Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, March 14, 1873, Image 2

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MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE l-rBI.I*HSI> ITBBY BTIIINd BV LINES. WING A SMITH. M aed 00 CbTT Sln-fL nr<M.aA. ( niAu<'ii is. 1*73. In 1870 the population of AtifuMn was 15.389. Valdosta now claim* a calf hum with wool like a sheep. They'll get to having them with hair after awhile. Comuiinloocr Swsyz* i* in Columbus taking depositions of thoiie who lost prop erty by Wilson's raid. A. Alpeora Bradley was arrested in Co lumbia, 8. C„ on Tuesday, for cheating and swindling. Mrs. Mary Ingrain, an old resident of Columbus died on Tiierfflay, aged about 70 years. •• ■ w ♦ On Wednesday the Photographic pavil lion of Mr. Ed. Hasult, iu Augusta, caught on fire and was entirely consumed. Loss two hundred and fifty dollars For their hard work and gallantry at a late tire, in Savannah, the Clehuru Hose Company have liecn presented by Grover, Stubbs A Cos., with tbrse hundred dollar* the amount allowed them iu this damage by the Insurance Companies. ——— Tim Savannah advertiser says:—’Her little bed Is empty," sequel to “Pot me in my little bed,"—l* the very latest populaj sentimental song in Kugland. Now can't Harris be prevailed upon to organize a new soug of “Take up thy little bed and walk." In Columbia. S. C., oil Monday night, a large and brilliant meteor fell perpendic ular to the earth. The light waa of a bluish tint, and left a streak of light as it passed through the air. but the ball nr meteor itself inside the flame was of a red dish cast. A novel method of "watering stock,” it now practiced at Washington. When a drover wishes to go to market, he first tricks Ids cattle into swallowing a large amount of salt, which of course Is followed by drinking copious draughts of water thus increasing their weight many pounds. Well, well, well. Who would have thought it? There la actually 17000 in Washington which nobody claim* and no body will take. It it in the hands ofSeu ator Poland, and ia a part of the Credit Mobiller. In regard to that rash, Beast llutter must be like the angel of the apoch lypsa, standing in the sun It ia revealed to him, but he can't aea it (leant has backed out of Ills proposed Southern trip incontinently amUdefluitely. The reason for thia ia very plain. In all the special invitations sent him, there wue not a single guarantee that his cigar, whisky and hotel bills would be paid. Should be ever come however, and is accompanied by Dick Yates wo hope there will not at that lime he any blockade between liere and the still houses. Wonder if the authorship of lleaiiliful snew has ever been settled. Kvreybody claimed it, but.hew could evreybody huve it? Who does this belong to. O the snore, the beautiful snore, tilling her chamber from ceiling to floor ! Over the coverlet, under the sheet, from her dimpled chin to her pretty feel! Now rising aloft, like a bee in June ; now sunk to the wail of a cracked baasoon 1 Now flute-like subsiding, then rising again, is the beautiful snore of Elizabeth Jane. Two Columbus boys went courting iq the country. They hitched their express wagon to the fence and went in the house. Horse wandered off. Landlady sent col ored boy out to bitch the horse, lie went out and saw a cow standing near the fence as it hitched to it. When he wcut back be was askad if be had put the horse up. lie auswered : "l didn't see no 'oes ; dar’s a cow Btaudin’ dar, I 'spose dey rid her.’’ The Joke got out and you cau say any thing but cow to them. The llnal parting oi Colfax with bit Credit Mobilier frieude in Washington was very pathetic. True be was not ou the ramparts looking for a ghost, but in a ho tel with Atnea, Bingham A Cos. around him. After receiving, carefully counting and pocketing a trifling balance of stock still due him, bo held out bis hand and aaid : And now, gentlemen, without more Circumstance at all, 1 bold it (It We shake bands and part. You, Rack of yon, to bis business, for Every man bath business such As It ia; but as for my own Poor part, look you, I’ll go pray. That Ex tea Allowance.