Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 18, 1872, Image 2

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BACON DAILY ENTERPRISE i *>. <>in. ija All leltm rmUing toSntm • ipUmi hnUhl V ml i,i*iltnl • .11 / i V*<■’ I'oiOIIOllll"' J"' III' /*";'■ ihnilbt I" "and tlrcoeel to l/ii • F.IU-. If ' 'iinli tliikc In return >'• fi'fl nnnth u>• n-iit ,11/ - Writ iinthfltli nilnt tun's */♦//*•', Jtutn nit /eiti'tn •;/ thr .Stutr % *o liritrd. i.h i; hm it a m i:. No Interest connected -with tlie whole qaclliun of pulilicul economy vilully con cerning the American people ia more Im portant Ilian that of life insurance, ami there ia perlmpa none so little understood, although its agcnl* are almost omnipreaeut. Men insure their merchandise and their house* that may lie destroyed by fire, uud too largaly ueglect to provide lor a loss that is sure to come, at no distant day, by death. Hut this uiny be explained upon various grounds, prominent among which are ignorance of the beneficent lustltutlou and prejudice concerning it. Indeed grave errors have been committed by too many companies iu selecting tbelr agents, who have not been scrupulous iu their represen tations, which lias Imd a tendency to bring the system into contempt; and then agaiu, some companies have thrown dis trust open the system try viissslation and deception, k case iu point tins recently occurred, wherein a company lias at tempted to lower its standard of rates to new applicants, Urn*causing wide spiaad dissatisfaction with old policy holders, whose patrouago built up the company to aolossal proportions. Aaotlicr case in point that has attracted our attention, which we find detailed in n recant issue fa Savannah paper, which we copy, without giving the name of the company, vix On the 31st of Doccmbar. IHtiH. Mr. Will. Morrell, an old resident of Havannab, but a poor man, took out a policy of iusu ranee on his lifer for SS,()UO in favor of Ills wife anil children upon the half note plan. On Hie .’list of August he died, haviug paid only four full snunal premi ums. umounliiig 111 sll to $ 1,-Kilt 40—0110 ball - of which, tliHt ia #757 40 was paid in cash, and for the remainder, or $772, the Company held his notes, payable w ith inletest at the rato of li per cent. The proofs of loss were promptly made nod on the l.'lth of September, less than two weeks after Mr, Morrell’s death, notice was received from the home otllce Hint the proof* had been accepted, and the loss was payable according to the conditions of the policy. One noticeable feature in the settlement to which we refer Is this, that the four notci given by Morrell in part juiyintiil of hie premiumi or re not deducted from the amount of hie ineiirnner. and the tamed elaries under hit policy were consequently butter oil by $732 than they would have been bad lie I wen insured on all cash plan, or In any other company tlfHng bnal iichs on the half note plan. The special point, that will not full to attract jHilic attention in the foregoing, is tho statement that fhi amount due on the premium noire of the allured teat not e.r acted by the Company. The question will naturally arise . if the Company does net require pry meat, why does she luke such notes V A suspicion arises that such ac tion, in the case detailed, is but an “ adver tising dodge " to get business, unworthy any honorable well conducted Company— s special charily conferred In a s|ns-ifie case, and by no means general. Such acts arc likely to create distrust, and injure a meritorious cause. We sure for no individual company, hut we do care fora system fraught with so much be uellcence that it should be administered with Iho utmost uniformity mid fidelity, tbne scouting a confidence without which it becomes wholly worthless We may have more lo say on this subject. Th