Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, March 12, 1873, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE ruaumso ivtHv Bvcarma v LINES. WING & SMITH. 58 and flO Cherry Street. 1U II 11. !'5 3. A negro hi Columbua, named llill Jone* has been eeut to Jail live finis* willdn the last two >9*l'*, for stealing. ——•• A telegram received In Sarauuali Mon day brought the and intelligence of the death by drowning in the Ocmulgee river of Mr. Wnt. lioceman, of i’uloaki county. The unfortunate accident occurred wliilat he was on hi* way in n boat from Haw kinaville to Ids plantation, which I* loca ted about eight tiiilea down the lu England they have workingmen* codec houses, and they have achieved * certain measure of popularity. Ofc ,l,rgc they cannot compete with the iflatifold attraction* of the Innumerable gin Ui ua ®*' but their good influence consists in giving men, who otherwiae would bo led inU‘dis sipated habits by the fascinations of fhete places, a comfortable and cheap p!u<r‘ of resort-. E Iloalou started tho llolly Free ('■fc® House sonic time ago, and it proved Ad®- cidcd success Meals are furnishcH at nearly cost prices, but not a “dlirsp oHH'® cartbur” is sold. We like the idea Bud hope all cities where a grout nuinbel of working men are employed will a lop tlie notice bouse system. j Signboakds—We were always a 4®“' liellever iu aignboorda. We like to! 8et ‘ the shop of a merchant pretty w ell lab<" eil w ith thcae drawers of trade, and the # lore peculiar or odd the sign the moro ntt"* c lion and trade. Macon seems to be b#'°d in this respect. One simple board sei ve ® their wants, whilst in Havuunali and o( llcr large places they cover each store. or oddity of signs perhaps the Chinese l ure ahead of the world. Large and atli-aC- lvc signs are a great feature of the Celesti.’’'®' and tha words upon them arc n stra'^ 1, mixture of flowery literature of the lo im * and the advertising instinct of a cornu er ' rial people. One or two Pekin slgnboa n ' s will illustrate their general char act ?r " Shop of llcavcu sent Luck “ Tea 81 °P of Celestial Principles “The Niue l e ' lloitise Prolonged“ Mutton Simp °f Moruiug Twilight;” "The Ten Virtt 168 all Complete“ Flowers rise to tf lie Milky-way.” Iu these signs we see ttf ,at the Chinaman can combine the soul o| * poet with tlie pocket of u shopman Wo w ish ournolfu first-clues rogue evi r Y time we bear ot some good raise. For " stance, when Colfax Amos ami that mys ,l< ' hiew made such a haul ou C. M. stock IVP almost wished ourslf aJCongreasinan. 1 "* dor no consideration, however, would we stop so low, hut the fact is we're an d without money, so long we would 1)c afraid to trust ourself in any honorn J * e position. Wo now rcud of a female sli °P lifter in Syracuse. New York, who haa oeutly been pardoned out of jail, and st ic ' to have accumulated a fortuue of #SO,O 111 by stealing. It was securely invest ' ll and could not be dlcovered in time of t^ ,c conviction. Don't we wish wo wore iu that female 8 .hoes. Don’t know what number al ,e wears hut we’d like to l>c in them, nswr theless. If she had come out of jail wit > out a cent to her credit in hnnk. a:e couldn't hare fouud a friend England. As it is, she is a beautiful ar.d accomplished lady, remarkably well verstd iu the intricate way* offlnancering! Wou'd we were her. ———♦♦ There is a great deal talking of fomijog anew State, to bo called out of Western North Carolina, Kaaten Tennessee and Southwestern Vlrgiifij •with the capital at Knoxville or Chattu nooga. The territory thus described con sists almost wholly of mountain land, and the now State would be the Switzerland of America. It would also bo immensely rich iu mineral deposits. Another pro ject relates to Georgia aud South Car olina, and is the annexation of Pickens and Oconee counties, South Carolina, to Georgia. It is said that a commission will be appointed by Governor Moses, of the former State, aud Governor Smith, of the latter, to determine, if possible, some basis of anuexatiou. Now there is something wrong about this. Some Oakes Ames' sort of Con gressmen is after a big spec. Now that Credit Mobillcr is dead something must be done to raise the wind. We think thus because neither of these schemes can ever take practical shape. Geographical con sideration has lillle to do with State boun daries. If they had, cither Delaware would have a claim on our Eastern