Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 31, 1872, Image 3

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i. >!•<• I- p! ‘l><••<! .V’ ItISICS. “ Jl . nil. !>*■ orl< w- -oiun A# A IBS .. OUC.SIb IH7C. EJi*c xin'f*. | .mu no Ipnger a candidate .'•■r Tax Receiver I jiilib county. * I P‘, M - <(uUc fci*. I , K. NT. Ba/.cmore, of Wane is quite ill of pneumonia at Hie Brown H’crsoiiul, I f),. t F. \\ . Andrews Is iu the City., lie I till presumes the freshness of youth, Although I p has lived loi.g in this vale of tears. 'Fhe lliection IVHoitow. ihe only way to secure good men to the L.llees is to lay aside polities and go for the I M AN'. *. 4. - No Fttpci* To-iiion otv. In consequence of tomorrow J'ctTTg New ! War’s DaV there will be no paper i-- ecd from, this Office ' —; —* * ThaMiiH, Mr. B. Dub and ids excellent. In! v oi the Lanier House, have our thanks for an invita tion to dine, with them to-moiTuw, .^l4* \\ Telegraph ftJfHcf . Tiio Southern and Atlantic Telegraph' Coin- I :;;tny have establishedn,ew olllees at Columbus, I < ;u.. Unttfu Springs and Montgomery, Ala. r?ars’. o*i to* I While there is no use telling the public what • ;e ’.lent and charming little actress Mrs. Dales ia, It may be well to remincl them that ! she performs here tomorrow night, and seats should be secured early. Lost and. fi’oimd. A yissongcr whilst stepping on board an nut-going train this morniug dropped a memo* nv hook containing fifty dollars. It was 1 up by fin lioncat attache who handed it ii * conductor and finding the name on the ' in. restored it to its rightful owner. I ■ 4. 4- Calii'o £aSl. A novel entertainment in the way of a calico I a:! will be given at Ayre’s Hall next Tuesday : glit for the benefit of the orphans under the •Large of the Sisters of Mercy. The dresses • orn On the occasion will be calico, and after tlife ball will be presented to the orphans. We will speak further of this hereafter. Mtl'Ullg'C but Mm. Clias. Bone, tins lady wlio cut her throat so severely with a razor is now rapidly recov ering. She <?an now talk ani swallow, and it is thought will soon be well again. This is firob ahly one of the strangest cases on record, and I will be referred to in mSny years to come by the M.'DIS. — -+ *. ■ Cul. Tire pressure of freight upon the lines of | bad leading into Tennessee and Kentucky lias ! been so far relieved that we may resonahly [ hope that their officers will now allow a supply ! of coal to come down to us. Our dealers have ample orders at the mines for a large supply, which will come forward as soon as transporta tion can lie obtained for it. ♦ Accident to White. Captain A. J. White, of the Macon and W’e.-t --ern Railroad, met with a painful accident yes terday, which will likely coniine him to his room for several days. Whilst walking along the track of tiic road, he stumbled and fell heavily, his knee striking the rail and severely hijiiriyg it. lie is at his home in Milner. Shootiag Sear tirisy. oldviile. Green Rivers, a negro, killed Taylor Bivins, another negro, with a double-barreled gun Christmas night, near Griswoldvillc. They had get into an animated dispute, and it re sulted as above. The jury decided that Rivers acted in self defence, and he was accordingly released. Jlizpali Lodge. At a meeting of Mizpah Lodge No. IT, F. A. ~ held on Saturday night, the following bikers were duly installed for the ensuing '.ear: W. W. Carnes, W. M.; J. W. Blackshear, s. tv.; E. B. Hall, J. W.; .J. H. Hertz, S. D.; •1. C. Bannon, J. 1).; L. if. itipiey, Treasurer; 11. J. Peter, Secretary, and T. W. Freeman, ’ Tytvr. Railroad .tiniter.. Auer the 7th day of January the offices of Superintendent and Treasurer of the Macon n ■ Western Railroad are to be abolished, or r ‘flier almalgamated witli the Central. This w:!l relieve those excellent officers, Messrs. A. J. \\ bite and Milo Freeman, of tliepositions they now occupy. But we presume that vast corporation will find plenty of work for them .C> do in other directions, for they are too thoroughly educated in railroad matters for their abilities to be left idle long. Tfili: