Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 23, 1872, Image 3

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JOIt PBINTWfI. •-iSroVrK r r Ml UK AFFAIRS." ; 14 U>, . 1., I>EC.W. llli '-'• IVtinOUUl. l)r. .) A. Juries, u Kuutleimm skilled 111 the , „f trotttluj! the eye, and ear is in the city, „ m l ran lie consulted ut Brown's Hotel. To the Yoisii Si 1I<'“ Win. intend making New Years rails we ~\ ,iuUl giro u special invitation to rail at our allire and examine handsome specimens of r.illiug cards. Call early. , YeedM Repairing'. The sidewalk near the old pnst-ofllre sadly nerds repair. A loose brick caused a lily’s f,„nt to turn yesterday and she mine near falling. The itlastincriitlr. We have the pleasure of acknowledging the courtesy of an invitation to he present at the Annual Masquerade Ball of the young gentle men of Macon, on the Slth of January next. We predict the usual grand success, ns our young men never fail in anything they under take .. huiiilay 4iools. Christmast is next Wednesday. Only two days remain for you to go to Brown & Co’s and get your holiday presents. Go at once and ; secure them before it is too late. Here's Vo nr llannanas! Messrs. Greer, I.ake & Cos. received a tre mendous lot of line bannanas to-day, and they are g<dng off like hot cakes. People seem to lmve just found out that this firm has such a stupendous stock of good tilings for Christ mas, judging from the way they flock in and purchase. George Cornell has not had time to eat a sxuarc meal |in a week, he lias been so busy Well, when a store docs business on the esc dent schedule this one does, it is no won d r , dey do such a business. Go around and s i'cm. Don’t fail to carry a basket. ■ THE MAVOII'S COURT. HON. W. A. HUFF PRESIDING!. Henrietta Johnson, forgery $5 and costs. Francis Kindal, drunk and disorderly s.l and costs. Charies Forbes, fighlivg, $lO and costs. Peter Hilliard and William Mitchell, fight ing, $2 and costs each. Charles Harris, Bcu Star and Gas Williams lighting, $5 and costs for Harris. Essex]Lewis, Matjie Lewis, Peter Julian and Small Julian, lighting, $lO and costs for Peter. A Bottle Tight. In one of the out of the way places of Macon, a tight occurred Saturday in which a bottle of whisky was the cause and the weapon used. Charles Harris, a colored citizen, got into a light with another specimen of sable humanity named Gus Williams. Charles gave Gus such a blow with a whisky bottle as to lay him out, but Lieutenant Hurley appeared and after smoothing the classic brow of the unfortunate and disgusted Gus, brought him to. The case was brought up before his Honor tills morning and Charles paid the line. Tlie Meeting To-l:ty Of the Democratic Executive Committee re sulted in nothing special. Mr Morgan Clarice stated til them that he had received the nomi nation of the party and would run, and not submit to another nomination. Mr. O. P. Finney said he had been defeated in the nomi nation and would now work for the party. (Three cheers for Finney). Mr. Cain said that lie was willing to anything the party was. Messrs. Gibson and Stubbs will run. A committee was appointed to see all the candidates, get their views and to report at 3 o’clock. ■' ' ' - “Tlie Traveler’* Home. Such was the name given by an old traveler to the Isaacs House, of our city. He further said that he always found a home with the ge nial Isaacs, because his wife “Betsy did not understand better bow to make up beds, keep a house cleaner, or get up a better or squarer meal than Isaacs, and that was saying a darned sight, because they ain’t more than one Betsej* in this world, and flic ain’t full grown yet.” We rather think onr farmer friend hit the nail on the head. Situated in the business portion of the city, and conducted by a man who un derstands his business thoroughly, the Isaacs House is a home indeed. PItOCEEDINGS OF TIIK DEMOCKATIC EXECU TIVE Committee. —At a meeting of tlieExeru tive Committee of tlie Democratic party for the comity of Bibb, livid Saturday, it was Resolved, That, owing