Shore, or it would be to tbe manifest advantage of Maryland to swallow up tbe little State of Delaware totally, and also that tempt ing slice of Virginia soil which lies across the bay, aud so settle the boundry dis pute. Tun Hank of Knoland. —The Bank of England covers five acres of ground, and employs 900 clerks. There are uo windows on the street. Light is admitted through open courts ;* bo mob could take the bank, therefore, without cauuon to batter tbe immense walls. The clock in the centre of the bauk has fifty dials at tached to it Large cisterns are sunk in the court and engines, in perfect order, are always in readiness in case of lire, i This bank was incorporated in i Capital $90,000,000. j Ska Sic*. —The Baltimore A mericAh, in giving a variety of hints to persons about U> go on the briny deep, has this to ssy about that sickness of sli sicknesses, and also a good relief for the same Sea sickness is the most humbling of ail human alflictlons. It takes the starch out of humanity, and brings all down to a common level witli a facility that is truly surprising. We hsve seen ladies come on board ship in perfection of toilet, who would faint if a curl was disarranged. Twenty four hours after they were rolled up in blankets, lying upon the deck, hav ing crawled up from their staterooms only half dressed, without taking time to ar range their hair, and perhaps leaving the best part of it below. All pride of per sonal appearance is gone, aud they have not energy enough left to move out of the way of Ilia sailors who step over them with the log-lln*. Htrong and benrty insu are often similarly afliicttd, and on one occasion we remember to have seen a newly married couple, just starting on their wedding tour, two of the most miserable aud abject creatures in the world sprawled out upon the deck, peifectly in different to each other’s comfort. Tlier# is much truth in the exclamation of lbs old Methodist parson that lie was alraid on the first day he would die, and afraid the second day would uot die. ll is a mistake however, to suppose that no one sympa thises with the sea sick passenger. They receive the kindest attention from the old sen dogs, who are jollies! when the weath er is roughest, and get the blues iu a calm sea. A supply of good lemons should slways be takeu to sea. as there is nothing so re freshing In times of nausea as a lemonade Preserved prunes are also pulatuhle, hut it is a great mistake to suppose that brandy, champague, or any kind of stimulating or inalt liquors will give the slightest relief. Lemonade furnished oil shipboard is very poor stuff 1 , as it is generally made of con centrated lime juice, hence tho necessity of having a supply of your own. A PHYSICAL WONDER. MICK AND ALLIGATORS IN Tlir. STOMACH OK A LADY. From the taxisgton (Ky.) Pres- | A curious case came to our notice yes terday, for which wc have tho most relia able authority, though at first sight it may seem either like n canard or a jest, de signed to impose upon some person of su per-credulity. Our informant, however, tells us the story iu all seriousness, aud as sured us Hint lie was prepared to vouch for its accuracy. We have no hesitation, therefore, iu setting it afloat on tho ocean of newspaper commerce aud exchange, iu order to give the curious and reflective something upon which to exercise their mental faculties, and to furnish the faculty, physiologists and men interested in physi cal science generally, a marvelous subject for investigation. A certain lady residing in Frankfort has been very sick for some time, and so very strange were her spmptoms as to utterly set at naught the skill of the phy sicians. Hhc suffered from general de bility, became fi iglitfuily emaciated, and yet possessed a most verocious appetite, and people began to account for the latter phenomena by the old superstitious meth od of assigning the cause to the possession of an “eating wolf.” The mystery was solved a few days ago, however, when, after u sick spell aud a violent fit of retch ing, she ejected from her stomach n mouse (dead,) aud shortly afterward a living nlli gator, of “small dimensions. Some of the physicians have expressed an opinion that there are more of these auimals remaining iu tiie lady's stomach, and that they arc being constantly generated there. But ns to ltow they had their origin there we have not heard Unit any one has ventured to risk an assertion or explanation. Per haps some girlies who are investigating Huxley's protoplasm aud the Darwinian theory of the origin of animal life may be able to throw some intelligent light ou the matter. We should be glad to receive some correspondence on this subject from any of our able students of nature aud nature's laws. Editorial Musical Proclivities.