Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 05, 1872, Image 2

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EHTERPBISt OA„ PBC. S, UJ# jrn-HUMB r**T STSNIXa *T y4s| ES. WING 4 SMITH *■ No. 10 liollinirswortli Block. Ml Letter. reUdtny tu Jjufmrnptum durutd be oo I rmml to Li was, Hlrq/ <i' Smith, Ahuon, Oa. CkonmunlaUUme for the paper n/iould lee oil Jrfmtii to the Editor. ll* c, point undertake '> return rrjtc'td communication.. Will authtrill ruled rteue item*, from all jmrtn of the Slate , Uetud. Mk Khank .1. lIRKKIROTuIt Ih our only aathm iteal City Agent, and ho ih duly cm powered to Holicit work for tins office, mid subscriptions to the Kntkuimuhi: Mu. Chahlkh Li. M 17. E. book and news dealer. Ik our authorized agent In Duwsou, Ga J. L Tcckeii la our avtliorized agent ill Fort Gaines Mr. W. 8. Dkidrh'K, Southern Kxpres* Company Office, is our authorized Agent at Sinitbvillc. I. N. Hbvmoue, of liyington s Hotel, la our authorized Agent at Griflln. At WATKIK MICKS, editor. ..- —.el 1 —t-.-r*r • - The Editor of the KxTeiti’iiiaa ru turned from Atluuta this morning, and will resume his duties with the next issue. W’ithiu tiic past ten days a gang of adroit burglars hava made their appeal - aure in Louisville, Ky , and aie working the town. Their operations are skilfully conducted, showing that the members of 'he gang are accompliHhed villains ■ The Board of Trade of Komc, tin., have resolved to ineiiioriali/c Congress for an appropriation to open the Coosa river from Mobile to Koine, the Etowah, from Home to Canton, Ga , and the Ooslanaula from Koine to Carters in Murray county, and in the instruction of the Honthcrn Cansl. -♦ ♦ The Home Commercial liears it slated on pretty good authoiily, that Her. Win M. Crumley will be sent to Homo to serve the Methodist Church iu that place the coming year. Kev. Tom Fierce, It is stated, will he sent ns Frssiding Elder for that district. —— ■ — • ■ A New Yoiik correspondent of the St. Ijouls Globe hears that it is the intention of the stockholders to offer the editorship of the Tribune to Schuyler Colfax, and should ha refuse to accept, to Oder it to noiao other prominent ltepiildicaii, and then the paper will he put Into Die regular Republican track. One of the stockholder* intimates that Mr. Colfax was not likely to decline Gkihwold. the "Fat Contributor,'' say* in the last number of his Saturday Night “On# of the most welcome newspapers among our exchanges it the Rt. Louis Daily Globe The Globe set out us a Hist class newspsper iu every particular, and it has sustained that character in an ad mlrahlo manner. There is not a liner looking paper printed, and its columns sre tilled with good rending. Iu Dio matter of news it la far alieud of very many of the so-called lirsl class dallies " True, every word of it TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. The electoral vote of Georgia was cast yesterday as follows For President, Gral* Drown, six, Greeley, Duos, ('bailee .1. Jenkins, of Georgia, two. For Vico-Fits ident, GraU Brown, five A. H. (\>h|Ultt, of Georgia, five . N P. Hanks, oue. That of Pennsylvania and Virginia for Grant and Wilson M arylan 1 imniiliuoiis lor Hendricks. Congress U moving alow Yesterday the Senate elected Anthony, President pro tern, and adjourned The House is considering Washington affairs The Commissioner of Internal Hevenue, Mr. Douglass, appeared before tlie Ways aud Meant Committee, pressing the new bill of the Commissioner for the abolition of the system ol' assessors aud imposing the duties on tho collector* The Secre tary of tho Treasury was also present iu the same business. The indications are that tho bill will be reported by Die com mitte and |>assed by tbe House Mr. Greeley's funcial wasUie event of the day in New York yesterday The funeral oration was delivered by Mr Beecbsr He said no out dies whose death is not momentous. Of ail who