Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 02, 1872, Image 3
CITY GOVERNMENT. W. A. II! *'*'• Stay®*. ALDKHMEN: I I ,V * a H. Tin-i.i v, j Wir.Bi'HV, K. Woowtiii’i P l- ITZUUKiI.K, G. B. It'lllHH 1 , \V 1,. EuUi P- Btbono, A J SMITH, ■' KU3SISIX, D. Oily, R- Waooenutisin. (J. J. Wixlumson,... ! A. McManus CK f K , moos City Attorney. lit;, G. N. Holm IHivolonti. I vMi-s Martin Chief of Police. ii nTati oil ’ .... Kir.-t Lieutenant. V■ tu nu r Second l.lcutciiimt. ;. A. WiTky?. Third Lieutenant. S' . I! Vi IU. HiiK Of lice is prcpiircd to cv ate .Sob I'rlittioc at prices to ; ,it tlio times, ami > style -.u is.f actory to all. l ine work ..jiviie a specißlty. We solicit , in r •filers, ami will do our st to please you. ’JTit4 8 HOME AFEAIRSi ACOH, UA., PEC.a, isT I’ouiis Aits erica. Members of this company will bear In mind that this is their regular monthly meeting night, and that the circus is too near the en gine house to give the meeting the slip. J'nu ii l.ots in ITlif i.-i . The attention of the public i.' . ■ ■ .;• r advertisement of Cupt. A. “i ■ 11 m" 1 " 1 column, ottering a number of town iota in Mil ner forsalc. Valuable Oiler. As No. his without an engine for the present, that company lias generously ottered its serv ices as a hose company to Young America Fire Company, that company being without hose. The Circus. Notwithstanding the circus being in town, those elegant boots ami shoes of McKi ruy A Malony still keep up their reputation for being strong aud lasting. All kinds of repining done at short notice. Ohsequies of a Pefuuct Mule. A dray was seen this morning passing along Third street carrying to his grave on cpizoot ized mule who had kicked tire bucket and de parted lienee. He was buried in the usual manner with his martial cloak around him. Tlie Epizoolv. Wc are glad to learn that the horses of Messrs. Swift & Porter have recovered from their recent attack of tire horse disease and are ready to he hitched tip and drove as heretofore. The old customers of these stables are inform ed that everything is in apple-pie order and they can be accommodated with horses at short notice. eEunanu.v. As John Robinson’s procession was going around Ingall’s corner this morning a pair of mules attached to a dray saw the elephant and mistaking it for the epizootic took their heels, landing the drayman in the mml and scatter ing tilings generally. They were finally caught, and peace one more reigns in Warsaw. The Circus. Were we to fill this page, three, others and issue a supplement, we could not then express our appreciation of Robinson’s circus perform ance this afternoon. It is no use to write about it, for when we say it is the best circus ever brought to our town we say what everybody says, and what everybody says must he so. (jo a .id see them to-night and convince yourself. Major's Court. Andrew Benton and Ed. Peyser will have their cases continued. N. c. Bastinn, drunk, #5 and costs or streets JO days. Peter Bryant, stealing, remanded for a war rant. Frank Kendall, drunk, $5 and costs or streets 80 days. Marriage of Mrs. ©rites. From the St. Louis Globe, we get the fol lowing : At 5 o'clock yesterday evening, Mrs. James V. Oates Alice Saliua Merritt, the popular bvuh-ojui; actress, was married to Tracy \V. i itus, who lias been her theatrical agent eves since her husband’s death, and had also previ ously been ugent for .her husband. The mar riage took place at the Southern Hotel, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. Berk ley, and Mr. Jones, the treasurer of Deßar’s opera-house, giving the bride away. Her mother, Mrs. Merritt, of Kentucky, was pres ent on the occasion, together with the entire company who are professionally supporting Mrs. Outes during her present tour. As everything concerning this sprightly ac tress is of interest to flic theatre-going public, we append a brief sketch of her career up to the present time. She was the wife of Mr. James Jm Oates, a young leading actor of de cided