Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 14, 1872, Image 2

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' jQi ENTERPRISE V*' *•* ’ . TS ~ 1 1, i}j. A HI-IMIKIi IV KKt 1 \ KIlMi 111 £S, WING Sc SMITH. N<>. Hi Hollingsworth Block. XU XrtUr* rrtaiinjf In ■ Imultllx nrt f,-*wy in Lin**, H o"/ <( Smith, V" .M, l la. Ooihni'H'lsoti""* jar lh t'-'i" i nhotud t„ ail - itrrmat In Ihr tilihir. MV I at definite In ,sS*#/si rrjrrl' I rarnini illon * Tl■ // nnthrnti mint timrn Item*. 1 • /in, t* >a' lh> ,Skits, no- Haiti. ■lruiHrulii' Mvcllsttf. Muon, !>•< . 7,187 if. There will be u mooting ol the l)ctno uratic Party on Tuesday, December 17th at the City Hull, ul 11 o’clock, A. M , for Ike purpose of nominating county officers. 4 full attondaucc of the party i* earnestly deal red. Hy •rderof the Executive Committee. *l'. llahdkman, .lit., Chairman. TMR Ni'illCll'Ali KI.KCTIOffi I progressing peaceably throughout the city at title writing. We hear that there il great splitting of ticket* for Alder men, without reference to political opin ion* *r party discipline The people pre fer to act independently on questions of user* local concern Involving, n* they do, In a large degree, interest* outside of and aliove all political question*. Those who have yet failed to vote Mould lose no time, a* the polls close lit . r > o'clock, I* M. t'liimtAi.iati, That the country is to the unolmervant Imperceptibly, though rapidly, drifting to ward* centralism, is made very nppnrcut rent to all who arc closely watching the course of events. To such a pass liavo things already conic that mu pi iso Is ex pressed at every Judicial dieision atllruilug the simplest fundamental principle* of civil lew Aijnn Instance, tin World notices the fart that several nr ivspapt is seem to be uttcrally anitzed at tin- late official su nouncentsut of the sell evident proposition that postmaster* have no right to violate the mails ; and now equal astonishment Is aroused by the opinion of a Washington court that a restaurateur may decline to fdltlll the behests of customers who are personally objectionable to him , and indignantly exclaim* u few year* ■go no adult American would have waited for an opinion from the hcneli to learn that every tradesman is absolute muster of Hie disposal of hi* wire- the man who deal* in cooked meat* and confectionery havlug the same hi lefen-ii'' • right to re- Pnsc to vend these delicacies to any uppli cent, bleck or while, a* a tailor lias to dc nllne measuring an undesirable patron, or e mere limit to reject proffered cu tom, and that an attempt m abridge lids right is au outrage which no amount M negroplillls llc seutlineutalism can e.\cue, nor any fongrees'siiHl majority render valid ■ 111. NOI I 11. Just hi thb time tho anomalous condi i4oh of political affairs lu tin' Boutli. espe cially iu Louisiana and Alabama, is attraaliag general attention The North ern paper* are la-ginning to comprehend the situation The St. Louis Republican thinks those who imagined (lint the de cisive re-election of I'n-niUent Grant. is by an aluiont unnuiuum* role of tho Stale* loot fiistipntod ill enuat - <>f disturbance will Nail abundant reason to distrust the opin ion. Two legislation, in Alabamu. two leg Uiatnres and a threatened outbreak iu Urn iaiaau. an unintelligible condition of things la Florida, and the existence of a loul and fraudulent despotism in Arkansas,are the diaagreeable and disheartening fruits of an election that has been claimed to he the precursoi of universal tramiuility. The Republican thinks it is easy enough to sec haw ail these quarrels will he settled . it matters little which aide is tight and which ti wroug ; all we know is that the Administration side w ill triumph. Killier through the predetermined decisions of servile federal judges, the intimidating conduct of federal marshals, or the ato ill toll display of federal troops before the people—either by one method or another, the adherents of the president w ill carry their end and the other side la- defeated The New York Tribune, alluding to the same subject, thinks the readiness to ceil for tho strong arm oi the Federal Kxccutivc to set up this or that governor, sustain this or that hou-c of delegates, block the machinery of State government, post a regiment lu the cnptuvl—is only what ought to l> expected from the history of the past seven and a toil! v os lit the reconstructed Slab atnl wim y c.xpici-r.