Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 21, 1872, Image 2

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BACON DAILY ENTERPRISE '' " "u’i -ar- - OK • • n 4 o>, U niAt, 81, 1879 rCBLIOIICD KVKItV KVKNMIi HI LINES, WING & SMITH. So. 10 Hollingsworth liloek. All lrtUr* relohu'/ to Nnlutrrlptom nhtmldU ad- ' V‘-vt Itv J.ito't, Wit’!/ <!' Aniith , ,1/imm, tin. ttmtunHuicatiima for thr p'J"t should I* nd (tivnt tv the Ktiitor. Hs niunvt umlrrlnl (to return rrjortett nu/nu uni rot tun*. Wilt anthtvll ,uteri to n* f/.iie, tioio all port* rtf t/u NnU % no Ikited. Pmxir Auold, of Elizabethtown, Ky., charged as bcitig one of the conspi rators iu what la called the great (Jalifor uiu diamond swindle, says he is not guilty. He denies that the Uelds were salted by him, hut alleges that the discovery was honestly made, and that the transactions iu regard to it were all between himself, Hlack, liar pending and O. I). Huberts, and were all fair and after full investigation by all par ties , and charges that the hue and cry of fraud against himself and others is raised by parlies to cover up their own base liausaclions iu issuing and selling dia mond mining stock to the extent of $16,• 000,000. One side is always good until the other is told Somebody is certainly either Imdly hurt or frightened perhaps both. Arnold says he has discovered a silver mine in Kentucky worth 1300,000,000, and has bought for $9,000,000a1l the prop erty in the locality of the mine. Duin ok Kknsett, Tine Aimer. — Another name has to be uddod to the long list of distinguished men who, afterlives of toil and usefulness, lmvo suddenly passed away. Scarcely has the literary public recovered from the shock caused by the announcement of the death of Edwin Forrest, when it is again startled try the sad news that the artist John Fred erick Kenselt, of New York, whose works as a landscape painter have delighted the thousand lovers of urt, both iu iris native eouulry and foreign lauds, bad on Hiitur day last been unexpectedly culled to bis account, lie had been in poor health for n time, hut no fears hud been excited that his end wua at hand, lie vvus horn iu Cheshire, Connecticut, on the 22d day of Murelr, 1818, being nearly llfty-livc years of age • —• Election ok Magistrates.—ln con sequence of the nets of March, 1860, and August 20, 1872, differences of opinion have arisen as to tire time of holding the election for magistrates The act of March, 1869, decrees that the election for Magistrates slrull lake place on the lirst Saturday in January, 1873, and every fourth year thereafter. The act of August 20th, 1872, section two, declares that all elections for county oOteots shall be held on tire first Wednesday In January. The liuvernor having Iretm applied to, replies that after a careful examination of the sub icct, he is satisfied that the act of March. 1869, governs the ease This ought to he conclusive. •• A meeting ol the Democratic Execu tive Committee has been called, lo take place at 4 r u., to day, at tire office of Col. Heal. The object of the meeting is lo “harmonize all dlslurbiug elements al work, and cordially reunite the gallaul I ►etnocruey This Is certainly a worthy motive, and we hope it may meet with en tire success. And just here it may not be out of place io express another hope, which we do with the utmost sincerity, and that is, tlrst lire lesson taught iu lire necessity for the actiou proposed at tire meeting ol the Couiinilloc to day, w ill be heeded for the future. That it Will be there Is hope, otherwise any further effort at party discipline had best lie wholly abandoned. TuK I.ouioville Ledger of UlO I Mb, says the lwt annual report of the Globe Mutual Lilb Inaurance company, of Now York, presenting au tmsaturactory mate tiling*, Gen. GusUvus W. Smith, the head of Ilia Kent ticker loan tame Bureau, called on tha Kentuckey agency to explain or cor rect it. Thia it failed to do to his satis faction, and accordingly he went to tlio jam-lit oltlce in New York, as by law lie had a right to do, for the purpose o( per sonally inspecting the condition of its af frira and ariivi(% at the tacts. After a few hours' work, when it became evident that he intended to go to the bottom of the matter, the oflicera determined to rut him short, and to this end inc ontinently with drew their agencies front the State. We beltere this