Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 28, 1872, Image 3

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jolt ' •■/ .{.’" .Imv-V *•••“ '" '“V‘ • >|U . ' 1 . ... nil. xvorU > 1 ♦ - lOMK AKFAIHS. ill}* 111 OVI> ; l„. hour fur h'dding '*•• M OW'- ‘ji'Uit >"* i .-hunged IV,ki, !l t<. >?o-cl..c Uin flic nnnv, some ..fthcoffi-mlw !io haven > lmnc punnlnil lightly, would Ilk.* to ~ .-you mjoikt tli in eight *4 oar ii 11 iiiSi <"' “*• Oar specimen* of New Vein* Calling Uni* „; ve universal satistoction. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Young men, call and sec something elegant. Tin: lUI'OR’H *’OI III'. HON. W. A. lll’t’k PKHSIDIKU. The ease before the Mayor this morning was lhat of Alex Minor for murder. He was held lor a warrant. It will he remembered that Alex is the negro who killed another below the Augusta Railroad bridge a few days ago. This is the result of the red rooster light. tVarii till’ isio 2*,*Sier, We think if a hereof policemen would e.m rentriite beyond the Factory and ill the neigh borhood of tlie two bridges near Tatnall Square, they could make it pur. Wood i taken Irani n mails yard with impunity and without leiir, and crowds get together and make night bid eous and unbearable by their shouts and bowlings. - *— Ayres' Iflsill S.iswl -tiiilil. \V a tended, last night, at Ibe above men tloncd Hull, through tlia kindness of a friend, o plrasaniest little gathering that it has been our good fortune to participate in for many days. Through the kindness of one of Macon's i, -st citizens, a small crowd .-.pens a few hours ,f enjoyment and pleasure Dancing was her ap until id o'clock, refreshments being • a . ;d to tlie ladies, when all retired to their I,*cß, nothing whatever oeeuring to mar the .are of a sidgia one. Hrs. .las. A. abate*. ; . prjviouily announced in this paper, this brilliant netreas will perform here Wednesday night next, and will give performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday eights. Mrs. Oates is a great favorite with Macon people, haying vi.iird us on several occasions buforc, each time with a talented troupe. Among the names ofhcrarti.-U appear those of Crane, Drew and Pratt, who are well known here as very clever in their respective lines. Mrs. Oates brings new operas, burlesques, , to., with tier, one of which, liavards, was translated from the French especially for her. As there will he a general rush for seats, we advise all who contemplate going to secure tickets at once. Tho box office is, as usual, at Brown A: Co’s. Vi in or items. Il is reliably reported on tlie street.-, that tlie children of Mr. J. Clarke Swayze have fallen heir to a fortune of three million dollars. The Pastebrush wall decorators are at work billing Mrs. Oates. When it is known that the lady is married this thing will appear nut rageous. The weather is still cold. Shawl*, overcoats and stimulants arc in demand. There was a social hop at Ayre’s Ilall last night. There was another at a private resi dence on Third Street. Several marriages are to take place shortly. This thing is growing monotonous. The Savannah Fair will attract a good many of our citizens to the Forrest City. Dr. Hicks left the city for Augusta with hi family this morning. Who will be the next Chief of the Fire Depart ment? U the momentous question among the tire boys. It is said the present efficient incum bent will not run. Pat lias made a good officer. Despite the piercing winds, we notice Mr. iiustin out with his gang of street hands en gaged in leveling, grading, etc. Ifow can coal be so scarce whenever there is plenty of cold ? Wreck: oi a iliiiacogee Train. Tlie regular passenger train which left here on time yesterday morning for Columbus met with a very bad accident. While going down a steep t'rado near Howard’s Station, at the rate of twenty-five miles per hour, the track spread, and the entire train, with the exception of the engine, went off and down an embankment which fortunately was not very high. The near ouch, containing the bulk of the passengers, among whom were President Wadley and Gen. Jlolt, turned bottom upwards, and in doing so of course tumbled the people in it about pro miscously and