Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, November 29, 1872, Image 1

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illacon Satin £ntrrprisr. L, SES, Wino & Smith, Proprietors, reruiH oi' *uUscrlption >no Year • * Six Months * JJJ I'liree Months % W In variably in advance . To city subscribers by the 'moh Seventy-five eeuUii servod by carriers. FOR MAYOR OF MACON, HOEW. A. HUFF. THE NATIONAL BANKS. The national banks of the country are now about 1,111) in number. They have probably the most powerful organization of any class of corprntions excepting rail roads. Bank presidents are not few or far between on the floors of Congress. They are watchiug with great interest to see whether the Secretary of the Treasury in tends to try to force au exchange of theii se< urities by recommendations in his forth coming annual report. It is probable that ttie Secretary will take a stand on that pi inciple, w hether he recommends it in his report or not. The banks w ill tight that, and endeavor to effect a reduction of the lax on circulations and deposits, which tax now supports the bureau of the Comp troller of the Currency, and has rolled up a surplus of about $17,000,1)00. There is some talk mound the Treasury of a scheme to increase the deposits of se curity for banking to one hundred pet cent, instead of ninety, and require an elastic specie reserve, of small amount a: first, and gradually to increase it till the banking business rests on a specie basis But the charm of the thing is, that the cir culating notes to be issued are to be legal tenders, and the bank notes are all to be called in. This scheme is to bring about specie payment, by gradually lockiug up a large portion of our gold, and distribut ing ciiculating notes in such a way thai . every banking establishing would lose its 1 identity so far as its currency was con cerned, and the United States Treasury would be the grand redeeming agency. Au examination of the official tabulai statement, just published by the Comp troller of the Currency, of the reports >t the 1,119 National Banks of the United Slates, shows .that their available cash means is equal to about 50 per cent, ot their demand liabilities except circulation The true way of calculating the strength of our National Banks to withstand any pressure or panic, is undoubtedly to throw the circulation and the bonds deposited to secure it entirely out of the account. The bonds deposited with the United States Treasurer are ample security for the cir culation, and would be considered so even if we were on a specie basis. The entire cash means ef the banks is, therefore, the proper measure of their ability to pay de positors. On October 3, 1872, the 1,119 National Banks of the United States owed demand liabilities as follows : Individual deposits, $813,299,1)71 ; due to banks and bankers. $143,836,430 ; United States deposits, $7, 853,772; deposits of United States dis bursiug ofHcers, $4,563,833 ; unpaid divi dends, $3,149,749, Total demand liabili ties, $772,694 455. To meet any pressure for liquidation oi the foregoiug they bad cash means on hand as follows: Legal tender notes. $102,074,104; specie, $10,929,756; Na tional Banknotes $15,787,296; fractional currency, $2,151,747 ; Clearing House checks, $110,086,315; due from banks and bankers, $128,180,541 ; United States certificates of deposit, $6,710,000; Clear ing House certificates, $1,555,000. Total, $885,406,760, or nearly 50 per cent of the demand liabilities. The amount of United States bonds de posited to secure circulation is $382,046, 400, and the amount of National Bank notes outstanding is $333,495,027. Even counting these bonds at par, there is a margin of $48,551 000 over and above what would be required to pay their out standing circulation, or enough to pay 6 per cent more on all their demand liabili ties. All thiß leaves out of consideration yet the principal resources of the banks in their loans to the amount of $872,520,140. —Savannah Advertiser. Spicy but Just. —George Alfred Town send. who knows how it is himself, has but small use for the band of Bohemian brothers who buy and sell politics in Philadelphia. In a recent letter he is hard upon them —but not too hard—thus When the great Angel comes to judge the world, and the average Philadelphia editor appears, there will be no more phenomenon in Heaveu than if a small boy had been brought into police court for wiping his nose on the silk skirt of one of the Muses. The Angel will look at their editor with a sort of every day