-, the ..pillion that urn! i . tUmmul (volley wisely ami adminitsUri I, the Soulh should lutvi- bceii < uliioly restored not only to its nnriual icLu. with the rest of tlie Union, hut to Ibo lull t Adobe of local selfgovernment. if should have I Men allowed to work <-ut its own reg*n erwtiou with its own sgent it should have felt the rcspiin,ibilit> I 1 own prosperity and good oixli t it siiould have been taught Uie danger aud disgrace •f inviting the Kedi i1 auliiorttlc* to In terfere with it* local corn cm, and *u ceoraged lo send about Uti-ir business th unacrupuloui adventurer, who, tmdar Peilcral protection, have robbed its tress uric* and corrupted its potifk - The doubtful uieaMire w hich A ..ngrew adopted at tii>t uud< i the pre- are of oe rdaitv, iu the chaotic period lilkwing lit* close of the war. have bi-cu |>eij>elu atad and re enfoix ed by later legislation armro ipirt designed for the protection of iba freel people. sotncUmes for tlie puu iaiMueut vrf rebels, but Irequenlly con eted lor ue other than purely tmrtisan parpoaes Wi-sue now the oalural la the desperate atrugigk for (tower th* two (tardea dtoregard the usual ageacie* ef jx.litrcal aricuea*. even votes are of MX endary cotMKxjoetKie lire first consideration is t# get the support ot the J’rwi-Jep!, and tiio people i,, nearly concerned m jj., quail el cecin to think il no disgrace that they go to Wn 4ili: ;lqu for the Sanction which tiny •au not cot at bout*. A great many rogue ~e date Say, will he true i out of pile ' by Fcderkl Intervention, hut a great many w ill be kept in. There is no remedy for tin ; ililical disutder until the Hoiith is allow 1 to : ovein itself. • -* Tux Mkkiwiviukk VINOK ATOU is the name of a handsomely printed and well tilled *i\ column paper, just started in Greenville hy W. II Hutchins, Esq. "The Viudiculor will he the organ of no party, clique’or ring, but,will advocate any man or set of principles it deem best.'’ Vfc Wish il a long life ol usefulnes* and pros perity. Samuel N. Pikm—The death of Mr. Samuel N. l’lkc. at New York on Satur day lust, so well know and so highly esteemed, and his demise was so unex pected, that it created it profound feeling of sorrow and and surprise among ail classes of society. The news of Id* death, coming without uny premonition what ever was a shock to every one who knew him. Mr. I'ike was a rnau who had done much toward beautifying the architecture and developing the interests of Cincinnati, and had lie lived longer would have done much more for her. Mr. Pike was fifty seven years of age, and in good health up to a few hours of his death. Mr Pike, it will ha recollected, built an optrs house at Cincinnati at u cost of one million dollar*, which was destroyed some time ago hy fir*, lie also was the builder of the Grand Opera House in New York, wldeli wus bought in l-os by James Fisk, Jr. Mr. Pike was horn In Chatham street, New Yol k at the sign of the Three Gol den llalls, in the year 1824, of Hebrew parentage Hi parent* were nutive* of Amsteidam, and hi: education mi n ccivcd in < ■ iinecticut Altai i . Got; vt kiifkitoii* A spi cial hi;, and i I the Treasury Department, who for ou months past lias been on the trail ol i min i feiters of railroad bonds which mil !1 in New York over a yinr ago ntn '■ t two leader* of the gang lust Saturday on He fit Francis Kiver, near Bolivar Ad One of the men, named John M lan | * on r, i■ a steel plate Engra ver, and w i toiineily in the employ of the du oiy Departnieiit, at Washington. The otliei man gave the name of Edwin Halo, hut i supposed to ho the man who eonm.itti .1 heavy forgeries in N< w Orleans a lew yi-m - . ago. A large amount of unfinished h uid and United Htates currwie.i >■■■ ■ .