Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 22, 1872, Image 4

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MACK BROTHERS, HAVE entirety rimovstert and enlarged their t mk> mom f..r br,mllfol *trk of Good* for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON. Vinont; or sp,< * ar<- -fpJ-n<HU (Mo tion of Ladies’ and Gents’ Scarfs and Ties. I.MHI > ANO Gl NTS'. BOVS AND CHILDREN'S MERINO I'NDERWEAK. Knit Woolen Goods of all Descriptions. vs KXCEI.tI'NI t'Holi J. hi BRACELETS AND SHELL .lEIVF.LRY. \\ r :i |,„ off. r h complete lint of Ilosiirv, Kid Glove*, Corset**, I-ace < food*, Velvet and Siik Ribbons, Furnishing Good , DrciUHnukirnTriinmintta, luncy Goods, etc., ut very low prims. .hull l„ plrn-nd to r <■ our old friend* unit ut mny new ones ut ourslorr on Second •trert, Daiuour'a Hloek. ■R'K'K HltO‘l IIIIKN, <Kt!il-iuonwl-utlni. ' NOHIEMBUG! 9 5 O COOKING - STOVES! STEWART’S GREAT BENEFACTOR, COTTON PLANT and SUNNY SOUTH. BOX and OFFICE STOVES. GRATES, GRATES. Pockat and Table Cutlery. Hollow Ware. Wooden and WILLOW WARF. oliveY mm 1 co„ No. 42 Third Street, Macon, Georgia, 170-1 BHcewl ' * ” ' INSURE “ YOUR' IIPE! ♦ * Provide lor ihoho ilojiemli'iit upon vou.lkvoihl tlir <irrlttiri t v bunitU'ttH friuiHiictioiiN, Insure Your Life in a Cuinjtany umlcr tint >f ivliultle btutinrsN men, who uiulcrstaud their business, and whoso previous suc eesti is a guarantee lor future safety. Insure Your Life in A Company that selects its risks carefully, and M*eks no increase of business without tlmt regard to satety. Insure }o ur J.i/i in a Company whose mortality and expenses are small. Insure Yutlr Lih in a Company whose* extent of operations covers a surface that secures the advantaged of average mortality. Insure Your Life in a Company that makes no distinction between risks taken either North or South. Insure ) our Life in a Company whose operations are regularly sub ieet to the strict investigation of State IL tmt (mi nts. North, South and West. Insure > o r Life in a Southern Vonnuunj, that can give you every advantage oil! red by cither Northern or Western Companies, with this addition, that it is truly a Home Company, and makes its investments in the State from which it derives its revenues. Insure Your Life in a Southern Company, whose terms areas mode rate as any good Company, whose management is economical, invest ments safe, reserve ample, surplus abundant, and who always my their losses promptly. Seek such a Company, and you will find in the PIEDMONT Se ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Virginia, all that you need to secure the ltenetits desired for yourself and your dependents, therefore. Insure Your Life in the Piedmont & Arlinston Lire Instance Company of fa.. Branch otlice 92 Mullwrry Street, Macon Ga. T. STANLEY BECKWITH & SON, General Agents. oc7 ooifJm JOS. A. ROGERS, Local Agent Ww, M. PgNm.rro*. VVai.tkk T Rivas. PENDLETON & KOSS, (Suoceasor* to T. M Bourdnnin.) Corner Mulberry ami Second Streets. n icw\. WHOIJLSAI.K ASH MK t All tuil.MU !\ HCU(X)L BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, I AW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS, BLANK Books, CAP, I K ITER mi,i NOT i PAP* K ENVELOPES, I.KttAI. BLANKS, U BIT!Mi INK.<X)I*VING INK, . AK.MINK INK, INDELIBLE INK, .01.1) PENS, PENHOLDERS. STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALKCRAYONS, RUBBER. WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, Hill SHI'S, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN. BACKGAMMON BOARDS. DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK. CIIROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., And In fact i-very thin a: mawllj kept in a nrt Book ami SUitionervStore. enantr) will nvelve prompt .■ t s ; f ito*a*. ! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE mu' 0^)1 1 piuuul u* u*ual. No rle Iji prlw now or hortwflrr. IV. I\ (AKLOS, I WUolritttlr uuil llctiitl tJrocrr, i>r.K\rn in m i:, i ki its fikii, i;tc m Mulberry Street, opposite 1 jnl<r Houttr, <Vs tf Macon. Ga. for SALE. A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD 11 RNITTRE. A FAMILY' designing to break up Itoue* - keeping on the Jinn of tVtober, now otUr a lompkie oulllt of furniture for live or *!v r,Hino, together with all neoeiwarjr Wileheu uteiuela, lor i>al< at half original oort. It eon- Mats of Mohair Parlor Chain*, Mahogany amt Black Walnut Bedeteude, Bureau*. Diniug Ta 1 tile, Dining, Kinking ami common chairs. Car | Dinner and Tea Setts, ami in short, almost • very article demanded in a house of B\e or *ii rooms. The furniture ha* not been lin'd over ouc or two yeans. Is In perfect repair, almost as good as new, cost ,1,000 ami will now be i sold for f-*sst o*li. Addnss Bov -t.C, Maeor,, orapplr at this THIS OFFICE, ftrplvtf Gimj, Bart™ & Hendrir BI ILDEKN 81FPLV KTOKL, Hluek, Poplar Ntreef, Third and Eourt'. ALLOW PINE WORK, Pasts. :•.. tic. HBh- "'.'til'- Mine |||Hd Patty. Hr. ' Kt 111 II IHYL mm I.UVBKK AT Of I ■PtRKS.t HFKRyST. THE ENTERPRISE JOB ESTABLISHMENT ■) IS NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OK PRINTING! SCCII AS | CARDS. BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., And in a style equal to any. Extensive additions are daily being i made to our I STOCK AND MATERIAL \\ hi. • very eflort will be made to render satisfaction unto all who may t’avoj ns with their pataonage. PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address, I Wing** iV >mitli. PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. ! PRINTING It ha* beoii the custom heietofore, and will probably remain so to a i great extent, l’>r our merchants and business men generally to send North to have their priming done, simply because it can be done there at a little lower figure than here. If our people would discontinue ! patronizing such nun, they would soon see the policy, if not the jus tice, in having their work done at home. Calicos an 1 not manufactured . [ in the Boulh, and hence the merchant must send where it Is made, but here we have printing offices all around us, doing work at a very small advance on northern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope the time is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests aud patronize home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should be condemned. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS Am lllriraiilly Hoimd Canyasw inar Hook for the bout and cheapest l amllj Bible ever published,will be sent free of charge to any book agent. It contains nearly Six* line Scripture illustrations, and agent* arc meet- j ing wl*h unprecedented buccena. Address, stating experience, etc., and we will show you i what our agentfl are doing, | ■*l Bl.lSilllAl, 40.. Memphis,Tenn., I or Atlanta, Ga. t < FVTV SOMETHING NEW, tl sal %i* 4 „,1 Catalogues and one sample nantea. I New York Manufactur ing Cos., 31 Courtlaud Si., X. Y. DON’T IK* D*riv*d, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and broncla tl difficulties, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS Worlhlrss inilluiionN are on the market, but the only scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid lor I.ung diseases is when chem ically combined with other well known reme dies, as in these tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In sill cases of irritation of the mucous menbrnno these taw.f.ts should be freely used, their cleansing and healing properties are as tonishing. ll<- warned, ier,e nrt/b'et a cuh!, it i- ea sily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes i chronic the cure is exceedingly diltlenlt, use j Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. is Platt -St., New Vol k, . 4w Sole Agent for Unltec States. Price 85 cents a box. Send for Circular. Y\,r ANTED-/:V /••. I Book Agent I VV CVttttxawTs, In all parts of the L. 8 to sell the MEMOIR OE ROGER BROOKE TANEY, Chief .Ju-ti. ■ of tin- Suprcine Court of the United Stales. --TV No book heretofore published in the country throw,- -o mueli light upon our Constitutional awl Political History , It is a work of extraordinary interest and of permanent value to the Historian, the Lawyer, ; Statesman, the Politician, and every class of i intelligent readers l - Sold by Suhscripilou only—Exclusive Territory given. For Terms, for Life of TAN EY—l.ifeof Gen. | LEE. etc , address at once. VI l It PHI .V I’ll, j Publishers, Baltimore. to H3SW ,i-i- moiitli. every is where, mule and i'emuie, to introduce the GENUINE IMPOVKL COMMON SENSE S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This 7- machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid, and