Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 16, 1872, Image 2

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BACON DAILY ENTERPRISE J*„ •: . US. •7 ’■* rUBUnIIRD IVKIiv BTf KL" 'I KY LINES. WING Sc'*Sß MI T H No. 10 HolliuirswortU Ul"k. AU toller* relating tngnhicrlptt'ii .hmilill.' al denmd l Una, Hum .fc Smith, Moron, (in. liimniunicalion* Jar the pa] mi nhonhl Im Arrant to thr JCdUor. IF* cannot underlain return refuted communication*. WM nnlhinti oated new* item*, from aU part* of the State, *•■ I idled. Itrwoiratlr nrrtln|[. Macon, Dec. 7, WW- Ttiara will lia a meeting of >U Dumo cratlc Party on Tea<lay, I)e< < rtil>tr 17tli •t tba City Hall, at 11 o’clock, A M , for tfca parpoa# of natniniiting county officers ▲ full attendant* u i tlia party i carju-Mly feaired. By. *rJer iff, ttie Lxncutiyf .Vv.>V uil *f‘ e - T. Hahiieman, .In.. Chairman. MO I XII UF.OKUIA COal’lin ►' • •■-* '• V !** Thia body ia atilt in Seaaioi/ A thomaa ▼ilia. The proceedings of the 12th have been published Iter. AM. Wynn and It. I>. Williams were alectwl Truftees o( the Fund of Special Itelicf, to fill vacan ciea. The examination of the characters •f the ministers was continued, and all pasted At the calling of the names of J. lilakcly Smith, C. A Crowell and C. It. Jewett, who ware reported to have died during tho year, appropriate remarks were made by Iter H. Anthony, A. M. Wynn and K. B. Lester. The names of the worn out or superan nated praaclicrs were called, and their relations retained. Itev L. C. I’cck was placed on the list of superauuated preachers, in consequent'' of hliudnesa Tim ri.M iiov a t i t kwai. As all expected, Mayor Hull' is rc elected He had no opposition at the pull - having overcome tliut in the primary con teat for his nomination before the penph with whom he is deaervedly populai in deed invincihle. He is known ns a live man and a just man, ami hence hi strength with all classes Ilis official ca reer in the term Just clotting. is approved. His future will be equally efficient The new Hoard of Aldermen is com posed of gentlemen of clmrm ter, vv 1 1 '> i 1 undoubtedly study the welfare of the city in tho discharge of their doth Atlanta tor Hale From an adver liseiueut in the Sun, of Bundaj , occtipj in.e some eighteen column* ol that paper, signed by the City Marshall, we judge the whole city of Atlanta is about to he sold for taxes. Notwithstanding Atlanta Is a last place, and becoming widely known for the enterprise of its people, it is a matter t.f doubt, in these degenerate days, whethei the city Is worth ttie taxes Imposed, aftci it mortgages aud other luius are paid. Kmisiunt* from lU*ly mo arriving in great nunlxn la New York Their i|> Itraraucc and conduct excite suspicion that they are of tha brigand type. A special meeting of the Commlssionere ot Kmigrallou are to address Secretary Fi-k ou the •abject. The Conalil (icneial in sure* the authorities that they left their country wltli paanport*. and that they an not criminals. hut poor people seeking to belter their condition " In the land of tin free and the home of the brave ' A late Washington dispatch say ?- Mr Kred I’. Stanton has applied to the Home Committee of Ways aud Means for perrnls siott to appear before them to re argue tin subject of refunding the cotton tax. Mr Stanton is counael for the claimants, apd baa already argued the matter before a sub committee He now wishes to appeal In fare the whole committee. This subject is expected to come up this session before Congress, but all Southern claims will be bitterly and persistently resisted hy the Sew England members The great English chancery suit ot Tornley vs. Chaae hairs, involving an es tate of | sterling, or about |Jt 000,000, which has been iu the Loudon courts for the last thirty years, has been decided iu favor of Chase heirs, w ho num ber about one hundred. Mr It. P, Chase, of Louisville, received intelligence f la good fortune while watching the turning of the wheel lu the late Louisville lottery Chow nan — The KhTHfIIHX is crowd td to-day with State news, from thesis board to the mountains, carefully collated from th local prom, of the latest dates and given to our readers iu mix ai . c c! I h* poeaibililii'* of a morning paper Gkn. tiKo, I’. Hahmison. of Auburn Ala., a native of Savannah. < di .. ts in reported death. Tbs people af the United State. smoked laal year I,3SSUNG,tfOO cigars at a cost of ♦ 135.224.tHt0 Including suutf, chewing tobacco, a-e . the expenditure was ♦250,- 000.000 During tiro sameUme ♦200,000, 000 were expended for flour. Lifted —Since old llassil Davie. was caught stealing a lot of calico tmui one of our merchauts, bis presence on the Ur and Jury has been dispensed w ith, and it is fair to presume that body lias purged her self They may depose the old sinner but they can't euppress him lie II come to the surface at the next election, as a candidate for for tbc Legislaters, and lie'll be elected, to*, if the tort Hrowdet box and No. 1 ars counted —J&lfbsni TV *..