have passed sway, aot oue lias gono for a long time who will carry with hiui so much rever ence, so much liouor, so much devotion. Kev. Dr. Chapin followed in a abort ad dress, in which ho aoid , as a pastor and a personal friend, ho could aot now attempt to depict the worth and greatness of tbe departed Journalist All these trib utes to-day testify to the recognition of Die virtue* of this great and good man. The President of the naiiou joins in Ibis trib ute to the patriot and the man Mr. Chapin took eccaaioa to urge Mr. Greeley's view* of chriellaanty, who lived on the essential truths of Christianity ; laid on them his weary head and weary heart, aud died, weary with the turmoil of Hfe. The Kev erend speaker recognized in Mr. Greeley a proof of immortality. He looked from me troubles of the surging world to the peace of the grave, where tbe wicked coast from troubling and Die weary ai at rest' 1 Affair* iu tbe French Assembly aie still unsettled. It is expected that tbe committee of thirty. to be elected by the Assembly to-day, nod whose duty it will b* to draft a law rrgulatlog public power* aud prescribing tbe conditions of ministe rial responsibility, will consist of sixteen monarchists and fourteen Republicans. The party of the Right has rejected a proposition for even a partial icuewr,) of the Assembly by appeal to the people A meeting of the parly of tbe Left will be held to-day, at which, after a powerful spaocb by Gambetta, m advocacy of the dissolu- Uou of the Assembly, measure* to that end will be absolutely insisted upon. MKV. M. IVATHh *||S I> It will bo observed, by reference ‘ tin oublisbed appointments of the North Georgia Conference of Die M L Church Mouth, which adjourned in, seven days' -cssion in Atlanta yesterday, that Kev Dr. Hicks lias been transferred from Die Mouth ern to the Northern Conference of tin- S<-i’<• and from Die Fiist sireel Church. M.ioou, to Ht. John's, Augusta The / rolem editor of Dio Kntbiii'uike belisvm lie hut echoes the voice of the parishouers of Dr. Hicks, and of the entire community ol Macon iu expressions of regret at this announcement, ilia work here for the i wo years just drawing to a close lias boon important, not only to Ids immediate ' Imrgc and to Ida Church, but to C|,n and anity at large. An affectionate bond his grown up imtwcen himself and the tw in beraliip and congregation of First strtci which will not bo severed by bin removal, hut their beat wislicc and fervent prayci - will follow him to Ids new field of labor, and whithersoever, in tho Providence > t God lie may hereafter lie called in the vice of a common Master. * ♦■ - mt iivs cm ■ ti. Whilst other [tortious of the Mlun uic putting-forth claims for the presiding "111 Odra In the two Holmes of out Logislaii.'i ul its coming session, and we are ieNiii" them he heard through tbe columns ol Die Enteiu'iiihe, wo wish it to hi- Ulllll-i stood wo do not yield tbe field to Dc.iii The name of MuJ. O. A. liacon, of lliis city, bos been honorably mentioned in th.i connection, and we arc certain no I > iui selection could lie made Mnj a gentleman of decided ability, anil i. add honor Die position. • Tltk New York Herald preposes a pic*-s fund for the benefit of Mr. Greeley i chil dren—s-5 from dailies, and flu from weeklies, and heads tho lint with sl.uud This early movement, even if then- be nerd for charity towards tlia surviving members of Mr Greeley's family, is in had taste, to say the least of it. But that such a movement is needful is not only not probable, but unite Improbable, u il is generally well known 1 hut they-are lie yond wont, in a pecuniary point of view No objection, however, can exist to the Herald indulging in a kindly feel ing in the premises. Instead of iis sending its check fur the hem-lit of those who Nlnud in no need of it dimity, h i it do with il as Mr. Girt ley would, were ha alive givg il to the poor and