Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 23, 1872, Image 3

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'city government. w. V. Hi ll' >•>*•• ALDERMEN I } r wlmi'uiin, K. \Vimh.mi r.' 1 Ih.nn: K< ' 1 iV I.u“ i: 'Vaogf.nstein. k >■ W..LUMMW ''"‘lS i * • • • C*Uv Attorney. ’.‘vuo.m.v.:, f ! ■ /.‘l 1 /’ 1 * ond I.iiMili'rinnU \ VViirv,’. ’ . third Llaut-nuut, ~ .. (; nui ■) House Keeper. , .m'iVriV . .Street Ovcrsebr. I iu.iaiid U.KU I’ltv Sexton I , . ' Hum KIN'S Magazine Keeper. P 'mN Clerk of the Market. jolt Pltl.VM.Mtt. ,iw Ollice U prepureil l* ex . „ ( t- Jolt I’rinliaK s> prlee* t<> t Hi.- time*, and in '* 3 1 >iiilhetnry l nil. •’* '’<"k a (specialty. Me fttlieit , onr orders, and xt ill and our Sm-sI ■ please you. I'll' I j LOME AfFAIKS. n u o\. <a., MOV. iWi. THE HORSE DISEASE. A Visit to the Stable'. Horses fall iu the Streets. ■Hi-., terrible (t) Epizooty bus ut lu.t reached Mutton, we paid a visit t > the several stables to day and report tliem us follows : I'OBTEIt * SWIFT'S. This stable was closed this rooming and no one was allowed to enter, This gave rise to several reports, but upon investigation we found several to have been coughing, and but one refused to cat. The stables are new and its pn.pri' tors keen everything as clean as anew pin. The doors were (but Ibis morning t prevent tbo cool morning air from striking the horses too soon. There is but me- ease at these •tables. .!. . STEWAJII) ■' Uii Mulberry street was the next * table vis il'-ii. Here was found nineteen liorscs ufe and Vounil; the li*e#* 1•! " sm. j We then went to JJ, voi KV, Who recently purchased the stable- of Matt Fprecmen. Some fourteen horse- were nil right and were not ntull affected. ikaoin’s. Mr. Feagiu reports no casts of the disease in his stables. lie says his horses are coughing, and thinks that is the cause of some slight cold on the. lnugs. OX THE STREET. litis morning a horse with his neck swollen and froth running out his nostrils, fell on Cherry street; lie had a bad attack of it PRIVATE HOUSES. A horse belonging to Messrs. Burr <fc Flan ders was attacked day before yesterday, but is better to-day. A horse of Mr. Jerry Holmes is recovering from a severe attack. 'I he two beautiful horses of Mr. L. W. Hasdai is danger ously so. We learn of several other ca*es in the city. TO THT TO PREVENT IT 1, lollv. It is not contagions but comes any how. We of the human family wake up some morlugs and find that we all are afflicted with bud.colds —same way with the epUooty. There Ls no use running away from it. It will come aud tliure is nothing left to da but tako your horses from work when they are atiiictd aad use'your blanket. Persons in the country need not be alarmed. There is no danger —few are dying from it. Scarcity of Wood. There is great scarcity of wood in the city. All our large dealers who depend upon rail roads for the keeping up the snpply find it next to impossibility to keep a stock on hand. And as it lias been pretty well used up for a radius of about five miles around the city, de pendenee. upon the old fashioned earla is rath er precarious business. It is said some of our older railways arc throwing cold water upon speculation in wood along their lines. It is getting scarce enough for their own future supplies to be a question worth looking into. But we have an abundance of coal on hand at the pretty stiff figure of *lO per ton! And there is enough in North Georgia and East Tennessee to last tell thousand years at the present rate of consumption. Fire places have almost universally disappeared throughout the l itvand grates substituted. . ♦♦ IVrsennl. i >ur young friend and former townsman, i„- n-ge Greenwood, now with the enterprise g firm of Coleman & Newsom, Macon, reached nr eitv dav before yesterday, in response to a domestic telegram", inviting him to a happy b.cnt at ins mother-in-law's, it is a girl, and hr save it weighed eleven Just three -•-a.