Atlanta Constitution says l'nnl* have been issued for the mar i iag of Toumssecs lending railroad magnate, f'oloool K \V ( ole, Nash ville, I* on* of Georgia! molt Ix-antUiil md gifted tn-lles, MU' Anus Kussoll of Auguste. The ceremony take* place on Tuesday afternoon, the 24th day of December, at half put four o' St John’s Church, in Augusta Col. Cole is kuovvu ail over the country a* one of th* ruont dtatiuguiehed ami sue cvaaful railroad men of the day, with eminent capacity for large enterprises, and the most attractive of personal and social qualities Miss liiisscll. the fair bride, is one of the at know lodged queens of Southern society, allku known for beauty, intellect, amiability and the possession of all tU*e brilliant at C<*nplistmu>nts for which i t r Southern women tia\ c been so famous. Tub Clnclimaul Kuquiict mu ■ Uu ic is uo muddle iu lamiaiuna it give* lin- I'M Inking as f (lie whole msn-r 1. The poop) rh’i Ini the Democratic uni) Liberal ticket by 1 2,000 majority 2. Tbe legal Slate CanvMaeni wen) uni allowed lo declare the result, being pro hibited by an Injunction froui a lulled Hiatts Judge 3. A board of in in who wue twit legal Canvassers throw out a number of par UliM or counties just euougb to give Uie Grant party Uie aaceudeucy -I. Tlie Admliiiatralion sustains Uie laiuoiity of tbe |>eoplc and tlie usurpers who represented lUeni in tlie coutml.— That i* all Uiere is of it Among tbe appointments for tiie Maeon District, made by tbe Methodist Confer ence. Uie proceedings of which we pub ltali, are Rev O. J. Pierce, lo the First Street Charge. in this city aud Hct 11. M lxxkvrood for Kasl Maeou and tbe City Miasion. Mr Pierce is a brother of litaliop Pierce, aud comes from the Noith Georgia Conference 001.. W. C. CsutieMti. the lYesideut of Uie Piedmont and Arlington Life lo sura me Company is to the City Tbe Company he represents enjoys a high character. STATE NEWS. sat iiiniHh ; The Republican lays —On the Bth Inst., Adolpli von Flolx-rg a mun übou' thirty two years ol age, was admitted inti the city hospital, at the time suffering with delirium trrment, committed suicide on Hiindny nigh'. The Morning News says —('apt. II J. Strobhar, well ami I'uvaiably known in Havannab, died at Ids residence in Kill og ham county on Sunday last. The deceased was commander of Ibe Kllingliaiii Hussars (a company in the Fifth Georgia Cavalry.) during the late war, lmving succeeded Col. Bird when the latter was promoted, lie was a gallant and fearless soldier, whose name will always iie enshrined in the memory of his comrades. The same paper kits the following On Saturday evening about half-past five o'clock, Mr. Robert H. Arlow, residing on Stuart street tear West liroud, left Ids home stating that he would soon return, since w hich time nothing has been beard of him. Mr. Al low is an English man by birth, hut was for many years u residetis ol Newark, N. .1 , where he con ducted the painting business. Foul play is strongly suspected, The foreign exports on the Ifilli were 4,055 hales Upland cotton, weighing 1,- 871,4110 pounds, valued at $358,358,29, and 70 pieces pitch piuc lumber, mcasur iug 11,580 feet, valued at $1,102, and 'Mill white oak staves, valued at $1.79. Allanlii : The Hun, of yesteduy, hiijk It will be recollected that Mr. Dobbs, one of the jurors In the first Malone trial, was (liken by a fit, and died the day fol lowing. lie was buried in Villa Rica From a gentleman wiio resides there, we learned yesterday tliut the wife of the de ceased, on her wav hack from the burial, was so violently ullncted tliut she died very suddenly. Colimiltus : The Hun advertises "Black Printers’ Ink." llayti is the place to sell it—not Georgia Printers here nre white, but they use black pmitiny ink. The recent election of Mr. Mcllheuny to the