HAVOK S < oi i:t. HOS. W. A. HUFF r-BESmiNO. Alfred Dillard, drunk and disorderly, £5 and -fjsts. Jimmie Jones is a lirst-elass sneak tliief. lie corns to steal because he can't help it. lie managed to make away with some jewelry be longing to a lady, and after getting the picture “Ut of a breast pin, threw the other away. The Mayor gave him the choice of paying £lO and <' sts or working on the streets for thirty days. Aext Tear. Yesterday the city was full of country dar • s, most all of whom were making arrange ments for Ike next year. It is gratifying to know that that pernicious “Arab streak,” a disposition to roam about, which was charac teristic of them a few year ago, lias greatly lessened, and that they are now perfectly will ing to work and do their duty to men who - at them kindly, pay them promptly and act honorably with them in divisions of the crop when planting on shares. Minor Items. The City Council meets to-night. McKee Rankin will appear at Ralston Hall, -m the loth of January, as Rip Van Winkle. 1 .st-office key No. 4 r M'J was picked up by a gentleman and brought to this office. Who lost it ? liie Diamond chances are going. If yon v. ant to try your lack yon could not try it on a more magnificent ring. See the card of Mr. Milo S. Freeman in another column. mur state exchanges are scarce lids morning, and our column of State news is consequently meagre. The editor of this paper is in Atlanta for a icw daj §. rhanks to Major Sidney Herbert for another -2 van nab letter. f drove of hogs passed up Poplar - -et this morning: they were in fine con dition. ibiitNuiilr (Jniihl liodgr. It is said that tiie brothers of the mystic tie have succeeded by disposing of bonds, and by other means, hi raising enough money to com plete the Grand Lodge building on Mulberry street, and that there is now even hope of its being ready for occupation early in i lie sum mer. On Uouitlinuu’• m-.p el'. tin < . <Macon u beautiful en '.rasing of i. binplc Charity,.Truth uiul Honor. It U three sl'<i*b high, running buck an extraordinary depth, the first floor being designed for two mammoth store rooms, the second for the town hall, or for public purposes, and the third reserved for the sole use of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Georgia. We have always regretted, and do so now, that Its builders did not erect a splendid thea tre on the second floor. No building has gone up in our city for years so admirably adapted for such a purpose. Since, the foundation of the world, and so long as it will last, its people have and will continue to demand amusements which no other class gave professional actors can give them. “Whatever immorality is in the stage,” said Mrs. Mouitt, “is demanded by the audience, and it is from tlieuce reformation must come.” And if it be true that the people demand a theatre, they ought to have a build ing with first-class appointments ami proper ties*. Love Lnuglis ;if B.ocLsimi<!■• Is a trite saying, and we have been favored with an account, of a, rufiuway match, which, allk ah.!j law I.'ss g i.o damage to locks, re sulted in the h ippy and tranquil possession of the bride. A young mail evidently up 1* smiT as to marriage, fell desperately in love with a “maiden fair and stalely,” whose re. idencc wa within the classic precincts ©fold 1 wiggs. The aforesaid young lady unfortunate as to have A relative known to we of this mundane sphere as an aunt, who hovered offer the maiden like a rainful cloud. She, as best be coming her ngouiul foresight, obkrted to the match,amnaidaiyeuibargo upon any movement lopking to the fulfillment of the long cherished and much desired wishes of the smitten couple. Futile efl'orts had been made to obtain pos session of the country lassie by the ardent swain and he had at last no recourse but strat egy. Arming himself with a mule, who, un like Balaam’s a s, was enjoined not to speak, lie proceeded with the caution of the red man, when hunting foi the swift-footed deer, and after a given signal persuaded his. inniorato to peep forth,-and :.hc peeped. In no time the coveted prize was comfortably