Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 23, 1872, Image 4

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MACK BROTHERS, J'TAYK cutlrch icihaM/Cil owl enltu <1 tlieir -toif, b make n*%m fu :i be. ntii'ul ♦ of 1 Good* for tn* FAEI, AND WINTER SEASON. jftiiomr *ut (inlltir- nrc n fplendid Selection of Ladies’ and Gents’ Scarfs and Ties. I UHKf vNII LENTS’, BOYS AMI CUILDKF.N’ri MERINO l NDEIiWDAK. Knit Woolen Goods of all Descriptions. AN KXCKLLKNI ('HOICK OF UHACKLETS AM) MIELL JKWKLKY. We ftlio oiler si complete line of llohu ry, KiuGlou**, ( Lace Good a, Ycl\et mid Biik Klbboti*, Good*, Orewmnak* m*l riimuitiK*, Fancy Goods, etc., at very I<W |*ri • . We ahull lie plowed to h c our old frlcTid* and an many m*w omn at our * tore on Hecoud trect, Diin.our n Hloek. 111(0 I II i:it S. oc*t2l inonwednat-lm. % NO HUMBUG ! '■ / 3 $ O COOKING - STOVES! STEWART S GREAT BENEFACTOR, COTTON PLANT and SUNNY SOUTH. BOX and OFFICE STOVES. GRATES, GRATES. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Hollow Ware, Wooden and WILLOW WARE. TIN W ARK OLIVER, DOUGLASS k CO., No. 42 Third Street, Macon, Georgia, l?.l-1,-.Spoil INSURE YOUR LIFE! ♦ l’noido lor tin>!->• tl i)(*!' l' i l l it)inn \ < >ll. li.'v.>n,l tU*• i‘xi;.piu'ii-; nl' nnUna ry business transactions. Insure Your Lift in n (Jonijiuin under (lie ninnngcnient. ul' reliable laisiness men, who understand their business, and whose previous suc eess is a guarantee lor future safety. Insure. Your Life in a Company that eleels iis lisks carefully, and seeks no increase of business without that regard to salety. Insure Your Life in a Coiiipnnv whose mortality and expenses are small. Insure Your Life in a Company whose extent of operations covers a surface that secures die advantages of average mortality. Insure Your Life in a Company that makes no distinetion between risks taken either North or South. Insure Your Life in a Company whose operations are regularly sub ject to tlie strict investigation of State Departments, North, South and West. Insure Your Life in o Southern (Company, that can give you every advantage offered bv either Northern or Western Companies, with this addition, that it is truly a Home Company, and makes its investments in the State from which it. derives its revenues Insure Your Life in a Southern Company, whoso terms areas mode rate ns any good Company, whose management is economical, invest ments safe, reserve ample, surplus abundant, and who always pay their losses promptly. Seek such a Company, and you will find in the PIEDMONT A- A HI, INC TON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Virginia, all that you need to secure the lnmefits desired tor yourself and your dependents, therefore. Insure Your Life in the Pieflniont & Ariitoi Life Insurance Company of Va.. llranch otlice ’J2 Mulberry Street, Macon Ga. T. STANLEY BECKWITH & SON, General Agents. ocT ood'-’m JOS, A. ROGERS. Local Agent. Wm. M JYvoi ftoh. NV.u.fifti T. Kow. PENDLETON & ROSS, .Successor- to.l. M. ltosrdmui) Corner Mnlbcrrj and Second Streets. n.icM, • nilOU.ill t M> KKTIIL til' U.KKs IN SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW HOOKS, MISCKI.t ANEOIS BOOKS, HI JINK HOOKS, • A!*, LETTER and NTK PAPER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL R 1 \NK-\ WRITING INK.COPYING INK, < ARMINE INK, INPKI.IRLI INK OOI.D PENS, PKNIIO! PKR STKKL IT.NS, PENCIL*. < II U.K ( R\YoNn, Kl l UKI: W AN, OIL COLORS W \TKR COLOR*. COLORED CRAYONS. HKI Sill S, c. A \ V ASS, PLAY INK CARDS, lt ESS MEN, HACKi: \MMoN BOARDS DOMINOES. HU 1,1 MlPt IIAI K i ItKOMoS, PICTURE I'IIAMI - MOULDINGS. GLASS, ETC.. ETC., KTt , And iu fact everytklng nsoslly kepi in a lit-t cl* Hook and M.niom-n Store' order* from the country will WTivo prompt rMention. Prices a* loti *s anv other house o Hie South. c irder* for prlntintr silii-ilel PI AIII.ETOA A UOSn, H3-V.U Macon, (>iN*n a. FOR RENT /*•)! | li.II MONTH by vhe v- ar m *dvatu . Tvv oim c rooms, t>e>t Khalil} m lh • "itt for D* ntipt or Millinery bailcrv! Apply rit this office, 01 No. b Cotton Avenue. octSS-tf. MISS M. A. DANIEL VtTOI LD inf.rm the Ladle. of ? Macon and rkim’ly that *hc luau Ken room* at >o. IU Cotton Aicnur (up *Uur*\ abrre she i* prepared to do Dai s* Making iu athr laUxt and vuml .fiwAiomrAL and war- Rwtt* to irlre satis taction ocCM •?