frightfully. Many were hurt more or less, but none mortally wounded. A mother and her little girl, who resides in • •lumbus, but whose name we failed te learn, were both badly hurt. President Wadley had one baud mashed and seemed to suffer very much from the wound. The day was bitterly cold, and the passengers suffered a great deal before relief came to them. As soon as the accident happened, a dispatch was sent to Columbus and an sxtra train at once started out for the wreck, from which the passengers and baggage were takcu. General Holt was left in charge, but it was a late hour last night before he got the track clear enough to allow the regular trains to pass. Nu Back Dows.— There's no use talking; Morgan Clark will run the race for Tax Re ceiver if he does not get a single vote. The people want to elect him and therefore there’* no backdown for Clark. New York Pippisb.— Tlie ht-t apple* in the market. A ear load has just been received by J. F. Barfield A Cos., Fourth Street. The best in the world “ Put/,] .V Jacobs Favorite.* Nov 27 tf Cranhekbies in any quantity at J. F. Bakfield & Co's, Fourth Street, S' ./Ti ll Bottoms or any other kind of bot mia on boota orahocacan be found at McKur v ,t Maloney'*. They have aiway* a large .ortoient of tine hoots andslioes. The ladies re invited to call. Apples at J. F. I:se Oysters. — l am in receipt of tine, tre-h oyster* every day, and am prepared to aerve them up in every style. I only need a trial to convince yon of what I say. A. ULLMANN, decJii tf At Isaac’s House Saloon. Apples at J. F. Bakfield <t Co's, Fourth vtreet. ♦♦ That's What's the Matter if I want to make my sweetheart a present of my good took*. Well, Brows makes the best Try aim once. No. S Cottok Avetik. Fixe Hams at J. F. Barfield <fc Co.’s, Fourth street. !4iitiirdiiy Night. Another “six days slialt thou lijhor” have been pin ed t > the credit of Past in the well worn hoot of Pirn**, Hit week work in done and to-morrow we rest. We cea-e to hear tlie clank of machinery, the buzz of the counting room or the diu of tie • :v- tfm we art- t*io near Cod's <h\ Il i* lily*! nanritu kUe gtavs of a (b ar friend, th# nearer approach it the more eon cions we are of itn **r redness. ib re we arc at home—blessed, Impoy home, with all Hi t is most dem* an mid us, happy— \c*, doubly happy, because tlie past week’* work !m-i aided to our a tons and Ihvhum lb* has given u- Another six dnv. of iil* • The tin bueket. of the workingman is laid on the shelf, for he will not carry It to mm row. Hie Inal lu'.vv e.ii vs of the im reliant are thrown aside, profit and loss, dollars and cents will not trouble him to morrow. To-morTow is Sun day. Sunday is the diamond setting in the ring of days. We think over vrhat we have done during the-past week. We ponder over the errors that we may be better able to correct them in the coming week. Tli# coining week 1 “What dreams may come ’ in the coming w®.'L I Wlitn another Saturday night has come we may be in another home—a home on high waiting as we arc to-night for the glori ous Sabbath to dawn. Hut we will have no errors to think over that we may correct them, for there arc no errors in Heaven. (toil bb .-s the poor to night! Bless the widow mid <! o: plum—ldeas all. While we are here r.round the lire happy in the possession M a reasonable degree of plenty, thousands arc starving. It is a biller Saturday night for them. And \\ hen Time ha.- brought around the final Saturday night, may we be happy in knowing that we labored well the past week, and are ready for the lust and glorious to morrow. - - Collce. And who does not like coffee? Good, well made coflce is luxury, and within tlie reach of everybody. Hut everybody does not get it. Sometimes it is parched either too'much or too little, some grain* burnt and some barely brown, and the* coffee is not lit to drink. Then sou yet mad and say words that. ! don't sound well iu the drawing room You insinuate that the cook ain’t worth the suit that goes in her victuals or that she is rather inclined to be lazy. These compli mentary remarks generally reach tho ear of she who manipulates the cooking utensils, and you find yourself hunting up another cook. The first