Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 28, 1872, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE n K in. *i %., :. •-!*.. ruIMMIKtI CTKRY CVKDINn V LINES, WING .% SMITH. No 10 HolUiicsworlJi lf!*s E ill MUrtt rtlahtiff In .'<'■ ripll.m thould! atl I •it.'.‘.*■4 to /Am*, HiH'/ .1 Aoot/i, Moron,tin. CuniiHHHunfioHA for fit Jx.jx r rhoul.l if. ad (Irrufrl to thf Silf-.r H> cannot rlukc to triurn rrjttl. 1 . . uieri/uriM. Wrtl a.dhmt' •WfrTf rtf."* item*, Iroioolt fnifl* nj t/o Stott, or lintel. Thk Russian government bM reaolvrd to undertake a campaign against Khiva, in Central Asia. ■— —— TUB Interesting letter from Mj Her bert will nlrrHct tli# sttrution of our rend er*. They will join n* In thanks for his courtesy. A report widely circulated tlml Mr. A T. Stewart had fullen in front of his new house in Mb avenue, New Yoik, ami severely fractured his leg Is not true No such inishnp has occurred, nor wit* liters any foundation for the report, as we gather from the Tribune of the 23d . ... The 22d instant was the two hundred and fifty seventh auoiversaiy of llie land ing of the New England pilgrims from the May Klower, when •• The breaking wave# datlieil high On the stern and rock-bounil coaal. And the woods, against the stormy sk *, Their giaut branches tosa’d” Deiti.Mi the week Sliding the 3lt, the deaths na the city of New Yoik, reported, were 0127 ; the births, 411*; lb# marriages, 100. Tbe report shows tlie city to be in as healthy a condition as could Ire expect ed with Its life destroying tenement houses, filthy back streets and river fronts, and extensive sbnuty settlements. Now tuat Jay Gould has made bis set (lenient with the New Y'ork and Erie Kail road directory, and paid over Ids nine millions of dollars, like a little unit), and taken hia receipt for tbe same, tlie next in order to bo called upon to walk up to the Captain's ofllco is Commodore Vanderbilt, against whom tbe directory have a little bill of flve millions. Thom the itatementa given by some of tlie most eminent physician! of tlie city of New York, It appears that between two thousand flve hundred and three thousand births occurred out of wedlock in New York in IH7I. the mothers only iu part dim gable to tho city, a large number eoiniug from tbe country for tbe purpose of more effectual concaalmcnt, representing every grade of society and every degree of intelligence. KftUl II N ATION At. ItMTIII THIS. Til* French National Assembly, before Its ad journment. on tlie 2lt. for llio Christmas Holidays, finally passed Hie bill for the icalorallon to tli* Orlenus Prluoc* of their pro|>rty wliieh bail born confiscated to the State Tbit action wilt bring to the lainily descendants of tlie lute King lands Phillip a very large amount of money, looting up in tbe first instance over forty millions of franca, with a rich territorial patrimony beaidea Tire progeny of Ibe late Bourlrou ruler of Prunes uuuibent to day fifty two persona Tbe act U bor orablc to tbe Kupublic k UtnawTU' Foboeky — Tbe N O Times of tbe 2-’d publiabed a full account of tbe Mississippi warrants forgery case. Involving ball' a million dollars of raised warrants which have been sold throughout tbe Union. W F Uurbam and Kdward Tomliaton. wlio were arrested some time ago in New York, Pr.C 8. Swim and W G. Steel, recently arrestcil in New Or leaus and Jaiuea U Currie, Chief Deputy In tbe Naval Office of tbe New Orleans Customhouse, who was airestod on the 2"th, are all In Jail at Jackson Mina., charged with bring the ringleaders in the swindle. Several other persons of high respectability are said to be Implicated. Tux nr. are one hundred childien upon tbe record books of the Asylum for fu fante, in New York, the ages when received I wing from tu tt day to two year*. Twenty children hate been born within the asylum s walls The sto ties told by tlie unfortunate mothers, who are always desparate, always forsaken by friends and deserted by their seducers.and whose ages vary from fourteen to thirty yean, tbe majority being uuder eighteen, render tbe pathos of a terrible drama most heartrending \Y itb all ft is a first offense, generally