Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, December 31, 1872, Image 4

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Tlk' Dail.y Euteiprisu. M %'OX, ., I JU. PERSONAL. Carlyle btajottcompleted his 7iiii year. The Her James Mnrtlnemi Is ill, ami has lain forced to reliiiipHsh preaching. It is laid that Wilkie Collins mul George Elliot will vhit this country veryaoon. Capt Wcndall, said to l>e the inventor of the r ircdlar saw, died lately in Main, age Hit. Mr. Tom II -oil, ami of the awed poet ract I * 11 Scotland. The Kov. Mr. Kpuig' n has n trued Route front the MouUi of Fionee, In I Her health than lie enjoyed before The Mareiiioncaa of Lorn# Im tw in ted I’reiident of the liiitish National Uni on for improving tho K lneatlon of wo men. J’io Nono recently gave llbhopO Ilciily of Springtluld, u pn ml uudicnee. J. M Ilellew, who Is said to be the I >t render in England, is coming to ibis coun try. Giovanni iluliatii Euleleri. tin servant in whose amis J-ord Hymn died, i a rb-ik in the India House, Condon, a bale old man of 75,and lie almost w-u lii] the | t There are now live e*-I,oid Charnel ] bus of England, each in tin- teeeipl ol a year as pmsion- laud ‘-I l.e n- ] aids, land, I A - Lord llatlo ily .Mile Jacobs tcecntly ]■ tnl examination lor udmi .-uui nr I.- I ui vetsity of (iroulogeo. nod i- o r !..(* 6 L and only female medical ‘ - eat in tlio Netherlands. Allihunc, who mad< the dii.t'o imry ol uuthurs, Is editor ol the Ano -i. in 7 unlay School Union. Mrs. General . indeixm - I Wnshi ; lon, Ohio. own . a box said to have i,, - o brought to America by Cot - / warn lie came to conquer Mexico. It i- inlaid with ivory. It* age is stated to I. • l l it y ars. ■■i iiuiaia m > mi r inriiir n i- ax . -•- ui DIVIDEND NO. ; SOUTHWEST Eli N It, It COMPANY, i OKFU’B, Ma( >N, G A., l)l.T iii!m t I s < - \ DIVIDEND OK KOI II <*l> DOLLARS per BJturt; ho* hern d’ land on tin* Citpi tal Stock of this ( otnpany, - held on the ui*. lit ol ihclUlth ult., |msul lc on ami tin* 2filh iiuit., in the currency of the United Staten a now received. Stockholder* in Biivannuh >nill !•<iv their Dividend* *t the Central Khllioihl Hank. rJNO. T. HOIK Kill.Ml, Trni.-mrcr. dCCI? 2W. FOR. SALE. \FC)UK room dwelling and aat ant lot, hIbO, splendid well of witter in the yard; fronting on Spring nint Hom* Hr* u, ontuii tug omtqaaiU iofan a ie. !'<w .< 1 < heap Apply to (JKoIUiK. s 11 Ml I>V. now ‘iA—lm. corner Third and Plum St recta. FOR RENT. rpiltlKK ROOMS, Inn Uriel, It. 1 t I tarn Avenue, almvu I'irrt Strcri V 1 Well of Water in i.o'd Apply to ,!,.(• VAI.V’N I INK KAHN. FOR SALE. V'iX BUILDING LOTS on Windsor 11111. Will null all, or an many ad md. Tho lota adjoin Dr. Cox'* on to© top of the hill. The prctUosl ioea*4<n out. Apply to uo\27-4t No. H CiinuN Am.m i: No H’OTBHfIOB'CTC • l 33 0 COOKING OVES! STEWART'S c ' v‘ , BOX and OF-i iG I FJV . i>K #A*?OWAg*S, fMdnt and Table On . WILLOW *\ V: ' . tin w a ia. OLIVE DOUGLASS & I , No. 42 Third Street, Rflncon, Georgia, nti-ixstHwi _ . ~ muup. YOUR HFE ! Sr ProvWwlur tlu'M' tlqwm’u u| n von,! t.*n tl- oxigcnciwnl rv business transactions. Insure Your l.ife in u Cutiipunv uti>l< it! m■;nn nt >t i business men, who umlorstanl Un u i ; • 1 whoso previ.".: I'l'iss ia a guarantee forluturp safety. Insure Your I Ye in a Company nsk* caretti s ,H>ks uo increase i>t biisiip ss without that i 1 i- s:>tct_\. Insure Your!.::' in a Company wh ' and expen small. Insure Your Life in a Company win s.