Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 09, 1872, Image 3

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[city government. w. a. HUFF, nnjwr. ALDERMEN: ! *■;&&., IISS? fcfcSSEU S-fSST \yr. L., “• J". Sthono, \ I s\jitH RCMBLL, i).‘ liILY, K. WAOOENBTEIH. .'4, Williamson .1 \ Mi Mam's ' ~ hicoic City Attorney. Hu. ii. N. lIoi.VKN, City Physlcan. i viMartin Oblcf of Police, h T' TaTI or first Lieutenant. ' hi-riby Si--''Olid Lieutenant V. A. Wn!iv,■.Third Lieutenant. . .. l-.vvbt Guard House Keeper. "ji- 1 jj* A “ I,K v :;;::::;:::". city *£££ JOH FBWTWO. SHU OiUee In propaiMtal In ex ,.(.,te Job Prinlins at I'riees l ,11 list- limes, <• " tyle ,ulMiietor) In nil. Pine work iuiiilp “ specialty. We solicit vur orders, mid will 1 our to pi pi. or you. I'KV UW. HOME AFFAIRS. WACOiI, CAm .. WA New Perlosllcalo. Jlessr-. Poadleton A Rost hare just recsived Godej’s for January, tbe New York World and Harper . Weekly. These geuHcmen are making extensive p eparutiojis to supply their numer ous custome-a with liollday goods, receiving daily flue gifts of every description. Csll snd ee them. tnollier Arrest. Mr. John A. Farmer was arrested this morn ing for violation of the Enforcement Act. Attempt at piulclale. We aro pained to chronicle an occurrence -.v’.iich happened in our town yesterday. Mrs. Ohas. Bone attempted suicide by cutting her throat with a razor. The lady was alive this morning, but no hopes are entertained of bar recovery. What indneed the ra,h act we are not at liberty to state. Thanks, Ueatlemeu. The thanks of the local are due Messrs. W. AE. P. Tayloi for a fine editorial chair. Now | sv It is not a pleasure to deal with such gencr- ; oils wentlemen. A firm that remembers the printer or the poor local deserves a liberal nst l ronage from the public, and there is no man I living who can deny this fact. l*rsual—Very. If the lady with a pink bow on her left ear and a white poodle in her right hand, carrying a blue silk umbrella, who bowed to the gentle man in blue jeana, at the coiner of Second and Fourth streets, will leave her address at the postoffieo box 1011, the writer will go to lirown & Co’s and purchase her a handsome holiday presents. Otherwise he will buy the present snd give it to someone. else. Personal. Mr. T. J. Burney, traveling agent of the At iunta Daily and Weekly Herald, called on ns to-day. He is in the city in the interest of his paper, and will call ou our business men this afternoon and to-morrow. The Atlanta Herald is a paper that we heartily commend. Live, newsy, up to the time, dashing and not afraid to tackle wrong nor wrong-doers, it is winning a way for itself shut will last in the very front rank of modern journalism. It is managed by men who were born journalists and who can appreciate the wants of newspaper-reading people, THE'MAVOB'S COURT. HON. W. A. Hl'i'F PRESIDING. Jeff Harden, stealing a coat; officers Fennol aud Murphy, dismissed. Miles Johnson, stealing and lighting; officers Moffett and Ruff, $5 and costs. Nathan Williams, stealing a pair of shoes; officers Moffett and Martin, $5 and costs. Peter Julian and Sarah Julian, family jar; officers Fennel and Murphy, *2 and costs, each. Dunmore Hardeman, stealing; officers Bums and Fennel, remanded for a warrant. Mitchell Hitchcock, drunk and disorderly; ■officers Fennel and Burns, $5 and costs. llnmphrcy Easons house-breaking, officers Fennell and Murphy, dismissed. Wm. Jones and Dick Holmes, stealing of ficers Kauand MeMurray, s'3 and costs each. Ada Webb and Emma Webb, fighting, of ficers, XVrye and Alley, $5 and costs each. Mollie Parker, disorderly conduct, officer -Alley, to and costs. A UriH*fftal Uiinanj, We saw yesterday morning a frightful thing Sortunately not a serious runaway scrape on Mulberry street. Home one had ridden a horse of Mr. Rasdal to the postoffice and while inside he got loose and put off for his stable at full speed. In front of the Lanier House he came up with a buggy driven by Mrs. Aderbold.