committed under promire of marriage. —•— lIIRK4T rittoi: *-M null. (.Ktriov Our report of the meeting of the Legis lative Committee, to examine tlie subject of Direct Trade uud Immigration, and re port Ihtrcupou to the next session of the legislature which met in this city at the lirowu House, at 12 o'clock yesterday, was necessarily brief: and spac: today does not permit their publication in t-rttnto. The draft of a ltrport to be submitted to the legislature was read, which cannot fail to meet a proper reception It is able throughout. It conclude* as follows "In conclusion, we de-site to guard against any supposition that this Committee recommend the introduction of foreigners as substitutes £>r negro labor on large plantations We have no sneb idea, and would condemn it if urged by others The European has habits, diet, smusemet.l, etc., essentially antagonistic Us the old plants lion labor system, but perfectly compatible with the life of a landholder, a tenant, or a skilled laborer, supposing his own home and fireside To such a life in our tav ml State we can honestly invite them.™ Much good is likely to arise fioui the action of this Committee It is doiug its preliminary work well. The Legislature wilt he able to act understanding!/ and promptly. 'l’lltv WIIATIIMI. t'ANI Ah ti The cries of dlitieas, occasioned b\ I snows, cutting winds, and piercin ' comes from the North and Went a* uevn before A perusal of the telegrams given one not landllar with such scenes but a faint idea of the real condition of lldn ‘ Beginning in New York (,’ity, wc learn they are lilerally snowed umlio Ou ulglil l before last thousands slept in their ofllccs unatile to get borne. No mails left the city Thursday. vessels urc detained by tin storm, and no arrivals ou that day. Hut j the storm lias subsided. Gient suffering results to tlie poor. Railroad travel L partially suspended,and all trains are rim uiug out of time. The Potomac River is frozen solid. The Mississippi, even down to Memphis is frozen Tbe Arkansas ltiver at Little Rock is so frozen thut teams cross on lln ice. In Baltimore, Hie harbor closed to thu mouth of the l’alapsco to sailing ves srts Ice bouts keep a narrow channel open for steamers. At tlie group of hlalida iu the Mississ ippi, called tho ben and chickens, above Memphis, but iu plain view of Hie city, tlie iec bad gorged, and at - o'clock, on Thursday morning it broke, und euuie down past the city w ith irresistible force, sweeping down n steamer and ten coal barges, mauied along tlie levee. There is only three days supply of Coal in Mem phis. The Gas Company is without a day's supply. Goal is two dollats per barrel. Railroad c asualties are also pi oldie The Mouth bound train on tlie Louisville and Nnslivillo Road was wrecked at G!a gow, Thursday morning. Pour or live liersons reported killed Baggage cur burned. The ship Peruvian, from Mingo pore for Bouton, Is a wreck otrCape Cod All loi-t I’ait of Hie cargo washed m-lmre STA T K NKfi S. An cnterjirluinf' rnlilit'il 11 > il of iflill on Christmas day. Miss Elizabeth Bpcncer died in Clni-t Cliurcli, nil Cliri.itnias day, iinincditilcly on taking her scat aflei her riinfiniiatlnii by lilslmp Beckwith. The British ship Wild Huntsr, viilli n of 2,770 bulua upland cotton m I jl bale* sen .Inlands, rallied at *J l * '•. 10. ’ tin, cleared for Ilavro on Tlmradiiy. The following gentlemen constitute the Board of Directors of the Southern Bunk of the hluto of Georgia foi tho ensuing year Eugene Kelly, John McMahon, L C Anderson, John Klaunery, J. E. Guiulry, Ahraui Minis, Jolin Screven, A. I*. Wetter The entries for the I'nlr (lose on the 31st. The llunlsyllle, reported hy llie San Salvador a* disabled, on her passage from New Yoik, lias arrived tall - ife. She was not in distress at all Dr. I* M Kollock died on Christinas morning. “Thu* one by one," says the News" are the worthy sires passing away to reap the reward of their well spent, useful, and honorable earthly caieer.' On Wednesday evening a servant gii 1 in the employ of Mia Howlands was badly burnt with naptha. Slio was going tip stabs with a glass lamp filled