>■ fmiml in tbeii pos ■ sion ill i, plates, pie:- os, etc. Tho pris oners arrived lute today and will be taken to Wi.Liii lon at omi .V ) l‘t\ ay n tic I -• . Tin i m m i There are three icnt theoriei which enable the hum in i • natu 1 e —the tin mi i |o H, and the undulatory theory of h lit iln i three pillars, as far as the I- inuiu intellect i* concerned, support tin- nniver-.e Td whom are we Indebted ii tin e disi oveiies ’ To men who lmd tin inacticul end lit view, and who cared only loi the truth To-day, when Hu ic oe -o many temptations to young men to leave pure science for prnc tlcal ami it behoove* u* to look with sympathetic eie-i upon Hie investigator wilio make alt 1 lii * knowledge possible Give all honor to the men who apply dis coveries, hut do ,not forget the men who ■links them ■— Eo.Ni.iinv in Em.i.inii. —From the English mortality return* for I*7o, which hare Just been published, it appear* that during Hie yciu the death* are 18 men and lid women, ivlios* age* are staled to lie upward* of 1 00 years, were regis terod ; in all, 81 peiM-ms, against lid and 70 respectively in |S(i!>. The liigliest ages said to luiio Is in attnined in 1870 were 108. bv a man who lived at Stoue, in Staffordshire, and 10‘J, liy a women w lio died ill Huddersfield. The fund which the Herald hud uener ously begun to raise for llie family of Mr Greeley Ti promptly put Into# fund foitlie erection of u slututo in his honor. George W Childs of the Philadelphia Ledger, with characteristic promptness and liber alitv. telegraphs that his subscription of • 1 ,000 may be used lu any way which the family of Mr Greeley may indicate. The Herald gives tho same direction to its equal subscription. and many otliurs un doing the sumo.— Tribune. -w *■ Georgia, and Atlanta especially, was highly . luiplimented yesterday by.the National Commercial Convention, assem bled in St I -ni- Mr. Hen. K. Crane, of till* city, 1 lie been elected Fiesidenl. aud Colonel W.eju* one of the Y ice Presi dents. The- VciUm of Mayor Crane as the pi. -. line oilli-er. is a deserved com pliment to that gentleman, as no merchant stands Iryh.a ill Georgia than he does, w bethel i o ' and as a business man oi in public I -ti, a .;, IJift. \ i . i . •v mi .cts that it there be anythin., ... the t ni-iitutieti which eutitles a man to < airy ; !•; Is iu his pockets, and to lire ibt-m-ot! w hen revenge, or passion, or liis cm i oi safely demands, the prop. 1 y :-In t ns. such men to carry anus, wilt; -i | ; ii. udveiiiseuu-ut there, f. in two . ; ■; mniils, where such a bitten n ..h c uml that it is to wmp off at any time, • - to- A (. ,v li ..mi .! i nun Davit, a crook, .; g ..1 .id m cro, sworn in a< a gi stuli on Monday morning last, aller ami tig iu Hint capacity today, walked from the giand jut) room to the store ol" one of ear m bums mid stole a lot of calico," i.i ::i t!ie act and relcasod by the n.> I.:. i the payment of live dollnl' plo-eoiltlon. —} /.. i Time*. A china! lentlemau, ltcv. Samuel Watson, n- .li: : in Tenucsstv, has been drummed out . Hie congregation of the faithful i wru - in heretical Irnok enti llixl --The t >.k Struck One ' After ids psiufut expvu. im U seems to us that Mr Wsts.ui ... well to ehsnge tlie name ot !.. h > , and call it “The Pl.a-k Struck Tw the I'hurch and Watson I both evidently being Irani hit. i Mr. Fronde lias abandoned his course of lectures on the relations of England and In land, in consequence of the - in tense feeling which the controversy ex Icileil “ He-gives loeUre*. however, ou other subjtvts Miss C A. Uansw,,— We regret that I our city is about U> lose the services ..f ibis splendid :. h. r. and .rr society the in fluenc. ui .harm of her poll sited intet - lect. h fix' Hansi-t. for ttiree yeaj-s at ike head of the Home- Female Seminary’, lias .heck unremitting iu her i-fliul* as a educa tor—/.' ■ OuW TATK M’WiS. Saviiimali: O Wednesday aftcin mi, nhottl half | ast live o’clock, n difliculty occulted at Fleming Elation No. 4, on the Atlantic and Gulf Hailrood, between E !