commisseration, not wholly unmixed with disgust. He will say ; "I do not know any sentence small enough for you, and yet the character of this assize demands the highest punishment known to the law, I think I will sentence you to have brains. Take brains and return to our vocation. Follow it as meanly as you have done hitherto, and be compelled to estimate yourself. Depart—or, rather, shoo.” THE ATLANTA PBESS. We notice that brethren at the Capitol do not altogether •• dwell together in uni ty,” vide the passage at arras between the Herald and the Constitution of recent date. The Herald speaks: “Nor shall we be deterred from exposing extravagance and wrong doing by the Mu nicipal King organ, which, as we expec ted, still bends the pliant knee that thrift may follow fawning The Constitution responds : " Were we to answer our neighbor in its own stvle, we would say something after this fashion. “'The Herald, that servile imitator of its New York nnme-sake. has in slavish reproduction of the vices that made that paper notorious in iis early history, intro duced the execrable habit of disci editable personalities in the discussion ot public questions Ibe above is a specimen of its pre eminence in its emulation of an offen sive feature of Northern journalism that we trust never to see become a character eatic of the dignifi and and self-respecting Southern Press ” “But we simply reply that the Herald would do, well, in its controversies on public questions, to have a little more re gard for Use proprieties of courteous con troversy, meant for the elucidation of truth.’, thi: iNViskiiii.a: timia. A GEOKGIA BtII’KRSTITION. At the dead of the night, the dead of the night, There’s a sound along the rails, And the creaking of a whirling crank Like the flapping of iron flails, With the long, low roll that heralds the storm Over sunburnt fields of grain, With the sullen roar of the rain in the wood, Comes the invisible tram. There’s the trembling ground, theswirls of air, And the shout of the gauge between The quivering rails, but never a light Or shadow or specter is seen. It stops nor stays by station or town, But sweeps in its viewless flight To a city whose beautiful noils are hewn From splendid quart ies of light. And the white moon spreads, as the sound goes by, A shroud of silver and gray. For ttie night lies cold on the lap of the earth, Like the corpse of a beautiful day. It bears away, in invisible freight. The treasures of falling men— The count 1 ■ opportunities lwsl, Ami tin- beautiful which might have been. I’lie fruitless dead, who have died in youth, Ere ttie grain of life had come ; Painters whose pictures were only dreams, And poets whose lips are dumb. The brave young dead, the fair young dead, Whose hearts were a throng of love. Who folded their arms in the morning of life, To pass to that cily a hove. Maiden and wife in the robe and crown, And lips like blood of the rose; Beautiful babes, that died in smiles, Like a light that comes and goes. And often we see through the dead of I he night Though the eyes are closed in sleep. The phantom train, with its precious freight, From a lowland still and deep. And we dream till the morning, bright and warm, Lies over the church-yard sod. And awakes the Lazarus sleep of night, With reviving hand of God. Will Walla V ffarnri/. EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION TUE SLAVES OF THE SOUTH FREED TO SAVE TUB NORTH FROM DEFEAT —PRESI- DENT LINCOLN'S CONSCIENTIOUS SCIt U PLES AND CONSTITU TIONAL QUIBIiI.KS DEPORTATION AND COLONIZATION OF THE BLACKS. MR. LINCOLN’S REMEDY. From the Richmond Dispateli.j The Galaxy for December contains a paper written by Mr. Gideons Welles— which gives the history of Lincoln's Entail cipation Proclamation. Mr.Welles was Mr. Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy, and speaks from personal knowledge. “The contrabands” were, from the be gining of the war, a scource of great trouble to (lie truly loyal. By the Con stitution, property in slaves was fully guar anteed and United States laws required Federal authorities to restore owners all fugitive negroes. As the war was waged by the Washington functuaries with loud professions to maintain ana preserve ttie Constitution, any interference with the property in, or the status ot. the negro, would be a flat and paten contradiction of the avowed objects of tbe war. Many of the Federal Generals deemed it their duly to respect the Constitution and laws, and they did so by sending back to their mas ters tbe slaves that fled to their camps