* 131*. BwtUHATies —We understand Uiat the Hteamer New Jacbaon. which passed up tbs rivor on Monday last. ws filled to overflewing with emigrants for Texas They were taken sa board along the L'lint and CUaUahoachee rivers from Hainhi idg. to Neal's Landing Our friend. Hob list is. says he has the promise of the ap}K>intnieiit of “ Fool Killer ” for this section, and he will put • stop to this umigraiiou move meat as soon as he gels his commission BlaMy -Vine* J4rt. STA T E NEWS. Ntivuiiimli: The* Kepuhlipau, of Malm-lay records the previous ' we days as the coldest of the season, The extant of the eohl may le Conceived when the hugs fountain in the I‘urk wAs frozen over hard during Thurs day night, and the larger portion of it standing there at one o'clock Friday A two story double tenement building at the comer of Ann and Joachim streets, occupied by Andrew Flataly and Patrick Hums, wus damaged (250 worth by Ore Friday night. Savannah has had the honor of a prize light for (/5, and a sailor boarding housS on the Bay the scene of the conflict. A meeting of the members of the Bar of Hie Fifth Ciicult wus held on Friday, to suit aide tributes of, respect to mem ’iiertt BciWascd since the last meeting of the Court, viz Hon. Linton Stephan), Win. .UohghVHk Auti j- J- Fope, Ksq. The Savannah Sabre'Club hare com pleted their arrangements lor a tourna ment and bull, on Thursday night, Janua ry 2d, and tho tournament <m the 3d and llh. The Augusta Sabre Club is expected to participate. Tho News says : Mr. I’. W. Meldrlw was on Friday ad mitted to practice in the United States Courts. A few Sundays since, Wade Collins, a colored bar keeper, disposed of a drink of liquor to a liberal patron of his palutial "ttloou, for which the Itecorder entered up against the violutor of the Habbuth law a tine of (100 or its equivalent—thirty days in jail. A sleeping car was badly damaged on the Atlantic uud Gulf Hoad on Thursday, uni the trains thrown oat ol schedule, by the Jacksonville train running otf the track, Tho Advertiser of Sunday says Itev Hr. Evans, who recently resigned the pustornte of Trinity Methodist Kpisco pal Church, on Ml James Mqunrn, departed front Hii city on the Centra! railroad 'min yesterday morning lor Augusta \iu ii the imines s|K>kcu of in connection ,iili the vacancy of Trinity pulpit are, Itev J S Ivey, of Columbus, Her A M \\ inn <■: Amciicus , nnd Her. Mr Branch, of Macon, (lUSTUMii '• Dr llariiH-hi delivered his second lec ture on Modern Spiritualism in Auruatn hi Friday night before a full and Intelli gent audience His first lecture treated ..I wlmt tho lecturer termed “l’ysica! Phe nomena " that last night was intended to explain "Mental Phenomena.” The Church says the discourse was intensely nun tine and solved many problems which have hitherto puzzled the bruins and bullied the skill of so many people. A bold case of robery occured in the tijiMT pail oj tho city Friday morning. A col a- I iiian named lteyinond Huructl u. nt into a store kept by Mrs. Catherine Dalis mid bought a loaf of bread. He produced a live dollar hill however, he ictaiinil and demutidcd his change. Mrs. Davis tendered him four dollars and seventy live cents, nnd uakd for the five (lolliu hill. Instead of giving it, he took llie change forcible away from her, throw ing inn against a barrel, and left the store He was ai rested. ticorgc Hancock, charged before the U. s Court at Havnunah with passing coun terfeit money, was arrested in Augusta on Friday, having lied from Ids bondsmen. Saturday was divorce day" in the Supe rior Court lu Augusta, on which two cases wi ic disposed of to the joy of four hearts. The Chronicle of .Sunday says Several young men bunting near Lex