■’ DcCotls and das. Stevens, agent of the Expire** Company, in which the latter was woun ded in the thigh. Mr. DeCotts was the Mi ‘.eager in charge of the* express goods on the train Idie Republican says Hie sales at the cotton exchange were brisker and heavier than they liavo been any day since the Hoard s establishment —the trim-actions of the day amounting to five thousand one hundred and fifty-three bales. The foreign imports of Savannah for Hie month of November, amount in value to $117,381!, of which only $.1.73 worth was brought in American vessels. An accident on the Central road centred Wcducsnajr night, near Station No. -1 1-4 the freight train running oil’on account of the spreading of the track. No damage. The llritish ship Argonaut, with a car go of 1,800 bale* upland cotton, valued ut $1.73,001, was cleared on the I4lh. itugiislii : Hr. Harrison delivered hi* first Incline on Spiritualism, on Thusday night, to a laige and intelligent audience. Thursday afternoon.about three o'clock, the sun put in an appearance for the first time in about thin: day*, much to the joy of ci ety one. Atlanta: The Constituliou regrets to learn that Dr l’liiiicroy, well known to all of our old citizens, fell down a flight of stairs on Alai itnu street, Tlmistlay night, breaking his arm and badly bruising his head ; up to the hour ol going to press the Doctor was insensible. Il is rumored that a contest will soon In waged over the Atlanta post office, the light being between Colonel George I’. Hurnelt and Mr. Dunning, the present in cuinlient, who is an ellleient officer and au ull’aliie gentleman If aid, Criag it Cos , have succeeded Mr. is. JVmherlon, Tavhir & Cos., in the drug trade. (! >i sis It ii a > : The Enquirer says, there was little ap pearance of life io the forenoon, in the eil and business is not what it ought to i at this season ol the year. The dull to is principally attributable to the hui i <li .rare iii town and auil country.— ! i’lir weather is clear and intensely cold. The same paper learns from passengers j m!i arrived here, from Hamilton, tlmt the preliminary trial of Robert Sivinlord, for liie killing of Win. I*. Ramsey, was com me lon Wednesday before Notary Public Hedell. The evidence as far a.* elicited, it is thought, i* sufficient to com mit 8 win ford for murder, though opinions in this respect are t onfiicling. The re main. of young Ramsey were brought in by llie North uud South train yesterday morning, and were met at the depot by a number of the friends of the deceased uud t i luted to their final resting place. An attache of Itanium's Circus had his | skull broken in Columbus on Wednesday j night, hy a falling of a tent polo upon him. llis injuries arc supposed to bo faial. Seventeen negroes and one w hite man in jail, Only two convictions at this term of l lie Superior Court, now in its thirty - ! til t day. - 4* - ——• TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Dki i Mi-.irn I I CONOKESS. An nppi opriiitiou for tfll.eOOO for Will | iatu ami Mary College was considered, j An amendment was offered that no part I o| tie- appropriiitiutimi lie paid unli] the sloekliohleis adopted a resolution opening , the college to all elassess and colors. — | Adopted, The bill was then, as amended, rejected by yeas IIIi. nays ldli, all tho I temoerats voting nuy bi s vtk The Naval ConimiUt c rep >rt ed tile House war sloop hill amended so at to provide for ten sloops .The hill appropriating sooil,(.tlhl for a site for a post-office at Chicago passed The credentials of Kpcurci, signed by Governor Lewis, were presented, read and tiled. The Judieiury Committee will report favorably on tho bill making the Pre-si dent's salary ifcfllUH'O. TUB (OMMKUI lAI. CONVEKfIO-N. f-r Lot is, December 13.