with naptha when she rllpped and fell. The lamp was broken and tbe fluid instantaneously igni ting, the flames spread over her person Francis Grimm was drowned lu the canal near Lamar's cotton puss Christ 11ms night, on bis way into tbe city, from a visit to a German bark, lying below k •In si lsi : Good dinners, mud and w tiisky lights prevailed on Christmas day. Tbe police were themselves ao Joyous they did not have the heart to distuih any one In their enjoyment The !Suu suys its Joy was considei ably Increased on Christmas day by uuexpivl edly meeting it* old frieud A. 1L \\ ntsm the right bower of the Macon Telegraph "lie was up for one day, just to have a good tiuie with his numerous friends in Atlanta lie has gained over thirty pounds in flesh since his sojourn in Macon—all ot w hich la respectfully submited." Angualn : A negro man. Ed Key. was cni.-hid under enr wheels, on Thursday, lu crossing Campbell street. IK was drunk, lie will die. The clothing of a little white child in Graniteville. 8. C , caught fire tui idea tally. Inst Tuesday. It burned to death before the tlamea could l>c extinguished. The people are eomplainingof the severe weather. Columbus : The papers are almost wholly taken up with mnltora pertaiulng to th holiday festivities. K very tiling seemed joyous to every body PItOFKMOB lIIXUEY and the Mttlqllis of Huntley arc the most promineut candi dates for the Lord rectorship of Aberdeen University, in succession to Mr Grant Duff. M I*, as Mr. Darwin aud Mr. stone have declined the honor. The med ical students, it is said, prefer Huxley, and the art students Huntley. Hamilton Cou eoI has leeeived ad uatiou of SIO,OOO from Mr Knox, of Illi nois, now in Heflin, "for the improvement and endowment of a hall of natural his tory." • Never put off till tomorrow what y u ! can do today, dear Tommy," said mamma j "Then let's finish up the plum pudding j lo night," said the sweet child. Groan .as religious symbol* hr be.:: i.-rd from tli remold sndqnitv Ttiey srs to I>. *e*o in ihe reek hewn row and loiple ~f An* sud Centra! A merles nay. in Un very wift* of India, aiaoag group* of cairns, dol mens and cromlech*, where II is suppooi-d lliev wire envied l>v an aboriginal race, which : a keen driven their by the tint Arian invasion, several Uiousaud voars b ore Christ. A Philadelphia weddingarranged for Di\ in be■: will put on exhibition a brad*'* drew*, il ta aiJ. made by the Paritian Worth, ami eo-tiug 090, "Worth make* the man, and want of it the fellow," **y Pope, tint in this ia*o. 1 however the bridegroom i* gotten iqv Worth, aa well a* want of worth, we presume, la to inaks the bed-fellow also LETTER FROM SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 27, H 72. / ‘.hr Unit rprisc .—Bearing i > viur extreme kindness to us during <>ur brief stay in your city, we have concluded to inflict n short letter upon your readers, which act we frost will not prove a mis taken kindness on our part. The near approach of the Savanimli Fair, and the htntiling eventh ol the pttfct few days, tttJoid ample material for u much longer epistle than we have time to prepare tor to-night's mail. The extreme coldness of the weather, made almost unbearable by a sharp, smelling wind, drives everybody in-doors and beside warm tires, except thof-'o who nre compelled to atten 1 to out floor business. Loungers about atroet corners arc as scarce hh hen’s teeth, and a thousand times more liable to ache from Cold. The ruin, sh i t und chilly winds of the lust four days, have made this a Christ mas long to I• remembered. Especially in this true ot Savannah, where tlie angel ol death Ims cast his dark wings over .so mnuy families, und in most cases with a terrible suddenness that shocked the hearts which anticipated only joy and gladness, but to which there came, in -tend, sorrow and bereavement. A young lady turns lt<m the altar of (’lirist's Church, when Mie had just been confirm cd by Bishop llcckwiih. and falls dead i within the sacred edifice. A iiihii visits some friends on hoard a vessel in the har bor, and returning alone at night, falls from a plank tin is drowned. Two