Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 17, 1872, Image 4

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The Dai I v Enterprise. 9 ™ M OV <; A., !><.('. |. I*7s*. Humors. A Maine paper tells n story ol u sen captain, just i(inrued Irma a long vofugn, who was told by a commission merchant ■ the sad news that his wife bad died. Wiiu4iead !" said the Caption, "well now, do you know' I didn't think she was long lirrd. Hme'* freight A .North Adams woman, herefl of her litisktod on Wednesday ot last week by ouuof the conwmlloiial acdUonU in th* lloosne Tunnel, was on Friday, Iniuin diately after the funeral, nnirricd to liia next friend, who won her heart by his kindness in arranging the obsequies What makes your horse so slow?" asked a tourist one duy, iu a glen of the Downs, Ireland, of his Celtic Jehu. "It’s out of respect to the hayutifui sauery, yer honor. He wantrye to see' ll all. AtC thin lie s id entelligeut baste, and appre ciates good company, and wants to kupe the likes o’ ye in beloved ould Ireland as long as lie can." *. A .New York paper gets oil the follow mg very good one "Club mini" com plains that his friends who sit in the boxes ut the Academy of music won’t recogi)iy t p hiiq when silaxluun.ataUs hi the orchestra—Hint the other day lie bowed to Mi. -, wiio liretended not to see him The next day he met Ids friend and Huid, Why, John hy dldni you Ucugui/.e me at the opera last, night Because,’ says Id. friend, confound it. yeuw ktiotiw, mn daro fallow I kunt go and pay left dollars for a box,yeuw kneuw, nud then bow to every two dollar fellow I see in the orchestra, inn daro hoy, yeuw kneuw !" Now kail I?" Josh Hili.lHOs Insi uks His I,ikb —I kum tow the conclusion lulely that life was so uusurtin Mint the only way fur me to stand a chance with other folks was to get my life insured, and so 1 culled on the ugeut of the Garden Life insurance Com pany, and answered the following ques lions, which were put to mu over a pair of goalil specs hy a sleek. lUtlo, fat, old feller, with a little, round, gray head 1. Are you male or femaluf If so, how long have you been so? - Arc you subject to Ills, and if so, do you have more than ono ut a time ? . 3. What is your titeing weighty 4 Did you ever have any ancestors, and if so, how much 1 5. What Is your legal opinion of the coustllionality of the tun commandments? li. Do you ever havo any uliuniuru? 7. Are you married and live single, or are you a bachelor ? 8. Do you tieliev in a future slate It you do. state it? 7. What are your private aeiiliuieule about a rush of rats to the head—can’t it tic did ” 10 Have you ever committed atilcldc ? If so, how does It seciu to eiTect you ? 11. Did you ever have the meevlea? I I so, how many ? Alter answering the above questions like a man, on the confirmative, the slick, little fat, old feller, with goald speca ou. ceil I was insured for life, and would probably remain so, for s linn of years. NO HUMBUG ! 3 5 0 COOKING - STOVES! "bo! 1 - hardware. Pookot and Table Cutlery. Hollow Ware. Wooden nnd WILLOW WARF. ora, 1 foils" & co„ No. 42 Third Street, Macon, Georgia, 179-ltJAsotl ISHIiKK VIIL'R LIFE! ♦- - provide lor those dcjn ndciit upon you. beyond the exigencies ot ordina ry huaintow transaction*. ...... l Hsur < Your Life in a Uompau\ undci th.> management ot reliable business men, wlu\ understand tlu ir business, and whose previous suc cess is a guarantee lor future safety. Itu>urt Your Life in Company that M-iects it- n-ks carefully, and -eeks no increase of business without that regard to safety. Inturt Your lih in a Company whose mortality and expenses are small. „ , c Insure Your Life in a Company whose extent ot operation- covers n surface that secures the advantages of average mortality. Insure, Your Life in a Company that make- no distinction lvtween risks taken either North or South. Insure Your Life in a Company whoso ojierattons are regularly sub ject to the strict investigation of State Departments, North, South and West. //< Yo><* Life in <1 Southern CO)H>>(iny , that can