Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 14, 1872, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. IV, %. Wi l l’. li.v**r. ALDERMEN: , 01 , A _ A H. TiN.-i.l i . .1. J. Wu.ui’iiN, }';■ Wouou.K.-, j' Kl I ZIiKK.U.P, *'• ({• ttoIIKRTS, IV. I. ;• tkon, \ ,1. -WITH, •’ |i; --K1.1., i) t) vi.v, K. Wmjuen-TKin. .1 Williamson Treasurer. \ ili,Mam- Unk l. .1. Bacon m IK, ii. N, lioLMi s C-lty 1 hi-lcnil. ,mi - Martin, (Jliiof of Police. ■ Txvi.ok first Lieutenant. ;N ' 11 ;’it Second l.ieuteimnt. \ Wu.iiv Third Lieutenunt. • Ki>nry Giiiit'il House Keeper. 11 \;in' tinViiiif. street Overseer. . City Sexton. , ii : akin Magazine Keener. in li ft in: Clerk of tlie Market. .1031 I’KIVIiMJ. I'lils Ollice i* I*re|iiiretl to e\. .(li l*i*iiiliil' :>• |i iees lo Mt ,i< ilie limes, mill in i sljle .ulisliieloi'V lo all. I’ine werl* i.little ii -*|>WiiUy. We noliiit a.mi- orilers, smd will do our lies) to |>leiisie you. fill I P*. iIoHe affairs. vi inn. cam pec, ii, isya. UorUiiis Wan ;i \o u:mt to lmven voio<* 'im tin Democratic Convention onTm <!:■> v t, : ■ i •c !• for o’clock. The suggestion inude in this n U per to hare, the hour chunked for jour bene fit has not been heeded. Look to your rights. I*< I’MOIB Sf !. Prof. J. T. Willis has just returned from >avamiah, and will resume the teaching of pu pils in his new method of paintin'?. Orders left at Burke A: Co'-, will receive prompt atten tion. + * (liood Harbtr. >. Jmve clean and well without slopping ■,,111 over with dirty soap suds is a blessing few , njoy. Mike Napier, the challenge barber, is ihe man who can do the clean tiling by you. Efroulh iroin Ilpizooiy. Mr. Robert Wuggeustein lost his line Gray, few days ago, from a relapse from tin- horse Pease, which resulted in pneumonia. He v \s well known in Macon. .Here Arresif. Mr. Henry T. Conner w as arrested yeslonlay even for violation of tht Enforcement At t. He -Ave bond in the. sum of $2,500. Mr. Tom Artope at a s arrested tlii= morning •ii the same change. He gave bond in the sum i ? 1,500. M: •shall IJurbauni made the arrests. rai Wagncr'si MinixlrHs. Kemcinber that this famous troupe of burnt . ,rk artists appear on our boards Monday right. Cal Wagner is perhaps one of the best men in his line that we have out. lie bus a world-wide fame. In Town. Mr Jerman 1?. Goodioe, of the large produce and grain firms of Sunward, Goodioe & Cos., Louisville, Ky., and Underwood, Goodioe ik Lo., Ist Louis is in the city. He will remain with us but a few days. Mr. Goodioe was formerly of the house of Warren Mitchell & Cos , of Louisville. Iti-antii'iil si* a ISo<‘. To-day being election day lmt few ladies visited the holiday gift bazar of Brown & Cos. 1 he young men however, are busy purchasing presents, but as Brown A Cos., have an endless assortment the ladies on Monday and other days, will find a splendid lot on hand. Kill Arp Is a gelding this time,’and has been sold to a Louisville gentleman for $1,500. It is said he lias taken more premiums than any other horse in Kentucky. Now this can’t be the genuine Bill Arp, for he is not that sort of a horse.— Bill save he saw his name on a barrel of Ken tucky whisky a few days ago, but couldn’t [recognize himself a bit. Perhaps he furnished the barrel! Bills 3111 <1 I.HIIOJ . I These young gentlemen are keeping up the [well-earned reputation of the old Ellis stand Im Mulberry street. I The Saloon and Restaurant above is now as |i always has been the finest in Georgia I its general and special appointments and ■nangument.. It would he difficult to sug l.t any improvements upon this Delmonieo [establishment of Macon. The floor below is filled with a general assort ment of the purest, the freshest and the best things to eat that can be purchased any where in the United States and brought to our market. As articles for the Christmas holi idavs are now in such general request, the leader will find Ellis A Lancy fully prepared to apply any and everything demanded. Mol Mini til ISil'.sHl. i'li.: Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel thus ■ aks of this gentleman's performance: I Last night Mr. Sol Smith Russell opened at |i.irardey's Opera House. Mr. Russell lias |..:!en performed here before with the Swiss ■Bell Ringers, and made himself n prime favor lit.: with his Augusta audiences. Though now Iguing it on “ his own hook,” he proved none line less attractive, and was complimented with I;, very good opening house. Mr. Russell gave I whole show by himself. His personations I 'ere inimitable. ' The changes were made with I it rapidity and were an perfect and coui- I. lete that they seemed almost miraculous. I.ii- “elastic countenance,” as lie proudly terms I face which can be twisted it will into any I liape and made to assume any expression do l-in-d, was even more elastic than usual and I kept the crowd convulsed with laughter. His I pianist, Mr. French, rendered material assist- I nee during the evening. The lilectlon To-Day. FIKST WARD. I At No. 3 Engine House more votes were II 'oiled up to 12 o’clock than at any ottier poll- I lag place. A great many split tickets are voted. I A small crowd was in attendance this mom >g, and it was very enthusiastic. SECOND WARD. But few voted up to 12 o’clock at this ward, I although it is the largest in the city. Tliecan- I 'Lisles were on hand, working like beavers. I Little hoys were around circulating straight I Democratic tickets. The tickets arc terribly I l iitup. The polling place of this ward i* at I No. t Engine House. Tfirm> WARD. I Ihe Court House presented anything but a I 'vly scene. At one time this morning there a, :e only three voters anywhere around it. i split tickets ~eem to Ne the order of the day at | tills precinct fourth ward. Ihr city Had had the largest crowd of any other polling pi ace tliisjnoniing, but there Wre but few voter* among them. Tbc usual -putting of ticket* is carried on to a consid erable extent INDICATIONS. A t the earir hour of our going to press it is a hard matter to aavwhp is elected, but from dote serration aud a iceuiml cauva*in£, we pre- ei that BMrir all of the peoples’ ticket is * More About tile Suicide. In our account of this melancholy ufl'uir yes terday, w e failed to give any description of the wound made bv the razor. Wo are indebted to Dr Hammond, one of the attending physi dans, for the following detailed description: Mrs. Bone cut her throat from the ster m -eleido-muntordious muscle of the light, to , the corresponding muscle of the left aide, sev ering all the intervening tissues of the neck down to the cvi viei 1 vertebra. The caiotid ai tcries and jugular veins were laid bare,but not divided. The wind pipe (trachco i was cut across, above the poniuni adatui; the razor b* ing di rected upwards, severed the intcgumenU above the glottis and ejiiglotthy and parsing over the o.i hyoidf*, ju*t beneath the tongue, de tachhig these important organs from the larynx uud pharynx. The pharynx, at its in ferior portion, was cut across just at it* junction with the wsophaffitn (gullet) and all the intervening tisanes to the cervical vertebra. The organism thus transfixed retracted, or rather dropped down to the top of the breast bone, leaving a large ami fright ful gash three inches iu extent. As the os hy ohbs was detached from the rinuiu 11 the mus cles that arise from the different cartilages of the windpipe ami which arc inserted into the o.s hgoitics were cut through, consequently their several offices were suspended, which was wel* illustrated by the pathological effect! upon the physiological action. There are eight small muscles arising from various c.ireu tions which arc Inserted into the hyoid bone, so called. tVoui i’ ■ resemblance to the Greek lot t, i l These t ight muscles move this little bone in every conceivable direction ; they ele vate and dilate the ji/iiirgi v-to grasp the food, then contract and propel it into the msopha gus (swallow), to be from thence conveyed into the stomach. The offices of these muscles be ing destroyed, as also iho&e concerned in re spiration and the voice, it will be at once per ceived that