Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, March 15, 1873, Image 2

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MACON DAM ENTERPRISE i-i-ausaao *vv aviHixu av LINES. WING & SMITH. 58 and 80 Cherry Btreet. n A., nAIICII DHIOLtHION. jCI . The Ilrni of Lines, YVirfg & Smith Las tlita day been dissolved by mutual consent. The advertising audsubscription contracts will l>e carried out by the new Proprietors of the paper. The debts and liabilities of the old firm will he assumed by Messrs. Line* & Wing, who will in-the future de vote their attention to their Job Ofllco. — Amounts now doe the paper for subscrip tion will be collected by the uew propri etor*. Debts now due for advertising will tie collected tiv Messrs. Lines & Wing. S. Dk F. Links, O F. Wisu. 11. W. Smith. THE EWTKBPBIMJ Having purchased the Macon I)ailt Lntkki'Hlse from Messrs. Linas Wing <fc •Smith, we purpose after to day's issue as suming entire control of it, and to make an immediate effort to advance it into the front rank of tbc tirat journala of Georgia. To tbia eud it will be changed into a morning paper on neat Tuesday. If our effort* are sustained by % generous public ills our Intention to enlarge, remodel and otherwise improve the paper throughout. Mr. B. W. Smith in taking leave of Lie late partners does so with many feel ings of for the relations always maintained have been of the most pleasant character. Ths debts and liabilities ol llu; lute firm will be assumed by Messrs. Lines & Wing, wbo will In future devote their entire nt teuliou to their Job Office, which as is now well known la one of the best nnd most complete in the State. The existing con tracts for advertisements and subscription will be filled by the new proprietors. It is customary in notices of this kind to indicate the future political course ef the pai*er. We preler not to do so, farther than to say It will be free from all politi cal ties as much as possible, and iudaed to have as little to do with politics as prac ticable. Our idea of modern journalism Is to always make that class of literature give way to news. 11. V. Stevkksoh, IJ. W. Smite. TUBS KBITOR. Soma three months since tho writer hereof assumed editorial control ef The Lutkbimus*, succeeding l)r. llicks. The arrangement being ouly temporary. Us pre ferred the impersonal role, which he him self has maintained, although his name has been kindly mentioned by a number of bis contemporaries. To-dsy, as per an nouncement, a change has taken place in the proprietorship of the ’paper, undor au spices that promise well for its future, and the writer hereof, as “The Editou, re tires from the tripod with tho moet sincere' heartfelt good wishes for tho new proprie tors and editor*, and pleasant remembran ces for all with whom he has been hereto fore associated.! Commending tho paper to the continued and growing favor of its reader*, and the public, wbicb will only be in accordance with its deserving*, he now becomes, as l*eton>, An Kx-Enoit. ———♦ an actress. — Charlotte Cushman bad saved up all the spare change she could, and at one time had a little sur plus pile of $5,000, to Invest in some good place In 1866 ahe played iu Washington, and while there was Induced by several of the brighter lights to take stock in that bubbly atfair, known as the Seneca Sand stone Cos. She did so. She now finds out that ahe is most egregiously swindled. “ When lovely woman stoops to folly Arul finds too late that men betray What charm can aoothe her melancholy,’' save the court*, and hither she went. A suit has now commenced against the offi cers and directors of the aforesaid Compa ny, to recover that previous $5,000. We hope she will wiu. Go it, Charlotte! The New Hampshire Electioh.—The democratic party Las been killed and bur ied lu Naw Hampshire regularly every year since the days of Frank Pierce. But like the Irishman wha was supposed to have been killed in a railroad collision* whose body was duly identified by h ! a Bridget, properly waked and decently buried, all of which was contradicted by Pat coming back in person, it will turn up again. -Amock, arrah,Patrick, jewel, ye know you are dead, for wasn't I at your wake meself," said his wife when Pat appeared in the shanty. And the returns of the recent election up there proves that the democrats are still in the New Hampshire shanty. ■■■■*♦ ■ ■ A Rapid Write*—Six Books is Oke Bat.