-ons have elapsed, and yet it 'tis Orecnicood. Yesterday llie happy pap'a sold goods to every tmdy, and obstinately refused to take “city c -• -pt iuer.’' Ihe above from the Albany News, ibis gives ho illustration rd what a short residence in our enterprising ci'y will do. Mayor’s feurt. 1 our manumitted mokes were up on a ehaige of stealing cotton fram the warehouse of Col lins. Flanders tfc Cos. They w-rr in the habit stealing the scraps for a long tim T hey were fined *lO and cost* each. Irvin Anthony, drunk and disorderly was idled *25 and costs. tins Harris for cutting w • “I on the city re serve was excused. Rosetta Green and Laura Burke for fighting were fined *2O and costs each. Ben Yancey for stealing was dienii.-scd on payment of costs. .1 Rare Chaiii e. The brass band and organ advertised in an other column, is one of the greatest tilings of the kind ever seen in this section. It is com plete in ever particular, in good ordar, aud playing thirty-six tunes, among which are gal ops, waltzes, schottishes, etc. It cost origin ally *4OO in gold in the old country, and a chance at it is well wortli $5. Go and see it. A Good Riga. “ " iudham & Cos. have just finished a .igu for our good friend Z. B. Wheeler. It is sort of lighthouse transparency with rastau ral designs on eacli side on glass. Tha paint ng is well done, and when the ign is pnt np Zb will have a sign which he eon well he proud of.— Loweßthal'i. And who does not know LowentLal - He it ■i man known favorably to everybody, and a Cleverer fellow never lived. His saloon on Mulberry street is always open and the finest of everthieg eon be had there Sbonld von feel thirsty, give him a call. - The lame Star. A frknd of onrs stricken with the Texas fever has raised the lone star flag and It wavea in triormxh from hfa Trindow. A TE.VK OF ■FIKIIN—THU V til OF Its llt "IK. The enormous losses by (ire in the | l nitotl Stales during tilt* lust twelve months have nothing approximating it parallel in the history of Hie country. The gross value of properly destroyed by Federal armies in the South a year prior to the close of the war hardly footed up so much us that beginning at Chicago and ending at Boston. In those two •ilies alone the loss was two hundred and 111 iv mil 1 toil dollar* 11 we add to ibis the losses sustain'd at other (minis throughout the country during the period mentioned, including the great conthigralion which swept over u large niea of the (State of Michigan.the figure must run up to neatly if not quite three hundred million uollurs. In the fact that not over two per cent, of this destruction lias not fallen upon the South, many peopU? believe that they see in it the band of retributive justice, a scourge sent upon Hint sectiou for its wholesale and wanton burning aud plun tiering during the war. Says an exchange : •■A woman writing to the Misssouri Re publican calls attention to the fact that the burning of Chicago and the Michigan tires occurred on Hie sixth anniversary of the burning of the Shenandoah \ alley by Sheridan with troops mostly composed of .Michigan > ■■"d Illinois regiments "Sheridan laid waste that beautiful dis trict so that 'even a crow Hying ever K would have to carry Iris rations wit li him.’ ••The hurtling of the Michigan towns is said to have been terrible, and ‘the dames seemed to leap from the sky as it by magic overtaking and destroying people mid cat tle by the roadside.’ ■•The Boston fire begau on the loth 1 November. On the loth of November (Jeueral Sherman is"tied his order to burn Home ami Atlanta. ' A writer in another paper calls alien lion to the fact that when Sherman burn ed Columbia, Chicago and Boston fired a salute of on. hundred guns in honor of tlie event: it. would seem then to- the superstitious that there is some truth in the adage thill "Cun.cs, like chickens, sometimes come home to roost.” But be that as it may. we have '"He protection in a general conflagration cither in our Fire Departments as at present organized, or security against loss in Insurance Companies. From the at tide annexed, taken from tiie Savannah News, it will be seen that the grand aggregate capital of all the com panies in the United States, amounts to only about one-half lost in thirty-six hours at Boston. It reads as fallows : -■The fire insurance capital of the United States is $ id,857.000 of which more than one half is in the State of New York. The fire premiums received in the year ending September, 1871, amounting to $30,984,570. of which $10,994,307 were in New York State. The losses paid in the same time w ere $31,504,180, of which $13,010,511 were paid by companies in the State of New York. The diminished capital which followed the losses by the Chicago lire has not been quite made up.” The Insurance Companies no doubt have risks fifty times greater than this capital, and if all the property insured against loss by them should happen to he burned at once, it would be like a moun tain falling upon a man. The truth then is that this insuring one’s preperty against accidents by fire is itself an accidental business. Brown House Arrivals, for the ]Mt 24 lours preeedinn 12 M. to-dwj. II Holt, New York; T J Swanson, Mrs Reed, R J Reid, R J Heard, Ga; J Kern, Philadelphia; B L Smith, Rev J Jones, Atlanta; T J Jolley, Reynolds; J H Sharp, Forsyth; J P Carr, J B Hitchcock Hancock eo; W H Hcavreu, St. Louis; W E Paschal and wife, Americus; Mrs Kimbrough, Boston; W J Watkins, 8 C; U M Gunn, w H Hodges, J II Davis, Houston co; E Allgeyer, N Orleans, W C Clarke, Covington; H J°Gaelict.Mrs M A Branch,Union Springs, Ala.; Mrs Galloway, Miss Galloway, Ga.; Geo A Rowlev, St Louis; Robert Bonner, John G Long, N V.; J S i'urstey, Augusta, Ga.; 1 L Tavlor, Eastman, Ga.; J F Moore, Dublin,Ga.; A K Lewis, Covington, Ky.; GM Bacon, Bu conton, Ga ; Tims G Lawson, John B Adams, Etonton, Ga ; Sim Siigli. Atlanta; H L Graves; Newton eo Ga.: Andrew Sloan, Clias Kodgely Goodwin, Sav Ga.; Jolm J Heath, Athens,Ua ; C E Carter, Forsyth, Ga ; O O Bradley, SI Louis. Mo.; W H Carthus, J W liueori, Sol H Lockett,Win McClendon,Ga.; R R Huested flu : Wm H Sharp, Jaekboro,Tean; B II Prne, New York: J Bannon, Georgia; Win Dagdab', Gn; J D Mef’bail, Columlms, Ga; V I. fio**, New York; J 11 Snead, Savannah; F M Romm, New York; L C Dumas, Eatonton, Go Mrs I, U Turner. Kutonton, Ga. —* Tin. Fisr.sT Chwehr in the market can be bad of W. I*. Carlos. I LOWENTHAL. Merchant Tailor. Cotton i", opposite City Hall, Cleaning and Repairing done Neatly. HAS oil lumd u beautiful stock of Cloths, Gas, lmorea, Doe Skin, Vest Patterns, etc., which lie will cut aud make ap for his patrons and the public in general, in the very latest styles and finish. Give him a call if you would have cheap . loth -eheaoer then anywhere in the city. octSl-lm CV| wji ,1 : , a_i. "IlingGampnign Bad- O ] Igcs.'fur ladi- At gents as breast 4c