mayoralty, makes the fourth time to Hint honorable position A high compli ment. The Methodist denomination is strong In Columhu The amount of total mem bership of the three churches arc 1,009, They raised during the past year SIO,OOO Augusta : The Chronicle learns that n shooting alliuy on lined in Oniiiitevllle on Sunday night. A white man, named Clem Gul ledgc, an Innocent spectator, was killed. Mrs Small McKinuic Stovall, wife of Gin M. A Stovall, died Sunday after noon. Mr. ( Finely died on the llilli He Inis been a resident of Augusta for a long number of years, and wits esteemed by all who knew him TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. DKCKMIIF.It 18. WASHINGTON. The Congressional proceeding are de void of special interest. The vmious committee* are t work however. Secre tary Bout well and Jay Cook wer* before that of Ways and Means. Mr. B expresses his conviction that the altompt to sell the news live per cents and to retain the pro ceeds of such sales in gold until tlie called six per cents could he brought in. would creale a drain of money from its ordinary channels, which would speedily check sales, and thus effectually deprive the Government of the means to redeem Hie 5 2bs. By the plan recommended, all difficulty, as shown by experience, would he avoided, and tho conversion into the ii*w bonds would he effected without the slightest niomclai v or commercial distur bance. Mr Cooke referred to the fact Hist w hen tlie Government was a borrower at high rales of InMrest, all other borrowers, as a rule, were obliged lo pay still higher rttes. The lower the Government rate the I tetter it was for Industrial and coin mercial enterprise of all kinds, which were relieved of taxation to Hi* extent ol the reduction aud of the competition ol the Government at high rates. TUK Ml\Kl> COMMISSION. The British Slid American Mixed Com mission have been at work with consider able vigor for several days, ami set lied a number of claims, the larger part of which were solved The number of Hritlsh claims before the Commission was four hundred and twenty-eight, of which one hundred mid thirty have boon adjudicated. The Com mission has adjourned until the tilli Jan uary, IIIK ALABAMA TKOrULK. Montuomkuy, December 17 -The legislature met in accordance with the Attorney General’s plan The Lieutenant Governor presides in the Senate The Republican* elected u temporary Clerk of the House Tliey will liave a majority of six to eight in the Rome. TU* PATTBUSDSf URtUKItt CASK C’oti’Mur*. December 17.—A long ex iiminstion was had to-day in Uie bribery eases against 001. Path i>nu, United States Senator elect. and Gen Worthington The luv c.stigaiiou showed that the ultida vita upon which warrants were issued were prompted by frauds, or founded upon ignorant affidavits. PROM KRW YORK. N'kw York, December 17. —The lute S N l*ike is reported to have left projiem to the value of OIHMHH'. EDWARD A rWIXAHO DEAD Richmond. December 17 Edward l’ollaid, editor and author, is dead. Will lager-beer intoxicate? The Tem perauce Bureau iu Chicago has issued an address upon this question, especially to Germans It is admitted that the conduct of those who get drunk ou beer is not h’,- wava so violent as that of the whisky driuk era. yet they ax-art that the general effect* j arc the same Destitution and starvation have been caused as often by beer as by I whiskey, while the mall iuebriety creates ! a stupid gross iuseusibility to the rights i and reelings of others degrading to out j common human nature, besotting and ; brulifVlng man until every finer domestic lecling is tinned to vulgarity aud cruelty. —w . A letter from Dallas Texas, to the llous ton Age savs that twelre -lmliaa' cattle Ihirres w erv lately caught in one of the western countries and huug to a limb of a