* -xl. nt 1 operation* i tuirfttoe that secures tin* advantages oi nverag in : . Insure Your Life in a Company that mult - no distinction ’ risks taken cither North or South. Insure Your l ife in a Company wli -e oporati n- are regulai’v ject to the str t investigation of Stat< l'ej imm-nts. North, Sou: West, , , Insure Your Life . . N '/.< < .i: at can give von advantage offered by either Northern or \V< so rn C mpanies, with addition? that it is truly a H >rae Company, and t hes its inve in the State from which it dt-riu-s its ievenues. Insure Your Lift in a Southern t\ w terms area rate as anv good Company, who-e m •.: :s eonomical. i: ments sale.’ r< servo ample, surplus abustd.•...-. and who always pay losses uixuuptly. Seek such a Company, and \ u will find in th PIEDMONT A: AllLi NO TON 1. V. 1 NSl' UANCK COM l’.\ of Virginia, all that you tie. 1 t seem :! tn ■- and. sired for } and your dependents, therefor . Insure Your Life iu the Piedmont & Arlington Life I::... j c.jjf of 7a.. Branch ofliee 92 Mull) try Street, Macon Gu.‘ T STANLEY' BECKWITH & SON. General A cents. 0 .?oo t> a JOS. A. ROGERS. Local Agon . 1 B o v/ns HoteV a con. a A IK h>jg i p< i i.' • < and a thorou, edge of tho hfirdmuft In all It* dr. ■ brnimlc t ncntiul to the koepftngtli the } I;" ! g !>• o'*/ oj I• lit ttith ' <;;>*>: iioti:lm tic I H t’ • • i Uicrwtelv* * are ful , ( i.iiip. :• nt to iliac bin ge their . ■ ■ but they an ■ i re lit keeping, they n, would claim to have the p, i . AM) MOST COM J/. AND 1 .f i.N. IVKI.V KUHN) > boU) l ' throughout, In tin* State, whh hi ' i ' t. .1 • . i ‘ * ■ry body would b U.vh-,1 I 1 , hNT AMI AW TJJIS I*Ah ..NOBK i'EI*OT . when !; . e : <-n •' oy th^ mart sb■ lUilddo le i'jfhy tie*, perplexln. 1 departure of the trains. T.t nI I hr.f-e ii i( p -it nit u! v ant;-: ■ U 1 AHI.i ! l! ;t i Well hllpplicd with ! ! j . el > • le ! !*•• <it v and .1 - | : li- .1 .* Ml el I " (Min' to lie ! Mm .1 1 ■ to tee b. i lie*. ■i 1 it for p< - iteie lion t<> 1 - . i'ii .' I•- -1 . eint II tie jep 1 OHr* *.v no ri . ti. .. ... ■ . S A SON, P '■! A,.r1l 187 1. tin it Democratic Jmii Utltl. \\ I . j \ I 1 ; B , , 1 i;or nd l’:' A Mm. i 1 i it I*ugt Shct I. ( ! - <ll.’ adin r M itft . ■ , fort 411, done i. .p > lit t, ii and •ie ml,with full nndrelluhh loui Lcf 1 * I -< , r t luh nmiiher aUo eontaiii' .end hlent htori. , and a great variety of lit nv. a; re ulturul und h e ntlth; matter, ct . el , coie-titutiiiL*. it 1* t (mlldently nnaert' tl, the inoht complete weekly m wHpHpir hi thi couutry. TERMS, $3 A YEA t. Eii nrrillt ails lo Cllit Vi\: .•'!(>.(,,•, . Ten < ■ 1 - .i. htad an extra t> the Milder .... j > 00 T • nty < -0,, yenr, and an i.x'r. copy to m ndvr ..' . •HO 1i i i<pt( onv M’.ir, and un extra cop, to render ’ . -<* /‘.I: ( - - ' -Ml l/./*•, V'llt, * • • ncHml by (hi ■ - jHiHwtUm. I’tTijt *ie and. irii ■ to act as agent.- > . , ’>d xvlU )■ p'eealie n htinrl specimen t m nl flee to any addle All letter* allot Id L dl rected to m:\y \o::k wkkki.y nkw Box ;;,m\ liuvl.i tf \< to >'o)7. City J\-i ‘ THE ENTER T> ’ OT -E JOB raxiffifi c ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW PItEI’ARED TO KXECUTH AI.I. KINDS OK PIOMTNfi! SUCH AS CARDS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BILLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., Anil in u stylo equal to any. Extensive daily being made to our STOCK AND MATERIAL Win. ■ very effort will he made to render satisfaction unto all who may