scarf pins,gold plated with pliotog’a of Presideu'l Candidates.Humpies unuled free for 20 cents. McKay & Cos., ‘.O Cedar St. N. Y. Liverpool Salt, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S 200 Coils Cotton Plow Linos, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY Ac CO.’S TOILET SOAPS, A I.ARH ASSORTMENT, I At SEYMOUR, TIN'SLEY fc CO. rt | 100 DOZEN BROOMS. At Sefifior, Tinslej & Cos. I 187-190 If von want sausage made I'll pork and sea mmcii to your last.', Mrhkitt’S Is Hu’ plc° lJ haw* it put up according to your dlreotlan. He keeps beef, roast steak an.l stow, mluoo meat pork In any shape, mutton, fine and fat. In f*4. any thing in freak meat* to milt the most fastidious— your money your choice. Go and see and t' convinced. HP market is between the City Hull and the Dixie Works, and imme diately on the Street Railroad and la a good point to wait for the curs. novV.Mt • ■ --*♦• — l'lir-H k.fhi Mousing.—-A few tine Ten in bu shouts, superior pork sausages, made h i >ni the sunic. The finest of Tennessee beef, mutton, A.-., in fact every tiling that Is found in n liv. li llfeal market, can he had It. I*. Henry ,v Mi os., a few doors above the F.s ikiipiiise olllcu. Call on them and satisfy yourself. octs-tnfrl.' (j.vm.os still keeps the freshest fish, the finest oysters, Hie coldest ice, the yellowest oranges, Hie reddest apples, Hie Irisheat potatoes, Hie genuiuest cigars, the sweetest V reueli candy, the gmullest groceries and the best place in town to buy your groceries at. tf Okangks at \V. P. Carlos’. Fakkak’s EuiCTitio —Warranted to cure the following diseases or money refunded: Dip tlierla, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colie, Headache, Dhirrho' and Rheumatism if not of too long standing. Fakuau's Am e Ct'iiu— Warranted to cure in three days or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists. ill NT, Rankin Lamas, ; i Wholesale Agents. ' Florida Oranges large and sweet. ■ -• *■ Look to Yoi u Intekkst.—Brown makes four pictures for ; makes a dozen photo- j graphs for |2,50 ; best photographs Jo per; dozen. This gallery make* the best pictures j in the city. Compm.- the work. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. novlfi tf. ! -s *-—~ - I. at):- i Nuns. —Brown makes those line Ink pictures twenty-five certs b .-s. Old pho tographs copied correctly. No. 8 Colton Avenue. No car.!-. no*. 11—tf. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets every let and 3d Monday night, at Vnsouie, Hall, Cotton Avenue. Mi/.pab Lodge, No. 47, meets every 2d and 4tii Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, No. t, U. A. M., meets every 2d and 4th Monday night ut Masonic Hall. St. Omer Comnmndery, No. 2, Knight* Tem plar, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at Masonic Hall. nr. TIMES'. Protection No. 1 meet* Ist Tuesday night in each month-House Poplar ft., corner 3d. Ocinulgec No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Colton Avenue, near City Hull. Young America No 8 meets lit Monday night in each month —House 3dst., corner Mulberry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in ipeh month—House corner Hawthorne nnd 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hall. Ilook aud Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night in each month—House Poplar st., cor ner 2d. ono FELI.OWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 59, meet* every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d and 4th Mondays of each month. KNIGHTS OF FYTHIAB Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. GOOD TEMIM.AK9. Walton Lodge, No. 33, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meet* every Friday night, at their Hall in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night at Progress Club Hull. Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every’l hurs dsy night at their Hall on Windsor Hill. SOCIETIES Progress Club meets every Sunday night at their Hull on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday In each month at No. 2 Engine House. Mataehi Lodge, No. 140, I. O. B. B , meets second and fourth Sundays in each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday night ut the Passenger Depot. Visiting brethren welcome. CIUKCHP.r. I'.jiimuiki) —Cliri-t Church, Rev. li. .1 oh 11*011, Rector—Walnut at., between 2d und fid. Ser vices ni 1-2 a. m. and 8 r. m. St. Paul's Church, Rev. 11. K. Ree-, Rector —Yinevlllc. Services II A. M.; 5 I*. Al. Ciiil dren’s Service ; 0 i*. m. Evening I'ray. r. St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Clinreli, at sp. m. Near Macon A Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. t'alhoVc —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. I). Baziu. Mass 7a.m. ; High Mass B>:00 A. m. ; Vespers 4 1 -2 r. M. /V. dnjtrrlav —Mulberry St. Church, Rev. C. I!. Vaughn, i a tor. Services 10 1-2 v. M. and 8 p. M. Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Win. McKay, pastor. Services semi-monthly. jtiftfiliti'h SyTwyoflue —J. H. Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. S< rvlcts Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. BaptM —lst Baptist, Rev. W. 11. Mclntosh, pastor—2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar. Services 10 1-3 A. m. and 8 1-4 p. m. : Sunday school 4 1-2 p. M. Second Baptist, Rev. Jauaes Mehrvde, pastor —near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-2 A. m. and 8 P. st. Mission Chapel, Windsor Hill, supplied from the city churches. M>th'jd;.-l Episcopal —Mulberry Street, Rev. J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry st., corner Ist. Services at 10 1-12 a. m. and 8 r. M. First Street Church, Rev. VV. W. Hicks, pas tor —Ist street, between Oak and Areb. Ser vices 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 P. M. Vineville Church, supplied from tin city churches. East Macon Church, Itcv. J. W. Burke, par tor. Services 10 1-3 A. m. and 4p. M. J CLARKE BWAYZE, 1 BibbCounty Court, vs. r October Term, 1871. NINA SWAYZE. ) Libel for Divorce. It appearing to the Court that the defendant in the above stated case, resides without the limits of the State. It. is ordered that Service be perfected in said case, by publication in one of the public Gazettes, published in the < ity of Macon, once a week for four months. M. B. GERRY, Petitioner’s Attorney. A trnc extract from the Minutes of Bibb Su perior Court A. B. ROSS, Den. Clerk. July 17, 1 HU. 65-lawful Bull ding Lot For Sale. SITUATED near Tatnall Square, within ft few of M freer Unlrtnitjr. Addre E, C-, Box K.. OSlf Kftrnn. Cam at S. I'. iS 15. P, Walker s this evening, if you want such things as choice Tennessee Beef, Park, Sausage, Froth Fish, Oyst.vs, Ap ples, Oranges, Batman#*, Malaga Grape-, or anything else in Hie f. u \ or family grocery line. ocMT-tf ss l uf.hky Sr. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. Daily Review of llio ,Uili-krt, Office Macon Daii.v K.n i nuitisn, ( November®—B o'clock, "■ M. >' Cotton, —Report lbr 24 hour:., since 3 P. M, yesterday. .Sold 439 l.nh : shipped 'O9 l.alcs Received 519 lades. STATEMENT. Stock on hand, Sept. I, 1872- balcs 4 IS Received bed SI limns MS Received previously 30,073—81,217, Total reecljits fit,"37 Snipped la t St hoars 200 : shipped previously 21,991 32,200 Stock on hand this evening.... 