Newspaper Page Text
Y 1 U O>. I. IM < . 111. |T9
No. 10 linUln'TAWortli Blo<*k.
All letter* rriatlnff to fMmcriptlan tltofildlx ml
<riw/ to /Ahth, Hi n/ (I: hntithy Af(U‘t*n % da.
Ooitunnnicailon* for th< jmfx-r nhouhl Iff ml
drcwd to the Motor. MV cannot undertake to
return rejected communication*. WfU out hr titi
vate* l ncim item *, front aU part* of the State t *o
Hon. Troma* I'liisb—The death of
llou. Thomas Purse, of Savannah, is an
nounced hy tclcgrn|ili lids morning, at the
age of seventy years. Mr. Purse has been
in feeble health for some time. His death
is therefore not an unexpected event to his
family und friends. For many year* Mr.
Purse lias occupied a conspicuous place in
the society, business and politics of Geor
gia. He has been Chairman of the Dem
ocratic Executive Committee, and Muyor
of Savannah. He wus one of the builders
of the Central Kail rood, and its first super
intendent. The invention of the railroad
time and train schedule first originated
with him, und its vuluc has been estab
lished by the universal use of it through
oat the country in ruilroud circles, lie
was for many years in the Bourd of Direc
tors of the Central ltuilroud and Banking
Company, and Vice President of the same,
lie was an honest man, and a warm, true
fricud. He has lived to a good old age,
has fulfilled his life’s mission, und gone to
a peaceful rest. Honor to his memory.
Tiik Constitution tries to lie
or funny—and It is really hard to make
out which—over our notice of the Mar
shnll s rujhteen column* advertisement of
tax sales of that city. It says $.10,000
will cover arrearages. We are glad to
hear this, but the big advertisement is
enough to frighten almost anybody not
The letters, papers and manuscripts of
W. 11 l’rcstcott, the historian, were com
pletely destroyed hy the Boston lire. Du
riug u visit in Europe of the members o
IU; family into whose possession t iny hadf
come these valuables were stored "for safe
ty" iu ono of the line granite warehouses
consumed by the tremendous conflagration.
-■ ♦ -
Don gaud friends of the Americas Tri-
Weekly Krpublicnu exhibit good taste in
copying from (lie Kntkhi’Rlbk—but hud
taste In making our work their* , giving us
no credit. This may he a mistake, Ulus
lulling the adage "Mistakes do happen in
the best ol families."
lIKN Ki nski.i„ Editor of the lhiinhiidge
Democrat, iu a letter to the Savannah Re
publican, under dale of the ltltli, contra
dicts the report of that paper of Ids death.
Cotton Hkcrhts at Intkbiou Towns.
The following shows the receipts of the
named Interior towns from August 31st to
December 11th. Their united stocks on
the Kith were 81,489, against 73,54(1 same
date last year
1871. 1873.
Augusta 77,965 118,335
Macon 32.249 39,930
Kufaula - - 12,t!0l Hi,071
Columbus - - • 113,407 33,085
Montgomery - • Jti.ltitl 15,053
Selma - • • 35,784 38,773
Nashville • 35,318 35,119
Memphis - - • 104,4111 158,484
Total - - 407.8011 445,040
llursK.—Tkl Now York ami Weil
holm Steamship Compiiuy petition lor
$ 100,000,
A bill authorizing the Comptroller or
the Treasury to examine the condition of
the Savings Hunks of the District, passed
Skuatk, —In the Senate Stevenson for
mally nnuouuccd tho death of Mr. Davis.
Eulogies occupied the day
lilt December 18.—The Emperor
giants Itianinrck’s request for release from
the I‘niaeiau Ministry. Von Boon eels
provisionally as President of the Prussian
London, December 18.—Twenty-tour
hours of rain storm. Largo tracts of Lei
cestershire are flooded, and twelve inches
of snow have fallen In Derbyshire.
New York, December 18,—The second
trial of Stokes for the murder of Fisk be
gan in the Court of Oyer and Terminer
this morning. The prisoner and bis coun
sel express themselves hojicful of acquittal.
The Jury is now being empanelled.
Tlie sub-Treasury balance show s Gold,
1-44,194,530; currency, $23,351,739.