to the dissatisfaction and the alleged irregularities in the late nomi nations, the Executive Committee recommend that another convention he called to meet in the city of Macon on Saturday, the 28th inst., f>r the purpose of nominating candidates for Tux Collector, Receiver and Treasur. And for the purpose of carrying out said nominations fairly, we further recommend, that the polls be opened at the City Hall at 10 o’elok a. m. and lose at 0 1“. m. We further recommend that, at said election, each one of the candidates ap point one of the managers to preside at said election to decide upon the eligibility of voters; to receive the ballots; to take the names, and number the ballots. Titos. lIAiir.EMAN, Chairman. Tiros. -T. Simmoms, Secretary. A Family I’ijgln. Peter Julian and his wife Sarah don't get along well together. The sea of their matri monial troubles is at all times boiling, and the waves run so high at times as to excite the neigh borhood. East Saturday a stupendous wave r--.-e and towered high. Peter gently knocked his wife senseless, and then apologized by kick ing her ont'doors. Not relishing the humane treatment of the irate Pete, the cried for her daughter and son-in-law, Essex Lewis and his wife Mattie. Pete started to assuage his can nibalistic hunger on Essex, but Essex was not one of that kind, and smothered Pete’s nasal organs with his fists. This movement was ob -'■rved by the prostrate Sarah, and they all •' nt at it. Officer Ruff bagged the belligerent .'inrtsUe, but Essex and Mattie were the only ■ before his Honor this morning. Pete was fined. '■■■■" * Escape Irani Jail. Two negroes, named Jack Harvey and Robt Liuden, made their escape from our jail, about fu.-k on Saturday evening last Linden was awaiting his trial for assault and attempt to ih and Harvey was to serve about two months for stealing. Linden bad a difficulty about two weeks ago, with another negro in which he cut the other one severely. Before being locked, he was searched by Mr. Nance, i aikT > bat nothing wa found on Lis per son. It is now supposed tlmt the knife was meesled in his boot. With this knife they cut • ut of the roof and lowered themselves by . 'an- of a rope made out of the prison blank ets. The alarm was given by the other prison 's, but was not heard in time by the jailer, and they made good their escape. Tin* Eplwopal CnroliM Yonlor. day. Yesterday long set apart as the day for con llrmatlon a large congregation assembled at St. Fuul’a, at the hour for morning service and listened with marked attention to a dis- I'oursa by the Bishop of the Diocese, lit. Urv. ,1. W. Beckwith. At the conclusion of the sermon a class of live was continued. In the afternoon, at three o’clock, the Mission Chapel f St. Barnabas was consecra ted, thrjliishop officiating and by the rectors cf Bt. Pauls and Christchurch, and Hie vestry of the latter Church under whose charge it will remain, with a local committee of working men, residents of that portion of the city. In his remarks ou the occasion the Bishop advanced the idea of the spiritual cultivation of the mind in connection with the intellectual and physical, therefore he advocated the plan of putting a Church near every School-house. Quite a handsome collection was taken up to further the work. A class of six or eight was also confirmed here. At Christ Church agaiu ai night, lie preached a great sermon, and one for the times, and ended his great labors of the day by confirming a class of two. Wo cannot close our account without re ferring to the music, especially at Christ Church, which was rendered beautifully. The solo in that grand old hymn, “Just as I Am,” by Miss Conner, was excellent, and attracted the attention of all. The singing by the little girls at 81, Barnabas, and the choirofSt. ■Pauls, a;l deserve great praise. ***. I'ersaual. Major Sidney Herbert, travelling Corres pondent of the Columbus Sun, the Troy Mes senger and the Clayton Courier, made us a call this morning. Ha is stopping at Hie Brown Ilbuse. , To llae I*ullio. I hereby anuonnee myself a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the will of the people. 