seated upon the back of anti-epizootic animule, and the young mail walked at her side. For sixteen long miles did they thus travel together talking love and planning the future. They at last i reached this city, a clergyman tied the knot, and they are now as happy a* a big sunflower, none the less discouraged foiv taking’ a mule into their confidence.. ft wccrfiieurt, ( Farewell 1873. Goodbye, old girl, you have run your sands and it is best that you Should fall back and let the rosy-cheeked ’73 have your piace. But we cannot part with you without saying'that “with all thy faults, we love thee still.” We kiss the hand to you and memories of many pleasant associations rise up spectre-like before us, and they bring a tear to the eye for thou art gone. Gone? yes gone to the fathomless past, never to see agaiu. We take our parting look to-night and we cry silently with sorrow at your leaving. Only four years ago this blessad night “ two souls were made one,” and they have remain ed so despite the tempestuous waves that anon would rise, and frown, and threaten dire mis fortunes. We look hack and see nothing in the faint vista of the past that we regret.— There have been times which “ tried our souls” but they are forgiven now because it was His will. And to night—the birth-night of the New Year, we feel content, and are ready to bear the cross another year. But the cross is light for we would fain start on a fresh journey with a heavy load. Therefore we have lightened our hearts, thrown out its sorrows and healed its wounds, and now—New Year, come on. We greet you with willing anus. “ King out the old, ring in the new.” The Ijsitc Cold lYcatiier. The weather throughout the United States, and indeed all over the North American Con tinent, during the past ten days Ims been the coldest felt for ten or 15 years. The Missis sippi river was frozen from the Falls of St. An thony to Memphis. That immense stream of water has not been gorged with ice at that city for fifty or more years. In order that southern readers may the more thoroughly understand the temperature, necessary to pro duce such a result, they must remember that it is an average of two miles wide, twenty feet leep, and flows with a natural v locity of three miles an hour. Boiling, surging, often presenting three well defined superficial cur rents, it would scain impossible for the atmos phere to ever get intensely cold enough to freeze it over. But as cold as this weather has been the wirter has felt it colder. One December day, in 18G5 the thermometer indicated the arctic point of 38 degrees below zero, in tlie city of St. Louis. It was impossible for man of the warmest blood to live out of doors two hours at a time. Animals and birds perished by the hundred thousand all over the State of Missou ri, on that dreadful day'. Ice formed on the Mississippi immediately opposite the city to the solid thickness of fourteen inches. Koiikli u l!i; I Soys. Thursday nijjlit was a scorcher in tire way of a cold night. The wind pierced around cor ners utterly regardless of who it hit or who it froze. A few ofonr young men, (we wont call names,) were inrited to a dance a few miles from Gordon on tire Central Road, and were promised conveyance by buggies near the station to the house where the dance would take place. They readily accepted the invita tion and arrayed themselves in their best har ness. About eleven o'clock that night they reached (Jordon and walked a mile and a half through the thick woods to where they would find the buggies. But after getting them almost stiff with cold the buggies were non ext! They stood shivering for a long time holding coun cil and after swearing vengeance on the buggy drivers returnad to tin; station. There each one selected a soft cross-tie on the track, said their little prayers and slept until the coming train aroused them. They were then thawed out and put on the train by the humane con ductor. They will make -urc that the buggies are there next time. S’or Treasurer. Mb. Local:—They may say what they please, there is no better man for County Treasurer than Joseph Wilbourne. lie is a man for the times and will receive the hearty support of the people to morrow. The people will sec that he is elected. 