ini'ton Depot, ou the Athens Branch, stum bled upon a man lurking near the track and, believing him to bean escaped convict from the penitentiary, called to him to halt, and still running, fired upon him and mortally wounded him. We learn he is since dead. * Alliens : lhe ticoigian says Vacation lias lie gun at the College, aud must of the stu dents have left for their homes. An illustrative of the great growth 'of Atlirn*. almost every lioum in the city has been already engaged for next year, both dwelling anil business. There W a man by the name of Arasmus C Wright, living in Walton county, about forty years of age, that lias been blind ever since he was about six years old, thirl can make, with his own hands, as good a wagon or buggy, or any kind of coopery, such as wash tubs, beer stands, etc as anybody in the county. Cox ington : The Ektkri'MßE says Ou the morn ing of tiro 11th Inst , the ground in this vicinity w as carpeted with an inch or so of tlio bontifUl snow," which presented tire appl i ance of another Northern invasion of our Bunny South. Scarlet fever has made its appearance in Covington, aud in one ease it lias ter minated fatally. t'ruuhliu ; Tin >’-in says it regards Mr. Stephens is I eminently xh.. Ds-ot Ursula the State for United States Senator, aud ...g* •• why m.r ml him there ?" Scow fell to the depth of two inches in C.-vington on Tuesday night last, but did not remain long. ( nrroltoii: Tl e I lines says the cars have readied \\ ! i -tun ;. h. and Carroltou holies soon locio y i Daily mail. That paper makes anoe . ; ihe following ministerial charges in that place Hex \\ C Dunlap will lie pastor of the Methodist Church, vice Revs Jo* Chamber* who goes to F&irburu . and Hex and 1‘ Shaffer will be pastor of the Baptist Church, vice Kcv. U. W. Colquitt who go* to Heard county. Kcv Wiu. Dimmock of the Presbyte rian Church aud Hex A C. Borden of the Christian Church, will continue in their pastorales. Lumpkin : The Telegraph notes the improver! con dition of the planting Interest in that re gion. It says Air abundant harvest has been garnered and many who were involved in debt can pay out many who had corn and meat to buy. now have plenty and to spare, and many who were overburdened with debt and high taxation, will be euabled with tm-ir line cotton crops to liquidate their outstanding iudcbtedneea, improve their homesteads, and start for the future on a more solid l>asls The town is alto im proving. Baiiibrldjpct ,'lr Ben K Bussell, editor of the Dem in ist was married to Miss Ora Cunning ham. id ike residence of Mr. Sutton Trtr- j lock near that city, on the 4th instant i The death of Mr. liumell it subeequenUy j announced. * Anittrit-u*: Tho Itepuhlh an, of tl|c Mill, says The appearance of our city uud the air of busi nes which seems to liuvc taken the place of the exsrctne dullness, occasioned by the sleet and rain of the first part of the week is bright and encouraging to day. Mayor French’s proclamation suspending tho or dinance in regard to the dray license, un til the epizoodie runs it- course, had a most desirable ejfect, and brought out sev eral wagons and teams, which did the hauling for our merchants, aud relieved our depot of a large amount of freight that had accumulated. Louisville: The Jefferson News aud Farmer, of the 12th, says Snow and sleet fell here Tuesday night last, to the thickness of about on inch. The epixooty prevails extensively throughout tho county now. Wo have heard of one or two deaths front it. Briiuawick : The Appeal of the Mtb Im- the follow ing items The Bond Committee of the Legislature reported in favor of declaring null the endorsement of the State on the bonds of tho Brunswick and Albany Uailroad, only because tbe Hoad win not comple ted, and the bonds issued irregularly. Now the holders of those bonds propose to comply witli the original act, und tlior ouglily complete the Hoad, on Hie condi tion Hint Georgia will declare her endorse ment valid and binding And will she not do so * We do not see how she can do less, at least, so long as she respects her endorsement of the bonds of other railroads which have not done more than the bond holders of this road now propose to do. Our people should not forget that the large portion of the bonds of the Bruns wick and Albany Uailroad are held by foreigners wlio aie Innocent holders, mid should protect them on the proposition they now innkr The road will lie com pleted, the people paid, and near (2,000,- 000 more money expended in Hie State. Let the Legislature entertain their equita ble proposition, say wc The Episcopal congregation have per manently secured the services of the llev. Clias. Hitter, as pastor of that church. This congregation is also making strenu ous efforts to erect an elegant new church edifice, with good prospects of success May success attend their efforts. 