— She bad a little girl on the seat with her. The horse attached to the buggy immediately took flight snd run down the street Mr. A. doing her best to hold him. At the intersection of Mulberry and Third the horse made t sudden turn throwing Mrs. A. violently to the ground. One of the lines being rapped around the left hand, she was dragged seversl yards before released. The little girl now left alone iu buggy clnng firmly to it until the frightened animal was shipped in front of Greer & Maateraon’s stable, and thua eaeaped without any injury whatever. And we are glad to state that Mra. Aderhold, ieyoid aevere bruises, was not hurt. People on the eidewalka who witnessed the accident were aeared ont of their wite. Brown House Arrivals, Vvt tht pcut 24 hourt preetdlny 12 M. to-day. Wm II Rose, Savannah ; E II Allen, Savan nah ; II D Clayton, Ala; J I) Outlaw, Ga; J Sorry, Penn; A R Wataon, Ga; E 0 Hood, Columbus; J G Barnwell,Ga; WLCowadier, Richmond, Va; R D Wolf, Philadelpaia; J F Holmea, Barneeville ; C B Mima, New York ; KR Whitley, Campletou; M 8 Ware, Mar shallyille; L Carrington. Milledgerille; J M Burta, Ga; JO Check, Albany, Ga; Alex 11. Stephens, Macon, Georgia; Judge J Erakateln, Atlanta, Georgia; BC Harris, Washington, Ga; L R Bcuper, J W Merrill, J M Ridley, N Y.; M H Hulsey, A Jordann, Atlanta, Ga ; W W Woodruff, Griffin, Ga ; R A McCombs, Ga.; ■1 W Mason, Ga. , Charles Graham, H C Cook, Marion, Ala.; J W Parker, Talbot, co. Ga.; F W McKinney, Dawson, Ga.; T H Haynes, '' a ; Dr W G Mitchell and wife, Rowling Green, Ga.; AH Draper, W C Clark, Fort Valley, Ga.; Thos B Phlny, Auguata, Ga.; J McCall, Ga.; R A Nlabit, City, J W Price, Comr A ? Vickers, Lauren co. Ga.; Vci n Hnghes, Twiggs co Ga.; P W Keep. 2. V’ D 8 Ferguson, Randolph, co. Ga D W Richarson, St Louis. Mo.; A T Holt, I cearcy, Monroe, connty, Georgia. I ins Tlskxts.— The finest lot sf turkeys ;n the market are for sale at C. C. Balkcom <fc Go 's on fourth street. Beside# turkeys they hare everything else in the grocery line. Now la the time to lay la ynur stock of good things for Christmas. Ole Hull. A large and appreciative andicuce greeted Old Bull Saturday night. The troupe ia a good oue—one selected from the lew bright particular stars of oar world, aud whose names are hausehold words to every lover of mnslc—soul inspiring music. Ole Bull is a thorough master of the violin; ha draws from it sounds that are so sweet, so hea venly that it would be almost siu uot to liaten. Notes sweet as ‘'angel’s whispers” fall us softly as snowflakes on the ear and one feels as if asleep and dreaming to awake and find such delicious sounds csniing from a violin. Then the faint murmuring of the pebbly brook merges iu the grand roar of the cataract, and oue fee's as if transfixed with tile very music of something more tliuii hliman, ltut why attempt a description ! Few peus can be moved so skillfully as the diamond bow of 010 Bull, and few can describe the music of Ins violin. The piano performance of Mr. Patiison is truly wonderful. lie is an artist—a natural artist. Music to him seems his very existence. He loves it with all his sou). It requires no studied effort, but springs from his linger cuds ns naturally as tlic rose from the bud. For an encore, he played “Sunrise,” his own composition, and its melody floated in the air, now faint and sweet, then grand and sublime. The singing of Miss ltidgway Is—welt, we can't describe it. it is so marvelously perfect. Her voice I- rich, sweet and flexible, aud un it! com! let ••.control She has A pettite figure with a pretty face, and "when she sings one cau’t help falling directly in love n itli her, and exclaiming “Oil, how beautiful. Imw heavenly aha sings!” Of Ferranti wc cannot spcai. m too high praise. Possessing a good bariio ie voice of much compass, with a huinoro h twinkle in his eve, the audience sing with 1. almost, so well does he draw their attention. Taken