* ICE! ICE! ICE! FCK one cent a pound a* usual. No ric In 1 price now or hcrcafli r. IV. T. ( Alt LOS. , W halrsnlr mill Keliitl Urorrr, 10-u rn in II 1., Till MS, I IMI, KT\, Multicrrx Strv. I, oj|Nvsitr I.anlcr House, rtStf Macon, Ga. FOR SALE. \ COMPUTE OUTFIT OK 1101 SKIIOLI) Kl RNITTKK. A FAMILY de*lgnin~ to break up house- Keeping on the of October, now otter a complete outfit of furniture for live or *\t reom*. together with alt necosniary kitchen utciiM ! . for stile at half original eo-t, It con* -i*tof Mohair I'arlor Chair*, Mahogany and lllftt k Walnut HodMend**, Bureaus, Dining Th Me, Dinlmr, Hiking amt common chair*, Car in'*,*, Dinner uml Ten Sett*, and In short, almost every article demanded in a hou*c of live or aix nv)tt. the furniture haa not t*vu used over one or two yonrs D In perfect repair, almost as good n* new, oo*t #l,<*lo and ill now he old for -V. Address Ho\ 4JKS, Macon, or apply at this PIUS OFFICE, seplinf I -I , . r -r I -IT Guernsey, Bartm & Henflrii, 111 H.DKKK RIPPLY MOKi:, Hlnl*c*M Hlaclt, l*o|>litr Street, (Between Third and Fourth * VVII IT Is AND YELLOW PINE WORK, Sash. !<*-, HliaadM, I'rniaes, Hrnrhels, rl Paali, llal(rr, Mnuiles, Eir,, Etc, earpenter Tools, Locks, Xalls, llinc. s. Paints, Oils. Glass and Patti-. Etc. eO.VTRACTORS lor BI ILOIYO, DRBSSI'D AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY, DIXIE WORKS, t’HFRRY ST. tss-ir THE ENTERPRISE JOB pmxwrttwG ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW PKKI’AKKI) TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF PRINTING! SUCH AS CARDS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., And in a style equal to any. Extensive additions are daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL Whu • very effort will he made to render satisfaction unto all who may fuvoi us with their pataonag*. PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address, I Alios >Viiig>- V PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. * PRINTING 1 1 Ims Ins ii tin' custom heretofore, and will probably remain so to a groat extent, tbr our merchants and business men generally to send North to hare their printing done, simply because it can be done there at a little lower figure than here. It our people would discontinue patronizing suon men, they would soon see the policy, if not the jus tice, in having their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured in the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, but here we have printing offices all around us, doing work at a very small advance on northern prices, and still the work is sent awnv. We hope the time is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests and patronize home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should lie condemned. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS .In Flejrantl.v llound 4'unyumi- Ingc Hook fur tlio beat and cheapest ramity Bible ever published,will bo sent of charge to any book agent. It contains nearly oow line Scripture illustrations, and agents arc meet ing with unprecedented success. Address, stating experience, etc., and we will show vrji wbmtonr agents an- doing, N ATIOi *< HI Hl.lMinii t 0.. Memphis,Tciin., or Atlanta, Ga. A GFNTIC i SOMKTULNU m:h, 0 sal- AUke lo | s |j„ articles, sell at sight. 4 -i Catalogues and ono sample \v iIIIKMI. (free. New York Manufactur ing Cos., SI Courtlaml 1 V. V. DON’T He Deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and broncluel dlfltcultlcs, use onlv WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS U orllilPMM imifsaiions arc on the market, but the only Fcientilic preparation of Carbolic Acid for Luug diseases is when chem ically combined with other well known reme dies, as in these tablets, nml all parties arc cautioned against nslnt? any other. In all ciinci of Irritation of tlie mucous : menbrane these tahlets should he freely used, their cleansing and healing properties arc as tonishing. 11<* \\ -- tin/hrt. >' cohl, it is ea sily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes | chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use j Well- 1 Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, ! 4w Sole Agi lit for Unitcc States. Price *>s cent- a box. Send for Circular. \\ ▼'ANTED / ■/>',' •/’ 7;w. .\f/n>ts uM ?\ Cttjiiossrfs, ill nil parts of tlie U. S. to sell the MKMOIK OF KOGKU BROOKE TANKV, Chief Ju>ti<f th • Supreme Court <f the l nited State.