3l(li<ton: Tho Journal records tho on the 6th, of Maj Lewis Graves, one of its oldest and most highly' respected citizens. He was born on the loth ol August 1703, in Carroll county, North Carolina. He moved to that county in tho fall of M 2' 1 , where he lived up to the time of his death. Allatifa : The Jury in the trial < I Milton Malone, charged with the murder of young Frank Fhillips, returned a verdict ol guilty at a late hour Saturday night. A motion will be made for anew trial. Dr. Pomeroy, whose injury, by falling down stairs, has been noticed, died of his injuries at 3 o’clock, yesterday morning. He was one of the oldest citizens of At lunta and was a practitioner of the Honio - opatliic school. lie was much esteemed by those who knew hint. —— TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. December I I. L. C' Liimiir, Congressman elect from Mississippi, xviis stricken xvitlr paralysis to day. Dr. Garnett thinks lie w ill recover New Orleans dispatches say the militia surrendered the arsenal and stores to Gen W. H. Huiith, U. 8. A. Tiro offleers re tained their side arms, which were per sonal property. This is the result of the inflexible dutenniiinlion of the authorities in Washington to sustain the Piuchbuck administration. John G. Nicolay, of Illinois, President Lincoln's private Secretary. Inis been chosen by the Judges of the l nited States Supreme Court Marshal of that hotly, iu plae'e of Col. Parsons resigned. The Commercial Convention, in session iu St. Louis, have adopted a resolution favoring the canal to the Tennessee and Cooaa rivers. ISenj. Crane, of Atlanta is chairman. Colfax, it is said, vvitl resign the Vice Presidency on the Ist of January, and us aume the Editorial chair of the Tribuuo. The storms and freshets on the English and French coasts are destructive of Ille av well as shipping, and of property on shore. Tire steamer Chiirente, plying be tween Hull aud Dunkirk, lias been wrecked, anil fourteen lives were lost Seven wer* lost from the ship Kailnugoro, from Quebec for lliglibridge The Loire has overflowed its banks aud the adjacent country, and the lower [parts of Nantes are Hooded. The Custom house anil all business houses iu the vicinity are closed. Further and great destruction is appre hended. The railways in the vicinity are covered with water and travel is inter rupted. A purl of the city of Lille is flooded and übutuloued Many factories are closed, bridges washed and crops in the adjacent country destroyed Both Alabama legislatures met at noon on Saluda) tor the compromise suggested hy the Attorney General Tint Votu of Florida —Reed, the Governor of Florida, gave certificates of election to tin Grant ami Wilson electors and they .ast the electoral vote of the Stale for then principals Hut the State vote has not yet been canvassed. The board of canvassers have bx'.-u iu session during the present week, but at last ac count* had not finished counting the votes The return* of two ounties. Brevard and Manatee, had not arrived up to Tuesday last The Democrat* look upon the whole af fair as a piece of trickery to count Hart iu as Governor aud to count a Senator out, Uiu* securing a Radical majority in that body— Sara •. n.i.'i AJcrrt.srr UfA. VxLI.XBLS DISCOX KRT IS HOWARD Covnty.—Considerable excitement lias been create.) in Fayette, Missouri, by the unexpected success of the boring experi ments of the Boonslick Mining and Salt Manufacturing company A fexx days ago Uie company, in boring near the railroad depot, near the town, struck a vein, or reservoir, of brine which lloxx> with such force as to carry it forty feet above tire surface The brine is said to las of eqml strong! Ii with that of Kanaxvaha Sr Lou I* HeptibUe,vt UfA. In KnglaiHl sixty six widowers marry and only twenty-one widows in Belgium forty-eight widowers anti sixteen widows, and in France the ratia is fx>rtv to twelve. As to the age. at w hich pi rsons are mar ried. young men from fifteen to txventy usually marry girls some years their senior , meu over twenty marry generally women younger than themselves After thirty-five women almost iuvariably marry men younger than themselves. Having acquired the Island irfflatt Juan ! after mnch tho next thing is to see tlmt it If properly taxaff The Secretary of mg. Trettsuryw!