Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 23, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAM WTEBPWSE *1 M lt\, Cii 1.. M>. 13. P. ni.l'tlKll KVKItV lAEN'XO if LINES, W I N O A SMI TH . V,. 1U lloMniT* 111 !!’ • 1 ill !<H‘ r- ft '••titty ti. Mfiivuu •/"•"* f/toMhe '*'• to U* u-/ ti StHiltt, AA , <•". l''*tlttnutt u <u* •'#< ’ J * ■' ' 1 ’ j to <h> M ‘ '■' ■ ’ " '" j t, ■ ’,■(,<} ><fii 'ration*, MW' i "Ujonii- | *ntr<l nrrm it*-' < oil pttr?* o\ ('•* >' ,'• lirHri. Mu. I'ii ink .1. lli.uhi.mion I- our only i t.'oni ■tl City AgonL mill lit* in iliily ctu imwcrwl lo solicit work for this oilier, and SlltlMlltptloiH to Ifeo hNTKIIPIIIsr, M i, Cii 1- Mize. book nml new*- . lint!' r, l om- niitljorl/' 1 ftßcnl In lhnvsnti, 1 ( #H ,! J, Ti i iiiHir nulliori/.cil ag'ntnt j Fort Gnlm . _■ *jrs - " - ! w. MATMIX IIK KS VI'I IA OA UJUI lilHl.lihl 11.1 .1 liCI'H. ItcibcrlHiicncer tiy Dupli' *l< men me not to lm ronud. Then: it!h > a different balance of dmin “ Willi no grritl u (mill o 1 wfiai folly to demand that any mitn'e t of pet •omaliall b innilti lo lliink ulikr Where it given eouimunit i ' I' l '* jesa lo hit\T Iho n ame opinion". thought*, and inter prelalioM* ol things. they mi* all nnforliuiatr In Ibe mallet "f min' and ' il'i'y. or moat of thecn tire hypociits *lo fwr> men, vi lin think t,l nil. ’.,i! bo liiiiod In tlnnk quin* alike, mnl if they be line men. they will ii"l wrk l w leak vengeance on each nil., i Ibr Hie <it -• over- In". We liennl ol lmo liifliturn who thought alike ll ' -ll this w i-o "J'liey were apptoucliing limn diHcronldireetlona, ind earb took lie' oilier fit a dear ft lend, and belli were wrong. However, having di route I the 1 01. one "‘llll lo the other. •Och, Btrnejf, me In ali a row, boro la llir Ihrue axplaint uv the dr nin an tfiiafoirhu iiatjniininderalliamllu' Hlinre you Unit % mu meealf. nud oi Unit' llml you wu* yon but more litioken lit naythrr uv n* Mo UK mie bat- written an elaborate < iaiijr batai UJ)"U Hu iruehm [hat Where knowl edge !• ainJJlcat faith la largest. Ignntnner i* ninny* Incirditloiu nml pro hiblls dial nobl development w hich is the handiwork of faith. No one, fir rviimplu, will deny lo liar win great knowledge —heboid, linn, the i \ienl ol hi'* full Ll 1 XV hut faith II must inquire to believe that man is ti derelop menl from nn Ape. %!>%% *•** l< 4 on rx|M>ii<l> Hls, I SAcpttc ui'Mi' t lilt! mnn ul tlui im: (limit" wlio 'enabled ns ’*!*> *ji' tint! tong y ri\ nttont spirit*, flu* oMn r titty.' f A ski'plK a Inquiry do** not t'ome in it \try reipet'tAl! ► hajw him! if Jlllxcoioe* i.- to ft v unity or n vnin rmfoaily, t*v exposing the nnmo of it wnnu Licnd of nmtty your * M.mdim: Wo *pun jn> x hin -Intt lolil wlml ti.iii-l'ii 1 1 yiutply ami truly, without cxpresMut: our own faith or Judgment /*/,> }‘fi > i*u '{iqo wants 11 know if l)r. Harrison eatiflul !** p<r*undod to favor 'luion uilh his lerfuret of ‘Modern Mys lories," I'mloubtCdiN if* iias bee ll writtiu to on the subjt e! Your ojiinioii of Dr Mar* ilson is correct, lie is a limn of rare ge nius and groat knowledge. ♦ Tiik C.iltmibns (Ohio) Journal, makes Hut following impeliant nmtoutu cmeut, w Weh nomc* JfiiHt in time to some of us D 11. Craig, the former agent of the New Ynik Associated Iho *•. is repot ted to he engaged in organizing u new as*- i K'itt lion, lie lots secured the full control and p'tSM'Miou of the new method of lninstnil ting dispatch**, nml calculates that he will by t\is .y%tin la* to supply pa par* with a column of news In n* short a time Mini at ua cheap rates as n alngle di'patch is now furnished ll Mr. I’t'aig Muvceda in ui eompUshlng half what lie etaims, the whole ayaicnt of linusmltliug tie** "ill l*e rcvolutlonl/.d. and jour wall* m will ie* reive a wonderful inipe w a 1 *!leve Mr f'niig lias lor a number of years been wo fhe point of putt in In’* new jh\h *sa In neeessful t'peirifion, and 1 and! be glut! to s*e Idm do !t. I*IU -ftO’\T Uiunt, it is nttihot iiati\tdjr