lies , latcause there was no’-Timb of the law" to plead for them. - Before hanging them their fares were scrubbed, and eleven of the twelve did not jma out as Indians— they being unprotected orphans from Kansas mostly." SOUTH GEORGIA CONFERENCE-, <Ja., December 16,1872. The Conference met this, Monday, morn ing at 9 o'clock, with Marvin in the chair. lb llgioue service was conducted by Rev. .1 W. Tolley. Dr. E. Fierce made wdmt lie deemed his farewell address to the Conference The Bishop was requested to appoint him as Missionary Agent, which will be bis sixty eight appointment The mtiiiCH of the following transfers were unnoticed by Hie Bishop U. J. Fierce, O. B. Kramer, II II Parks, J. V, Morris, M. 11. White, J. P. Wardlaw, G. W. Hardway. 11 II Ha-nett, and George Bright. The name of James Jones was restored to the supuranuated list. lion. J J Jones, read the report on Bible cause, which was laid ou the table for the present. Bishop Fierce took die chair, and the order of the day was taken up, which was the report of the Trustees of the Orphan Horne. Rev. S. Anthony, on behalf of the ma jority, made a report for the establishment of an Orphan’s Dome in conjunction with the Noilh Georgia Conference. Rev. J. O. A Clarke offered a substitute for the majority report disbanding the Board ot Trust, and appointing Rev. 8. Anthony, agent. The substitute was* adopted. A commission of live members were or dered to net in concert w ith the agent, and When sufficient means to secure a liorss he in hand, so as not to embarrass the Con ference by debt Committee; A. M. Wynn, J. W. Burke. George 0. Clark, J. W Jordan. Janies Jackson. Tlie following were ordained Deacons on yesterday at the Methodist Church: Rev. R. I- Moniker. K. D Gantry, 8. N. Tucker, W. A Oreo*, J. W. Glenn, and the following elected Elders: Rev. D. J. Pope J. 8. Jordan and Willis M. Russell. The legui conference held its annual session with Dr. J. H. Key, President, in the chair. The usual legal business was tiansactud, Slid legal conference adjourned. The report on the Bible cause was tuken up, uud a substitute was offered and adopted endorsing the American Bible Society, and Rev. W A. Finks, the agent. The Conference adjourned to meet at 3 o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION, The Conference met at the hour ap pointed, with Bishop Pierce in the chair. The Committee on the Southern Christ ian Advocate made their report, which was adopted, endorsing the paper avd the editor, Dr. F. M. Kennedy, and pledging renewed efforts for its circulation. Bishop Pierce made an Impressive speech in its behalf. 'l'll* Committee on Books and Periodi cals made their report w hich was adopted, endorsing the management of the publish ing interests at Naslivillo and the Southern Review, publishd at St. bonis, also. A collection was taken up to furnish a room for Dr. liaygood in the new Pub lishing House in Nashville, Tcnn , and $1.70 were raised. Missionary money collected during the year, $0,015 88. Collected for superannuated preachers and their w idow sand orphans, $.7,507 45. For support of Bishops, $1,430 05 Commission for Orphans’ Homes, J. W. Burke, James Juekion, J. W. Jordan, O. C Clarke, A. M. Wynn. Rev. S. S. Sweet was appointed to till a vacancy on the Committee on Kxumiua lion of Applicants The Chairman of tlie Board of Educa tion made his report, showing that only one young man remains in Emory College upon this fund The amount collected, $‘.103 15. The Committee on Education made a report, urging a more liberal support of the various institutions under the cure of the Conference, Leave of absence was granted to T. B, I,aider. The following Visiting Committees were appointed to the various institutions Wesleyan Female Col lege—R W Dixon, N IV Stewart, II II Parks, Ruben Jones, II