the :carful prospect of starvation is sooner or later to be realized by the unfortu mite and much lo be pitied sufferer! The vocal chords arc silent, consequently no intelligent sound or word will probably ever be uttered by her again. She cannot eject the sputa and morbid accretions from-her mouth and throat, hence there, is a con stant dread of suffocation. She failed to cut the nerve* of taste, and therefore craves for food, as she is hungry ; she calls for something lo cool her thirst and for something to eat! but she is unable to swallow. If she sips a little ice water, it glides over her parched tongue mechanically and out at the wound in her neck which affords her no relief. She is thus tanta lized from day to day. She often exclaims “1 am hungry!” “lam starving,” but the little muscles which conveys the savory food into the pharynx are paralized and she cannot swallow ! All the surgical skill yet employed lias failed to afford her any relief. And it is probable that no human agency can repair the injury, CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets every Ist aud 3d Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue. Mizpah Lodge, No. 47, meets every 2d and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Ilall. Constantine Chapter, wo. 4, K. A. M., meets every 2d and 4th Monday night at Masonic Hull. St. Omcr Commandery, No. 2, Knights Tem plar, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at Masonic Ilall. FIREMEN. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in each month—House Poplar st., coiner 3d. Ocmulgee No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near City Hall. Young America No 3 meets Ist Monday night in each month —House 3dst., corner Mulberry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House corner Hawthorne and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month —Housed in City Hall. Hook and Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night in each month —House Poplar st., cor ner 2d. ODD FELLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day night at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets every , Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Ilall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d and 4th Mondays of each month. KNIGHTS OF PVTIIIAS Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Ilall. GOOD TEMPLARS. Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday night at their Ilall in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night at Progress Club Hall. Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thurs day night at their Hall on Windsor Hill. societies Progress Club meets every Sunday night at their Hall on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each month at No. 2 Engine House. Malachi Lodge, No. 143, I. O. li. It, meets second and fourth Sundays in each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday night at the Pu*icngcr De-pot. Visiting brethren welcome, CIIL'RCHEs. KjjL*oj,ul —Christ Church, K<v. B. Johnson, Bc<^or—Walnut st., between 2d and 3d. Ser vices JO 1-2 a. m. and 8 p. m. St. Paul’s Church, Itev. If. K. lU< -, Hector —Vineville. Services II a. m. ; sr. m. Chil dren's Service ; 0 p. m. Evening Prayer. St. Barnabas, services by the Hector of Christ Church, at si\ m. Near Macon & Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. Catholic — St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. D. Bazin. Mass 7a.m. ; High Ma- 10:Of) \. M.; Vespers 4 1-2 p. m. Prcrftyfcrian —Mulberry St, Church, Rev. C. B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 P. M. Windsor Hill Church, Itev. Wm. McKay, pastor. Services semi-monthly. IsraelitUh Syiuigorpm —J. IL Hertz, President Near Ist Baptist Church. Services Friday eve ning and Saturday morning. Bapttit— lst Baptist, Kcv. W. 11. Mclntosh, pastor—2d Street, between Cherry and Poplar. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 8 [-4 r. v.; Sunday school 4 1-2 p. m. Second Baptist, Itev. Jamo Mi L yde, pastor —near Findlay’s Foundry. Heme* 101*2 a. m. and 8 p. m. Mission Chapel, Wind or 11:'! applied from the city churches. Mzthodixl Ejjincopal —Mu 1 berry Street, Kcv. J. O. Branch, pastor —Mulberry -t., comer Ist. Services at 10 1-12 a. m. and 8 p. m. First Street Church, Rev. W. W. Dicks, pas tor —Ist street, between Oak and Arch. Ser vices 10 1-2 A. M. and p. m. Vlueville Church, supplied from the city churches. j East Macon Church, Rev. J. W. Burke, jas* tor. Services 10 1-2 a. m. and 4r. m. The celebrated “ Ponies ’’ (Imported) minus the Epizootic for sale only at the New Tork Grocery Store. Another Ticket.—' The latest ticket for public favor contains the names of the well known boot ami shoe dealers, McKervy A Maloney . They invite the public to examine their stock. ——♦ IsHJICN II Otlftfl* Nalovu. This* famous saloon, under the control of that prince of good fellows, Ullmaun, is Hour* Uhinglike the proverbial bay tree. The bar is stocked with the purest wines and liquors and genuine imported cigars. Gasper Malado, the celebrated oyster opener, is with him, and is ready to supply customers with oysters in every shape. Go around ami ste (Jllmann dec lo cod Look to Yoru Interest. —Brown makes four pictures for $1; makes a dozen photo graphs for $2,50 ; best photographs $5 per dozen. This gallery makes the best pictures In the city . Compare the work. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. novLS-tf. To be or not to be was a question that was once asked. If you want good shoes or boots you have only to call at McKervy A; Maloney's to he satisfied. It. Fine Ti hkevs.—The finest lot of turkeys in the market are for sale at (J. C. Balkcom fe Co.'s on Fourth street. Besides turkeys they have everything else in the grocery line. Now is the time to lav in your stock of good things for Christmas. St Cam. at 8. T. B. 1\ Walker's this evening, if you want such things as choice Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap ples, Oranges, Bannanas, Malaga Grapes, or anything else in the fancy or family grocery line. octlT tf 88 Ciikuryßt. + +. The best in the would 44 Putzvl tfc Jacobs Favorite.” Noy 27 tf o*— — ‘‘Putzel's Delight'' will delight all smokers. ; Delightful. #+ . Latest News. —Brown makes those tine Ink pictures twenty-five cents less. Old pho tograph- copied correctly . No. 8 Cotton Avenue. No cards. nov. 11 —tf. A favorite with everybody, ‘‘Putzel A Jacobs Favorite. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. Daily ICeview Market, Office Macon Daily Entcki’kibe, ; December 14—2 o’clock, P. M. ) Cotton. —The market to-day is quiet,'noth, ing doing* of any consequence. The following prices rule to-day : Clean Red 16)^@17 Ordinary Ifi3-7(i Good Ordinary 17)£(a) Low Middlings Middlings “The receipts yesterday were 019 bales; ship ments 301 bales ; sold 402 bales. STATEMENT. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 — bales 41S Received last 24 hours 019 Received previously 39,311—39,930 Total receipts 40,342 Snipped last 24 hours 304 Shipped previously 27,987—28,351 Stock on hand lust evening— 11/J9l MARKETS BY New York, Dee. 14, 10 a. m.— Gold Spot—cotton quiet. Ordinary 17c.; good Ordi narylß%; strict good Ordinary 1811-16; low middling 19%; good middling 21%; aterling 9%@H% Liverpool, December 14, 1 P. m.—Cotton, quiet and stead; sales 12,000; speculation 3,000; middling uplands 10%; middling Orleans 10%. 2.45 p. m.—Gold 12%. Spot cotton closes quiet and steady; sales 845; exports 526; trans portation 75; low middlings, 19%. Othergoods unchanged. Futures steady; salss 12,650; March 19 11-10. Liverpool, December 14, 11 a. m.—Cotton quiet and steady; sales 12,000 bales; middling uplands 10%; middling Orleans 10%. College Hill Drugstore. Cor. Cotton Avenue A College St. rpiIANKFUI, fur Hie liberal patronage ex -1 tended to this enterprise during 'in: past year, with a view to its CONTINUED USE FULNESS and CONVENIENCE I have ItI’rS.U.MSII I! I> THE STOC K, and am now amply prepared to put up physi cians and family prescriptions of Pure and Fresh Medicines, to which my personal attention will at all times be given. Niilt Calls at Any Hair, PROMPTLY ANSWERED from mv residence adjoining tins Store. I SHALL KEEP ON HAND Pure Wines and Liquors l-’OU MEDICAL USE, LAN Dlt E TIPS WARRANTED GARDEN SEED, ItEKOSiyE OIL, LAMPS. CHIMNEYS, WICK ANI) THINGS TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, TOILET ARTICLES, and everythin}; asuaiiy found in a Drug Store. 