lalt'd will propose an addUumivl Hinint'y in hi*- lot the outing tut*f*tjitv It Is high taste that not only ju additional, hut a utuveiial nmcioty wtst dactotretl. How *m Administration f • u tov eminent eon ho|* u lev'otteUe \\|to<* ot an ( strange 4 rt'untn by ;.ti o| ;< 4Vo and unjust poHey, i* Iho political pu/jp’e of ■+ • l li\T i hlonie pftTc oi ilimm u ring known as the '‘l iwrlt Sp>i.atJon ( UiuiK 11 mltftg hgr the !?tl forty years, reported upon iaVontldy !ty furtjMHMs committees, pusn and the Senate M'Veu litres and the Mouse twice, and vetoed by two Pml dent*;. namely, INdk and l‘ioi<:e—will, it is stated, be pushed through the next Cottgf©** wMb t bdr cm* f being * ► Tiu ClitcUiucil llmpdict N laboring (tub l dissHltf title* aiiuiiur lo honorable l<cnaS' within oar oan Innt 1 hi* the ujvn Utf i-rt ef v ttiHnni vvt ii im'nmng people h> kstow whether tbja i* cratic paper So tar |** ne Xrou. it s We aland trpofi da ptuUorui w ,, ! )! w by (lie party isi Kwtiynal r.mveuti n ; Haiti mot* As for ifu future, vie prop*e to •-dv ;t mU' fiich met tIWJ* I.WK- :.!f- M will ini'! In i.A(t 11m**'- < !• ■ ive flitd p 1 Our tsts # dt i> need n.4 !-■ v 1 ; th ie i’n<nfircr h .**# ot r e wide* !)!!•* > atic journal* m try A iot iriaT wko wui> cusatsl in n hae part -t Hwltucrlaml he felt the beat most re* plied, "when I was s?riag to Hieue." M1,'111,1 Vli t I Uc.oe forever lndabti'l ' Aida herald fill tpcuuicu id tli . el ful literal? composition*, a -Iw'.’h i* most vivid picture* of tin nil" edi n dial our Anglo Mason la * ’•* of exhibiting. shall repnalucc tie ■ U m lime to lime, for lbs de!et Ulioii of our more cultivated leader*, and mot' fait, ularly for College l’iofe and ) -ong , Journallata. Here h one ;!, v 11l In ieh I the auburn lock* <tf a t ertuin friend of our wAifa in no time Hjeakin.; <f h'lts' ■ (donkeys would have been considered a leflcclion upon itself and rd ins) what dun excel Ike fnllov. it. "Turn 100-e this unlutn'd At Who an furiously dilute* id s ' > trils, And haughtily tbnbe„ fit |i . Ape of Percelc*! Mhndi i • n VVe know of but one pit- g,e Ii glisb lit emtnrc that can at nil appro bit'.title ii Jealy of diction, the plctun s ' !■ '".or Hie boldness of flgnre line i e even in the ono passage we wot Ibeie in so great tut Identity of > ' w feel liku chorgitip' tliC j ■ ■ * l| g : from llie Herald. Here n t “ I’tiri I*' e Hb'ii !"■•'! The iKiuudless pro , •■<■l njo t. bei,- ' ■ <1 , with wood-, ' Tie n' rich M'ltli lmrv.--.t --i Util M'ltli iht'l’ The attentive render i|i lend j Unit "red worrwro (t i 1 A. i Heruld) Ma but an elegant linpr" . ' pee— 1 >1 ' threy " : We can recall i 1 •- to mutrh tlie bnlUtifiry ;m 1 • 'tin ’ ■ j “biniffhtUy llruilifs paint oil ;1 i < • UulfHi It bo t\V‘* litlC* "I IV'Oi on t! • binding of Fun-i. when “ 1 lift l>timiiig i-y , whom l |! • 'MJ nf dll), BUrol full wltlr, uixl tl.rm h •( Hn*.” NoHTII ( AHoLINA Jh'llllllohU'i - ! • it Hi iug ropudiution, aixl have 1 >; in* and u com pact with ilifec ret lunacy po\v i t<npt*iatc upon lh<* Li’gitilalurc to prevent it, it tin* attempt I/O nmh\ 'lho debt of North Carolina amount* to |;t(t,o' ’ Mf J From tli** l nion anti Kct ord* r Kvir.i.; GREAT FIRE IN MILi EVILLE. Millcdgaville Hotel aud Howell'* Ruined. ,Mi! !.KIMsK\ u.l.i:, GA . j , i ,I. About half past llm ** I! morning tin *MiHedgevlllo Hotel wnt \cit 1 to ho on lh, mu! by daylight 1 1>i -h mornir.. this large hotel \\n- t pile 'I ii in- r i lie fire* •picml uoithwiird <n imin ..wills Mall when the tlatiu wero an -! ! Ucddi-H lh’ 1 's tl Iho (mi 1 •!i : ; c amount >i inerchnndi/o w n < oiiyuiiicd. The principal uniform :• Alibis 1. lloiimni, (iu whoso store llm tin* \v,ts First •liaeovoiod) .1 li Daitul, ; ,i\ wion* Hi n B Holdi II Adler, Dry (foods . and (100 NN ll .‘s. all ni whom hud hloioh in Die Milled*.'* y 1 11* Hotel block. —Me -is Thomn- A mrord and Windsor vN* i umar. in U wellV Hall weareglnd to learn *.u ■ In • t of their goods, Thu Airuiture in die l.i : !v\ - aim t all cousunmd.and M< t I A Cad iway - loss ia e?crc. It ia believed no live mo lost t!t.