dose of coffee is first-rate. You consider your self fortunate iu having obtained at last some body who can make good toffee But there is either a equalling piccaninny to look after, or a trifling husband to feed, and the new cook neglects the parching o! the favorite berry, and you bestew upon lur threat* and frowns. In a short time you find that vour last cook isn’t worth any more than the other, and away she goes. You hire and discharge scvcial times a year, only to g< t an occasional cup of good coffee. The reader may a-k how can this trouble be averted ? Simply in this way : Send around to the New York grocery store, of Putzel Jacobs, on Second street, for a pound of parched Java, get them to griad it for you, take it home, and you can have a good cup of coffee every morning. The pound will only cost you JO cents. - Take Your Bahkkt and call at J. t. Bar & Co's Fourth Street, if you want apples, oranges, and good things generally. The celebrated “ Ponies” (Imported) minus the Epizootic for sale only at the New York Grocery Store. Cranberries at J. F. Barfield A Co.’s, Fourth street. Aitlks at J. F. Barfield & Co’s, Fourth St. ♦" “One of them Things” can be found at any hour during the day or early part of the night at Ullman’s, Isaacs House Saloon. Call and try one of them. dee26-tf Apples at J. F. Barfield & Co’s, fourth St. - A favorite with everybody, “Putzel & Jacobs Favorite. Apples at J. F. Barfield A Co’s, Fourth St. To I lie I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the will of the people. I will have nothing more to do with a nominating convention, but submit my claims to the people and let them aet as best they may. Any and all of my friends who desire to support me in this election, are requested not ;to take any part in the second convention called for next Saturday. dec2J tf MiloS. Freeman. Coco an uts at J. F. Barfield A CoV, Fourth Street. • ♦- GltocEKlES, fancy ui.d family at J. F. liar field it ( Vs, Fourth Street. Apples at J. F. Barfield & Co'*, Fourth St. HeKK IS Youil CUHIftTMAfi I'KKSENT. —The Victor Sewing Machine ha- not an equal on the market for simplicity, durability and per fection in work of all kinds. Sold by A. L. Clinkscales, No. 23 Cotton Avenue. dee'fS-30 •* Fink Flock at J. F. Barfield ACo.'n, Fourth street. -- Apples at J. F. Barfield A Co,'*, Fourth street. CITY DIRECTORY. MASONIC. Macon Lodge, No. 5, meets every Ist and lid Monday night, at Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue. Mizpali Lodge, No. 47, meets every 2d and 4th Thursday nights at Masonic Hall. Constantine Chapter, .No. 4, K. A. M., meets every 2d and 4th Monday night uL Masonic Hall. St. Omer Commandery, Not'd, Knights Tem plar, meets Ist Thursdays of each month at Masonic Hall. FIiiEMKV Protection No. 1 meets Ist Tuesday night in each month—House Poplar ft., corner 3d. Ocmulgtc No. 2 meets Ist Monday night in each month—flonse on Cotton Avenue, near City Hal!. Young A in* < Notin' t l>t Monday night in each month—House 3d*t., comer Mul berry Mechanics’ No. 4 meets Ist Monday night in each month—House conn-r Hawthorne and 3d streets. Defiance No. 5 meets irt Tuesday in each month—Housed in City Hall. Hook and Ladder No. 1 uneta lt Friday night ir. each month—House Poplar *t. t cor ner 2d. ODD FELLOWS. Franklin i*odgc, No. 2, meets every Thurs day nigh tat Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cotton Avenue. United Brothers Lodge, No. 5, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Germania Lodge, No. 50, meet© every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows' Hall. Macon Union Encampment No. 2, meet* at Odd Fellows’ Hall on 2d and 4th Mondays of each month. KNIGHTS or PTTHIAS Meet every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. A Sad Visitation of Providence. V YOI Nd t.ADT FAM.S DKAD IN dll'lll'll \ T KVV MINI TltS AFT Klt BRING rOV FIKNKD. I i'oiii iliwSuvunnuli New# B'< tli On Christmas morning oiu q Ilia tail dost mnl most lippullinx incidents omirrad at Christ Cliurcli Unit lias boon known iu tliis city. Tin) morning aorviees hud been concluded, mid tlie can "i 1 * for eonllnu h(ion. ten in number, were invited to Hie ntiiii Of tlioMi was Miss Lizzie Spencer --a most estimable young Indy, iibonl six teen years of age,daughter of Captain W. U. Spencer—who was occupying u sent in Hie middle of the gallery in Hie right, mi entering the church. She omue down stalls and moved up the aisle with the others, her young taco revealing tho doep seriousness w hich Iter heart fell. She ap proached the ttllur with the others, and was confirmed according to the rites of the Church by Bight Kev. liishop Beck with. After tho confirmation ceremonies, Miss Spencer returned to her seat in the gallery, and had scarcely taken it, when her head sank forward on the railing. Those in the vicinity attached no signifi cance to this, imagining that it was merely an act of devotion. When suddenly the i young indy sank from her seat and would have "fallen upon the floor, but for the promptness of I)r. IV. il. Elliott (next to ; whose pew she was sitting) who caught j her in his arms. Three or four gentlemen immediately approached, and assisled iu carrying her from the the church. Con siderable interest was occasioned iu the congregation whose attention was attrac ted lo liic commotion in tlie gallery, hut the general inference was that the young lady overcome by her feelings hud fainted. Alas! such was not the case, the gentle men who were tenderly carrying the al most lifeless form, noticed on going down Hie stairs, that tlie gasps which now and then shook the frame, grew fainter mid fainter, on reaching the vestibule. ‘ There life gave way, anil tho lust rosy breath Wentrtu that deep drawn sigh.” A conveyance was at once procured, and Hie lifeless form of the young lady was taken to her father's residence on Lib erty street. The announcement of this sad aud mel ancholy ending of a life just dedicated to the service of tlie Lord, sent a thrill of solemn grief through Hie congregation. Bishop Beckwitli alluded to this visita tion of Providence in a most feeling man ner, and expressed tho hope that all pres ent might he as fully prepared to appear before their Maker, when summoned, as lie believed the young lady was, who but a few minutes before had stood before tli# allarin the freshness aud glory of youth. His remarks touching the uncertainty of i life, as illustrated by this sad incident, i were very impressive, and deeply felt by j tlie congregation. But a few mouths since it was our pain ful duty to record the death of Mrs. Spen cer, mother of Ibis young lady, who died suddenly at her residence of heart disease The death of her daughter was produced hv the same terrible disease. ll is a curious fact that, if the same loi ters of the same si/.e precisely are painted on two boards, tiie one white on a black ground, and the other black on a white ground, the white letters will appear lar: ger, and can be rend at a greater distance tiian the black. This is owing to what is called irradiation of light. It depends on this, that the impression made on the bot ttom of the eye by bright objects extends a little wider than the actual portion of the organ struck by the light, and, invading the space occupied by the darker objects, makes the brighter appear larger than they really are. Mr. Kiljoye: “ I am so glad you've come, Dr. Blaud ! I want to consult you about my poor wife.” Dr. Bland : “What's the matter with her?” Mr. Kiljoye : “Such a fearful depression of spirits!” Dr. Bland : “Depression of spirits! Why, she's the life of the party !" Mr, Kiljoye : “All! she always bears up in company, poor thing! But you should only see us when we are together alone !” Within a year the consumption of opium in this country bus increased about 1,000,- 000 ounces per month. "." '! *1 Cali, at S. T. & B. F. Walker’s this evening, if you want such tilings as choice Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap ples, Oranges, liannanas, Malaga Grapes, or anything else in the fancy or family grocery line. octl7-ir S3 Cheukv St. *. A Gard lo Hie ttiufleriMg, Tur. writer of this notice will cheerfully send (free of charge) to all who request it, the RECIFE for making and successfully using a very simple VEGETABLE REMEDY, that will be found a positive and speedy cure for NER VOUS DEBILITY, PREMATURE DECAY, I,OSS OF VITALITY and all forms