But this proceeding excited violent protes tations from the fanatics. “The orders (says Mr. Wells) of such officers as Gene rals McClellan, Hailcck, Dix and otheis, prohibited the fugitives from coming with in the army lines, caused great dissatisfac tion at the North, wilhoul appeasing jiny at the South.” Stimulated by this fanatic feeling. General Hunter took it upon him self to proclaim the freedom of the slaves in South Carolina. Georgia, Florida. Pres ident Lincoln promptly (19th of May, 1862) issued a counter proclamation, an nulling that of Hunter, saying that the question of freeing the slave "I reserve to myself, and cannot feel justified in leaving to the decisions of the commanders in (lie field.” ‘■Lincoln, who had scruples of con science. appreciated the difficulties of his position. He had taken no oatli to defend the Union. The oath he had taken was simply “to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States ” To his plain, practical mind, it was rather an odd way of preserving tlie Constitution, by disregarding its provisions and tramp ling it under foot. He sought to gel around the difficulty by attempting to get the border States, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, to decree emancipation of their slaves, for which the Government should pay them. For he again and again confessed that no authority but that of the States could touch the subject. A part of his scheme was the exportation of the lie grocs. for he was thoroughly convinced that the two races, both free, "could not dwell together in unity, and ns equals, in their social relations. There was, lie thought, a natural antagonism between the whites and blacks, which could not and ought not to be overcome. He there fore, at an early period of his administra tion, some time before his emacipation proclamation was projected, devised plans for the deportation and colonizing of the colored popufation. in these various pro jects of deportation and colonization, he was earnestly sustained by the Attorney General, Bates, the Postmaster General, Mr. Blair, and the Secretary of the Inte- rior, Mr. Caleb Smith.” Even when his emancipation proclamation was issued, deportation continued to be a favorite idea with him. and he never abandoned it. “As to the motive which prompted his emancipation proclamation, we are told by Mr Wells, "be was governed- not by sympathy for the slave, but by a sense of duty, and the obligations which, as chief magistrate, he owed to his country." It was notuntil after McClellan's failure on the Peninsula that Mr.Liocoln recogniz ed the necessity of abolition to save the Government.Hecaineto Harrison's landing to visit Genera! McClellan and see for him self the condition of the army. The next Sunday, alter his return, on bis way to a funeral with Mr. Welles and Mi Seward in the carriage, he. for the first lime, indi cated bis purpose to proclaim emancipa tion “He saw no escape.” And in the language of Mr. Welles, this humiliating condition was extorted from Ins lips : “We must free the slaves or be ourselves subdued.” That is. the great Federal authority, backed by the twenty five millions, would be eubdned by the six millions rebels, if they did not bring the negroes to their MACON, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1872. aid I W e suppose, as Mr. Wdlcs records it, this must bo tin* verdict of history. The quibble by which he got rid of his <>atli'"to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution" is tints given : “If there was no constitutional authority In tlio Government to emancipate the si ves, neither was there any authority, specified or reserved, for the slaveholders to resist Ihe Government or secede from it. (?) They could not at the same time throw oil' tlio Constitution and invoke its aid. Having made war upon the Govern ment, they were subject to the incidents and calamities of war. and it was our duty to u\ ail ourselves of every necessary mens tire t > maintain the Union. If the rebels did not cense their war. they mus’ take the com qucnces of war lie dwelt earn estly on the gravity, importance and deli cacy of the movement, which he had ap proached with reluctance, hut lie saw no evidence of a cessation of hostilities ; said he had given the subject much thought iml had about come to the conclusion that ; it was a military nccMVity, absolutely es- ; -ential to the perservatiou of the Union. We must free the slaves or be ourselves subdued.” 