• ; It several persona narrowly • < iped death by the exploaioa of guiipnu itr in the sitnv of O W Hive Thu loan, it is thought, \* e\ l $ 100.00 ft Corrrspomlence. Ail. v.nta, Novvember -'J. I , J To iron. Ale.ninth! II St? >/,/ ' h,„i hall House : Wp, Iho underslgur.l nf .".in till-. cilir.i'iiH would be much grulilleit il yu Cun, enniiatonlly with your lienlili mill dutiei, deliver n public tuldn t lo uiglit iu Imut ol the K iiu bill I 1 louse, or :it the Kt-preUMi! itive Hull, or i Isew'iiere it veur option Signed by one buiuli.d uml > i_ 1. 1 piom iMini citizen*. Kiubai.i. Hoi *k. Nov ‘JJ. I* 1. V. Ilnnltam, and oilier*. Uenti.kukn— lu reply I" your kind and polite note, 1 tun only suy that i nguge incuts will prevent the p.sQibilm of nn complying with your request 10-nigld an. as 1 have to leare in Hie nuiri.ln for home, with the exj* <in of n'liniuiig the week alter ncNl, il it will then soil you as well. I will respond to \ or call say Wednesday night.the I "I lhu-rmbcr Very respeetfbllv. AI.IVIKURK II SIKTItKNS Wlm' Worth, the Man-Miliincr Looks Like. I*rto Ccrrcspo'iUeiiee of tlie a y \\ ..,] 1 think there can be no nedeiiee put in Hie New York parii.iapbs in i>l Worth's Irankrupev One lo I o elk-et that be bad bank tup ted others would be much more to the point, ltis sign in Kite de la I’nix is simple hut miking, in black letters, on a brass plate- "Worth, an l*re mier.'' Knirring the court you ema-unter anolbt r, with me request iba! \ oti will wipe your (eel "if you j ' ... " onl lot j smoke on the staii* H; re tte-toe up two j fllglds, the floors ate wav I the wall mat 1 ly lintis 1 and frescoed. There are eouu let* limsl with silks iu ivnv corn i ivah'e : shade of color, aud wooden eases Ibrdrv's | es bearing the Worth addles- Worth himself is a Krrnrlnuau. and not Hnglisli has orten lie ti stated, and bis name is ; pronounced much the same ns if spelleil "Vort.'' lie is of medium knight, well built, has sleepy looking, h.lf open. Hack eyes. He has a Aid and regular fore- ) bead, with the corner bumps strikingly developed. His nose is si,* ab|r and j humpy enough in outline In satis v Hu . j In'* demand lor curbed Hue M ai- ~ soinewbat huge mustache and sp.- .i.s in slow manner, laclag entire)i in tin** ivn ity and quickness that we r.vuraih- e\ (HVt of the Kienctt lie is coudesceiiding iu bis manner, touching his bat and bow lug us If there was a great and a! ,t dignity on one side or >lie other to c p. ct> isl Me is young. n< t mart than thirty live oi forty, and aeerns to Is ail a- f the •übl.uirst InqK'rtani-r 11'* wi'U the exception of two !br,s' Frenchmen fat and o. w,i proo everything lo l>e ,Y.“ .c v m styli'b young women, tall slender. .! handsomely dieascal iu black v 'lk -* i nir only surviving ivlati. a- din llon .nl Fayiif. author , i . . .- ,y ; itom is Mrs I.ugucr. ’ , u , ■ g.vman at itestfor.i > .Ti, ~ BVe, county. New X rk —— -• -• A tVtsTbJtN isil). I -ay -of a i.dg..' . w ith aquiearing cyr! . tl, ■. he ' t itters in the left eye." almost a tragedy. A Shooting Afia'u' at the Southern Hotel. ell Known Citizen of Hew ChTeahs Wounded. Captain Ed. Dix the Asiiailant. F ll Particulan of the Event—Tlieo * and Speculation* n to it* Origin. At llfleen rninttle* lreforc eight o'clock last evening tb guest* and visitors in the hail of the Southern Hotel, to the number of a hundred or more, were startled by two sharp reports front a pistol which pro rs< led fl ora the neighborhood of thp *ta!r --w ay. The ctfi r l was like tbut of the tra diiional clapof ihunder in n clear ky. A , i'ii* of Indescribable confusion ensued, tie instinct of self-preservation euuaing the ■ , id lo sway to and fro imn*kiug ade peinie elfort lo dodge an anticipated show ] er of bullets. Hut inusmuch as the show- ; or ol bullet* did not follow, the llret symp- ] lotus of consternation were almost imme diately sue i ceiled by a feeling