Kkt W*t, Decern tier 18.—The French
ship Leone, with a cargo of cotton, from
New Orleans for Bordeaux, was wrecked
while conuning into this |K>rt
Jackson, Miss., December 18.—James
Lynch, colored, .Secretary of Stale, died iu
t its city last night of pneumonia.
ScniNni iKi.n, Mam, Dccomliu IS.—
Charles S P. llowles. of the Arm of
Bow les Bros <& Cos., of Paris, lias been
arrested here at the instance of a depositor.
London, December IS —Hubert Bowles
lias been sent to Hie Newgate prison to
await trial Waldo Kmkmok in Kkoi.akd
Ralph Waldo Kuiemni rtcoully made
lilt appearance among his old friends in
London. To all but a very'few intimate
fricndi* lie was incognito, but tbc pleasant
little room in Down street, where he re
mained during Ills brief Hay .suddenly be
came a shrine to liis friends of earlier days
The nearest thing to au appearance which
he made, was a Sunday evening visit to
the Cosmopolitan Club, where lie was in
troduced by Thomas Hughe--, and was for
an hour or two surrounded by a reverent
circle of eminent scholars, lie has now
gone to Egypt, but promises to return in
the spring and pass two mouths with hit
friends in Loudon. He wilt have in that
case to see a good many peopledbr no Kng
liabman has more, if so many, •itthusi
sslic friends. When the tidings of llie
burning of liil house st Concord came,
those who kuew Mr. Kmertou were be
sieged with inquiries whether contribu
tions toward its rebuilding would be al
lowed. These Mr Kmersou in a kind letter
Is the Louisville Courier-Journal corn
Igaient to speak impartially on the postal
jf telegraphy question v It owns llie fran
cliise. pun based at a low figure, of the
Western Associated Press, for Louisville,
and (Middles dispatches to other papers,
thus securing its own for nothing.
Sal an Hit It ;
The Republican of the I 4th aay . a po
liceman on duty, maltreated a nc-i > girl,
a pupil of the Public Scle N for colored
girls, in rear of St. Stephen , Church,
whilst at play with olhei i l l -. about noon
the day previous. The "tllcial will he
asked to rise and explain until when, he
stands in a very bad light with the good
people of Savannah. The colored chil
dren are pupil* of the Public School* of
Savannah, and as such arc the wards of
the city and under a special pimriliaualtip
of the authorities.
The News of the I lit, says —The
Keeper of the Eight House at Tybee repot
ted to the Collector of the Port yesterday,
that on the night of the I Ith instant, dur
ing the prevalence of the heavy gale, four
large storm put/hs In the light house were
broken hy a largs number of wild ducks
that were driven against the glasa by. the
wind. .Several of the duck were killed.
The panes damaged are the mo-I important
in the light house, and will hare to bo
replaced immediately.
The hingnlnr and mysterious disappear
ance, on Saturday evening, of Mr. Robert
b. Arlow, and tbe terrible distress of his
family in consequence thereof Is explained,
to the Joy aud satisfaction of all concerned.
He was called out of the city on business
—sent a message to his futility—lsily
failed to deliver. Hence tin liars exci
ted in his behalf.
Atliiutu :
The Hun, of the 18th, say the post
poned addressed of Mr. Stephen-, which,
lit response to a petition of u large uuin
her of citizens, was to have been deliv
erer! on tbe Tth Inst, will be delivered in
tbe Hall of Representative-, on I-'rlday
evening, 30th inst., at - oYl'irk
Augusta :
Two cases of cotton slenlin," win report
ed at police hcadquurlei Tuc -lay
The Havunmtli is on the rise. flic
Chronicle says.—Ycsteidny was what
our English cousins would have termed
a "musty day.”