needy, sur rounding its own doors, and stalking Die street* of the great ciljr, at noon day iu this inclement \\ inter season. ST A T if N i:\VS. Allnislii : The Municipal election passed oil peuc obly. Tlie regular Democratic ticket, Col K. T. Huge, an able member of Die last legislature, is a candidate tin Speaker at the approaching session, *in Vilnius Ii: The CeHtrui Kuilrtmd and Hanking Company bus declared a dividend of live per cent , payable as soon ns certsiu seen lilies held by Die Company cull be dis posed of,duo notice of which will he given The Central lias been exlending Dio tSuulli we item Railroad ami Inis incurred other expenses in pushing forward iuiprovincuts In other directions, and this lute probably absorbed its enruiliga, which have him quite largo during the past vein ii is very likely that the Directors think i: Ii ter to postpone for a few weeks the pay incut Of the dividend than Input ti nr securities in Dm mniket at the pics, ~i time. Ho any* Die News of yesterday. "Several Citizens," indignantly com plnin af the cruel treatment of a Spanish boy by a policeman. John I’oiice, a youth about fourteen years of age, and ussistant steward on Die balk Hainboyiiiiii. >vho could not understand English Hr left tbe vessel and weld to the pump on llm uard street, a abort distauee from and williiu sight of the vessel, and commenced rinsing bis dish-cloth in the trough (') While thus engaged, a policeman by the name of came up. ami impured of him wlmt lie was doing. Die boy only looked at Dio officer and shook hie bead. Tbe policeman, getting no satis factory response, seized the boy mid duelled him to tlie ground, culling bis head veiely. The hoy was carried bleeding to lha bar lack" The tcalimouy of reliable gentlemen, witnesses of ibis set, was ah ruptly cut short by bis liouor. and tbe boy dismissed upon paying cos the IMilicemau being lima sustained in his out rageous conduct. Captain George K. McMillan, formerly commander of the City l’oldt, which lu relinquished on accouut of failing health, last Saturday died on board the steamer Dictator. He was returning from Florida, whither he had goue to recuperate his en fee bled constitution, and was within two hours, run of Saraunah, at the moment oi his death His wife was awaiting him at th landing. Her heart, joyous at the thought of welcoming her husband, was turned to mourning. The Republican says lion 1’ M Ru* sell is spoken of very earnestly by Ids nu mcruus friends in connection with tin Democratic candidature for the Mat oraliiy of Savanunh at tbeappioacblng municipal election. Phillip has tong been a wheel horse in the party, and now well deserves to become a leader. Messrs C. Green. Son A Co.,cleared on the 3d for Barcelona the Spanish barks Samboya and Angelita. with cargoes re ■pvctlvely of 37it hale* uplaud cotton val ued at |77.35G 38, and st>s bales uplanJ valued at ♦ifi.iMO 70. Augusta : The Chronicle of the -till records a tire in that city, originating iuajuuk shop m a block abutting Reynolds Street, owned by Judge Robert*.>n It says —lt rapidly swept through the range, which was smo on fire from one end to the other. A i large story ami halt wooden building on Rryuolds Stieel. next lieiow the range, then caught on tire, a* did also a wooden stable and several out buildings of the j premises of I)r K W Darker fhe fire proof stable of the Southern Lxpr, ss Com psnv next above, rested the attacks of i the fiames and saved the dwe ling Ik tween it and Washington street. Loss large but extent not fully known The Grand Jury of Auguste are after • lie gamblers. Tbe Democratic ticket had no opposi- ' lion in the Municipal election in August* yesterday. The Greenwood and Augusta Railroad wu* duty organized in Augusta on the 3d. by the election of tbe following officers President, Maj Geo T. Jackson; Di rectors Georgia. Hon. Cbss. Estes. Hon John P King, Mr John M. Clark ami Mr