altogether the troupe it me that the citizens of Macon rarely witness,an iu common with the expressed wish of our music loving people, we extend to Mr. Turnbull, the courte ous manager, our warmest thanks ! r tin-grand treat he lias bronglu us, assuring him that whenever he conies among ns again, we will give him a cordial and paying reception. A ni.AI'H. UIIFKUR. A TOCKO MAN ON H!8 TRAVELS. Th deep-toned bells were ringing out their invitations to the people to visit Church. The streets were as a kaliediscope, dotted hare and theirj with gaily dresaed ladies snd children, with an occasional gentleman in black to re lieve Hie brightness, all on their way to Sondey worship. Matrons were conjecturing the texts, or discussing trifling domestic affairs; young ladies were woadering if they would see Mr. so and so at Church or speculating aa what would be worn by the Jooea girls; gentlemen were discussing the approaching municipal election, or the recent frown from France; and the children were talking about any and ever;- thiug, when a sight burst upon their vision that caused some to feign fainting, some to laugh and some to hide their eyes! Exclamations of “did you ever’’ were as plentiful sa horses with the epieooty. What caused this excitement * it was this • A few little nigs were playing on Second street, when one of them, about three years old, got out of his dry goods in some manner and cut down the street iu youthful glory and inno cence with about forty other piccaninnies, though dressed, yelling fer the fugitive nig. Awey he scampered, the bright rays of the sun reflecting upon his nude body gave him the appearance of being varnished. He was Anally caught, ranch to the satisfac tion of the ladies. Moral: Keep your nigs at home on Sunday with elothen on. Tlc Freight lllochmle. KIXETY CARLOADS IK DEPOT. We visited the depot of the Macon and Western Railroad this morning and found no less than ninety carloads of freight on hand, a great portion of which has been there for a week. Every nook and corner of the immense freight warehouse were piled and jammed with corn, oats, flour, bacon, hay and other western productions. In addition to this the side tracks were foil of loaded cars, snd several loads had been emptied on the platform of the general passenger depot. This kas been directly caused by the epi zootic now wih' throughout the city and coun try. It is impossible for our merchants to properly carry out their business iu conse quence of the universal sickness of horses snd males. (.'apt. White, Buperintendent of Hie road, has sent us the following notice, to which he asks us to call the particular attention of those in terested : NOTICE TO MERCHANTS of MACON Office Macon & Wbstesn Railroad, 1 Macon, December 9, 187i5. ) ALL GOODS'now in store for merchants of Macon will he stored in private ware houses at the risk and expense of ihe owners, on und after to-day. '1 he depot of the com pany can hold no more goods until those now, snd that have been In store more than one week, are removed. 1 have had to work dur ing the Sabbath to relieve the pressure upon us in Atlanta. The goods of this road have been ordered stored in Atlanta by connecting roads unless I can receive them this day. The merchants can relieve u* if they will, if not, their yoods will be stored. I am to day storing goods in the passenger shed to get cars to send to Atlanta. A. J. WHITE, Telegraph copy. Superintendent. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets every Ist and 3d Monday night, at Masonle Hall, Cotton Avenue. Miz.pnh Lodge. No. 47, meets every 2d and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, no. 4, R. A. M., meets every 2d and 4th Monday night at Masonic Hall. Bt. timer Commandory, No. 3, Knights Tem plar, insets Ist Thursdays of each mouth at Masonic Hall. FIREMEN. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in each month—House Poplar st., corner 3d. Ocmulgee No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near City Hall. Young America No 3 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House 3d st., corner Mul berry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House comer Hawthorne and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month —Housed in City Hail. Hook and Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Fiiday night in each month—House Poplar st., cor ner 2d. ODD FELLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 53, meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 24 and 4th Mondays of each month. Tn S .tow.-The wluilt howl and the air if cool, bu, theta list boots and ahoee of Ho- Kx>rav A Malonet are itill selling cheap, aud the repairing coutlnuea te go on. Call at 8. J. fit B. P. Walker’s tIU evening, If you want such things as choice Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sausage, Freah Flah, Oyaters, Ap ples, Oranges, Banmuias, Malaga Grapes, or anything else iu the fancy or family grocery line. octlf-tf Hfi Cheeky St. Tlic best In the world “ Putxrl <fc Jacobs Favorite.” Nov 27 tf The celebrated “ Ponies” (Imported) miniu the Alpito ie for side only at lira New York Grocery ,->tore. Look to York Interest.—Brown makes four pictures for $1 ; makes a dozen photo graphs for *2,50; best photographs *5 per dozen. This gallery makes the best pictures lnthccitv. Compare the work. No. 8 Cotton Avenuo. novlS-tf. “Putzr. s Delight" will delight all smokers. Delightful. Latest News. —Brown makes those tine Ink pictures twenty-flve cents less. Old pho tographs cOpied correctly. No. S Cotton Avenue. No cards. uov. 11—tf. A favoiiie with everybody, ’Putzel fit Jacobs Favorite ■a. 11 v n : —wmw"- ii'iw-yi'V--. i. "S" I"** 1 "** FINAi CIAL &: COMMERCIAL. Oaih Koview oi tlie iUarkel, off r. Macon Daily Entbkpbibr, ( December 8-2 o’clock, P. M. ( Cotton —Report for 24 hours, since 2 P. M. yesterdnx. Sold 314 bales; shipped 298 bale*. Received 81 lmicg. STATEMENT. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 — bales 412 Received last 24 hours 381 Received previously 37,147—37,528 Total receipts 87,940 hnipped lost 24 hours 298 Shipped previously 26,298 —26,590 Btoek on hand this evening 11,864 Market active 17}^al8c. ntcoi pkkt: u kbi yt. OSNABURGS —No. 1..T7. 10 No. 2 14 Milledgeville No. 2 14 MACON SHEETING 12W Seven-eighths Wav man villa Sheeting Vl'A Houston Sheeting 11K Houston Snipes 13%n15 Columbus Stripes .. 15al8 High Shoal Stripe® 16 Mo:itour Shirting —% 10Jq Factory Sewing Thread 66 YARNS— 1 00 GRITS—t :r bushel 135 OATS—p r bushel 6t1a65 FIELD P AS—per bushel HAY—Northern Tennessee 1 (X)a2 00 Clover t SO PEA NUTS—per bushel 150 POTA rOES— Planting Table use 3 00a4 00 APPLES—Northern BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 per lb 43a44 Goshen No. 2 per lb 35 Tennessee No. 1 “ 3J Tennessee No. 2 “ 20 Country 86a40 COFFEE—Rio per lb 23a25 Java per lb 30u33 CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. 17K New York per 1b... 15 MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per gal. 5 “ Georgia ” per gal.. 70 Sugar House S5 SYRUPS—GoIden Drips, per gal... 00a75 Medium per gal 05 Ordinary per gal 55 SUGAR-"A” per lb 13K iVhite Extra “ C” 13a New Orleans (hhds) lOaISK Yellow C 12K® Demcrara 12>$al3 I’orti Rico llKal'JK POWDEK—Hazard per keg 7 25 Orange. Mills 7 00 PHOV SIONB, GRAIN, GROCERIES, AC. BACON— llear-ribbcd Sides (smokd).. 12 shoulders B>£a9 HAMS—> ignoliaS. C., canvassed... F tch’s 19Ka20 Tennessee, plain-cured 18al8X White Bellies 10ul0K PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00 New, mess 19 00 Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATS—Cask Bides Shoulders Bellies 10al0K LARD —Prime Leaf, Tierces llallK Kegs 13 Packages 12a13 FLOUR- -Low superfine per bbl a7 00 ■Standard superfine.. 8 50 Extra 9 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 "Wyleys X X X X” i Georgia Mills [ 11 50a12 00 liyaeTnthe 9 50 ‘‘Domestic” 12 00 (tar of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Lake 12 00 CORN—U lilt* per bushel 95 Mixed per bushel..... 