®* issued an order to Jpest ’PniffitjjCffitcg ottl loctor, directing vm to (rent ifie Island of San Juan as embraced!in his collection district, and, fun Iter, to take proper iheas surcs to see that the revenue laws'are observed. It is very evident tliut If the Forty second Congress refuses a general amnesty the Forty-third will not grant it. In this present House there is a majority in favor <,t such a step, hut the requisite two-thirds are lacking ; in the next, a proscriptive two-thirds Is already assured.— World. A baby having given too long aud too loud vent to her emotions at one of Johu Owens’ recent performances, the actor stepped to the footlights and informed the audience that “unless the play was stopped the baby could not go on ” — N. Y, Herald. A NNOUNCEM ENTS. Tub friends of 11k. ALnEHT B. Boss an nounce him as a candidate lor Clerk Superior Court, subject to the Democratic nomination. dccl3-td. The many friends of Morgan G. Clark, hereby announce him as a suitable candidate for Tax Receiver of Bibb county, subject to the Democratic nomination. The friends of Joseph Wilbouknc announce him as a suitable candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Bibb county, dec!) td I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Bibb county at the ensuing election In .January. K. A. Benson. nov27-td The friends of James Martin announce him ns a candidate for SUcrifl of Bibb county, sub ject to every body’s nomination, nov2s-td. The friends of E M. Calhoun announce him as a candidate for Ordinary of Bibb couuty, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party, The friends of Pat Crown announce him as a candidate fur the office of Sheriff of Bibb county. iiov23tde. The friends *f Washington Poe, Sr., re spectfully announce liis name as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county, subject to tlie nomination of the Democratic party. nov2l-td The friends of Thadeus G. Hoi,t, Jit., rcs poctfully suggest him as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Bibb county—subject to a Dem ocratic nomination. td The friends of C. T. Ward announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. The name of R. 11. Cain, is hereby presented to the Democratic and liberal party, as a can didate for Tax Collector. Mr. Cain is an old citizen, and, at one time was collector of taxes’ His friends hope that his claims will be kind ly considered, knowing that he will do his duty, if chosen. td. The many firiends of Milo 8. Freeman an nounce him as a candidate for County Treas urer. novl6*td. A. F. Gihson is announced as a candidate for Couuty Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. nov. 14 td. (•eo. F. Cheeky is announced as a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb couuty, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. novlil td Was the voters of Bibb county announce Ell (iross as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the nomination of the Democratic party. novKUtf (). P. Finney is a candidate for Tax Beech er of Bibb County, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Party. novßltf The undersigned announces him>clf as* a candidate for Treasurer for Bibb county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. novPJtf Felix Couput. The frieiula of W. T. Nelson announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the Democratic nomination. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county—subject to the nomina tion of the Democratic Convention. novlvJ tf . 8. 1). Rainey. After repeated solicitations from friends and mature deliberation, feeling it to be our duty to benefit our felloxx'-cHtr.ens in every manner pos -iblc, xvc have concluded to announce ourself a candidate for the House, sign and ornamental painting, subject to nothing but greenbacks or city scrip, and pledge ourself if elected to do our beet for ourutf, and not go back on our court: Incuts. Windham A Cos. I'nderlyjiot.