Company is repro sented in Georgia. The Bevkswick Mkmohiai. - We me iu receipt of n circular from the editor of the Brunswick Seaport Appeal, accompa nyiug which is a memorial adopted til a public meeting of the citizens of Bruns wick aud Southwestern Georgia, to the La-gialalure, praying the recognition of tiro Ikurl of the Brunswick aud Albany Rail road, etc. We have published a synopsis of the memorial. The Legislature "ill undoubtedly give the matter Ilc consider ation it deserves. - ■* *■ llox. SekatohT >1 No* wood writes to a of Rome that an appropriation for opening the Coosa is not improbable during the present s*siou. lie also gives it as his impression that the construction of Uia Atlantic and Great Western canal it a lived fart, though uncertain t time. —♦♦ — Tbe Chattanooga Titnes sav s in si ly hmr handled signatures have been obtained in that place to a petition for the removal of Hard from the I‘ostmasteiship. to which he has just been appointed, and for the re inatatement of Kendrick, the old I’ostruas ter. Bra. Bet lie Gilbert Gray, is suing her I husband, George L. Gray, in the Chaurery Court at Nashville, for divorce, bbe tie serves it. ntiM n<; is% i.itiin vivi. A Captain Lindsey, of Jack-on, Tenues see, has invented a printing telegraph rip parutUS, which, it is claimed, w ill pr int try telegraph four times us fast as the Morse system. Adapted to four lines of wire, it is further clultncd, it can take a I’resi dent's message and deliver it, printed, In San Francisco, in half an hour. The model upon which Mr. Lindsey's patent was issued is uow in the Patent Oflicc ut Washington. Tiro Memphis Appeal de scribes it as a system ol keys arranged in horizontal lines before the operators, much In tiro same style that the keys of a piano urc arranged before the player, each key representing a letter upon w hich tire ex pert teiegruphist plays, prodjjcing printed sheets three thousand miles away. The operator r an touch those characters as fust us lie irrsy, anj a corresponding impres sion is made H|>oii the rapid uncoiling slips of paper at the other end of the line. iMNuußoi.s Counterfeit.—Tim 8a vsnnuh Advertiser announces the uppcai arree of a daagerous counterfeit legal tender s!i note, and gives tiro following descrip tion of it: It is composed of different gen uine notes of various denominations. The centre is a part of a SIOO note, with the “one" taken out in the centre and upper border and a "live” neatly inserted, 'fire left-hand lower end contains the portrait of Andrew Jackson taken from a live dol lar note ; the right-hand lower, and a vig uette from a ten. The scroll work, con taining the figures 500, l.ns been tuken from a National Hank note. The back of tire note is from a ten dollar I nited Htalcs note, tire leu having been cut out arid re placed by tire rival from tire back of a five. Although this note Is not calculated lode reive bankers and brokers, it would be readily taken by those who arc not uc customer! to handling much money, as lire engraving is genuine, lit its general ap pearance it has no rest tnblanco to the note of the denomination of which it purports to he u genuine issue. Tiie New York Court of Appeals lias decided that the usury laws of that Stale apply to the transactions of National Bunks on contracts made in Hint State, anil that a violation of such laws subjects the offending Bank to the penalty they impose. ■ *.— . Tiie full membership of the next House ol Hcpreseiitatiuves will lie 292. Of these, (lie Democrats cannot muster more than ninety live at the outside, leaving the Republicans u two-thirds nmjorily, witlint least half a dc/cu to spare. —4 . . Maids I'luemkn —The Monroe Ad vertlser, of Hie I7lh after giving the details of the tire iu Forsyth, on Saturday night, closes with the billowing The Macon Fire Department may lest assured our people enlortniu the strongest feelings of gratitude for the promptness man His ted in getting ready to aid us. They were telegraphed for, got llicir on giticH on the cars, and wore ready to leave, when notice was sent that the Ihuncs had been controlled. Citizens of Macon are always esteemed in Forsyth any way, ami lids conduct adds another link to Iho bonds of friendship. Gentle men. one and all, and noble friends, we tender tlie thanks of tlio community.” TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Dkckmiikr, 