— Pat Walsh blows the cymbals. Hill Arp haa a contralto voice, ascend ing to C Sharp. Pink-top Harris perforins on the swiii egle. Hridget W. Smith sings well, possessing a Hutto-liasso voice of rare volume. Watson griuds out poetry and music ou a sausage machine. Whidliy is a master in handling the He brew Harp (with 1000 strings). Hircli sings on the bass viol. Speights is attend of Pagauiuni—can't he make atiddle got! Fitch excites UifllcuH airs on the veloci pede Gorman is a soprano uiezzotiuto.—At lanta Sun. Its bad enough to have a•• butTo- basso voice of great volume,” but when it comes to be an Irish servant girl, we object. We are no more of a girl than the Suu man, even if we do part our hair in the middle. Hridget, the thunder I Bi.ce Color ok thk Sky.—M. Col I as, of Paris comments in Let Morula of De cember 12th on M. A. Lnilematide's paper on the blue color of the atmosphere, in which it was attributed to a change of 1 refrangibility due to a partial absorption |of the chemical or ultra violet rays. In 1 1870 M. Collas, in au article in Let Mon ffer,attributed the blue color of the Lake of Geneva and other waters to the quantity ofsilex held iu solution, which is brought : down by Uic tributary streams from the ; strata through which they pass. Numer j ous observations since have induced him to believe that the blue color of nil the 'water of (lie globe is due to the same cause. The air every where always con tains more or less of moisture due to evap ; oration from the water of the earth ; the water thus evaporated always coutaius a ! greater or less quantity of extremely line insoluble particles. Sitex, says M. Collas. is one of the most common insoluble sub stances in nature, aud, through evapora tion, performs the same function in the blue that he believes it does in the blue waters of the earth. He believes his theory is continued by the intense blue of southern skies, where evaporation is so much greater than in the colder north. < Flowers in the Track or War There is something singular and qnlte romantic to those sober folks, the bota uists, in tbs fact that the track of the Prussian armies in France, tlieir camping grounds, the siege lines aud bivouack are marked with flowers, not the familiar flow ers of France, but of tbe Fatherland. Even around Paris is this phenomenon appar ent. Hundreds of flowers, unknown hith erto to the soil, but dear to the German heart, so that the Prussian army, formerly tracked by bloody fields, wrecked ambu lances, and all tbe horror and confusion of war, can now be followed by the strange flower blooming iu the lanes and fields and the borders of tbe vineyards. Journalistic Change. —lion. Alex ander 11. Stephens, on yesterday, sold out the Sun newspaper to a cempany com posed ot Messrs. C. 11. C. Willingham, W. A. Moore, Pascal J. Moran and Samuel Echols. These gentlemen have been con ducting the Sun as editors and managers under Mr. Stephen's ownership, and we may anticipate that there will be no deci ded change in it* policy. We are not advised whether or not Mr. Stephens will retain his connection with the establish ment. At any rate we wish the new Arm a hearty and abiding success. —llerald A project is on foot among numerous New York ladies for forming an insurance cdtfipany having only women for officers, agents and policy holders. Tho wives of euiiuent merchants and financiers, several well-known literary ladies, and some of the foremost names in general society, are already on the list of those deeply inter ested. They have matured their plans with care, and a circular will be issued in viting the co operation of women through out the country, and subscriptions to the capiful stock of a “ mixed” company, but one in which all the profits, beyond legal interest ou the capital, are to be returned to the policy-holders. By employing wo men ns agents and cleiks, and allowing low commissions, uot to exceed five per cent., they expect to make large savings above any company now existing. AUCTION. SPECIAL SALE OF OIL CHROMOS! C COMMENCING on Thursday at 3 o’clock, J