of NER VOUS AFFECTIONS, and the evils and disas trous consequences that follow in their train. This remedy is entirely a product of the veg etable world. Its component parts urr simple as nature herself is simple—harmless toward nature, yet powerful in opposing and eradica ting disease. Consumptives, despondent and debilitated and Nervous sufferers, do not fail to give this remedy a trial. It will cost you but little. It may save from a LIFEOK MISERY, ora PREMATURE GRAVE. Jknow whereof I speak. Let him who doubts come forth and see. Letters of inquiry answered by return mail. Those who feel disposed will oblige by stating their symptoms—by so doing beneficial suggestions may often tie made. Address Rev. Edward Bi unett, tropical Nurseries, Albany, N. Y. N. U.—Those suffering with incipient CON SUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, etc., etc., will find a speedy and permanent relief in the above mentioned remedy. It is at least worthy a trial, a* tile coat is nom inally nothing. Respectfully, dec2l-2w EnWABb Burnett. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. Dilily Ifieview of' liar tlm kd, Office Macon Daily Entehpkihe, > I>ew.m her 28 —2 o’clock, P. M. ( Corf on.—Th ••re i strong demand for the staple to day. The following prices rule to-day : Cl can Red \ (uj 1T Ordinary 17 (ft fiood Ordinary 1 Ivow Middlings W/ A ((l Middlings Wtffe ”DTVIDENiDNOr3B!~ SOUTHWESTERN R. R COMPANY, , Omcß, Macon, Ga., December 20, A DIVIDEND OF FOUR <U) DOLLARS per Share has been declared on the Capi tal Hfcock of this Company, as held on of theoth nit., payable on and after the 2flth inst., in the currency of the United States as now received. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their Dividends at the Central Railroad Rank. BJNO. T. BOIFEUILLET, Treasurer. dec!7-2w. MAt'UY PKII I1 (i lIHIINT. 08NAHUHH9—No. I in No. 8. M illllvdif. vide No. H VlAt.uN feiIKETING |p,, Seven eighth* 11 Waymanvilli) UP, Houston Sheeting ll‘„ Manat on Stripe" llDpiio Colnmbn* Stripes . l.'mis Hell Shoal 81 i ‘ , , , pt '-I launir(Lilith. , 1(0$ Factory tiowiii;. 1 . UiivaU till YARNS— I HO I BRlTS—per husl!ul I 3ft OATS—per bnuticl OOullft I I IKI.D PlCAS—per liu-hel j MAY—Niirt.liern Teaiiwsec 1 ‘.Ua2 00 Clover l no PKA Nl TS p* r t'llilii'l 1 SO POTAI'OKS--Planting T’lbh ."'bill IS! API’I.IC- No.-ihern BUTTKK—fluaheu No. I per Ib b'.iO I Hoshen No. s per ll> 25 feunessee No. 1 ” tl I Tennessee No. 2 “ 20 tiountry ::fn4o i COt'FKK--Kio per lb 2;1a25 .lava per Ib UtteSt! UHHKSE—Best Cream per lb.. lib New York per 1b... !•> MOLABSKS—N. O. Syrup per gal. ir> " Georgia’’ per gill.. 70 Sugar House Bft SYUUPS—Oolilen Drips, per gul... OOuTft Medium per gal 05 Ordinary per gal ft.s HCOAR —” A” per lb t.'i.^a White Extra “ C" ltia New Orleaus (bhdl lOalSja Yellow C 12j^a Domerara 12>^alii I’orti Riio tl.' .HiaC PUWUKR —Hazard per kag 7 2ft Orange Mills... 7 00 PROVISIONS, OltilN, OKOCBIIIKS, *e. BACON -Clear-ribbed Sides (smokd).. 12 Slioulilers S'-otin HAMS—Magnolias. C., canvassed... IIP ,u2O Fitch’s Ihko’JO Tennessee, plain-cured lSulSbj White Bellies lOuKM, PORK—Pickled, mess IS 00 New, mess 10 00 Pickled, rumps Ift 00 BULK M KATS-Cask Sides Shoulders ‘ Bellies lOalOb, LARD-.Primel.esf, Tierces llaliyi Kegs 18 Packages 12nl8 FLOUR -Low supertiiieper hbl a7 00 rttnudard superline. H 50 Kxtra 0 00 Choice extra. Family 10 00 “ Wyleys X X X X’• i Georgia Mills i 11 Sonl3 00 HvscTothe 0 50 '• i lomestic " 12 00 Star of Beauty 11 00 Belle of Georgia 11 00 Pride of Dixie 12 00 Silver Lake 18 00 CORN—White per bushel oft Mixed per bushel aSa'.H) SHOT—l’er sack 800 CRACKERS—Butter pet Ib Oil Soda Sao9 Cream 12 Sugar 18 1-2 Loiuon 14 Ginger Snaps Pie Nie 10 Fancy. 17 CANDY —New York per lb IS M. R. Rogers & Cos IS BLACKING—No. 1 per gross 5 00 No. 2 0 00 No. 8 7 00 SODA—Bi-Carb. per lb ball) POTASH—Per lb lOull SOAP—Turpentine per ll> 0 1-8 Laundry Ift Toilet per do/, 7:5a1 80 Olive 8 YEAST POWDKKS—Preston aud Merrill’s per do*. I 7fta2 25 llorsford’s 8 '.HI TOBACCO—Choice Chewing per Ib 75 Medium... 