20. NEW YORK. The settlement by .lay Gould with the Erie I tail road Company was tlio main topic of conversation. The real estate amt securities were formally surrendered to-day in the usual legal form. Gould's object seems now to tie to enhance the price of Erie stock te the end tlmi he may he measurably reimbursed. WASHINGTON. Tho Supreme Court had an informal consultation after Ilia visit of the Louisiana delegation. The conclusion was that Judge Bradley could exercise bis own discretion about going to New Orleans. The I-oultiana committee, at llieirmeet ing this afternoon, agreed to issue an address to tlie people of tlio United States setting forth the law and tlio facts in the case now disturbing Unit State, and to pc Uiion Congress for relief. This afternoon tlio committee went to the capitol and paid their respects to Speaker Blaine. Congress did nothing important. It has adjourned to the lith proximo. Dispatches from New York. St. Louis. Chicago and throughout New England, ropoit violent snow storms, in ninny cases obstructing travel. Tho great storm yesterday throughout Uto northwest occurred contrary to tho predictions of the weather bureau of tho War Department. Destructive storms and floods are re ported throughout England. A dispatch from Liverpool says four i hundred and forty-nine persons, including passeugers and sailors, have perished by | marine disasters during the past ten day s ‘ Thirty persons were lost by the sinking ' of tlio ship Matchless Tlie storm reaches France and Italy It is reported probable that some of the bridges crossing tue Seine in I’aris will lie 1 swept away by the thiods. Much damage was done to property in the city, and to (he shipping iu the bay of Naples. Tbe funeral ef Vico unless RcuconsflcKl. wife of Disraeli, took place iu London on Thursday. The ohecquiea were strictly private. The French Assembly to day unani mously voted supplies tor Is*3. as cstima Veil lu the Budget of the Minister of Fi nance. The Committee of Thirty have appointed two sub-comtuittcca, which sit separately. The members of tbe commit tee express great desire to come to an agreement with the Government. The Monarchists no longer insist on confining the actiou of the committee to the relations of Uie Executive and the legislature. The first subject taheu in hand by the commit lee w ill be suspensory to the veto power. A Cabinet crisis is immanent in Spain The Ministers of Finance. Public Work, and the Colonies have retired from the Cabinet. The sitting of the Cortes ves terday was suspended iu consequence of; the crisis. nix .vi. xas MX i.Euisi.vtirk Mo.N'TOQMEBV, Dec. I’U.—The House was |wi maneutly organized to-day by the election of L. K. Parsons, Speaker, RohL Barber. Clerk, li Whitaker, colored. iXajr Keeper. W I'. Turner, Assistant Clerk. all lb publicans. The disposition lo re tract thriiier action is no longer visible, all vein. to ire harmonious, in tire elec- j linn for door keeper more vole* were cast Ilian there were members present. Hoik candidates were Republicans. The Senate did uothiug. Havana, December 20. —Secretary De lano Ims arrived. A large tobacco crop is expected. -* STA T K NK\\ S. Mi viiiumli: Two cargos of cotton were cleared.on Thursday, consisting of 1,313 bales; weighing 1,!1fi9,0G3; valued at $380,- 943 40. Conjugal infelicities and kleptomania among the sable citizens, are detailed in tire News. A company of fifty soldiers of the lGth New York regiment arrived in SavannlTli Thursday, in tire steamer City Point, rn route to Frankfort, Kentucky. They huve been stationed at St. Augustine, Florida. The funeral of Hon. Thomas Purse to, k place on Thursday, from the Lutheran Church. It was largely attended. There were present lo testily their re gards for the honored dead, the City Council of .Savannah, prominent gCHtlu ureu of the bench and bar, representatives of the several railroads of lire city, delega tions from tiro lire department, the members ol Zerruhbabel Lodge of Masons, and of the Oglethorpe Lodge of Odd Fellows, besides many of tire oldest residents of the Forrest Cily, among whom were noticed several octogenarians, who had not been seen on tire streets for a length of time. The following gentlemen acted ns pall bearers Messrs. \V. 11. Bulloch, John M. Cooper, K. D. Walker, Francis Biair, John Williamson. John N. Levy, John K John ston and