It H May. South Carolina, Gen. P. II Bradley, Gen M. C. Hutler, Messrs. M K Blake, W. K Bradley, Jas, A. Talbert and M 8 Parks. ColiimltuN : The people are almost wholly taken up in th< -how business, amt the Sheriff lias o little to do that two chicken thieves had to even go to his house to surrender—not men, but owls, this time. The Sun publishes an account of a party of eight gentlemen who left Columbus twenty days ago for a hunting expedition in Florida. The party killed and secured live hears, fifteen deer, teu ducks, eighty tiv< tpiirrels, one crane, oneul.igator, aud i a iiriit ,7n. pounds of eat flsit and bream, one po'-um and five parroqueta. Deer are represented to be very plentiful iutliut region. —**— Du Hick s Baunksviu.k Lkctube.— i l,ia . •ntleman delivered a lecluro in Die interests of Die M. E C. 8 at this plnce last Tut' lay evening. The lia'l was i ronded with il,e bcuuly and intelligence ol the cily. The luliject, "moral great iii-v the true aim,” gave the gifted *[ieuker i line o|i|mrtunily lo vindicate his claims I lo ripe -eholarablp. He discussed the ! jreni ihenie seriously, aud from a religious ! -land point Ilia introduction was bril : handy sublime His picture of life's voting morn vividly char and life like, lie maintained that it was not egotism tu appreciate one's seif. No man could ap ple, into Olliers who liud no correct knowl edge of his own Sowers. Moral consci oiisnc properly educated, was the key to I sut ci-' Achievement not the inlallihle (cat of true greatness, but effort. It was no argument against the position ussuiucd that iiHained the liigli position dcaeribed A man might as well say that there was no such country as China, be cause lie Imil neither sees it nor a man who had, as to say that moral greatness was unattainable Gave some individual iustuiiees of its possible possession-furnish *,| from history sacred and profane, ancient nml modern, und closed with an earnest appeal to Die young to aim high, Binke their mark an elevated one, imitate the spear of grass, Die leaf, the flower, the bird, who ever pointed upward in their growth and devclopement Such is a hrii f sj uopsls of the lecture. It muat b heard to l>* appreciated — Patriot 4th. ANNOVNCEKBNTS. ■ - 7— — _ • —-wo- Democratic and Liberal Republican Notiiinutionn. FOR MAYOR W. A. 11l FI . FOK ALIiRHMKN, Hal'd. 3rd Hard. Tuns 1 Con nek. Jour W. Buuke, Ha won Cautek, E. J. sJohnston, D. M. Dl KKETT, CIIRISTOPHKK Bl KKK, Und •Ward. 4th Ward. John (i Dbite, J. J. Cornell, Iv CItOCKETT. (fEOKUK BURDK K, Bkuj. BranicK, B. J. Liohtkoot. I mu ii c uxiidatc for re-election to the ofßei* *f l t\ Kctfiver of Bibb county at the du tion iu January. K. A. Benson. noVwTUI Hie fri'inla of James Mahtin announce him as a timiidate for Sheritl of Bibb conntv, suh ! ■! u- \ > i vlkhlvV nomination, nov*Js-td. i ll' Ii it inis of K M Caliiocn announce liimi-v it i iimlidatc for Ordinary of Bibb couuty, ub - t to tho nomination of the Democratic party. Tin ( ills of I*at Crown announce him na a < -indld it* for the oflice of Sheriff of Bibb i conntv noviWtde. The friends #f Wahiunoton Poe, Sr., re ppctfullv announce Ida name aa a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to the lumiinafUn of the Dvinocratic party. novJl-td I be fricnila of ThadecsQ. Holt, Jr., rca pcctfull} uejfcat him aa u suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county—subject to a Dein ocratic nomination td 1 be fi l tula of C. T. Ward announce him as a . undulate for re election to the oflice of Ordi nary. TI e name of K H. Cain, U hereby presented U> the Heimn'ratic and liberal party, as a can dbUtR for Tai f'olMor. Mr. Cain is an old citi/mi, and, ut one time was collector of taxes Hi- o lends hope that his elaims will be kind l.v considered, knowing that be will do his duty, if choacn. td. The many tlricnda of Milo 8. Freeman un nounce him as a candidate for County