Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 13, 1872, Image 3

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IjITY GOVERNMENT. H. *. H *'*'. **•'‘ r - AI.DEK.MEN: I I '!' wi*huits, K. WH)!.I.IKF, ’ ■ \ ,1 SMITH, •' Hi SSKI !., ■ *• |)U Vi li. W.MMUiNhTEIN. I I (USDS rmiMiiw. I \ I ~ B ir ,,s CUV Attorney. it. N Holmes, GUy I’hyslcan. | IMK s Maiitin, Chief of Police. f, . Tavlok .... first l.ictitenant. I 'Hi,kiev" .Second Lieutenant. I v 1 'vm.kyV..lM'il Lieutenant. I, I* Finney ......... .Guard Holism Keeper. I " | I J IMT’":: •'' •' •.' St "' City Sexton! I , c Hodgkin- MaKßziuo Keeper. I ~ .levyeks Clerk sf tlio Market. jo it I I hi* oilin' is ex* Jo I* l*riniitlt at prlir* to .ill tin- l i mi's* anil ia a stjlr , : i|i.liicfoi'V 111 all. l-'iui* 'toi'll ,i;,<!.■ a s|*i‘lalty . Mr (solicit ocilcrs. anil Mill do our In-si lo please yon. I’ll! I NI. Eole affairs. i,i< o.\, <a.. i:t'. i:. l. Mol Mmi Hi Kassel. |) m‘t fall to go n<l see Amerlei's greatest iinmnrist on 1 lie night of tlie 1 H ii. —■* ♦- — llrni u .V t o. ’Hie sales at Brown it Co’s Book Store, of holiday goodi for the past two days amounts to nearly a thousand dollars, and still Brown is not happy. Well the truth is, when you once jet in Ills beautiful store, there is no possible ,bailee of your fretting out without buying something, provided you love that which is beautiful. Thranl futting Knleli. • Hunt half past 13 o'clock to day two ne .rous>mployed at the Ice Works got to tlghtiug aid one of them, Robert ,eut the o.her, I General Freeman, in the throat w ith a pocket kuife, inflicting a serious wound. The wound ass dressed by Dm. Nottingham aud L. L. lolmfon. I Hubert was arrested ami is now in jail. Just from tits .‘North. V.r. Nussbsutn, of the firm of Nussbatim A llianuenburg lias just returned from the North •wherslw has been looking around for the lat net goods aud the best bargains. Their wliole- BLilr drr goods trade is an impoiUnt feature, as ■> .r can duplicate any order to the North, and Bnerchants in the country arc tin gainers by B uying from them. Jn their retail department, ■lry goods, clothing and everything else under ■liose heads, can be found in all quantities and ■fall ,| nidifies. Sec their ad vertise.mcnt. The JSuicide. Would that we could draw a veil over this <*d artair, but a curious public require the par ticulars, and as a chronicler of passing events, ho inunt do our duty. One object in making known the facts is to contradict certain pre posterous stories that have been floating arousd which have reflected upon the family, and which have injured members of that family. Sisco the death of her brother which occur red some eight months ago, Mrs. Bone’s mind has been disturbed, and in fact she is deranged at times, and while in this state she has en deavored to kill herself. One night about four wicks ago, while the family were sleeping, she quietly arose and placing the bolster under the heads of her three childred, forced their heads to hang down and their throats to he thrown forward. After doing this she proceeded to the bed where her husband lay sleeping and commenced to unbutton his shirt collar. — Before this, however, she had turned up the lamp, making the room very light. In unbut toning the collar ahe awoke bar huahand, and lie asked her what she was doing, to which ahe answered “ nothing.” His suspicions being arousd, he got up and discovered his razor case on the mantel empty, lie asked where his razor was hut she replied 1 lint ahe did not know. He found the razor in lief hand and hid it from her. It is supposed that she intended cutting the throats of her hildren, her husband’s and then her own. After this occurrence the razor was kept • dden, but it seems as if she found it again as he particulars of her last and probable suc cessful attempt will show. Last Sunday raorn ng while dressing her children she drew the >ack of tho razor across her throat, and her Mui child, a girl about eight years old, beg fed her not to do so aa she was “playing flown.” Her husband remonstrated with her for acting ao veay before lier children and took the razor away from her. She declared she was not playing clown but was really in earnest and in a few moments after succeeded, without being seen by him, in slipping the razor out of his pocket, and