W Verslill. Emory College—A Wright, A M Wynn, T T Christian, 11 Perry, Walter B Hill. Andrew Female College—R J Corley, G T Pearce, Walter Knox, W C Dodd, R J Redding. Le Vert Female College—J W Burke, C C Hines, J t) Brunch, U A B Dozier, A M Brannon. Colliuswortii Institute—J S Key, 8 1) Clements, J M Marshall. George R Glenn, Walker Lewis. The statistics show that there are 25,724 in the membership, showing an increase of 1,172. Resolutions returning the usual votes of thanks were given. Tlio Conference pro ceeded to select a place for holding the next session of the Conference, and Ma con was selected. The minutes were read and approved, and everything ready for tire closing exer cises. Bishop Marvin, after an affectionate and earnest exhortation, proceeded to read out the appointments Al’l-OINTMENTS .SAVANNAH Distkict, J 0 A CI.AIIK. t- u.—Savannah, Trinity, H H Furka , Wesley Church, and City Mission, U (i X .MaeDomiell; lliiiosville. Wm G Booth , Bryan Mission, W M C Conley , Spring field. N I > Morehouse . Hylvtuiiu, W T MeMicbaal . Milieu Missiou, to be sup. plieil , Bethel, K .1 Burch , Alexander, ,1 A liossei . IV iiyuesboru' G S Johnson . Herndon Missiou. L A Dorsey , Belli any, T B l.anier; Louisville, \V M Ken nedy . Handersville. J K Mixon ; Davis boro' J S Jordan . t\ asbingtou, S X Tuc ker . Gibson. .1 W Domingos. Macon District—J \V Hinton. P K.— Macon—Mulberry street and Vinev ille, J ti Bruch ; Past Macon aud City Mission, K M Lockwood, one to lx- supplied . First Street, G Jell Pearce Macon Circuit, C J Toole, one to be supplied . Gordon, H 11 Sasnett; Irwin ton, to be supplied by F W. Flanders , Jetl'ersonville, 1) O'Driseoll, Fort Valley and Mars ball ville, F A Branch. Crawford, W \V Tidwell; Provi dence, J \\ Glenn, one to bo supplied ; lVrrv, Walter Knox . Hayncville, J K Littlejohn . Hawkinsville aud Mission, 1{ J Coiley ; Cochran Mission, J M Osburn;" Pulaski and Wilcox Mission, W H Uog ers Emory College. O L Smith, Presi dent ; 1 S Hopkins. Professor ; Wesleyan Female College. K H Myers. Presidi’nt . C W Smith aud W C Bass, Professors CouMitvs District—'T K Christian, P K —Columbus, St I.iike, ,t ft Key. Gi rard, Trinity aud Asburv, J W Siniuioiis, bt Paul s. A Wright. Wesley Chapel. W F lb-bison, Cataul*. R 1. Wiggins, Ham ilton, D K McWilliams. Talbottou. R W Dixon: Talbottou Circuit 1, U Payne, G C Thompson. Geneva, 1, G K Wiggins, But ltr. W M 1) Bond. Buena Vista. W W Stewart Gleuallon aud M Unions, C C Hines, Cnsseht R G Evans, l.utnpkin, A J lksan, Conference Missionary, Lovick Fterce. Asisaici s District—X B Ot stEt. P E.—Americas. A M Wynn, James Harris, •up. Bethel. J J Boring Xlagnolia Springs, 1’ S Twitty. Ellaville. J 51 Marshall, BF Williamson, sup. Smithville aud Mission. Wesley Lane; Oglethorpe, J W Wardlaw Montezuma, J W Burke}.Vienna, Janies Hpenee; Dooly Mission. 19 L -applied by J w Boring; Worth Mission, to be sup plied by W M Russell Dawson ami Enter prise. Geo 0 Clarke Weston J T Ains worth; Stewart, J M Potter; Florence,,® T Embry; Andrew Female College, J B McGehee, President and Agent; Orphans’ Home, Samuel Anthony, Agent. Baimhudok District. B B Lest kb, F E—Baiuhiklgc, 8 D Clements ; Deca tur, F C Harris, Trinity, A M Williams; Spring Creek Mission, R H Howven -. Fort Gaines and Blakely, J M Hayes, B H Lester, Morgan, D Blalock ; Camilla, M H White, one to be supplied; Cairo, J J Giles; Albany and Mission, G K Kramer ; Cuthbert, 11 F Breedlove, W B Mcllan, supernumerary. Spring Vale, Blt Wea ver ; Georgetown, Midway, aud St Paul’s to lie supplied ; Terrell, j£ J Bentz. TttoMASViLi.E District—J M Austin, F E—Tliotnaiville, 1) H McGeha; Spring Hill, J D Mouldin ; Urovcrville, W M Watts. 