1 am offering an excellent article of GREEN and BLACK TEAS. STREET CAR TICKETS, four for 25 cents. Sole A vents for the AMERICAN A CHINA TEA C 0.,:;. i Vei-ey Street, N. V. City. The oldest Tea House in America. decSly T. I*. FOttP, ~ Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN K. R. CO., I Macon, Ga., October HI, 1572. ) ON and after Sunday November fid, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger Trains, will he observed on this road : DAY PASSENGER. Leave Macon 8:10 A. ft. Arrive at Macon 2:05 A. M. Leave Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 2:40 p. ft. NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. L<ave Macon 8:00 p. ft. Arrive at. Macon 8:20 a. m. i-eave Atlanta 8:00 p. ft. Ai rive at Atlanta 4:55 A. m. Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for point* In Soutiiw< -t. Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Kail wav for points West. A. J. WHITE, nov2tf Superintendent BOARD. DAY board and board and lodging in a pri vate house, can la: had by applying t W. D. Rainey on Walnut atreet, Macon. Kept. 12,1872. 137-102. DENTISTRY r 1 *EF.TII tilled, nound or decayed, ami, if dr A sired, Flint Rock ptiliclurcd emit v muted lit the shortest possible notion by Morrison Dental Hiiud Engine; and nil other new lin en tlous, both standard mid humbug, used In the most selentltlc nud skillful manner, bv Ok. .1. I>. MeKELLAR, No.ji’. 1 Second street. dee It! lit next to.I. W. Burke A Cob. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. MXCo.N AND"\VKbTKkN"kTI{~C()“”■( Tukasiuiek’s UFFIOB, Macon, Dec. 11,1ST’!. I At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company, to be held at the oilier of the Company In this city on Tuesday, the 7tli day of January next, the question of the union and consolidation of this Company with the Central Kailrond and Hanking Company of Georgia, under the charter of eahl company, will be submitted. MILO 8. FREEMAN, decl# id Secretary and Treasurer. HOOK & STEPHENS, DRALKRB IX FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, UOhhISGS WORTH MOCK. I'OVRTII STREET. IJVNTIRELY New, Fresh, Pure, Genuine mid jJ Warranted to suit the taste of every one OUR CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES ARE uow in store, uud all parties are in\ itetl . to call and purchase anything they want. FISH AND OYSTERS. WE are receiving every morning, Odar Keys llaml-Gpcnnl Oysters, perfectly Fresh and Guaranteed. BLACK and various other favorite kind- of FKESIi FISH on hand every day. hook: a BTi:piis.!\s. dec 12-3 m DENTAL NOTICET NOTICE IS lIRUKHY UIVEN THA I DR. W. W. FORD IS CUK ONLY LICENSEE FOB THE (JSE OF RUBBER AS A B ' FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH, in Macon, Georgia. All persons are ln icby cautioned against purchasing Rubber Dental Plates of any parties not Licensed of this ( om pany, as l>y so doing they render themselves equally liable to prosecution for infringement. A reward will be paid for information Unit will lead to the conviction of any parties of unlawful use of our Patents. JOsIAII BACON, Trans. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Cos. JiostoUy J)t >\ 1, 1872. <|cc 11-1 ill Mayor’s Office, Ma on, December 10,1872. IN addition to the usual inconvenience which lias been suffered by the public from the prevalence of the horse disease, we now sec a complete blockaded condition of our railroads and the almost total suspension of all coinmer cial business in our city for mere lack of str-t transportation. This unusual state of afiairs suggests the want, of some immediate relief, both to the railroads ami the merchant. Cpon consultation, therefore, with the railroad an thorities and the different dray companies in the city, I hereby give notice to any and all per sona in the adjoining counties, that they are in vited and requested to bring in their ox-teams and assist us in the dray work of our city for the next two or three weeks, at the end of which time we hope to be able to resume the horse and mule labor. Parties bringing their oxen to the city will be allowed to use them in the dray age of all goods FREE OF LICENSE. It is believed that twenty to thirty teams could find constant work here for several days, at good paying prices. decll tf W. A. HUFF, Mayor. Stockholder's Meeting. Office Macon and Western R. ii. Cos., 1 Macon, Ua., Nov. ISO, \H7i. f The annual meeting of Stockholders of the Macon and Western Kailrond Company, lor the election of President and Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and any other business that may he brought before them will be held lit Ihe office of the Company in this city on Tuesday the 7th day of January next at 10 o’clock a. m. MILO 8. FREEMAN, novSO td Secretary and Treasurer. ■*. LOWESTHAI/S BAU&LAUER BEEIINALOON, ( Mahskt’s oi,d stand.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. r jvi [IS Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, A Liquors and Cigars ill the market, nHd sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hour in the day or night. Swiss Choose, Goose, Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may he desired for lunch. nov24-tf DR. P. H. WRIGHT Respectfully tender his professional services to the citizens of Macon ami vi cinity, Office at Drug Storn No. 8 Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin’s, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention, oelfitf “ MISS M. A. DANIEL WOULD respectfully inform the Lmlh- of Macon and vicinity that she to! <n rooms at .Ho* lO Cotton Avenue (up b'irw;, where she i - prepared to do Dkksh Making in the lat/xt and r/tont ulyhy, and v/ar rants to give satisfaction. oct3l -2w FOR RENT. dknn PER MONTH by the year in ud varn-e. Two nice rooms, best locality In the city for Dentist or Millinery business. Apply at this office, or No. 8 Cotton Avenue. oct23-tf. ON CONSIGNMENT - HY J, Holmes &Cos„ (No. 82 T lili il Street. j BBLS. TENNESSEE AI'PLES 50 bids. POTATOES. Also one car load of choice, .elect HINT PROOF OATS, Superior to anything of the kind ever before offered in this market. Give us a call. nov3otf_ JAO. B. WELTIS ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON ftp SffKKET OVER 1.. W. KA H* AE’S ST¥. 2D-1 BGS T O N Nil V.MI!!. ’ -MM jt Lille. IOW rules of' i■ ii i iiHunmco. Kind* j cla**.* p:i ,u)t!:ilion*. Order you i :v ** *l-. 1 11 j>i ■ • i ■ v ' i o-Mi ami Ha van null Steam lull ilelav and extra hand line. BH ’ll \ 1 :' >\ ,v BARNARD, •nt, Savuiinali, Ga. F. M* Iv; :. *( A CD., Agents, L 1 -20i* Boston. Commission Merchant, I.'lt HAV NT'KEKT, Bet. iker ami I’ ■ I st., Savannah, Ga. All Older • Will > e •• 11 • ili<*n (’oil aignments uf all ki ■ p.-eiiulH - lieUed. 131-301) BOITm; “cKLNZIE, Cotton :rn loniraisslon >sllltrll tvrs, lOfk ECuy ■■ I, Hm similltll, Gil. 181-:J0l* MBYER, Sc CO.. orvi.i u;s i\ Coots and Shoes, I*' ICroiijglaf oit St v acmsili, Gai MereluUits Mpplinl :>t New York Market 131 200 Price-*. A. S. ABA ESUO., COMMISSION MKIIOUANTS AND— ’ lß'illi-rs ill ! r• ij f•. i'isli am! 1 miiliicf, No. 10 lily SI., B:iv;mn:ili, Ga. Goiislgmm'iits :-oli, ir!. Order.- prinupllv nib ml.>l b 1.1 SOI* 33. B. SMYTHE, mt’oim t: ci’ < Ghi*asv :o e ad 4'liiiia, And Deni rin . : . . liin , (Lmds, M 2 (’ongresa ami 1 II .’l. Juliim Sts. - \ VAN NAi!, C \ 121 200 f. w. s;- <¥:•; tA at.. CulfDH t’iii'loi ssisf! Cciiri.'il Commisr.; •' icrchants SAVA A ' <: -;2:DEE<|JI %. Bagging sind Ti* • 1 i*• • 1 I iniukel prieea. Ac. maign lllents. M’i!.' I. I'llciOO A. 11. *S! \MI Ii I. I i'bl IIMAN. . . . Com bants Ooi i B 3 amt I fray ton Streets, 2 A V.A '■ * \ !i, GA, 131 200 L. IIN. V/-':. ‘ ‘ASTI.V, ats v ' • n vr 9 vw, ~XJO. 3 COT T ■ i\ M.YGUN, GA. 32-107 wow ns a l . '. ~i \m* SL AK : I TER.’S, O' N FOl I i'll ii • ■, in 'Moor t* Wil burn Ac Edward.