embroider ill a most superior maimer. Price only sls. Full . licensed and warranted for live years. We y; will pay *I,OOO for ary machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more 2 elastic seam than ours. It makes the J- “ Elastic Lock Stitch.” Every second "'stitch can he cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart Without tearing it. We. pay agents from *75 to $330 per month and ex penses, ora commission from which twice that amount cun be made. Address SECOMH <fe CO., Boston, Mass., I’iltsbnrgh, J‘a., Chb.wjo, ///., or SI. J Antis, Mo. j SI. Eli Hotel, Baltimore. Md. This New and Beautiful Hotel is now open to the public. Located on MONUMENT SQUARE, convenient alike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only hotel in Bal timore embracing elevator, suits of rooms with baths, ami all other conveniences. To accommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers and others, the rates will be $2 per day for rooms on the fourth and fifth floors making the difference on account of the eleva tion Ordinary transient rates for lower rooms, $8 per day. Guests desiring to take advantage of the ' above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for the use of the guests is constantly running, from ti a m until 11 i* m. HAKBY II FOGLE, Manager ttiinp lannis! Free Homes! ON the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD. 1*2,000,000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral Lands in America. 51,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Valley, now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, for Grain growing and Stock Raising unsur passed by any in the United States. Cheaper in Price, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. The best location for Colonies—Soldiers en titled to a Homestead of 190 Acres. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swedish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address, O. J*. DAY IS, Land Com'r U. P. R. R. Cos., Omaha, Neli. BLOOD PURIFIER | ll is not a physio which may give temporary reliefto the sullerer for the first few doses, but which, from continued use brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the inval id, nor is it a doctored liiptor, which, under the popular name of “Bitters” is so extensively palmed otl'ou the public as soveregn remedies, but it is a moat pow erful Tonic and alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of London anil Paris, and has been long used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. Dr. Well’s Extract of JunMa, retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent cura tive agent. ■w tlirirvvant ol'actiou in your I.ivrr and Spleen? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous "or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pira ; pies, Ae.. Ac. Take Jnrubeba to cleanse, purify and : restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you a l>ypeptic Pitoniueli ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the svstetn is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, i it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer- Have yon Weakness of the In lestines. ? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful inflammation of the I Bowels. Take to allay irritation and ward off tenden cy to inflammations. Have yon weakness of the I - or Urinary Organs'.' You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take It to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the system in perfect health or you are other wise in great danger of malarial,' miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, Sole Agent for the United States Price One Dollar per bottle Send for Circular. THOMS< LVs WOULD KL>OW > CD PATENT G LOVE FITTING COKSET Xo CORSET has ever enjoyed such a world wide popularity. The demand for them is constantly increas ing, bi-cause they give UNIVERSAL SA'TISFA TIBN! Arc Handsome, Durable, Economical and A PERFECT FIT. Ask for THOMSON'S GENUINE GLOVE FITTING, every Corset Wing stomped wit!, the u&B.e THOMSON, and the trade-mark a ' Crown. Sold by alt Firatri'lasa Dealers “Iliiml Stamp*” all varieties. Circulars free. Wauled. tV. H. 11. Davis* Cos. Mfrs. 70 Nassau, N. Y. dw BUILDERS ISWcXXS on Building. A. J. Bi( knell Cos., 27 \\ airen at,, N. V. 4w_ KAILKOAU TIME SCHEDULE# Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, i South-Wbstkkk Railroad Cos., V Macon, Ga., June 13, 1871. ) ON and after Sunday, 16th in*t., Passenger Trains on this Road, will be run us fol lows : pay eufaci.a passenger train. Leave Macon .... 