Treas urir. novlfltd. A F. (linaox isannontieed aa a candidate for County l'rt ii urcr, subject to the Deinocratic nomination. nov 14 td. tEt) F Cheery i anuounoed as acandidati for SSiierifl of Bibb county, subject to the l>em oormtie nomination. rvovld td Wr the voters of Bibb couxty announce Ku. (Kv>>s os a candldatt' for Sheriff, sub jeet to the nomination of the Deinocratic P*rt\ • noTIS-tf O. F Finney is a candidate for Tax Recoiv er of Bibb County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Party. norlStf Tl.f frit nds vf Maj John A McMani san noum-ehiin as a candidate for re-election as t lc: k of Couucil of tbe city of Macon. novP,’tf. Tim friends of Chss. J Williamson hereby I announo him as a candidate for re-election to • tv 1 tun ! J !f The undersigned announces himself &s a i andldatc for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. 1 Faux Court t. is of W T Nat son sum as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb couu tv, subject to the Democratic nomination. dOTIS tf. 1 hereby aunounoe myself s candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of the Democratic Convention. 1- tf B_D Rainkv. A", -r :• - sted solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling it to be our dutv to b ■ t-lit our it Uow citixens in every manner pos -1!-’., w, have concluded to annoance ourself a car, date for the House, sign and ornamental painting, subject to nothing bot greenbacks or cfi> scrip, Slid pledge ourself if elected to do our hr- for oi. 'j\ and not go back on eur const! Windham A Cos 1 : dor BpoU wood Hotel, Macon, Ga. SE VV Al> V ERTISEM OTS SHOOTING MATCH. ANY and all person* wlalilng to engage in DM* with tlielr good gun*, will confer with No. H, Cotton A venue, for tile 110 colored picture. Ticket* (‘>o) $1 each. decs-4t. LOST, ON' Sunday hint, a fur cape, Tho finder will he rulittbly icwarded by leaving the tame at this office. dec 4 8t NOTICE. r PIIR Suttac l ibers to the Steam Fire Engine 1 for Ocinulgce Fire Company, No. 2, are respectfully notified that F. A. Shoneman l authoriz' and hr the company to collect all money subscribed for the above purpose. ft. FAULKNER, dec 4 It Foreman. _ ATTENTION j Youhr America Fire Cos., No. 3. \ TTEND your regular monthly meeting / V THURSDAY night at 7% o’clock. It is important that every member should attend. By order I). I). CRAIG, Foreman. B W. Smith, fecc’y. Telegraph copy de4it CLOSING OUT! I No 5, II Bam, sl6 00 1 So 6, II Bam 30 00 1 No. 7. H. Bum, 58 00 ft Pony Power, 35 00 ft Buckeye Cultivator, 48 00 I Buckeye Grain Drill, 68 00 I Cotton Seed Linte 55 00 Cotton deed Hullerp ouch 35 00 Diamond Mills, Pumps, Ladders, Wajron Bodies, Cotton planters, Cultivators, Bee Hives, etc , #tc , below cost, at VV. w. PAKKEK’M Old stand, Holllngworth Block. dcc3 Ct. (HAS A. ELLS. YV. W. LANKY'. ELLS & LANEY (SUCCESSORS TO W. P. CAKLOS.) Wholesale and retail dealers in Staple and Fancy Hrecertes, CANNED FRUITS, Confectioneries, Etc., MULBERRY STBKT, MACON, GA. AGF.NTB for the Maeon Ice Manufacturing Company, wholesale and retail dealer* in tine Cigars. Tobacco and Liquors. Bar and Saloon upstairs, constantly supplied with all the luxuries of the season. As will be seen from the above, Messrs. Ells <fe Lancy have purchased my stock, and that they will continue the business at the old stand. I cordially recommend the new firm to the public They are gentlemen of large experience and a thorough knowledge of the business, and I hooc the patronage so liberally bestowed on me will be extended them. Verv respectfully, WM. P. CARLOS. Macon, Ga., Dec. 3, 18TJ. deciWit. RALSTON HALL. Mr. T. K. Turnbull respectfully announces the appeurance of the World-Renowned GREAT VIOLINIST, OLE BULL, IN TWO I.IMM) CONCERTS, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th ami oth. ASSISTED BY JUS* iiIftAZELLA KIDGWAY, SIGNOR FARRATINA, BARITONE COMIC, JIH. J. IV. PATTISON. Admission $1; Reserved Seats 50c. extra —to be obtained on and after December 2d ut Brown and; Co.’s Book Btore. Concert will commence at 8 o’clock The rand I’iuno used at theso Concerts is from the celebrated manufactory of Messrs Wm Knabe tt Cos., of Baltimore nov3o-8t ON CONSIGNMENT —BY— J. Holmes & Cos., !