8 G Childs, supernumerary; Quit man, S 8 Sweet; Morvcn, J E Hcntell; Valdosta, J P Wardlaw; Lowndes and Echols Mission, A F Wright; Cloptoii, to ho supplied, Jessup, .J L Williams; Blackfihoar, H F Myers , Waresboro, J D Culpepper ; Waynesville, T 8 Armstead ; Centcrvillage, W H Thomas ; Bt. Mary's, W J Green ; Brunswick and City Mission, J O A Cook ; Darien and Mclntosh, R L Honikcr. .TRANSFERRED. J E Evans, II J Ellis, W W Ilicks, to the North Georgia Conference; II I) Moore, to the Alabama Conference; R W Flournoy, to the Louisiana Conference; Geo Bright, to Florida Conference. Altamaha District—J V M Morris, F, E.—Scarboro’, J J Morgan; Dublin, G W Hardaway; Wrightsville, to be supplied by W T Rea- County Line, to be supplied; Waynesboro’, D G Pope; Jacksonville, W A Greene; Oconee, If C Fentress; Alta maha. W F Corley; Reidville, II D Gentry; Moultrie Mission, W F Bearden, Nash ville, to be supplied; Alapaha Mission, to be supplied by D Morrison; Ocmulgee, W F Roberts; Ilolmesville, to be supplied by J it Ware. Jeff. Long, in a recent speech at Macon, reported Mr. Stephens as having said to him, at an interview, "You colored men have nothing to do but keep quiet. The white men all want office. Let them alone, and in a little while they will be fighting among themselves. Then will be your chance—slip in.” —Savannah There is about as much truth iu the above “report” as in most of the other “interviewer's reports”. about the sayings and doings of “Mr. Stephens,” going the rounds of some of the papers just now. We can hardly suppose that “Jeff. Long” ever made such a statement as that here attributed to him, for “Mr. Stephens" has not seen him since the war, nndj it would be [straining probability a little too far even to suppose that he would have so ex pressed himself before that period. [Atlanta flan. Messrs Saundors and Davis, our light fingered compatriots who recently achieved famo in Ruscia by appropriating sundry diamonds belonging to tho Empress, have been favored by the hospitality of the Russian Government with a country resi dence in the Ural Mountains for ten years, rent free. General News Items. London gas is eighty cents a thousand. The Texas cotton crop of this year will make over 300,000 bales. The man who discovered gold iu Cali fornia yet lives iu that state Georgia and Florida are cursing the number of bones in new shad. A New York tailor is at work on anew style of bullet-pioof garment. A national prison reform congress will meet iu Baltimore January 21. The circulation of the London 'Times has not varied two hundred in tlie last five years. Delaware thrushes two criminals per and week, regards tlie whipping post as a good thing. Crab apples go into one cud of a mill at Trenton, N. J., and come out of tlie other labelled “Bordeaux.” The New Y ork Central has a conductor who has run eighteen years and never hud an accident to one of his trains. A man in New Hampshire bought four swarms of bees ten years ago, and lias now an income of $1,200 per year from honey. Thirty barrels of blackberry wine brought a Carroll county, Kentucky, man $1,575. The w ine was made at odd times last summer. The Christian church at Lynchburg, Moore county, Teun.. uses a decanter in its sacramental service which belonged to George Washington. Dr. McCoeh says that there are 20,000 Presbyterian congregations in the world, embracing a population of 74,0i 0,00(1, Gov. Caldwell, of North, Carolina has pardoned Kiucliy Aun Edwards, Hi* only white woman ever in the Raleigh pculten tiarr AWOrM’EU ENTS. m I Hirer invself a. an independent candidate for the office of coroner for tin-county of Bibb. So far at my political views j. concerned, I profess to boa Democrat. lam in hopes that all good Democrats w ill support me, I am a one arm man I lost my aria in Uiis late war. ltn map m. Ghak. Nkw Candida ib. —The friends of Chak Tkuo Ak-roi e, announce him as one of the most suitable candidates for public favor td. -* X : x. , i'-.