8:00 a. m. Arrive ut Eufaula . . . *1:42 i*. m. Arrive at Clayton . . • ( :15 v. M. Arrive at Albany • • • *-:40 J*. M. Arrive at Fort Guincs . 4:40 r. m. Connecting with t!:** Albany Branch Train at Snilthvllle and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbcrt daily. Leave Clayton . . 7:20 A. M. Leave Eufaula . . 8:50 a. m. Leave Fort Gaines . . . 8:85 a. m. Leave Albany .... 10:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon . . . 5:25 p. M. EI’PAUL\ NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODA TION TRAIN. Leave Macon . . . . 0:10 i\ M. Arrive at Eufaula . 10:20 a. m. Arrive at Albany . . . 6:45 a. m. Airivent Fort Gaines . . a. m. Connect ..t Sinithville with Albany Train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights, and ut Cuthbcrt on Tuesday and Thuasday.— No train leaves on Saturday nights. Leave Eufaula . 5.15 i. m. Leave Albany . . . 8:40 i*. M. Leave Fort Gaines . 1:10 i*. m. Arrive at Macon . . 5:20 a. m. iOI.T MIU’S DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. ! Leave M icon ... 5:45 a. M. .Arrive ut Columbus . . 11:15 a. m. j Leave Columbus . . 4:10 p. m. Arrive ut Macon . . . 0:85 p. m. VIRGIL POWERS, 60-1 v Engineer and Superintendent Ch 'iige of Schedtxl<s. WESTERN ,v ATLANTIC RAILROAD. 1 ■Atlanta, Ga., April 17, 1573. i < 'll mid lifter Sunday, the 'Us! liiftant Dry PafMMiger Traill ( outward , leave* Atlanta S:3H x. ti., Cumieetiug at Kingston with THROUGH FAST LINE TO NEW ORLEANS Day Passenger NEW YORK FAST LINE leave Atlanta 4:05 t. m , Connecting at Didton with EAST TENNESSEE THROUGH LINE TO NEW YORK TIME 48 HOUIiS SO MINUTES! Night Passenger Fast Line to New York, leaves Atlanta 11:10 p. m., via East Tennessee and Georgia, at Dalton, or NASHVILLE A OHATTAnOOOA AT CHATTANOOGA TIME 54 HOURS. Day Passenter (inward) tlirough from New York via East Tennessee, Arrives at Atlanta 3:50 p. M. j Night Passenger (inward) through from New ’ York via F.ust. Tennessee or Louisville, ! Arrives at Atlanta I:!iO a. m. E. B. WALKER, • Master Transporatiotn. Change of Schedule. j ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. FORTY-ONE MIi.ES SAVED IN DISTANCE Office Macon and Augusta Railroad, ) Macon, May IS, 1872. f ON and after Sunday, May 10, 1872, and un td further notice, the trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Augusta 11.00 a m. Leave Macon 6 30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 2.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 7.40 r. M. Passengers leaving Macon at 6.50 a. m make close connection at Camak with day pas -enger trains on tiie Georgia Railroad for At •nta and all points WV.-t; also, for Augusta, ' ith trains going North, and with trains foi harlcston; also, fur Athens, Washington, and ill stations on the Georgia Kailroar’ sold and baggage cbu.ged to all -oints North, both by rail and oy steamships from Charleston. 24 lv S K. JOHNSON Sno’t,. THE "LIGHT RUIIIG' , d v , A “DOMKSTIu” S. ]NI. CO., 9b Chambers Bt., New York, or Atlanta, Ga. 133-300 L. T. WHITCOMB. Agt., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN West Mia Fruits, Veptata, HAT, Hit AIT, HAY, ETC., ! BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107-185 Arrival, and Closing of flails. Arrive. Close. Macon & Augusta R. R. Wav and Milledgoville '.7:40p. m. 7p.m. Augusta and Carolinas 7 p.m. Macon & Brunswick 2:33 p. M. 7a. m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States <Night Train).. 7:30 a. m. 4:30 p m (Day Train) 0:10 p. m. 6:loam Muscogee R. R. Way Colutn „ bu, 8 ----. 6 p.m. 7p.m. S. W. R. it. (Day Train) 4:35 p. m. 7a. m. Americus and Eufaula (Night „ Train) 7 p. m. C. R. R. Way Savannah and Northern (Day Train) 4:51 p. m. 7A. M. Northern, Savannah and Ea ton (Night Train) 5:15 a. m. 5:20 p M Hawkinsville daily (Sundays excepted 10:80 a. m. 2p si Clinton—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.! 13 m. 1S:80pm Jeffersonville and Twiggs ville, Wednesday 7 a sr Wednesday. 