'i om. decfil-lt _ Scotch Bottoms or any other kind of bot toms on hoots or shoes can he found at McKer vy & Maloney’s. They have always a large assortment of fine boots and shoes. Tiie ladies are invited to call. (r w A favorite with everybody, “Put/.el iV Jacobs Favorite. To flie K’uS>ai<-. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the will of the people. 1 will have nothing more to do with a nominating convention, but submit my claims to the people and let them act as best they may. Any and all of my friends who desire to support mo iu this election, are requested not to. take any part in the second convention called for next Saturday. dec2:s tf MjloS. Freeman. is Your Christmas Present.—The Victor dewing Machine has not art equal on the market for simplicity, durability and per fection in work of all kinds. Bold by A. L. Clirikscales No. So Cotton Avenue. dec.-3-oO Fine Oi silks. —i am in receipt of line, fresh oysters every day, and am prepared to serve them up iu every style. 1 only need a trial to convince you of what I say. A. ULLMANN, dee JO tf At Isaac’s House Saloon. The best in this world “ Putz-1 A Jacobs Favorite.” Noy 27 tf That’s Wiiat’S the Matter if 1 want lo make my sweetheart a present of my good •looks. Well, Brown makes the best. Try him once. No. 8 Cotton Avenue. “One or them Things” can be found at any hour during the day or early part of the night at Oilman's, Isaacs House Saloon. Call uiul try one of them. dcc26>tf Call at 8. T. & B. P. Walker’s this evening, if you want such things as choice Tennessee Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ap ples, Oranges, Bannanas, Malaga Grapes, or anything < he in the fancy or family grocery line. oetl7-tf 88 Ciierhv St. A <’ u*d to the ftiHiring?* Tub writer of this notice will cheerfully send (free of charge) to all who request it, the BECIPE for making and successfully using a very simple VEGETABLE REMEDY, that will be found a positive and speedy cure for NER VOUS DEBILITY, PREMATURE DECAY, LOSS OF VITALITY and all forms of NER VOUS AFFECTIONS, and the evils and disas trous consequences that follow in their train. This remedy is entirely a product of the veg etable world. Its component parts arc simple as nature herself is simple—harmless toward nature, yet powerful in opposing and eradica ting disease. Consumptives, despondent and debilitated and Nervous suU’ercrs, do not fail to give this remedy a trial. It will cost you but little. It may save from a LIFE OF MISERY, ora PREMATURE GRAVE. I know whereof I speak. Let hint who doubts come forth and see. Letters of inquiry answered by return mail. Those who feel disposed will oblige by stating their symptoms—by so doing beneficial suggestion may often be made. Address Rev. Edward Burkett, Tropical Nurseries, Albany, N. Y. N. B.— I Th4se suffering with incipient CON sUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, etc., etc., Will find a speedy and permanent relief in the above mentioned remedy. It is at least worthy a trial, as the cost is nom inally nothing. Respectfully, and ec2 1 -2w E dwa rd Bur nett. tIMNCIAL & COMMERCIAL. E>.ii!y Review oi* Ihe Miirket, Office Macon Daily Enterprise, ) December 31—2 o’clock, L*. M. f Cotton.—There is a good demand for Llie staple to-day. The following prices rule to-day : Clean Red .17 (u) Ordinary. 17 (<u Good Ordinary \l%(<v Low Middlings Middlings 18 %($ The receipts for yesterday were 311 bales; shipments 1!0 bales; sold 300 bales. statement. Stock on hand, Sept. 1, 1872 bales 412 Received 24 hours 311 Received previously 45,811 —40,122 Total receipts 40,534 Snipped last 24 hours 110 shipped previously 33,103—33,302 Stock on hand last evening 13,232 MARKETS BY*TELEGRAPII. New York, Dec. ill, 10 a. m.—Gold 112. Spot cotton quiet; ordinary 17%; good ordi nary 18%; strict good 19X; low middling 19%; middling 20; j; good middling 22,'^. — Sterling 11 a. M. —Gold 11:1. Futures steady; Janu ary 10%, February 10 1.7-10. 12:15 i*. m.