Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 06, 1872, Image 4

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.. \ _ <r*. - *-*"• ptAfTK brothers, HjITC mttNh uA <aMfgl H.Hr •*.'* wVf rrimn for * httnrttf '** ** --T lt> FALL A YD WINTER SEASON Ankong our tyr dalltW* are a ipl4id Selection of Ladies’ and Gents’ Scarfs and Ties. AST) GENTS’, HOT* AM) ' HILPUENH Ml KINO l NIH IOV I VK. Knit Woolen Goods of all Descriptions. *\ EXCELLENT ( HOICK Of BRACELETS ASH HIIELI. H VVKI.I.V W *l*o ofbr ft oocaptota Itax df Haalerr. Kid Olovw < .1 > K.N.Uou FurntebiocGnoda, Ilroaaißakfrs 1 rimmmtf*, Fancy Good- •■.:. >• r> I • • 1 W U. - our old friends and a > V A V ! U'MHOTMKK^r* atreet, Damour * k. oct2l inon wed-Ml lin. NO HUMBUCy ! 3sd . COOKING - STOVE':! BTEWART’ l GREAT BENEFACTOR, COTTON PLANT a:'." £•■• NN 2. - J BOX and OFFICE STOVES. ORA ".S, .RA >* Pooknt .and TiiVo Cntßi’v. tollowW .P. A o fit n nud WILLOW WAR'. TIN WARE. Oliver, mm & co„ No. 42 Third Street, Macon, Georgia, I 111, 1 L 4... M | ISSURE YOUE LIFE! I'iwwlml'*r ilH’M' lep**Cid<'at up.>ll v 1. hojoiitl tl>-.-x<t <>l <li 11:1- ry business transactions. Insure Your J.i/e in a Contrail) uul< r tin- limuugejiunt <>t n liable business men, who undcratand their business, uml whose previous sitc om is u guarantee h>r future safety. Insure Your Life in a Company :elecL- iis risks carefully, mul *t*eks no increase of busines* without that regard to safety. Insure Your Life in a Company whose mortality i.nd expenses tiro •mall. Insure Your Life in a Company whose extent ot operations covers a surface that secures the advantages of average mortality. Insure Your Life in a Company that makes no distinction 1 -'tween risks taken either North or South. Insure I’lMtr Life iu a Company winv operation. 1 tire ivgulai iy sub ject to the atrict investigation of State Departments, North, South and West. Insure Your Life in a Southern Cowjiany, that can ,ive you every advantage otfi risi by either Northern or Western Companies, with this addition, that it is truly a Home Uoinpuuy, and makes its invi ments in the State from which it derives its revenues. Insure Your Life inn South' ru t omjm.ty, v. h . loin • 111 • - mode rate M any good Company, v\lios, management i- ee,atomical. iu\ -si luouts safe, reserve ample, surplus ahuudant. and who always pay their loasch promptly. Sta-k such a Company, and vat will lind in tii PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE t OMI’ANY of Virginia, all that you need to secure the henelits desired for yourself and your dependents, therefore, Insure Your Life in the Piednont & Arlioitoi Life Insnrance Csiupii of Vtt. l'.raneh office ft 2 Mulberry Street, Macon Ga. T. STANLEY BECKWITH A SON, General Ants orToudftu JOS A. ROGERS. Local A Kent, Wm. M. finwjrroii. Walter T. PENDLETON & BOSS. lo J M. Bvn*rjxnmi ) Corner Mulberry and Second Streets. MACON, ta., wisolui it vi> nrrsJL uuum iv OCOOOL BOOKS. MEDICAL BOOKS. LAW BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAr, LXTTRK and NOTE RAVER, ENVELOPES, LEGAL BLANKS WRITING INK. COPYING INK. CARMINE INK, INDELIBLE INK. GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, STEEL PENS, PENCILS. CHALK CRAYONS, KI'BBEX wax, oil colors, water colors, COLORED ( R AYONS, HKVSHKH. CANVASS, PLAYING CARDS. CREMMF.N, BACKG AMMON BOARDS. DOMINOES, BILL! VKD CHALK. CHROMOS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS. GLASS. ETC . ETC , ETC., And An fat everything naoallr kept 1a a i -t vise* Book and Station,-rv Store. Order* ttv',, the country will receive prompt rttMtloi'. Price*, a* low e any <Shc, h,, u . ■ In the Sooth. Order* tor print)ua .otii-Uod PKADIT-rOT A BONN. UA NM Macon. Uewv l. BY BREAD