throwing herself acrosa the bed, told her hus band that if he thoulit she wusonly playing, to look at her. He told her that if she persisted in playing so before the children that he would leave. He turned and left, and no sooner had he touched the bottom step than he heard a noise, and looking back discovered her rush ing to and tro, with the blood flowing in eopi- ih at reams from her neck. He mailed to tier aad with assistance succeeded in carrying her to her room, and medical aid was summoned as ,oon as possible. She had cut her throat with Hie razor! She now lays in a critical condition. She .ina not tatted a monthful of food ainee Satur day dinner, bnt the physicians are using every adeavor within their power to adopt some ' ■‘ana by which the gnawings of hunger may ' allayed. Yesterday a number of physician* 'nt to perform an operation by lneana of a Hass tube and pump. Although she was fairly held, she managed to free one of her hand, and -rk the tube out of her throat. She -oema to lie in her right mind now and spent, of the act. She is a lady of refinement, herally educated and accomplished. While -he cannot articulate a word, she writes to ct •rvbodj who will converse with her by this "icana. She gives no definite cause for the ”'-h act, bnt it is plain that reason occasionally icaarted it* throne, and it was during these oc aional derangement* that the terrible deed *a committed. It is thought that if she can lire for a few "'ccks, nature will form a passage for swallow ;i S and she may live for years. Thdphysicians itc an instance which happened in the prae °f an eminent German physician, of a man *lio cut hit throat, a passage formed by nature, ii'cd years afterward but finally, while on a drunken spree vomited a great deal, and died by strangulation. The family have the eineere sympathy of the ■ ntira conmnnity in their sad affliction' Isaacs Haase Saloon. Tbi. famous saloon, under the control of that prince of good fellowa, Ullmann, is flour ishing like the proverbial bay tree. The bar is •locked With Uie purest winct and liquors and genuine imported cigars. Gasper Malado, the -lebrated oyster opener, is with him, and ia r- *Jy to supply customers with oyster* in every kape. Go around and aee Ullmann. deel3 cod .Minor ItrniN. Weather cold, and the streets lovely. Mr. B. B. Jones of Campbell .limes, was arrested yesterday by Marshall Hnrbaum, as an intlinldator. lie gave bond In the sum f(t'.’,s - As some iijliunderatandfng exists ss lolhe manner in which to vote to-morrow, we would stato that all twelve aldermen can be voted for in one ward. For Instance A lives in thcSd ward ; lie can vote for tlie aldermen of the Ist, 3d anil 4th waids. The twelve candidates receiv ing the highest number of votes are elected. Grand and petit jurors for United Stales Courts are not drawn as heretofore by the Clerk of Superior Courts, hut by tlie Commissioners from any part of the United States This Is a sweet arrangement. The fine meat merchants, J 11. King A Bio., inform the public through our columns to day, what they have on hand. The writer is under many oldigalloui to Mr. Nathan Frank,the best butcher in the world, for a capital lot of splen did sparerihs. A heavy defalcation lias come to light in one of our Institutions. About ♦7(100 bare, wood blued Of course the tiling must be hushed up. Only two small eases came before the Mayor's Court this morning. David Taylor, for lighting his wife, got 110 and costs. A stealing ease was continued. - Tlii'vi' 1 ears in n Mnu ’l'l-iip. Audi is tin- title of a work just, issued from the pr ,of tits Queen City Publishing Com pany, Cincinnati, uml from tlie pen of T. 8. Arthur, the well known writer. Mr. Arthur is a great writer of fiction and a faithful portrayer of the real. His Ten Nights in a Barroom, though a thorough temperance story, has been read and its moral heeded by countless thous ands. In the present book he excels all former efforts, and “ Three Years in n Man Trap ” will be his crowning work. It is a vivid picture of social degradation and other downfalls pro duced by the use of the eup which cheers, and should be placed in the hands of everybody. It is calculated to accomplish a good work, and we wish it a large salo. The agent is now in tlie city and will call upon our citizens. This is the only opportu nity afforded to secure a copy, as it is only sold by subscription. Orders left at this office will receive attention. .