ability in the melodramatic line. Long before her adoption of the stage as a profes sion, she was known to a considerable circle as singer of more than orißnary merit, and had sting in concerts in various Southern towns and cities. In 1865, Mr. Oates was engaged as leading man at Wood's theatre, Cincinnati, when, on the occasion of her husband's benefit, Mrs. Oates made her first appearance, playing the part of Paul, in the “Pet of the Petticoats" —not at the Theatre Combine, as lately stated by a cotemporary. Iler cilbrts on this occa sion attracted no particular attention, and gave no indication of the genius for burlesque latent within her. During this same season, Mr. Oates was attacked with a serious affection of his throat, from which lie finally emerged, af ter a long illness, with Ills voice, so far as the requirements of his profession were concerned, aimost entirely lost, and lie only appeared in a few pantominc parts afterwards. After this misfortune he was interested for a short time in the Theatre Comiquc, [a small vaudeville theatre, which never yielded much of a return on the investment, though well conducted* ami supplied with an excellent comedy com pany. Here Mrs. Oaten appeared in various minor parts. After this she turned her atten tion to burlesque opera, as in tills direction h<* voice and musical education would find its most promising fiodd. Here she found her ap propriate artistic sphere, and rapidly advanced to a high position, at present being the most popular lady on the burlesque stage, with none of the questionable notoriety attaching to her niost prominent competitors. Asa lady, - k. and has always lieen, beyond reproach. Knrnor attaches a romantic flavor tohermar jage with Mr. Titus. It is said that her for mer husband, being attached to Mr. Titus and valuting his business qualities, on his death bed charged her to retain him as her business manager, and she has so far improved on his advice as to admit Mm to a life partnership in her fortunes. As is the case with many public favorites, the prea# of the country have reported her married at least a dozen times, to different individuals. The llullldu'ii. Christmas and New Year will i,..u la- hero. Children are clapping their hands aud wonder lug wind. Ssautaclaits will Ihink best to fill their precious stockings with. Old folks are planning w ays and means to 1111 those stock ings. Love sick youths aro roeoniiolterlng as to what would bo the most acceptable presents to their “laydo fnyros.” Husbands are cauti ously looking around for a nice present for their better halves. In fact everybody is con templating the giving of a present to some dear one, and why shouldn’t they '! It is Christmas and Christmas comes but ottee a year! tVl.nt shall these presents consist ol V We answer everything, prom tine articles of jew elry to a doll baby. To those, in search of something that can he treasured for years we refer them to the re cherche book and stationery store of Brown A Cos. Here are presents of all conceivable kinds. Among hooks, they have elegantly bound volumns of all the poets; prayer and hymn book, Bibles and Testaments; photo graph and autograph albums, and nearly every book that can be mentioned in plain and ele gant binding; writing and dressing cases of every style and finish and of ptlces to suit all purses; cigar stands of handsome designs; jewel, glove, collar and handkerchief boxes In setls or separate, of all styles ; work boxes and baskets in endless variety. For the little folk can be found dissected clotures, magic tops nml toy magic lanterns, ' che.'ti alphabet* blocks and toy hooks, or*s of simple games, rubber balls and a ns ,ml (tt’s • tilings that will set off a small stocking- to P R-f'-otion. In stationery they have elegant boxes of ini tial and plain note paper and envelopes of Italian, French, English and American make and pattern. In the line of next year diaries they have a very large and complete assortment, among which can be