1 In\ di ;• thus satisfied his conscience, he called a meeting of Ids Cabinet. Mr. Welles gives the following account of the proceedings ; -Kuril in August—it has been said on saUii'diiy, and if so. it was, I think, the 2d of tlm> mouth —the President called a -pecial meeting of the Cabinet The meet ing was in the library of the Executive Mansion, and not in ttie Council Chamber, when: the regular sessions were usually convene i. All were present except Mr. Blair, who had gone to his country rcsi denee iii Montgomery county. If 1 am not mistaken, Mr. Chase was also, from some cause, absent from tbe first meeting i’he President staled that the object for which he had called us together was to submit t: e rough draft of a proclamation to emancipate, after a certain day, all slaves in tlie States which should then he in rebellion. T here were, ho remarked. differences in the Cabinet on the slavery question and on emancipation, but he in vited a Lee discussion on the important step he was about to take ; and to relieve each one Tom embarrassment ho wished it understo xl that the question was settled in liia own i lind ; that he had decreed emanci pation ii a certain contingency, and the re sponsibility of the measure has his ; but he desired t > hear the views of his associates and receive any suggestions, pro or coil, which they might make. He had, he said, dr oil. much 'and long on the subject, add formed iris own conelu slons, and had mentioned the mat ter in confidence to one or two of the mem bers. Little was said by any one but tiie Presiden t. Mr. bates expressed his very de cided apj roval, but wished deportation to he coupl'd with emancipation. lie was, it. was wcli known, opposed to slavery.— Though 'lorn in a slave State, and al ways residing in a slave State and among slaves, K' nevertheless wished them free, and that the colored race should leave the country. It was impossible, he said, tor the i>vo races to assimilate but, by amalgamation, and tliw cou ' l * not amalgamate without degradation and demoralization to the white race. The whites might he brought down, but the negroes could not be lifted to a much higher plane than now occupied. Ho hud been a close observer of the influence of slavery on the enterprise and welfare of the country through a long life, had de plored its effects, and given freedom to his own slaves, and wished them and their fellows in Africa, or elsewhere than in the United Slates. He was fully convinced that the two races could not live and thrive in s cial proximity. The result of any attempt to place them oil terms of equality would be strife, contention, ami a vicious population, as in Mexico. The whites might be debased, but the blacks could not he elevated even by the disgust ing process ot mixed breeds, which was repugaut to nature and to our moral and better instincts. He therefore wished a systi 111 of deportation to accompany any scheme of emancipation. These were also llie President's view. ••Mr. Seward, without expressing an opinion on the merits of tlia question, thought it would he well to postpone the whole subject to a more auspicous period If the proclamation were Issued now, it would Ii - received and considered as a de spairing cry—a shriek from and fur the Administration, rather than for freedom, t he Pre ident instantly felt and appreci aied the ihe force and propriety of the Huggesiion. We Imd experienced serious disasicis Important results weie in the immediate future, high hopes were enter tained from army operations under Hal leck and Pope, who had just taken the direction of military affairs. The Presi dent at i,uce Closed his portfolio and sus pend'd I is proclamation and all further proecedi gs on tiie subject of emancipa tion. IJo not recollet t lhal it was again alluded to in Cabinet until after the battle of Antietuin, wliit h took place on the 17th of September—six week? later.” As tin disasters of the army under Mc- Clellan \ ere not retrieved by Pope and Jfalleck, die subject was not reconsidered until afu r the battle of Sliarpshurg, when i the preliminary proclamation was issued. Ott that - ceusion “he expressed the sense j of the re ponsibility lie was taking, both j to himsc f and the country. It had op presed hi n ” —and well it might. It was j the -übvi rsion of the Constitution. Mr. Welles i Us it: “A despotic act in tiie ' cause of ue Union, and I may add, of free il.,iii " ,at there was more in that act than ur.y other in our hi-tory. It was the first ■-t ■ f conihcuiion of property —and the evils thereof will he seen and felt fora thousand years. Bays Mr. Welles “Following tire