1 will have nothing more to do with a nominating convention, but submit my claims to the people and let them act as best they may. Any and all of my friends who desire to support me in this election, are requested not to take any part In the second convention called for nevt Saturday. dec2|J-tf Milo S. Freeman. Here is Your Christmas Present.—The Victor Sewing Machine lias not an equal on the market for simplicity, durability and per fection in work, of all kinds. Sold by A. L. Clinkscales, No. 23 Cotton Avenue. dect'3-30 Christmas Meats. —Go to Merritt’s tomor row for fine Turkeys, Mutton, Beef, Pork, Sau sages, etc. All ordered for Christmas. It 4 Card to tlie Sllfieri 11 SJ. The writer of this notice will cheerfully send (free of charge) to all who request it, the RECIPE for making and successfully using a very simple VEGETABLE REMEDY, thatwUl be found a positive and speedy cure for NER VOUS DEBILITY, PREMATURE DECAY, LOSS OF VITALITY and all forms of NER VOUS AFFECTIONS, and the evils and disas trous consequences that follow in tlicir train. This remedy is entirely a product of the veg etable world. Its component parts are simple as nature herself is simple—harmless toward nature, yet powerful in opposing and eradica ting disease. Consumptives, despondent and debilitated and Nervous sufferers, do not fail to give this remedy a trial. It will cost you but little. It may save from a LIFE OF MISERY, or u PREMATURE GRAVE. I know whereof I speak. Let liim who doubts come forth and see. Letters of inquiry answered by return mail. Those who feel disposed will oblige by stating tlicir symptoms—by so doing beneficial suggestions may often be made. Address Rev. Edward Burnett, Tropical Nurseries, Albany, N. Y. N. B.—Those suffering with incipient CON SUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, etc., etc., will find a speedy and permanent relief in the above mentioned remedy. It is at least worthy a trial, as the cost is nom inally nothing. Respectfully, dcc2l-3w Edward Burnett. Changes at Ells &Laney’s. 110 for the Holidays.—Messrs. Balkcotn it Cos. are selling eggs butter, live and dressed chickens, turkeys, fruits and everything else good for the holidays. Go and see for your selves. Remember the place, Fourth street, Apples at Ells & Laney’s. Banannas at Ells <C Laney’s. Cross Eves made straight in three minutes hv I)r. Jones, at Brown’s Hotel. Everything ir. the Grocery line at Ells & Laney’s. ♦♦ Artificial Eves inserted without pain to none, and appear natural, by Dr. Jones, at Brown’s Hotel. Holiday Goodies at Ells & Laney’s. Isaacs llsiikc Saloon. This famous saloon, under the control of that prince of good fellows, Ullmann, is flour ishing like the proverbial bay tree. The bar is stocked with the purest wines and liquors and genuine imported cigars. Gasper Malado, the celebrated oyster oponer, is with him, and is ready to supply customers with oysters In every shape. Go around and see Ullmann. decl3 eod — Partridges at EJls & Lancy's. McK ekvey A Maloney arc gtill of their stock of fine boots and shoes. Re pairing done in a workmanlike manner. Ducks at Ells and Lancy. The celebrated “ Ponies” (Imported) minus the Epizootic for sale only at the New York Grocery Store. The best in THE would “ Putzvl A Jacobs Favorite.” Nov 27 tf Look to Your Interest.—Brown makes four pictures for ?1 ; makes a dozen photo graphs for $2,50 ; best photographs $5 per dozen. This gallery makes the best pictures in the city. Compare the work. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. novl3-tf. Call at 8. T. & B. P. Walker’s thi* evening, if you want such things as choice Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap ples, Oranges, Bannanas, Malaga Grapes, or anything else In the fancy or family grocery line. octl7-tf 88 Cherry St. • *♦ ♦ — “PutzciL- Delight” will delight all smokers. IkUgfdful. Latest News. —Brown makes those fine Ink pictures twenty-five cents less. Old pho tographs copied correctly. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. No cards. nov. 11—tf. A favorite with everybody, “Patzel & Jacobs Favorite, CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. ft, meet* every lstuud 3d Monday night, at Masonic Hull, Cotton Avenue. • Mi/pah Lodge, No. 47, meets every 2d and •Ith Thursday nights at Masonic Hull. Constantine Chapter, No. 4, R. A. M., meets every 2d uml 4th Monday night at Masonic Hall. St. Oilier Commandery, No. 2, Knights Tem plar, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at Masonic llall. FIREMEN. Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in each month—House Poplar st corner 3d. Oeumlgce No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House on Cotton Avenue, near City llall. Young America Noi! moots Ist Monday night in each month—House ad st,., comer Mulberry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House corner Hawthorne and 8d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets Ist Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hull. Hook and Ladder No. 1 meets Ist Friday night In each month—House Poplar st., cor ner 2d. ODD FRLLOWS. Franklin Lodge, No. 2, meets every Thurs day night ut Odd Fellows’ llall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 59, meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meets at Odd Fellows’ llall on 2d and 4th Mondays of each month. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Meet every Wednesday uiglit at Odd Fellows' Hull. GOOD TEMPLARS. Walton Lodge, No. 23, meets every Tues day night at Progress Club Hall. Aurora Lodge, No. 89, meets every Friday night at their Hull in Hollingsworth Block. Dougherty Lodge, No. 179, meets every Monday night at Progress Club Hall. Windsor Lodge, No. 120, meets every Thurs day night ut their Hull on Windsor Hill. SOCIETIES Progress Club’ meets every Sunday night ut their Hull on Mulberry street. Hibernian Society meets Ist Tuesday in each month at No. 2 Engine House. Malachl Lodge, No. 146, I. O. B. 8., meets second and fourth Sundays in each month. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets every Wednesday night at the Passenger Depot. Visiting brethren welcome, churches. F]>Lco}>al —Christ Church, Rev. B. Johnson, Rector—Walnut st., between fid and 3d. Ser vices 10 1-2 A. M. and 8 P. M. St. Paul's Church, Rev. 11. K. Rees, Rector —Vineville. Services It A. M. ; 5 i*. M. Chil dren’s Service; 6P. m. Evening Prayer. St. Barnabas, services by the Rector of Christ Church, at SP. m. Near Macon & Brunswick Railroad Freight Depot. Catholic —St. Joseph’s Church, Rev. L. D. Bazin. Mass 7A. M.; High Mass 10:00 a. m. ; Vespers 4 1-2 p. M. Presbyterian —Mulberry St. Church, Rev. C. B. Vaughn, pastor. Services 10 1-2 A. m. and 8 p. m. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL V>aily RerieW ot* tlie Market, Office Macon Daily Enterprise, i December 23—2 o’clock, P. M. f Tlie market is good to-day. Cotton is com ing in lively. The following prices rule to-day : Clean Red... Ordinary Hfy Good Ordinary Low Middlings 17 %(a) Middlings I WM The receipts yesterday were 570 bales; ship ments 511 bales; sold 500 bales. STATEMENT. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 bales 41* Received last 134 hours 570 Received previously 42,810—48,380 Total receipts 43,798 Snipped lant 24 hours . 511 Shipped previously 30,085—31,002 Stock on hand last evening— 12,002 MARKETS BY *TELEGftAPH. New York, Dec. 23, 10:30 a. m.—Gold 112%. Futures easy; salea 5000, including 4400 last evening; Jan. 19 3-16; Feb. 19%; March 19%; April 20; Nov. 20 5-16. 11, a. m.—Gold 111%. Futures steady; others unchanged. Liverpool, Dec. 23, lip. m.— Cotton quiet uml steady; sales 10,000; Middling Uplands 10%al0%; Middling Orleans 10%a10%. 1:30 p. m. -Cotton quiet; sales 10,000; spec ulation 2000; Middling Uplands 10.