>o. S‘2 Third Street. JQO BBI.S. TENNESSEE APPLES, SO tibia. POTATOES. Also one car load of choice, select RUST PROOF NUIiO OATH, Superior to anything of tbe kind ever before offered in this market. Give us a call. novSOtf * Stockholder's Meeting. Orru* Macon ani> Western R. R. Cos., i Macon, Ga , Nov 30, 1873 f The annual meeting of Stockholders of the Macon ami Western Railroad Company, for tlm election of President and Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and any other business that may be brought before them will be held at the office of the Company in this city on Tuesday the 7th dav of January next at 10 o'clock a. m MI 1,0 8. FREEMAN, novSO-td Secretary and Treasurer. To Tai Payers of Bill County! 1 GIVE notice that the Tax Books for col lectin# the State and County Taxes for 187 U will cKe on the 7th day of December. I hope all will note this and pay their taxes, as I have to settle on the 15th and cannot give any longer time. This notice is final. I can’t be itapouaible for any one's tax after that time. All poll taxes ami rotd taxes are required from both white and colored. novl4 tf F. M. HEATH, T. C. NOTICE. r |MIK Books for the ivgistration of voters for 1 the city eleetion will be opened on the first day of October and close at Two o’clock p. m., on December 13, IS7J. scpSO td J. A. McMANCS, Clerk. DR. P. H. WRIGHT 1 YEBPECTFULI.Y tender his professional IV services to the eltixcns of Macon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Stor* No. S Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin's. Georgia avenue. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention, oclfftf DR ’WRIGHT. HAS removed to Boardman's Block, over Pendleton A Ross', corner Mulberrv and Second sts., Macon, Ga _ r.ovT era. j RAFFLE! RAFFLE!! A COMPLETE Brass Band. Organ and ! Music Box is offered for raffle There I art fifty chances at >5 a chance. The organ j plays thirty six tunes To be raffled si soon a chances aie made up. Call at B. Loirec : thal's saloon and take a chance. novSS tf tobacco, Tobacco. I Qll BOXES, Sound and Cheap, Just being reeeivud by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. COFFEE. COFFEE. BAGS CHEAP COFFEE, just in At SEY.MOL TINSLEY & CO.’S BACON, TJULK MEATS AND LARD, at lowest rnar -13 ket prices, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY * CO.’S FLOUR. ~ CAR LOADS—NEW BRANDS & CHEAP, ' Sepiir, Tinsley & Cos. l!-tf SALE OF TOWN LOTS. ■fTTILt. f*e Bold at Public Outcry, at the V\ Town of Milm ron the Macon ct West* cm Bailroud, ail the \V at of the Railroad Wood dhed, containing one to four acre* each. dale to commence on Friday, the 6tli day of December next, ut 10 o’clock, a. ,m Terms :—One half cash and one half on the Ist day ol June, 1873. A. J. WHITE, President. nov3o-td. GEO. V. DOGE. ALEX. 11. STEHHENb NOW READY! HOCE & STEPHENS, FOURTH STREET, (EAST FIIONT HOLLINQSWORTII BLOCK), HAVE just opened a full and complete stock of Fancy and Family Groceries, Fresh, pure, genuine, entirely new, and war ranted to suit the taste of every oue. 'The as sortment comprises everything rcqiiired in such a house. The llnest brands of Flour, Meal— the best New York Hams, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup, Cooking Wines, Butter—the best brands of Goshen a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nuts, Candies, Candies, Pickles and other articles for the retail trade. AND OYSTERS. Fresh Fish and Oysters every morning. Also Vegatables o various kinds. \Te propose, in a word, to supply our friends and the public generally with every tiling nice required at reasonable rates. HOOE & STEPHENS. N. B —All goods delivered free of charge. nov7 3m. BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can be had by applying to W. I>. Rainey on Walnut street," Macon. Sept. 13, I STS 137-163, 3 YIN GTO N HO TEL. GRIFFIN, GA. r pHIS HOTEL niuUo second to none in JL Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WELL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term. It is unequalled, the night* being remarkable cool and pleasant The best Water in Georgia. 