preliminary proclama tion. and. as apait of the plan, was tiie qni-'ion it deporting and colonizing the colored i .ce. This was a part of the Pres ident' clieme. and had occupied his mind o te time before the project of email ip tion was adopted, although the historian . biographers and commentators l,a"e u> le slight, if any, allusion to it. The Pn blent, however, and a portion of hia Cabit et considered them inseparable, and that deporiadon should accompany and be a part of the emancipation move ment.” A New England advertiser wants a wo man who fears tie Lord and weighs 200 pounds, and tire editor of the pape r re mark., the experience of most men is that the woman who weighs 20 11 pounds rare ■ ly fears the Lord or any body else. fSIMMONSI [mwir This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a blutflc particle of ky, or any injurious mineral substance, but is Gtlllit YIXiIirKAIILR, For FORTY YHARB it has proved ita great value m all diseases of the l.ivuit, Bowli.m and K ll *mjv s. Thousands <,>f the good and great in all p u ts of the country vouch for its wonder ful and peculiar powirin purifying the Bi.ood, attmu.luLing the torpid Liviiu and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vijror to the whole sys tem. SIMMON’S LIVER REGULATOR is ac knowledged to have no equal as a ■alVe:bc Tii:fl>i< i>i:, It contains four medical elements, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz : a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and u certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the <■***;! I ulailiiit* for Li vis n Complaint and the puinfnl offspring thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TION, -Jaundice,Billiousattacks, SICK HEAD ACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heart Bum, Aie., Ae. Regulate the Liver ami prevent <'*385.8.* S’ , U!',6L SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured by •fl. use zr:sslit* *v :0., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. - Price £i per package; sent by mail, postage paid, $1.25. Prepared ready for use in bottles, $1.50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I V”'Beware oi all Counterfeits and Imitations. 112-528 RHEUMATIC SYRUP OR MONEY RETUNDED &100 REWARD FOR A CASE of V.,,1 • -S.. IIIKUIIIII'"" 1 . '"'“‘l SO ties, Headache, Lumbago, Ague, Nervousness or Kldm \ Affections accepted for treatment that I cannot cure. n022 If CROP OF i872. ( lover and Crass Seeds. REI) CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING- CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c,, &c. Juf*t received, HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 14b- 15fi 82 and 84 Cherry Street. The Great Democratic Journal, 'mi-: mim 1 OUM AV EEK L V NEW S. BEN J. V7OGD, Editor and Proprietor. | A Mammoth Light Page Sheet, Fifty six Columns of Beading Matter. Contains all the foreign, dome-tie, po litical and general,with full and reliable market reports. Each number also contains several i short stories, amt a great variety of literary, I agricultural and scientific matter, ct<* , etc., constituting, it i* confidently averted, the most complete weekly newspaper in till* country. TERMS, $2 A YEAR. Inducements to Club*: Five copies, one year * 00 Ten copies, "ue year, anil an extra copy to the sender w Twenty copies one year, and an extra copy to sender " Fifty copi'--, one year, arid an extra copy rr to sender M m J‘i rtiet u ud' iii] rhiltt an above, may retain -h per cent of the mon'ij received >"J them, at com p*m*ation. Persons desiring to ai t as agents supplied with specimen I,undies. Specimen cop lrasent free to any address. All letters should lie <ll - rectcd to NEW YOKE WEEKLY NEWS, Box 3,705, 1 novmr Asw York ' Ity tout Offl" MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO Til Fl I! AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BTC FOUR MAKING THEIR MILLS. WE HAVE IN STORF, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR It SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLI KB. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all grades. j 500 ROLLS 2J BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES* 10 BALKS TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON ,N SMITH, Have, anil are ollfcring at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a lull hu<u> rd li all crood.s in fair line of business. lit) tf Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. I K long experience and a thorough knowl- I edge of the business in all its diversllied branches are essential to the keeping that which the public has long heard of Uul teldom teen, A UOI> HOTEL,, the undersigned flatter themselves that they are fully competent to discharge their obllga tions to their patrons; but they are not only experienced in hotel keeping, they modestly would claim to have the BEST ARRANGED and MOST COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED house throughout, In the State, which Is loca ted exactly where everybody would have It sit uated lUHBOIATELT IK XHONT A .Ml A 111 AI SINT TO TUB fASSBNOBIt DEPOT, where travelers can enjoy the mod deep and less liable to be left by the perplcxingly constant departure of the trains. To all these important advantages is added a TABLE that is well supplied with the best and choicest dishes the city and country can afford : nor would they omit to mention that their servants, trained to the business, have never been surpassed for politeness and atten tion to guests. For the truth of these statements, we refer the public to our patrons who reside In every State in the Union. E. F.. BROWN A BON, Proprietors. Macon, fia., April 15, 1872. i : M DAVIS SMITH, (Successor to thfj late firm of Smith, Walcott. (Jo., and of Smith, McGlaalmu A Cos.) MANUKAUTL'HRK AND liP.M.JSK IS SADDLES, HARNESS, lilt IDLES, SADDLERY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, , Carriage .Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Findings, Children’s Carriages, HI BBER, WIN BANDS, ETC,. m Together with every article usually kept is saddlery house. 109 CHERRY MX., MACON, A 150-I*9 FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE *♦ LAYVTON A HATE , FoiiOh Nlroel,. (.Vext Door to Lnwlon A tt illin^limii.) : Y HI"- I •i-, | kxi-ckl to furuLli the trade with ! 4iWn:illi:N, I’KOYIMIOAN, I*I.I.VIITIOA Ml I*l*l.ha unu, thin, KTC’., lon a- reasonable terms ns iiny liouse In Georgia. \VV will keen constantly on bund, BACON: : i. \itD, < >K\, OATS, II VY, tiUUAK, COKF RE, BAOGING and TUiS, and a general assort ment ol such good., ns nre kept, in n Urst class Grocery House Givens ncall. We ore running the i:ACII.R I'I.OIJRIiIU IIILI.N, and I direct-special uttentlon to nnv “CHOICE,” “EXTRA," “FAMILY” Hours. They will he found exactly adapted to the .rude, and we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as ihose of the same grades can he bought in the ftoutli. CORN MKAI., Imlted and unbolted, always on baud, of our own make and of the bt. quaHty. 180-188 H. BANDY & GO. TIN A Nil SHEET IRON ROOFING, "'W' Gitterii, rhnNic and Emm, l'ji v TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON CORNICM A A '! I Executed at abort notice und autisfaction \ \ ah' || guaranteed. j) ' \ l Vo. i<> Third Hirer!, .Huron, Ga. \ l Particular attention given to (I uttering put up \ \ with V WOODRUFF’S \ IMTIINT HAVE l AHTIiAI.VOH. I>S uug h IMPROVED GII HEAR. l<yplillNG NEW. SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER HORSE POffER rr IS NO HUMBUG!! J’UIK of thr (tin Ilnuso (lour hint no odcvt on the Glaring. King Foot of Iron and all tlic work bolted to Iron. IT IS M AHE TO HAST, AND TO KUN TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LiftIITEHTHAN ANY OTHER POWER IN USE. Cull and mcc for vouanelf. I build a Portable lloivu Pow r (but all otlirr MAKES, but it will not do the work with tlic sunn Draft that tny PATENT GIN GEAR will. All kinds of Mftclilnory iiuulb and repaired at 4'HOC 14IITT’W IKON WOKKiH, los-isd Near Brown House, Macon Georgia. BMWFS GALLERY! No. 8 Cotton Avenue, Is the place where all the differ ent styles of pictures are made at greatly reduced prices. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, (Jor. Cott on Avon no and Cherry Street, DEALERS IN FURNITURE, METES, BIS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, etc. 0 Metaiic Burial Cases & Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Coffins and Caskets. Orders by Telegraph promptly attended to. XXXBS !I. BLOUNT. ISAAC UASOBMAN. BEOILYT * HARDEMAN. ATTORNEYS -AT SLAW, MACON, GEORG A. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston street. __ Barber Shop For Rent. THE Basement room, formerly occupied by Mike Napier, In Brown's Hotel bnijding la for rent Tb!. Is one of the best stands for a ■*s#°* l “ Clty ' HOTEL. Volume I.—Number 197 INMAN LINE royal mail steamships. THE Liverpool, New York end Philadelphia tJteameblp Company dispatch two ateaui en per week. The quickest time ever made acroes the Atlantic. Every comfort and con venience. Tor further Intormrtk* apply to oopM-tf H. C. BTKVWIBOM, Aent.