-wood lintel. Macon, i hi. DENTAL NOTICE. NOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN THAT DR, W. W. FOBD IS CIK ONLY LICENSEE FOR THE t'SK OF RUBBER AS A BASE FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH, iu Macon, Georgia. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing Rubber Dental Plates of any parties not Licensed of this Com pany, as by so doing they render themselves c'liially liable to prosecution for infringement. A reward will be paid for Information that will lead to the conviction of any parties of unlawful Use of onr Patents. JOwIAH BACON, Tri as Good rear Dental Vulcanite Cos. Boston, /Ax-. 1, 1873. decll-lm M Avon's Office, Macon, December 10,1873. IN addition to the usual Inconvenience which has been suffered by the public from tire 1 'iv,M.„f tlu> horse disease, wo now see a complete condition of our railroads and the almost total susjh-uslou of all commer cial tmsinees lu our city for mere lack ot, t roe t transportation. This unusual state of atliitn suagests the want of some immediate relief, both to the railroads and the merchant. 1 pon consultation, therefore, with the railroad nii- Ihorities amt the different dray companies in the city. I hereby give notice to'anv and all per sons iu the adjoining counties, that they are in vited aud requested to bring tn their ox-teams and assist ns in the dray work of onr city for Uie next two or three xveeks, at the end of xx liieh time we hope to be able to resume the horse and mule labor. Parties bringing their oxen to the cltv xvill ho allowed to u-c them in the draxage of all -ods FREE OF LICENSE. It is believed that twenty to thirty teams eould find constant work here for. several xlavs, at good paving prices. dee 1 1 tf W. A. HUFF. Mayor. Stockholder's Mooting. Ofvii k Macon xno Wxstekx R. K. Cos., I Macon, Ga.. N,-. :'a), 1-72. ( The annual meeting of Stockholder* of the Via on and Western Railroad Company, for the election of President aad Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and any other business that may be brought before them will beheld at the Office of the Company in this city on Tuesday the 7th day of Januarx next af lOVclock a. X! Mll-O 8 FREEMAN. no\Ao 1.1 hc.-retary and Ttvas'urer. JNO. It. YVEEUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON Sd STREET OVER I- W. HAHOkl.g STOKE. fSM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Georgia Syrup. WE have now in Spec ONE II N DKED ANI) FIFTV Barrels very choice New Crop Georgia Mvrup. Retail dealers will do well to cull on ns wo can afford to sell it much less than tb New York or New Orleans Syrup. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S TIRE CRACKERS. 150 BOXES JL * T ueceived ’ By SEYMOUR, TINSLEY <t Co.’S NEW LARD. JAQ TIERCES NEW LARD. Ry Seynionr, Tinsley & Cos. deeU-tf. __ Hotels, Retailers ail Families. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. OUR stock is not the largest in the world, but we have enough to supply all who want good goods, good weights, good prices, and good men to wait on then), such ns FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS! TORPEDOES, ETC., And little. Pistols and Caps (all must be mkl to go out of town). FOK EVERYBODY. 100 libls. Northern and Western Apples. 2o Boxes and bbls. Florida Sweet Oranges. BT>Bbls., buckets nd t-nns Mince Meat. 150 Boxes and kegs Grapes. 22 Boxes California Pears. 10 Casks and quarter ou- ks Muscat, Angeli ca, Sh ary, and White \Vm; , from California. One small cask of that ten year old Jainaea Rum. 75 Barrels and half barrels Pure Rye and Corn Whisky, (with the shuck in it). 25 Bbls., kegs and demijohns of Pure Bran dies, (tin and Wines. 125,000 Imported und Domestic Cigars. 150 Boxes Drums A: Caddies’ Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco, The time has corn- , and we mean t-• 11. A hint to the wise, etc. GRF.KR, LAKE & CO., dccl4-tf Corner Cherry and Third streets. FOB THE MASQUERADE AND HOLIDAYS. OPERA KIDS or any other style at > cents per pair, at M BSBAUM DAN NFNBP id S, dec!:?