of curiosity, w hich prompted the universal Inquiry of ••'vbat’s Hie matter:'” Il was then an nounteil that a man had bien shot, and at the one lime lln: ull-ailinn of ilia bysland ei was directed t - Hie prostrate form of a well 1 1 1 , ' and gentleman all tv feel from the hi on 1 stairway, while another gcnllemau m ,i'i] art" - tli ball lo I lie eii'i’k'a desk ' well ll ||| till which be delivered lo the cl oi k. It wry duuu he alut* known that tliu Uiuo wlio l.ucl Ih*cii shot wuß Mr Robert J 1:-jtin, ol New Orleans, aiuTtlmt his i unt was Cupt. Edward Dix. a ftteamboul pp-prif-tor and well ko6wn citizen of St 1 I . dr. E-t 11 n:t*i immediHtoly taken in j ftin iu the -uthrm hotel, while j ( ;>t. Dix took he aim *d Col. Win H Hut; h, walked out *! the Hotel unmolest e I, look a cnriiago and pi tceedcd inline (iii'tlv to the residence 1 the chief of j •, ini wli*• ( ciuftody he* surrt’iidered liitiwelf A 9ui;;i: ll n u, M'lil for, and upon an t xiuniimlioD of lit** wounds It wan found that one of the hull* ts took effect ill the I iv\ ju i under theiar. the bullet follow ing the eonrHeof the jaw bone and lodg ing beneath the jaw m the muscles sur rounding the traehue 1 he other bullet struck Estliu in the | left si*le just under the shoulder blade, * finding only nn abrasion of the skin. Neither wound was considered dangerous. TIIE OUIGIN OF TflK PIFKICULTV. Our reporter visited the room of the wounded inau shortly after the occurrence mid b arned from liim his version of the affair. Mr. Kstlin. who was formerly a heavy cotton broker in Mew Orleans, came to this city three weeks ago He paid he was Hist introduced toCapt Dix a lew days ago, and (hut on one occasion I ('apt* Dix Insulted him with some otlen ! Mveicmnik while they were playing a game of dominoes, and that, meeting him Huhserjiieiitly on CbAnge, ('apt Dix apol ogiv**d for ti e insult which he (Kstlin) ac cepted as satisfactory. Mr 1. 1 1 im HHMt*ils that lie it ulleriy at u I* * to account lor this attempt to take his life. He iys that about one half an hour before the attack ('apt. Dix asked him to take a drink, which lie declined. It seems from the concurrent testimony ol several byst mdcrsfhatCapt. Dix walked up to Mr Kstlin and without a word of explanation or warning, discharged his pistol tw ice Mr Kstlin fell at the first shot, and the fei oud shot was fired after ho had fell. Cupt. Dix w usiakcu to the Four Courts, where he i still in custody, lie appear ed laboring under a strong mental agita lion In justification of his conduct the captain said that Kstlin had been follow ing him several days for the purpose of taking his life, and that friends had warned him to he on his guard He says that Kstlin was heavily armed at the time ot the shooting (’apt. Dix is known in this community ni i tjiiict, peaceable citizen He lias a large circle of friends among our best citi zens, who say ho is a man of the mo t generous impulses aud kindly disposition uni that so far as they* know he never be-i r>-u- nungi'il in u i|uarrel in hi.s life. Tliejl ullirin llml lie is inespnhle of 1111 net of nt -einpied Hs.ussiuuiion unless lie beliuveil liis own life wits in jeopardy. On the other Imnil Mr Ksllin has the npiieurnnee of a tjuiet. well-bled penile uiau, and nothing h..s thus tar been dis c'losnl prejudicial to his eliaracter. There is something about the alfair which is apparently inexplicabls It docs 'ecui strange, passing strange, that a man o quiet and pea. t unic as (.'apt Di.x is said lo be should nil. nipt a deed of cold blood and assassination and ul the same time im peril the lives of iuuoceul persons in the room. Wliut could have been the motive for tlio act committed last night ? Was Mr Ka lin seeking his life .' Such a sup position is. to say the least, improbable, although truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, and tho legal investigation of the facts may vetify tbn tiutb of ihf old adage. Another theory has been suggested by a