WEIUVE THE underaigned ha*i*,labliah*d a Sr*t ct*-* BAK KK t * here one ritianae can obtain bread that la broad. My wagon wit! aunptv rlUama at Un ir realdeneoa. Ibm only the V i ftonr and inatcriala swneraliv tt4* Mark Isaacs FOR RENT* PER MONTH by the o**r!n advance. CwU Two nice rooma, boat loaaUlT in the sHt lar Dentiat r Millinery t>uatae* Appi* at Ihla offle< or No 8 Cotton A rasa a rmBB-M lCli! ICE! ICE! ICF* t>n emit n pouml i- >nul. No Hso iu lrtoo ?u\v or r. W. F. (AHLOS. H I‘ unit I&ofail Groo'i 1 , tIEAI.KH IN H R, I IS! I V*. BIMI, SITU., MulbiTiy Stm t, opjx>>it l.ankrll4)UM , l tf Mlcoh* Ga roii SALE. A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF HOUSEHOLD I t KMTTKK. A FAMILY Ue*i'4plnc to bm\k up houw ktH-ping ou tliu dr>t f now olltr a oomplcUi outfit Af furtuturu for five or six room*, togflkcr with U kitchen uten*i*U, for aale at kaU origiiml eiwt It txi •*kata of Mohair hirior Chair*, Mahogany mid llUck AYtluut HuNlaUßd*, Uutvau*, lhning TANARUS hie. Dining, Klu? and CAmimon Car pet,-, Dimier and Tea Sett*, and In Abort, almost t wrv article dcinandt'd in houaeof fl\o or six room* The furniture tut* not been uainl over one or two 1a tn perfect n'pnir, ahnoet ua (cud &* new, a*o*l 91,000 and will now tw aoli (or fCtU*i\.-i A In, < Box •k'.’. Macon, orapflv at tio* THIS tU'VICK Aepttnf Giennj, fiartrm & Hendni, BITLDEKN si PPLI STORE, lllahr’a Kim k, l*o|>lHr Sa|r*-*-t, (Belwecu Third and Feurth WHITE AND YELLOW PINK WORK, S*nh, Boor*, tltlmta, I'rnmea, Mrarkri*. Yew el Fo.l*, ll.tlu.ier*. Itunilra, Fie., I!|e. Carpenter Tools, 1-eck*. Malls, Hinges, Palate, Oils. Glass ami Pally, Etc. CONTRACTORS for BIUDINO. DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT OUR FACTORY. DIXIE WORKS,CHEKRT ST. I*Mf THljl ENTERPRISE JOB pmmttmc ESTABLISHMENT w - ll P ■ ■■ - ~:'x: is now pHKPAitr.n TO KXECIJn ait KINDS of PRINIINO ’ SUCH AS CARDS, BILL HEADS, CIRCrr.ARS, LETTER HEADS, ST ATE ME TS. BILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, invitation cards, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC , And iu it style equal In any, Extensive additions are daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL \\ in, • very effort will be nnnti to umb r satisfaction unto til! who may fevoi us with their |>ntannage. PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERV OF ALL WORK CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES As CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address. I sint'si V y®*mi| li, PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. PRINTING I: has been the custom heretofore, and will jrohably remain so to a great extent, t >r our merchants and business men generally to send N.ath t have their printing done, simjdy because it can be done there at a little low-1 figure than here. It our people would discontinue patronizing such nn-n, they would soon see the policy, it' not the jus tice, in hnviug their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured in the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, hut here we have printing offices all around us, doing work at a very small advance on northern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope the time is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in terests and patronise home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should be condemned. FREE to agehts An KliKnnily Hound C'aftvaaa int Hook for the best and cheapeit Family Ulhlo ever publishud.wlll be aeut free of charge to any book ageot. It coutalui nearly 500 One Scripture ttluatratlona, and agents arc meet ing wl h unprecedented ueecan. Address, stating experience, etc., and we will show you what our agents are doing, VATIOtiAI. 