V. m., at the Commission House of Messrs. Collins & Heath on Secoad Street. I have received a large collection of fine Oil Chromos, which I will sell as above, without reserve or limit. Chromos now on exhibition are copies of Oil Painting from the Great Art Galleries of Europe. Ladies are respectfully Invited to cull and ex amine the collection. O. E. BESORE, marl‘J.2t Auctioneer. PHOF. GEO. HOBINSON’9 DANCING A CADE MY ! AYKK’S HALL MACON, GA. IT'XERCISEa will commence on Thursday, 1J March 20th, at 8 o’clock p. m., for gentle men, and on (Saturday, March 22d, at 10 o’clock a. m., for ladies and children. Terms—payable when the pupil enters the class: Each pupil per month (12 lessons) #lO Single lesson or private lesson, each 2 HOUSE TO RENT. ONE Six Room House, double kitchen, fine gulden spot, etc , to rent. Apply to marll.St 11. W. STUBBS. ARARE chance. A PARTNER wanted in a Family Grocery Store In Macon. It is an old established concern and the capital required Tor an equal partnership is comparatively small. This is a rare cksnee for young men. For further particulars applv to INDEPENDENT, marS-lw At this Ottlcc. DR. L. L. JOHNSTON. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Si aeon and vicinity. Office No. 10 Hollingsworth Block, second story in the rear. Residence, Second street, Troup Hill, feb 7-tf BERLIN BREWERY BEER IMPORTED direct to Macon. Tho only im portation of Its kind ever received here. For sale bv MRS. MOLLIS DENICKE, Sole Agent, 4tli st., between Courtnrier’sand Lawrence’s, fob'll-1m JAO. B. WEEMS, ATTORNEY \ T LAW, OFFICE ON Sd STREET OVER W. RANOAK/b STORK. L. N. WHITTLE. GKO. W. OUBTIN. WHITTLE A GI’STI.T, ATTORNEYS, Ac.. AT LAW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, OA. a3-107 Millinery anil Fancy (Ms! MRS. A. BULKLEY. Millinery and fancy goods. No. 0 Cotton Avenue, near new Court-house. febSQ-tf COUNTER FOR SAXE. VGOOD, SUBSTANTIAL COUNTER— suitable for a Bar—is ottered for sale. Apply at THIS OFFICE, maro-tf TflK NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. MANIFACTt RE THK CELEBRATED JUBILKE A*l> TEMPLK ORGANS. These Organs are unsurpassed in quality of tone, style and ttnisli. simplicity of construction and durability.' Also, MELODEONS in various styles and uno.;aided iu loue. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Address NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. New Haven Conn. Agents Wanted. janSt-dm EDWARD SPRINZ. XT or ARY PUBLIC and EX OFFICIO JUS ir TICE OF THE PEACE. 1 can be found for the present at all hour* of tbe day at my offi e adjoining the law office of A. Proudtit, over the store of Jaquea A Johnson, Third St, Macon, Go., to attend to all Magisterial busi ness. lis-m Choice Lard F 0 It RETAILING. F OR SALE by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. 300 Bags Coffee Common, .11 iiuni, CUOH'F., For sale by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. Syrup. 10 BARRELS WHITE SUGAR DIUPA I3BBLS. Choice New Orleans Plantation. 50 BHLS. Florida and Georgia Cane. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. Cheese. 100 (iioiii: For side cheap by Seymonr, Tinsley & Cos. mars -tf. STRAYED. ANY one losiug a RED MILCH COW, witli young calf, can recover the same by call ing at this Office, proving property and paying all charges. marß-3t b ATF OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Central Railroad and Banking Cos. of Ga , Macon, Ga., February 80, 1873. rrHIE following unclaimed freight will be JL sold at public outcry, ou Wednesday, March 26, 187 b, unless culled for before day ol sale: A & G—l bag Pepper. Brad field A Co —1 package Merchandise. D M Burgay —0 Fii-h Baskets. S F Gilpin—l box Dry Goods. H L —l half barrel Fish. Diamond H—l barrel Sugar. S M Seisel & Bro—l barrel Flout. J C Kellogg—it boxes Soda, l ditto Cards, 1 ditto Mt rcliandise. J C Kellogg—lo boxes Merchandise. J C K—2 boxes Merchandise Rogers & C —l box Merchandise. No mark—l bundle 0 Ties. Kingman & Ross (Clinton) —1 box Medicine. No mark —1 crate Starch. W A Huff —2 packages Blinds. J S Avcra—l keg Syrup. G Burt—l Pot. S T Horn —1 Board (2 Saws), 2 boxes Axes. E Wiley—3 packages Bedsteads. R W Bonner —1 Bread Bake. P M Harper—l Chair, 1 Stool. “ “ 1 bundle Bedding. J McCullough—l box Merchandise. BAUKON CARTER, feb2Btawlm Agent. Claims Against Bibb Cos. ALL persons holding claims of anv kind against the County of Bibb, are notified to file