—The Coin miltee on Rivera and Harbor* report in fuvoi of a free canal at Louisville, except for repairs, a system of signals and liglit liottses along the navigable rivers, similar to those on the seaboard, asking an appro prration for the James River ami Kanawha Canal They reported adversely upon con solidating the Commercial Convention and the National Board of Trade. The next meeting will be held at Pitts lu:: the Hist Monday is September. THE J.Ot’SISI A N V Tltoriil 1 Mnw Om.KAjis. Ihrember It—-The Mechanics' Institute Senate expelled two who held over, hut who have been acting with the fusion. The seventh and Eighth District Courts have been ordered to adjourn from day tj >i i. lill tin trouble is ovei 1.1, IM XTt'UK ADJOIIM n The Fusion Legislature has adjoined to 11.> hist Monday iu January. Tilth LOST STDVM lt ST Lol ls I at steamship Sw Louis wag valued -a-- ami was fully insured, blu w well fn Lilted, aud lunl *.">.!L’o specie on board • coroner's jury in tin- . : c of Maud ; Mei . 11, shot ami killed by her imele. It oert Bleakly, in N’.-iv York, returned a V.-idiCt against the prisoner, who was committed. Ai’iirs in the Fn m i. Assembly are '-.ill 1 iu a transition state, nltli ;’i hopeful for u b Her state of tilings. ( al and semi oil's, iul dispatches re- \ . and at \V asUiugton yesterday, indicate j that b< ili tlie ls-gislatuu-s of Alahaiua ae e.: t the Auorney General's plan of com promise in State affairs Sin Francisco, December I.l — All j Ho- j o enacts and tlnee eighths of a mil- i !i -. ef tria-ure have been savid from the j stcam i.ip .Saeianu-nto two hundred and j tw ■ I ol New V.-.:, ii one bundled amt twenty tons of Mi x can Height were at> aid, au 1 tlie vessel i- breaking up. The great iioosa. l’unuel. iu Mass . is finished at last. It is understood that the proposition i from the Tribune stock': I.U r to Folfax is bonus and Jlj.o-H' per year salary. 1 cl u ted States Attorney Ueit.-ral tel graph- to Judge McEnry, if New Or ica: that lii- proposed visit to Washing- U'ii with a hundred citizens will he una v->i -so far as the President is concern ed His decision is made, aud will uet be changed. Judge Simore, of the Eighth District Court, ordered Piuchiaiek to be iiujirisoned ten Jays sud cued f ;-r contempt. MAltikK IlkltoiuM—Capt. W II West colt, of llds city, whilst returning in a Mini 11 boat from a ducking excursion down tin river yesterday morning, was attracted by cries for assistance at a short distance from him. Turning In the direction of the voices, he saw four colored men in a flat, w hich laid sunk until they were waste deep in water. The Captain's bout being too small, lie w ent to Screven’s ferry for assistance, and soon landed them safely at that place The captain showed us his lingers, six of which lmd been frost bitten by exposure in his efforts to save them. He once before saved the life of a colored hoy on the Savannah river, and it is a curious coincidence that his own life was saved in the same way by a colored man.