—We turned out to the astonished gaze of the world yesterday, anew novel writer by the name of Buener. He was born at 4 o’clock sharp, became a "perfect master of the English language, and pure, and really great author of fiction," left six books unpublished behind him and died by early bed time. Judging from the name. Buener must hare been a French man, but we really suspect from the ebitu ary notice that his real name used to be Bulwer. THE SAVANNAH HOBHBMf. We grieve to state that the officers of the bank in Savannah which was robbed a few weeks sgo arc still without the post office address of their absconding clerk aud defaulter, Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones was a very pioua young man from New Eng land, §o pioua indeed that the bank em ployed him without other bond than an apparent full (tuck of that important in gredient. lie was loud in prayers, an at tentive reader of religious literature, and it is said gave it out that he had serious Intentions of studying for the ministry.— He left on the 21th of February w ith over s3rt,<>oo of the hank's money, and is no doubt by this time among the heathens of Asia or Africa, dissributing Boston tracts aud engaged In other good works, all look ing to the immediate overthrow of the es tablished systems of the country aud the sutxlitutiou of New England ideas instead. Since writing the above paragraph we find the following further development re corded iuthe Savannah Republican : “We learned yesterday from a private source in the city, that information had been re ceived at the Southern Batik headquarters in this city that an Atlanta bank had cashed & fraudulent check of the bank here for forty five thousand dollars on the Park Bank of New York, and had subse quently received the goodly amount on demand over the counter of the Now York house. It is understood that this is yet another testimonial left his employers by the brilliant and pious Allen- <. Jones of of his genius, gratitude and kindly remem brance.” Tub State ok alleghant.—Mention has been mads by many papers in Geor gia of a project to carve anew State out of the Westorn Carolina*, East Tennessee and North Georgia with headquarters at Knoxville. The Anderson Intelligencer declares the story sensational "It lisa evidently arisen from the fact that the Legislature of South Carolina, on the Bth day of January. 1872. authorized the appointment of three commissioners to meet a similar commission on the part of Georgia, for there adjustment of the boun dary line between the two States, because under tiie treaty of 1787, ‘the citizens of South Carolina have no rights of fishing in the Savannah Biver. or using or draw ing off the waters of said river fur the pur pose of navigation or Manufacturing.' The Commissioners are empowered to arrange aud finally to determine the line between said States, and their action is to lie binding upon South Carolina. This is the giat and purport ef the joint resolu tion, which scetus to have uwakened such general interest among the newspapers at this late day, and which has never been carried out, as the Commissioners from this State are not to be appointed until the Governor of Georgia indicates its willingness fur a re adjustment.” We have not a foot of North Georgia to spare for this or any other purpose. We want its citizens, its timber its coal, its minerals. A proposition of that kind would be voted down ntmine ctntradi ctnte. That would kill it, for the Consti tution declares that no State ef this Union shall bo divided without Its free will and consent. -• Thk professional card of Mr. Charles de Beruff, the well kuown artist and geni al gentleman, appears in the local colums of the Entkrtrisb this evening. He has removed his studio to the suit of rooms in Mulbery'etroet,opposite the Lanier House, where he will