%al0%; Middling Orleans U)%u 10%. CHRISTMAS GOODS. The CHEAPEST Place in the City to Buy Toys & Christmas Goods, IS AT SLAUGHTER’S. On Fourth Street, next door to Wilburn Sc Edward’s. The ladies especially, an* respectfully invited to call and examine my Stock, before purchas ing elsewhere, as 1 am determined not to be undersold. GEO. SLAUGHTER. decl7-dec24. MAYORS NOTICE. Ordinance Atainst Fire Works. SECTION JjOl. It shall not be lawful for any person to fire a gun. pistol, or any other fire-anns, within yards of any house, except in case of military parade; nor shall any person burn rockets, crackers or any kind of fire-works within the limits of the city. Any person so offending shall be fined in a sum not exceeding |3O. Clkrk’B Office City Council, i Macon, Ga., December IH, 1872. j I, John A. McManus, Clerk of said Citv Council, do hereby certify that the above Ordi nance is a true extract from the minutes of Council. J. A. McMANUS, Clerk C. C. Mavoh’h Office, > Macon, Ga., Dec. 18, 1872. f The attention of citizens and property hold ers is hereby called to this Ordinance as certi fied to above, which is now in force, and which must be re.-pec ted during the Christmas holi days. The public interest demands the rigid enforcement of our city laws. dcclOtd W. A. HUFF, Mayor. LOOK OUT ! THE “,'OUTII MACON DRUG STORE” ITAS jijrt. received a good supply of Medic- L ual Liquors, French Brandy, California Grape Brandy. Rye Whisky and Wherry Wine. Also, a lot of Fine Cigars. THE ORIENTAL COUGH HALSAM, a reliable and safe remedy for all, is selling rapidly—try a bottle! —only 00 cents. For sale Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, J II Zeilin Ac Go., John Ingalls and the Proprietor. Those old drugs that you have been told a l ' ’it bo often have been out for years, and fre“h supplies are received monthly. Gome on, you can %et Drugs and Medicines at any hour, day or night. dec2o-2w 8 . D EVERETT. MAI’OIY I’ltlM’i: 4’l ItHU.Vr. OSNABUUUS—No. 1 ' 16 No. 2 14 MUledgevtlloNo.2 14 MACON BIIEETINU 12% Seven-eighths 11 Wuynianvllle Sheeting 12% Houston Sheeting 11% Houston Stripes 13%a15 Columbus Stripes 15al8 High Shoal Stripes 16 Montour Shirting—% 10% Factory Sewing Thread 6U YARNS— I 00 GRlTS—per bushel 135 OATS—per bushel OOutti FIELD PEAS—per bushel HAY—Northern Tennessee '... 1 '.Ou! 01) Clover 1 00 I’EA NUTS—per bushel 150 I’OTA I’OES—Planting Table use 3 50a l 00 APPLES—Northern BUTTER—Goshen No. 1 per ll> 43u4 1 Goshen No. 2 per lb Tennessee No. I “ Tennessee No. 2 " So Country 0.5a40 COFFEE —Rio per lb ’.‘3:125 Java per lb ;;0a33 CHEESE—Best Cream per lb.. 17.' ■ New York per 1b... 15 MOLASSES—N. O. Syrup per got. 5 “ Georgia ” per gat.. 70 Sugar House 85 BYIUJ PS—Golden Drips, per gal... 00a75 Medium per gal 05 Ordinary per gal 55 SUGAR—“A" per lb 13%a White Extra “O” 13a New Orleans (hhds) 10u13% Yellow C 12.%a Pcmerara 13%a13 Porti Rico 11 %u 12 ’■, POWDER —Hazard tier keg 7 25 Orange Mills 7 00 PROVISIONS, GRAIN, GROCERIES, AC. BACON—Clear-ribbed Sides (smokd).. 13 Shoulders B%i\ff HAMS—Magnolia S. C., canvassed... 19%u3ff Fitch’s 19%u20 Tennessee, plain-cured 18ul8% White Bellies lOuHM , PORK—Pickled, mess 18 00 New, mess 19 00 Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATS—Cask Sides Shoulders Bellies 10ul0% LARD—Prime Leaf, Tierces UuU% Kegs 18 Packages 12al8 FLOUR- -Low superline per bhl u 7 (HI Standard superfine.. 8 50 Extra 9 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 “ Wyleys X X XX ’ , Georgia Mills j 11 50a13 00 llyacintlie 9 50 “Domestic" 13 00 Star of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 1100 Pride of Dixie 13 00 Silver Lake 13 00 CORN—White per bushel 95 Mixed per bushel..... 88a90 SHOT—Per sack 3 00 CRACKERS—Butter per lb 09 Soda Buo9 Cream 13 Sugar 131-3 Lemon 14 Ginger Snaps PicNic 10 Fancy IT CANDY—New York per lb 18 M. R. Rogers & C 0..... 18 BLACKING—No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 2 0 00 No. 3 7 00 SODA—Bi-C’arb. per lb 9ato POTASH—Per lb Mall SOAP—Turpentine per lb 6 1-3 Laundry 15 Toilet per tloz 75ul 20 Olive 8 YEAST POWDERS—Preston and Merrill’s per do/.. 