found specimens to suit every body. In fine they have everything that can be. called for In a well kept and well arranged book and stationery store. The Messrs. Brown are clover and uc;om modatiug to deal with, and wo venture the prediction Hint a majority of the presents re ceived and given Christmas and New Year will be from their handsome establishment. A Card. J[/‘. Editor: The attacks made upon me l>y certain parties in Georgia, have been so con temptible that f did not deem them worthy of any notice; but at the request of several friends, I desire to say a few words regarding the evidence of Mr. C. A. Nutting before the IT. S. Commissioner’s Court, as to the viola tion of the Enforcement Act. Mr. N. says, in cross-examination, that has “a contemptible opinion of me” and that I “made myself offi cious” and that he objected. This refers to the election of 1810. In answer to Mr. Nut ing I would say that I have always tried to act honorably and consistently, and have never tried to hide truth because it would displease any one. During the ’TO election, I acted hon orably, and were it not for the fact that T would expose a few gentlemen of the Democratic party, for whom I have the highest esteem, to ostracism, which is so common in the South, I would mention their names. They came to me and told me that it was a “disgrace to civ ilization to look at the conduct of the gentle men that tried to bully me during the election when they instigated tli fanatics against me.” Tes, two gentlemen came and told me that they would publish a card regarding my gen tlemanly conduct, hut they have been prevent ed from doing it. I might ask a few questions of Mr. Nutting concerning the pictures of Lee and Davis, hut the game is not worth the ammunition and will only say Unit I have never bent my knee to any one on earth, but I love truth and de spise sneaking and deceit. I think that a little of the officiousnc.s, of which Mr. Nutting complains at the election in ’TO would have been in the place and to an advantage to Georgia at the election in ’73. Very respectfully, W. Kbysavowski. Kpizooty Receipt. Editors Enterprise: — Gentlemen: — l in close you a receipt given me by a gentleman from New Jersey, who lias had considerable experience with the prevailing disease among his horses, and all recovered in a few days. My horsc:s having nearly recovered after using the hove prescription, will be aide to work in 1 i" or two. if you think proper to publish ■imr for the benefit of your numerous readers von can do so. Respectfully. E. E. Brown. Keep horse lightly blanketed all the while; -table well ventilated; plenty of bedding; give scalded wheat bran mashes. If the case looks serious, give 20 drops tincture aconite in cold water every four hours, until five doses witli pleniy of cold waterto drink. Six hours after giving the aconite, give fifteen drop doses every four hours, of nux vomica, for four to six days. If the horse cals and does well, stop these; if he lias no appetite, give powdered carbonate of ammonia three ounces, powdered gentian root two ounces, powdered pimenta berries two ounces; mix and divide into twelve powders; give three times per day. throat liniment. C'il of spike four ounces, spirits of turpentine one ounce,sweet oil one ounce, spirits of harts horn one ounce, to he shaken before used. Wm. M. Pendleton. Walter T. Ross. PENDLETON & ROSS, (Succes or- to J. M. Boardman.) Corner Mulberry uml Second Streets. ii WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LETTER, and NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS. WRITING INK, COPYING INK, CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK, GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS, CHALK CRAYONS, RUBBER, WAX, OIL COLORS, WATER COLORS, COLORED CRAYONS, BRUSHES, CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, BILLIARD CHALK, CHROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES. MOULDINGS, GLASS, ETC., ETC., ETC., And in fact everything usually kept In a first class Book and Stationery Store. Orders from the country will receive prompt j attention. Prices as low as any other house iri the South. . Orders for printing solicited. PKNDI.KTON A ROSS. 113-534 Macon, Georgia. The best in Tim wom.n “ Putiol A Jacobs Favorite.” Nov’ Cousin has Florida Oranges large and sweet. The celebrated " Ponies” (Imported) minvo (he fiutoolio for sale only at the Now York Grocery storo. Look to Yont Intkbust.