3. W. BYINGTON, 110-100 Proprietor JNO. It. W££M& ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON Sn STREET OVER ■- w. RANDAI/N NTOttF,. 39-179 FOR SALE. IX Bl ILDING LOTS on Windsor Hill. O Will sell all, or as many as desired The lots adjoin Dr. Cox’s on tlie top of the hill. The prettiest location out. Apply to nov37-4t So. 8 Cottox Avenue. Building Lot ForfSale. SITUATED near Tatnall Square, within a few steps of Mercer University. Address E. C.,'Box K„ 98tf Macon, Ga. ANOTHER CAR LOAD -OF CHASTER OAK STOVES H ST RECEIVED I —BT— TRUMAN & GREEN'S, TRItTVILARBLOCK. Sign of the Golden “Charter Oak ” HB-3CM EDWARD SPRINZ. 'V'OTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUB - TIC EOF TuE PEACE I can be found for the present at all boars of the dav at my office adjoining the law office of A Pmudfit, over the store of Jaques A Johnson. Third St., Macon, Ga, to atteud to all Magisterial busi ness. 118-890, FOR RENT- PER MONTH by the t ear in advance Two nice noms, best locality Id the j city for Dentist or Millinery business Apply at this office, or No 8 Cotton Avenue. 1 oetSß-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EPIZOOTY! Epizooty!! Epizooty !! Tta Eagle Floerii Mills, HAVING prepared a pooling and healthful food for the HORSE MALADY. *re now offering it In any quantities. Also an admirable article of COW FOOD, PLAIN KOI TED REAL ANo nil Giadcs of FLOUR, -Ml of which can be obtained by leaving or ders at W. A Huff’s, eymour, Tinsley &Cos , D. Good A -on*’. Small, Gamble it Beck’s, La" ton & Bates’ or at the Eagle Mills. noiiOdw W J. LAWTON & CO. mm * KIRTLAWD NO. 3 COTTON AVENUE & 6G THIRD STREET, J_JA\ h just received another full supply of LacQei* line white Kid Rot-ton 800/s. Ladies’ Fine White Pattern Lace Boots, LADIES FINE WHITE KID AND BATTEKN SLIPPERS. Also a full line of Misses & Children’s Dress Shoes OF EVEP.Y COLOR, SIZE AND STYLE. A LARGE STOCK OF Boots, Gaiters, Lace Shoes, Etc., FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. Constantly replenished with all the LATEST STYLE! I . LADIES WHITE KID BOWS AND BOWS AND ROSETTES, of every description. GENTS’ OVER GAITERS, ETC,, ETC. Call and examine, MIX & KIRTLAND. W* A* HUFF'S Cim, Bacm ii Flour Eiprii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn. Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “THE PRIDE OP DIXIE,” Tho Bestlin the Worlds Always on Hand. 1 claim superior facilities in the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOOR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC., And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A. RUPP. 97-tt PUN AHEAD. IN anticipation of the approach of the Christmas Holiday*, we have a large utoth of new and fresh goods for the retailers, hotel, and families; such as EXTRA LARGE BLUSHING RED APPI.Rs PRETTY YELLOW SWEET OR ANGES, GOOD SWEET CIDER, ALSO GRAPES, PEARS und PINE APPj.ES, (TO BE HEHK IN TIME,) MUSCAT, ANGELICA, SHERRY AND WHITE WINE FROM CALIFORNIA. Finn works, FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., Plenty Gilt Edge Butt' r, Georgia Cane syrup, new Buckwheat Flour, Sultnnna, Seedless amt l.ondon Layer Raisins, Currants, Citron lb lines, New Figs, Nuts, Domestic, Fancy and French Candies, Pic-kies, Prunes, Jelliii* and Jams. Chestnuts, Oranges ami Apples. Must be sold to close consignment, it hint to the wise etc., at novls-lm GREEK, LAKE A CO.