William Homslrurt. Tire Cily Council have suitably noticed the death of Mr. Purse, and passed resolu . tions in honor of his memory. Angiistii: The dead body of u negro man, sup posed to be John Walton, was found in the Savannah river, on Mill street, on Thursday. Verdict, accidental drowning. The Ice Company's receipts for the year, fall short $71,(i7 of its expenditures. A reinforcement of fns for the army of Grant, Alexander & CO., was yesterday sent forward from the lltchmoud county jail, under escort. The parties were con victed at the present term of the Superior Court. Coliimhn* : The Enquirer of yesterday has the fol lowing 'I he funeral of Mr. Thomas Kagluud took plate yesterday afternoon from the Presbyterian Church. There were pres ent several of his bereaved children and grand children, most of the newspaper attaches of the city, and many of the old friends of the deceased. The funeral ser vices were conducted by his pastor—ltev .1, 11. Null—who preached a brief, but very appropriate discourse from the ,'tith Psalm, .'l7tli verso. -Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace.” Wo know of none other to whom this beautiful an encour aging passage could have been more fitly applied. The remains were followed to their last resting place in our beautiful cemetery by a long funeral cortege, and deposited by the side of his loved wife and daugh ters. who have precoded him to the Hotter Land. The gentlemen who performed the mournlul ollico of pall hearers were Judge John Johnson, ('apt. 8. 11. Hill, A. (}. Itedd, \\ m. O. A\ oolfolk, II P. Coleman, I, (i. Uowcts, and Dr K. A. Ware. Thus at a ripe old ngo, in peace with his God and his fellow men, has passed aw ay our beloved employer and warm hearted friend; ho who perhaps had as few enemies, and as little to regret, as any man that ever lived or died among us. Peace to Ids ashes ! Mr Henry Wagner, In his 7_\l year, died ill this city Wednesday eight, after a brief illness. UaiiiesYille: Tho Eagle has heard it rumored that it is highly probable that a cotton factory will lie built in Gainesville, during the next spring and summer. The election on Saturday last, sa\ s the same paper, to increase the stock in the Gainesville, Jeflcrsou & Southern Rail road to $50,00<), was overwhelmingly car ried. Albany : The Nows, of the 20th. pays a high and deserved compliment to our .Mayor llutl. It says “he is emphatically a business Mayor, and, excluding politics, and the corruption of spoils seeking from his ad ministration, he utilizes ail tho strength of the city's energy and capital. One such man in a city of twenty thousand is equal in value to the whole capital there of, in material prosperity and commercial progress.'' Ailiintn: The papers from the Gale City failed to reach us this morning. TttK Art vntv OoLi.ECTonsuir. A Washington letter says ■ V Government i otlicer sent down to Atlanta Georgia, to I investigate the accounts of tire Internal j Revenue Collector for that District, has repot led to the Internal Revenue Bureau that the collector and several of his depu ties indiscriminately used the Government | fuuds tor their own private purposes, aud that the collector lmd received presents from tobacco manufacturers for scllling them stumps on credit, in violation of the law. I'n the receipt of the report the commissioner issued an order suspending the collector from office, and lias instituted proceedings against him for the rccoYcrv of the amouut due the Government." lwfr. tsos.M. dovuN u ts\t —The Buf falo Courier, in au editorial upon "Jour nalism and its Recognition.'' remarks that journalism is becoming more and more im personal. In the past, individuals neces sarily became identified with their papers ib building them up. Many of them made the paper a sort of tender to their personal intrigues, like Weed. Raymond. Forney and otlicrs. but it was ulna vs done to ! the detriment! of true journalism. ’’ The Courier is right. What may lie sakl to the contrary, it is nevertheless a fact that the old system of considering the editor of a paper the embodnneut of its opinions and suggestions is given wav to a grander ami more comprehensive idea, the offspring of the progressive spirit of the age.