give you every ui vantage -ottered by either Northern or Western Comjwuiiea, witli this addition? that it is truly a Home Company, and makes its investments in the State from which it derives it- revenues. Insure Your Life in a Southern Company, whose terms ureas mode rate as any good Company, whose management is economical, inv.'st nicnta sale, resertre ample, surplus abundant, and who always pay their l. sscs titomtitle Seek such a Oomiwmv. atid vou will find in the PIEDMONT and ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ~f Virginia, all that you mssl to secure the benefits desired for yourself nd your dependents, tliervlore. * figure Yovr Life in the Pitfimt & Arliiti Life Ikbce Cflipj tf Va.. - Branch office I*2 Mulberry. Street, Macon Oa. T. STANLEY” BECKWITH & SON, General Awnt*. JOS. A. ROGERS. Local Agent. Brown’s Hotel, MACON. GA. IF long And a thorough krtowl edge of the bu*im in ull ii* diversified branch** arc cfHcntlal to the keeping that which Ull*. public hull long htartt of but sthhnn MfA, A <oo| IIOTIiId, Uic undersigned flatter thmi*elvc* that they ure fulJy competent to dl.-schurgu their obliga tion* to their patron*; but they arc not culy exjMTh’Aiced in hotel keeping, they inodertjy would eluiin to have the BEST AKKANOED and MOBT COMPLETE LY AND EXPENSIVELY FI RNIHIIKB bonne throughout, in the State, which l loce ted fvxfieiiy whi< everybody would have It hit uate<T'~* * IMMKOIATKLf IN FRONT AND ADJAIRWT TO TIIE I‘AHHKNOBH I)EI*OT, where traveler* can enjoy the mo-/ stuj, and h-w* liable to be bjX by tt* |n*pie\ii)g|y eouAtant departure of the train* To all tliCfsO important advantage* i* added u TABU-: that in well Mippln and with the beat Mini elioleewt dinho* the city and country can afford: nor would they omit to tiieution that their mmvuiiU, trained to the buttim**, have ( never been ne.- v;ipd utien tlon to guefeti*. For the truth of t4e*e kt tciii* uu-, *e refer the nir p'-tifik* wl ii fid. in mprj Stilte in i!m L'i.lmh K.# K rfltOWN *v SON. Pnprietfr*. Miieou, Ga., April 15, IST: 78-104 The Great Deiuwrtitlr duiirnul, •mu m:m ikk WEEK LY N EWS. BENJ. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Light Page Wheel, Fifty six Columns of I tea.ling Matter. Contain* nil Iht wiv.<, foreign, domestic, po lit,i< id and general,with full and n lluble market report*. Faieli nuinber ulao contain* hcveral short stories, find a great variety of literary, agricultural and seicntllic matter, et , ete., constituting, it l* eontidently asserted, tlie most complete weekly newspaper in this country. TERMS, 12 A YEAR. lutllK uiliriils to Cluhs,: Kivc copies, on® year f '.t 00 Toil copies, one year, and an extra copy to this sender.... .... 15 60 Twenty copies one year, and an extra copy to sender £5 00 Fifty eoplei one y< w, and an extra ropy to bender 55 00 Hlltil* XfU'Jitf/ t ilths tls iltm , Ill'll / I'lftlill 30 jki'iTuf. of' tin iiwiui/ mriri'l hy t/inn, iis row JMUlHtltion, Fentons desiring to act a* agent* supplied with specimen bundle.' Specimen copies sent free to any aildreas. All letter* shoulii he di rected to NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Box 15,705, liuvi;; if Sew York (’Hy /t wt (>s<*. THE ENTER T ' T?TO E JOB PEINTINC hSTABLXSHMXXT -■ , ' ; *' g?-rr. , - t'-Zr-* 'CC', ' IS NOW PKEPA UKI I TO KXKri T K ALL KINDS 01’ I’l.’lN flN(i! SUCH AS CARDS. BILL II PADS. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, ST AT EM ENTS, BILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS. HAND IULI!s, DODGERS, ETC., ETC , And 'ina si vie eipial to any. Extensive additions are daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL Whtj • very effort will be made to render satisfaction unto all who may levai us with their pataonug” PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINK. NEATNESS! OUtt WORK, is GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR. AND WE I ALLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address. 