them (or the amount of their claims and on what account) with A. B. Ross, Clerk, by or before the tirst Tuesday in April next, in order that provision may be made for payment. All that are not tiled within the time above spec ified (unless on good cause being shown for delay) will be postponed iu favor of those tiled agreeably to this notice. By order of the “ County Board of Commis sioners for the County of Bibb .V B. ROSS, marfi 2aw-til apl] Clerk. CROP OF 1872. Clover and Grass Seeds. RED CLOVER^ CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. Just received, HI XT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, N(>-15(i 82 arid 84 Ctwrry Stret\ BY SPECIAL REQUEST! AT the urgent solicitation of many friends we have ordered by telegraph one more ear load of CUBA FRUIT! WHICH, POSITIVELY, IS TIIE LAST OF THE SEASON! CON SISTING OF 24,000 Oranges from Cuba ! 18,000 Oranges from Key West! 50 Bunches Banannas! AND 20,000 Selected Cosoanuts! Call aud examine them, and vou will be sure to buy. GREER, LAKE & CO., feb9o-U* P * t b ° rrr aMd Third St*. THE MACOIV Fire Insurance S Trust Asiiafloi. OFFICE, G 4 MULBERRY STREET. GEO. It. TURPIN, Fi es’t. J. MONROE OGDEN, Sec’y & Treas’r. I> I R E C T OKS: GEORGE B. TURPIN, I ALBERT MIX. J. RANDOLPH WHITEHEAD, | BAMUEL F. DICKINSON BABII. A. WISE, I JOHN C. CURD, ADDISON R. TINSLEY, SAMUEL T. COLEMAN SOLOMON WAXELBAUM. Is now prepared to issue policies of Insurance upon Dwellings, Stores, Cotton, Stock of Mer chnndise, and Household Furniture. feb26-lm Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, ■ DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF MOULDING, || IF HARDWARE, BRACKETS, Etc. Us i, , I CARPENTERS’ TOOLB. XJuAXiUSTEnS, NEWEXj posts, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. I FACTORY-DIXIE W OR KS; Wui’crooins--Blakes’ Block Poplar Street, Mucosa, Ga. dec 11-marl 1 AGENCY Southern Terra Cotta Works! tat in dow Caps, VY brackets, VASES, CHIMNEY TOPS, FLOWER POTS, CORNICES, CENTRE PIECES, etc. VITRIFIED STONE SEWER PIPES, from tlirce to thirty inches in diameter, which we guarantee THE BEST in tke market, jan 15—tf B. 11. WHIG LEY & CO. T. B. VOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ralkton Hall llullding;, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. l'JStf to sl.) X-**'i* I )ay Made by AGENTS selling the American Qniltini Machine! AND OTHER NOVELTIES. Secure territory at once. Address 11. D. BRIER & CO., jun’M tf Atlanta, Gix. TAX NOTICE. PARTIES owning real and persona? gcop erty within the corporate limits are ho tilled to make returns of their taxes tome by tile Ist of March next. Fall not under penalty of double taxatioa. J. A. McMANUS, febl td Clerk C. C. DR WRIGHT. HAS removed to Boardman’s Block, over Pendleton & Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second eta., Macon, Ga. novT-ly. FOR RENT. THREE Rooms in a Brick House on Cotton Avenue, above New street, next to E. M. Brown’s store. t3F"A well of good water on the premises. jaa27-lm VALENTINE KAHN. DR, W. W. FORD, DENTIST, 84 Mulberry Street, Same Rooms with Dr. Emerson. Office hours from B>* a. m. to Ip. m., 2K p. in. to s>£ P- '• feb4 3m **. I.OWEitiTHAL’S BAR & LAGER BEER SALOON, (Masset’s old stand.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. '"pUIS Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, X Liquors and Cigars in the market, aad sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hoar in the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Saiads and anything that may be desired far lunch. nov24-tf Insurance Agency TIIE undersigned have formed a copartner ship for the purpose of transacting an agency LIFE, FIRE and MARINE Insurance Business, under the firm name of JEWETT & ROGERS, and respectfully solicit a share of the business of their trienda. HENRY L. JEWETT, JOS. A. ROGERS. Office 64 Second Street, Macon, Ga, mars-3teod MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS to WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORE* 100.000 LBS, BACON CLEAR R. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES-. 50.000 LBS. FLO UK, all graded, 500 ROLLS 2* BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. _ JOHNSON & SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, and are ottering at very low figures : 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a full stock of all all goods in our line of business, imr