-1 vv. 70 Third street .HOT RECEIVE!) V LOT of live hundred dozen lirst quality KID CLOVES, all colors and all -izes at the low price of seventy five cent." per pair. At NTSSBAUM A DANNENBURG’B dec 18-1 w 70 Third street. Go and see for Yourself! IT' INE fat Tennessee beef, choice Tennessee 1 pork and mutton, pork sausage, blood and liver pudding, Kosher sausage, also spareribs and backbones. J. 11. KING & BRO. decP> ;3tcod. Meat Market, Cot .on Av. CAL W.UiXKR’S MINSTRELS, J. H. IIAVEItLY, Manager. riLL liau the honor of appearing before V> the citizens of this city in a series of their Soiree de Ethlope, introducing each en tertainment entire change of programme, hav ing many popular and talented artists, among whom arc CAL WAGNER, SAM PRICE, BEN BROWN, JOHNNY BO<)KER, COMEDIANS. LAUILLO ISOOEiEKL BONO AND DANCE ARTISTS. (iHEAT CALIFORNIA QUART TIE, Composed of Welling Brothers and J. W. Freeth. —ALSO — Mr. Prod, Wilson, The Great and Wonderful Character Actor and Original Grecian Statues, withVmc UR CHESTRa and BRASS BAND. Prices as Usual. Doors open at 7; commencing at S. Reserved seats an sale ut Brown’s Book Store. diet lo :5t RALSTON HALL. wedxesda r evexixg. December is, ira THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! Jilt. SOL SMITH IttSSELL Would respectfully announce his Elastic Countenance lii tlu* personation of a variety of Odd Charac ters forminghianew Monoiosnle Kntorta .iment, assisted by Mr Lam French, Pianist U.-nal price of adi us-i u Reserved eoats to be obtained at Brown A: Bookstoi.. with out extra clnuye. For particulars guv posters, prur Amnios, etc. M. A. WATSON, devil-tf Business Manager. DR. WRIGHT. OEWtIST, HAS removed to Boanlman’s Block, over Pendleton A corner Molbcrry and Second Ms , Macon, Gx pov7-Sm. FOR SALE. OIX BUILDING LOTS on Wiads-r Hill, o Will sell all, or as many a# desired. Ti e lets adjoin Dr. Cox * on the top of the hilL The prettiest location out. Apply to nov27-4t No. t> COTTos Avg-rrr Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix. DIULERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF (iw stalls MOULDING, G|| I FIB HARDWARE, BRACKETS, E 1 ' K ~~H. CARPENTERS' """Lei me oJi J3AGUSTEHS, NEWEXj POSTS, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. 1A< yrOllY-DIXIE WORKS, \Viiierooui*--Blnkes’ Block Poplin- Street, Macon, Gn. 11 - i-1 1 in ni 1 _______ W* As HVTT*S Con, Bacon ni Flit Bonin i OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, . Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. THAT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “TIE PBIDE OF DIXIE,” T"P‘. VfYi i -. 1. World, Alwayfi oa Hand. I <-‘l.iiiu superior facilities i the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC,, And T will make it to the interest of Mer ’units and Planters to call on me with their MONEY I '!’ (, <>(>!> PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A, HUFF. 97—tf CROP OF 1872. Clover ami Brass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, . SAPLING CLOVER. ORCHARD GRASS BLI h GLASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, Arc., &c. Ju-trecei- and, HUNT, RANKIN' A LAMAR. Wholesale Druggist*. _D || -I'<o -2 and 84 Cherry Street EDW ARD SPRINZ. N'OTAR Y I TtLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS TICE OF THE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the dav at my office adjoin in.- the law office of A. Proud tit. over the store 4 Jaquea t Johnson. Third St ! Macon, Ga., to attend to all M.ieisterial busi ness. 113-330. NEW GOODS! FOR THE MUMS. GO AT ONCE AND SELECT FROM THE WELL FILLED COUNTERS OF PENDLETON & ROSS A SUPPLY OF ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. they have on hand a large AND SELECT STOCK OF gift hooks, albums, desk gold DENS, WORK BOXES. GLOVE anil HANDKER CHIEF BOXES, CHROMOS, WALL BRACKETS, SLIP PER CASES, WALL POCKETS, BUILDING and ALPHABET BLOCKS, TOY BOOKS, TOYS, AND EVERYTHING SUITABLE Foil HOLIDAY - PRESENTS ! CALI. AND EXAMINE BEFORE PUR CHASING ELSEWHERE. Merchants wishing a supply of BLANK BOOKS. FINE PAPERS, INK and oilier STATIONERY, will find it to their advantage to examine eur stock. NrTPP.ICES AS LOW AS ANYBODY'S.**-: PENiE LETOV * BOSS, Successors to J. M. Boar dm in' dee 10 5*34 To Tai Payers of Bill) My. T GIVF. notice that tin- Tav Book* f" r 1 , A lectinrr the State and Countv Taxes fo 1-72 w ill close on the 7th day of December, hope all will note this aud j>ay their taxes. - have to settle on the loth and cannot gi' e a "' longer time This notice is final. leant - responsible for anT one's tax after that bin All poll taxes and road taxes are required Ir troth white asd oolored. _ novld-tf F. M. HEATH, T. C.