* . Tmk Weather. — As usual, rernaiaa cold and windy. But the ladies should pick the first good day to step in and examine tlie shoe stock of McKervoy ,t Maloney’s on Second street Damour block. Look to Yomt Interest.—Brown makes four pictures for $1; makes a dozen photo graphs for ♦3,50; best photographs #5 per dozen. This gallery makes the best pictures iu the city. Compare tlie work. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. novlS-tf. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets every Ist and 3d Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue. Mizpali Lodge, No. 47, meets every 2d and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, no. 4, R. A. M., meets every 2d and 4tli Monday night at Masonic Hall. St. Omer Commandery, No. 2, Knights Tem plar, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at Masonic llall. FIREMEN. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in each month—House Poplar st., corner 3d. Ocmulgee No. 3 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Colton Avenue, near City Hall. Young America No 3 meets Ist Monday niglit in each month—House 3dst., corner Mulberry Mechanics’ No. 4 meet* Ist Monday night in each month—House corner Hawthorne and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meet* Ist Tuesday iu each month—Housed in City Hall. Hook and Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night in each mouth —House Poplar st., cor ner 2d. ODD FELLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meet* every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ llall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meet* at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d and 4th Mondays of each month. KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. GOOD TEMPI,ARS. Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday night at their Hall in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meet* every Monday night at Progress Club Hall. Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thurs day niglit at their Hall on Windsor Hill. SOCIETIES Progress Club meets every Sunday night at their Hall on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meet* Ist Tuesday in each month at No. 3 Engine House. Maluchi Lodge, No. 140, I. O. B. 8., meets second and fourth Sundays In each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday night at the Passenger Depot. Visiting brethren welcome. CHURCHES. Ej)iscojxil —C Ijrit Church, Rev. B. Johnson, Rector—Walnut at., between‘id and 3d. Her viccs 10 1-‘J a. m. and 8 p. m. St. Raul’s Church, Rev. FI. K. Rees, Rector —Vineville. Services II a. m. ; sr. a. (Chil dren’s Service ; 6 p. m. Evening Braver. St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Church, at sp. m. Near Macon A: Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. CatluAie —St. Joseph’s Church, Kev. T>. Bazin. Mass 7a.m. : High Mass Tu:0O a. m. ; Vespers 4 1-2 P. m. fraltyteridn —Mulherr) St. Church, Rev. (J. B. Vaughn, pnstor. a ervh-i*s 10 1 k i a \t. and 8 p. M. Windsor Hill Church, Rev. Wnj. M< Ky, pastor. Services semi-monthly. lurmlitUh Synagogue—]. 11. Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. Baptint —lst Baptist, .Rev. W. H. Mclntosh, pastor—2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 1-4 P. m ; Snnday scliool 4 1-2 P. M. Second Baptist, Rev. James Mcßrvde, j>astor —near Findlay’s Foundry. Services 101-2 a. m. and 8 r. m. Mission ChajK.l, Windsor Hill, supplied from the city churches. Methodint Eidtcnpal —Mulberry Street, Rev. J. O. Branch, pastor—Mulberry st, comer Ist. Services at 10 1-12 A. M. and 8 P. M. First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Hicks, psus tor—lst street, between Oak and Arch. Ser vices 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 p. M. Vineville Church, supplied from the city churches. East Maeon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, pas tor. Services 10 1-2 A. M. and 4p. . The celebrated “ Ponies ” (Imported) mltwjt Ou Epizootic for sale only at the New York G rocery Store. i To be or not to be was a question that was once asked. If you want good shoes or boots yon have only to call at MeKervy A Maloney's to be satisfied. It. — Spark ribs and Back Bones, Hue Tennessee Mutton, just received at Merritt* market above Ucimtlgce No. .’ engine bouse, First street, Beef aim Sausages also. It * Finis Turkeys.— The finest lot of turkeys In the market are for sale utC. C. Hulkeom A Co.'s "ii Fourth street. Besides turkeys they have everything else in the grocery line. Now is tlie time to lay In your stock of food things for Christinas. At Cali, at S. T. A B. I*. Walker’s this evening, if you want such tilings as choice Tennessee Beef, Fork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap ples, Oranges, llaimanas, Malaga Grapes, or anything else in tlie fancy or family grocery line. oetlt-tf 88 Cherry Ar. The best lu the world “ I’atzsl A Jacobs Favorite." Nov 37 tf “PuUel’s Delight” will delight all smokers. Helly/dful. Latest News. —Brown makes those flue Ink pictures twenty-five cent* lens. Old pho tographs copied correctly. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. No cards, uov. 11—If. ♦ ♦— A favorite with everybody, “Piitzcl A Jacobs Favorite, Notice to lleiT'lianls uml I’rop i'iTj Holders. Macon, Ga., December 9, 1873. At a meeting of the Macon Board of Under writers, held this evening, tlie following reso lution was unanimously passed: A* the season has arrived when the crackers, fire works, torpedoes and other highly inflam mable toys are offered for sale, we would warn our merchants in time, that by the terms of their Insurance Policies they are prohibited from keeping in their stock any of these articles, except the old fashioned Chinese fire-crackers for WHOLESALE IN ORIGINAL BOXES, unless they have special jerniissiou embodied iu the wriiten portion of their poli cies, for which permission tlie National Board of Underwriters has established Hie. extra charge of onc-lialf of one per cent, on the build ing and all its contents. Published by order of the Board. ileclO fit 11. L. BACKUS, Secretary. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. IViiily llrtirw oi’ (In- Marhrl, office Macon Daily Enterprise, ) December 13—2 o’clock, P. M. f Cotton. —The market to-day is more active than yesterday. The following prices rule to-day : Clean Red I#U'@l7 Ordinary 163-7 faj Good Ordinary 17^@ Low Middlings 17-Vb:;17;'( Middlings ISji® The receipts yesterday were 401 hales; ship ments 420 bales; sold 346 bales. statement. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872- bales 41* Received last 24 hours 104 Received previously 89,907—88,311 Total receipts 80,723 Snipped last 24 hours 426 Shipped previously 27,501—27,987 Stock on hand last evening 11,736 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ' New York, Dec. 13.—Gold 112%. Spot— cotton quiet. Ordinary 17c.; good Ordinary 18>£; strict Ordinary 18%; low Middling 19%; Middling 19%; good Middling 2%; futures quiet decline 19%; sterling 9@1(1%. New York, December 13, 2 P. m.—Gold 12%. Futures steady; sales 20,000. Apr! 20 7-32; others anehanged. 5 p. m.—Cotton firm ; Sales 18,000 ; specula tions 4000; middling uplands 10(3; 10% ; mid dling Orleans 10%. Liverpool, December 13, 13 w.—Cotton firm; sales 15,000 bales; uplands 10al0%; mid dling Orleans 10%. Liverpool, December 13, 1 p. M. —Cotton, No tone given; sales 18,000; speculation 4,000; middling upland* 10%; middling Orleans 10%. 5 p. M. —Gold 112%; spot cotton easier; low middling 19%, middling 19%. Futures easier, sales 16,700; March 19 13-16; May 207-16; June 20 7-10; others unchanged. Council Proceedings. Mbbting, ) Council Chamber, Dee. 0, 1872. [ Present—Hon. YV A Huff, Mayor, Aldermen, Clay, Ellis, Roberta, Tinsley, Fitzgerald* Woodliff, Smith, YVaggcnstein and Wilburn. Absent—Alderman Russell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. BILLS PABBKD. C MaKterson, sls; A McQueen, SOS 50; Jones ifc Baxter, SOB 55; Macon Has Cos, $77 34; M B Freeman, S2O; R C Wilder & Bon, sl4 ; Clisby, Jones tfc Reese, $l6O 37 : D C Hodgkins <fe Bon, S4O 75; C J Htronbcrg, $4 50; Collins A Little, $200; Chronicle and Bentinel, $3 75; B I Gustin, $42 :t0; Y 7 A Huff $23786; A K Har man, $75. Petition of T. A. Brewer, asking a reduction of taxes on property, was on motion, referred to the Assessing Committee, with power to act. Petition of Jonathan Collins <fc Bou, calling attention to the probability of litigation in set tlement