The Knqtiiicr of the l-Ili comes tons
in mourning for the death cf Mr. Thomas
Ragland, one of its proprietors, who died
suddenly of colic, at 3 I 3 o'clock of that
morning, lie was in his ntlire all the
previous day, attending to hi- u-nal busi
ness with chccrfulnc. s, and went home in
the afternoon uppniently free front pant or
apprehension of illness Mr Kuglnnd was
born in Raleigh, North Caiol’um, on the
lilt day of October, 1", - removed to
Georgia early iu life, and u - for a time
connected with a papet it Milledgcville.
lie wus nun tied iu .loin county, to Miss
Haiuli Ann Day, on the -nth of October,
1833. He took an interest iu toe Colum
bus Enquirer on the sth of October, 1842,
und bud siuco that time been ( instantly
connected with it. His life was one of
uMfulnem aud honor, and lie leaves behind
him a large family to emulate his virtues,
und a whole community to mourn the loss
of a valued citizen ami ft lend.
in the Muscogee Superior Court, thirty
lourth-dny, Dr. Colzey, on lilul for the
murder of Charlie Upon, was acquit
led Tho Sun says Thus has end
ed the trial uml investigation of a case,
that luis elicited more interest than any
that Ims been tried here for years The
whole affair is a sad one, ami regretted
by all parties, but we venture by none
more tlmu Dr. Colzey. hiuiscll. A jury
of Ids countryman through their verdict
have spoken ami with that verdict let the
matter rest.
Colored Muthodist Conference, iu ses
sion in the building near tlx; Lowell ware
house Iu Columbus yesterday, Bishop \ an
derhorst, colored, presides.
(Jen, John 11. Hood is on n visit to
44 ri lit n :
The News of yesterday announces the
death of Mr. K. (1. Foster, in that city, on
Tuesday morning at I o’clock, soinewhere
near 65 years of age, and says Mr Foster
was one of (Irifllin’s most active nml eftl
dent business men. He was universally
esteemed for Ids many noble traits of char
acter, bis great personal cleverness ami
The Ladies' Dress.
A distinguished Frenchman. M. Charles
Blanc, contend s that the toilet belongs to
one of tho Hue arts, despite the infinite vu
rioty of dress, tho fair lady arraying her
self submits, so far as alio is guided by
good taste, to three invariable conditions
of beauty, namely, order, proportion and
harmony. I’bc essay in widt h lids theory
is laid down and sustained terms part of a
work on decorative art. and was recently
read in Paris at the annua) meeting of the
Institute. M. Blanc holds that the milliner
may oflentl against Hie art of diess—the
principle lives all the same. 11c insists
ou tho obvious rule— (or wlmt might seem
such were we not familial \\ itli a stylo of
die-s which it tho latest New York ides
of what is Parisian)— that tho slispe and
proportions of tho human figure arc Hie
basis nml Uie law of dn A woman i- !
not shajH',l like a Ml, nor hh, a wasp. ;
nor yet like a barrel, wills tho bulge vciy
prononec Therefore, the crinoline and *
the Dolly Ynrden. exaggerated, as may in' i
seen every day m Broadway, until il rc !
ally begins to lie of m> consequence j
whether a lady be well or ill formed, arc
inexorably condemned by the principle- !
of art Dress is not to build on the woman 1
an entirely dliferent from, but to half rc
veal and half conceal the point liueai
grace of outline. We m-cd.' therefore,
have the clear definition of figure which
Canova loved. The modern beauty,
equipped for conquest, lias been described
as a hetro evil ecus combination of iucobe
rcut forms which nature could never have
united in one animal, nr art blended in
one composition, ami who can deny the
truth of tbc satire ? So n principle must
govern the selection ol' colot as well as
the torin >1 ltlane look* forward to the
lime when the art of drt-ss will be under
stood aud expounded by recognized pro
femora. We hope that time will soou ar
rive. aud that we shall not have to wait
until some great princess builds a college
for ladies, to see our w omen attire them
selves in a mauner wnich shall evince at
once their good sense and good taste, while
doing complete justice to their, at present
bewildered charms.
A Davenport man. with three marriage
! able daughters, has posted the following
i notice over hit bell-pull . Wood, fti
I cold; coal SO cents per bushel, gas dea:
and bad. Parties staying after !• o’clock
will please settle quarterly VH. A re
duction made after popping, and the full
amouut added to the bridal oVvwr,”
Council Proceeding*.
t.'eoci \b Hextino, i
to iirii Chamber, Dec. 17, JS72. I
Present- lion V, A llufT, Mayor, Aldermen, ,
(dsy. Kills, K.iii'its, Tinsley, Fitzgerald-
VVooilllff, Smith, W.ieg'-nstein sml Wilburn. |
A If-on t— AM :id m Hid HI.