9,307 Market active 18c. VIA CO.\ I‘ltlt C ClltltllA’l’. OSNABUIUIS—No. 1 10 No. 3 ... 14 Milledgeville No. 3 14 MACON SHEETINO 12 1 * Seven-eighths U Waymunville Sheeting Houston Sheeting 11‘y Houston Stripes 10S{al5 Columbus Stripes loalS High Shoal Stripes 10 Montour Shirting—Js 10J 7 Factory Sewing Thread 00 TARNS-..." t 00 GRITS-pcr bushel I t!5 OATS—per bushel tiOatiS FIELD PEAS-per bushel HA V—Northern Tennessee 1 9Ja * 00 Clover I ftO | PEA N C I S- per bushel I 50 POTATOES- Planting ! Table use 3 Mini 00 APPLES Northern m* I’TErt Oofilii n No. 1 peril' Kta-44 j (tOHhen No. ti per U* 5 ! I emr"H*o No. I “ l enncssei; No. ** ‘-*0 Country !16ii40 C() FFFa F. Rio per* 1 b ‘-ii iu*3s Java per lb JJOnSH CUCreuin per lb.. 17 l v New York per 1b... ].* aMOLASSFS N. O. Syrup per pul. “Georgia” Sugar Houfc * 85 ! SYRI I’S-Drips, per gal... Hou7s j Medium per gid 05 Ordinary per gal 55 SUGAR—“A” per ]b... 13tfa White Extra “ C ” 15n New OrleaiiH (IiIkIh) Ib.i2^ Yellow C UiKa Deinerara l‘J>Jals Port! Rico lDrral^F. POWDER—Hazard per keg 7 25 Orange Mills 7 00 PROVISIONS, CHAIN, GIIOCKKIES. .to. BACON ■Clear-ribbed Sides |rmokd).. 13 Shoulders s ’ ,09 HAMS—Magnolia S. c., canvu.-reil... 19; ,a3U ; Fitch's 19,' ,a2O j Tennessee, plain cured 18al8V„ i White Bellies 10al0‘4 1 PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00 | New, mesa 19 00 j Pickled, rumps ,15 00 | BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shoulders Bellies lOalOb; LAUD—Prime Leaf, Tierces 1 101 l 13 Kegs 13 Packages 12a13 FLOCK -l.ow superfine per I ibi a7 00 Standard superfine. 8 50 Extra 9 00 Choice extra Family.., 10 00 “Wyleys X X X X’ . Georgia Mills j 11 50a 13 00 Hyaciuthe 9 50 “ Domestic ” 13 00 Star of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Lake 12 00 CORN —White per bushel 95 M ixed per bushel -.*u9o SHOT—Per suck 3 00 CRACKERS—Butter per 15 09 Soda Buo9 Cream 18 Sugar 13 1-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps PtcNic 10 Fancy 17 CANDY—New York peril) 18 M. R. Rogers & Cos 18 BLACKING—No. 1 per gross. .... 5 0(1 No. 2 ti 00 No. 3 7 00 SODA —Bi-Carb. per lb UalO POTASH—Per lb lOall SOAP—Turpentine per 11, 0 1-2 Laundry , 15 Toilet per do/. 7/al 20 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS Preston and Men ill’s per doz. I 75a3 25 Horsford’s 2 ‘.HI TOBACCO Choice Chewing per lb 7,4 Medium 00 < Irdiimry 40a50 Choice Smoking 1 25 Medium 75 Common 40 CIGARS - Imported per thou .anil .5 00u!50 00 Domestic 15 00ii*10 00 SNUFF—Scotch peril) 78 Maeatioy 78 PIPES—Per box 3 50af 50 MACKEREL—NT,. I kit 2 25a2 50 No. 21,1,1* 18 50a 14 00 No. 2 kils 170 No. 3 1,b1r.-large.. 11 50a 13 Ml No. 8 kit* 1 M)al 70 WHITE MSH—Half l,b! 509 00 CANDLES -It. -t Star (full W’t)... 31 ! .3,23 Sperm 42a45 Puralllne 30a33 STARCH—PearI 7J7aB 'A EGGS—Per doz 85 CHICKENS—Pc iloz 8 00*5 00 BAI/i'—Vlrgiuia per sack 2 10a3 15 Liverpool 25 FEATHERS 80 HIDES—Dry Hint.. 14al Green 6a7 BEESWAX 38.180 SWEET POTATOES 1 50 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05-it 10 BAGGING —Iteugal. 18 Lyon 18 Borneo Is Gunny IS Dundee 17 Patched 17 TIES Guoetic Arrow OJ/’ilO Eureka to Align lor ■’>9!'7 ANOTHER CAR LOAD -OF CHARTER OAR STOVES .live KCCEIVCO - BY—* TKU.MAN & GREEN’S, I HI t X.l I. ill 111.04 *• feign of the tioldeu “CJiW” r <A.i 102-204 EDWARD SPRINZ. N'OTAKY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS TICE OF Til E PLACE. I can he found for the present at ail botsrft of the cay ®t my office adjoining the Itwofileeof A. 1 rouafit, over the tore of Jque# Si Johnson, I hlrd Ht,, Macon, (0., Vt attend to all buai new. 11H.JW0, BOSTON • AM > SSiiaiiiMiiili )Sh‘AtiUN!ii|> bine. IOW rates of frnjght. and im name. Fird j elttiH pie iongt r accommodation Order your goods ?