-. ' - No book heretof-re published In the country throws so much light upon our Constitutional and Political History. It i* a work of extraordinary interest and of permanent value to the Historian, lie* Layvjer, Statesman, the Politician, and every class of intelligent readers * • ' Sold by Subscription only —Exclusive Territory given. For Terms, for Life of TANKA'—Life of Gi \. LEE, etc , address at once, MORPHY iV C)., Publishers, Baltimore. lo K'i.lO per liionili, every w where, male and female, to introduce the (.KM INK IMPOVKL COMMON SENSE s FAMILY SKWINC, MACHINE. This 3 maeliinc will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid, and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only -Sir). Full i licensed and warranted for live years. We X will pay * 1,000 for ury machine that will •♦—'sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more S3 elastic seam than ours. It makes tlie “ Elastic Lock Stitch.” Every second stitch cun be cut, and still the cloth eanuot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to 1250 per month and ex penseS, ora commission from which twice that amount can he made. Address SECOMB CO., Boston, Matt*., Pittsburgh , I\t. y Chicago , 111., or St. /.unis, Mo. St Clair Hotel, Baltimore, E¥Sd. This New and Beautiful Hotel is now open to the public. Located on MONUMENT SQUARE, convenient alike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only hotel in Bal timore embracing elevator, suits of rooms with baths, aiul alt other conveniences. To accommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers and others, tlie rates will be 82 per day for rooms on the fourth and fifth floors, makimr the difference on account of tlie eleva tion. Ordinary transient rates for lower rooms, 83 per day. * Guests desiring to take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for the use of the guests is constantly running, from 6 a. m. until lip. m. HARRY H, FOGLE, Manager 4.'iit-u|t Farms! Free Homes! ON the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD. 12,000,000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral Lands in America. :i,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in tlie Platte Valley, uoyv (or sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, for Grain growing ami Stock Raising unsur passed byany In the United States. Ciieapeu in Price, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. The best location for Colonics—Soldiers un titled to a Homestead of 1 GO Acres. Send for tlie new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swedish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address, O. F. DA\*IS, Land Coui’r U. P. R. R Cos., Omaha, Neb. pw I BLOOD PURIFIER 1 it la uot a physic winch may give temporary relief to the sufferer for the first few doses, but which, from continued use brings files and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the inval id, nor is it a doctored liquor, wluch, under the popular name of "Bitters” is so extensively palmed oil'on the public as soveregn remedies, but itis a most powerful l'unleanil alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of London and l'aris, and has been long used by ttie regular physicinus of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. Ur. Well’s Extract of Jnrakla, retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent cura tive agent. ■ m their want of action in your Liver an<l Mpleen V Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, ifce <Xc. Take Jnrubebit to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action Have you a hyspept Ic Ntomaeli ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer Have yon Weakness of the In. tesllnes? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrluea or the dreadful inflammation of the Bow els. Take to allay irritation and ward off tenden cy to intlammatious. Have you wenkness of the I', terine or 1 rinury Organs? Yon must procure instant relief or von are liable to suffering worse than death. Take It to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep tlie system in perfect heaith or you are other wise m great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 19 Platt St. New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle Send for Circu :ar. THOMSON’S W ORLD RENOWNED PATENT GLOVE FITTING COKSIT No CORSET has ever enjoved such a world wide popularity. The demand for them is constantlv increas ing, because THEY GIVE UNIVERSAL SATISFA TION! Are flamlsome. Durable, Economical aud A PERFECT FIT. Ask for THOMSON'S GENUINE GLOVE FITTING, every Corset being stamped with the name THOMSON, and the trade-mark a Crown. Sold by all FlrM-Class Dealers. 