— lt seems that all tbo members of Congress from Georgia voted for the bill allowing SSOOO extra pay, except Mr. Mclntyre, all draw ing SIO,OOO instead of half that amount for the work of one sesaion, and except Wliitely, tbo radical member from the Al bany District who by some sort of sbuff fling construction of the act, got $15,000. Gentlemen, this ia not the way to restore the ancient good name of tioorgia. We expected you to act the fair thing whilst in that den of thievea we had the privilege of sending you to. Wehavn’t any partic ular tears to shed its true, but we feel like telling you you have done something you should be ashamed of MTA3ERV AM A LECTHEB. IWoniut.—Hj Lord, I'll tike my leavp of yfO. I/amlet. —Yon could not take anything from me I’d more willingly part wiUi. * We thought Unzetngembe Ujiji Dr. Liv ingstone Stanley bed left this country long ago. We are sorry to see this is a mis take. On the flret page of this paper yes terday, appeared an account of his visit to that important fractional part of the Uni ted Slates known as Chicago—which is the Indian name for "big blow.” He went there to deliver a lecture upon Africa gene rally and Dr. Livingstone particularly. He employed a yankec by the name of Doerland for his doorkeeper, who dis charged his onerous duties in tLc usual style—that he stood at the door and took in ail the cash, and whilst Stanley was boring the audience with his lecturs, Door land was walking out of town with the funds. The next morning Stanley had to foot it around town and pay up his print ing sud wash bills out of the money lie had made before going to Chicago. This left him about flat broke, which will ne cessitate a longer stay with us, and in that way we are close partners in ids misfor tunes. Wc will never forgive you, Door lsod. Stanley was the last job turned out by old Heiinett before lie died. Professionally lie was an impecunious strolling correspon dent of a London uewspa[>er, and in that capacity weut to the coast of Africa. Hen nett there wrote to him and sending a few hundred dollars told him to go sod fiud Dr. Livingstone. lie made a great parade and blow about starting, and sent the Her ald the minutest details of it. Going out in the jungles about a hundred miles, he pitched his tent and remained there until it whs time to return This he did success fully and then came in due course of time about forty columns in the New York Her aid, telling how he f'oun 1 aud interviewed the venerable old traveller,how he looked, how he talked, what he said, what he bad been doing, and what was going to do. To say that the Herald made a ten strike with Stanley would be very mild. Tbs Luge lioax was so successful that it was followed by a book, aud lastly by a course of lectures as above described. Hut we submit that its time for tiiis Stanley to tuks up some honest employment. We have had not only enough but too much of him. He is plsyed out. We want a new humbug. Sitting in the reading room of an Atlan ta hold the other day we found out somo valuable information for travelers. The contents of the library consisted of one standard copy of the City Directory cliain <hl to a desk, and four diflercnt handbills of four railroads. After looking over the Directory and seeing that small pox aud mcnengitis did not live there, we read over the handbills By tint first one wc found eut that it was "one hundred miles shor ter over the Western and Atlantic to New Y'ork than auy other route." That the Georgia road was also one hundred miles shorter tv New York than any other route. That the Macon nud Western was one hundred miles shorter than any other, aud that the Atlanta and West Point was oue hundred miles shorter to New Y’ork than by any other route. They all agreed that it was four huudred miles to New York over each liue, and you see therefore by taking all four routes you would not have to go to New Y'ork at all. When the Air Line road is completed it will be one hundred aud fifty miles sharter to New Y’ork than any other route ; but that is like the Natural Bridge in Virginia when Gsu. Taylor lust