—Gold 110%. Spot cotton quiet: hyw middling 10%; middling 20%. Futures; sales (MOO, including 5110 last evening; Janu ary 10%, February 10%, March 20 7-15, April 20%, May 21- 1 P. M. —Gold 112;,. Futures weak; sales 1200; Jan. 10 0-18; Feb. 10 15-10; March 20 5-10. Others unchanged. Livekpooi., Dee. SI, 1:20 r. m.—Cotton lirm, sales 12,000, speculation 2000; middling up lmds 10:%, 10%, middling Orleans 10%. MERCER UNIVERSITY PBEIM ItiTOKY SCIi OOf„ MACON, GEORGIA. r f''llE exercises of this School will be re 1. sumeil and anew Term will begin on Wednesday, the first day of January, 1872. Only sueti hoys will he admitted as can he easily classified, with, the view of being pre pared for College, in'eithcr the Classical or the Scientific Department. For Turtle r information apply to JN'O. F. lIKAXTLY, dec2S-it See. Fac. FOIt TAX ItECEIVIiII, MORGAN G. CLARK, r pHK REGULAR NOMINEE OF THE X Democratic Convention, and a man who needs and deserves the office. He fought and lost the use of his left arm in the late war. | dec27 till janl la ti ON ft*lt IM'II ft ft HECSLVI'. OSNABI . .S- No. 1 Ifi No. 2 14 Mllledgeville No. 2 14 I MAC. )N Ml FETING 13 b, Me\on eighths 11 Way man villa Mice.ting pp , Houston Sheeting 11V. Houston Stripes R’Jkalfi Columbus Stripes loalH H;..h Shoal Strip* 1(5 Montourshirllii:' lOltf- Factory Si ii;g 1 (50 YARNS— l (50 GUll'x 1 OATS—per bushel GOutift FI ELD - HAY—Northern.. Tennessee 1 DJq2 Oo Clover...- I IK) I*l2A NUTS - per bushel 160 POT AH 1 F.S Plan ting ruble IISv f()al (X) APPLES—Northern HUTTKR—fioslicn No. i peril) 4*’a44 rosheu No. 3 per l!i 25 1 Tennessee No. 1 “ !5 ) I'ennessce No 3 “ 20 ■ un l.; 85a40 (. >L* I* i-.k—liio per ll* v.’>a2s Java peril) dOa.Ti CHEESE- - Best Cream per lb.. IC., New Voi k per 1b... 16 MOLASSF - V o. Syrup pii gaf. (55 “(Borgia” per gal.. 70 iSugar 1 louse 35 SYRUPS 'olden Drips, per gal... 00a75 Medium per gal 05 ()rdiuary per gal 55 SUGAR—A” per lb..'. UiVfr'a White l .xtra “ C ” IHu New Orleans (hluls) 10al2jy Yellow C 12>(.a l>*merara Pjy^aUl Port! Kiio It 1 .al2'„ POWDER—Jiazaril p. r keg ' 7 25 Orange Mills 7 00 PROVISIONS, < 1 1; aI N, OKOOERII'M, AC. BACON—Clear-ribbed Sides (sinokd*.. 12 Shoulders Kl-fiiO HAMS cat Fitch’s P.M.jiiJO pkiiucured ISalS 1 ., White (Jellies lOalW . POUR Pickled, rm IS oil New, mess 10 00 Pickled, rumps 15 00 BULK MEATS—Uu-k Side> Siioiilde.)*- Bellies 10a UPo LAUD- -Prime 1 i!\ Tierces llall'.j Kegs l: 1 .ii*l ages 12a85 FLOUTI -’low PUpvT ; ne}er hbl a7 00 Standard superfine. S 50 Extra U 00 Choice extra Family 10 00 “ Wyleys X X X X ’ r Georgia Mill ........ 1 11 60a 13 00 llyaeinthc 0 50 “ Domestic ” 12 00 Star of Beauty 1100 Belle of Georgia 11 (Hi Pride uf Dixie 13 00 Silver Lake 13 00 CORN —While per bushel ‘.A Mixed pcrbuskcl NXa'.iu SHOT—Per sack 15 00 CRACKERS—BIitter per lb 00 Soda HnOfi Cream 13 .Sugar 13 12 Lemon li Ginger Snaps Fie Nic U) Fancy 17 CANDY—New York per lb ~ 18 M. R. Rogers A Cos IS BLACKING—No. 1 per gross 5 (> No. 3 (Hi No. 8 7 00 SODA—Bi-Curb, per lb Dub) POTASir— For lb Mull SOAF—Turpentine per lb 0 12 Laundry 15 Toilet per do/. 75a 120 Olive s YEAST POWDERS—Preston and Merrill’s per doz. 1 75a3 25 Hereford’s 2 90 TOBACCO —Choice Chewing per lb 75 Medium b 0 Ordinary 40a50 Choice Smoking 1 25 Medium.... 75 Common 40 CIGARS--Imported per thousand 75 00a1f>0 00 Domestic 15 OOaOO 00 SNUFF—Scotch per lb 78 Maeaboy 78 PIPES—Per box 2 50a4 50 MACKEREL -No. 1 kits 2 25u3 .50 No. 2 bids 13 50a 14 00 No. 2 kits 1 70 No. 3 bills—large.. 11 50*13 50 No. 3 kits 1 50a 1 70 WHITE FISH—Half bbl 7 50a‘d 00 , CANDLES—Best Star (full w’t)... 21^a32 Sperm 42u45 Paraffine. 