88a90 SHOT—Per sack 300 CRACKERS—Butter per lb 09 Soda Bao9 Cream 13 Sugar 19 1-2 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps Pic Nic 10 Fancy 17 CANDY—New York per lb 18 M. K. Rogers A Cos 18 BLACKING—No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 2 0 00 No. 8 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carb. per lb 9alo POTASH—Per lb lOall SOAP—Turpentine per lb 0 1-2 Lanndry 15 Toilet per doz 75al 20 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS —Preston and Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a’2 25 Horsford’a 2 90 TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per lb 75 Medium 00 Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking 1 25 Medinm 75 Common 40 CIGARfi-Importedpertbousaud7s OOalM 00 Domestic 15 ROsOO 00 SNUFF—Scotch per lb 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES-Per box 2 50a4 50 MACKK.REL —No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50 No. 2 bbls 13 5Q14 00 No. 3 kits 1 70 No. 3 bbls—large. .11 50a12 50 No. 3 kits 1 50al 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50a9 00 CANDLES—Best Star (full w t)... 31K22 Sperm 42a45 Paraffine 30a33 STARCH—PearI IKrt'X EGGS—Per doz.: 35 CHICKENS—Per doz 3 00a5 00 SALT—Virginia per sack 3 10a2 15 Liverpool 235 FEATHERS 80 HIDES —Dry flint 14al Green o*7 BEESWAX 20a30 SWEET POTATOES 1 50 WHISKY-Common Rye 1 Odal 10 BAGGING—BengaI Lyon 18 Borneo Gunny }8 Bundee [L Patched TlES—Gooche Arrow Eureka I® AJlgutor TOBACCO, TOBACCO. 100 rtouui * i?ml ( ' ,>wi Pi Just being received by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY Jt CO. COFFEE. COFFEE. BAGS CHEAP (OFFER, jnßt in At SEYMOI’It. TINNLEY A CO.’S BACON, BULK MEATH AND LARI), at lowest mar ket prices, At ■'L l MOL It, iINhLEY * CO.’B FLOUR. r CAR LOADS—SEW BRAND? A CHEAP, f) M Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. 199-tf Sill OF TOM LOTS. T\7TLL be sold at Public Outcry, ut the \ V Town of Milui-r on the Macon A West ern Railroad, all the twot Lois West of the Railroad Wood Shed, containing one to four acre* each. Hale to commence on Friday, the tith day of December next, at 10 o’clock, a. m Tbkms :—Oue half cash aud one half on the Ist day ot June, 1873. A. J. WHITE, President. novSO-td. GKO. r. hook. alhx. u. htkiuikxb NOW READY! HOCE A STEPHENS, FOURTH STREET, (FAST rRONT HOI.UNfISWOUTH BLOCK), HAVE just opened a full and complete stock of Fancy and Family Groceries, Fresh, pure, genuine, entirely new, and war ranted to suit the taste of every mis. Tke sa sortment comprises cvuiything required in such a house. The fluest brands of Flour, Meal— the best New York Hums, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup, Cooking Wines. Butter—the best brands of Gosheu a specialty—Cheese, Fruits, native and Tropical, together with a complete line of Nuta, Candies, Candles, Pickles usd other articles for the retail trade. FISH AND OYSTERS. Fresh Fish and Oysters every morning. Also Vegetables o' various kinds. We propose, iu u word, to supply our friends aad the public generally with every thing nice required at reasonable rates. HOGE <fe STEPHENS. N. B.—All goods delivered free of charge. nov7-3na. BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can b* hud by applying to W. D. Rainey on Walnut street, Macon. Sept. 12,1872. 137-182. B YINGTON HOT EL, GRIFFIN, GA. THIS HOTEL ranks second to noun in Georgia, for GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WF.LL SUPPLIED TABLES, AND CHEAPNESS OF RATE. Asa resort for the residence of the present hot term, it is unequalled, the nights being remarkable cool and pleasant. The best Water in Georgia. 