Ihvoi us with their pa tannage. PROMPTNESS! IN THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ALL WORK. CHEAPNESS! AT AS REASONABLE PRICES AS CAN BE DONE SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON’S LINE. NEATNESS! OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHA LLENGE THE STATE TO EXCEL US. Address, 1 Win**- 4.V >uiitli, PROPRIETORS, MACON, GA. PRINTING It lias bet-n tin- oust * in buiutofoiu. and vvill j--robal>ly remain so to a •'rent extent, for our merchants and Imsitu <s men generally to send North to have their printing done, simply because it can be done there it a little lower figure than here. If our people would discontinue ' patronizing such men, they would soon see the policy, if not the jus tice, in having their work done at home. Calicos are not manufactured n the South, and hence the merchant must send where it is made, but here we have printing otfices all around us, doing work at a very small advance on northern prices, and still the work is sent away. We hope i the time is not for distant when our merchants will awake to their in- Urests and patronize home institutions. It is a wrong practice and should be condemned. JEST Bonk ant free. Ad ol * 'lt 1 .t drr.-, 1 Uv-k ' 0., l> Murray at., N. V. 11/ i\ l'\' I - . . I* with aur JMLUJN 1 bleie il and l>vT:he' k outtit. Circular* f?- * Malhird Mfg Cos., D6 Fulton at. N. V. Waited m'mSßMi TING MACHINE. The almpleat and heat in the world. Adder - Amiuiu in Knitting Machims Cos., 1 “ Street, Boa ton. Mai*. TA A Agent* wanted ! ut! A • )\M / did new ( hart, *• blr-s* ing till li Klilldreii/ Hdiiense r.! 500 agents wanted for our l*i Map <>f th< “United fcftuteh ” with imnu. • •• A’*rld ” Man on reverse bide. Uur Alaj . ' . C; i ; go like wildfire. HAABIB cV M BBEUUT, Kin:..: * M.ip nnd Chart Katuhlishuitiut, 107 Liberty bt., N Y . gDO mad' Dee. ikl by one A- ill ’*elling Horace (dcrley and I'amily, A line engraving in., aent by mail for >l. \V> alio mail Button lloh- dewing Macloi e Thread Cutters, and Needle Thresiding 'I hlm hie, price *js ecu Ik each. Circulars of virion other Novelties iimUed ivqiiently to all oh and new agents, address ; Amkiucan N )veltv Hr uißvy, V > LOOK! FREE TO ALL : oh w TA I'. rvv klo \r< :d . Mdo *r i o d*'. J-N,)O 'I n nil Win. ill w;.■ ■ for .111 Ac; •,v \vv wiltvoml :t| ‘V of lIi;t r “ Aontltj.'of vt-.n dcr ” tlio lilti trnt• tl ii in of I'lfM.v. H conUtiiK ov. r ol;v l.iKiiiiifn] MUu- nitlur..-, nti.l tv ill !•■• t -•nt Eic t i;1! •<> ii..i Avri-c- Ail. die .t. UAU-ii I'uiii i-mu N. Fi(l£. ; ' B r Sl ’S'i: ii; i. JJO.Wt-: I)SBs4 it i:. till* cmlv i■:hI•• in Wt.l* h ;i e •i f ’ ■-:**- t „-v. l.ite ( h*. . ii;,.;. • i Ct' U.r enp rui'e,y, and iti.'prov* and Oiu.-hii..*d Hii)lcl)ieth)u.ry i- given : itr. tmeipsaleil hejdity and merits make U tite elieap* -and fa -h t s -]]ing Bible puhli.-lied Wu. FLINT A: C >., AttmtUfUah dPfe ‘V'v-Af 9 &l?fU ,(<■ .'it r o' . '■ •’.•••, Ii- tv .in-1 i i..'ie ~ . didii'iilti" use only W IfjljL:) ! G.-.flßOLlb* 'iiß :i 10 Worth!". • imiluiiiiUK :re in tli"’ inuikot, hut III" "lilv M'i Utilli' proi-aration of Curl-olio Arid for l.nng di.-' i- wlion ohom- Kully ooniliini-il wit It btlnr Well known roinc dir'.-, as in Uuto tablets, and all partioa aro ouutiimcd against using any other. In sill of irritation of the mueous mcuhranit tln'so tablets should lie freely used, their cleansing and healing properties are as tonishieg. Cl., vv ii rind, -r - r -r ; ', .7 (i it is ea sily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells’ Carbolic Tablets as a spceilie. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, Jw Sole Agent for Unites Sbites. Price!® Cents a box. Send for Circular. AUItM’S WAATI'I). ACT AT ONCE. There is a i*l l.ti of mono in it. The people everywhere arc HAUI-lR to liuy tlie Auilienlie History of Livingstone’s^” ami THRILLING ADVENTURES Urn intr '.’B years in AFRICA, with account of the STAN LEY EXPEDITION. Over 000 pages, only $2.50. Is selling bevond parallel. (AI TIO.Y Beware of inferior works. This is the ONLY COMPLETE and RELIA BLE work. Send for circulars, and s.-e PROOF and great success agents are having. 11UB BAKD BROS. Publishers, Boston, Mass. AGreatOffer.'^ B ““,t" \ will dispose of 100 PIANOS, MELODEONs, and ORGANS, of six lirst class makers, inclu ding Waters’ at very low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance in small monthly in stalments. New-7-octavc first-class PIANOS, modern improvements, for $275 cash. Now ready a CONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN, the most beautiful style and perfect tone ever made. Illustrated Catalogue mailed. Sheet music and music merchandise. TO PLANTERS'! HOWJSST Sc MERCER’S SUPER-PHOSPHATE ii:n ton. Warranted equal to any PJiosphate mnnulV fared. Send for Pamphlet of Certificates aid Analysis, by Professors M< and, Pigott, ai 1 So-wart, toBOWEN tV: MEItSEK, <3 f*f C.ay St., Baltimore, Md. OPEN The Sewers. “ Kidneys, Liver and Bowel Is do not act healthfully, tlie wastes from the action of the system remain in the blood, and pro duce irritation and disease. Those organs are the outlets of the system and under the influ ence of Hamilton's Bucliuand Ta ; deli n, are kept in good running order. 1 < II >N 6 DO AGENTS want absolutely the best sell ing books ? Send for circulars of Vent’s Unabridged Iltxs. Family Bible.— Over IKK) pages 10 by 12 in. 200 pages Bi ble Aids, etc. Arabesque $0.35 Gilt edge, l clasp, £S 25 Full Gilt. 2 cl s as, 1100.— “ Bki.dkn : the White Ciuf.i\” For Winter evenings. 30th 1000 ready. The A usRrcAN Farmer's Horse Books The Standard.— bth 1000 r< .i ly, I ] Isootii I reatau nt - &t. C. F. VENT, S. V. and Cincinnati. Vent & Goodrich, Chicago. I is unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poisonous subt-hmees in the Blood and wifi ef fectually dispel all predisposition to bilious de rangements. Is Iheirwnnl ofaelion in your I.lvor iiiul NpleenV n-lievednt once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, Ac., Ac. lists ■ > ou :i DyMpepl 1 e Slonisicti V I nless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness and iuteria. Hast- you lYenkness of llie In. Icsliue-'l ii are i:i danger of Cbron ■ I piarrluva or the dreadful inflammation of tlie Bowels. Have you weakness of llte I - or I rlnnry Organs? You are exposed to sulTering In its most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, du'.l.slu;' gish or depressed :a spirits, w ith* head ache. Lack ache,coated tongue and bad tasting mouth Foracertain remedy for all of these disease-, weaknesses and troubles: for cleansing and pu rifying the vitiated biood and Imparting v'...r to all the vital forces; for building up and :. toring the weakened constitution USE JURUBEBA w hich is pronounced by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris'-fhe most pov - erful tonic and alterative known to the medical world ” This is no new and untried discovery but has been long used by the leading physi cians of other countries with wonderful reme dial resu ts. Do.v't weaken and imi-aiu the digestive or gans by cathartics and physic-, thev uive only temporary relief— Indigestion, fiatulencv and dis|H p-ia with piles and Kindred disease's so sure to follow their use. Keep the blood pure and health is assured JOHN y. kLELOHu., 19 l’lalt bt. New York, Sole Agent for the United btaus. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circular. G 7.1 to B'JSO per moil ill, every where, male and leniulc. t> introduce thu i.ENITNE IMI’OVEL COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 1 his machine will btiteh, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid, and embroider in u moet Hitperlor manner. Price only xn)\ lieenred ami warranted for live yuuro. Vyc* will pay ?1,000 for ary machine that will tew a stronger, more beautiful, or more cluhtie ream than ultra. It make* the 1 “Elastic Lock Stitch.” Every second Dgtitch can he cut, and still the cloth cannot |be pulled apart without tearing it. YVe pay Agents- -Wan ted uts from $73 to #250 per month and ex ■ ■■•, ora commisslpn from which twice that •n.t can be made. Address CO., MuK't.y J'ilUjuryft, ]■ i., Chua>jo % .' p f oi it, 1 1 ■" | Mo, Cheap I'anais! free Home* - ! ON’ Un? line of tin; UNION PACIFIC HAIL- j 1U)AI). 12,000.000 acres -of the beet Funning and Mineral Land*? in Ameri . 2,000,000 Acred in Nebraska, in tlift ! Platte Valley, now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, foriirain growing, and Stock liaising unsur imsscd by any in the United States. ( header in Price, more favorable terms | given, und more ronvuuicut to market t.hun can be found elsewhere Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. Tlic liest locution hr Colonies—Soldiers vn i tilji-d to a Houu sti'iid of Kt> Acres. 8. nd for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with : -irw iirij s, in English, i.ernum, | dl Ii and DariTsb, mull 1 free uyerywhere,. Address, O. E. HA VIS, ! 1...,d Ci.m’r I I*. K.l'o , Omaha, Nu. deOl UAILUOAI) TfJ Si'KM t; ■ ( . f'chcdu-'cN. i iM.Ui \‘'}'•*.> I'M l-f* n t, . i-, |V\T- s.R'* 11A 11 •i.•i. •I > C L w-1 - -Turn- Hi, IB7L | \ ) 11 a i,4 i will i !%2 run*as jol-* ] , liVi # , . . a. M. Amv .1 .'rn:'.., b . . . ! : 1- *. m. \n i. ui u lav ion . . . b.j.* i*. m. An-HJ. at AMmi*y . . -Ji-IO I*. yi. Arrive at l .;rl (*; i . • . . 1:10 R. M. ( jnm tku| with fib* Ail winy Bfhi : I>Hi ■ I I • . ■ , : i '.iii Hi li. h i<; ! t dai. ; . Leave Clayton 7::id a. m. -Leave Kulaula . . . ‘a. M. Leave Fort Laine- . . S;:is a. m. Leave Albany . . . . 10:*15 a. m. Arrive ut Macuu . . . •;~5 and. m. ELFAUI.A NIOnT FUEK.Ii r AND Al ('< M MOBA TION T^AIN. Leave Mucon .... 0,10 p.m. Arrive aUKi.faula . . 10:20 a. m. Arrive at Albany . . 0:15 a, m. Airive at Fort Caines . . 11:52 a. m. -Connect ~t Mnithville with Albany Train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights, and at Cuthbcrt- on I'uesday and Thuasciay.— No train leaves on .Saturday nights.^ Leave Eu faula .... 5:15 p. m. Leave Albany .... ' :40 i*. m. Leave Fort Caines . . . 1:10 r. M. Arrive at Macon . . . 5:20 a. m. COLUMBUS DAY la’s.-ENCKH TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 5:45 a. m. Arrive at Columbus . . . 11:15 a. m. Leave Columbus . . . 4:10 i*. m. Arrive at Macon . . . 