 75al 30 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS—Preston and Merrill's per doz. 1 75n2 25 Horsford’s 2 90 TOBACCO -Choice Chewing per lh 75 Medium 00 Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking I 25 Medium 75 Common 40 CIGARS —Importedpertbousand7s 00al50 00 Domestic 15 OOafiO 00 SNUFF—Scotch per lh 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50u4 50 MACKEREL—No. 1 kits 2 25a3 50 No. 2bills lfi 50a 14 00 No. 2 kits 1 70 No. 8 bbls—large. .11 50a12 50 No. 8 kits 1 filial 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50a9 00 ! CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21Ua32 Sperm 43u4fi Paraffine fiOafifi STA RCll—Pearl T^aShf EGGS—Per doz 85 CHICKENS—Per doz fi 00,>5 00 SALT —Virginia per sack 3 10a2 15 Liverpool 2 25 FEATHERS 80 HIDES—Dry Hint I4alfi Green Ca 7 BEESWAX 28*80 SWEET POTATOES 1 50 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05a 1 10 BAGGING—BengaI 13 Lyon 13 Borneo 18 Gunny 18 Dundee 17 Patched 17 ! TIES--Goodie Arrow 9f£alo Eureka 10 Aligalor aOj,^ ANOTHER CAR LOAD —OF— CHARTER OAK STOVES .11 ST RIX LIVED • -l/Y— --TRUMAN & (JRUKYS. j nti \.\u i i. %•: ntA m u. r-i'jn of thf* Golden “Cli*rt'-r Oak. : US-304 _ I EDWARD SPRING N'OTAKY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO .TUS TICK OF THE PEACE. I tan be found for the present t all bonrt of the day at my ofllce adjoining the law office of A- Froudflt, over the atore of JaqueA <fc Johnson, third Ht., Macon, CJa., to attend to ell busi ness. ; bostc I ' AND- Savamiiih Steams IOW rate* of freight and ii -v i Fir-t --j class pussenp'r aceoiniiMnlatitm •. Orile.i : your *oods shi]>ped by ** 1 ’>- i and : iviirnal: : ‘Steamship .fine, and'’avoid nil <i- mid extra | handling. RICHARDSON A it.MtNAIH), \*ent, Savanuali, (Li. K. NICKERSON A < ’<>., Anl , ldi-209 Boston. J. A. MERCIBR, Commission Merchant, ■5 ii a v s'l’ica;:.'!’. Bet. Whitaker and Bernard St., Sfwadnuti, Gn. All order* will rooeivoproiuptatti ntiop. (:>n aipunents of all kinds resp* t Ifullv solicit'd. | Ril-doo BOAT & McKB::- . • Cotto.i sin Cv,'.' ion Yis;i:t:n . ION Mre'‘lt Si*in A:i. I mi 200 MEYER, COHI - . -J.. whom - '' u: onu.i i; - w Boots and Chocs. ; fIM in • wir.Sa, tnii Merchants supplied at Ne<\ Yo \ Market i ldl-209 Price*. A. S. AIAHI.V cV CO MMI ss TANARUS( )N ME IK "I ANT > --AND Ihnl( k rs in Fruits, Fish ;ci ♦ No. 05 Bay St., Bavaunah, c.. Consigninent* solieiteil. Order* promptly attended t > E.D.SMYTE , I.MlMWKl'E'.ie <>■•' eJHM'Li. Glnsswitre ats<! Ckiun, And Dealer in House Fu- i ’Ttc 112 Congress and 111 81. Ju inn 81 •. SAVANNAH, GA. id .. F. W.~SIMS &. • •; <’03(011 FIKtOIY SOltl Commission H/3er ': r r.A. *:*■:<* r; Rapj;lnff and Ties puppHot nt. in:u-].< i ];C . Advances made on Cotton, or other con i*vn mentw. Money promptly remit!ed. lM 2J'd A. I!. CIIAMI’ION. oil), f . I I I MAN. nsAJitP&WAi :■+ Commission re: '• Cornnr Bay and Drayton , 'im! , SAVANNAH, GA, Ifil-fin'.t , L. N. WHITTLE. ii. V.. l.i . IM. WHITTi)..!! ''l' ATTOKie.;'.:. 1.'.. ... 2 COTTON AVI: : • fifi -107 PROSPECTUS Macon Weekly Eiiiovprise, W. tVATKI?, ill"' .I. iiiop. (VN or iiliOUt the lir.-t week in ()• i.ilu-r, 9 \v v.ill i*oiefrom thi* liu ; unm Large, Life, Weekly i-aper! It will contain all the th" T> ! cm i|*!jif• ik-wh of the week, and the latest n-liabh- iiiionnation on all stihjeet * and from all part of tie . .. M. In it,h editorial department, will he found di*- cnftftlons of all the i-1 va: ts:<v k. u i of tlm time*, ikirtieulnr :il I enlii.n v.’.1l !■ riv en to the advancement of :5 h-nec, Art and I Literature; wl lie all Inf.ere-tie:* ' in’ and i niithentie proi;rc * of tie* j > 5 and world will be faitlifully presented. bi'ivt'hir f n<>n nil". Olie. Venr ! 50 Six Month* .... 1 hU Invariably in advance. But)Beri[)tion taken for h- 11. t i . MICN <‘OIT EH :.i;NT ON AI'I'I.ILAT W. MOV/, l ATTORN NY / / ; '• cn t , MAC(,N, fiEORGIA. Oflle at entrsmee of 1!V ; .on I’ ' • 2>//"A!l bubinen; will re . j.i , rij * M n tlon. T. ES. ATTOJIIIEY A’T . Rnlstun BJall 6Ju CHER ■ Ififitf .13. .5. AISSIAI.:: . ATTORNEY AT NN/, m% BAY STREET, SAVA! ga. r-tOLLEUTIONS I .mm; !!