1 iines i Wing A PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA PRINTING It has Im'cii th custom hcictofoie, and will probably remain so to a great extent, : ; our merchants and business men generally to send Nsrth to have th< ir juinting done, simply horanse it can Ih* done there at s little lower figure than here. It our people would discontinue patronising such men, they would soon see the policy, it" not the jus tice, in having their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured in the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, hut here we have printing offices all around ns, doing work at a very small ad ranee on northern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope the time is not lor distant when tmr merchant* will awake to their in ternsu a*ij patronize home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should be condemned FREE TO BOOK AGENTS An Elegantly Mound Cunwiiww iii|r Hook for Uic bc*t mid Bible ever published,will he sent fr<;u of cln{e to any book agent. It contains nearly oao line Scripture Illustrations, ami agents are meet ing wPh nnprecedeutod success. Address, stating experience, etc., and we will show vmi what our agents an- doing, "k i'l lO v VI. I*l It B.l*lll X. CO., Memphis, Teun., or Atlanta, (ia. U |.’V|V , SOMlilillNti NEW, < sal * asiV If* .i.) istiules, sell at bight. . , | uitai •• ; " “Ut' <>r| e sample tv ii 1110(1. | free. N v ork Manufactur ing Cos., til Courtland St., N. V. D O KT’T It,- Iterri ■<!. but for Cough*, colds, -ore throat,-hoarsened and lironebail dUHeulties, use only WELLb’ CARBOLIC TABLETS Worililes* iinilsiiioiiN are on the market, but the only siientilte preparation of Carbolic Acid for Lung disea*e* i* when diem ically combined with other well known reme dies, n* in these taiilets*, and all parties art cuutioncd against using any other. In sill *ii-** of irritation of the mucous menbrune these* should l*e freely used, their elcan*iug and healing properties are as toiiishirir M* xx si urrrr vri/hrf ii mhl, it is ea sily cured in iu incipient stale, when it becomes chronic the cure i exceedingly di flic ult, use Wells’ Carholic Tablets as a spcellie. JOHN KELIJXiG, is Platt st , New York, 4w Sole Agi nt for L’nitet. States. Pi int ;• 1 nd for < ircular, 1\ r AN'TKD— /'i,ri ." ,<1 liook .ifjrnfs and \\ flin t' ~' . 11l all pu ts of the U. B. to sell tin- MLMOiB OF KOiiLU BROOKE I A NKV', Chi’ f Justice of the Supreme Court of the I’idted atutes * No hook heretofore published iu the country throws so much light linen our Constitutional and Political History li, i- u work of extraordinary interest and of permanent value : • the lli-torian, the Lawyer, Matfsinan, the I*< Hticinn, and every ela>s of intelligent readei - Bld bySuWrri>tloii onl\- Lxcbuivi ierritory given. ror ii mi-, for Life ol lAN KV Lifeol <iE.n. LKI . i t , eldres- it mice, Ml 111*14\ vN CO., Fuldi-heis, M.lfimbiv rli 5 to per in-on ill. cvery where, male and leinale, to introfluee the iLM INL IMFOVLi: COMMON X FAMILY SLUING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, ijuilt, ( oid, hind, braid, and embroider in a most e lh - nwd and warranted for live years. We / will pay Si,Odd for ai y machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more pZ elastic seam than ours. It makes the “ Elastic i.oek Stitch.” Every second st itch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to $250 per month and ex penses, ora commission from which twice that amount can be made Address BECOMB & CO., Unston, 1/g.svl, Pitfxburyh , /h., CJiiaigo, !It ,, or St. LouiSy Mo. St. Clair Hotel, Baltimore, IVSd. This New nnd Beautiful Hotel is now open to ihe public. Located on MONUMENT SQUARE, convenient tdike to the bu-incss man and the tourist. It is the only hotel in Bal timore embracing elevator, suits of rooms with baths, and all other conveniences. To accommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers and others, the rates will be #2 per day for rooms on the fourth and fifth Hours, making; the dill’erenco on account of the eleva tion. Ordinary transient rates for lower rooms, per day. Guests desiring t> take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for the use of the guests is constantly running, from ii a m. until Hi* w. HARRY 11. FOGLE, Manager. Cheap ftaiHis! Free Homes! ON the line of the UNION PACIFIC R AIL ROAD. £2.000.000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral Lands in America. :t.000.000 Acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Valley, now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, ! for Grain growing and Stock Raising unsur } passed by any in the United States. Cheaper in Price, more favorable terms | given, and more convenient in market than I can be found else where. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. 'l'lte best location for Colonies—Soldiers en titled to a Homestead of 1(10 Acres Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swedish and Duni-lt, mailed free everywhere. Address, . Q. L. J*AVIB, Land Coni’r U. P. R. K. Cos., Omaha, Neil JuSll It is not a physic which may give temporary I relief to tUeßult'erer for the tli>t few doses, but whicli, from continued use brines Piles nnd I kindred diseases to aid in weakening: the inval j id, nor is it a doctored liquor, w hich, under ; tlie popular name of “Hitters” is so extensively palmed ollon the public as aoveretcu remedies, but itis a mast poti crliil 'l'aiiieand alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical authorities of Loudon and Paris, and been loug used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re j suits. Dr. Weil’s Extract of JiirtMa, , retains all tlic medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as u permanent cura tive auent. I* llit-ir vv ant of'action in your Liver anil Spleen y Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, Xv.. tVc. Take .I ■■■ ■■ beba to cleans-.-, purify and ! restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. I! avo j on a Hyspeptic Mlomaoli V Unless digestion is promptly aided tlie system is debilitated with lossof vital focoC, poverty of the Blood, T'ropsicalTendency, General Weak- I ness or 1 -assivuae. Take it to assi.-t Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ! ferer. II llv e jon tVeal.ness nl'tlir In. lesliiiCN? You are in damrer of Chronic ! IMarrhiea or the dreadful inflammation of the : Bowels, Take to allay irritation and ward off tendca ey to mtlaiuiuaUons. Have you weakness of the K - lerine or I'riniiry Orcans? You must proenrv instant relief or you are liable to ; suitvriiur worse than death. Take it to streturtiien organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the system In perfect health or you'are other wise in treat danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, is Platt St., New Y’ork. Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar pec bottle. Send for Circular. THOMSON'S WORLD ItrXMVU I) PATI: AT (i LOVE FITTING CORSET Xo CORSET hoe ever enjwed eucb a w 'rld u4de popularity. The demand - for them i constant!v increas* , mg, because un i give UNIVERSAL SATISFA TION! Are Handsome, Durable, Economical and A PEBFEUT FIX. ■ Ask for THOMSON'S GENUINE GLOVE : FITTING, every Corset being stani|>ed with ! the name THOMSON, and the trade-mark a Crown. Sold by all I'imld las. Healer*. Kte-ISU. fllaiid Slaini**** all varieties. Circulars roc. AgiN Hauled. W. ILK. Davis A Cos. Mfrs. 7b Nassau, N. Y. Aw BUIIDERSI Ill'll Cat ufugue on Building. A. J. Uicknei.l & Cos.. ‘.’7 Wurrt-H Bt., N. Y. ■ 4w_ it a 11,ho.vd time schedule. CJianße of Schedule. SCPKIUNTENDENT’S OFFICE, l Solth-VVesteioi Mailuoab Cos., >• Macon, Ga., June 13, IS7I. ) ON and after Sunday, llith Inst, Passenger Trains un this lioad, will be run as fol lows : I)AV ELFAUI.A PASwENOEIt Tit AIN. LeuVc Macon . . . S MH) s. m. Arrive at Eufuula . . . 4:42 i*. .v. Arrive at Clayton 0:1 •*> r. M- Arrive at Alhuny . . 2:40 i\ M. Arrive ut Fort Gaines . 4:40 T. M. Connecting with the Albany Branch Train ut Suiithvillc and with Fort Gaines Branch Train at Cuthbert daily. Leave Clayton . 7:20 a. m. Leave Eulaula . . . b:SO a. m. Leave Fort Guincs . . . <S:3S a. m. J.eave Albany .... 10:45 a. m. Arrive ut Mueou . . . 