of their claim against the city in lot 5, square 70, was referred to the Finance Com mittee. J. B. Schofield A Son vs. A. J. Hurd, and Mayor and Treasurer of the city of Macon. Attachment and garnishment in Justice Court 716th District, G. M., was referred to the city attorney. Petition of Mechanics’ Fire Company, No. 4, requesting Council to have a ditch filled up in front of their engine house, was referred to the Committee on Streets. The Committee on Street Encroachment# re ported favorably on the petition of E. C. Gran niss, granting him the privilege of erecting a building on the point of lot No. 06, next to Third street, a portion of said building being on the encroachment granted by previous Council. On motion the report was received and adopted. The Committee on Street Encroachment* re ported favorably on the petition of H. T. John son, J. Hurley and A. P. Collins, by recom mending ten feet encroachment on Hazel and Ross streets, and fifteen feet on Calhoun street. On motion the report was received and adopt'd. The Committee on Streets reported favorably on the petition of J. E. Franke, James Harvey, A. Kreutz and others, for a sewsr to be built, commencing in front of J. Harvey’s store on Cotton avenue, running down said avenue to the sewer on Poplar street. On motion the re port was adopted. To thf Tfon/jraUr Mayor awl Courtnl of tf,s City of Moron: Gentlemen In compliance with the Ordi nance requiring an annual statement of the receipt* and expenditures of Rose Hill and Oak Ridge Cemeteries for the year ending Decem ber 1, 1872, I herewith respectfully submit the same. The Cemeteries arc in a* good condi tion as any time since their establishment. The enclosure ha# recently been thoroughly re paired, whitewashed, und as far as a wooden structure can be relied upon, protects the grounds from the invasion of all description of animals. To one not acquainted with the shift ing character of the grounds, the appearance of the roads and paths would appear Us be neg lected, from the pine straw aua leaves which cover them Almost evsry plan had been tried to prevent them from bang gullied, and broken up, until tlie experiment of covering them in the manner stated, was adopted, which to a great extent answers the pm pose desired. At tlie laying out of Rose Hill, a small square near tlie center, was reserved fsr the erection of * handsome structure for visitors, iu east of rain or fatigue, which will be bailt soou. The rang# of lots on Central Aveuus which were left out at the Ural ru'iulug *f the Hue, are being sold, which will make the Avenue of a uniform width from the entrance to til* river. No complaint has Jonic lo our knowledge of remissness of duty on tlie part of Hi* sexton He has, I believe, done his duty faithfully *nd acceptably. Very respectfully, Your ob't serv'f, .1. L. Jones, Trouturer. Mae,in, December 3, 1873. Ife* IfVl t’. hiitt fit hi nmiimf n'ith J. L. Jones, Tifisiurr. 1878. Du. jnn’y i—To cash for gifts to Isaac, Joe and Elbert.. . J 15 00 Jan'y I—To cash paid Joe for three days work 11 50 Fell. 33 To cash paid A Me Queen lor repairs to iron gates 15 00 April 3b—To cash paid Treas urer cash advanced ropuir lug fence* 04 HO May o—To cash paid Carliart A Curd hill 7 35 May 6—To cash paid Oliver, Douglass A Cos 3 35 May 7—To cash paid F.llis A Cutter bill lumber 0 35 114 85 Mavl4—To cash paid E But ler’s bill whilewaahing fences 'JO 00 June 11—To cash paid Jolm •om A Duulap'e bill wheel barrow S 50 June 110—To cash paid negro liirc from Jan. 1, 1873, to July 1, 1873 200 00 June 30—To cash paid Ellis A Cutter’s bill 8 ‘35 July 11—To cash paid Wui G Hoge, brick . 30 00 July 13—To cash paid Arthur E Boardman’s bill, plan and speeilicatioss 30 00 July 13—To cash paid Wm G Hoge’s bill, brick 36 00 fififi 75 July 18—To cash paid James Walker’s bill, brickwork. 38 00 July 20—To cash paid Jones A Baxter’s bill, lime, etc.. 10 .50 July 20—To cash paid Elbert William’s bill, hauling lime and sand 10 00 July 20—To cash paid for 200 feet plank 3 Oil July 20—To cash paid W G Hoge’s bill 5 00 July 30—To cash paid Ellis A Cutter, lumber (voucher mislaid) .5 13 July 20—To cash paid John son & Dunlap 3 75 *37—To cash paid Elbert. Williams 28 00 Sept‘37—To cash paid Harry Williams *. 