police men, at the h:ti racks, commence a wred ling mutch,which ends in a dispute. Other policemen come between the parties and an innocent man is shot and killed. As the midnight hours ushered in the glad ClnidmuM day. the soul of an old and valued citizen winged its flight from earth, and ( ury public infeiest mourns his de parture. Thi- and minor casulticH, have Joined with the inclement weather to nmke this a Nad, instead of a joyful week. We believe, however, that the hotels hen- exerted themselves to their utmost to Contribute to tire comfort and pleasure of their gui -tw, the most of whom were com pelled to spend the day in doors. Tlie Scieven House and this hotel were respec tively fortunate in their arrangements, and very kindly invited tire members of the city press to dine with them. The Pulaski House bill of thre is before us, and is a splendidly gotten up alfair It would break the jaw of a Dutch Professor or a French dancing master to prououtice the names of the innumerable outlandish dishes that me put down, “a la ” this and “a la" that, 'l ire motto, “A Merry Clnistmas,” divided by two clasped hands, was not out of place ; for whatever the weather may have been outside, it is evident that in the elegant and comforlablc dining parlors—that’s the proper name for them—of this magnifi cently funi'shcd Hub I, everybody at that dinner nmut have enjoyed, for the time being, a ri'ill * Merry Christmas.” ('old ami blustering as the day i . a parly of noble hearted ladies and gentle men have gone out to the fair grounds to decorate tlie hulls and put things in order lor Monday. Everything that can be done to make the coming exhibition a success in all particulars, is now being done by tlie cili/.ena of Savannah and ttic officers of the Ash iatiou. No charge is now made for putting articles ou exhibition, and we learn that tbe entrees already made are in excess of those of last year, tip to this date Great impio> ements have been made in side tracks, passenger platforms auil entrances, as well as on the grounds, where many changes have taken place that will lie hailed with joy by all visi tors. Tbe Sabre Tournament, to be fol lowed by a grand ball, will be a great at traction. and ought to he largely represent ed by the beauty and chivalry of the Stale The Central uml other roads will cany passengers at half fare, which readily places it within the reach of a vast multi tilde to h< present dining the Pair There is not In the South a more beau liful mid attractive place to visit, even at this season of the year, than the ••Forrest t.'ity,” as Savannah is appropriately called Her numerous squalen, pleasant walks and drives, her places of amusement, and her refilled society, not to speak of her most excellent hotels, render it au easy matter to spend a week here very profitably It is hoped, therefore, that your beautiful and stirring city of Macon, which takes such a great interest in Fairs, will lie fully rep resented here. Ample hotel acc.nninoda lions will be prepared for the occasion, but al no house will be found more attrac tive and eomfortubie quarters than at tlie newly reconstructed and elegantly furnish ed Pulaski House, advertised in your col umn*, and fiunt which wo send you this epistle. SinsKT Heiu.i iu -♦ a- Wi: regret to announce that a number of careless people have neglected to pick up their ears and noses after they had been frozen ami broken oil. and a choice assort mentofpng. uiui-up. nqiiinc ltoiuan and Grecian eau be picked up ou all our travel ed thoroughfares During such weather people can not be too cautious about prop erly raring for such human remains as are liable to become solidified by the low tent petal tin' One great advantage of the bracing climate is tlie ease with which frozen cars and noses can he thawed out ami readjusted after tkoy have become brittle aud broken through the action of the frost Or, if deemed advisable, they can he easily kept in a cool place until "Spring time com s gentle Annie."