• l.ippt 1 bv “Ho .on mid Suvunnnli Stcrtuishlj) l.ine," niul avoid all delay and extra handling. HARVARD, Agent, S-ivannuh, Ga. F. NICKF.iiSON v'y Agent*, 151-200 Hoston. J. A. MERCIER Commission Merchant, I,'S MAY NTRKIiT, Bet. Wl.ltakcr and Barnnrd St., Snvnnuah, Oa. All orders w 111 receive prompt attention. Con signments of all kinds i. wp.-.-tfullv solicited. 131309 BOIT & Mt KENZIE, Cott on nu ’ C.) .n mi . tio a dii:miiA!\TK, 108 SJn \ Kirrei, K:i> miniili, t.a, j 131‘.’09 MEYER, COHEN & CO.. aimun\i.u iuai r.ii in Boots and Shoes. I w Ili*out> litou K,,,Sii aii nali, <2a Merchants -applied at New V.. !. Market j 131-209 A. s>. tULDEIK A BKO„ CO3IMISSit 311: lien ANTS AMI- Dealers in Fruits, Fish mid Produce* No. I*s liny Bt., Savannah, Gm. Consignments solicited. OrdeuH promptly attended t<> I 1 -20!) E.D. SMYTH E, Itmmi’l'K OF 4 1104 HIIKY, (■lnsKwnrr nail 4'liitia, I I Ami Denier in House Furnishing (.’.mils, 113 Congress and 111 St. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, <iA. 131 dif.l r. w. sims (ft co., C'olton Farloix unit (■rm'iul Commission Merchants NAVAAINAII. UIIOIHH l. Hogging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. lJil-2(K) A. 11. CHAMPION. HKO. C. PHIIKMA!f. 4 imiNO> A I KDEIMN, Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Street*. 8 WAN'NAII, BA, 131 209 l„ x. tvhiTTLB. . :<. iv. or .tin. H lll’m.i: A 441 S S IA, ATTOintlh, At.. AT 1.4 W, TVTO. 2 COTTON AVENUK, IN MACON, OA. 83-107 PROSPECTUS Man Weekly Enterprise, W. WATItIN lilt ItS, Kditor. ON or it I ion t tin* il re I w kin Dr* ember, we will i-sue, from lllia oMice the !lr*,t miui i I Larp, Live, Weakly Paper! It will contain nil the the Telegraphic news of the week, and the. luteal reliable information J on all subjects and from all parts of the world. in Us editorial department will be found dis : cession* of nil tlo*. la i % t; !>S( i> of Hie liirw■*. I'm ta ili n'atU ulioij will In; giv en to the ndvimeeiinnt of Hcienee, Art, and Literature; wl ile all inle,renting events and authentie progret-s of the political world will he. faithfully pre-enteil. •Ur/WCIUI'TION I'KICK One Year >;1 60 81 .v Months 1 00 Invariably in advance. J-*7"No HUl>Bcrlptlon taken for Im. than -ix 2-f/ Now 1h the time to Hubhcribe. ii'KCi■ MI'N WOIMIIS oil NT ON APPLICATION. W. IHOU tlllL ATTORNEY AT LAW. MACON, GEORGIA. OfTlc at entrance of Kalnton Hall, Cherry street. 2-'/>"'All l)U’ti’icbrt will receive prompt atten tion. x. it. t ot, ATTORNEY AT LAV/. Kiilhlom llsili ISuil<l CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGORGIA. I gfitf .1. J. AItKAIKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. isi,", bay street, savannah, ga. ("fOLLECTTONS promptly attended Pi end J money remitted ut one. I'. O. Ito 257. 181-309 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, OA., ,i xo. \v. ea>iEitox a eo., PItOPKIETOKIi. A first class house in every respect, 181-209 MU M. GBBBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. /lOKNEK OK MULBERRY ySOnl.t ’ON| \7 Hire. • . i:: Court Hoi. ,V . >u. •in M 101 Press for Sale! TXTE iisve tor ”alca large Hz'- GORDON VV l'Rf-n.B (Ailgatozi i-nd n RUGOLF-J PAPER CL'JTfc'R In good ei.ridithjii. to he lin.l ot a bargain. Sold to und.dronm f,,rl . ger and fst< r machines. Aduie'* _ i.fNi.S WING A SMITH , if Macon. Os. lIMONH STOCTa ! BURDICK BROTHERS tISiCN OF THEj“COLDEN:iHOC." ' ? ...'