00 Ordinary 40nft0 Choice Smoking I Bft Medium 7 ft Common 40 ClGAßS—lmjiorted per Ihousand 7ft OOalftO 00 Domestic Ift OOnOO 00 SNUFF—Scotch per 1b..; 78 Macaboy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50u4 f>o MACKEREL—No. 1 kits 2 25a2 50 No. 3 bbls 13 50a14 00 No. 2 kits 1 70 No. 3 bills —large.. 11 50u12 50 No. 8 kits 1 50ul 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 ftOuil 00 CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... BlJ^i23 Sperm 48a45 Paraffine 80a38 STARCH—PearI EGGS—Per doz 8o CHICKENS—Per doz 3 00a5 00 SALT— Virginia per sack 2 10u3 Ift Liverpool 2 Bft FEATHERS SO HIDES —Wry flint Hiilft Green *ht7 BEESWAX 28a30 SWEET POTATOES 150 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05ul 10 BAGGING—BengaI Lyon 18 Borneo Gunny Dundee H Patched 17 TIES —Gooelie Arrow OXalO Eureka 10 Allgalor aO'if DENTISTRY. rpKETII tilled, sound or decayed, and, if <le X tired, Flint Koek punctured and excavated at the shortest possible notice by Morrison Dental Hand Engine; and all other new inveii tious, both standard and humbug, used ill the most selentitte and skillful manner, bv I)U. .1. D. MoKELLAR, No. 83 Second street, dee 13 tit next to .1. W. Burke A CoV. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. MACON AND WESTERN K. It. CO., i Tkkasiirrh'h Office, Macon, Dee. 11,1573. j AT the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company, to be held at the ofliec of the Company in this city on Tuesday, the 7th day of January next, the question of the union and consolidation of thi* Company with the Central Railroad and Banking Company of (ieorgia, under the charter of laid company, will be submitted. MILO 3. FREEMAN, derl3 td Secretary and Treasurer. HOGeT& STEPHENS, DKALKKJ! I* FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, uo/jjyo v \ro?iTii mock, roc urn HTIIKKT. 1 ENTIRELY Now, Fresh, Pure, Genuine and 1/ Wart silted to suit tire taste of every one. OUR CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES A HR oovr in aloft, and all parties an- invited to call ar.d purchase anything they want,. FISH AND OYSTERS. WK are receiving ever* morning. Cedar Keys Hand-opened Oysters, perfectly Fresh and Guaranteed. BLACK and various other favorite kinds of FLESH FISH on ban 4 wry day. If OWE A TEFIIE**. decl2-Brn BOS T O N— \ M • ' Siniiim.iii S;< ; Li v iji 1( i\\ i ,i> cr frclal ‘ i 1 FI fist 4 elm** pm < mu' t ui’iMMiiiiiodaliouH. Order vour p>ods hid pi hnl by * I’i'b'ii Mini s .n:ii:quli SU'imisldp*. :iul’jivoid nil di l:n :md extra liMndlinv I: f- IIAUDSON iV ii AI;N AKI >. Am-id,* SiiViimiali, (in; I-. N! - 1 !!;.■ )N tV OV, A'M'iil: , lld-liO'.i lliMtixi. , x* • i,. Commission SVlcrchant, I5 IIIY STICB’IKT, Hi t. Wl.itid\i*r and lbinnird •'*!,, niitiintl., •b* All order* will iviviw ;r>iin l. i ■ '.lion t on- nf ull t'i l' • :fu• \ .•'icitrd lfll :U>D & McKenzie, Cotton trn ■'. Cos mm t .i<> n llliltCH \ IOS ICiB * Sfri'fl. Sin .‘innali, <4ll. 181-joy MBYJ3R, COMEN ■' CO.. WHOM:s vi.r: m: vi,t in in Boots aiui Shoes, l>s 111 *oias* llloit Si ~!>jo atiihdi, ii\ Merchant* supplied at N- Y C Mark.-I uu-aoy lvifi A. S. AUMMi A EiltO., COMM I SSK >N JI V. IK'! f A NTS —AM) Dealers in Emils, l'ish ami t'roiluee, No. lift Buy St., S:t\iinn.'b. II Coiislgiiiiients solid lei! Orders promptly attend'd 1 ■ im , ; E.D. SMYTfi E; iib > (>i: i i:r <>■' e*2:ssn> , Glassware iia<! Cliinu. Ami Dealer la House I'liriifshlng Goods, M3 Congress and 111 St. .1 iiliim Sts. SAVANNAH, G \ 181 80il F. W. SIMS /!:. GO., Cotton Flietmx tuttl Geneial Commission Merchants NAVAANAiI, 4iJli:<HSl!.li. mnl 'l'ii’s hitjqflinl ; i murkrt priers. Adviiuccs imuln on ( <|lon, or otii<*r (* >is i; •* * - miMits. Moni'v jnmiptiv nMuili’.l. \->\ ‘.’ol) A. 11. (11l i\ Ml’li N ‘ I <kl !'t A <l. nil 11K*ID \ *‘ia B/KBiß’M* Comm ission crch.Tnts '.'.irncr Bay mid Drayton Streels, SAVANNAH, (l.\, 1M 80H 1,. N. Wtll'CTl.i:. olio: \v. iIOsTIN. wiiiriT.i: v :s’rNi, ATTOIIAU ’V, Ar„ AT MW, VTO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 32-107 MBV IN Til HI TElli, AIAiS B LAI (i llTKirs, On Forimi sti:,i ( wii burn V Edwunlr , is tlm plncclo bus Toys ami Cliristiiias Gods. My stock in complete. and • *ll i 1.- of very tiling in the. Bakery 01 i<i <'<* ll f• ■i• I miii-n Line. Wedding i’articK supplied on i< :i nmihte trim-. Thunkfiil to tin- citizens f M lll-11 lor pa.