1 50 Oct 29—To cash paid G J Blake's bill 20 on Nov 27 —To cash paid Ellis A Cutter’s bill 3 SO Balance cash on baud 348 8* Dec 2—To cash paid hire negroes from July 1, 1873, To December 1, 18?3 183 50- * 298 68 *1.029 IS 1871 Ck Dec 81—Balance due Cem etery to December 31, 1871 128(118 1872 ' Jan 4—By Patrick McCarthy, lot 17, Eglantine Square.♦ 81 Ob .Tan 15—By P B Brown, lot 18, Eglantine Square 21 00 Feb 17—By J P Lee, lot 80, Eglantine Squar* 21 00 Feb 16- By Germania Lodge, I O O Fellows, 291, block I 61 00 Feb. 30—By W W Lemon, lot 415, Central Avenue... 61 On Feb 22—J O Davis, lot 19, Eglantine Square 21 00 April 80—By Jos Hudgins, lot 416, block 2 61 no May 17—By Wiu Abbler, lot 21, Eglantine Square 21 00 June I—By J L Kennedy, lot 22, Eglantine Square 2! 00 June B—By Thos Quisn, lot 23, Eglantine Square 21 00 JuneS—By Mrs Effle Kent, lot 24, Eglantine Square... 21 00 June 10—By R H Kockliill, lot 25, Kglantiae Square.. 21 00 June 26—By DrJ B Hinkle, lot 414, block 2 61 00 July 11—By Wll Burden, lot 426, Central Avenue.. 61 00— 491 00 August I—By C F Daniels, No. 26, Eglantine Square.. 21 00 Oct. I—By K M Paramorc, No. 2, Holly Ridgs 61 00 Oct. 18—By K H Hutchens, Central Avenue 61 00 Oct. 19—By Rev. W G Wood flu, Central Avenue 61 IS) Nov. 19—By John Campbell, lot 27, Eglantine Squire... 21 00 Nov. 20—By A P Collins & Brother, 417 and 418, block 3 121 00 Nor. 22—By Peter Solomon, 426, Central Avenue 61 00—$ 407 00 $1,020 13 Jtote Hill and Oak. /(*/// (hintteriee in account with J. L. .Jon as, Treamrcr. 1872. CR. By balance over from Rose Hill due the Cemetery.... *248 85 1872. Receipts Oak Ridge Cemetery, April 2—By lot to John Baptist Union Sisters Society, 13 26 00 June 27—By lot 14 Haidy Brown, Myrtle Avenue... 26 00 July s—By lot 15, King Matlisw*, Myrtle Avenue 26 Ob Joly 10—By lot 16, Risisg Star of Devotion Society.. 26 00 July 24—By lot 17, John Stafford (in part) 20 110 Oct 7—By lot 14, lenevolent Society (Cedar Range) 51 00 Oct 20—By lot 18, Frank Dis roon, Myrtle Avenue.... 26 00 * 301 00 Cash ou hand : ♦ 449 85 On motion of Alderman Ellis- Resolved, That the collection of the city taxes he suspended until the JOtk day of Jan uary, 1878. Passed. On motion, Council adjourned to meet next Monday at 7% P. M. J. A. McManus, Clerk C. C. TOBACCO. TOBACCO. I 00 ‘"O!'■ •fust being received by SEYMOUR, TINBI.KY A CO. COFFEE, COFFEE. 9 r>o BACH CHEAP COFFEE. j net In At HK.YMOL.It, TINSLEY A CO.’S BACON. ]_>L'LK MEATS AN U LARD, at lowest mar i ket priees, At SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO.’S FLOUR. r CAR LOADS NEW BRANDS A CHEAP, *) Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. JOM-tf BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, ear. be bad by applying to W. D. Rainey on Walnnt street, Maeon. Sept. 12,1872. 137-182. BOSTON VM> Sii van null Ktciinisliip Lino. ro\Y rat*I** 1 ** of fi i iulil ai"i li.auruui Kiivt* _j dust* juipju iii voiiiiuoilntioii*. Order your good* blilppi and l>.\ “Ho* lou and Fioaiumli fetouumWip l.lmy’ nnd avoid all de lay nmlcxlra handling liICIIAKDSOX A; HAKNAKD, Agouti Savannali* <ia. V. M< KKUSON A: CO., VM .*JO9 Host on. J. A. MERCIER, Commission Merchant, 1.73 ll.i Y HT’IIUHT. dul. WLituker and llanmrd St.., Savannah, Ga. All order* will receive prompt attontion. Con- Higntncuta of all kiml* icspi rtfully solicited. 181*309 boit al McKenzie. Cot ton an ' Cos in miss ion numii % vra. lOH ll;i t Nlre*’i, S;> ;n n;li. mi* *O9 MEYER. COHEN Sc. CO.. wholi'hvi s. ni:\i ni“ in Boots and Shoes. IN Iti-oiiiglalon Ml ..Mux iiniusli, 4a Merchant* supplied at New York Market 131 'I9 Prices. A. v AKiDfiN A itco.. COM MISSION ME ROM ANTS —IN- Deulers in Fruits, Kish nmt Produce, No. 95 Buy St., Savannah, Ga. Consignments solicited. Orders promptly attended 10. 181-209 E. D. SMYTHE. oi* < uo< i4i:itv, Ulasswnri' ami 4'hina. Anil lli'iilor in House Fiirnlsliing Goods, 143 Congress and 1-41 81. Julian Sts. SAVANNAH, GA. I*l-209 F. W. SIMS & CO:, ♦lotion Furloix ami 4><‘ii<>rul Commission Merchants NAYAAAAII, GI.OKGI A. Bagging and Tics supplied at, market prices. Advances made on Cotton, or other consign ments. Money promptly remitted. lot ‘JO9 A. 11. CHAMPION. OKO. t. I'HEEMAN. 4)11 AII I*lO.A A I-'it 1111.71 AN, Commission Merchants (’orncr day and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, HA, dll 209 L. N. WHITTLE. 080. W. OUrtTIN. wiinm: gi stin, ATT4HIN l.