continue to devote himself to his profession. Mr. do Beruff is too well known, by his long residence in Macon, and hi* character aa an artist, to require any commendation. Although beginning to exhibit the frosts that precede the win ter of life, his hand is yet guided by an eye uudimmed, and a taste of inspection. Death of llisnor Mcllvaih. —The death of this great light in the Methodist Church, which took place at Horcna, Italy, yesterday, though not unexpected, will be received with regret by the world at large, aud by the membership of his church more especially. lie full not in the battle's shock, but like a great tree in the stillness of the forest. Mix an Juries. —When Judge Erskiue •pened the Federal court at Atlanta on Thursday, there werefive or six negroes in the Jury box. To this Gen.Gartrcll and Ben Hill objected, each making two or three hours’ speeches upou tho point raised. A. T. Akerman took the other side. The Judge will decide tho matter on Monday. -- —*■ A little baby was left with a Columbus lady by * strange woman a day or two ago. The mother evidently forgot it, as ahe hasn't called since. A gentleman in Greensboro lias success fully raised Cranberries on his farm near that place. A little negro child was burned to death in Savannah on Thursday. A Hawkiusville planter is advertising for white farm hands. Nashville is threatened witli anew pa per by Sam Bard. - ♦ Advertising.—'To advertise is to re miud your.fellowlcitircna of your existence fact they are not under any special obliga-1 lion to remember, from the mere fact of having eeen your signboard. Unenterpris ing and dull people are apt to fall into ob ecurity. If a man can make business he can unmake It. He will be pretty sura to do it, if he fails to use the strongest aid in bis reach—the local paper. Hide your self in your shop, and your business will hide with yon. Tint Merriwbather Springs.— We are glad to know that there is a pesibiiilY of this excellent watering place going into the hands of a company who purpose, if the purchase is consummated, expending a largo amount of money in its improve ment. The owner Mr. Mustain, only asks fifteen thousand dollars, but the proposition had not been accepted the last we heard from it. This has always been a favorite with those Macouians who could afford te spend a week or so In the cool mubrageous iliadcs of the country with nothing to do but read newspapers and drink cocklials. SEW AIiVHHTISH.iI KYI’S READ THIS. IJI.EA9ANT ROOMS and good board to be bad on reasonable terms t tbe Planters’ Hotel, Cherry Street, opposite Huff's new building _ marls-4t MRS. B. F. DENSE. HIBERNIAN SOCIETY AMHIAL CELEBRATION! At Ralston Hall, MONDAY, MARCH 17th, II 1 ; A. M. Order ®l' Eicrclses. Ist. St. Patrick’s Day, by the String Bml. 2d. Wearing of the Green, sung by youug La dies. Bd, The Harp that enec through Tara’s Ilall, Soprano Solo. Oration by Col . D. Irvin. sth. Erin go Bragh, bv the String Bend. oth. "Come hack to Erin,” Clarabel. Soprano Solo. 71h Home, Sweet Home, bv the String Band. The Ladies and Gentleman of Maeon are res peetfnliv invited to attend the Exercises. Ad mission free. Seats reserved for the indies. By order of the KXEC'UTIVE COMMITTEE. nnirls-lt N PEC IA Is ATTENTION CITY TAX [PAYERS. I AM instructed by Council to give notice to all persons subject to tax of any klud, that one-fourth must be paid by April Ist or execu tions for full amount will be issued. No one must ask or expect farther time, my orders be ing positive I must comply. The book for Siyment of the fourth will be closed at 2 r. m. arch illst. Those failing to comply must blame no one but themselves. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. CHAB. J. WILLIAMSON, mar.lStd Treasurer. PROF, GEO. ROBINSON'S DANCING ACADEMY! AYRE S IIALi MACON, GA. EXERCISES will commence on Thursday, March 20th, at 8 o’clock r. m., for gentle men, and on Saturday, March 22d, at 10o'clock A. M., for ladies and children. Terms—puyablu when the pupil enters the class: Each pupil per month (13 lessons) $lO Single lesson or private lesson, each 2 HOUSE TO RENT. ONE Six Room House, double kitchen, fine garden ispot, etc., to reut. Apply to msrll.St R. W. STUBBS. A RARE CHANCE. A PARTNER wanted in a Family Grocery- Store in Macon. It is an old established concern and the capital required for an equal partnership is comparatively small. This is a rare chance for young men. For further particulars apply to INDEPENDENT, inarS-lw ’ At this Office. DR. L L. JOHNSTON.” OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vicinity. Office No. 10 Hollingsworth Block, secoud story in the rear. Residence, Second street, Troup Hill, feb 7-tf ItEKLIN BREWERY BEER IMPORTED direct to Macon. The only ira iwirtation of its kind ever received here. For sale bv MRS. MOLLIE DENICKE, Sole Agent, 4th st., between Courtnrier’sand Lawrence's. fcb2llm JNO. B. WEEMS, ATTORNEY VT LAW. OFFICE ON 3d STREET OYER E. IV. RASPAL'B STOKE. KM 7 Millinery and Fancy (Ms! MRS. A BULKLEY. Millinery and fancy goods. No. B Cotton Avenue, near new Court-house. feb3o tr COUNTER FOR SAXE. A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL COUNTER— suitable for a Bar—is oflered for sale. Apply at THIS OFFICE, maro-tf NOTICE! AS SEVERAL APPLICATIONS have been made for Stock in " THE MACON FIRE INSURANCE am* TRUST ASSOCIATION’’ aiace its organization, the Board of Directors have decided to increase the stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, over One Hun dred Thousand Dollars having been already taken. All > otic* desirous of subscribing will please make early application to the under signed. J. MONROE OGDEN, febH-tf Secretary and Treasurer. THE NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. MANUFACTURE THE CKJ.BBKATED JCNI.EE and temple ORGANS. These Organs are unsurpassed in quality of tone, style and finish, simplicity of construction and durability.' Also, MELODEONS in various stvles and aneqaaled In tone. Send tor Illustrated Catalogue. Address NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. New Haven Conn. Agent# Wanted janSt-Sm Choice Lard FOR RETAILING. For sale by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. 300 Bags Coffee O, meiikh, CHOICE. For sale by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. Syrup. 10 BARRELS WHITE SUGAR DRIPS. 13 BBLS. Choiee New Orleans Plantation. 30 BBLS. Florida and Georgia Cane. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. Cheese. 100 IIOiEk CHOICE CREAM. For sale cheap by Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. marS -tf. DR. P. H. WRIGHT Respectfully - tender hi* professional service# to the citizens of Macon and vi cinity, Office at Drug Store No. 3 Brown House Block. Residence at Kav. Samuel Boy kin's, Georgia avenue. Calls left at either place will receive prompt attention, weltitf SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Central Railroads sn Banking Cos. of Ga , Macon, Ga., February 2b, 1873. THE following unclaimed freight will itc sold at public outcry, on Wednesday, Marcli 2b, 187 b, unless called for In-fore day of sale: A A G —l bag Pepper. Bradtield <fc Go—l package Merchandise. D M Burgay—b Fish Basket*. 8 F Gilpin—l box Dry Goods. 11 L—l half barrel Fish. Diamond II —1 barrel Sugar. 8 M Seise! A Bro —1 barrel Flom. J C Kellogg—S boxes Soda, 1 ditto ( aids, 1 ditto Merchandise. J C Kellogg—lo boxes Merchandise. J C K —2 boxes Merchandise Rogers <& C —l box Merchandise. No mark —1 bundle C Ties. Kingman & Ross (Clinton; —1 box Medicine. No mark—l crate Starch. W A Huff—2 packages Blind*. J 8 Avera— 1 keg Syrup. G Burt—l Pot. 8 T Horn — 1 Board (2 Saws), 2 boxes Axes. E Wiley—3 packages Bedsteads. R W Bonner —1 Bread Bake. P M Harper—l Chair, 1 Stool. “ “ 1 bundle Bedding. J McCullough—l box Merchandise. BARRON CARTER, feb2B tawlm Agent. Claims Against Bibb Cos. ALL persons holding claims of any kind against the County of Bibb, are notified to file them (or the amount of their claims and on what account) with A. B. Ross, Clerk, by or before the first Tuesday in April next, in order that provision may be made for payment. All that are not filed within the time above spec ified (unless on good cause being shown for delay) will be