30u33 STARCH—PearI 7j^aßk EGGS —Per doz 35 CHICKENS—Per doz 3 00a5 00 SALT—Virginia per sack 3 10a3 15 Liverpool li .35 FEATHERS 80 HIDES—Dry flint Half) Green oft 7 BEESWAX 28a30 SWEET POTATOES 1 50 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 05al 10 BAGGING—BengaI 1* Ly0n...., 18 Borneo 18 Gunny Dundee. l r < Patched 17 TlES—Gooche Arrow 0 Eureka M Aligator aOj; DENTISTRY. rpEETH filled, Bound or decayed, and. If de 1 sired, Flint Rock punctured and excavated at the shortest, possible notice by Morrison Dental Hand Engine; and all other new inven tions, both standard and humbug, used in the most scientific and skillful mariner, bv Dm J- D. M< KKI.I.AIt, No. 02 Second street, deel2 fit next to J. W. Burke & Go's. NOTICE TO STO( It HOLDERS. MACON AND WESTERN R. R. CO., I Tbeahlkbh’h Office, Macon, Dec, 11, 1872. f A'i' tile Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company, to he held at the office of the Company in this city on Tuesday, the 7th day of January next, the question of the union and consolidation of this Company with the Central Railroad and Ranking Company of Georgia, under the charter of eald company, will be submitted. MILO 8. FREEMAN, dec!2 td Secretary and Treasurer. HOGE k STEPHENS, DEALERS IN FANCY AND FAMILY GROG KIM ES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, lIor.LIxr.oWOJITII MOCK, KOVUTIt STREET. I7NTJKFLY New, Fre-h, Pure, G< nuine and VVari.tnt* <’< to it limb Ht." of ev-ry one OUR CHRISTMAS SUPPLE. \ItK now Sri f.torc, and all par Lies are invited U) call and purchase anything they want. FISH AND OYSTERS. UJ E are rceeivlng every mornine, Cedar Keys Hand-opened Oj -Ur., perfectly Fresh and Guaranteed. V J> LACK and variou- olh- r favoj,:-- -a:i ol ) FRESH FISH oh hand every day. IIOi;r; A STEPHENS. dccl2-3m BOSTON —AND— Savannah S'. :m iilp Line. 10W rates of freight rod iuMunanciL First j class pa.-i n::;er l aei'O'iiinodutioiis. Order yourgoi-tis hhlpjieil by “80-ton and Univuihiuli Steamship Line,” i:d o\*i<l all delav and extra handling'. 1 Rl : . - i\ a . ARNARD, \ ■ 'd, Bavaminh, Gn. F. N!( 'b ; ,(>N ,v (’(>., Agents, b’d 30,1 Boston. o . ... ... i-'XJBR., Gommi jsien r 1 erebant, ir.:s s'f/iiiiHi', Bet. Wl.ilaker and Barnard St.., Savaimah, Ga. All orders will receive prompt, attention. Con signmenls and all kind • 1 e-peell'ultv ‘olielbal. 1:11 :;oo TAi .. tzirt Co.’' ■ n,:,.1 -’.aissioM .tIKRM.’BI IPITM, l<>(" Dili) S(iT'-l. i> :nini>!t. tiisi. Jitl '-Hi; 1 . CO., WHOLESALE DKAI.twHH IV Soote and Shoes. S W liloH M :.s i; nit El, McrchnntK immillral at Nr i■> I, Miu l.i t 181-UOtf rrlr. A. s. AI.IIIIA A I.jifit)., COM MISSION ME 110 HANTS -AM) I)(';ilci's iii h ulls, l isii ! i oiiucn. No. Jl.- U;iy SI., Suv:ii>< h, iii i tolioilril Order protnptly alli'inh ,! I, 1 ;l K E. D. smyt: . ■ tli'OlCTt'.t: <S' lire and v’Saiiaisi, And Dealer in House ! Tin liing <oods, 143 Congress and 141 M. Julian Sts.” SAVANNAH, GA. 121-200 F. W.'SIMS !■;. .JO., < Ull<: (icimal Commission IVlerchants SAY ¥.VV*EJ, ft>’ ' U. Bogging and Tie: . npplled ,il market prices. Advuin is made on ( “i (on, dr other eonCign miails. .Motley pptnipliW'iui!ted. I'll 30U A. 11. VIIAMI'IDN "7rv*. O. I’ll i: i: \l AN. Comm lzcl crs FRcrchants ‘ '.inirr B•; and I >1:1', ton Slh'dr, savannah, ga, i::i-200 i„ n. wjirrri !' nun. iV. oustin. n’tiiTi’i.i: \ nti >, IT r< Util ■ . LAW, N r o. v ♦;<rri'oN a; eni e, M ICON, GA. 82-1(77 NOW t-i TSI2-: . lit:, tAO SLAXJ G II PER’S, ON pul l I ;, % ,I, I donr In \Y il bum A- lb-i Hi pl.t* ■ to buy Toys cdiii '■ : (teals. My slock i. eoijipb'l ild c Mk of ft very thing ill I lie. 1)..' i . . I : cb'd.ioiu'rv Line. Wedding I'nrtie up. A I oiii i-oiiuble terms. 3 hunkful to the eiii • . *.Y Macon for past patronaov, I rc ;i ( {fully solicit M liberal Kluire for Hie futiu* < ml m.- uud I will guarantee at b ft* lion. iiovLf) In. (. 8L \TIGHTER. Marshall House SAVANNAII, GA., A. 55. SA'O;, Cr prletor. BOARD PER DAY $3.00. 121-20!) Savannah Store NORTHEAST GOUNEU OF MCINTOSH AND FOFIITH STREET, MAco.'v, ui-iomjig. lIIAVE opcrnul, in conn rlion with toy choice Liquor and Fancy Grot-cry Store, a GttSEN MART-.'TTT. VVh-TB 1 will furni.-li t-r t'l-ictir' s, CHOICE REEF, I’OllIC, MU'ITON, 8A U SAGES, GAME OF AI.L KINDS, FI. 11, OVHTEKH, VEGETA III.ES and FRUIT'S, and arliclcii too numerous to mention. novIH-tf TV' A. GIIiRONS. •. w. ATIOMEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORMf'd. (*fli-- :-t erdranee <.f K:. 1 !on I iali, Cio-ny street. jJ/gT'AII bu‘ ine*H will receive jironipt alleii tion Do 178 'J5*. Hi. ATTOiZIV ll '/ AT LAW, CC:ilsl<n iSali £Eia!!