5:25 j*. m. EUK AULA NIGHT FKKKIUT AND ACCOMMODA TION TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 9:10 i\ M. Arrive ut Ei* fan la . . 10:20 a. m. Arrive at Albany . . . 0:45 a. m. Ai rive at Fort Gaines . . 11:52 a. m. Connect ..t Sniithville with Albany Train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights, and at Cuthbert. on. Tuesday and Thuasday.— No train leaves on Saturday nights. Leave Eufuula .... 5:15 l*. m. Leave Albany s : 10 J*. M. Leave Fort Gaines . . l:io i*. m. Arrive at Macon . . . 5:20 ,\. m. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 5:45 \. M. Arrive atColumhus . . . 11:15 a. *m. Leave Columbus . . . 4:10 p. m. Arrive nt Mncou . . . 0:35 p. m. YIHGIL POWERS, 00-1 v Engineer and Superintendent. Change of Schedule. WESTERN X ATLANTIC RAILROAD, [ Atlanta, Ga., April IT, 1873. t On and After Sunday, the 31st Instant Day Passenger Train (outw’ard) leaves Atlanta B:3U A. m., Connecting at Kingston with THROUGH FAST LINE TO NEW ORLEANS Day Passenger NEW YORK FAST LINE leave Atlanta 4:05 p. M , Connecting sit Dalton with EAST TENNESSEE TnROOT.II LINE TO NEW YORK TIME 48 HOURS 30 MINUTES ! Night PusscngerFast Line to Now York, leaves Atlanta 11:10 i\ m., via East Tennessee and Georgia, at Dalton, or NASHVILLE A CHATTAaOOGA AT Cfl ATT AN OOG A TIME 54 HOURS. Day Passenter (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee, Arrives at Atlanta 8:50 p. M. Night Passenger (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee or Louisville, Arrives at Atlanta 1:30 a. m. E. R. WALKER, Master Transporatiotn. Change of Schedule. ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. FORTY-ONE MILES SAVED IN DISTANCE Office Macon and Augusta Railroad, ) Macon, May 18, 1872. f ON and after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and un til further notice, the trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED - ). Leave Augusta 11.00 a. m. Leave Macon 6.30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 2.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 7.40 r. M. jj^fTassengers leaving Macon at 6.30 a. m make close connection ut Camak with day pas senger trains on the Georgia Railroad for At lanta and all points VY’est; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston ; also, for Athens, Washington, and all station* on the Georgia Kuilrour’ Tickets sold and baggage eluxKed to all point- North, both by rail arid t-y steamships from Charleston. 24 lv S. K. J<HINSON Suo’L THE"LIEHT ffiHiFE^3r “DOMESTIC”f~jp “Domestil” s. Nr. co., ; 35 Chambers St., New York, or Atlanta. Ga. 123-300 Is. T. WHITCOMB, Apt., IMPOKTEIt AND DEALEIiJN West India Fruits, Vepialnes, WAV., lilt. ETC., I 09 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH,- GEORGIA. 107- iso Arrival and Closing oi' Hails. Arrive. Close. Macon A Augusta It. R. Way and Milled;p ville ‘.T;lol*. M. 7 p.m. Augusta und CarolTnas 7 p. M . Maeon A Brunswick 9:25p.m.. la.m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States I Night Train)..7:3o a. >l -LOO pm (DayTrain),...6:lor. m. 0:10am Muscogee R. 1. Why Colour _ Kus op. M. 7P. M. S. W. H. It. (Day train) 1:85 c. m. 7v. v. Amerieus and £ufaula'(Kiglit Train);...;.: "... 7 p.m. C. K. It. Way Savannah and Northern (Day Train) 1:51 p. m. 7a. m. Northern, Savannah and Ea ton ( Night Train) 5:15 a. m. 5:20 p m Hawkinsvillo daily (Sundays excepted Kb 00 v. m. 2p m Clinton —l uesday, Thursday and Satuultiy 13 M . 12:30 pm Jeffersonville ” and Twiggs villc, Wednesday 7 a. m Wednesday, " 3:2,5 p. INDIAN SPRINGS. ELDER HOUSE. LI.DER A SOT, I’i-opi-Ie tor. r FlilS well-known liouac is now open to all X who wish to visit the far-famed Indian Spring. The Hotel is nearer the Spring than any other, with pleasant and sliadv walks lead ing thereto. ' ’ KATES OF BOAKD- Per Day f 2 00 One Week 10 00 One Month 85 00 Children and servants half price. 0-tf ELDER & SON. BYSNQTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. 13 Tllf niti:tKi'iT iio;m; For the Train from Savannah. Augusta and Ma- j con t< Columbus. i\.