distinguished logsl gentleman of huge ex petience, who saw Captain l>ix after he had surrendered himself to the police force This theory was that t uphiin 1). was laboring under a monomaniacs! del Li on which led him to believe that Mr. l.stlin was hying lo kill him, and that this not uncommon form of mental hallueiua lion led him to attempt the lite of his sup postal deadly enemy Our importer called at the m m of Mr. fallen, ul oim o'clock llii' morning, and lotmd him as comfortable as could he ex pected in the circumstances. The hall had not been extracted and the patient was - itiering considerable pain d/-'im/r* /iV- I-,, I'v-uvioi s Mvs ot HrsrxKss lu rKMirxo — Thu House will meet with nearly three thousand hills on its tiles, wlo'e tin* Senate has alamt one third ns in o ' I lie iutluenee for a Spring session >f the Forty thiol Congress is becoming pi..inly muhfestid. and the Star this even- i m ay* it is almost unavoidable, since ! the necessary business cannot possible le t. am acted during the slnn I session. - • ♦- l’no- l 1: \Tle\ OK Mn tinKI.I ifT —-V, r I , .. Nov mlwr . r >u—Tuo rrihune says this morning of Mr Greeley He has | been seriously unwell since his wife's death l from nervous prostration, ami resulting mainly from t:., severe strain upon his nervous system, through want ol rest and sleep during the last month of her Ulurs. X otliinv hot his remarkable strength of . onstilutio’i has enabled him to give at tention to !ti, recent duties, but it may be - :. ly trusted to restore him speedily to Ins usual vigorous health FOR SALE. \1 HUFF room h o*e nrarir uen‘. ~ serr !,-t. -1 i,a, i; . and -plcudhi well of wat the >!.i ,*n the UonU<n road near •t.V.i , n.'l tie sc Id at auction on v :t f V v . if not sold previously *t ss... thio third rash, balance ill six • •'.A. amnia-, with W percent, interest. A .and i nee kv • cheap home. K L. HKNKY, PoplsrS'. T<'ejr*ph copv. norlS-td. A NNOI7NCE Jl ENTS. The friends of E M. CaUKM S announce j him as a candidate for Ordinary of Bibb couuty, subject to th nomination of the Democratic j party, The friends of Pat Crown announce him as a candidate fr the offl *e of Sheriff of Bibb county. nov2Btde. CANDin.vtt koii Mayor.—'The friends of Stekiien Colluis roppectfully announce his name aa a anitable candidate for the office #f Mayor of the < ity of Macon, subject, to the Democratic nomination. tovSl-td The friends f Washington Poe, Sr., re spectfully announce his name as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party. nov2l*td ""The. friend* <f Tninci a o. Holt, Ju., res- j pectfully suggest him ns u suitable candidate j for Ordinary of Bibb county—subject to a Dem ocratic nomination. td The friends of C. T. NVaki announce him as | a candidate Tor r.*-e!eetlon to tin office of Ordl- j nary. Tl.e name of It. H. ( Ms, is hereby presented to the Democratic and liberal party, as u can didate for 7b/ (Jvthctiu'. Mr. Cain U an old citizen, and, at on** time was collector of taxes* His friends hope that ltis claims will he kind ly considered, knowing that he will do his duty, if chosen. Id. Tli*’many tiriemU of Milo 8. Kkkkman an nounce him ns a candidate fr County Treas urer. novlft-td. A. F. Ouwon is announced as a candidate for j County Treasurer, subject to th** Democratic j nomination. noy M td. Geo. I\ ( jiKKiii itnnounced as in uiiditljtr ! for Sheriff of Bihbnounty, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. novl3 td Id (J. .Ikkfers is announced as a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. novlfl t.d WT: the voters of Bibb county announce Elk Gross as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the nomination of the Democratic party. novl.'Mf O. P. Finney Is a candidate for Tax Receiv er of Bibb County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Party. novlStf I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to tin* nomina tion of the Democratic Convention. novl2 tf S. D. Rainey. The friends *>f Maj. John A. McManus