<! CfIMKKY H'fKK K'i’, MAGON. (idOHdlA. j 1.281,f .B. .r. 1 tut \ ATTORH2Y AT LAW, j )'. REE'J .V \N - '.:!, GA. / I(>iNLFf Ii > - p< 11, i ill - *1 to i r,*| , \ J money i m< .< 0 :it one P. U. B < 3.>V. 181-208 Pulaski House, .SAVANNAH. GA., .J NO. W. CA 'il E It 0 N & (10., picopim/roits. Ali.-f - !;i - - iu-u-c in every respect, j;;i mi .11. u. (,i:sbv, ATTOItI-IEY AT LAW, /•-.OKNKR <■■■ A 'D SECOND \J ii trect.7, In Court Jfoiue, Macon, Ga. 29-104 Press for Sale! WE liave for idea !■.■■■■ si/. (JffRDO.V PRESS )Aligapir) and a Rl OOI.ES’ PAPER CUTT ER in pood condition. To he had at a harnfoin. Sold to make room for Jr -5,,-r , t nd Co-tor roechlncs. AdUiw-, WINO & SMITH, 1 tf Macon, Go. WINSHXS? & CAJLiS^T^ THK LAJKiJJST. AND U1.I)R W CLOTHING HOUSE Ila THE STATE, ."50 Wocoml t c -oi*j>-ia el IQ dm FOB TIE HOLIDAYS," no \;■ o\i • a'.ii so , r::tm ’i iii: \i r.u. m.r?BD coeNTruA of Pi'NDiJ-C'ON , ;()S8 A 1-I*l.V. OF AllTii I.! ! Oil OlH.’h'.TMA': F. AYS. Ti:i:v havk on hand a i. hhm .and ski.koY r- ro'cK • iii'F hooks, a i,ni: I sinks (iohl) I*IONS, WORK Ho.XIOS, (•’IjOVK mid HA N I>io JO!! i ill Eh' EOXES, Oil HOMOS, WALL liUACK I-.T ~ I,ll’ I'EH CASES, WALE I'OCKKI’S, IH ILDIN*,’ tmil A I,I’IIAEET liI.OOIvS, TOV HOOKS, TOYS, AND EVERYTHIN*; SITTAIH.E FOli HOLIDAY - PRI!3S2TT3 \ CAM, AND E.\A MINI; RF. ■ : I I'll chasing ELaßWilicit Merchants wishing a supply - BLANK BOOKS, FINE I’A PICKS. INK and other ST ATI ON JOKY, will liiul il t<> tlicir aiivavi vi:i: lo -■ amin-- our stock. PRICES AH LOW AH ANYBODY’S.. : I'EIt'DLDTON A. ICONS, Suceessorß to J. M. lioardman. decKl'-Tl Tb Tax Payers c Eiyii Ceiiy. IGIVF noliec tluil. t,h** 'I i 11 *>! . for col lecfing the Slate and County Taxea for 1872 will • I<*' o*m the *th day of Dec* inbcr. I hope nil will note tin and pay their tuxea, us I have to Keltic on the !stli and enniiof give any longer time Tlilh notice is final. I can’t l/c rehponsilde for any om k I . v sifter that time. All poll taxes stud roa l taxes, sire, required from both whit, and cobu !. imvl t tf F. \f. HPATII, T. C. EDWAS.D SPRIaZ, N'OTARY PUBLIC and EX-OFFICIO JUS 'I ICK OF TIIK PKACK. I eun be found for the present at all lioers of the dsiv at my office adjoining the I\v office <*f A. f'roudiit, over the ’ tore of .fa*|iii . .V .lolm on, d'liird St.. Macon, (isl, lo attend to sill >Mi b rial bind liens. 118 330 ptsi ootl Hotel, NEARLY' OI'I’OHfTK PASSBJBHCK bi DOT, (Only one niinutc’rt ’alk.) MACON, fioinl 3.00 per Day. T. 11. IIAUKIB, Pjojirietor. 1 _.ff Clover ami 'Bv.s : ;N. RED CEOVEIi. CRIMSON CLOVER, # KA I'M NO CLOVER, ORCHARD CRASS BLUE CRASS, HERDS CRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. Ju -t received, HUNT, RANKIN A: LA MAI?, Wholesale l)iuggitil3 t Mb-JSC 82 and 84 Cherry Street. ::cutolv;:j sale —ox*— Sailroaa Stock and Valuable City Property, in Maccn, Georgia. FTNDKKamI liy virtue’ of atflliority of tiio I I will of Mrs. Juno Itojfns, Into or Mihl> ouiiily, !•••'. a- •.'*), Him will sell be |"ih* 1!,.■ < ~ iao ■ tdoi.r, in Mui'un, Ga., On tie; Hi; i Tin Any in .Innuurv, i NJ, and within j till! I.' 11l hours of .lie, tin: fuPuwln:,'property. 1 O' :I' ; ir -hurt's of ||„. Cr.intal Flock of I the. Suutliwe. 11 rn llallroad Cbmjiany. Alsu, i ■ * Uriel, Stores on 1 Terry street, ] O'" tori hi h. fronting nboul 52 feet, on ! 1 'heri-y ; ir. ■ I, und rnnniie; liulU, ; nine width, T-’IO feet 11> I.Uvlitliyuso Aliev. Also, IJoeks No. !i and in, eonlaining near four urn- , und hotfndud by Third, Oglethorpe, ;■ 11011(1 mill lliiwihorno Ktrcels, known ua tlie r. Hie !..: i . .kuni of said . June lingers. I MSI . * !V.i !he 01,1111 ,1, 'fill -.1! t,W'(> lots ’ ill In ■ I'Tli'Tied into :;u < I tlie most eligible lei. ill 'll either for n-ableun s or stores, :i dno : iVeerecled Upon them Mrs, Holers’ i, i'h r. : dsk other eomfortable dwelling 1 1' ■ 1 * ■ ''' tiii is and id In-r iMiprovementa. ADo ! ,i mill iti Ilf. !. til, coutiilu hig one 1 e, on r inn r oi I lord ami Arch Ireetu, u ith a stiii' house an I oilier Improve menl tin non rin'se lo a l.n-.v also, lioen iih divided into smaller tnies Also I oi, N.,s.;t und ■), In inn ~ul divisions of liloid, TANARUS, in aipmre IK, t|, u \ lnevillc Lhaneh, froid.iii?; on Wnshington street, KJ feet. running 1 a p .