saw it, "not quite fin ished.” Wohsk and Worse. —We mentioned yesterday that John Bull was bellowing with rage at the yaukees for cheating him out of fifteen million dollars, (and boasting ot it aftewardstat Ueucva, stealing another million from bis bank nud a considerable sti ip fYom bis possessions in North America Gladstone was bis chief minister or pre mier, whilst these things were going on, aud order to repair damages and get back into favor be introduced a bill to cheat the Irish in some way, by a bill known as the "Irish University Bill." YVe have only "read it by title" aud therefore don’t exact ly know its proviaions. But it is pretty safe to assume that there was some rascali ty about it. The dispatches intimate that Disraeli will form anew cabiuet of liberal material He is a self made man who lias plenty of brains, even ii O'Connor did once tell him "be was a Jew and a lineal descendant of the unrepentcut thief who died on the croes." Situ eloquent efforts are being made by the frienda of the stockholders in Credit Mobilier that they themsrlvee are in great doubt about their guilt. This has its pre cedent, for it it related of old Uoveruor Hammond that he ouce defended a fellow for stealing a horse, and got him acquitted by sheer force of eloquence. After the trial was over aud the prisoner discharged, a chum of his wcut up to him and said : “ Now, Tom. I want to know benor bright if you did steal that horse?” “Well, Bob, for a long time 1 thought 1 stole him, but since I beard the Governor’s speech I don't believe I did.” Mr. Hubert W. Miller, for two years keeper of the city Dispensary of Savannah died in that city on Monday, from a dis ease of the heart lUisiho a Bio Pilz.—Sir Hugh Allen of Canada has gone to London to ask for a loan of $ 150,000,000 to aid him in build ing a railroad from Canada to the Pacific coaat. At this particular juncture thero is not the slightest prospect of his getting it This couutry smeels considerably pole catish over there just now, besides Sir Hugh has gone to the wrong point anyhow. lio ought to liavo scraped up all the spare change the blue nosed Canucks had, brought it to Washington and placed it in the hands of Schuyler Colfax and Hoax Qamet for judicious distribution, not for getting to send a stuffed goose cooked, pos tage prepaired to the White House. That would have secured all he wanted. We would insure it at the rate of 1 1 -2 per cent, with fIC premium for making out the pol icy, and wc are not in the habit of taking extra hazardous risks neither. ■ -w ■ - "Dikt is only something iu the wrong place," said am English philosopher, and In shoveling that dirty hog Holden into the Haieigh Postoffice, where the people will he obliged to see him every day, Grant has been guilty ef a piece of impu dence which about makes our wrath boil over. What an example this sets! Here is a fellow who held theofllce of Governor of North Carolina, who was impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors, turned out, and now taken up by the Piesideutof the United States, and given an important office. It is absolutely shameful. Dis qualified from holding any office of trust under the Constitution of his State, jfirant with brazen nffrontery commissions the condemned criminal with a federal ap pointment. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS KPEt'IAL ATTE3TIO> CITY TAXPAYERS. I AM instructed tiy Council to give notice to all persons subject to tax of any kind, that one-fourth must be paid by April Ist or execu tions for full amount will be issued. No one must ask or expect farther time, my orders be ing positive I must comply. The book for payment of the fourth will be closed at 2 i*. M. March 31st. Tlioae failing to comply must blame no one but themselves. Office hours from SI a. m. to 2 p. m. CHAB. J. WILLIAMSON, mar.l3td Treasurer. I*HOF. (lEW. ROBINSON’S DANCING ACADE MY ! AYKE’S HALL MACON, GA. EXERCISES will commence on Thursday, March 20th, at 8 o’clock P. m., for gentle men, and on Saturday, March 22d, at 10 o'clock A. m., for ladies and children. Terms—payable when the pupil enters the class: Each pupil per month (12 lessons) $lO Single lesson or private lesson, each 2 HOUSE TO RENT. ONE Six Room House, double kitchen, tine garden spot, etc., to rent. Apply to marll.St R. W. STUBBS. A RARE CHANCE. A PARTNER wanted in a Family Grocery Store in Macon. It is an old established concern and the capital required for an equal partnership is comparatively small. '1 his is a rare chance for young men. For further particulars apply to INDEPENDENT, marS-lw At this Office. DR. L. L. JOHNSTON. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vicinity. Office No. 10 Hollingsworth Block, second story in the rear. Residence, Second street, Troup Hill, feb 7-tf BERLIN BREWERY BEER IMPORTED direct to Macon. Ttic only im portation of Its kind ever received here. For sale by MRS. MOLLIE DF.NICKE, Sole Agent, 4lh at, between Courturicr’snnd Lawrence's. JNO. B. WFEiUS. ATTORNEY V T LAW. OFFICE ON tin STREET OVER 1,. IV. KAKHAL’S STORK. 50- V Millinery and Fancy Geofls! MRS. A. BULKLEY. Millinery and fancy goods, no. 0 Cottou Avenue, near new Court-house. febao-tf "counter for sale. A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL COUNTER— suitable for a Bar—ls offered for sale. Apply at THIS OFFICE, maro-tf N O TICE! AS SEVERAL APPLICATIONS have been made for Stock in “ THE MACON FIRE INSURANCE TRUST ASSOCIATION " stace its organization, the Board of Directors have decided to increase the stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, over One Hun dred Thousand Dollars having been already taken. All* irtics desirous of subscribing will please make early application to the under signed. J. MONROE OGDEN, hie NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. MaxrrxcTrxE the cni.EBus.TEO JI IIILEE AND TEMPLE ORGANS. These Organs are unsurpassed in quality of tone, style and finish, ainiplieitv of' construction aud durability. Also, MELODEONS in various styles and uneqaaled in tone. Scud for Illustrated Catalogue. Address NEW HAVEN ORGAN 00. New Haven Conn. Agents Wanted. jsnSl 3m Choice Lard F 0 It RETAILING. For sale ir SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. 300 Bags Coffee 003131 ON, .1111)11.11, CHOICE. For sale by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. Syrup. 10 BARRELS WHITE SUGAR DRIPS. 15 BBLS. Choice New Orleans Plantation. 50 BBLS. Florida and Georgia Cane. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY ,k CO. Cheese. 100 IIOXES t’IIOICE 4K1M31. For sale cheap by Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. mar.j -tf. DR. P. H. WRIGHT Respectfully tender bis professional services to the citizens of Macon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Stora No. 3 brown House Block. Residence at Rev. Samuel Boy kin’s, Georgia avenue. Calls lelt at either place wiil receive prompt attention. ocltitf SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Ckntkal Railroad a m> Banking Cos. of Ga , Macon, Ga., February 2t’>, 1873. r |' , UE following unclaimed freight will he JL sold at public outcry, on Wednesday, March 2t>, 1873, unless called for before day of sale: A A G —l bag Pepper. BrudtieldA Co —1 package Merchandise. D M Burgay —G Fish Baskets. 8 F Gilpin—l box Dry Goods. H L—l half barrel Fish. Diamond ll—l barrel Sugar. S M Seisel <fe Bro—-1 barrel Flour. J C Kellogg—3 boxes Soda, l ditto Cards, 1 ditto Merchandise. J C Kellogg—lo boxes Merchandise. .1 C K—2 boxes Merchandise Rogers & C—l box Merchandise. No mark —1 bundle C Ties. Kingman & Ross (Clinton) —1 box Medicine. No mark—l crate Starch. W A Huff—2 packages Blinds. J 8 Avera —1 keg Syrup. G Burt—l Pot. 8 T Horn —1 Board (2 Saws), 2 boxes Axes. E Wiley—3 packages Bedsteads. K VV Bonner —1 Bread Bake. P M Harper —1 Chair, 1 Stool. “ “ 1 bundle Bedding. J McCullough—l box Merchandise. BARRON CARTER, feb2Btawlm Agent. Claims Against Bibb Cos. ALL person* holding claim* of any kind against the Couuty of Bibb, arc notified to tile them (or the amount of their claims and on what account) witli A. B. Ross, Clerk, by or before the lirst Tuesday in April next, in order that provision may be made for payment. All that are not tiled within