Tin; minut* <>f il.o lust meeting were read
•ml confirm' !
Commune <fA Pul ter* on, Chief of the
Mid on Kim Ihp n Inn-nt in referarife to 1 lie de
ficiency of w ii 4.1 ii.- ■i■t< rn ni'iir No. 1 En
gine Mourn*, on 'll - l struct, was referred to
the CoiumitU-c on Eire Department.
Tin* followin 'ommunicatiou of H L.
Backus wa* read und referred to the Muyor,
With the power to act:
Macon, Dec. If, 18?2.
At • mcetiii;’ of tic* Macon Bourd of Under
writers, held thin evening, the following reso
lution was unanimously fiosscd:
At the *ea*on 1m- arrived when fire c rack
era, fir* work*, torpedoes, and otlier highly in
fUmuble toyi, arc offered for wale, we would
warn our merchant* in time that hy the term*
of their iin*urun< policies, they are prohibited
from keeping ii. their ttocka anv of these ar
ticles, except the >M fashioned Chinese fire
cracker*, for /A< >'• in original unless
they huye< ti! | > iih i i< *ii embodied in tin
written portion of their policies, for which per
inilflion tin* N;ition:! Bosid of I nderwriter
ha* CBUtdihlml t|j. . xtru charge of one half of
one per cent, on tl." Imildingand all it* con*
tent-. II L. Ba< ki h, Secretary.
To the Mayor l< mm il of Mueoii, Ga.
Tbe, following - rnn i.n ation of 11. I*. Back
uh was re’id und ordered spread upon the
Mai'on, i\., November 27, 1872.
To th> //<■ i-iroh I f'tmrull of
Macon y (la:
(insTLKMi. s A' an t sit meeting of the.
Macon Board of I ii'l* rv. ritti 4 it was resolved
that a copy of net’nm 10 of our By-Law* be
transmitted to yn.i r honorable body for imme
diate, action.
He t\ 10, “No mi mber of this Board sli or
nnder any eirenm tunces, give his verbal or
written eon ' iit to the erection, or alteration,
or addition to, of my building within thy city,
in contrv*ntioi, <>t tin; ordinance* of the city
in relation thereto '
lie.- |h • Mi.]’. . ulmiitted,
!i. L. Backi s, H e'y
*! Board of Underwriters.
The folio a i • •. •rt f the Finance Com
mittee whh n rt iv< and, read and udopted :
Your Uoinmr: g t.o report that in their
Report, given in miury 17, IH7I, u* to the
Liability of thr ( • , (unitted to deduct from
the foot ol the R. .rt > io.OOO of City Bonds,
deposited with •l**lin J. < often & Son us collat
eral for borrowed money, but the sunn* was ho
stated in tie body of the Report, which made
the actual hide! -dm - uh estimated s7ss,iWtt,
and not s.s*, ’li tln-n extended with assets
us reported.
W. L. Ellis,
A. R. Tinsley,
(i. B. Rohbkts,
Finance Com.
M,Dn-. IT, IST’.
Tie- Committee on Public Property reported
favorably on tie- petition of Win. Hu/.lehurst,
A K Tin-)- \, I, K Siish(lmi-11, VV W ('arn.-s, i) it
Jone . N M ih-lgkins nml .1 Monroe Ogden,
asking permi inn to sell a errl.un portion of
land granted and liargsined to lb-v il K Kees,
to be used for church and charitable purposes,
the proceed-, nf said sale to be appropriated to
the liulldltig of new elmreh. On motion the
report was in-<-iv<-tl aid adopted.
Tin- Connnitl - nn Streets reported favorably
on Hie peli’ i- --i of M> ehnnies’ Fire (Jo., No. 4,
desiring tin dileli lllled in tin; engine track iu
front of tlreir engine house door. On motion,
tile report wit- udnpted.
'i iie follow i. lieporta of the (.'ily Treasurer
were reeel vi and, i id, adopted and ordered spreiul
upon the Mini,l-
Mavok am> Ai \ t'rrv or Muon is
AccountCi -mi vr with Ciias. J. WTi.i.ixm
son, Tin \ - ■
tHf;. I)n.