-.imu:. At li.l ... tion of friends, irreapecilve of party, I an nounce myself a candidate for the purchase of Hides, pledging inytelf to pev the highest market price- for all kinds of hide.- aud sk ns. from that of a coou to a cow. I am, res poet fully, B. D. Lcsi-rEx, deol7 St Cotton Press, Third St. The friends of Ji doe Jas. B. Aaron:, am nounee him as candidate for office of Tax Col lector, subject to the will of the people, dec. 17—.t0. The Mends of Joseph It [Llirv, kxi: announce him as a suitable candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Bibb county, dec'.* td 1 am a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Bit b county at the ensuing election iu January. R. Bsnson, nov-JTtd 1 he friends of James Maktin announce him as a candidate for Sherifl of Bibb county, sub let to everybody's nomination. norJo-td. Tlie friends of C. 1. W ahd announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi nary. The friends of W T Nelson announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb conn ty, subject to the will of the jieupie. novl'.Mf. NEW ADTEItTISEMI-.M’S DIVIDEND NO. 38. SOUTHWIBTERN 11. It COMPANY, ) Office, MaOO*, Ha., December 10, 1572. ) A DIVIDEND OF FOUR (sti DOLLARS per Share lew been declared on the Capi tal Stock of this Company, as held on tlie night ol the-WJtll all., payable on and after the 'ilith in*t., in the currency of die United States as now received. Stockholder'ln nnali will receive tlleir Divhleuds at the t• , > • ailrond Hank. JNO. T. Bull'i. IL-I.ET, Treasurer. deel7-2w. CHRISMA' GOODS. The CHEAPEST Place in the City to Buy Toys & Cliiismas Goods SLAUGHTER’S. On Fourth Street, next door to Wilburn & Kdward’i*. The ladies especially, are respectfully invited to call and examine my block, before punlms ing elsewhere, as 1 ain determined not to he undersold. (JKO. SLAUGHTER. decl7-dcc24. RALSTON HALL. wfuffsdar at km.vii, dfcemufr is,is:-} THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! lilt. SOL IT II BUSSELL Would respectfully anuounce his Elastic Countenance In the personation of a variety of Odd Charac ters forming liis new Monologue Entertainment, assisted by Mr. Lam French, Pianist Usual price of admission. Reserved seats to be obtained at Brown & Co.’s Bookstore, with out extra charge. For particulars see posters, programmes, etc. M. A. WATSON, deell-tf Business Manager. Georgia Syrup, WE have now in Store ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY Barrels very choice New Crop Georgia Syrup. Retail dealers will do well to call on us, as we can afford to sell it much less than tlie New York or New Orleans Syrup. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY CO.’S FIRE CRACKERS. 1 50 110XES JU3T kkceived, By SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S NEW LARD. 100 TIERCEB NEW lai;d - By Seymour, Tinsley 4 Cos. decU-tf. Hotels, Retailers aei Families. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. OUR stock is not tlic largest in the world, hut we have enough to supply all who want good goods, good weights, good prices, and good men to wait on them, such us FIHE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., And little Pistols and Caps (all must he sold to go out of town). FOR EVERYBODY. 100 Bids. Northern and Western Apples. 38 Boxes and Uhls. Florida Sweet Oranges. 75 Bills., buckets and cans Mince Meat. 150 Boxes and kegs Grapes. 33 Boxes California Pears. 10 Casks and quarter casks Muscat, Angeli ca, Sherry, and Ythite Wine, from California. One small cask of that ten vear old Janiaea Rum. 75 Barret, and half barrels Pure Rye and Corn Whisky, (witli the shuck in it). 35 Bids., kegs and demijohns of Pure Bran dies, Gin and Wines. U 5,000 Imported and Domestic Cigars. 