—Brown makes four pictures for SI; makes a dozen photo graphs for f3,50; best photographs *5 per dozen. Tills gallery makes the best pictures in the city. Compare the work. No. BCotton Avenue. novUMf. "Putzol’s Delight" Will delight all smokers. Delightful. I-atir-t News.—Brown makes those tiue Inlcpletures twenty-ttvo cents less. Old pho tographs copied correctly. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. No i : l\l . "OV. lir you want good groceries to eat, good liquors to drink and good cigars to smoke, drop in at the New York grocery storo on Second street, and you will be accommodated. ♦ ♦ <; t . i the New York grocery store and get the i, v cigar “Putzels Delight." C.-.ut. is still keeps the freshest lish, the finest ovi tors. the coldest ice, the yellowest oranges, the reddest apples, the Irislicst potatoes, the genuinest cigars, the sweetest French candy, the goodiest groceries and the boat place In town to buy your groceries at. tf A cigar that will suit. Putzel’s Delight, at the New York grocery store. at W. P. Carlos’. * A favoi ite with everybody, “Putzel A Jacobs Frvorit . FOR SALE. f THKF.F. room house nearly new, acre J V lot, good fencing and splendid well of water in the yard, on the Houston road near Judge Wilkinson’s, will be sold at auction on the 28th day of Nov., if not sold previously at private sale. One-third cash, balance in six and twelve months, with 10 per cent, interest. A good chance for a cheap home. To be sold on the premises between three and four o’clock. R. L. HENRY, Poplar St. Telegraph copy. novlS-td. Building Lot For'Sale. SITUATED near Tatnall Square, within a few steps of Mercer University. Address K. C., Box K., ttdtf Macon, Ga. SALE OF TOWN LOTS." "VX7TLL be sold at Public Outcry, at the Y\ Town of Milner on the Maeori A West ern Railroad, ail the West of the Railroad Wood Shed, containing one to four acres each. Sale to commence on Friday, the (itli day of December next, at 10 o’clock, 4. m. Terms ;— One half cash and one half on the Ist day ot June, 18T3. A. J. WHITE, President. novSO-td. JNO. It. WEEMS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVER W. RASDAL’S STOKE. 20-179 FOR SALE. SIX BUILDING LOTS on Windsor Hill. Will sell all, or as many as desired. The lots adjoin Dr. Cox’s on the top of the hill. The prettiest location out. Apply to nov27-4t •No. 8 Cotton Avenue. FOR SALE. A FOUR room dwelling and vacant lot, also, splendid well of water in the yard ; fronting on Spring and Rose Streets, contain ing one quarter of an acre. For sale cheap. Apply to GEORGE SCHMIDT, nov. 25—lm. corner Third and Plum Streets. It. LOWGNTIIAL’S BAR k LAGEIt BEER SALOON, (masset’s old stand.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. THIS Saloon is supplied with the best Wincß, Liquors and Cigars In the market, and sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hour in the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may he desired for lunch. : nov24-tf DR. WRIGHT. JD Jfg W $ T , HAS removed to Boarclmnn’s Block, over l'endleton A: Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second rts., Macon, Ga. nov7-3m. RAFFLE! RAFFLE!! A COMPLETE Brass Band, Organ and Musis Box is oflered for raffle. There are fifty chances at *5 a chance. The organ plays tliirty-six tunes. To be raffled as soon as chances are made up. Cull at B. Lowcn tlml’s saloon and take u chance, novffll-tf i;EO. r. noon. AI.KX. H. stkiihenb HOW READY - HOCE & STEPHENS, I’OI'ItTII BTKKET, ir.wr ritovr iiolmsoswortii m,ocE ), HAVE just opened