-, i ■ tin* phiec to buy Tcp ai 0 Ims toils. My sto'-k i ( i : ad (••!! 'I "f every thing in till' liil! •i . i I ( ' illfcr* io|i i T\' LillC. Weddiu:: I'arH* 1 ■ i 11111:1 <■ 11:11 >1 <- Thankful Lo the eii i. ■ n of ,M:i "ii for punt patronage, I r< • m*ll.■!! ■ >!i*•'.t a lie nil Imre for the future. I'nur- :mhl ■ me mid I w ill guarantee satis f:ieli<.;i. nov 15 lm G. 3LAI G|ITER. Marshall House SAVANNA 11, GA., A. SC. M 4 >:, I’t'oprii'lor. BOARD PER DAY #3.00. 121-20!) Savannah Store NORTHEA. 'i’ CORNER OF MrINTOHII AND FOURTH .STREET, MA.:<:V, GEORGI E I HAVE opened, in i- eim ctlon with my choice Liquor and i ain’y Grocery Store, a GREEN M IRKET- Where 1 will f:o l.i li to 1-j i lil'i .q CHOICE BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAU SAGES, (, \M!OF AM, KINDS, FISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA JiI.F.S arid FiII;ITS, (mil articles too nrmeroini to mention. NOV 1.8 If W. A. GIBBONS. 4’. W. HOWitRI), A, TX Oil it JE x AJO LA W. MACON, GEORGIA. Oflie :lt Ink ... '' ', ( in II ) street. '■ -/ Ail ~ i |ri'ouijjt atten tion 05-173 ATT - .. . LAW, ICiiIHIOD 2 {binding, CHKM:' Y 1 ’ • \\ GGOKGJA. ItHStf A. LAW, ir,l: : BAY WANNA 11, GA. / 40M.F.1 : nr P-d t,i and D n p. <>. 7. 181-20,1 Pulaski House, HAVANNAH, GA., j n<i. w. <: \ ~ bon sc re., PROI’KinoKS. A lii-rtt e!a- - hoe- - in every rc-peet, 181-2(8) .41. U. ATTORNEY AT LAW. rVJUNKR '>' '•■!) ■ ECONO \J Mtre, t.., in in, Mi. ~n, Ga. 211 Ml Press for Sale! WE have f„ 1 ‘ '• 'z • GORDON PRESS fAlbotoO and a KUGGI.ES’ PAPER CUTTER i , good condition. To he had at a bargain -old to make room for lar ger and fltater machined. Ado, c. " LIN.-S. WING A SMITH, Macon, Ga. WINSHIP <fc CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN IHE STATE, ;">0 N<*<ioiid Htroet, Maoon, lieorgia. oetl9Bu> For tie liars f ItlllC lu st place to aeleet a aullahlc ami ua#- 1 fill pre.rutfur tho holidaya iul MACK BROTHERS. BEST KID GLOVES AT *1.25, worth *2.00, to he found at MACK BROTHERS. A SPLENDID CORSE AT Ode., worth 11.50, can ho hud of MACK BROTHER*. JUST RECEIVED! Tho “LI COA ROW”—very nretty. The “LUCCA” IIA NDK KIiCIIIICF- vary Immliiomc and in all color. 25 DOZEN Ladles’ ami Denis’ TIES ami SCYItKN, Another large lot of LswJliV and Children’* MERINO VESTS. Cliililreu’# ltrwn, Mixed anil Strip**] WINTER IHOSE. Fancy Knit Woolon Uoodw, Ftc. Alt of NIUWI.K very cheap, and sell ing very fast. Csll early and make your s#l#etion*. l’rlcca lower than ev#r. MACK BROTHERS, Second street, Damour Block. deed !!w—m-w-f. Spotsvooi Hotel, NKAKLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only ons mlnuta’fi walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. Hom’d tt.oo per Day. niiALN 7A CENTS MACH. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. C. J., Superintendent. .J A VII * W. Muaka, In the Office. I t.f PROSPECTUS Macon vuUy Enterprise, / xN or about the Urr.t week 111 December, ‘ / we will Issue from till* office the first iiuiu her of a Larie, Life ffeetly Paper! It will contain all the the Telegraphic news of the week, aud the latest reliable information on all subjects aud from all parts of tlio world. In its editorial department wlji lie found dis cessions of all the LIVE ISSUES of the times. Particular attention will be giv en to the advaneauieut of Science, Art, and Literature; whil* all interesting avonls and authentic program of the polllloal world will he faithfully praaented. auaacitimoa mum. Ous Year $1 50 Six Months I 00 Invariably in advance. subscription takes tor lew than six months. yy-.Vow D the time to sabecrthc. Sprci- MBM oonas SJt.VT Oft AXPIIOATt**. ANNUAL FAIR —OP THE— Agricultural and Mechanical AHOCUTION OF GKOKUM. Hold at Snvnuunb. COMMF.NCINU MONDAY, DECEMDEK .’loth, 1878. And continue during the week. r pilK CVntrnl Railroad and oonnactlona and 1. A tlnniit and Gull Railroad and connection, will transport visitors for one fare, returning free. M.tHlti: ( OATIINT. There will bo u Snbro Contest botwcn the Savannah and Augusta Sabre Clubs on llcccm berdth and sth. R.tCFM. Open to the world, three or more to enter. Fastest Trotting Single harness Ilorse, Curse. *I(K); Fastest pair of Trotting llorsca, owned and used as such, Purse, Soil; Best Single-har ness Horse, Plate, #2O; Rest pair of Harness Horses, Plate, #-!!