— /W I>,spate/, • - ----♦ ----♦ *- . .M Pat i. J axet, a French writer, has shown that since the vacr I'S! 1 . lucre have hotu twelve different governments in France, the average duration of which has | hern fn,ui -e\eu to c glit years. What is curious hi this connection is, that none of : tin s gov oriiments have been Ibeexprcssiou of the free will of tbe people, blit ail have been usurped Every eight years, there fore'. fi’icc in France overthrows the regu lar authority and creates a regime of chance, which is itself destroyed in time hi the same weapons that has raised it Vi hctlier tlie Government of M Thiers 1 will survive the allotted eight years re | mains to be seen. i The Agiicultural Department lias re oeived fiom China a bag of tea-seed and a sack of Chinese soil iu which the plant is cultivated. Tbe soil will lie analyzed for the purpose of discovering if any in the l niled Slate* bears sufficient resemblance 1 to it to render the growing of is.* in large quautitie* a paying industry in this coun try. Questions of climate must, of course, also be discussed iu consideration of the | problem. Mis Mary Miller, who rode from Eve ter to Pottstown. Pennsylvania, on hone back. to attend the funeral observances of , George Washington in that borough on the 12th of January. InMI, is still living at Mount Airy, lterks county, aged :>2. Lu: look*, aud acts, aud talks like a young thing of sixty or thereabouts The authorities at Harvard have under comtemplatiou an important change, by which attendance upon recitations will not be compulsory. The examinations will he as stringent as ever, and the responsi bility of neglect to attend the recitations will rest upon the student, and the penal ty will come in the loss of degrees. With this change will come the substitution of j lectures for recitation. The experiment | will probably shortly he tried upon the senior class The nboliti< n of morning players is also comtemplatcd. A change w ill he made iu the annual catalogue ; nod, in addition to what has hitherto been em braced in it, some of the early history of Harvard, the provisions reluting to the course of study, etc., and the examination paperes of last year will be included, the volume being entitled the lltward Uni rernity Calendar. \ v\oi;m i;hi; vk\s im:oim;\s ticket. J ob okdinary, C. T. W A HI). Fill CLKUK SII'EIIIOH COURT, A. H. HO 88. Foil SHERIFF, JAMES MARTIN. FOR TAX RECEIVER, It. A. HENSON. Foil TAX COLLECTOR, W. T. NELSON. FOR TREASURER. JOSEPH WILHOUHN. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, TItOS. HITLER. FOR CORONER, JOSEPH TRIITK. d<<2.* 11 (n>. K. ( iii;iiuv is a candidate fur i',hirin' ol Bibb county by Democratic nomination. dec2tt-td Washington Poe, Hr., the nominee of the Democratic party, is a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Bibb county, at the approach ing election. clcc24 td After consultation with numerous friends and with an earnest desire to preserve harmony iu the Democratic party, I decline any further candidacy for the office of County Treasurer. dee’M tf J. W. Stubiis. We announce B. T. English, as our candi date for Tax Receiver. Many Friends. 1 am a candidate for re election to the office of Tax Receiver of Bibb county at the ensuing ••lection iu January. R. A. Besson. nov27-td New Candidate.— The friends of Chau Tkko Akstove, announce him as one of the most suitable candidates fr public favoi\ td. . The friends of Judge Jas. B. Auroi’K, an nounce him ns candidate fr office of Tax Col | lector, subject to the will of the people, i dee. 19 to. | The friends of Joseph Wn.noi une announce I him us a suitable candidate for tlie office of County Treasurer of Bibli county, dec*.) td IT* friends of J ames Martin uimoufiee him as a cart ..dale for Sheriff of Bibb county, sub ject toovt ryt'/Ody’ nomination, novdo-td. The friends of C. T. Wi.’io announce him as a candidate for re-election tv ,i:f office of Ordi nary. The friends of W. T. Nelson announce kiw*. as a Candidate for Tax Collector for Bibb coun ty, subject to the " ill of the people. uovl2 tf. The friends of Pat Crown announce him us a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Bibb county. nov22tdc. DR. P. H. WRIGHT 1 > ESPKI TECLLY tender hi pi f donal It ei vices to the ciii/.'il- of M.icnn and vi chilly, Office at Drug Store No. !> Brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin’s, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either nlace will receive prompt attention. oclCtf DR WRIGHT. £> S n ’P t$ t > HAS removed to Board man's Block, over . Pendleton A: Boss’, corner Mulberry and Second sL<., Macon, (ia. novT :m. HONEY STRAINED, I DO Gallons ns iiicr ms ever was olTfrisl in 100 iln - markrt ltitail ¥1 :,() per pUlon V ili'Jiii tiiiii will be made to tlie trade, " liere 111 or more erallons are taki u at once. -\. 1.. I’LINKSCAI.KS, dee'.'d-Iw No. 3d Cotton Avenue. POS I VV BECEXVKR, MORGAN G. CLARK. "’l'll E RKt5ri.AU NOMINEE OF THE I Dein i ratio Conrentlon, and a man ln> needs and deserves tile otßec. lie fought and lest tlie use of his left arm in the late war. deedttill Jan 1 DIVIDEND No. 55. TREASURER’S OFFICE, , Macon ,v Westi kn Rximioaiv Company, - M icon, Hi., Pecfiuber 11', I*7.’. 1 V DIVIDEND (IF FIVE c„ IkiLI.ARS • V i1 ; -hare has been declared on the ( ,q i 1; d Stork of Ibis Company, as hold on the niirlit of tin- :kl hist , p.iv.ihlc on and after tin* -’"th day of January next, in the currency of the l Hill'll states as now received, or Consol 'dat'd First MotUp'ge lto::,!- of th Central, Soaltiwestern and Macon and Western Knil roads, at nlnetv-livc i'Xo cents MILO S. FREEMAN, dfi Mtil Secretary ami Treasurer. THE FINEST Billiard Tables IN THE STATE! 'I'HREF. OF BRUNSWICK'S TALI.;-. 1 lv.-t irtnu nt of Cues pUiitv ut' ro ’ir, #hU ijood light, can be found at tlie Brow.i H3JS3 Biliiard Saista. Cull art in mi and stv me, if you want to enjoy a sramo. <S£4 lm CARET W. COX. FOR GOOD. RELIABLE (i a r(I e u Se e ands, ”J V ;Y \ WDEKBII.T BUHTIIEi’.*’ A;: ul I and Seist Warehouse, 38 Fulton St., New York. Wholesale firms wilt find ereat advantage in dealing at the .hove house. Please >nai for catalogue. dn-JB-lm DR. L. L. JOHNSTON. (\FFFRS his nrofus ioual sen l-.os to the ( t . ns Macon and viuimiy. otlUe in rear of KxrKPKiSE Bcildiko. No. 10 Hal* lings worth Block. dec -5, —tf. FOR RENT- O.JiV Dili MONTH ly the ve.i; ,r. £.tv3e v" Tire :iiei rooms, t est Jivalitv in tkr city for Di uiist or Millinery business! Apply at this office, or No. S Cotton Avenue. oofJS-tf. NE)V ADVERTISEMENTS MEKCEIt fMVEHSITY I‘REPiK V’l OU t S<JIOOI., MACOX, GEORGIA. ' I'BE ever. 1. Mimed und ale a •■ i m '<• Wetlni .day, tlie llrut du> ■ f.ti ikii y. 1 Only rut'll hoys will In uitled m 1 m I o easily eliUsitii'd, with the \.ew of helne |iiv pared for Cullty'e. 11l tiiik : U." CtMs.-ieul or the SCleiititle Department. For further information apply to .iso. e. bit\nti.y, decdS 4t Sec. Fue. XiyVXjJS’I’OJNT IIAIjIj. Four. NIGHTS ONLY, January 1 st, 2 and 3d & 4-th.. ( ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY WITH MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTIONS. FOa THE HOLIDAYS! i 'l’hc Management take pleasure in anncuocing the appearance of the Beautiful Little Songstress, Coinmc dienne and PET OF THE SOUTH, MRS. JAS. A. OATES, And her Superior COMIC OPERA COMPANY, Comprising 25 Firfct cla>s Artist \ Mr. W. H. Crane, Mi-s Kate Fraser, Mr Charles H. Drew, Mrs. Annie Bodinot, Mr. John Howson, Miss Maggie Glenn, Mr. 11. H. Pratt. Mr. E. 'l. Wilmot, Mr. J. W. Shanrton, Mr. C. D. Hager, Mr. Ed. Horan, M. 11. Dcnike, Mr. J. 11. Jones, Miss Louise Hager, etc. Making the finest Musical and Comedy Com bination now traveling. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NEW YEAR'S NIGHT, will be produced Plauche’s Comic Opera Burlesque Ex travagana, entitled FOftiiaii Isis Gifted Servants. The piece entirely reconstructed and pre sented with the same magnificent display of Rich and Elegant Costumes as were used by this Company during the Summer, nttlic Union bquare Theatre New York, where the perform ance created a genuine furore. THURSDAY EVENING, Offenbach’s new and most beautiful comic opera, XjEQ Produced for the first time in this city. Trans lated and adapted from the French expressly for Mrs. Oates. FRIDAY EVENING, an entire New Opera. SATURDAY EVENING, Benefit of Mrs. i Oates. Box Sheets now open at