3. W. BYINGTON, 110-100 Proprietor FOR SALE. SIX BUILDING LOTS on Windsor Hill. Will sell all, or as many as desired. The lot* adjoin Dr. Cox’s on the top of the hill. The prettiest location out. Apply to nov27-4t No. 8 Cotton Avenue. Bui ding; Lot For Sale. SITUATED near Tatnail Square, within a few steps of Mercer University. Address K. C., Box K., 98tf Macon, Ga. ANOTHER CAR LOAD -OF CHARTER OAK STOVES JirNT RECEIVED -BY TRUMAN & GREEN’S, TRUKWIXAR BLOCK, Sign of the Golden “Charter Oak.” 13!1 I MO. H. WEE.HN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVER L. W. RANDAI/N WTO KK. _i-m ■ :woob AND COAL. I HAVE established, near the Macon A West ern Railroad Depot, an ample yard with Fairbanks’ best scales) to supply all kinds of Wood and Coal, la any quantity, at the lowest market rates. WEIGHT, MEASURE and QUALITY GUARANTEED. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Orders left at the offices of Masers. H. L. Jewett, Greer, Lake Jt Cos , Turpin A Ogden, through Postoffice or at the Yard, will have uwaat attention. CMueandeeu. rsM> *, a. Freeman. BOSTON —ANT>— Savannah Steamship Line. LOW rate* of freight and Insurance. First class passenger accommodation*. Order your goods shipped by "Boston and Savannah Steamship Lino, and'avoid all delay and extra handling. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Agent, Siivummh, Ga. F. NICKERSON A CO., Agent*, 181-309 Boston. J. A. MERCIER, Commission Merchant, is:i BAY NTKUIIT, Bet. Whitaker mid Barnard Ft., Savannah, Ga. All orders will receive prompt attention Con signment* of all kind* rcspeetfullv solicited. 131-809 BOIT St McKENZIi:. Cotton ant Commission UIIIU II AVI'S, ItM Hay Street, Nn mniiiili, till, 131-309 MEYER, COHEN Ac CO.. IVHOI.KBAIK DEALF.K4 IN Boots and Shoes. 4M Itronghlmi ttl.,kin auuiili. tin Merchant* "’applied at New \ <rU Marin t 131 209 Frier*. a. s. umh a iiib., COM MISSION ME RC II A NTS —AN*— Dealers in Fruit*, Fish and Produce, No. 95 Rny St,., Savannah, Ga. Consignment* solicited. Order* promptly attended to 1 .1 209 E. I>. BMYTHE, IJIUOItIT.K OU I'UOUUUIIV, iilltaNWlire linil 4Tiin:i, Aud Dealer lit House Furnishing Hoods, 113 Congress ami 111 St, Julian Sl*. SAVANNAH, GA. 131-309 F. W. SIMS & CO., l otion Faelois nml tieueriil Commission Merchants NAVAVtAII, I!OltUIA. Bagging and Tics supplied at market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. 131*209 A. H. CHAMPION. UKO. C. FKRKMAN. Commission Merchants Corner Bay and Drayton Street*, SAVANNAH, GA, 131-209 L. N. WIIITTI.B. GKO. W. HUBTIN. whittm: .v (it xTi x, ATTOItmUYS, A r.. AT I*4 W, NO. 3 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 33-107 NOW IN THE TIME, ANl> SLAUGHTER’S, ON FOURTH STREET, next door to Wil burn & Edward**, 1h the pluuc to buy Tojs ait Cliristraas Hoots. My stock is complete, and cofudatß of every thing in the Bakery und Confectionery Line. Wedding Parties supplied on reasonable terms. Thankful to the citizens of Macon for oust patronage, I respectfully solicit a liberal share for the future. Come and see mu und I will guarantee satisfaction. novlO lm O. SLAUGHTER. Marshall House SAVANNAH, GA.. A. U. I.I'CE, Proprietor. BOARD PE It DA Y $3.00. 121-209 Savannah Store NORTHEAST CORNER OF McINTOSII AND FOURTH STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. I HAVE opened, In connection with my choice Liquor und Fancy Grocery Store, u GREEN MARKET. Where I will furnish to epicure*, CHOICE BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAU SAGES, GAME OF ALL KINDS, KISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA BEES and FRUITS, and urtieleit too numerous to mention. novlH tf W. A. GIBBONS. W. IIOWAIID, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MACON, GEORGIA. Offlc at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry street. business will receive prompt atten lion. r. t. CO*, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kulaton Hall Uiilliling:, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GGOKGIA. 123tf .1. J. A llllt .11N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 151>* BAYSTREET, SAVANNAH, GA. CIOLLKCTIONB promptly attended to und / money remitted at once. I’. <>. Box 257. 