>; Rest Pacing Horse, Plate, #l6; Running Race, Sweepstakes, mile heats, three or more to enter, two to start, entrance 10 per cent., Purse, #!!<X). COTTON PHEMIIIMM. The Chamber of Commerce offer the follow ing premiums: For best three hales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, #SO. For three bales ranking second In ipiaHty, premium to go to planter, #4O. For three bales ranking third in quality, #80; premiums to go to planters For the best hale of sea Island cotton, #SO ; next best in quality, premium to go to planter, #4O. For the best Gin for upland cotton, #IOO. _ For the heat bushel of Rough Klee, of the va riety known as gold seed, premiun to go to planter, #lO. Forlhe best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va rlety known as white, premium to go to plan ter, #lO. No fee will he charged for entering of exhib iting article#. For Premium Lists or other information, ap ply to J. 11. ESTILL, Secretary, 185-td Savannah, Ga. T® (III* .41 Ctl Ol* 411|4-011 THE ALBANY NEWS Circulate* exclusively in Dougherty, Mitchell, Lee, Baker ami Worth Counties. MT Th wealth lent Cotton growing section of Georgia. .Jfc| Tin-: nkwk Is the boat. Advertising Medium iuHnutbwest* ern Georgia. A nVEIITISKMRNTS lOMCITEIi. CAREY W. STYLES, Proprietor. Btf HIM FK1.41H.41 HDMKLI. IT ia uulversally conceded tliat adrertlelug is a necessity to sueees* in buHiuess ; it ia also conceded, by the shrewdest business men, that uew*papers are the beat medium for reaching all parties whose trade is desired. Tltß MONRO It ADVERTISER reachra more of the people trading witli Ma con tliau aay oilier journal published lu the country; it Is, therefore, the bent medium of communication witli the planting Interests. We will be happy at any time to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders lor goods from parties who read their cards in The Advertiurr. In fact, inuny who have availed themselves of Its columns, candidly say that its value exceeds that of all other Journals in which they are. represented. The Adiiertiter lias the freshness of youth and the ripeness of age, aud is therefore deservedly ►uccessful. CHARACTER OF ADVRRTIBKMENTO - advcrtiscmcutH nrc admitted vrtilali an not believed to be above question and of reul value, and from parti ch ho uiiquctionablv re liable tlmt the rcaderß of The AdvertUnr will be safe In ordering them from any diwtancc. To our readers, the fact of 1U appearance here ban all the weight of endorsement and authority. Address, JAB. V. HARKIBON, Forsyth, Georgia. Change of Schedule. SEJ'EK/NTENDENT’S OFFCE, . Macon tfe Brunswick Kaiiroad Cos., J- Macon, (ia., October 30, 1 b? 2. ) ON and after Thursday October 81, 187a, traina on tbiaroud will run us follow* : HAT PAHSKNOKIt TKA IN, DAII.V iSI’HUATft EX CEPT Kl>.) Leave Macon ‘>.ls a. m. Arrive at Jesup 6:35 I*. M. Arrive at Brunswick 10:00 p. ir. Leave Brunswick 4:30 a. m. Arrive at Jesup 0:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 5:10 p. M. KIOHT PASBENUBP. THAIS, IJAII.V. Leave Macon 8.25 r. m Arrive at Jesup 5.00 A u Arrive at Savannah 8.30 a. Leave Havannah 7.36 r. M Leave Jeaup 11.10 p m Arrive at Macon 7.30 a. m Both day and night teaina connect* closely at Jeaup with trains to and from Florida, j BAWKINSVII.I.B THAIB daii.t, (sundats *x caf-rin.) 1-eave Macon 2:50 p. v. Arrive at llawkinsville 0:25 P. M v Leave Hawklnarille 0:55 A. * Arrive at Macon 16:36 a. m WM. MacRJA. 171tf General guperlßbeadent. TO MERCHANTS' Merchants wishing to riaoe it*i> and business prominently be<prU> pJ' pie oT Macon, Taylor, Crawford ad Honaton counties, should advertise In ib# BLTBINKB* MIRROR, circulation good and morcla* VQfY fmt. Rates liberal. T. CHRiSTyPHEK. Ko. A Pbop’b. Fort VBev, V a