Brown ifc Co’s. Re served Seats §i 25. dec2B 3t SWIFT & PORTER, AGENTS. SALE AND LIVERY STABLES- J UST received, 1 car-load of FINE MI'LES. We keep the finest Horses and Vehicles for hire—everything living new. Also, the finest stock in the cilv, for sale. Call and see us. SWIFT ifc POKTKII, Agents, dcc:27-lw Poplar Street. FOE, RENT r|’MinEK KOOMS, in a Brick House on Cot -- ton Avenue, above First Struct. A good Well of Water in yard. Apply to dec 3t ' VALENTINE KAJIN. REVOLUTION i\ CUBA! WILD KXC ITEM ENT. Till: NATIVES OF BAKABAS WERE ' THROWN INTO WILD CONFUSION UPON THE RECEPTION OF CREEP, LAKE & CO.’S j ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS FRUIT, WHICH j IS JUST IN PER SUE TAI. TRAIN. S < Alt l,tAli or A ri.uiw B l\N IAAS, I UR i.o VI) < non i: m. < 0.1Y5 Tsi v. itSi tin- niiili in t linn, •'.© i: utitiii.s si: i, j;< Oil UitiCg, •OO BAltltlll.s < 11014 I: Iti;i) All’MN. 2 A BOX Us < VI, ItoitNit pi: vats. KIKiS R t I. t(; is p j;s . THE ABOVE HOODS ARE POSITIVELY IN STORE IN ADDITION TO THE LARG EST ANO best SELECTED STOCK OF FANCY AND CHOICE FAMILY OR UF.R --IES IN TIIF. STATE, WHICH ARE BEING DISPOSED OF AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. GHEES, LAKE & CO.. 82 Cberrv and tM Tbirvl Street*. dec23-tf Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, IU! U.KKS J.\ iNI) 31AM FA( TI'ItKRK 0! . ispnil (BU IDERS SUPPLIISA ' ' ’ >■. i ii L Tr —j It 1 BUII V Uj ! "P'HT “ BIiAGKET.-, KVf gCZT I— J CAiit’ENTLIiV i_—wh-w 4 TOOLS. EJiriUSTEHS, 3JJ23-W3EXJ POSTS, • AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. S<'AC 3TORY-DIXIIO < >HKS, \VsjrorooinH--lllsikc**’ Blot-k B-oplur fttrwi, Macon. On. tl ■ ■ 1 lli'.ill 1 At Or MIDDLE GEORGIA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Bagging, Ties, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. I'll AT CELEBRATED BRAND OF FLOUR, “TEE PRIDE OP DIXIE,” Hie Best in tlie World, Always on H and. 1 claim superior facilities in the purchase or MCON, FLOP, BAGGING TIES, ETC., ETC, And I will make it to the interest of Merchants and Planters to call on me with their MONEY or (.<h )i> PA PER. Reasonable time given to all good parties. W, A, EEEE. OT-tf FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Tlie Bt-st riacp to Select a Beautiful autl I'seful Present is at MACK BROTHERS'. BEST KID GLOVES AT SI -j.\ WORT H S-J.ixt, TO BE FOUNT) AT MACK BROTHERS'. v S PLITM>H> C<>RJS ET. A t <k>. . worth si. at, can be had of mack brothers. • JUST RECEIVED, 'k ite "I,! : (T A nOM’"—Very Pretty. The • LWI IIAYDKEItdIIEF,” Very Handsome, and it: nil Color*. D. '.in LADIES' and GENTS' TIES and SCARFS. Another large, lotof Ladies’ and Children's MERINO VESTS. Children's Brown, Mixed and Striped WINTER HOSE. FANCY KNIT WOOLEN GOODS, Ete. A lot of SII AWLS very cheap, and selling very fast. Call early and make your selections. Prices lower than ever. MACK BROTHERS. dec'.' hr—tn-vv-f Second Street, Daiuour Dloek. FOR THE MASQUERADE AND HOLIDAYS. OPERA KIPS or any other style at 75 tents per pair, at M SrBAIM .g DANNENBURGB, deel3-lw. 70 Third street. JI ST BEt'EITED VI.OT of five hnndred dozen first quality KID GLOVES, ail colors and all sizes at the low price of seventv five cents per jwir. At NISSBAIM a DANXENBCRG'S dec 13- 1 w 70 Third street. J\o. B. WEETIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON 3d STREET OVER 1.. tV. RtSDAI.'S STOKIi. 29-1 7 Change of Schedule. MACON AND WESTERN R. R. CO., \ Macon, GA. , October 3t, 1872. f ON and after Sunday November 3d, the fol lowing schedule for Passenger TraiDS, will be observed on this road : DAY PASSENGER. Leave Macon 8:15 a. m. Arrive at Macon 3:05 A. M- Leav# Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta . 2:40 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Macon 8:50 P. y - Arrive at Macon 3:20 A ■ Leave Atlanta 8:00 P. - v - At rive at Atlanta 4:55 a.• Making close connections at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta. snd with Southwestern Railroad for points m Southwest Georgia. At Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railway for points West A. 3. WHITE, novtltf Superintendent