0:35 p. M. VIIiGIL POWERS, 60-1 y Engineer anil Superintendent. Change of Schedule. WESTERN 6s ATLANTIC RAILROAD, I Atlanta, Ga., April 17,1872. f On and after Sunday, the 21st Instant Day Passenger Train (outward) leaves Atlanta 8:30 a. m., Connecting at Kingston with THROUGH FAST LINE TO NEW ORLEANS Day Passenger NEW YORK FAST LINE leave Atlanta 4:05 p. m., Connecting ut Dalton with EAST TENNESSEE THROUGH LINE TO NEW YORK TIME 4S HOURS 30 MINUTES! Night Passenger Fast Line to Now York, leaves Atlanta 11:10 p. m., via East Tennessee and Georgia, at Dalton, or NASHVILLE & CHATTAaOOGA AT CHATTANOOGA TIME 54 HOURS. Day Passcnter (inward) through from New York via East Tennessee, Arrives at Atlanta 3:50 p. m. Night Passenger (inward) through from New York via Kftst Tennessee or Louisville, Arrives at Atlanta 1:30 A. M. E. B. WALKER, Master Transporatiotn. Change of Seliedule. un Macon and augusta railroad. FORTY-ON E MILES SAVED IN DISTANCE Office Mai. on and Augusta Railroad, I Macon, May 18, 1872. J ON and after Sunday, May 19, 1872, and un til further notice, the trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCUI'TEII). Leave Augusta. 13.00 A. at. Leave Macon 0 30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 2.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 7.40 i>. m. J'^ f *Passcngers leaving Macon atd.LO a. m make close connection at Cauiak with day pas senger trains on the Georgia Railroad, for At lanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston ; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Georgia Railroad rV'I iekets sold and baggage; cbt> acd to all 'points North, both by rail and by steamships from Charleston. 24 1 v 8. K. JOnNSON Suo’t. Arrival arid t'loslae <>’ Arrive. Close. Jlncon A Augusta It. it. Way and Milledgevlllc *.7:4oi'. m. 7 p.m. Augnsta and Carolinas Tie m. Macon & Brunswick 2:25j'. it. 7a. m. Macon and Atlanta and West ern States (Night Train)..7:3oa. m. 4:3opm tX>a\ Train) fi:10 1'. m. 0:10am Muscogee It. R. Way Colum bus fi r. m. 7 p.m. S. W. R. K. (Day Train) 4:3.*> p. m. 7a. m. Americus and Eufaula (Night 't rain) 7 p. m. C. R. It. Way Sa imiali and Northern i Day Y rain) 4:51 p m. 7A. m. Northern, Suvnmiah and Ea ton (Night Train; 5:15 a. m. 5:20 r m llawkinst iile daily (Sundays excepted 10:30 a. m. 2pm Clinton—Tuesday, 'i nursduy and Satuiday.. ‘ 12 m. 12:30 pm Jctlcrsonville and Twiggs vlllo, Wednesday 7 a. m. IVcdnesday 3:25 p. mesAfi SPRINGS. ELDER HOUSE. EI.DFZE e*e SOI. lro|3t-lclor. r FiIIB well-known house is now open to all a , who wish to visit the far-famed Indian ill.:- Hote'l is nearer the Spring than W.y oUicr. w ith pleasant and shade walks lead ing thereto. RATES OF BOARD. For Day S2OO One Week 10 00 One Month 00 Children and servants half price B -t f ELDER & SON. BYIMGTON’3 hotel, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. IS THE IIRIMIiFAXT HOUSE For the Tiain from Savannah. Augusta and Ma- i eon to Columbus. SUTTER not KK For th - Train fr.*m Eufaula and Albany to Macon. si ppiiß not si: Far the Train from Columbus to Macon, 8a- ; vannah and Augusta. I-arge comfortable Rooms with Fire places and every Convenience. 112-190 MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ulialcaale Grucn ~ Ac, Burdick brothers, Third Bti,, t |, tween Cherry anil Poplar. YU A. lIU l'E, Hill'd Stmt, ie,mu (|„ , T • Street. I A " 1 1 >N & BAT Efl, Fourth strieL 1j to Lawton ik WUllnghauis. t , XT' A. MAGKATH, Holllngsworlli 1i| 0 ,7 • Poplar street, near Fourth. '' Drugsi^G, (AKi. PAYNE, opposite Paluee of Justhc y Mucon, Go. 80-78 ’ l) li. HALL, comer of Cherry and Cotton IV. Avenue. tt Hint, ram kin a LAMAR, .n„. >■; ;;V d M . Cherry-street. . tf I NO. INGALLS, corner Poplar and Founli t' street, Hollingsworth block, liu-tf l’ltn,-}' Grocery. \\; P. CARLOS, No. 80, Mulberry -street V V • opposite the Lanier iioube, tf ’ Sen iug JlarTiiues. I > J. ANDERSON, Howe Sewing iU IV. elrine. Cotton Avenue. i,:;tf ifolel*. J > i.