\ii: 1101 si; For tlie Train from Eufaula and Albany to Macon. NI PPER HOI SR Fsr the Train from Colmnbns to Macon, Sa- ! - vannah and Augusta. Large comfortable Rooms with Fire places I smi every Convenience. 112-190 ' MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wholesale Urooci-a, a,., T)URDICK BROTHERS, Third Street be tween Cherry and Poplar. ' tl - WA. IIL'FF, Third Street, corner them • street. tf • T AWTON & BATES, Fourth street, ~ 1 J to Lawton cte Willinghams. t f V VAG Ii ATI I, llollimroworth II.„ i.x . Poplar street, near Fourth. ’ DruggistK. (2 Et>. PAYNE, opposite Palace of Justin Macon, Ga 1) li. HALL, corner of Cherry and Coin,i k. Avenue. lt Hunt, rankin’ a lamar,n<>. •>amiM Cherry-street. (1 JNO. INGALLS, corner Poplar and Fin,Hl btrect, Hollingsworth block. :a;.ti I’am j Ciroeers, Wl’. CARLOS, No. 80, .Mullierry-street . opposite the Lanier House. p Neiring ?!a< li■ n< b. I > J. ANDERSON, Howe Sewing Mn -11 • chine. Cotton Avenue. 03U Hotel*. I FROWN HuUSF—E. E. BLOWN A SON > Proprietors, Opp Passenger Depot, tl" Q POTS WOO D—T. H. HARHia, Proprietor O Opposite Par senger Depot. tf ' House Sign l*aintei-M. WINDHAM A CO., under VV Hotel, „ Attorneys at J OHN B. WEEMS, Office, Ralston’- block over Rasdal’s. ’ CB. WOOTEN, Office, 88 Washington . block, up stairs. p M. B. GF.RRY, Office, ( on•! lit um> Ai>. BA( ON, Office, 89 ( hctrv-Mrctt. • ’ 36-1 i rpiIOMAS B. GKKSILVm' nih t N„ ‘i| \ X berry street , : WiUTI LE cV: Gl BTIN, office NH q < <,iiuu Avenue. ■■■■■■■amnanauamaiii a •■•nia utAnvia,sjirv— Physiciiins. r I? W. MASON, Office, over First Nations.: 1 • Bank. |, Jewelers and IVateli Mukers. JII. OTTO, under Spotswood Hotel. tf 11 <> II Si e I’ II I- 11 IHIII 11 g • o„(I , Stoves, Ae. OLI\ Ell, DOUGLASS A CO., Third Strut, between Cherry and Mulberry. tf .Shoe Healers. A I IX & KIRTLAND, 3 Cotton Avenue, tin It f Third Street. tf Furniture, &<■. ~W/~ &E. P, TAYLOR, corner of Cotton It. Avenue and Cherry-streets. u e. BERND BROS., Third Street, between Cherry and Mulberry-streets. u Itooktfeller*, Statiouerw, Ai. I) ROWN A Cos., 40 Second Stru t. * (f Music. Ac. L> -I ANDERSON, Music, Cotton Avemn. 1 • o::ir ILFORD, WOOD & CO., (M Mulliern l l Street. 11 n rl \vu re. CIAKUARI vk CURD, No. and 07 Clhth ) Street. 4SU ‘ Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. 10 YEAB& PUBLIC TEST Dr * Crook’s : INE TAR X li avein or e ji HI <■ ri 1 Ilian all j ii similar preparii lion creroAeml l ~ lilt* public. It is ris'li an the iiicdiriual tiital* Hit s of Xar, and uuequuled fordisoas cs of the Throat and l.niigs pei forming the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Folds, Chronic Cough-. It effectually cures them all. Asthma and Bronchitis, llus cured so many cases it has been prmiousced _ specific for these complaints ■ l or pains in Breast Side or Bacl C.rnvcl or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Jaundice or any CiverComplain It bus no equal. II is also a superior Xouic. Itestores the .Appetite. Strengthens the System. Restores the Weak and Debilitated. < a uses the Food to' Diyest, Removes Dyspepsia and „ Indiffestiou. * revents Ilfalarious Fevers, Oives tone to yottr System. Tr- Pr. Crook’s Wine nt Tar. I*l RIFY YOUR BLOOh. L For Scrutnla, Serofn ,K lons Diseases of the if* Eyes, or Scrofula In any form. ffxZP An y disease or eruption of the Skin, disease of the Liver Rlieumatism, Pimples, Olu AT (?) Sores, Ulcers, Brokeo-down fa. Constitutions, Syphilis, or any vHgJyjL disease depending on a deprav &&W e condition of the blood, try DR. CROOK'S Sfcfe STRIP OF v MPoke Root. Las the medical property ay' of Poke combined with a pre paration ot Iron which goes at once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Com pound Syrup of Poke I tool—take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. Charleston, S C., tVhoteale Agent -31-ly For Dr. Crook’s Rvir.v-dio BOARD. IT will b€ to the interest of boarders to applJ to this office, as reasonable board asd ant up stairs rooms can be obtained for tc suminer months in a delightful portion