131-209 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH. GA., J NO. W. CAM EBON k CO., PROPRIETORS. A flrat claim house in every reaped, 131-209 91. H. GEUKV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, C-.OKNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND / Street*, In Court House, Maeon, Ga. 29-104 Press for Sale! WE have for sale a large elzo GORDON FRESS (Aligntor) and a RUGGLEB’ PAPER CUTTER In good condition. To be had at a bargain Sold to make room for lar ger and f*ter machine*. AS"..-* Lin..!*. WING A SMITH, jMacon, Ga. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE * IN THE STATE, .*>o ?■■*• out! Street, Mneoji. Ueorgia. octls3ni PROSPECTUS Macon Weekly Entemrise, W. \ 1 KIN HICKS, Editor. ON or about the that week in December, we will i : uefrom tills office the firstnum ber of II Laris, Live Weekly Paper! It will contuin all the the Telegraphic” news of tlm week, and the latest reliable Information on all subject* and from all parts of the world. In Its editorial department will be found dis cussions of all tlic MVK IS.SUEN of the times. Particular attention will be giv en to the advancement of Science, Art, and Literature; w lie nil interesting events and authentic progress of the political world will be faithfully presented. SimHOHU’TION phick. One Year fl 00 Six Mouths 1 00 Invariably In advance. CrtY"No subscription taken for Icsh than six months. ssr Now is the time to subscribe. Bi*bci- MKN COIMIiS SICNT ON AFI'UOATISN. Drugs and Medicines, Paints and oils, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, SOARS, FERFUMKUYS, COMBS AND BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, Etc. TOBACCO, BNUEF, —AXD TUB— CHEAPEST CIGARS EVER.OFFERED IN THIS CITY. West's Extra Kerosene Oil! NO. ! FIRE TEST. LAMPS unit CHIMNEYS nml WICK. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Satisfaction guaranteed in all purchases. I have for sale the purest and best Whisky mid Gin in thin city for Medlcinu) purposes.— One trial w ill satisfy the most fastidious. ROLAND B. HALL, Dealer In Thorbum’a Garden Seed, 191 tf Cor. Cherry Bt. and Cotton Avenue. Sptswoad Hotel, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one minute’* walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. lionrd JJ.OO per Day. 911M1.M 7J CHYI’H P.ACII. T. 11. IIAP.KIH, Proprietor. C. J. Maclellan, Superintendent. Jam is VV. Mkaiia, In the Office. I—tf Uiimili'd of Schednle. MACON AND WESTERN R. R. CO., I Macon, Ga., October 31, 1872. j ON and nftcr Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains, will be observed on this road: DAY PASSENGER. Leave Mhcoii 8:15 A. w. Arrive at Macon 2:05 A. M. Leave Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 P. M, NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Macon 8:50 P. M. Arrive at Maeon 3:20 A. M. Leave Atlanta 8:00 P. hi. Ai rive at Atlanta 4:56 A. M. Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, nd with Southwestern Railroad for point* in Southwest Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway for points West. A. J. WHITE, nov2tf Superintendent. Ahmand L. Butts. Kodak A. Rove. COAL AND WOOD. WE are ready to fill orders at reduced rates for the very beat COAL CREEK and ANTHRACITE COAL, COKF. and BLACKSMITH COAL, also beat UPLAND OAK atd HICKORY WOOD. Orders left at the office of A. G. Batts, at i store of Winshlp <* Cutaway, or at yard M. W. R. R., will receive"UenUoo 114-ltfci BUTTS Jt ROS3. J Tho Davenport Brothers have quit I showing ghosts <wd gone to fanning. ANNUAL FAIR —of thh Agricultural aud Mechanical ASSOCIATION OU GEORGIA, Hold nt Savannah.. COXIMfiNCINO MONDAY, DECEMBER UOtli, 1872, And continue during tlio week. rpilU Central Railroad and connixdlona and J Aliniila uud Gulf Railroad and connections w ill transport \witora for one fare, returning free. MAURI) COYTUMT. Tlierc will be a Sabre Contest between the Savannah and Auguata SabreClnb* on Decem ber Ith and sth. RACES. Open to the world, tlirce or more to enter. Fastest Trotting Single-harness llorae, Purse, f 100; Fastest pair of Trotting Hornes, owned aud used aa such. Purse, SSO; Best Single har ness Horae, Plate, 120; Best pair of iiarneo* Horse*, Plate, *35, Best Pacing llorao, Piute, *ls; Running Race, Sweepstakes, inlle heats, tlirce or more to enter, two to Btart, entruno. 