—Savan nah Adxertirer, 1 2th. The time of sale of the Winchester and Alabama and McMinnville and Manches ter roads lias been postponed from Decem ber 31, 1874, to February I, 1873 —thirty- one days. This results from the fact that there was a "mistake in the terms of sale.” On Hie day of purchase, the purchaser will have to pay seventy-five thousand dollars in bonds of the State of Tennessee, with coupons on and uftcr January I, 171, attached, and will have to give bond for a compliance with the terms of the original contract "to the extent of the purchaser’s bid ” —NtuJmlle Banner, 1 3th. The number of grain and molasses dis tilleries in operation on the first of No vember last was five hundred and six, with a capacity of two hundred and twenty eight thousand four hundred and seventy gallons daily ; the whole number in oper ation on the first instant was two hundred and thirty-six, with a daily capacity of two hundred and sixty-two thousand three hundred and forty-three gallons—a daily increase in November of thirty-three thousand eight hundred and seventy-three gallons. This increase is the natural re sult of the autumn harvests. Imtoutant to Cotton Mwuiiams. — We. learn that the Postmaster General, w ho has been consulted on the subject, has de cided that the practice which lias existed among cotton merchants of writing tlic qualities on their cotton samples sent through the mail, with the address, is a violation of the law. It is admissible however to denominate the grade on the outside of the package by figures. The decision will be published in the Decem ber number of the Postoffice Gazette, which it ill be used about the first proximo. Mr. Greeley says in a letter to the Rev. J. M. Austin : "1 believe the moral character formed In this life will be that in which wc shall awake in the fife to come, and that many die so deeply stained and tainted hy lives of transgression and depravity, that a tedious and painful dis cipline must precede and prepare l’or their admission to the realms of eternal purity and bliss " The new Legislature of Texas consists of 17 Democrats and 13 Radicals. Of the Democrats, eight held over, and nine were elected in November; of the Radicals, ten held over, and only three were elected last month. The House is composed of about seventy Democrats and twenty Radicals— all elected in November. The Legislature w ill meet on Hie 14th of January. ANAOCNCUItICIVI’S. 1 UK friends of Mb. Li. Itoss nn mnmeu him a- a candidate for Clerk Superior t onrt, sul.j a t to tie. Democratic nomination. declß-td. Tlie many friends of Mouiian G. Ci.abk, lu-retiy annoum s him as a suitable candidate for Tax Receiver of Bibb county, subject to the Deinoeratie nomination. The friends of Josei-u WlLnoiKNiimmomu-e him ns a suitable candidate for the oflice of County Treasurer of Bibb county, dccl) td i tun a aandldale for re-election to tlie office of Tax Receiver of Jtil.h county at the ensuing election In Jnminrv. B. ,\. Besson. nov27-td 1 lie friend- of J i mes Mautin annoimee him as a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county, sub ject to everybody’s nomination, uov3s-td. The friends of R M. Caliioi n announce litm as a candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to tlie Humiliation of the Democratic party, Tin- friends of IVr Cuowx announce him us a candidate for the office of Sheriff' of Bibb county. nov32tde. The friends ,f Washington I’ok, Sr., re spectfully announce his name as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bthli county, subject to tlie nomination of the Democratic parte novlil-td The friends of Tuadecs (1. Uoi.t, da., res pectfully suggest him as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county—subject to a Dem ocratic nomination. td tin- friends of C. T. V\ urn announce Jiim as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. The name of K. 11. Cain, is hereby presented to the Deinoeratie and liberal party, as a eim .b.iate for i Mr. Cain is an old eitizen, and, at one time was collector of taxes i His friends hope that his claims will be kind lv considered, knowing that lie will do his : duty, if chosen. td. 1 ■ main liriclid* i:f Milo b. l iieiiM vk an -1 ntmne.' him as a candidate for Comity Treas j un-r. novl6-td. A F. Gin,-.