169-m. “Ilaml Btarap”all varieties. Circulars i free. \ K t* w nnti'il. \Y. 11. 11. I1bvI& Cos. Mfiv. Til Nabuu, N. Y. 4w BUIIDEHSI KcW# on Building. A. J. JlitkNßU, it Cos., tli W arroa St,., y. Y. 4w RAILROAD TIME SCHEDULE. Change of Schedule. ■Sbi’ERINTEKDENT’S OFFICE, j Sot th* Western Kailhoad Cos., > Macon, Ga., June 10, 1871. ) ON and after Sunday, lth inst., Passenger Trains on this Hoad, will be. run as fol lows : DAY El’FAl-LA I’ASHENGEH TRAIN. Leave Macon . ... 8:00 a. m. Arrive at Eufaula . . . L 42 p. m. Arrive at Clayton . . . 0:15 p. m. Arrive at Albany . . . P. m. Arrive at Fort Gaines . . 4:40 p. M. Connecting with the Albany Bin ell Train ut Smithville and with Fort Gallies Brunch Train at Cuthbert daily. Leave Clavton . 7:20 a. m. Leave Eufaula . . 8:50 a. m. Leave Fort Gainc- . . 8:05 a. m. Leave Albany . . • . . 10:45 a. m. Arrive ut Macon . . 5:25 p. m. EUFAI’I.A NIGHT FUKIGUT AND AC COMMODA TION TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 0:10 p. m. Arrive at Eufaula . . 10:20 a. m. Arrive at Albany . . . 0:45 a. m. At rive at Fort Gaines . . 11:52 a. m. Connect .t Sinithville with Albany Train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friduv nights, and at Cuthbert on Tuesday and Thuasday.— No train leaves on Saturday nights. Leave Eufaula .... 5:15 p. m. Leave Albany .... 8:40 i\ M. Leave Fort Gaines . . 1:10 p. m. Arrive at Maeon . 5:20 A. M. thl.l MlitN DAY PASrENOKH 'i 11A l N Leave Macon .... 5:45 a. m. Arrive tit Columbus . 11:15 a. M. Leave < olmnhus . . . 1:10 p. M. Arrivi at Maeon . . . 0:05 p. m. VIRGIL POWERS, 00-ly Engineer and Su] crintendent. Ch mge of Schedalo. WICSTEBN ,v ATLANTIC KAIUiOAI), Atlanta, <!a., April 17,187:.’. I On and after Sunday, the 21st Instant Day Passenger Train (outward) leaves Atlanta 8:o0 a. M., Connecting at Kingston with THROUGH FAST LINETO NEW ORLEANS Day Passenger NEW YORK FAST LINE leave Atlanta 4:05 i*. m , Connecting at Dalton with EAST TENNESSEE THROUGH LINE TO NEW YORK time 48 Horns ;i0 minttes ! Night Passenger Fast Line lo New York, leaves Atlanta 11:10 I*, m , via East Tennessee and Georgia, at Dalton, or NASHVILLE A CHATTAHOOOA AT CHATTANOOGA TIME 54 HOURS. Day Passentcr (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee, Arrives at Atlanta 3:50 p. M. Night Passenger (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee or Louisville, Arrives at Atlanta t 1:30 A. M. E B. WALKER, Master Transporatiotn. Change of Schedule. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. FORTY-ONE MILES SAVED IN DISTANCE Office Macon and Augusta Railkoad, | Macon, May 18, 1873. f ON and after Sunday, May 19, 1873, and un til further notice, the trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY TRAIN —DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Augusta 11.00 a. m. Leave Macon 0.30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 2.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 7.40 p. M. leaving Macon at 0.30 a. m make close connection at Camak with day pas senger trains on the Georgia Railroad for At lanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Georgia Railroad J-tfTickets sold and baggage chu.fted to all points North, both by rail and i.y steamships from Charleston. 24 lv S. K. JOHNSON Suo’t. THE “LIGHT RUNNING’ ”ll_ -feSA “DOMESTIo" S. M. CO., 9b Chambers St., New York, or Atlanta Ga 123-200 ’ L. T. WHITCOMB, Agt., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN West India Fruits, Veptata, HAY, GRAIN, HAY, ETC., 99 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107-ISS Arrival. :m<l ( luniiig of .Mails. Arrive. Close. Macon & Augusta R. R. Way and Milledgeville 7:40p. m. 7p.m. Augusta and Carolinas 7p. m. Macon *fc Brunswick 2:35 p. m. 7a. m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States (Night Train)..7:3oa.m. 4:3opm (Day Train) G:I0p. m. G:loam Muscogee R. R. Way Colum bus 6 p.m. 7 p.m. S. W. R. R. (Day Train) 4:35 p. m. 7a. m. Americns and Eufaula (Night Train) 7f. m. C. R. R. Way Savannah and Northern (Day Train) 4:51 r. at. 7A. M. Northern, Savannah and Ea ton (Night Train) 5:15 A. M. 5:30 p M Ilawkinsville daily (Sundays excepted '. 