the time above spec ilied (unless on good cause being shown for delay) will be postponed iu favor of thos* tiled agreeably to this notice. By order of the “ County Board of Cjmihis sioners for the County of Bibb. A. B. ROSS, marC-2uw-til apl] Clerk. CROP OF 1872. Clover and Crass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVEIi, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., &c. .Inst received, HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 1 4<> 15*1 82 and 84 Cherry Street BY SPECIAL REQUEST! AT the urgent solicitation of many frienda we have ordered by telegraph one more cur load of CUBA FRUIT! WHICH, POSITIVELY, IS THE LAST OF TIIE SEASON! CON SISTING OF 24,000 Oranges from Cuba ! 18,000 Oranges from Key West! 50 Bunches Banannas ! AXD 20,000 Selected Coeoanuts! ty Call an 4 examine them, and von will be sure to buy. CREER, LAKE & CO., . ... ,V* r - Cherry a.d Third hi.. fel9o-tf THEE IVLACONr Fire Insurance 5 Trust Association. OFFICE, G 4 MULBERRY STREET. UEO. H.TIRPIN, I'rtVt. J. MOXItOE OUDEN, Nee’y A Treaa’r DIRECTORS: GEORGE B. TURPIN, I ALBERT MIX .1. RANDOLPH WHITEHEAD, | SAMUEL F DICKIXSom BASIL A. WISE, I JOHN C. CURD ’ ADDISON R. TINSLEY, SAMUEL T. COLEMAN SOLOMON WAXELBAUM. ’ In now prepared to issue policies of Insurance upon Dwellings, Stores, Colton, Stock of Mrr chamllsc, and Household Furniture. fel2B-lm Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, DEALERS IN AM) MAMFACTFRERS OF r - ■ ■> PAINTS, DOOH-S tj| | BRACKETS, Etc. 1 8 ' IJ ""’" CARPENTERS’ XJA.XjUSTEnS, NEWEL posts, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. FACTORY-DIXIE WORKS, Wurerooms>-Bl>ke&’ Block Poplar Street, (Huron, Gas. deel 1-marl 1 AGENCY Southern Terra Cotta forks! WINDOW’ CAPS, BRACKETS, VASES, CHIMNEY TOPS, FLOWER POTS, CORNICES, CENTRE PIECES, etc. VITRIFIED STONE SEWER PIPES, from three to thirty inches in diameter, which we guarantee THE BEST in the market, jau 15—tf B. 11. WKIGLEY & CO. T. 11. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■CnLwton Hall Building-, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. 123tf $3 to Per Day Made by AGENTS selling the American Quilting Machine! AND OTHER NOVELTIES. Secure territory at once. Address 11. D. BRIER A CO., jan24 tf Atlanta, Ga. U N. WHITTLE. GEO. W. GUSTIN. WIIITTI.i: Ac CiUSTlftf, ATTOItIY EYS, Ac.. AT LAW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. 32-107 DR WRIGHT. :p*M*S** HAS removed to Boardman’s Block, over Pendleton & Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second sta., Macon, Ga. nov7-ly. FOR RENT. THREE Rooms in a Brick House on Cotton Avenue, above New street, next to K. M. Brown’s store. 1-3“A well of good water on the premises. Ja ß 27-lm VALENTINE KAHN. DR. W. W. FORD, DENTIST. 84 Mulberry Street, Same Rooms with Dr. Emerson. Office hours from a. m. to 1 p. m., 2>£ p. m. to s>£ P- tn - feb4 3m" 11. LOWEATIIAL'g BAR & LAGER BEER SALOON, (masset’s old stand.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry Bt. THIS Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars in tho market, and sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hoar ia the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may be desired far luch - nov24-tf Insurance Agency THE undersigned have formed a copartner ship for the purpose of transacting an agency LIFE, FIRE and MARINE Insurance Business, under the firm name of JEWETT & ROGERS, and respectfully solicit a share of the business of their triends. HENRY L. JEWETT, JOS. A. ROGERS. Office 64 Second Street, Macon, Ga. maro Stood MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. WE HAVE IN STORE* 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR R. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all grade*. 500 ROLLS 2} BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIES. 10 BALES TWINE. _ JOHM 4 SMITH. JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, and are offering at v<ry low figures: 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAY. 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a full stock ol MI all goods in oHr line of business. n£u