1M 111.1*111.X4 'O., Memphis, Term., or Atlanta, (la. A<l FEITSt rsoMETHISd new; sal'. *kVI n*i 115 ,1,1,, articles, sell at sigtit. lir .... Catalogues and one sample illllCtl. free. New York Manufactur ing Cos., 21 Courtland St., N. Y. DON’T lf<* * *<l, but fo* -'Drlts, cold 8, ore, hoarseness and brommil ditlieul it>, use only Wall.; CABBOLIt fi EI ft IVai'llilphm imitation* m an the market, but tint only sciintillc prepara*.ion ol Carbolic Acid fur Lung diseases i* when chem ically combined with otli r well known reme dies, as in these t a in.l Is, and all jiurtie* are eautlone l usinj' any oth r. In all <•.!•*!* of irritation of the mu ou nienhianc these tabi.kts should he fie- ly u.-t tl, their cleansing and he tlsuLC projierties arc as tonisitir” IB* is rind. ’" ' 'if i * ea sily cured in it ij it tit -late when it becomes chronic the cure i> t\ dllficult, use SVells’ Cttrbo'ii* ! ablet.- ar- a sjarilic. JOHN {.■ Kl’JaLOfiti, l>t Flail SSI. New York, 4w Sole for I’liftei. Htuttia. Friee rtt- a box. teend for Circular. \\ T ANi:'i) A'///*/ ■ t'i'il Ihuk Ai/ftttx < lull \ * in tl: p .rt- of the i to sell the MLUOIK mV ' iamcJt HKO KK TANKY, Chi f Jn-t:<-<. .if the Supreme C urt of the l cited Mat - l .• o book heret fore 1 üblished in the < .niiiiry throu - -.i much ■ iflit upon our Coii* ot i.ii .1 and I'olitieul History It L a work of ••.oi•lontinarv interest aiM of penn.iiie t v due 1 • ibt ! ii-turi.ui, Hie Lawyer. l.ite-m .n, the F ilitieian, and every ela s of '.nb Witre'if readers * Sold ’ion -ml > - ;• ,ebe . *'e !'• : nll*\ uIM e. ‘ i- rui . fo; lii .1 I'A.V Y—Life..? in L I .1:, Ite. :. illl • -:* ill UllCf, Ml KI’UV A U., thii. i !i-• . Lailiih u*e ~ sAV|m*i* men h, e ery- When 1 . Ilia: and L in: ,t introdiie the INK i.Mi’oVi L C MMONSLNbF '.M/i.Y >. 'A in vi MAC! II NK This " ina* .*!•!!'• a .I! titeh, hem, ft 11, tuck, quilt, cord, l-ii.d, hreid ami embroider in a most f superi'M' ti,a:ii i Knee only Full s lice a tai i\\ .< ivanted for five years. We f will . ! ÜbU o at y maeliine that will ew a .tr..n.; f, more beautiful, or more <!a : ■ than our . it maker the las lie eh Stitch.” Kvery second -tit' i t 'ie b< cut, and rtil! the cloth cannot *\ be pulled ajairt without-t aringit. W pa} uls tioni Sin io .<;;')ti per month ami ex pete e , ora e nnmi.'rion from which twice that amount can he unde Address SKCOMB & CO., .!/..., Jltfsbnrtjhy Pit., Chicago , 7/A, /./• X! I.uuh, Mo. St. Clair Hetfil, Baltimore, R/sd. This New im 1 i.eautjful Hotel is now pen to tlie public Lo .ited on MONCM -NT • Ai:si, t o wnient alike to the bu- ness man and th. t nu i-t. it U tneoiily hotel ii Bal timore embracintf elevator, -u;ts of rooms vith laitlis, an.i nil other conveniences. To ae oin; dal .(ml,;,nts Conuncrrial Tnive.h i'• and otln t-, the rates will l e per day for rooms on t-lic fourth and tiflh J oors, makinu; the ditlcrcnce on account of th*' e.cva tion Ordinary transient lutes for lower ro ins, per day. Guests desirhiy: t > take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved cluvat* r for the use of the guests i- constantly run mg, fr.un (i a M until ll V m. t heap Fanils! Free fil nt ps ! ON the line of the UNION PACIFIC Y vIL ROAf). 