Sept, 20 ’to led.nn e from last re
pori t 7,:m :i‘.t
" lav 50,'iOti 22
“ Interest 1,718 !Ki
‘ iiisiiriuu-e tax 895 11
“ ( ily lots 428 09
" Mil ret 545 80
“ Fine :>TO 50
l.ieense . . . 1 ,:tf>9 50
Railroad eonueetloiis. 5,000 (Hi
" I’uhlie property 122 .V)
11 Tax on sales 102 41
" Fin Department (sale
of englnos l 2,400 00
flu e Dill DO (HI
870,927 52
Dee. lli -do a)ace loouglit clown.s 2,150 05
IST.’. Cb.
l)y Tux remitted $ 0 00
■■ Police 0,707 -47
' Pulidr property 4,200 12
“ Incidental 2,222 25
“ Rose 11111 112 00
■’ N--w Change Hills, old
issue, burned by
Finance Committee 4s 00
New Change Hills
1807, liurned by FT
nance Committee.. 50-4 0(1
" City Change Hills,
1870, burned by Fi
nance Committee.. 02 00
“ City Change Hills,
isn, liurned by Fi
nance Committer.. 18 00
Macon ,V Hrunawiek
It. li. Bond* 10,000 00
" Mercer l Diversity
Bonds 7,(KH) 00
“ interest t>uid coupons
mi notes, Ac 18,022 10
Fire Department 2,401 Nil
“ Saliu y 1,049 .88
” Chuntl 22 25
“ (ins light 1,003 44
“ Street, 0,401 M
“ Hill- ret oivatde 200 50
'• ciuartl House 17U OU
•• (ius Kill Scrip 0 To
" Bends endorsed by
Railroads 5,000 00
*' Insurance 'l'ax re
niitled 2 #SO
“ Mu; i/ine 80 00
" ( , h to luilanee, 2. ISO 05
*TO,O2T 52
Wo, menil'- :■< of the Finance Committee,
oertily tliat w. In t. tliis day exiuniued Hie Re
port -I( I- .1 \\ iiiunseN, Trraacrrr, for the
Fourth Quarter, and tlnd the same correct and
accompanied I'.v proper vouchers, ending De
emnber 10, 18T. W. L, Ki.tis,
A. R. Tivsi i Y,
(>. H. Komturs
Finauee Committee
M ai-on, i.i, Dee. IT, 1572.
\\M vl t;i :• t ;K nii’TS and
MI NTS l'\ t ' \S W 11.1.1 AMtiON, TRKASI HKH
1871 Dh.
Dw 41 -'f.t ' $ 2,500 10
*• 1..\ V*\NTl w
‘ in-sur.uuv Tax 2,750 07
“ Tax *n Allen 1,202 70
' M vi S„W SI
2 n- 80,027 44
* Fine 2.700 10
■ < i hut ) oiU'hHunts 7*o (X)
' lut iv*st, hulmr dk on
on : omls, etv 0,21$ 75
*• '<> sav'n, (irillhi A
V Ain. U. K 50,000 00
" • ' Slot k '.‘4o 00
" I'u-IVojM'rtv iHtt 14
" ■ Fair.... UH) (H
“ Kaitr*mu! CouiH’t Uoua. 10,000 (X)
" ( in l.*‘U 10.M2 45
" M vMA AK R Cos.. 100,000 00
• NUrk -: 15 oo
IK*-' 1W 00
. :.i‘; • a A F
(.r on for tickets
old at Fair 525 00
V, * Maoou Street K.
H. Cos S,(XH) 00
'■ R**so Hill 05 00
Fire Ht pariim lit (sjiK*
<<units 2,400 00
$■*•42,80:; 11
IS *l C'R.
IK t 4V- r.v ;..;t: 1 H . V $ 1,582 40
' I‘olict 20,017 74
Market U*
■ Tx (tvciiuad) H-.i So
“ Istenwt 7*t,57t W
“ Fin-Department..... II
” City Tax l,lV>l OS.’
” I>h dental 7,<K >
’’ Street lfi.SlH 04
” Salary 7.141 RS
" Bon.:- sundry) tti.StW 00
SLwt Encroachment 1W O. ,
“ Mas Lights 8,782 00
“ Dis ton Stock, Haf’h,
(irifTin A N. Ala. K
R. Cos 30,000 00
“ Bills Payable. 80,156 88
“ Charity 274 06
“ Public Property 11,402 04
“ Discount on Cltv Lot- 143 75
“ Macon Free School.. 520 00
“ Mils Bill Scrip 1,881 75
■ Fine (remitted; 105 (X)
I Magazine 150 00
“ Discount on Stock M.