an nounce him as u candidate for re-election as Clerk of Council of the city of Macon. novlS tf. The friends of Ciias. J. Williamson hereby announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer. novl‘2-tf. The undersigned announces himself os a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination, i novl2tf Femx CoiU'UT. I The friends of W. T. Nelson announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the Democratic nomination. novl2 tf. After repeated solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling ft to be our duty to benefit our fellow citizens in every manner pos sible, we have concluded to announce ourself a candidate for the House, sign and ornamental painting, subject to nothing but greenbacks or city scrip, and pledge ourself if elected to do our bet for mow//, and not go back on eur consti tuents. Windiiam V: Cos. I nder Spots wood Hotel, Macon, Ga. novlM-tf. MAN AOVKIMTSKJIKXTS THOU ART SAD. L> I T why look so despondent when at B. LowonthalPs Saloon on Mnllberry street vou can get all heart can wish for in the way >f wines, liquors and c igars. Fried Ducks, Salad etc. alw.iys on hand. nov23-lm hi\ Music Box offered forran^^^Uirfi* are fifty chances at $5 a chance. The organ plays thirty-six tunes. To be raffled a** soon as chance* are made up. Call at B. I.owen ilial’s saloon and take a chance. obv3B-tf Central Democratic Club. |>VR3I\\NT t*> resolutions from the Ward I Clubs*, there will be h raeetinc of the Cen tral Democratic Club at the City Hall on Tues day evening the SJtith inst , at half past seven o'clock for tho purpose of ratifying the nomi nations of the Ward Clubs, and such other bustnass as may coiue before the meeting. The Democrat* and Liberal Republicans of the city are r**qnested to attend. T. (r. HOLT, Jh , Pros't. L. Ricinv, Sec’y. nov23-Bt. Drills ami Medicines, PAINTS AND 011-S, K VNTY AND TOIt.ET AHTICT.ES, >OAPS, PEKFVMEKYS, COMBS AND BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, Elo. TOBACCO, SNUEF, —lsl- THE— CM VI :si CI(S AUS EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. Wps "> Kxtra Kero-om- Oil! NO. 1 EIRE TEST. LAMPS and CHIMNEYS and WICK PRESCRIPTIONS At RAT ELY COMPOUNDED. JsiU-fiiot.v'it cuaraiiUH<i in ail purchases. 1 h',' for **lc the purvwt am! tw-t Wliliky ! and r,ia iu thi> city f--r Medicinal purpose*.— I On. -rial will jufi-ly the m wt ta-Udious. ROLAND B. HALL, Dt'alcr iii Thorbum’i (rarden s*ecil. I'Jl f Cor. Cherry Bt. 2nd Cotton Amine. DU. B. r. GRI<O9. f r K "Vti M R Roger* vV (Vs,, Coa* K>uieucv. street, ; * ' • Oeorge S Obc&r's. ex t 2-1 in. DR. WRIGHT. tf TXST, HAB removed to Board man’s Block over Pendleton & Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second sts., Macon, Gu. novT-ffiu. _ To Tax Payers of Bill Cinty. I' GIVF. notice mul 1... lux Book* for col lecting the State ami County Taxes for 1572 will close on the 7th day of December. I hope all will uoto tills ami >y their taxes, us I have to settlo on the 15th ami eennot Rive any iotißcr time. This notice is linul. I can’t be res|>onslhle for any one's tax after that time. All poll taxes and road taxes are required from both whitoand colored, novit tr r. M. BEATS,T < OIM. It'll.i AI.BX. 11. STEIUIENS NOW BEADY: HOCE & STEPHENS, KM IITII BTREET, (EAST FRONT IfOU.INGgWOKTn DLOCK), HAVE just opened it full and complete stock of Fancy and Family Groceries, Fresin pure, genuine, entirely n*wr, and war- ! ranted to suit the taste ol everyone. The us- , aortment comprises everything required in such a house. The finest brands of Flour, Meal— the best New York Hams, Sugar, Cotree. Syrup, Cooking Wines, Butter—the best brands of Goshen a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line ot Nuts, Candies, Candies, Pickles and other articles lor the retail trade. AUD OYSTERS. Fresh Fish and Oysters every morning Also Veg a tables ol various kinds. Y e propose, in a word, to supply our friends and the public generally with every thing nice required at reasonable rates. HUGE & STEPHENS. N. B —All goods delivered free of charge. uov7-3ui. SELLING OFT AT COST. liKmvsiing lo Planters. fTMIE stock of Agricultural Implk. ents, ±_ Machines, Engines, Pumps, etc , etc., now on hand at W. W. Parker’s old stand, Hollingsworth Block, will be sold for the next 1 thirty days at CON T : Parties wishing anything in that line .vould do well to call and get bargains. 