—.V }'. if-, Mi. A party of searchers for tin, departed for Buult Bte. Marie, a fortnight ago, have returned. The Marquette Journal says The fact is established that tin docs exist in the rock formation at Otis Head Bay, on the north shore of Lake Superior, and if the locality was at lirst ‘saltlcd' to make a great speculation out ol the prop erly, there was boric foundation upon which to place the salt.’ “Further inves tigations are to he made, the nature of which will depend upon the result of the assays of the ore in hand." Old Lady— “l see you rocover umbrel las. Shopman—“Yes, m'm, lots of ’em." Old Lady—"l want the one I lost lust Monday.” Dobbs says be always advocated “com pulsory education” until lie tried it on his favorite tnulc, since which lie is satisfied it will prove a failure. ANNOUNCEMENTS We announce B. T. English, as our candi date for 'fax Receiver. Many Friends. We the undersigned friends of J W Stubbs, in view of the admitted fact that the proceedings of the meeting held on the 16th iust., to nom inate county officers were irregular and mani festly not binding, announce him as an inde pendent candidate for the office of county Treasurer and solicit the support of the people. Daniel Driggars, J W Skipper, Willis Wood, J J Allen, Thus Stubbs, (J McKcnny, II McKinney Jas Barnes, Benjamin Gnu r, J I) Raily, 8 SDunlap, Jno Boners, J C Johnson, GeoK Cowart, C W Howard, Wm Ryder, E J Whitehurst, 1) P McArthur, J V Gordon. J E Jones, Wm Lundy, !! W Stubbs, W B I.undv, and others. 1 am a candidate 4>r re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Bibb county at the ensuing election in January. I!. A. Benson. nov27-td New Candidate.— The friends of CTuit Tkko Akstove, announce liirn as one of the most suitable candidates for public favor. _ ta. Independent Candidate.—At the solicita tion of friends, irrespective of party, I an nounce myself a candidate for the purchase of Hides, pledging myself to pay the highest market prices for all kinds of hides and skins, from that of a coon to a cow. I mu, respectfully, B. D. Luasr ex, dec 17 3t Cotton Press, Third St. The friends of Judge Jas. B. Artope, an nounce him as candidate for office of Tax Col lector, subject to the will of the people. dec. 17—te. The friends of Joseph Wii-iiol une announce him as a suitable candidate for the office of County Treasurer of liibb county. dec9 td I I v friends of James Martin announce him ns a candidate for Sheriil of Bibb county, sub ject to everybody'* nomination, nov2s-td. The friends of C. T. Ward announce him as a candidate for re-election tc 4b e office of Ordi nary. The friends of \V. T. Nelson announce hiM as a candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the w ill of the pcojile. novia-tf. The friends of I*at Ckovvn announce lumas a candidate for the office of Sheriil' of Bibb county. nov22tde. MAYOR'S NOTICE. Ordiiance Apinst Fire Worts. OFC HON nil. It shall not he lawful for I ’ any person to lire a gun. pistol, or any other lire arms, within 1100 yards of any house, except in ease of military parade; nor shall any person burn rockets, crackers or any kind of tiro-works within the limits of the city. Any person so offending shall be lined in a sum not exceeding S2O. Ct.ehk's Okpk-e City Coi ncil, [ Mai on, Oa., December IS, 1572. | I, John A. McManus, Clerk of said City Council, do hereby certify that the above Ordi nance is a true extract from the minutes of Council. ,1. A. McMANUS, Clerk C. C. Mayor’s Office, | Macon, Oa., Dee. is, 1872. ) The attention of citizens and property hold ers is hereby called to tills Ordinance as certi fied to above, which is now in force, and which must la- respected during the Christmas holi days. The public interest demands the rigid enforcement of our eitv laws. dec-ill td W. A. IU'FF, Mayor. DR. WEIGHT. DSUTtST, UAS removed to Hoard man's Block, over Pendleton vV Koss\ corner Mulberry and Second Ms., Macon, Ga. nov7-om. DR. P. H. WRIGHT 1 > HSPKCTFULLY tender hi* professional 1 \ >crvkvs to the citizens of Mtteon ami vi cinity, Ollieo at Drug Store No. o Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Snmnel Boy kin's, Georgia avenue. Culls left at either Place will receive prompt attention, ocldtf Bui’dins Dot For Sale. Oil' A TED near Tatnull Square, within a O iuw steps of Mercer University. Address K. C., Box K., -Macon, Ga. Stockholder’s Meeting. Orru l Macon ixn Western R. R. Cos., ) Wacom, Ga., Nov. 80.1070. i The annual meeting of Stockholders of tlio Macon and Western Railroad Company, for the etc, lion of President and Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and any other business that may he brought before them will be held at the office of the Company in this city on Tuesdav the Till day of Jaiiuarv next at 10 o’clock a. m MILO S. FREEMAN, novtXMd Secretary amt Treasurer. ON CONSIGNMENT —nv— J, Holmes &Cos„ Vo, *<o Third Street. J I 111 fil- ' TENNESSEE APPLES. 