,\c A. R. It. Cos 73,750 00
“ Discount on Stock
Macon Bt. R. R. Cos. 1,500 00
“ Doga 10 00
“ Rose Hill 207 00
“ New Change Bills (old
Issue) burnt by Fi
nance Committee.. 48 00
“ New Change Bills 1807
burnt by Fi. Com... 504 00
“ City Change Bills 1870
burnt by Fi. Com.. 03 (X)
“ City Change Bills 1871
burnt by FI. Com... 18 fK)
“ Bills Receivable 209 50
II Insurance Tax (remit
ted) 2 50
“ By Cash to Balance.. 3,186 05
6342,863 11
We, flu* members of the Finance Committee,
certify that we have examined the above re
port of receipt* and disbursements of the Treas
urer, for the year 1 sT:i, and lind the same cor
rcet. W. L. Ellis,
A. R. Tinsley,
(. B. Rouehts,
Finance Coin.
Morony December 17,1872.
'J hc report of the Managers of the city elec
tion held December 14th. 1872, declaring the
following officers elected was received, read
and ordered spread upon the minutes, viz:
Mayor W. A I lull.
Aldermen, Barron Carter, D M Durrett, T C
Dempsey, Benjamin Burdick, JO Dcitz, F A
Shoncmun, *J \V Burke, Christopher Burke,
linvna Ellis, .1 J Cornell, R J Lightfoot and
Vafentiue Kahn.
Clerk of Council J A McManus, City Treas
urer, Charles J Williamson.
The following pretest was received, read
and ordered spread upon the minutes :
City of Macon, i To the lion, the Mavor
Bibb co. Mu. t and Council of said c ity.
We the undersigned, candidates for Alder
man on the Peoples’ Ticket at the late city
election for Alderman of said city do hereby
notify your honorable body that we will con
test the election of Barron Carter, I) Durrott.
B Burdick, J M Deitz, Christopher Burke, J W
Burke, .1 J Cornell and R J Lightfoot, outlie
ground that illegal votes were poled for 'said
candidates and voters legally qualified, who
oifered to vote for the undersigned, were
refused hy the election managers.
P. Fitzgerald,
Pat. Kerwin.
On motion, the Council adjourned to meet
to morrow at . o’clock, P. M.
J. A. McManus, Clerk.
Anchors Wanted. —One of the most
remarkable iliscovcries supposed to be
made by modern science is the drifting of
tho stars. Richard A. Proctor, secretary
of the Koval Astronomical Society, claims
the merit of lirst suggesting the possibility
of, there being in fact no fixed stars; but
Professor Huggins is said to have first de
monstrated the fact that certain of the
stars, notably Sirius,arewandering through
space with almost incredible rapidity. The
umlulatory light waves are the criteria
qy which this approacli or recession is
found, and the rate at w hich they strike
tho eye of the observer gives the proof of
Hie stars coming towards the earth or go
from it. If the waves come in quicker
acccession than from a luminous body at
rest, the source of light, according to a
well known law, is approaching ; if, on
tho contrary, they come in slower succes
sion than from a luminous body at rest,
the source of light is receding. Not only
does this stardrifl—ns Mr Proctor calls it
—take place witn single stars, but whole
groups, with rythmic motion, are circling
among themselves, sometimes drifting si
lently, swiftly, mysteriously, in a common
direction; sometimes iutervolved iu a man
ner at present unaccountable.
John Iv. Davis, son of G. W. and Ann
Davis, died November 18th, aged 22 years.
I month and 16 days.
This excellent young man met death
bravely and joyfully. Everything con
spired to render life attractive, and the
earthly future loomed up before him full
of hope and achievement.
It was said of him that “lie had no
enemies,” so courteoils and upright were
his actions among his fellow-men. Up to
his last illness he had made no profession
of religion, but gave oft attention to sacrud
tilings, and paid serious heed to religious
instruction with earnestly increasing con
During his illness, he was enabled to
concentrate his thoughts on the Redeemer
of the world, and trusted for salvation in
Christ alone. Of this, lie gave clear and
convincing proof to his anxious and sor
row Stricken friends, and affectionately
commended them all to the mercy of God.