-st patronage, I respectfully t-i**lici 1 a liberal t liarc lor the future. < ’ m* and me and I will Riiurnntcc satisfaction. novls lin ( SLAUGIMTU. Marshall House SAVANNAH, (JA.. A. ii. I.I'GE, Pinprii'lm'. BOARD l’L U DAY s3ioo. 121-20!) Savannah Store NORTHEAST CORNER l)F McINTOSH AND I'OniTII .'TUI.I I. \< on, (aiotcGi \. I HAVE opened, in coin,'"lion wild my 1 i-lioiee l.iquor mill 1 .I,' ,Gl r , Sion- GREEN MARTLET. Will IV I will fund'll to epji ill I-, ! CHOICE BE EE, PORK, Ml ITO.N, AA l SAGES, GAME OK ALL KINDS, FISH, OYSTERS, VEGETA BLES and FRUITS, and urticlea too nunu roic to mention. novlS-tf W. A. GIBBONS. . W. IIOIVAItO. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. j (title itt entrance of Ib-.Mon II",l, Cln irv . tree). All limine- will IV in prompt atb-u --tion. or# 17:t T. 1 1. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IC.-ilr.foii Hull Building, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GGOKGIA. 123 U .1. .1. AlllttllS, | ATTORNEY AT LAW, 15IJ< BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. (10LLKCTION •' promptly attended to and . J money remitted at one***. J'. O. Box 'to 7. J 131 W. l Pulaski House, HAVAN.VAJI, OA., ! .1 NO. W. BA 31 KB ON & CO., PitOPUILTOItS. A lir-t 1-I#''“ lioiire in every rerpeet, | 131-2IW 11. 11. GIIKItI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. CORNER OK MULBERRY AND SECOND !, lu Court Home, •••>, Gu. 99 W Press for Sale? f%7K have for ml'- a lar;-. '/ GORDON W PRESS (Afigutorj unit , KCGGLES’ PAI’KK CUTTER iu good condition. To tx; had at a bargain. Mold to mat" room for lar ger and ter machine*. Aden... “ Lba". WING A SMITH, l_tf Macon, G*. winship & cauaway THU LARGEST AND O.I.DUST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE, -■>o S|i*tM‘(, Milfoil, (ifoi’U'iit. net It* Km —l——■—wm—a—we—awa* ■ - NEW GOODS! FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GO AT ONCE AND SELECT FROM THE WELL FILLED COUNTERS OF PLNDLHTON & ROSS A SUPPLY OF ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. TUFA HAVE DN HAND A LARGE AND SELECT STOCK OF GIFT HOOKS, ALBUMS, DESKS. GOLD I’ENS, WOKK BOXES, GLOVE and IIANDKEK OIIIKF BOXES, CIIUOMOS, WALL BUACKETS, SLIP -I’EK CASES, WALL I’OCKETS, BUILDING and ALPHABET BLOCKS, TOY BOOKS, TOYS, AND EVERYTHING SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY - PHESENTS ! CALL AND EXAMINE UEFOItE PUR CHASING ELSEWHERE. Merchants wishing 11 supply of BLANK BOOKS, FINE ]’AI’EIIS, INK and oilier STATIONKKY, will Ibid it to their advantagk to examine our stock. ; >:'■ PRICES AS LOW AS ANYBODY’S^SI PEIVDLETON A ICONS, Sueccaaors to .T. M. Boardman. dec 10-584 To Tai Payers of Bill] Cotoly. I GIVE notice tlml the Tax Hooka for col lecting the Slate and County Tuxes for 1572 will clone on the 7th day of December. I hope all will note Bits and puv their taxes, aw I have to settle on the lfitli and cannot give any longer time. This notice Is final. I can’t, bu responsible for unv one's tax after that time. All poll taxes and road tuxes are required from both white and colored. novl4 tf E. M. HEATH, T. V EDWARD SPRINZ. N' OTA ICY PUBLIC and KX OFFICIO JUH TJCK OF THE BRACK. I oan be fouud for the present ut. all hoart of tho day at uiy office adjoining the law office of A. rrondfit, over the ston* of Jaqiics & Johnson, Third Ht., Macon, <ia., to attend to all Maglstoria) bnni nCMß. SpoM Hotel, NISARI.Y OPPOSITE I’ASSBt.'OEII DEPOT, (Only one minute’s walk. ) MACON, GEORGIA. Hoard J.OO per Day. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. CROP OF 1872. Clover ami Crass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD CRASS BLUE CRABS, HERDS CRASH, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &v. Jip*t rcc*.' i v*'d, HUNT, RANKIN X LAMAR, Wholesale UruggiMtn. 140-166 H 2 and M Oharry Strut. ANNUAL FAIR —OF TIM Agricultural anil 'Hcclianical ANNOCMTIUA OF GEOIIGI t, llolcl at Savannali. COMMKNCIXU MOMIAV, l)F.( KMRF.It JlOtli, 1872, Ami continue during the week. r |UIK (Yutnd Ridlrond nnd conncctlonnand I Atlanta and < • nlf Hnilroadand connection* will transport visitor* for one fare, returning free. M iiiici: roYTim There will be a Sabre Contc-t between tlie* Savannah and Aiiv.iista Satire Clubs on Decem ber ILh and fifli. it/!