•.• a'*- ’ io V ) money i. lined , ' oi,'- . (i 131-309. Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA.. .! NO. \V. C A NJ ERO PIIOI'IUETOK . A drat clusa lIOUBC in ev<:ry ) * lfil-209 .71. li. WllKifi 'i . ATTORNEY AT I AT/. /"XOItNEK OF MULBERRY AND -j:< • M) W Btreei* in Court llou .M -n, ( •J 9-104 Press for Sale! WE have for aide a large GORDON PRESS (Allgutorj and a RUGGLF.S’ PAPER CUTTER ir, good condition. In )„• had at a bargain. Sold to make room for lar ger and fxter machines. Ad a iv.-* 1.15).“. WING & SMITH, t tf Macon, Ga. ii fi 4 USIi NT< )C K ! .... . BURDICK BROTHERS Slew OF THES“COLDEN:iHOC.” DF.ALKRB IN Grain, Provisions and Groceries, I: n i:nn in ton- u fn -b Stork of Goods, and invito the attrnUonof tbs I’nbllr. WE OFFER In MV" I IIAI’ON SIDES AM) SHOULDERS, tin- l'arkers. ■. * l . .f tin-gnuilnr “MAGNOLIA” lIAMS. :.d t; BURE LEAF LARI). S,IN') b . ! !,’. WHITE AND MIXED CORN. i Ut LOADS FLOUR from NEW WHEAT. sfii' '’i ll- BAGGING, wolylilng fi 1 / pounds to the Vmd. o—— *'C 15 ROW” TIEN, IN ANV QUANTITY. . ■ Bag C 1.0!.- !:lo COFFEE. 5 1 lib!*, MJGAR of viirious gTiicdff, o < : V! r; i ’■V. I: I Water Ground MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, LIVERPOOL and VIRGINIA SALT. Wi; have now :i ;.;ood Cl" k, am! re*peH fully in vile the attention of all who dealre to put eluiso in our line. i ntiro satipfaction in cd to our cuptomera. Plcorc call ou ii*‘at. §3 Third Street, Mason, Ha., Sip of tlie “Golden Hop" JURDICK BROTHERS, 110-1.T5 TO EVERYBODY AHfi HIS CHARMING WIFE! r I''HAT idl-inij'/oilJint. event, the election, having punn and away, and the “ tiniCH that tried 1 roulh y have merged into the “ piping tirnca of peace”; ami Winter has been ushered in amonj£ twitter of bird* and muhic of the lcavcft an they fall to the ground ; and the Summer hav away and the weather reduced to Homethin# agreeable, I have tf) announce, to my nu merous and beloved patron* that I have recently returned from an extended trip to New York, Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie and Weehasran, and other celebrated markets, where I purchased, and iuive now in my store, the largest Jot of s< C3S- O O S3 I JE3 as I” I .ver Itroujrht to Maeon, in imrt of Cofl’cc, New York CanvanHcd Hams and Breakfast Rueon, Lard, Bolter, Canned Fruit, Jcl/jcs, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts, Apples. Lemons, r Onion*, Potatoes, Crackers, Cheese, Spiced Harris, Sausages, and—well, it, would bike inf* all day to write what I have got, and it would Jill thin paper so full tliat Bmith woiildn t have a local for a week. It Is almost unnecessary for me to mention the fact that lam prepared, si ever, to supply Oysters and HlielLfish of all kinds, from a Crab to a (Jreeleyoyster. The lim-i t Fish, fresh and on Ice, is kept by mo, and sold at living rates. In view of lh" fact that the people of Macon, and those visiting Macon, arc determined to eat whether they act anythin# good or not, I have prepared myself for the emergency, by making ample arrangement** to have my DINING TABLES ■■i j j ipl ii I .it Ii the very best this and other markets can afford. That popular dish, “Birds on i ’ 1,” b' MiK my own Invention, the people can always find the sumo at my restaurant. To tier it Ii in v polite corps of waiters, ibis branch of rny business will receive tlie patronage of all of my old customers, and, 1 hope, many new ones. My restaurant is, as is w’dl known, supplied with the very heat EATABLES & DRINKABLES '.(.mX In f. Tli'-rcfora, gcntlumcn and ladli-s, having laid before you what I have on ■o.l, id wi oi you all the brat luck and that I can suit you in your purchases from me I ‘t < tin- b l t**.r. If at any timu I cun serve you, you'have but to command me or my '■"''l ' a!” 1 obliging clerks, and you will be made happy. Thanking you for past lam tenderly yours, W. P, CARLOS. W HIP <fc CALLAWAY', THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUiyji iii 4 .“50 Sci'ondl