3 : 23 P . INDIAN BPRINCS. elder house. EI.HER A SOT, Proprietor. r PIIIS well-known house is now open to all A. Uiiowish to visit the far-famed Indian spring. Tl.c Hotel is nearer the Spring than any other, with pleasant and shady walks lead ing thereto: BATES OK BOAHI>. Per Day $ 2 00 One Week '.’.'.’.’.*lo 00 One Month 35 00 Children and servants half price 6 - tf ELDER & SON BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. IS THE BREAKFAST 110(811 For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma con to Columbu*. HEATER HOUSE For the Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. SUPPER HOUSE Fr the Train from Columbus to Macon, 8a vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places a if! ovprv ' H2-IW I MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whoiheanlp Gr,„ f ,. v A( . Burdick brothers, Third . tween Cherry and Poplar. Btrect ' '>e- xw I AWTON ,V RATEi, Fount, m,, , J * to Lawton a: Wlillughaili*. ' VT A. MACK AHE liollingsworlh H, IT Poplar street, near Fourth. ■ OruKKlaln. G F S?^*' e R. av‘u^: l ’ iwj, |T '/NT, RANKIN A LAMAR.V. sg MMIM 11 Cherry-street. TNO. INGALLS, comer Poplar i m| i,.. t) street. Hollingsworth hloek. ;;h! 1( ‘ I'amy Gi'ocrrs. U,’ P CARLOS, No, qr Mull.i-ir .. VV • opposite the Limin-111,UM. Bewing lUtiehiins, K,f. ANDERSON, Howe t-, it,,.- p.. . eiiiiie, Cotton Avenue. "otttf" lioleta, 1 frown House—e. e. drown _> Proprietors, Opp PUsscuger Deput q’ ’ SPOT.BWOOD— T. 11. HARRIS, ! Opposite Passenger Depot House situ] l“- u:| r , V\7 YNDHAM A CO., mm. I VV Hotel. Ailmuris :jf S. ; JOHN B. WEEMS, oilier, I ,Tl - Old, I. tr over llasdal's. ;; Cli. WOOTEN, ' MBt ■ - hh |ttu * block, up stairs B. GERRY, Office, i , AO. BACON, Office, si; ( i rpHOMAB P-. GRESHAM, olii, - : y X berry street VITHITTER & GfsTlN,.?<'•'• - : k„v. V V Avenue. l*lj sli-iii ins. rp W. MASON, Olliee, over First X. ■ X # Bank. tf Jewelers and Huleh .flsiLers. Jli. OTTO, under Spotswood Hotel. • it II on se Fnrnislii ng- 4 <• ,t Stoves. Ae. OLIVER, DOUGLASS & C< >., Thin! S between Clterry and Mulberry. t Silioc Dealer... \fIN A: KIRTLAND, Cotton Ari-niie if iVi Third Street. I'u rii it air, Ac. \\T &E. P. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton V ? • Avenue and Cherry-streets. tf liarnegN, Ae. rJERNI) BROS., Third Street, Ict.'.v i > Cherry and Mulberry-streets. tf Booksellers, Statloio rs, Ai. jgP.OWN A Cos., 4o Second Street. tUnsic, Ac. 1> J. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avenue. J l . tatr Gt UILFORD, WOOD & CO., S4 Mulberry T Street. Hardware. CIARHART & CURD, No. G 5 and 07 (.iu-rn / Street. 4(itf' Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. §lO years PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE TAB To liavc more merit than an j similar prepara tion ever offered to the public. It is rich in the medicinal qnal ities of Tar, and uuequaled for diseas es of the Throat and Lungs per forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures Ilicnt all. Asthma and Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pronounced specific for these complaints. Tor (mins in Breast Side or Back Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Jaundice or any Liver Complain It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Restores the Appetite. Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated. Causes the Food to~Digy**sf, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Prevents Malarious Fevers, Wives tone to your System. Tr- p r . Crook’s Wine of Tar. PURIFY Y<>UR BLOOD- L For Scrofula, Scrofu- X lous Diseases ofihe *. y* Eyes, or Scrofula in -• any form. ' a Any disease or eruption of q£) u the Skin, disease of the Liver, Rheumatism. Pimples. Old Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down Constitutions. Syphilis or any disease depending on a deprav (j&y-Aj ed condition of the blood, try DR. CROOK'S WYRUP OF *||Poke Root. It has the medical property Bty of Poke combined with a P re ' J paration of Iron which goti at once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Com pound Syrop of Poke Boot—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, Charleston, S C., Wholesale Agent 1 81-Iy For Dr Crook’s Pcraeiliff BOARD. IT will be to the interest of boarders to at 71 ' ’ ■ >ffic •. s? reasonable b<nrd *•'P . ■‘P airs rooms .-an be obtained f’ [jj* summer months in a delightful portion “.y*