.V DEAI.EItS IN Grain, Provisions and Groceries, Have n>> ' ill I •i(|-e :> f" 1 1 stock Ilf Hood-', and lnvit> the ntteiilhm of tin I’ulille. WE OFFER Its),OiKl pound. BACON SIDE; AND SHOULDERS, direct, Jfn.m tin: 1’.:,!.. 25 Uereet- of tiie genuine "MABNOI.I A” lIAMS. ’.'rttieiee* I’l’KE I.EAF I.ABD. 5,090 husliel* WHITE AND .MIXED CORN. 3 CAIt EOADS FEOI It from NEW WHEAT. .300 |{.ill* H.VBOINQ, weighing founds to the Vard. ■‘All UO W’* r V fi IN ANY (JUANTITV. —o :! Bag. > I..lire It to ( . I FI- KK 50 Bill* SCO AH of various gnieiD ■ o (ihiiiee WK'M.UN li.W, IV.-U \V"tvr iiroiuitl MI’.NL, \\ Hi AT HR AN. I.IVf I tVOOI, mid VIRGINIA SALT, We haxe now a good rttoek, and w. ;• dfull.v inxil- tie- ;iti--iitioii .f ,di who d--ire to pur ehawe goods in ur line. Entire mitlnfuction i* guoce.'t'it t< our en*bnifr I'lessn full on u* :it 03 Third Street, Macon, (la., Sip of The "Men Hoi,” BURDICK BROTHERS, 110-135 TO EVERYBODY AID HIS CHARMHG WIFE! r A'l all import uni <\n I, Ihe ej< <I !• n, haviit:: pu ed ;h\ib, and lli “ timer, that tried men's I poulm ” have, merged into the “ piping tiuiCH nl pi ,o ' ’; and Winter him been ushered in among twitter of bird.* and imuhlc of the leave* iih they ftill to the ground ; and the Summer hav ing faded away ami the weather reduced to Home,thing agreeable, ] have to announce to nv nu inerouH and beloved patron* that I have recently returned from an extended trip t<* New York, Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie, and Wcuha van, and other celebrated market#, where J purehitped, and iiave now in my store, the lurgeat Jot of “GOODIES!” Ever brought to Maeou, eoi:-Ming in part of Sugar, ('ofli-e, New York < ituv;• -.-i <1 Hum* and Jireakfa*t iiaeoii, Lard, Butter, (Jaiined Fruit, •Jeliie ~ Pieklco, Kaiftin*, Nut*, Apples, Lcuion*. CaldaigcH, Onion*, Potatoes, Cracker*, Cheese,, Spiced Ham*, Bologna Bau: .igc*, and —well, it would bike nm all day to write, what I have got, and it would Till this paper t*o full that Smith wouldn’t have a local for u week. It is utmost unnerfv itry for me to mention tin*, fact that lam prepared, a* ever, t,o aupnly (>yater* and Shcll-H*h of all kinds, from a Crab to a (iroeleyoynter. 'rim lluerit Flali, frctth and on ice, i.. kept by me, and aohl at living rate*. In view of the fad that the people of Macon, and those visiting Min-on, are determined to cat whether they (tet anything good or not, 1 have prepared my.-eif for the emergency, by making ample arrangernents t<j have my DINING TABLES Hupjdied with the very bent Ibis and other market* can afford. That popular dish, k Bird* on Toast” being my own invention, tin; people can alwn> llnd tin; sunn; at my restaurant. I’o gother with mv polite corpa of waiter*, tlda luaneli of uy bu ines* will r*f < ive the ])atronag - of all of mv old euhtomei--, and, t hope, many new oiu--*. My i <■• ton rati ti i* i* well known, hiipplied with the very be t EATABLES & DRINKABLES Hint, could be found. Tlierefore, gv-riMcineu mi.l hull. *, having laid before, you what I have on build, mid willing you nil the be.-.t. luck and that I cm unit you In your pur eh uses from me I must close Hits letter. If lit any tlmo I cun nerve you, you have. but. toeoimimndincoriiiv eor|w of.attentive mid obliging clerks, and )on will lie Hindu happy. Thanking you for past favors, l am tenderly yours, W. P. CARLOS. mKmmrvmtArjmcrrw+ urrw; •**+**,..t uwnwumnr— WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, Till; LARGEST AM) OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE, 50 S**! i*r *< , UiH'ou. < ■ **• - rwfHfftin