As death approached, no tremor was
experienced. Frequently he would break
iorth in songs of praise, and welcomed
with eager joy the near inheritance of
Cut down iu the vigor of early man
hood, it is yet true that “all is well” with
him. since to progress in the safe realm of
immortal glory, is far better than to suffer
the ills and fears of earth.
His sun has gone down while it is yet
day, but not a siugle cloud darkened the
horizon. 11.
1 offer myself as an independent candidate
for the otlieo of coroner for the county of Bibb.
Bo far as my political views Is concerned, I
profess to be a Democrat. I am in hopes that
all good Democrats will support me, I am a otic
arm man I lost my arm in this late war.
til. XKRDM Gt Ul
New Candidatk.—Tbc friends of CiiAJi
Tkbo Akstove, announce him as one of the
most suitable candidates for public favor.
bawnomc ummAm —At the solicita
tion of friends, irrespective of party, I an
nounce myself a candidate for the purchase of
Hides, pledging 1115-self to pay tlie highest
market prices tor all kinds of liidcg and skins,
from ttiat of a coon to a cow.
I am, respectfully, B. D. Li msten,
declrSt Cotton Press, Third St.
The friends of JeixiE Jas. B. Ahtoi-e. an
nounce him as candidate for ofUcc of Tax Col
lector, subjer t to the will of the people.
doe. IT—to..
Tin- friends of Jpssru Wiuiovrne announce
him as a suitable candidate for the office of
Comity Treasurer of Bibb county. dco!> td
1 inn a candidate for re-election to the office
of Tax Rxvch or of Bibb county at the ensuing
cl.v! in in Jan'.iarv, ); Benson.
The friends of J.xxtEs Martin announce him
as a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb countv, sub
ject to everybody's nomination. nov3s-td.
The friends of C. T. Warp announce him as
a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordi
The friends of W. T. Nelson announce him
as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun
ty, subject to the will of the people.
Thi friends of Pat Crown announce him as
a candidate f>r the office of Sheriff of Bibb
C runty. novlHtdc.
The most Famous Magician and Ventriloquist
of the day, assisted by
Miss Emma Neville,
Will Appear EVE , DEC. 90lli. 1-7*3
Everyone attending tlic first exhibition will
Doors open at 7, performance commence* at
8 o’clock.
Dress Circle and Parquctte 50 cts.; Gallery
35 cents.
Come early and secure your scats. For par
ticulars see small bills. ’ declO-St
Ordinance Aiainst Fire Works.
SECTION 301. It shall not be lawful for
any person to fire a gun. pistol, or any
otlier fire-arms, within 300 yards of any house,
except in case of military parade; nor shall
any person hum rockets, crackers or any kind
of tire-works within the limits of the city.
Any person so offending shall he fined in a sum
not exceeding S2O.
Clrkk’s Officb Citt Council, )
Macon, Ga., December 18, 1872, f
I, John A. McManus, Clerk of said City
Council, do hereby certify that the above Ordi
nance is a true extract from the minutes of
Council. J. A. McMANUS, Clerk C. C.
Mayor’s Office, i
Macon, Ga., Dec. 18, 1872. )
The attention of citizens and property hold
ers is hereby called t. this Ordinance as certi
fied to above, which is now in force, and which
must be respected during the Christmas holi
days. The public interest demands the rigid
enforcement of our eitv laws,
decltttd \V. A. HUFF, Mayor.
Office, Macon, Ga., December 16, 1872. f
per Share has been declared on the Capi
tal Stock of this Company, as held on the night
of the 30th ult., payable on and after the 26th
inst., in the currency of the United States as
now received.
Stockholders in Savannah will receive their
Dividends at the Central Railroad Bank.
The CHEAPEST Place in the City to Buy
Toys & Christmas Goods,
On Fourth Street, next door to Wilburn &
The ladies especially, ere respectfully invited
to call and examine my Stock, before purchas
ing elsewhere, as 1 am determined not to be
undersold. GEO. SLAUGHTER.
Georgia Syrup.