50 bids. POTATOES. Also one ear load of choice, select HINT PROOF SEED OITS, Super.,-r to anything of the kind ever before offered in this market. Give ns a cat!, novaotf I NEW ADYEKTISEMENTS GOOD TEMPLARS’ NOTICE. THE members of Aurora Lodge, nd all Good Templars of other Lodges, are re quested to meet ut the Lodge Room on Monday night at 7J,j o'clock. Business connected with the festivities of the season must he stteuded to. Don’t fail to come. J. E. Brown, decSl-lt Secretary. NOTICE. 117 E, the undersigned have this day bought \ V V out the entire interest of Mr. N. B. Cor bin in the butcher business, and will conduct it in future in all its branches, keeping con stantly on hand fine Tennessee Beef, Pork, San sage, etc. We will run it in connection with our Grocery Store, where wc keep everything sold in that line, Including dressed Poultry, etc. Respectfully, WHEELER & WHITEHURST, dccSO 3t Corner First and Popular Sts. DIVIDEND No. 55. TREASURER’S OFFICE, j Macon A: Western Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., December 10, 1872. ) 4 DIVIDEND OF FIVE ($5) DOLLARS J\ per share has been declared on the Capi tal Stock of this Company, as held on the night of the lid inst., payable on and after the 20th day of January next, in the currency of the United States as now received, or Consol idati'il First Moitgage Bonds of the Central, Southwestern and Macon and Western Ruil roads, ut ninety live (D5) cents. MILO 8. FREEMAN, dec2otil Secretary and Treasurer. I A >< >K OXJT ! THE “SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE" HAS just received a good supply of Medlc nul Liquors, French Brandy, California | Grape Brandy, Rye Whisky and Sherry Wine. | Also, a lot of Fine Cigars. THE ORIENTAL COUGH BALSAM, a reliable and safe remedy for all, is selling rapidly—try a bottle! —only 50 cents. For sale by Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, J H Zcilin & Cos., John Ingalls and the Proprietor. Those old drugs that you have been told about so often have been out for years, and fresh supplies are received monthly. Come on, you can get Dnigs and Medicines at any hour, day or night. dee2o-2w S. D. EVERETT. DIVIDEND NO. 38. SOUTHWESTERN R. R COMPANY, 1 Office, Macon, Ga., December 10,1872. f A4>[ V’IDEND OF FOUR (U) DOLLARS per Share lias been declared on the Capi tal Stock of this Company, as held on the night of the 60th ult., payable on and after the 26th inst., in the currency of the United States as now received. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their Dividends at the Central Railroad Bank. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLET, Treasurer. decl7-2vv. Georgia Syrup. WE have now in Store ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY* Barrels very choice New Crop Georgia Syrup. Retail dealers will do well to call on us, as we cau afford to sell it much less than the New York or New Orleans Syrup. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S FIRE CRACKERS. 1 ")0 BOXES JUST RECEIVED, By SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO.’S NEW EARD. | A A TIERCES NEW LARD. By Spoil’, Tinsley & Cos. deel-l-tf. Hotels, Retailors anil Families, LOOK TO YOrn INTEREST. OUR stock is not the largest in the world, hut we have enough to supply all who want good goods, good weights, good prices, and good men to wait on them, such as FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, ETC., And little Pistols and Caps (all must lie sold to go out of town!. FOR EVERYBODY. 100 llbls. Northern and Western Apples. 22 Boxes and bhls. Florida Sweet Oranges. 25 libis., buckets and cans Mince Meat. 150 Boxes and kegs Grapes. 22 Boxes California Pears. 10 Casks and quarter casks Muscat, Angeli ca, Sherry,and White Wine, from California. One small cask of that ten year old Jamaca Rum. 75 Barrels and half barrels Pure Rye and Corn Whisky, (with the shuck in it). 25 Bids., kegs and demijohns of Pure Bran dies. Gin and Wines. 125,000 Imported and Domestic Cigars. 