|- 17 pvt lo any alley. Al.o Ror'civ.’ Butcher Pen Lot, joining Browiik Fi Is Pond Lot, Mrs. Dillard niid oth er:s, containing 1’ acre-, with a mhull liou:*c ' upon it. Abol.o! Nort. I, 5 and <, in v. hat Is known jsi Clark. '.ille, near Macon and Hu Houston ; load, ip bd county, eoniso -m"; about two J acre:-., rmd joining Xeilin sii:*| other/. AI-'O 1 v'• ■ 1 brickyard lot, containing iss j acres, lii'/;'>' or less, *n I In; i ruiiavviek ilsdl i'l ' id, m a lo Macon, joining lb City Reserve, Blake's biiekyard, Cherry and others. On i this place there sire about > i xly aertss of flue '.•■amp land, cleared Ufid ready for cultivation ; . tins balance is heavily timbered. Also - v,amp lot No.bfi, containing 100 acres, ‘.itldn I nuts' of the city li.. { , joining Ral bni, < berry and olhcr.s, ami known as Roilg orCovTlcsi field. ARo north half of swamp lot No. 130, within 3 miles of the city limits, containing 50 ucies, ; moro or b s; joining Harden .Johnson and others, with the Bruuijwiek Railroad pasHing through the. lot known as Rodgers’ Briar Patch jib id. One-lndf cleared, the balance in woods. '1 lie foregoing property offers si fine cli'incc ! for Investment, sis the city lot sire all in that i part-of Macon which is rapidly improving. For further information apply lo the. under signed, who will take pleasure in showing the property; or to Whittle iV Dustin, where the maps and drawings of the same may he seen. TKRMfci:—For t-lio Railroad Stock, cash. For the other property, on/; riiiitn cash, ohc,- thinl at six months, and one-third at twelve months, the deferred payments 1.0 bear seven per cent, interest, if paid promptly; Ifnotnajd promptly, then ten per cent, pu annum from day of sale. PF/TKK HARRIS, Exe.eutorof Mr . .fun' Rog. deceased. , dec*23 2v. U.ed.nesw ,’’li*!* <i3' daeoji THR ALBANY NEWS j Cii'eiilab * .ciii.-ively iu DougliCrty, Mitchell, 1 . Baker and Worth Counties 2 - . ’ dh': weal tide I Cotton growing section I of Georgia.. - # 'vt % !.<; :s lows 1 Is the !‘CG. Adv 1 lining Medium in Southwest ern Georgia, ADY JSIITIHLUKNTS FOUCITKO. \Y. . r VJdv'i Proprietor. Vina uumuM v, vmujt, 14' i-) 1111!;' conceded t hat advertising in si ie - - ity to ,-ucee-- in lmsinc-- ;It U also conceded, bv tie- direwdcst businc < men, that newspaper ire the best medium for reaching all partus whose trade is desired. TUB ATOM 808 ADVERTISER i' l lie, me of the people trading with Ma- I con than : tiy other journal published In the conatix : b is, tlu ii fore, the be. / medium of e<)!imu! -' den with tire planting -Ve will be b ippy at any lime to furnish refer < rie*;H to le; ding merchants here and clbowliere, ; who will b I jf. i.* tfjc furl that they have re *e.i ved order,-: for g*/ods from parties who rend j tlndr card in The Adiurtisrr. In fact, many who have availed tiici/MClves of d.s coluiilUS, candidly iy lhat it - value c::ceeds that of all other journals in wiiieh they arc represented. The, r has the f/ c.- hiu -of youth and : the ripen*- , of egg, and is therefore deservedly MJceouonllt. CHAB.-.Ci'FJi OF ADVBivTISFMKNTib No ftdvdli. menu arc admitted which arc m>t believ o to be above qm.v-lion and of real x.ilu*!, and from parties bo unquestionably re liable that the rcue-TS of The Adrvihsvr will be -nfe in ordering, them from any distance. To "iir r. iu!' j. . the fiet of its appearance here h;:* J 1 the w* i. iit of endor ement and authority. Address, JAS. Y. HAIHtiBUN, Forsyth, (toori'ia. la. T. WHITCOMB, Agt., IMPORTER AM) DEALER IN West India Fruits, replete, ii t ,gk ver, si.iv, nrr., '.* BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 107-185 TO MERCHANTS! 1 f KRCIIANT3 wishing to place their name Jvi. and Imsiness jironiincntly before tho peo ple of Macon, Taylor, Crawford and Houston count!'-.-, should advertise in the BUSINESS MIKKOIt. Circulation good and Inoreasing very fast. Ratios liberal. n . VV. T. CHRISTOPHER, F" * P *° p Fort \ ullov, Ga.