*n isaimomieed as a candidate for j County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. nov. If td. geo. F. Cheeky is announced as aeandidate for Sheriff of BiM. county , subject to the Dem oeratie nomination. novl3 td Mi: the voters of Bibb comity announce* Fi i. tinoss as a candidate for SlieritV, slit, •-el to th, nomination of the Democratic tj sovlS tf (. I*. Finney Is a candidate for Tax Receiv er..f Biid, County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Party. nov.Stf The undersigned announces himself as a j candidate for Treasurer for BU b county, sub- i <•> t to the Democratic nomination. nov 18 tf Feli x Con pi t The friends of W. T. Nels IS him as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to th.- Democratic nom nation. nov 12 tf. I hereby aniteuuec myself a candidate for Sheriff of B '•!> county—subject to the non. .na tion of the Democratic Convention. ' ' : S D Rainst. i After re{a-.iteil soU.-iutions from friends and 1 mature delil.en.tion, feeling it to beonr dutv to I ti-m-iii our f. Row-citizens in every manner pos sible, w have concluded to announce ourself a i eandfdate for the House, sign and ornamental ! painting, subject to nothing but greeshacks or city scrip, and ("ledge ourself if eiect.-d t v do our U < for o*rv,y. jnd not go back on our consti* i tu.-Ets. Windham A Cos. Ft:.! rS; tswoodHotel. Macon, (.? 1 m:\v ai>vkrti;si:.mi:nts ... twy - X Georgia Syrup. WE have now in Store ONE HUN j DREI) AND TIE. Y Hairel very choice j New Crop Georgia : c lb tall dealers ! will do well to call ou u.-, . ive can afford to sell it much less than tin New York or New Orleans Syrup SEYMOUR, lINSI.K i v GO.'.-. FIRS CR ACKERS. | “A BOXES JUST it I*X LIVED, By SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S NEW LARD, 100 T!I ' KCES NEW i akd By Sepoir, Tinsley & Cos. rtecl4 tf. Hotels, Retailers aid Families, LOOK TO VOt’K IXTEKKNT. OUR stock is not the largest in the world, hut we have enough to supply all who want good goods, good weights, good prices, and good men to wait on them, such as FIRE CRACKERS. CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., And little Pistols and Caps fail must be sold to go out of town). FOR EVERYBODY. 100 Rbls. Northern and Western Apples. Boxes and bbls. Florida Sweet Oranges. :*> Bids , buckets and cans Mince Meat. 150 Boxes and kegs Grapes. ‘.’:i Boxes California Pears. 10 Casks and quarter casks Muscat, Angeli ca, Sherry, and Y7liitc Wine, from California. One small cask of that ten year old Jamacu Hum. 75 Barrels and half barrels Pure Rye and Corn Whisky, (withthe shuck in it). 25 Bbls., kees and demijohns <>f Pure Bran dies, Gin and Wines. 125,000 Imported and Domestic Cigars. 150 Boxes Drums A; Caddi s’ Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco. The time has come, and wc mean t.i sell. A hint to the wise, etc. GRKKR, LAKE & CO., dec 11-tf Corner Clicrrv and Third streets FOB THE MASQUERADE AND HOLIDAYS. OPKU.v KlDSorany other style at 75 cents per pair, at. NCSSBAUM A DAXNENBCRGS, decßMw. 70 Third street. Jt’vr iti:c!:ivri> V LOT of the hundred dozen first quality KID GLOVES, all colors and all sizes at the low price *f seventy five cents per pair. At NUSSBAI'M A DANNENBURG’S dee l.*M \v 70 Third street. FOR RENT. r IMIF. suite of rooms known as “Planters’ 1 Hotel ” on Cherry street, is for lease for a term of three years or more, there are nine rooms with brick kitchen all well arranged for Boarding House, if not leased the rooms are for rent separately two front rooms admirably fitted up for offices. Call on Mr. I. M. Cox, on the premises or W. A. HUFF, decll eod-1 \r. CAL n AC NEK'S AIINSTHELS, J. H. HAVERLY, Manager, \\7TLL liavo tho honor of appearing before It the citizens of this city in a series of their Soiree de Ethiope, introducing each en tertainment entire change of programme, hav ing many popular and talented artists, among whom are CAI, WABNER, SAM PRICE, BEN BROWN, JOHNNY BOOKER, COMEDIANS. 