\S, *.. AT I.AW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 33-107 MOW IS Till: Till I), no SLAII (i IIT Ell’S, A N FOURTH bTKKKT, nevt door to Wil- V * Imrn A Kd wards, i*< the placu to Imy Toys ami Clristnias {lands. Nly stork is complete, mid conmsls of evory tliing in tin*. Bakery and Confertionery 1/mc. Wedding Parties Rtipplied onmisonuldc terniH. Thankful to the eiliz<*n,- of Mueoii for past patronage, I respectfully solicit a libera! share for the future. Come and c me and I will guarantee satisfaction. novls I in and. SlaAt'tiiri’Eß. Marshall House SAVANNAH, OA., .1. It. MICH, Proprietor. BOARD PER DAY #3.00. 121-209 Savannah Store NORTHEAST COIINKK Ob’ M< INTOSH AM) FOURTH STREET. MACON, (JEOIUIU. IHAVE opened, In connection with my . choice l-lquor und Funcy Grocery Store, u GREEN MARKET. Where I will furnish to epicures, CHOICE JiEEF, PORK, MUTTON, HA IT SACKS, GAME OF ALL KINDS, FISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA ISLES and FRUITS, and article, too numerous to mention. novIS tf W. A. GIBBONS. V. W. now ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Ofllc at entrance of Ralston Hall, Cherry street.. t-VTAII business will receive prompt atten tion. ‘.15-173 T. I*. FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mill! n.illiiin-, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GGORGJA. 123tf .1. .1. AKHA.YIM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 151% BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. (10LLECTI0NB promptly attended to and J money remitted at once. j*. O. Box 357. 131-200 Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA., .1 NO. VV. CAM ERON A CO., ■‘IIOI'KIETOHi. A first clan- house in every respect, 131-209 .11. 11. WKUKV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. /CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND \ J Street*, in Court House, Macon, Ga, 39-104 Press for Sale! WE have for (talc a large size GORDON PRESS (Aligutor) arid a RHOGUES’ PAPER CUTTER In good condition. To he bad at a bargain. Hold to make room for lar ger and faster machine*. AdorvC UA3. WING Al smith, l_lf Macon, Oa. WINSHIP Sc C ALL AW A.Y, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE, ;<> ?SMM*4>ii4l Ntropit, Mtt4foi. ticorgln. Ol'tP.lfiul For fe llifs f |MI K best place to select a suitable and usu I ful present for the holidays is at MACtf BROTHKRS: BEST KID GLOVES \l # 1.2 r, worth to he found at MACK BROTH KRS. A SPLENDID CORSET At 90c., Winlb 11.50, cun ho hail of MACK BROTHERS. JUST RECEIVED! The "LUCCA BOW"—very pretty. The “LUCCA” HANDKERCHIEF—racy liauibonie and in all color. 25 DOZEN l.ndicH’ mid Gimilh’ TIKS mid SGAKKS. Anotiicr lurgr lot of Ladle,’ and Children', MERINO VESTS. Children's Hrnwn, Mixed a*d Slrlped WINTER HOSE. Fancy Knit Woolen Uooda, Kt. A Ist of RHAWIiN very cheap, snd sell Ing verv teat. Dili early aud make your ••lections. Price* lower than ever. MACK BROTHERS, Second street, Dsmour Block, dccil l!w—in-W-f. Sptsi iJ Hotel, NKAIII.Y OPPOBITR PABHKBOKII DKPOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Hoard :h(H) per Day. ,1 i:\I.N 75 4)l'l.\TM i:\44l. T. 11. ii ARRIS, Proprietor. 0. J., Superintendent. Javks W. Mkaua, In tlie Office. I if PROSPECTUS Macon Mill Enterprise, (vN or about tlm first week in Deeeiuhcr, / w<; will iH.tne from thin ottlce the tlrat, num ber of u Law, Live ffeetly Paper! It will contain ail the the Telegraphic news of the week, and the latent reliable Information on all subjects and from all (larta of the world. In Its editorial department will he found dis cu> lions of all the 1,1 VI) I**UK* of the times. Particular atteullon will be giv en to the advancement of Science, Art, and Literature; while ull interesting event* and authentic progress of the politiosl world will he faithfully presented. St'BSCKIPTION Mllt'X. One Year |1 50 Six Month* I W Invariably in advance. IdTNv *uherlptlon taken for less than *l* months. Mf Now I* th time to subscribe. HKS cone* ~T Otf APM.TCSTf.v ANNUAL FAIR —OF THE— Agricultural and Mcckauical ANNOCIATIO.T 4F UKOKUIA. Hold ext Bo von ilex lx. COMMKNCINO MONDAY, DECEMBEH 80th, 1872, And continue during tlie week. r|MIK Central Railroad and eonneetlous und 1 Atlanta aud Gulf Railroadund eonneetlous will transport vialtora for one fare, returning