-- 'AN H<. USE—E. K. I'ilh’lYN ,V MjN, Proi'i-irtoi', Pawlenger Depot, n ,’l’u'lsUi i ■ D—T. 11. llAliitiS, Proprietor O 'Opt'itt-ite PiiM-euger Depot. u Himimi and Sign I'ninui K. V\7 YNDIIAM & CO., tinder Si.otrwtHii< V Hotel. -■ . tiirm-i > si g g.t, v, , 1 OHN If. \\ J' EMB, Ottiee, liuhtiin’s tdoci, f) over llfisdal’s. / T B. WOOTEN,, UflUe, 88 Washingtun \ . 1 -lock, up stidi s. i; li. CERUY,- Olliee, Court Hi.tin A O. BACO N, ' Hlice, §0 ( hej ry .■ triu h. ' (Fj iRESHA iSi No m f:.. . JL heity street i. \\J J ■ IT I'Ll; A; GL’bTIN, idlicc'No. ■; i ... V V Vvcuue. I‘ky.icians, T'j'' W. MASON, Office, over First Natiowd _L . Bank. if •iewelei-s and'Watch HakeT^ JII. OTTO, under Spotsvroed Hotel. . House F,e rniliing G oud -■ Stoves, Jke. OLIVER, DOUGLASS A CO., Third Stm i. between Cherry and Mulberry. u fsiioe Deaters. MIN A KIRTLAND, P Cotton Aviaiue, r.i, Third Street. tf Furniture, .Vv. ‘W *E. I’. TAYLOR, corner of Cotton Tl • Avenue andQherry-atrei u Harness, <Le. BERND BROS., Third Street, between Cherry and Mulberry-streets. n ISookseilers, Ntalioucrs, ,Vi. I)ROWN & Cos., 46 Second Street * tf Music, Ac. J. ANDERSON-, Music, Cotton Avenue. ■ • (Btf / ’ UILFORD, WOOD A CO., 84 .Mi:. XT Street. Hardware. / IARHART & CURD, No. 05 and 67 Cluti-v \J Street. 4ytf ' Dr. Crock’s Wine of Tar. 1G TEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved Dr. Crook's WI M E OS’ TAB T<> ll i V e 13! O!' V !ss er i t than :t it y similar preparn lion ever oUi'i'Pil to It is ricii i:i Use inetlicitial itirs of Tar, and unequaled for disras 'Sof tlio Tlirwsit awcl l.iitijfA pu forming tlie most remarkable cures. Coughs, Cojds, l lit onir It efTecluallycures Ilium nil iWthma ISrondiiiii,. lias cured so many cases it bus been pronounced specific for these complaints. For pains in tii oast Side or Rack Gravel or Kidney Disease. Di-eases of (Is,* t'rinary OifjanSi Faiilidice or any Fiver Com plain It has no equal. It is also a superior 'i'otiic. Restores the Appeliie, •titrciigtliens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to’Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents Malarious Fevers, Rives lone *o your System* Tr” Dr. Crook’s Wine of Tar. FITEIFF YOUR BLOOb. For Scrofula, Scrofn- V' Sous Diseases of ill® LP Eyes, or Scrofula in * any form. Any disease or eruption of off* ,!le Skin, disease of the Liver, Übeumatism, Pimples, Old Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down V’N _ Constitutions, Syphilis, or any disease depending on a deprav ed condition of the blood, try DR- CROOK'S STRIP OF %|Poke Root. jljy It Las the medical property njy of Poke combined with a pre paration of Iron which goes at once into the blood, perform ing the most rapid and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook’s Com-, pound Syrup of Poke Hoot —take it and be healed. DOWIE, MOI9E & DAVIS. Charleston. S C., Wholesale Agent.- 31-I.v For Dr. Crook's Remedies. BOARD. IT will be to the interest of boarders to apk l ! to this office, as reasonable board aad P ll , ant np stairs rooms can be obtained for - summer months in a delightful portion Gty. w