12,000,000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral Lunds in America. •1,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, ii the Platte Valley, now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, for Grain growing mid Stock Raising u sur passed by any in the United States. Cueapek in Price, more favorable t urns given, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere Eree Homesteads for Actual Sett ers. The best location for Colonies—Soldiet cn titled to :i Homestead of 100 Acres Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swedish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address, O. F. DA\ V JS l.and Com’r U. L*. H. B Cos., Omaha, pw ii in uot ti pU>sic wmen utiiy nive luiu| rury relief to the sufferer for the iin>t few dosen but which, from continued use brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the irival id, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of “Bitters” is so extensively palmed off on tlie public as sovoregn icnit dies, but it is a nio*i power! ill Tonic n<l •literalive, pronounced so by the It ding medical authorities of London and ParU and been long used by the regular phys < iau >f oilier countries with wonderful remedial re suits. Dr. Well’s Extract of Jirakla, retains all the medieinal virtues peculiar to the ,'lant and must be taken as a permanent cura tive agent Iw liaeir want of'action in your ■ iiver anil ? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skiu dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, &c. &c. Take l iiriibrlttt to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action.* lime 1 ou a l>y*peplic ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood. Dropsical Tendency, General W eak ness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the wear suf ferer Halve you Wcukncssofilif In. I e*l int'B *.* "U are in danger of l >nic Diarrhoea or the dreadful inflammation < the Bowels. Take to allay irriUtion aud ward otr t ndeH cy tii inflammations. Slave you wenK*■>>** <i|* th ( - tcriiu* or 1 rinnry Orgaiis? y ( -u must procure instant relief or you are lia le to sutferinu worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakn- s or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be. frequently taken ti keep the system in perfect lit alth or you are thcr wise in great danger of malarial, miasma • or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, lb Piatt *St., New Yoi Bole Agent for the United SL s Price One Dollar per bottle Send for Circular. THOMSON’S WORLD KCYOWY ED P.4TI \T GLOYCITTTIMHOIb L l No CORSET ha? evrr enjoyed such a \ rid wide jx)|>ul.rit_\ The demand for them is constantly in rcas ing, ta-cause tiiz:y give UNIVERSAL SifiiEATltN! Are Handsome, Durable. Eeon nuca and .4 PEKFF4 T FIT. A>k for TH) >MSON’B OENUIVE GI <)VE FI*TING, vrv Cos set btlr.e stamped with the uame THOMSON, and the trade-n .rk a Crown Mold all Flr*t-Cla* WciUei-s. 16S-IM. ‘ltami Siiittt|)’ , ttll varieties. Ctrculdfft free. Wmilotl. W. H. H. Davit Jt Cos. Mfrs. TO Nassau; N. Y. 4w BUIIDERSI SnctSlJS on Building. A. J. Bickneu, A C0.,27 Warren St„ N. Y. 4w RAILROAD TIME SCHEDULE. Change of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, ) South-Westerv Railroad Cos., > Macon, Ga., June 13, 1871. ) ON aud after Sunday, 10tb inat., Passenger Trains on this Roud, will b run as fol lows : DAT ECPAi LA PASHSNGER TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 8:00 a. m. Arrive at Kufault* . . . 4:42 p. m. Arrive at Clayton . . . <5:15 p. m Arrive at Albany . . ‘J:4O p, m. Arrive at Fort Gaines . . 4:40 p. m. Connecting with the Albany Branch Train at Smithvillc and w ith Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbcrt daily. Leave Clayton 7:‘JO a. m. Leave Euluula . . . 8:50 a. m. Leave Fort Gaines . . . 8:35 a. m. Leave Albany .... 10:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon . . . 5:25 p. m. ; EITAULA NfOin FUEIGJIT AND ACCOMMODA- 1 TION TRAIN. Leave Macon . . . . • 0:10 p. M. Arrive at h'.fuiila . . 10:20 a. m. ; Arrive ut Albany . . . 0:45 a. m. Ai rive at Fort Gaines . . 11:52 a. m. Connect t £mitlivilla witii Albany Train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights, and at Cuthbcrt on Tuesday and Thuasday.