free. KAiiiti: 4:onti:nt. There will he u Sabre Contest between the Savannah and Augusta Sabre Clubs on Decem ber 4th and sth. lI.UTCN. Open to the world, three or more to cuter. Fastest Trotting Single-harness llorsc, Purse, ♦ 100; Fastest pair of Trotting Horses, owned and used as such, Purse, ♦SO; Best Single-har ness Horse, Plate, ♦2O; Best pair of llanics* Horses, Plate, 135; Best Pacing Horse, Plate, ♦ 15; Running Race, Sweepstakes, mile beats, three or more to enter, two to start, entrance 10 per cent., Purse, ♦‘3oo. 410TT0N PltlDimiN. The Chamber of Commerce offer the follow ing premiums: For best three bales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go lo planter, ♦SO, For throe hales ranking second In quality, premium to go to planter, ♦■lo. For three hides ranking third in quality, 130; premiums to go to planters For the best hale of sea Island cotton, *SO; next best In quality, premium to go to planter, ♦ 10. For the best Gin for upland cotton, ♦IOO. For the best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety. known us gold seed, premlun to go to planter, 4>lo. For tlie best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety known as white, premium to go to plan ter,*lo. No fee will be charged for entering of exhib iting articles. For Premium Lists or other information, ap ply to J. 11. KSTILL, Bseretarj, 185-td Savannah, Gu To the nu.lnes* tie. ol' Vlnvon TMK ALBANY NEWS J Circulates exclusively in Dougherty. Mil'hell, Lee, Maker ami Worth < ouatte*. iyr ih. wealthiiwt t.'otlo* growing *ei-Uo* of Georgia. THK IN KM’Hi U thu best Advniisiug Medium iu Sowthwest cmtiVorfia. j 4HVMTIMIWKNTA SUIJCITEti. I HAZRT W. BTTLKS, Proprlolor. TUG rUGiMII m WEEKLY. IT is aulveraally conceded that advertising Is s necessity to success in business; it is siso conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that newspapers are the best medium lor reaching til parties whoss trade Is desired. THK MONfIOE APVEETIHKII reaches more of the people trading with Ma con than any other Journal published in tlie country; it Is, therefore, the Utl medium of communication witli tlie planting interests. We will he happy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchant* here and elsewhere, who will testily to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their cards in The Ailiifiliiur. In fart, many who have availed themselves of Its columns, candidly say that Its value exceeds that of all other Journals In which they are represented. The Aiherliner has the freshness of youth and the ripeness of sge, and Is therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OF ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are admitted whluli are not believed to be above question aud of real value, mid from purtica so unquestionably re liable that the readers of Tin: Adve.rtliter will be safe In ordering them from any distance. To our readers, the fact of its appearance here ha* all the weight of endorsement and authority. Address, JAB. P. HARRISON, Forsyth. Georgia. Chance of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFKC'K, ] Macon* Biilnswii k Railroad Go., , Macon, Gu., October 30, 1*72. ) ON aud after Thursday October 31, 1872, trains on this road will run us folluws: DAT PASSEHOKH TIUIN, DAILY ISLNDATB KX- L'KPTKP.) Leave Macon 9:15 A. m. Arrive at Jcsup 0:35 P. M. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 p. M. Leave Brunswick 4:80 a. v. Arrive at Jcaup 6:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 5:10 p. m. NK/HT PIBSKXOV.II TIUIN, DAII.T. Leave Macon 8.25 r. Arrive at Jesup 5.00 a m Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. m Leave Savannali 7.80 r. v Leave jesup 11,10 P M Arrive *t Macon 7.80 a. m Both day and night tesins connects closely at Jesup with trains to and from Florida. HAWKINSVIU.E TIUIN DAILV, (iI.VIUT* IX csirasii i Leave Macuu J:’ 1 ! 1 *• “• Arrive at Hawkinsville r - “• Leave Hawkinsvlllc *:56 A. M. Arrive at Macon 1#:35 s, w. WM. MacBKA. 174tf General Superintendeut. TO MERCHAITTS! H/f BRCHANTS wishing to place Uieir ais* IYI sad business prouiineotly before the pl of Macou, Taylor, Crawford nnd Houston counties, sbould sdvertias in the ■LBINEBB MIRROR. Circulation good and incressiug very that. Kates Ulisral. , W. T. UHRIfITOPHFR, hi>. ■t P™ K-. Fort Yalley. Via.