13T Those indebted to W. W. Parker will please call on the undersigned for settlement T. 11. COX, novlS-lw Assignee. Savannah. Store NORTHEAST CORNER OF McINTOSH AND FOI RTII STREET, tItCOY, GKOROI.4. IHAYE opened, in connection with my . choice Liquor ami Fancy Grocery Store, a GREEN MARKET. Where I will furnish to epicures, CHOICE REEF, FORK, MUTTON, SAU SAGES, GAME OF ALL KINDS, FISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA , RLE# nml FRUITS, I ami articles too numerous to mention. [ novts-tf W. A. GIBBONS. Inrif aheadT TN unti'-ipatiou of the approach of the ' X Christmas Holidays, we have a large stock of new nml fresh spoils for the retailers, hotels and families; such as EXTRA LARGE BLUSHING RED APPLES, PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD SWEET CIDER, ALSO GRAPHS. l'E VUS and PISE APPLES, (TO UK HERE IN* TIME.) MUSCAT. ANGELICA. SHERRY ANI) WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. PIHE WORKS, FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROM AN CANDLES. SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., Plenty Lilt Edge Butter, Georgia Cane evrup, ib w Buckwheat Flour, Sultauna, and London Laver Raisins, Currauts, Citron Prunes, New Figs, Nuts, Domestic, Fancy and French Candies, Pickles, Prunes, Jellies and Jams. Chestnuts, Oranges and Apples. Mud l>e sold to close consignment, a hint to the wise etc., at novl.Vlm GREER, LAKE ,g CO. NOTICJEL r PHE Books for tlie registration of tot. is for X the city election will l> opened on the first day of October and close at Two o’clock p. m., on December 13, 1 s ?'g. ep9o td _ ,1. A MrMANUS, Clerk. no. it. weemsT ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVER 1.. IV. HINDII.N STOItF,. a-in> BOARD. I NAY board and board and in a pri- I / fate house, can be had bv applying to tv. D Rainey ou VV sUint street, Macon Bepc 18.18a. 137 183. TO MERCHANTS MERCHANTS wishing to place their name . and business prominently before the peo ple of Macon, Taylor, Crawford and Hoqatou counties, should advertise in the BUSINESS MIRROR- Circulation good and increasing very fast Rates liberal tV. T. CHRISTOPHER, Ed A Pnop * Fort Valiev. Ga w* a *w**e,:. Lon, Bacon aoi Floor Eqsii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. tor— ——- THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PEIDE OE DIXIE." / The Best Sin the World, Always on Hand. | I • l claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, nm, FLOGS, BAGGING TIES, ETC,, ETC., And I will make it to the iuterestof .Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parti*s. W. A. HHiT. 97-tf WOOD AND COAL. I HAVE estalilisliL'd, neurthe Macon & West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of , Wood and Coal, in any quautdv, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices of Messrs. If. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake & Cos , Turpin & Ogden, through Postoiiice, or at the Yard, will have prompt attention. Comeand see MILO S. FREEMAN. Cha.iL t of Schedulfi. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFCE, . Macon Bhi-nsavick Kailroaii Cos., ■ Mac-on, (ia., October 30, 1572. ( ON and after Thursday October 81, 1873, trains on this rotnl will run as follows : PAY PABSENGEH TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS EX CEPTF.D.) Leave Macon ;15 a. m. Arrive at Jesnp ' r j,’ Arrive at Brunswick loqX) v. in Leave Brunswick .p;to \ m" Arrive at Jesup (i:+r, a. m! Arrive at Macon .q.'ip r ' M ’ NIOIIT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Macon 8.25 f. m Arrive at Jesuji sqx) a 53 Arrive at Savannah 8,30 a. ili Leave Savannah 7.30 p. 5* Leave Jesnp .11.10 p m Arrive at Macon 7.30 a. m Both day and night teaius connects closely at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. : HAWKtNSVII.LE CRAIN IIAILT, (SUNDAYS RX* CEPTKD.) Leave Macon o tQ P M Arrive at Hawkinsville 6:25 p. m! Leave Hawkinsville 6:55 a] m! Arrive at Macon 10:35 a! m! ' WM. MacRF.A, ‘‘•♦tf General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN R R. CO. ) Macon, Ga., October 31, 1572. ’ f ON and after Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains will be observed on this road: DAY PASSENGER. Leave Maeon 8:15 A. m. Arrive at Maeon 0.(v% * M Leave Atlanta s : 20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 040 P M NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Maeon S;SO P . Arrive at Macon ;j.oo A Leave Atlanta s : 00 r. M. Airive at Atlanta. . 4.55 K v Making elo • connections at Maeon with Central for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for points in Southwest Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic K.~ wav for points West. , . A. J. WHITE, novStf Superintendent Akmanu L. Bi its. Edosp. A. Ross. COAL AND WOOD. A \TE are reedy to fill orders at reduced rates ▼ > for the vt rv bevt COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKE and BLACKSMITH COAL, also best UPLAND OAK aid HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Butts at store of Wiusliip A Callawav, or at vard V A W. R. R , will receive prompt attention H+-IVI BUTTS A ROSS. DR. P. H. WRIGHT RESPECTFULLY tender hl professional 1V services to the citizens of Maeon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Eov kinV Georgia avenne. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention. oelfitf Siotsioi Hotel, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one minute's walk.) MACON. GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per Day. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. ,J. Maclellax, Superintendent. James W. Meaha, In the Office, i I—tf Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA„ A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. ;B0 AR D PER J) A Y §3.00. 121-‘->O9 FOR RENT. l * ie moi i- iierinilite place- on Troup Hill, one mile from the Court House, and near Mercer University. Nine acres of land at Uetaed, orchard, garden, splendid well of w. ter, etc. Parties wanting to rent a good house can se cure one by applying to the undersigned, *rto Messrs B. H. \\ rigley & Cos., till and fid Second street, Macon, Ga. lri -' tf JAMES W. KNOTT. B YINGTON HOTEL. GRIFFIN, GA. fpHIS HOTEL ranks second to none in A Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, It is unequalled, the nisrhts heir# remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. no.ho 3. W. BYINGTON, 110-lbQ Proprietor. THE PKEimvm WEEKLY. IT is universally conceded that advertising is a necessity to success iu business; it is also conceded, by Hie shrewdest business men that newspapers are the best medium for reaching all parties whose trade is de9ired. THE MONROE ADVERTISER 1 reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it 16, therefore, the best medium of | communication wiUi Uie planting interests. ; 'V e will be happy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchanjs here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties'wbo read their cards in. The Advertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that its value exceeds that of ad other journals in which they are represented. The Advertiser has the freshness of youth and the ripeness of age, and is therefore deservedly sueccssful. CHARACTER OF ADVERTISEMENTS No advertisements are admitted which air not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readers of The Advertiser will he safe in ordering them from any distance. To onr readers, the fael of its appearance here bar all the weight of endorsement and authority. Address, JA$. F. HAKRItfON Forsjth. Georgia.