postponed in favor of those filed agreeably to this notice. By order of the “ County Board of Commis sioners for the County of Bibb. A. B. ROSS, marti 2aw til apl] Clerk. CROP OF 1871 Clover and Grass Seeds. RED CLOVER, CRIMSON CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS BLUE GRASS, HERDS GRASS, LUCERNE SEED, &c., Ac. .fust received, HI NT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists, 14b- 100 82 ami 84 Clurry Btren BY SPECIAL REQUEST! AT the urgent solicitation of many friends we have ordered bv telegraph one more car load of CUBA FRUIT! WHICH, POSITIVELY, IS THE LAST OF THE SEASON! CON SISTING OF 24,000 Oranges from Cuba! 18,000 Oranges from Key West! 50 Bunches Banannas! A3D 20,000 Selected Coeo&nuts! IST’CaH aiU examine them, and vou will be sure to buy. CREER, LAKE A CO., THE MACON Fire iDSoriee 5 Tut Association. OFFICE, 04 MULBERRY STREET. GEO. 11. TUR PIN, Prps’t. J. MONROE OGDEN, See’y & Treas’r. DIRECTORS: * GEORGE B. TURPIN, ALBERT MIX J. RANDOLPH WHITEHEAD, BAMUEL F. DICKINSON BASIL A. WISE, JOHN C. CURD ’ ADDISON R. TINSLEY, SAMUEL TANARUS, COLEMAN SOLOMON WAXELBAUM. ’ I uow prepared to issue policies of Insurance upon Dwellings, Stores, Cotton, Stock of Mer chandise, and Household Furniture. fet)2i-lin Guernsey, Bartram & Hendrix, DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF * i >oou*, PAINTB, / jirniii "putty T„,JWWIBSMMi> | | i 11 M—U BUILDERS, BRACKETS, Err. r)] Kr U CARPENTERS’ Vjv —TOOLS. XIiVIaUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. FACTORY-DIXIE WOK KN, Ware room*--Blakcs’ Block Poplar Street, 9lacon,G, decll-marll AGENCY Southern Terra Cotta Works! WINDOW CAPS, BRACKETS, VASES, CHIMNEY TOPS, FLOWER POTS, CORNICES, CENTRE PIECES, etc. VITRIFIED STONE SEWER PIPES, from three to thirty inches in diameter, which we guarantee THE BEST in the market, jan 15—tf B. 11. WRIGLEY & CO. T. It. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ralston Hall Itiilldin”, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. 123tf ___ #5 to #ls Per Day Made by AGENTS selling the Aierican Qoiltini Machine! AND OTHER NOVELTIES. Secure territory at once. Address 11. D. BRIER & CO., jan24 tf Atlanta, Ga. L. N. WHITTLE. GKO. W. GCSTTN. WHITTLE A GCSTIN, ATTORNEYS. Ac.. AT LAW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. ! TA-IOT DR WRIGHT. OEMTIST> HAS removed to Boardman’g Block, over Pendleton & Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second sta., Macon, Ga. nov7-ly. FOR RENT. i THREE Rooms in a Brick House on Cotton Avenue, above New street, next to E. M. Brown’s store. A well of good water on the premise*. jan27-lm VALENTINE KAHN. DR. w. w. ford; DEA’TIST, 84 Mulberry Street, Same Room ll with Dr. Emerson. Office hours from B}j a. m. to 1 p. m., p. m, to 5V P- feb4 3m B. LOWEXTHAL’S BAR & LAGER BEER SALOON, iMASSKT'S old stajjd.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. THIS Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the market, aad sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hour ia the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may be desired far luucfa - nov24-tf Insurance Agency TIIE undersigned have formed a copartner ship for the purpose of transacting an agency LIFE. FIRE and MARINE Insurance Business, undtr the firm name of JEWETT & ROGERS, and respectfully solicit s share of the business of their friends. HENRY L. JEWETT, JOS. A. ROGIStS. Office ®* Second Street, Macon, Ga. raarS-Steod MERCHANTS i .4 Nil PLANTERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VANTAGE TO CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING THEIR BILLS. 0 WE HAVE IN STORE, 100.000 LBS. BACON CLEAR R. SIDES. 25.000 LBS. BACON SHOUL DERS. 10.000 LBS. BELLIES. 50.000L85. FLOUR, all grades, 500 ROLLS 2* BAGGING. 10.000 LBS. ARROW TIE. 10 BALES TWINE. JOHNSON & SMITE JOHNSON & SMITH, Have, and are offering at very low figures: 100 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 100 BBLS. WHISKIES. 150 BBLS. SUGAR. 50 BBLS. MOLASSES. 100 BALES HAT, 1.000 BUSHELS CORN, Together with a full stock ol all all goods in our line of business, naw