10:30 a. m. 2pm Clinton—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.! 12 m. 12:30 pm Jeffersonville and Twiggs ville, Wednesday 7 a.m. Wednesday,.... 2:25 p. INDIAN SPRINGS. ELDER HOUSE. KI.DEIE A NOY, I’ruprieiur. r pillS well-known house is now open to all A who wish to visit the far-famed Indian Spring. The Hot*) is nearer tlie Spring than any other, witli pleasant and shade walks lead ing thereto. RATES op BOARD. Per Day * o qq One Week lo 00 One Month 35 00 Children and servants half price. 621f ELDER & SON. BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. IS THE BREAKFAST HOC Si: For the Train from Savannah, Augusta and Ma- * con to Columbus. DINNER HOI SF. For the Train from Eufanla and Albany to Macon. DI PPER nOI SE For the Train from Columbus to Macon, Sa vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 112-190 MACON. BUSINESS DIEECToaf H liolexHlr Uroerr,, Burdick brothers, ni, llt i . tween Cherry uud Poplar. 1 * h WA. HUFF, Third Stmt, i I AW TON W BATES, Fourth , to i.uwton A Willinghams. ’ -VT A. MAG RATH, llolllngswurtli hi IN . Poplar street, near Fourth. DrugglNla, GMacmn,^’ KB. HALL, corner of Cherry ami u,i.. . Avenue. UNT, RANKING LAMAR, No. N- „,,, K Clierry-stref t. * J NO. INGALLS, corner Poplar and Funu, street, Hollingsworth block. 3t -ti I’ant-y Groceri.. WP. CARLOS, No. 80, Mulherry-strirt • opposite the Lanier House. 1 XcHing .llnehiai a, RJ. ANDERSON. Howe Sewing j]., . chine. Cotton Avenue. '■ Ilolrla. |)ROWN KOUSE-E. E. BROWN ,ui,\ J ) Proprir tors, Opp Passenger De|m t QPOTSWoOD— T. H. HARRIS, li n) rh-i, O Opposite Passenger Depot. t t Utilise and Sign I‘i .niris. TI7 YNDHAM A CO., unde: .'•on:.-\ ood \V Hotel. ~ /tUorneys ill lain . JOHN B. WEEMS. Otlice, Rul.- ~i,l oint-k t) over Kasdal's. tl Ci B. WOOTEN, OiHce, 8s V .hirejio,, > block, up stairs. B. GERRY, Ofiiee, Court 11 use AO. BACON, Office, 80 Chet n irect • 00-ti rpiIOMAS B. GRESHAM, office N. • . y\,\. X. berry street ; . WHITTLE A (U'STJN,office Xu ’('olUin Avenue. Physic inns. r P W. MASON, Office, over First National X . Bank. ■"** y Jewelers and D'ateli .llakm. JH. OTTO, under Spotswood Hotel. tf House 'FII rllihli in - (j ooit s Stoves, Ac, OLIVER, DOUGLASS & CO., Third Str, between Cherry and Mulberry. n Shoe Dealers. 1\ f IN A KIRTLAND, 3 Cotton Avenue, ■ Third Street tf l-'urnitiire, &e. \\ r &E. P. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton T? . Avenue and Cherry-streets. tt Harness, Ac. BERND BROS., Tliird Street, between Cherry and Mulberry-streets. tl ltooksellers, Stationers, Ac. A Cos., 46 Second Street.. music, Ac. RJ. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avenue. • 63tf Ya UILFORD, WOOD A CO., 84 Mulberry vT Street. Hardware. OARIIART & CURD, No. 05 and 07 Cherry Street. 4stf ’ Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. §lO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE tlr To have in ore merit than ull y similar prepara tion ever ottered to the public. It is rich in the medicinal qual ities of Tar, and unequaled for diseas es of the Throat and Lungs per forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures them all. Asthma and Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pronounced 5 specific for these complaints. For pains in Breast Side or Back Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Fiver Complnin It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your System. Tr” Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. PUKIFY YOUR BLOOII 1 For Scrotula, Scrofu- X lous Diseases of Ihe if* Eyes, or Serofulu in any form. Any disease or eruption of the Skin, disease of the Liver. Rheumatism, Pimples, Old Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down Constitutions, Syphilis, or any ©■KtyL disease depending on a deprav- C( f condition of the blood, try DR - CROOK'S I syrlp or ®MPoke Root, jl/y It has the medical property of Poke combined with a pre paration of Iron which goes at •/ once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures- Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Com pound Syrup of Poke Root—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOISE it DAVIS, Charleston, S C., Wholesale Agents 31-Iy For Dr. Crook’s Remedies BOARD. IT will be to the interest of boarders to arid J to this offiec, as reasonable board and pl** s _ ant np stairs rooms can be obtained for tn summer months in a delightful portion of tn* ritv 5.•>