10 per cent., Purse, *2OO. cotton puiinims. The Chamber of Commerce offer the follow ing premiums: For best three bale* of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, *SO. For three bales ranking second In ctuaiity, premium to go to planter, *lO. For three bales ranking third iu <tuullty, *3O; premiums to go to planters For the beet hale of sea Island cotton, *SO; next bestiu quality, premium to go to plantar, *4O. For the best Gin for upland cotton, *IOO. For Ilia best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety known as gold teed, premluu to go to planter, *lO. For the best bushel of Rough Rlee, of the va riety known as white, premium to go to plan ter,'*lo. No fee will be charged for entering of exhib iting articles. For Premium Lists or other information, ap ply to J. H. F.BTILL, Secretary, 185-t<l Savannah, Ga. To the Bnalne** Main of Mncon TIIE ALBANY NEWS Circulates exclusively la Dougherty, Mitchell, Lee, Hakerund Worth Counties. The wealthiest Cotton growiug section of Georgia. TIIE NEWH Is the best Advertising Medium In Southwest ern Georgia. A liYEBTISPWPNTS SOLICITED. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. 89 THE PHIItIIPI Vt'KKKLI. IT i, universally conceded tliot advertising is a necessity to success Iu business; it is also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers'are the best medium for reaching all parties whose trade Is desired. TUB MONItOB APVKIITISKIt reaches more of the people trading with Mu eou than any other journal published In the country; it is, therefore, the best medinm of communication with tlia planting interests. We will be happy ut any lime to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cards In The Advertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that lla value exceed* that of all other Journals In which they are represented. The Advertiser has the freshness of youth snd the ripeness of age, and 1h therefore deservedly 1 successful. ( HARACTEH OF ADYEHTIHEMKNT* No advertisements are admitted whlali are not believed to be above question and of real i value, and from parties so unquestionably re- I liable that the readers of The Advertiser will be -life In ordering them from any distance. To our readers, tbe fact of its appearance here has 1 all tho weight of endorsement and authority. Address, JAB. P. HARRISON, | . Forsyth. Georgia. Chance of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFC'E, l Macon A Wkunswick Railroad Cos., '■ j Macon, Ga., October 30, 1872. ) I /\N and after Thnraday October 31, 1872, l ) trains on this road will run a follows: I DAT FASSENGEK THAIN, DAILY (SC'NDATB EX CEPTED.) Leave Macon 9:16 A. m. Arrive at Jesup 6:35 r. M. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 r. M. Leave Brunswick 4:30 A. M. Arrive at Jesup 6:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 5:10 p. m. NIGHT PASBEXOEU TKAIN, DAILT. Leave Macon 8.25 p. M Arrive at Jeeup 5.00 av Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. m Leave Savannah * Leave Jesup - P II Both day and night tsains connect* closely at Jesup with trains to snd from Florida, i BA WKINEVILLE THAIS D*ILT, (80NDAT8 *X CErTED.) Leave Macon p • **• Arrive at Hawkinsville 6:25 p. M. Leave Hawkinsville 6:55 A. u. Arrive at Macon I® ;3j a- m - WM. MacREA. ]74tf General Superintendent. TO M ENCHANTS! MERCHANTS wishing to plate their name and business prominently before the peo ple of Macon, Taylor, Crawford and Houston conntfes, should advertise In the BLSINMN MIRROR. Circulation good and lmermtiog Ga.