1 75a2 25 Hereford's 2 90 TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per lb 75 Medium BO Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking..... 125 Medium 75 Common 40 CIGARS —Imported per thousand 75 OOaloO 00 Domestic 15 OOaOO 00 SNUFF—Scotch per lb 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50a t 50 MACKEREL—No. 1 kits 2 25m2 50 No. 2 lible 15 50a14 Oh No. 2 kits 1 70 No. ii bbis —large. .11 50a12 50 No. 8 kits 1 50a 1 70 WHITE FISH—Half bid 7 50a0 00 CAN DEES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21kii22 Sperm 42ii45 Paraffine 30ii33 STARCH—PearI I'A&'A EGGS —Per do/, 3;i CHICKENS—Per doz 3 00a5 00 SALT —Virginia per sack 2 10a8 15 Liverpool 2 25 FEATHERS SO HIDES—Dry flint HH< Green 0“7 BEESWAX 28aii0 SWEET POTATOES 150 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05al 10 BAGGING—BengaI Lyon Borneo Gunny Dundee 17 Patched 17 TlES—Ooochc Arrow Oj^alO Eureka 10 Aligator a DENTISTRY. rpEETII filled, sound or decayed, and, if d< .1. sired, Flint Roek punctured and excavuted at the shortest possible notice by Morrison Dental Hand Engine; and all other new inven tions, both standard and litimbug, used In the most seicntitle and skillful manner, by Du. J. D. McKELLAR, No. 02 Second street, deel2 Ot nextto J. VV. Burke it Co’s. NOTICK TO STOCKHOLDKRS. MACON AND WESTERN R. R. CO., i Treasurer's Office, Macon, Dee. 11,1872. f AT the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company, to be held at the office of the Company in this city on Tuesday, the 7th day of January next, the question of the union and consolidation of this Company with the Central Railroad arid Banking Company of Georgia, under the charter of ealu company, will he submitted. MILO S. FREEMAN, deel2 td Secretary and Treasurer. HOGE & STEPHENS, DEALUK* Jit FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, HOLLINGSWORTH ULOOK, FOURTH STREET. I ENTIRELY New, Fre*h, Pure, Genuine and Warranted to mi it the taste of every one. ODR CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES ARE now in store, and all parties are invited . to call and purchase anything they wan'. FISH AND OYSTERS. WE are receiving every morning, Cedar Keys Hand-opened Oysters, perfeeily Fresh and Guaranteed. BLACK and various other favorite kinds of FRESH FISH on hand every day. If0(411 A. STEPHEN*. decl‘2-3m BOSTON Savannah Stc.'Ga-Jidp Lino. IOVV rate* of frt LMI uml JiMir.mco. Fiist _j class in •n- iT .•(■•.: 'lii-mIhG. Order yoUPirOOds il I'V *T" I' ■? ‘a\ : iunll mill :iv. .lull I> : \ an i ln handling. KI l! AIIDM'N A: ILYi: N.\!ll>, Audit, Su\annnh, (in. F. Mi’K KKSON v\: CO., A- "nt ■, 131*909 lioston. J. A. MERCIEI", Commission (Merchant, 1511 IIAY MTRKi:'!', Hot. Whitaker and Barnard Bt., m\ i Ai, On. All order* will signmenta of nil Until ivkihvi :;iHn Minted. 181-809 BOXT &. Mch Cotton an . do 111221! ’ >xx ffIKUUfIAJVrs. ION Itny Slrcrl, Ftv-v i, 181-209 MEYER, COJ . r - C 3.. WHOLE M L UI: M. i: 1: t in Boots and Bhoes, 18 HroilgliluilSl.,” •> Merchants supplied at N’ > 1 M > ' ! 131-209 Prices. A. s. AUDEN A COMMISSION Mi: ’!( "■'< '• NTS —AND — Dealers ill Fruits, Ij :i ' * : < No. 95 Bay St., Snvun . < Consignments solicited. Orders promptly attended i E. 13. SMY . nipouriiu 45’ 4 :: 4>lnsswnre uml 4 ' i .% And Dealer lu House I’m v .':>•>' , 142 Congress and 111 St. SAVANNAH, G A. 131-209 F. W. SIMS i ■ CJ;. 4’oKoii Fncloix ntid ('i aeia! Commission Merchants HA a;s i. and Tit sniq'licd o ir.Mrl ct p i- . Advances made- mi <"t•; i• i . •;'.< r i-■■ ments. Money prnii: >li\ r•ii; U;i!. I I '.'o9 A. 11. CHAMPION. < I v>. C. i UK I'M AN. rims FBOA 4,'. CommisoEon RfSercSianls Corner Bay and Drayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, 1111-200 1,. N. WIUTTI.JS. <1 HO. w. Ill' TIN. WIIITIi.:: : ' ' STITT, .VITOICM.V , - IW, 2 corn in 32-107 NOW B> TJI32 ,A ’ ; SLAUG IIIER’S, / \N KOI ft II : I . W,l Vi burn .'c Klw -i--! -. i lb !-, bav Toys aii t: -j ' ; Stuiii. My Block is complete, :iml < .i I 1 of i vry lliiiJLC in the, Bakery and < <ml< • iioi •r\ Line. Wedding I‘articr .sup;,lied on n m:ihl<-. In in . Thankful to the, r of Macon lor p.i, l, patronage, I respectfully solicit a -liberal share for the future. Come mid ko; hm- mI f will guarantee hiitisfuction. novlS lm G. FLAUGHI KR. Marshall House SAVANNAH, CIA., A. 18. I.EI’E, s*r. i-i . for. BOARD PER PAY . 