— No train leaves on Saturday nights. Leave Kufnula 5:15 p. m. Leave Albany . . . 8:40 p. m. Leave Fort <iaiin.- . . . 1:10 p. m. Arrive at Macon . . . 5:20 A. m. COU MBrs I) ' Y PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave M icon . . 5:45 a. m. \rrive at Columbus . . . 11:15 a. m. L'*ave Columbus 4:10 p. m Arriv at Macon . . 9:35 P. m. VIRGIL POWERS, <3O-1 y 1 ■ inect and Superintendent. €'•. of ’ckednle. WEd.'ERN AT.' ANTIC RAILROAD, I Atlanta, (4a., April 17, 1872. f On and alter Sunday, the 21st Instant Day Passenger Train (outward) leaves Atlanta S;GO a. m., ( oimeeting at Kingston with nikoUGli FAS i LINE TO NEW ORLEANS Day Passenger N EW YORK FAST LINE leav Atlanta 4:05 p m , Connecting at Dalton with EAST TENNESSEE THROUGH LINE TO NEW YORh TIME 4v HOURS 30 minutes! Night Passenger Fast Linn to New York, leaves Atlanta 11:10 l*. m., via East Tennessee and Georgia at Dalton, or NASHVILLE & CIIa 1 l AUOOGA AT CHATTANOOGA TIME 54 HOURS. Day Passcntcr (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee, Arrives at Allan’a 3:50 p.m. Night Passenger iinward) through from New York via Eu.-i Tennessee or Louisville, Arriwh at Atlanlu 1:30 a. m. E. B. WALKER, Master Transporatiotn. Ohasm'O of -icheduie. ON M4CON AND AUOUSTA RAILROAD. FORTY-ONR MII.ES .SAVED INDISTANCE (In-in; Mai .\ ni> Al GASTA RaU.ROXD, ) Macon, May 18, 1872. j ON and after Sunday, May 10, 1873, and un td further notice,die trains on this Road will run as follows ; lit) ritvwc—HAll.V istINDAYS EXCEPTED). Ailell-ta 11.00 A. M. l.c.LYi- Muron <• so A. M. Arrlvi at Augusta. 2.45 r. m. Arrivi' ;:t Macon 7.40 P. M. N;:’-pa..<cn_ni - lea'lug Macon at 6.80 a. m iii’ikc close cuniicclion ■ i Cainak with day pas trains nil tlm il i rgia Railroad for At lanta ami id! pcinis Wist; also, for Augusta, ■vith trains goirNorth, and with trains for liarlcston; for Ai hens, Washington, aud ill stations on tl Georgia Railroad jaTTiekets so. 1 aim baggage chu Red to all •obits North, !> • ii by rail and by steamships from Charleston, 24 Iv S. K. JOHNSON Suo’t,. THE "LIGHT RUNMIHG”&_^ fr a “ JX)M! : 8. M. CO., *.HS ClMiuhera Bt., New York, or Atlanta, Ga. i 1 T. WU a COMB, Agt., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN West India Fruits, Yeieiatos, HAY, <Ii.VIN, DAY, HTt., 09 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 107-185 Arrival -it, <t OloHina ol’ ISiTiV. ~ . , Arrive. Close Macon iY Augu l t:i U. U. Way and Millcdgaxiilc '.7:40f. M. 7p. . Augusta anu Carolinas 7p. M Macon & Brunswick 2:25p.m. 7a sii Macon and Atlanta and West ern States (Night Train)..7:3oa. M. 4:3opm „ (Da.' l'rain)....:lop. m. 0:10am I Muscogee R. I{. Way (Jolum . Hv, 3 -,V' V 6 p.m. 7p.m. S. W R. U. (Day Train) 4:35 p. m. 7A. M. Americus and Euf iula(Niglit Train) 7 p.m. C. R. R. Way Savannah and Northern (Day Train) 4:51 r. m. 7a. m. Northern, Savannah aud Ea ton (Night Traill) 5:15 a. m. 5:20 P M Hawkinsville (Sundays excepted .'.10:30a. m. 2pm Clinton —l uesday, Thursday and Satmday.: 12 m. 12.30 pm Jellcrsonville ami Twiggs villa, Wednesday 7 a. m. u (‘(inesdav,... 2.25 p. ICiDIAft SPRINGS. elder house. lILOKIt A SO>, Proprietor, r well-known hou.-e is now open to all I who wish to visit the far-famed Indian >pnng. The Hotel in nearer the Spring than any other, with pleasant and shady walks load i ing thereto. RATES OP BOARD. f 2 00 i One Week 10 00 One Month 35 00 I Children aud acr\ants half price. ‘Jtf ELDER A: SON BYINGTON’S HOTEL, FORT ’ ALLEY, GEORGIA. IS THE HO; m; For the Train fr 0 Savannah. Augusta and Ma ce to Columbus. lei' EHHOrSE For the Train m Enfan'a and Albany to Macon. KI PPER nOI’KE For tlie Train fr -n ColnmNfc to Mrcon, Sa 'rannaii and Angm-ta. Large comfortable Room* with Fire places and erery Convenience. 