<?&:*. Open to the world, three or more to enter. Fastest Trotting Single barm ss lloihc, Furte, $100; Fastest pair <>f Trotting Horses, owned and used u* Buell, Purse, HestHingle lmr 111**8 Horse, Plate, s*;o; Hot, pair of UarneoH Ibir i , Plate, ; "’*>; Pe -t I’acii •, Plate, sls; Running Race, Sweepstake*, mile beat*, three or more to cub r. two to start, entrance 10 percent, Purse, COTTON I’BKTABIMVIK. The Chamber of Commerce oiler the follow ing preinluins: For best three bales of upland cotton of one planter’s growth on exhibition, premium to go to planter, SSO. For three bale* funking second In quality, premium to go to planter, S4O, For three bides ranking third in quality, S3O ; premiums to go to planter* For tho best bale of sea island cotton, SSO; next best in qunlity, premium to go to planter, S4O. For the bed, (Hu for upland cotton, SIOO. For the be-it im lie! of Rough Rice, of the va riety known as j.old seed, premiun to go to planter, $lO. For the best bushel of Rough Rice, of the va riety known as while, premium to go to plan ter, $lO. No fee, will be • barged for entering of exhib iting article*. For Premium Lints or other Information, np ply to .J. 11. Frt'i ILL, Hoeretnrv, lHs*td Savannah, Oa '!’ llli* RiusinrsM Yi<*ii of llaeon THK ALBANY NKVYh Circilhites it<l v in !)•; I.< il>, Ifido r mid W. I. (’oiiuth r. 2 y/" Tho weallld' ' ton ,i""ing -m Uoh of Georgia r m i*: tm i-:wh Jr 1 Im* If-it A<l vi*rt i -i ;r Medium in h'-i.tliv • ■*! <*rn (ieorglM. A OVKUTI - I.MKNTs >OI,U'H I• O. CAIIKV \V. BTVLJ'>, Propriidor W TIIE riI•LVIICJfI I LK 1.1. IT Is universally roueeded tlial advcrtlailig is . a necessity to . uceess iu l.amineaa; it i also conceded, by tin* shrewdest hiiftineM men, that newi'|.;perr arc the best medium for reaehing nil parties whore trade is desired. Tin; MON HOB ADYICBTIRKR reneiies iriore of the lieople Irading with Ma eon than any other journal published in the | eon .try; it i , therefore, the hest, medium of eoinmiudeation with the planting interest-. \V will be happy at any lime to furnish reft r cnees to leading merchants licru and elsewhere, who will testify to the fact that they have re ceived orders lor goods from parties who rend their curds in 77' Advertiser. In fact, many who have availed themselves of its columns, candidly say that Us value exceeds that of all I other journal • in which they are represented. The Advert i-c,- Ims the frerlnies:. .of youth and I the, ripeness age, and in therefore deservedly - successful. rifAUArTISU OF ADVKUTISBMKNTfI. No fldvertl-< are admitted which are i not believed to be above qu lion and of real value, and from parties -o liable that tin; readers of The Advertiser will be safe in ordering them from any distance. To I our readers, the fact of its appearance here has • all the weitrht of endorsement and authority. Addict, JAB. P. HARRISON, Forsyth, Georgia. Chniif?e of Schedule. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCK, ( Macon A tim nswick Kailkoad Cos., r Macon, (hi., October 30, 187 ii. ) ON and after Thursday October 111, 187’i, trains on this road will run as follows : I>A Y I'AHSLNI.UK TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS IS.X -CKI'iKU.) L(;ave Macon 0:15 a. m. Arrive ut Jcaup 0:J r > i*. M Arrive at Hrunswiek 10:00 v. m. Leave ilrunwick 4:30 a. m. Arrive at Jos up 0:45 a. m. ' Arrive at Maeou 5:10 r. m. NIGJfT I’ASSKNGKR TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Macon O.‘J5 i*. m Arrive at Jus up '* Arrive at Savannah A Leave ’ U Leave Jesuj> I Arrive at Macon '** W,A * M j Both day and tealns coimeets closely j at Jesttp with trains to and from Florida. IIAWKINSVILI-R TRAIN DAILY, (St Nl'Atr i • j * CBl'TKb.) i Leave. Mucon..... vi'V **• w * Arrive at iiuwkirisville. *'• * i Leave Ilawkinsvillc o:.** a. k Arrive at Macon a. m. WM. MacRKA. 171 tf General Hnicnntemtenb TO M UIICHA7. TS ? Merchants vumu.- niejrubiup . und bu*iui'** |.roniim nHv below the ia, pie of Macon, T i.ylor, Crawftwd and counties, should iidverfi-e In th HU SINES. MIRROR. ( iic-ulnUou goiHf and inmasnig verv fu*t Katm llbenil. ’\V T CHKlff r <>P fIKR . Ku. A Pkop’xi. Fort Valley, Ga.