5.<;0. 121 -20!) Savanna] i Store NORTHEAST CORNER OF MW.VI ( II AND FOVR'I II .‘Si BEET, n.ico.v, EORc; j HAVE opened, in eonii- .-lion with my 1 choice Liquor ami r'.im ,- liiu i , .•‘.lore, a GREEN KA.H ; ' ‘ - Where I will fun.:. !i I , pi.- ir , CHOICE BEEP, PORi , M I ' SAGES, GAME OK ALL KIN:, , KISH, OYSTERS, A I'D, fi'iV BLEB und KRI 1 : , and articles too mniieron ' ,i, novlß-tf \V. A. GIBBON.'. I . W. (HMV lliD, ATTORNEY AV ' MACON, GEORGIA. Offle fit. entrance of Pc' 'on I! Chen 'i 1. buaine:-. will rm .e prom, I nit 'll lion. b.VJVJ T. IE. ATTORNEY A'- ■ A7, ISaiMon E3;i'3 Hi?;' T. CHERRY STRLi.T, GGOBGIA. * VMlf .1. a. ASSSftdt.fflH, ATTORNEY AT LA 151 A BAYSTREET, " ' N•' <; \. ( lOLI.EI /IT' It V J money 111 . I'. <l. I’.n: 131-200 Pulaski, SAVANNAH, OA., ,1 NO. VV. (J A .VI IlltO N e. < !>., PitOI'JCIETOKS. A first;.-, lioui-e in every :■ p< ef 131 300 m. tt. miiicuy. ATTORNEY AT 'LL A\ /’IOUNKIt OK MCI. :KNKi' ■ - NO N) Vi street,,, in On 22-104 _____ Press for Sale I WE have for pale a large ■/■■ GOP.DON PRESS <Aiir.i!'.: > and a i: ’ O' , PAPER CUTTER in gnl ( I.ndltlon. To hr bad at a bargain. Sold to make room for lar ger and fester machines. Adaiv; Llns.B wing* smith, 1-tf Macon, Ga. WINSHIP <fc CALLAWAY, THE LARGEST AND OLDEST CLOTHING HOUSE INf THE STATE, 50 Necond Stivot, Georgia. oct!9 3m UEW GOODS! FOB THE HOLIDAYS. GO AT ONCE AND SELECT FROM THE WELL FILLED COUNTERS OF PENDLETON & ROSS A SUPPLY OF ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THEY HAVE ON HAND A LARGE AND SELECT STOCK OF GIFT HOOKS, ALBUMS, DESKS, GOLD PENS, WORK BOXES, GLOVE and HANDKER CHIEF BOXES, Cl mo MOB, WALL BRACKETS, SLIP PER CASKS, WALL POCKETS, BUILDING and ALPHABET BLOCKS, TOY BOOKS, TOYS, AND EVERYTHING SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY - PRESENTS ! CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PI I! CHASING ELSEWHERE. Merchants wishing a supply of BLANK BOOKS, FINE PAPERS, INK and other STATIONERY, will find it to tlicir advantage to examine our Block. j ■ PRICES AS LOW AS ANYBODY'S..®! ri2NI>UI2TON A IJOHS, Successors to J. M. Boardiimn. did ff-524 To Tax Payers of Bill) My. I (JIVE notice that the Tax Books for col lecting the State and County Taxes for 1 will close on the 7th day of December. I hope all will note thin ami pav tlicir taxes, as I have to settle on the 15th ami cannot give any longer time. This notice is llnal. 1 can’t be n poiiHlble for any one’s tax after that time. All poll taxes and road tuxes arc required from bot h white and colored. HOVI4 tf K M. HEATH, T. C. EDWARD SPRINZ. ATOTA RY PUBLIC anil EX-OFFICIO Jllß - TICE OK THE PEACE. I cun he found for the present ut all hosre of the day at my office adjoining the law office of A. Proiidllt, over the Htorcof Jaquee .t Jolinaon, T’hlril St., Macon, fia., to attend to nil Magisterial hunl lICBH. 118-330. Sptsvood Hotel, NKAJILY OPPOSITR PASSENGER DEPOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON, GEORGIA. hoard 3.00 per Day. lllkU.N 75 4'II'MTM 1’.44 11. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. 0. J., Huperinteiidciit. Jambs W. Mbaka, In the Office. CROP OF 1872. Clover and Grass Seeds. UK D CLOVISII, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS RLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. .J Hbt received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, WliolcßaJc Druggists. 146-156 82 and 84 Cherry Street. ANNUAL FAIR —OP TUG— Agricultural mill Mechanical ASSO4T VB’IO.TI OF <JI’.OK4JI %, Hold at Savamiali. COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER 30tli, 1872, Ami continue during the week. f I'M IE Central Uni 1 road and connections and 1. Atlanta uml (iulf Hallroadaml connections will transport vl itors for one fare, returning free. SAIIRt: CONTENT. There will boa Salsrc Contest between the Havaimab uml Augusta Sabre Clubs on Decem ber •Ith ami sth. imci:n. Open to the world, three or more to enter. Fustesl 'l'rotting Single harness Horse, Purse, flUO; Fastest juir of Trotting Horses, owned and used as such, Purse, SSO; BeritHingle-bar ness Horse, Plate, S2O; Best, pair of 11 am ess Horse,s, Plate, *‘.