150 Boxes Drums & Caddies' Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco. The time has come, and we mean to sell. A hint to the wise, etc. GREER, LAKE & CO., declt-tf Corner Cherry and Third streets. DENTAL NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT DR. W. W. FORD IS CUR ONLY LICENSEE FOR THE FSE OF RUBBER AS A BASE FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH, in Macon, Georgia. All persons arc hereby cannoned against purchasing Rubber Dental d' of any i*arties sot Licensed of thus Com- bv so doing they render themselves equally liable to prosecution for infringement A reward w.l ibe paid for information that will lead to the conviction of any parties of unlawful use of our Patents. JOsIAH BACON Treas. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Cos. f*v- L I*7l. decll-lm MISS M. A. DANIEL! W Ol respectfully inform the Ladies of > V Msivn and vicinity that she has taken re -;n* at Vo. lO Cotton Avenue up stairs-, " here she is prepared to do Dhess Making in j the fof-.sf and -V rii.Aa-solsV sfyfea, and war rant* to give satisfaction. oet,ll-2w j FOR SALE. BFILDING LOTS on Windsor Hill O Will sell alfi or as manv as desired The lota adjoin Dr. Cox's on the top of the hiU. The prettiest location out Apply to nov?7-4t N* V CaTTSN Avexki Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix. DEALERS IN AM) MANUFACTURERS OF 1 } PA INTS, MOULDING, BB J I HARDW BRACKETS, Etc. _ _ ~~ JL zJI , ~ CARPENTERS’ Lmi 'I TOOLS. BAXitTSTEnS, 3ST33W3BXJ POSTS, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. FACK>RY--DIXIE WORKS, Waiurooins— Block Po|ilnr Street, Iflncou, Ga. (led 1 marl l ■ i ■ - W. A. WS " Corn, Bn it Floor Eiprii OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. that celebrated brand of flour, “THE PRIDE OP DIXIE,” Xlie Best in the World, Always on Hand. 1 claim superior facilities iu the purchase of CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGIE TIES, ETC., ETC, And 1 will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me witli their MONEY or GOOD PAPER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W. A, HUEE. 97-tf FOR THE HOLIDAYS! I 1.0 Best Place to Select a Beautiful and Useful Present is at. MACK BROTHERS’. BEST KID GLOVES AT ft. 25, WORTH *2.00, TO BE FOUND AT __MACK BROTHERS'. A SPLENDID CORSET, AT We., WORTH $1.50, CAN BE HAD OF MACK BROTHERS. JUST RECEIVED, The “LUCCA BOW”—Very Pretty. The “TICCA HANDKERCHIEF,” Very Handsome, and in all Coloi. 25 Dozen LADIES' and GENTS' TIES and SCARFS. Another large lot of Ladies’ and Children’s MERINO VF.STS. Children's Brown, Mixed and Striped WINTER lIOSF.. FANCY KNIT WOOLEN GOODS, Etc. A lot of SHAWLS very cheap, and Belling very fast. Call early and make your selections. Prices lower than ever. MACK BROTHERS, dcc9 tlw—m-w-f Second Street, Danoir Block. F0B _ THE~ MASQUER ABE AND HOLIDAYS. OPERA KIDS or any other style at To cents per pair, at N CSS BA CM ,k DANNENBURGS, decld-lw, TO Third street. JIST RECEIVED A LOT of five hundred dozen first quality , V KID GLOVES, all colors and all sizes at the low price of seventy five cents per pair At NCS3BACM tV I)ANNENBURG’S dec 13-lw 70 Third street. JAIO. B. M EEHS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVEP. I*. ", RADDAL'g STORE. 3!-I 7 Mxtou’b Office, Macoe, December 10, 1872. IN addition to the usual inconvenience which has been suffered by the public from the prevalence of the horse disease, we now see a complete blockaded condition of our railroads and the almost total suspension of all commer cial business in our city for mere lack of street transportation. This unusual state of afloirs suggests the want of some immediate relief, both to the railroads and the merchant Upon consultation, therefore, with the railroad au thorities and the different dray companies iu the city, I hereby gyve notice to"any and all per sons in the adjoining counties, that they are in vited and requested to bring in their ox-teams and assist us in the dray work of our city for the next two or three weeks, at the end cf which time we hope to be able to resume the horse and mule labor. Parties bringing their oxen to the city will be allowed to use them In the drajageof all goods FREE OF LICENSE. It is believed that twenty to thirty teams could find con*tt work here for several days, at good paytag prices. dscll W W. A. HUFF, Mayor.