a full and complete . stock of Fancy anfl Family Groceries, Fresh, pure, genuine, entirely new, and war ranted to suit the taste of everyone. The as “ortment comprises everything required in such u house. The finest brands of Flour, Meal— i In: best New Vork Hams, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup, Cooking Wines, Butter—the best brands of Co-hen a specialty—Cheese, Fruibt, native and Tropical, together witli a complete line of Nuts, ! Cand'n . Candles. Pickles and other articles lor the retail trade. FP II AND OYSTERS. Frc-h Fish and Oysters every morning. Also j Vegetables of various kinds. We propose, in a word, to supply our friends ! and the public generally with every tbiog nice j required at reasonable rates. , HOOK A' .STEPHENS. ‘ N. B.—All goo da delivered free of charge. nov7-ftrn. Call at S. 1" A ti. P. Walter’s this evehing, if you tftni siil h things as i Holed Tennessee Beef, Pork, SauMiire, Fresh Fish, Ovate.;-, Ap pies, Oranges, Bailtianas, Malaga (Hep , or anything else in the ftim-v or family grocery line. oeUT-tr ns Cuiiltitv SI. financialTcommemal Daily Unlew ofllie Market. Office Macon Dim F.ktrhimiisb, ( December 3—3 o'clock, P. M. i Cotton.— Report for 31 hours, since 3 P. M. yesterday. Sold 530 bales; shipped HO bales. Received 1008 bales. STATEMENT. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872- bales H3 Received last 31 hours lot 8 Received previously 33,0 W -31,104 Total receipts. 84,570 Snipped last 34 hours 410 Shipped previously 33.480—33,005 Stock on hand this evening.... 10,071 Market active 17' s e. MACOJi I’ICICK ( I KHIAT. OSNABUIU4S —No. 1 10 No. 3 14 Mllledgeville No. 3 14 MACON SHEETING Win' Seven-eighths 11 Wuymimville Sheeting Houston Sheeting 11)4 Houstet! Stripes 13%u10 Columbus Stripes 15al8 High Shoal Stripes 10 Montour Shirting —% 10W Factory Sewing Thread 00 YARNS— 1 00 GRlTS—per bushel 1 85 OATS—per bushel OllaOS FIELD PEAS—per bushel HAY—Northern..'. Tennessee 1 ttJa2 00 Clover 1 00 PEA NUTS—per bushel 100 POTA FOES—Planting Table use 3 50a l 00 APPLES—Northern BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 per lb 48a44 Goshen No. 3 per lb 35 Tennessee No. 1 11 3) Tennessee No. 3 “ _ 30 Country 85a40 COFFEE —ltlo per lb 23a25 Java per lb 3(taß3 CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. 17U, New York per 1b... 15 MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 05 "Georgia” per gal.. 70 Sugar House 35 SYRUPS—GoIden Drips, per gal... <!oa7s Medium per gal 05 ■ Ordinary per gal 55 SUGAR—“A” per lb t3>£a White Extra “ C ” 18a New Orleans (hluls) 10a12J4 Yellow C 13U'a Demerara 12Wa13 l’orti Rico ll'jaPJij POWDER—Hazard tier kug 7 35 Orange Mills 7 (Ml PROVISIONS, OUAIN, OKOCEKIES, AC. BACON —Clear-ribbed Sides (smokd).. 13 Shoulders Hbjatt HAMS—Magnolias. C., canvassed... liM.j'adO Fiteh’B Ittj,4a3o Tennessee, plain-cured 18a 18)4 White Bellies lOalOj,, PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00 New, mess HI (HI Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shouldors Bellies lOalO) j LARD—Prime Leaf, Tierces Hal \}4 Kegs 18 Packages 12n13 FLOUR -Low superfine per bbl aT on Standard superfine.. 8 60 Extra 9 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 “Wyleys XX XX’ . Georgia Mills j II 50a 12 00 llyaciuthe 9 50 “Domestic” 12 00 Star of Beauty 1100 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Luke 12 00 CORN —White per bushel 95 Mixed per bushel sSaiK) BHOT—Per sack 800 CRACKERS—Butter per lb 09 Soda Bao9 Cream 13 Sugar 12 1-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps PicNic 10 Fancy IT CANDY —New York per lb. IS Kt. It. Rogers & C 0..... IS BLACKING —No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 8 0 00 No. 8 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carb. per lb 9nlo POTASH—Per lb 10al 1 SOAP—Turpentine per lb 0 12 Laundry 15 Toilet per doz Thai 20 Olive S YEAST POWDERS—Preston and Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a2 25 Ilorsford’s 2 90 TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per lb 75 Medium 00 Ordinary 40050 Choice Smoking 1 25 Medium 75 Common 40 ClGAßS—lmported per thousand 75 00a150 00 Domestic 15 OOafiO 00 SNUFF—Scotch per lb 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50a4 50 MACKEREL—No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50 No. 2 bills 13 50a 14 00 No. 2 kits 1 70 No. 3 hhls—large. .11 50a12 50 No. Skits 1 50al 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50a9 00 CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21ka22 Sperm 42045 Paraffine 80a88 STARCH—Pear! EGGS—Per doz 35 CHICKENS—Per doz 8 00a5 00 SALT—Virginia per sack 2 10u2 15 Liverpool 2 25 FEATHERS SO HIDES—Dry flint Half. Green fia7 BEESWAX 38a30 SWEET POTATOES 150 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05ul 10 BAGGING—BengaI IS Lyon Borneo Guimy Dundee 17 Patched 17 TlES—Goocho .. Arrow S%alo Eureka 10 Aligalor J® [ ANOTHER CAR LOAD CHARTER OAK STOVES .HIST RECEIVED —av — TRUMAN & GREEN’S, TRI t\<;i I,IR lIMHK, Bigu of the Golden “Charter Oak.” 162-201 EDWARD SPRINZ. TVJOTAftY PL'BLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS il TICE OF THE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. Proudflt, over the store of Jaques & Johnson, Third Ht., Macon, Ga., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. 11*330. BOSTON . , —AN l Savannaw Steamship Line. IO W rates .f freight mid insurance. Klrst j rla-s passenger rc. imuodalioii-. Order vour goods shipped by "Boston ami Savar.nah SJteanishlp Line, ’ mid avoid all delay and extra handling. RICHARDSON A BARNARD. Agent, Savannah, da. F. NICKERSON A CO., Agents, I 131-30(1 Boston, j . .... - J. A. MERCIER, Commission Merchant, IS HAY NIKBET, Bet. Whitaker and Barnard St., Savannah, Ga. All orders will receive prompt attention. Con signments of all kinds respect fully solieiti and. 101-OOl) BOIT £c MoKENZIE, Cot ton an Cos mm\a s i n niru* ii vvr, ION Itay Hireel, W:ivanimti, (Jit. 131-3011 MEYER, COHEN & CO., WHOLESALE lUSALRMtf IN Boots and Shoes, Si ~S;*y nniaali, <a Merchants supplied at New V(rk Market V.'A 2t)y Prices, A. s. ALDEN iV COMMISSION M E ItCIIANTS AM— Dealers in 4'ruits, Fish and Froiluee, No. 1)5 Buy St., Suvnnnidi, i:a. solicited. Orders promptly attended to. in I.’OP E. D. SMYTHE, nipouTiii: or niociiiiKY, (alnNHVViirp nml 4'liliiti. Anil Denier In House I'imii-liing Goods, 113 Congress and 111 St. Julian Sis. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-200 j F. W. SIMS & CO;, Cotlwii Farlots :m<l Gcnernl Commission Merchants HA VANN *sß y GEXatGII. Bulging and Ties supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. 131-5409 A. n. CHAMPION. <JEO. C. FKKKMAN. CHAMPION V I KI I^IAN, Commission Merchants Comer Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, 131-209 L. N. WHITTLE. geo. vv. oostin. wiiittm: a ijtin, ATT© It IVli VS, Ac.. AT I.AW, XTO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 82 107 NOW IS THU TIJIE, AND SLAUGHTER’S, /\\ FOURTH STREET, ncxl door to WII \ / lmrn tV Kd wards, i the place to buy Toys awl Christmas Goods. My stock i.- complete, and eonsDU of every thing in the Bakery tin.l Confectionery Line. Wedding Parties supplied on reasonable terms. Thankful to the citizen i of Mneon for past patronage, I respectfully solicit a liberal share for the future. Come and ee me and I will guarantee satisfaction, novir* lm G. HLAI-GIITEIi. Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA„ A. IS. LUUI3, I’rojMiclor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 121-209 Savannah. Store NORTHEAST CORNER OF McINTOSII AND FOURTH STREET, ill A CON, UEOItUIA. (HAVE opened, in connection with my . choice Liquor uiid Fancy Grocery Store, u GREEN MARKET Where I will furnish to epicures, CHOICE BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAU SAGES, GAME OF ALL KINDS, FISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA BLES and FRUITS, uml article, too numerous to mention, liovls-tf W. A. GIBBONS. W. ll© WA KD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. ORic at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry street. W‘A\\ business will receive prompt atten tion. 95-178 T. I*. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Klntn Hull Iliilltlinfc, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGORGIA. 128tf .1. .1. A lilt A YIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 151)7 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. (COLLECTIONS nromp’iy attended to and J money remitted at once. P. O. Box 257. 181-209 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA., J NO. W. C A MEIt 0 N k 0 <>., NIOPIUETOIM. A first class house In every respect, 131-209 iH. H. UIiRKY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND Streets, In Court House, Mneon, Ou. - 89-104 __ Press for Sale! WE have for rule a large size GORDON PRESS (Aligalor; arid a KUGGLES’ PAPER CUTTER In good condition. To be had at a bargain. Sold to make room for lar ger and f“ter machines. Adar:y WING A SMITH, I—lf Macon, Ga. TO EVERYBODY AND HIS CHABMINO WIFSI issp®ifasiiss~sss3 lug faded away aud tho weather rodueed to something agreeable, F have to annoum e to mv tm- , l l , l i°. r ! 0l ! 9 u ' K ! Beloved patrons that I lutvo recently returned front an extended trip to New { - r k ! “GOODIES!” Ever brought to Mueon. eonalaUng in part of Sugar, Coffee, New York Canvassed Hams and Breakfast Bacon, Lard, Butter, Canned Fruit, Jellies. Pickles, Raisins, Nuts, Apples, Lemons, Cabbages, Onions, Potatoos, Crackers, Cheese, Spiced Hams, Bologna Sausages, nmi-ivell, It would take me all day to write what I have got, and it would (ill tills paper so full that Smith woiildn t have a local for n week. It is almost unnecessary for mo to mention the Tact that lain prepared, as ever, to supnly (tysters and Shcll-tish of all kinds, from a Crab to a Greelcyovater 1 lie llncst Vish, Iresh and on lee, Is kept by me, mid sold at living rates. In view of the fact that tho people of Maeon, and those visiting Macon, are determined to eat whether they get anything good or not, 1 lmve prepared myself for the emergency, by making ample arrangements to have my “ J ” DINING TABLES Supplied with tho very host this and other markets can afford. That popular dish “Birds ou Toast" being my own invention, the people run always find the smnu at my restaurant To gether willi my polite corps of waiters, this branch of my business will receive the patronage ol all of mv old customers, and, 1 hope, many new ones. My restaurant is, ns is well UnowTi supplied willt the very best EATABLES & DRINKABLES that could lie found. Therefore, gentlemen and ladles, having laid before you what I lmve on !“"><!, mid wishing you all the best luck and that I can suit you in your purchases from me 1 must close this letter. If at any time I can serve you, you have hut to command mcormv corps ol attentive and obliging clorkn, ami you will bo made kunr*y. Timukinir vou for nu§t fuvorfl, I urn tenderly yourw, ‘ W. P. CARLOS. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE, 30 Second Ntroet, Mncon, Goorgin. octlO 8m PROSPECTUS Macon Weekly Enterprise, W. WATKIN HICKS, Editor. ON or about the first week In December, wo will irtsuo from this office the fuftt num ber of 11 Larp, Live Weekly Paper! It, will contain all the the Telegraphic news of the week, and the latest reliable Information on all subjects uml from all parts of the world. 11l its editorial department will lie found dis cussions of all the LIVE ISSUES of the times. Particular attention will lie giv en to the advancement of Science, Alt, and Literature; while ull interesting events and authentic progress of the political world will be faithfully presented. sirnacßiPTiox mice. One Year $1 50 ■ Six Months 1 00 Invariably in advance. 857*Ne subscription taken for less than six months. |fSf-Now Is the time to subscribe. SPECI MEN COPIES SENT Ok APPLICATION. Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS AND OILS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, SOAPS, PERFUMERYB, COMBS AND BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, Etc. TOBACCO, SNUEF, —A.NK THE — CHEAPEST CIGARS EVERjOFFERED IN THIS CITY. West’s Extra Kerosene Oil l NO. IFIRE TEST. KAMI'S nnd CHIMNEYS and WICK. PRESCRIPTIONS ACUTRATELY COMPOUNDED. Satisfaction guaranteed In all purchases. I have for rale the purest and best Whisky and Gin in this city for Medicinal purposes.— One trial will satisfy the most fastidious. ROLAND B. HALL, Dealer in Thorburn’a Garden Seed, 191-tf Cor. Cherry St. and Cotton A venae. Sptswi Intel, NKARLY OrrOSITR FASFEKGEIt DErOT, (Only one minute’* walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per Day. T. 11. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J. Maclellaw, Superintendent. James W. Meaka, In the Office. I—tf 1 ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION OF UEORUU, Hold at Savannah. COMMENCIXIi MONDAY, DECEMBER JJOtli, lHii, And continue during the week. rpHIC Central Railroad and connections and 1 Atlanta and Gulf Railroad and connections will transport visitors for one fare, returning free. NAURU CONTEST. There will he a Sabre Contest between the Savannah and Augusta Sabre Clubs on Decem ber 4th and sth. KACBS. Open to the world, three or more to enter. Fastest Trotting Slngle-hurness Horse, Purse, |1(X); Kustest pair of Trotting Horses, ow ned and used as such, Purse, #SO; BestSiugle-hur ness Horse, Plate, 820; Best pair of Harness Horses, Plate, #25; Best Pacing Horse, Plate, #ls ; Running Kuce, Sweepstakes, mile heats, three or more to enter, two to start, entrance 10 per cent, Purse, #2OO. i’OTTO N i-It r. H H .71N. | .The Cliuniherof Commerce offer the follow ing premiums: For best three bales of upland cotton of one I planter’s growth ou exhibition, premium to go to planter, #SO. For three hales ranking second in quality, premium to go to planter, #4O. For three bales ranking third In quality, #3O; premiums to go to planters For ttie best bale of sea island cotton, #SO; next best in quality, premium to go to planter, #4O. For the best Gin for upland cotton, #IOO. For the best bushel of Hough Klee, of the va riety known as gold seed, premiun to go to planter. #lO. For the best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va rlcty known us white, premium to go to plan ter, #lO. No fee will be charged for entering of ciliib -1 Ring articles. For Premium Lists or other Information, ap ply to J. 11. ESTII.L, Secretary, 185-td Savannah, Ga. To the Business Men of Mean THE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively In Dougherty, Mitchell, Lee, Baker and Worth Counties. The wealthiest Cotton growing section of Georgia. jjfcS THE NKWS Is the best Advertising Medium In Southwest ern Georgia. ADVERTISEMENTS SOLICITED. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. SO THE PHEMIIJiII WEEKLY. IT Is universally conceded that advertising is a necessity to success in business; it is also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers arc the best medium for reselling all parties whose trade is desired. TIIIS MONROE ADVERTISER reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it Is, therefore, the best medium of communication with the planting interests. We will be liappy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cards in The Advertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that lt value exceeds that of ail other Journals In which they are represented. The Advertiser hoe the freshness of youth and the ripeness of age, and is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OF ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are admitted which arc not believed to be above question and of reuJ value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable that the readera of wlli be safe In ordering them from sa>/ distance. T o onr readers, the fret of M appearance hare ha* an the weight of cndorscmentandanthorny. JA9. P., HABBMO^