113-190 HAUOK BUblliiibb JDIREcTo&y' Wheleaale Urorek, •). W.arSU I'’ 1 '’ “'"W U,n, ¥ AWT ON ife BATES, Fourth atreo Lto Lawton & WUllnghaniß. ,trtcl > n 'xi NA. MAGKATH, Uolllngßworth In F • Roplar street, neur Fourth. U “riigstsYu G E Micon, gL E ’ ° PPO “ te Pttlate of RB. HALL, corner of (Jherrv . . Avenue. "7 Rnd tf nLNT, RANKIN A LAMAR Nn in Cherry-street. ’ iN °' 8 ' “"^4 JNO. INGALLS, comer PoDlar n„.i t street, Hollingsworth block. Fancy Grocers. Wl*. CARLOS, No. 80, Mulberrv-strect f Ct ’ Kewing MiKdiinra, IF J. ANDERSON, Hotve Sewinc tin its chine. Cotton Avenue. Holds. ■— Brown house—e. e. brown ,v son Proprietors, Opp Fassenger Depot, tf S yorSWOOD—T. iF. HAKKIn, O Opposite Passenger Depot. 1 jf ’ House ami Sian Fainter*. (( Spotswood Attorneys at Law. " ’ JOHN B. WEEMS, Office, Knlston’s U„, t over Rasdal’s. u ’ f t B. WOOTEN, Office, 88 Wushinetoi V 7 • block, up stairs. g MB. GERRY, Office, Court House AO. BACON, Office, 86 Chen y "street. • 36-tf f-pHOMAS B. GRESILAM, office No.mto s. berry street , f WJ HITTLE <N Gt ’STIN, office No. 2 Cotbn T T Avenue. Pliysieians. r P w. MASON, Office, over First National A • Bank. jp Jewelers and Wait-la Makers. JIL OTTO, under Spotswood Hotel, * tf iiiniiiiniunoiKinMaiaiiMin i*iM Mii aa •*-. ...ewas. ESoiise Fiii*nis Ii in g (oo<it> Stoves, Ac. OLIVER, DOUGLABS & CO., Third Sticei, between Cherry and Mulberry. tf Dcnlei’N. MIX & KIRTLAND, 3 Cotton Avenue, G Third Street if Furuitiiß-c, Ac. & E. P. TAYLOR, corner of Coito m • Avepne and Cheriy-btreet?. ißarncMs, Ac. BERNI.) BROS., Third Street, between Cherry aud Mulberry-streets. tf UooksellcrK, Stationer*, Ac, JgROWN & Cos., 40 Second Street. Music, Ac, RJ. ANDERSON, Music, Cotton A veil i:*-. • GGU GUI Li ORD, \Y OOD & CO., 84 Mulberrv Street. ISa rdware. CARIIART & CURD, No. (Jo and (57 Cliern Street. Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. §lO years PUBLIC TEST Dr. Crook’s WINE or TAR T o Ii j, vt- in or c in<■ ri t Ilian au y simitar |>i'-|iaia tioii ever olfercd to tin* public. It is rich in tlie medicinal qual iti< s of Tar, and uuequaled fordiscas cs oJ the 7'liroal and Lungs per forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colds. Chronic Coughs, It effectually cures them all Asthma and Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pronounced 2 specific for theee complainls. For pains in Breast bide or Bnrh Crave! or Kidney Disease. Diseases of tin’ l-rinary Organs, .lint ndice or any E.ivci Complain It lias no equal. It is also a superior Tonic. Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak nnd . Debilitated, Causes tlie Food to Digest, Removes Dy-pepsia and Indigestion, Prevents Malarieiis Fevers, _ Dives tone to your System. Tr- Dr. Crook’s Wine, of Tar. PURIFY YOUR BLOOb. 1 Vor Seroiiila, Serofu* b Diseases of the ii* Eyes, or Scrofula in JL* any form. Any disease or eruption of qS c. ~,e ,S| ' ln - disease of the Liver, I.heumalism, Pimples, Old YyM?) ® ores '. Ulcers, Brokc-D dowo Constitutions. Syphilis, or any *-' v§~rv disease depending or, a deprav e<i condition of the blood, try DR. CROOK'S STRI P OF Root. Jj jy' It has the medical property of Poke combined with a pre paration ol Iron which goes at once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Ur Crook's Com pound Syrup of Poke Hoot—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOI3E & DAVIS, Charleston, S C , Wholesale Agents 31 -Iv for Dr Crook's Fer-.edie*- board. IT will be to the interest of bonders to ipplY to th). office, as reasonable board sad pi’Af' ant np stain rooms can be obtained for tbs summer months In a delightful portion ofth* rttv