4' A > t l s: 8.5> AM> KODlti:!!, SON.: AND DANCE AIiTISTS. RI! PAT CA LI FORMA QUARTETTE, Composed of Welling Brothers and J. W. Freetli. —ALSO— Mr. Prod. Wilson, The (treat and Wonderful Character Actor a-id Original Grecian Statues, with line I'lt- CHKSI Ra and BRASS BAND. 14F' Puic-Es as Usual. Doors open at 7; commencing at S. Reserved scats an sale at Brown’s Book Store. decRS lit RALSTON HALL. n£7>.VA’.'7>.t)’ ATA’AV.V'-'. DECEMBER 18, 1172 THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! MIS. SOL SMITH KTSSEIX Would re-peetfuHv announce his Elastic Countenance In the personation of a variety of Odd Charac ters forming lib new Monologue Entertainment, assisted by Mr. French, Pianist Usual price of admission Reserved seats to Ik- Obtained at Brown A Co.’s Bookstore, with out extra charge. For particulars • posters, programmes, etc. M A. WATSON, dec-11 tf Business Manager. DK. WRIGHT, DENTIST, H.\S rernoml t* Block, over Pci dlcton A: Ross'. corner Mulberry and ; Second tK, Macon, Gi no v 7-3 m. FOR SALE. Cix. BULPING LOTS .-n Wiial-or Hi,!. O Will sell all, or as many a* desired The j lota* adjoin Dr. (.'ox's on the top of Uie hill, j The prettiest location ouL Apply to novd?-4t Xo. 8 Cotton Avrxrs. Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, DEALERS IN VND MAM EACTIUEHSOE ■ i PAINTS. doors, ‘ pjw EfSqL-F-' j , j (BU LDERS SUPPLIES) MANTELS. X-,,,; _” ” ’ j,,. pj r—BUILDERS MOULDING, p|| | I I] Pp! | HARDWARE, BRACKETS, Eh . ~§£ ~H CARPENTERS’ *'-■ TOOLS. riA.X.XJ£jTJ3IIS, KTEWEL POSTS, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. lACTORY-DI XI Id WOHKN. Warorotns--Klal4 , t*’ Block INiplar StifH, Macon, Ga. tl I 1 1 111:ir 1 I • W* A. JJWrF'S Cm, Bacon atti Floor Eqmrii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. :<>: Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties. Sugar, Coffee, Etc. CHAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “TIE PRIDE OP DIXIE,” / 1 wo jtSest iis tho World, Always on Hand. I claim superior facilities hi the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIER, ETC,, ETC., Ami I will make it to the interest of Merchants md Planters to call on mo with their MONEY or K>D PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W, A. HUHT. 97-tf CROP OF 1872. Clover and (irass Seeds. It ED CLOVER. CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS I’Ll L GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. Just received. HI NT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholeisaie Druggists. 146-156 88 an 84 Cherry Street. EDWARD SPRINZ. N'OTART PUBLIC and F.X-OFFICTO JUS TICE OF THE PEACE. Ir an !*> f nr.nd for the present at all hours of the day at my otlice adjoining the law office'uf A. PmudCt, over the store of Jaquea *v Johnson, Third St.. Macon, Ga.. to attend to all Magisterial l.asi neaa. ns-sao. NEW GOODS! FOE THE HOLM. GO AT ONCE AND SELECT FROM TIIF. WELL FILLED COUNTERS OF PENDLETON & ROSS A SUPPLY OF ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THEY HAVE ON HAM) A LARGE AND SELECT STOCK OF GIFT BOOKS, ALBUMS, DESKS. GOLD PENS, WORK BOXES, GLOVE ami HANDKER CHIEF BOXES, CHKOHOS, WALL BRACKETS, SLIP PER CASES, WALL POCKETS. BUILDING and ALPHABET BLOCKS, TOY BOOKS. TOYS, AND EVERYTHING SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY - PRESENTS T CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PUR CHASING ELSEWHERE. Merchants wishing a supply of BLANK BOOKS, FINE PAPERS, INK and other STATIONERY, will lind it to their advantage to examine our stock. Tf "PRICES AS LOW AS ANVBODY’S^fJ PENELETO.M A ROSS, Successors to J. M. Boardman. deelO-594 To Tai Payers of B 1 County. ICiIYE notice that the Tax Books for col lecting the State and County Taxes for will close on the 7th day of December. I h<pe all will note this and pay their taxes, as I have to settle on the 15th and cannot give any longer time. This notice is tinal. 1 can’t be f '-| oris;hic for any one’s tax after that time. All poli taws and road taxes are required from both white and colored. _ novU tf F. M. HEATH, T. C.