‘s; Best, Pacing Horse, Plate, sls; Kunulng Huce, Sweepstakes, mile heats, three or more to enter, two to start, entrance 10 per cent., Purse, S2OO. COTi’ON l*lKß<:iOOfl'yiS. The Chamber of Commerce oiler the follow ing premiums: For I test three bales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, .250, For three bales ranking second in quality, premium to go to planter, $lO. For three bale , ranking third in quality, S3O; premiums to go to planters For the best bale of sea island cotton, SSO; next best in quality, premium to go to planter, |4O. For the best Gin for upland cotton, SIOO. For the best bushel of Bough Rice, of tilO va riety, known as gold seed, premiuu to go to planter, #lO. For tlie best bushel of Hough Hire, of the va rlcty known us white, premium to go to plan ter, #lO. . No fee will be charged for entering of exhib iting arl l< For Premium Li .-Is or other information, ap ply to ,J. 11. EBTILL, Secretary, 185-td Havannah, Ga. I To file ■liwlii4 s Alcn of* flncon THE ALBANY NEWS Circulate-; evi-liisiyep in Don L< Jf V, Mitchell, Lee, Baker ami Worth Counties. 2 •4?" The weal tide t Cotton grow ing : eetlon of Georgia, Z r rilK NIAVS Js the, best Advertising Medium iri South west ern Georgia. Af) VEI IT 1S EMENTS SOLICITED. CARET W. STYLES, Proprietor. m Tin: rici'LMiirjvi weekly. f T is univei ally conceded that advertising is Ia necessity to sueec.-s in businef4 ;itisal -o conceded, by the shrewdest busim ss men, that newspapers are the, best medium for reaching all partie.-v whose trade is desired. THE MONHOE ADVEUTItsEII reaches more, of the people trading with Ma con than any other journal published in the country; it is, therefore, the hcU Adiuin of comniunieution with the planting In I,crests. Wo will bo happy at any lime to furnish refer ences to leading merchants here and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders for goods from parties who read their curds in The Ulv/ r. fit fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that it value exceeds that of all other journals In which they are represented. The A<leert< < e In: til'* freshness of youth and the ripen' -., of up , and i. therefore deservedly successful. CHARACTER OK ADVERTISEMENTS. No advertisements are admitted ■which are. not believed to be above question and of real value, and from parties so unquestionably re liable thuttlie readers of The Advert Lw will be , safe in ordering them from any distance. To our readers, the. fact of its appearance hero lias all the weight of endorsement and authority. Address, JAB. P. 11AHJU80X, Forsyth, Georgia. _ Chniiffo of Schedule. SUPEJGNTKNDBNT’S OFFCE, I Macon* Bkcnhkicic Kaimioau Cos., } Macon, G:i., October 30, 1872. J ON and after Thursday October 81, 1872, trains on tills road will run ua follows; I>ir I'AHSBXUBII THAIN, DAII.V (sI.'NDAyS BX CEI'TKD.) Leave Macon 9:15 A. M. Arrive ut Jchiij) 6:35 v. .. Arrive ut Brun-wlck 10:90 V. M. Lmt Brunswick 4:30 a; m. Arrive atJeaup 6:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 5:10 j'. it. nioiit I'ASur.voEii train, dailt Leave Macon 8.25 1'- Arrive at Jet up 5.00 a. Arrive ut Bavuimali gg*' M Leave Havannali ‘gg- M Leave Arrive ut Macon a. m Both day and niubt teains comiects closely at Jesup with trains to and from l 4 lorlda. HAWKINHVILLB TRAIN DAILY, NDAYB EX* CBfTBD.) Leave Macon r™ r - M * Arrive at Ilawkhisville I*. M. Leave IlawklnsvlUe G:55 a. ai Arrive at Macon 10:8.j WM. MagRRA. r, pj -n sTiai Superintendepti TO MERCHANTS ! M erchants wishing to place taair u<ne . and business prominently before the peo ple Of Macon, Taylor. Cn.wford and Hjmston counties, should advertise In hv SLSINLS. MIRROR. Circulation good and mrcaeln 0 very fodt. Kates liberal. p , tv. T. CUKISTOPiIEB, Kv.&Vuor^