150 Boxes Drums A Caddies' Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco. The time has come, and we mean t* sell. A ! hint to the wise, etc. GREER, LAKE & CO., decl4-tf Comer Cherry and Third streets. DENTAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hkeeht RIVEN THAT DR. W. W. FORD IS CUR ONLY LICENSEE FOR THE USE OF RUBBER AS A BASE FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH, • iu Macon, Georgia. All persons are lierebv cautioned against purchasing Rubber Dental Plates of any [ parties not Licensed of this Com pany, as by" so doing they render themselves equally liable to prosecution for infringement. A reward will be paid for information that will lead to the conviction of any parties of unlawful use of our Patents. JOsIAH BACON. Trcaa. Goodyear Dental Y’ulcanite Cos. i*es/o, Dec. 1, 1572. decll-lm FOR” THE MASQUERADE AND HOLIDAYS. OPERA KIDS or any other style at 75 cents per pair, at NUSj-BAI'M A DANNENBURGS, declJ-lw. 70 Third street. JUST RECEIVED VLOT of live hundred dozen first quality KID GLOVES, all colors and all sizes at the low price of seventy five cents per pair. At NUSSBAUM A DANNENBURG S deelS-lw 70 Third street. | Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix. DEALERS IX AND MANUFACTI ItERS OF ’ >gf-'; l LLJI' i.Y . '[l L|L|y V MU ILDKH.v MOULDING, BE I Ug I JIAKDWARK BRACKETS, Ere. fT - ""” ’ CARPENTERS' EALIiUSTEHS, KTEWEIj POSTS, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. FACTORY-DIXIE W < >HUS, \Vnr<*rooms--Bljikes’ If lock I’oplnr Street, ITlncon, Ga. 1 -<' 1 ! lll’.tll 1 W* A. SWF’S ~ Corn, Bacon ail Floor Emporim OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. 111 AT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “TEE PRIDE OF DIXIE,” The Best in tlie WorlF, Always on Hand. t claim superior facilities ia the purchase or CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING TIES, ETC,, ETC,, And I will make it to tlie interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or GOi >D PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A. HUFF, 07—tf CROP OF 1872. Clover ami Crass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &€., &C. Just received, HI XT, RANKIN A LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 146-150 8- and 84 Cherry Street. EDWARD SPRINZ. N'OTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS TICE OF THE PEACE. I can be found for the present at all hours of the dav at my office adjoining the law office of A Proudfit, over the store of Jaqnes A Johnson, Third St. Macon, Go., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness Ud-380. NEW GOODS! FIS THE ILIUM'. GO AT ONCE AND SELECT FROM THE WELL FILLED COUNTERS OF PENDLETON & ROSS A SUPPLY OF ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THEY HAVE ON HAND A LARGE AND SELECT STOCK OF GIFT BOOKS. ALBUMS, DESKS. GOLD FENS, WORK BOXES, GLOVE and HANDKEII- CHIEF BOXES, CHKOMOS, WALL BRACKETS, SLR’ PER CASES, WALL POCKETS. BUILDING aud ALPHABET BLOCKS, TOY BOOKS, TOYS, AND EVERYTHING SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY - PRESENTS f CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PUR CHASING ELSEWHERE. Merchants wishing a supply of BLANK BOOKS, FINE PAPERS, INK and other STATIONEKV wiII find it to their adx'antage to examine our stock. AS LOW AS ANYBODY'S^ PEXELETOff A KOSS. Successors to J. M. Boardman. deelo 534 To Tai Payors of M County. I GIVE notice that the Tax Books fof col lecting the State and County Taxes to r 1372 will close on tlie 7th day of December, j hope all will note this and pay their taxes- = ‘ have to settle on the 15th and" cannot give *; longer time. This notice ia final. leant responsible for any one’* tax after that tun All poll taxes and road taxes are required troa. both white aad colored. _ _ „ uovlA-tf F. M. HEATH, T