WE have now in Store ONE HUN
DRED AND FIFTY Barrels very choice
New Crop Georgia Syrup. Retail dealers
will do well to call ou us, as we can afford
to sell it much less titan the New York or
New Orleans Syrup.
Seymonr, Tinsley & Cos.
Hotels, Retailers and Families,
OU U stock is not the largest in the world,
but we have enough to supply all who
want good goods, good weights, good prices,
ami good men to wait on them, such us
And little Pistols and Caps (all must be sold to
go out of town).
list Bbls. Northern and Western Apples.
-8 Boxes and hbls. Florida Sweet Oranges.
Bills., buckets and cans Mince Meet.
1 .VI Boxes and kegs Grapes.
A) Boxes California Pears.
10 Casks and quarter casks Muscat, Angeli
ca, Sherry, and Vt hite Wine, from California.
One small cask of that ten year old Jamaca
75 Barrel* and half barrels Pure Rye and
Corn Whisky, (withthe shuck in it).
35 Bbls., kegs and demijohns of Pure Bran
dies. Oiii and Wines.
135,000 imported and Domestic Cigars.
150 Boxes Drums & Caddies'
Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco.
The time has come, and we mean t sell. A
hint to the wise, etc.
dcoH-tf Corner Cherry and Third street*
1 >ENT \ L NOTH' eT
in Macon, Georgia. All persons are hereby
cautioned against purchasing Rubber Dental
Plates of any parties not Licensed of this Com
pany, as by so doing they render themselves
equally liable to prosecution for infrinm rnenb
A reward will be paid for information that will
lead to the conviction of any parties of unlawful
use of onr Patents. JOSIAH BACON,
Trews. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Cos.
Jkwfrn, At. 1, ISTi deell-lm
Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix,
-L. {wwmmmi r iL
-’ N— A. a.; .1 BLILDERS’
BRACKETS, Etc. I ' ''[ , u li X CARPENTERS’
" 1 'A TOOLS.
DAIjUSTEHS, newel fosts,
Warn ooms—Blnkc*’ Block Poplar Street, 31 neon, Oh.
w a. tmers
Corn, Ban aid Floor Eiporii
Corn, Bacon, Flour,
Salt, Bagging, Ties,
Sugar, Coffee, Etc.
Tho Best in tiio World, Always on Hand.
1 claim superior facilities in the purchase of
And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY
or HOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties,
The host l’laee to Select a Beautiful anti Useful Present is at
AT *1.25, WORTH *3.00, TO BE FOUND AT
The “LUCC A BOW"—Aery Pretty.
Very Handsome, and in all Colors.
25 Dozen LADIES’ and GENTS' TIES and SCARFS.
Another large lot of Ladies’ and Children's MERINO VESTS.
Children’s Brown, Mixed and Striped WINTER HOSE.
A lot of SHAWLS very cheap, and selling very fast.
Call early and make your selections. Prices lower than ever.
dec9 2w—m-w-f Keesad Street, Damtar Block.
OPERA KIDS or any other sty le at 75 cents
per pair, at
declS-lw. 70 Third street.
A LOT of five iiundred dozen first quality
KID GLOVES, all colors and all sizes at
the low price of seventy fire cents per pair.
dee 13-lw TO Third atreet.
20-1 7
Mayor’s OrrtcE, Macos, December 10,1872.
IN addition to the usual inconvenience whieli
has been suffered by the public from the
prevalence of the horse disease, we now see a
complete blockaded condition of onr railroads
and the almost total suspension of all commer
cial business in our city for mere lack of street
transportation. This unusual tate of affairs
suggests the want of some immediate relief,
both to the railroads and the merchant. L : pon
consultation, therefore, with the railroad au
thorities and the different dray companies in
the city, I hereby give notice to any and all per
sons in the adjoining counties, that they are in
vited and requested to bring in their ox-teams
and assist us in the dray work of onr city for
the next two or three ‘weeks, at the end ox
which time, we hope to be able to resume the
horse and mule labor. . ...
Parties bringing their oxen to the city
be allowed to use them in the drajage of an
goods FREE OF LICENSE. It is believed that
twenty to thirty teams could find const* 0
work here for several days, at good
decll tf W. A. HUFF, Msyor.