Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, April 01, 1873, Image 2

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wA.vrat, [Advertisement* of At*! lin under tbi* bead will b* Inserted 3 limes hit $1 <o in advance , O \FK WASTKI) Any one having a aecau'l 17 hwnU Safe aid wishing to rent lll'' Mn, would do well )4 address MAIU'US, Bo* K, Macon, O. WANTED —A good cook wlthoutexlra In cumbrancc. To ntlend to the cooking ■ml general houMWork of n small family. Maid uome well recoin mended. Apply t l inn Orrici. (tATITAL WANTED—In u well established j huelnoM. A capital vl required. - tddrens, with ri*l mune, •* Livinostonk, Enterprise Ofilce. KWSBOTd-Tw sell the Dsii.t Entxh pais*. rjITI ATION AS TBA< HER—By a yonag O lady well qualified to teach tho radlliienU of an English education, aamallaohool of acven or eight pupil*. '1 If applicant belong* to one of the ln*i luiuilh’k of Macon, and would have no objection gniitg to the country and taklug chare*' of a family of children in that capacity Adrift-** Uick Box K, with real name ami )Ml*l OfllciX MiM DAILY ENTERPRISE ritauauKii r.rvar ■*!>* a> STEVJENSON & SMITH. Kilt TORS AMI P HOPHIKTI >KB. MAt < IN. t; A . A I'UIL 1. IrtTil. I rnaia oC Auliat rlplleu t One Year * " Six Month* J .... Three Month* * 00 IntiitruMy in adt<mut. To city aubteribera by t>u month, Seven!j-flvß cente, eereed by carrier*. Are we never to get rid of John C. Fre mont? Phoeboe! whet a bore! A Yan kee with a French name, a bero of ninißnce who married eld Tom Benton's daughter a pathfinder, who never found anything, n millionaire without a dollar, a Htaiosumn without braius, a general who never tmw a battle, a eaudidule for Prcei dent without being elected, he now turns ujf convicted to a French Penitentiary for five years without being found to serve out his time for which he was Justly con victed 1 He is the great grand daddy of all the dead beats We hope the report that he Is in Mew York wining and dining is not fme. or else that there is an extradi tion treaty butweeu Fruuce uud the Uni ted States concerning his particular case. 'Tla a chamber very small, At the far end of the hall, Looking eastward through a tail Group of a*he*. Where Diana Bleep* and dream*, And the mellowest of gleum* Of tho earliest morning beams Kits her lashes. ••Group of asliea" rliyuiiug with "lashes'’ is not only average poetry but good sense. A " group of ashes" in one Bight means (lie emptying of pans from a grate by a lazy’chambermaid into the back yard, in stead of throwing over tho fenco into the sewer. Tho wages of that cook or cham bermaid should bo dockod. Hut ourpeot la aupther column saw another chamber. "Ltyideu saw another sight, when drums beat at the dead oi night " And we carefully turn the render over to that •* sight," illuminated as if by tho Hashes of "red artillery." After #ll we #re in doubt—the country is iu doubt—the Presidwit Uiu doubt— the Senate 1* lu doubt—Scruggs himself 1h In doubt—Bogota Is in doubt—whether it iK to be inflicted with the majeaty iu ministerial robes of our friend Scruggs. The news is, here it is, there it is, here is a white ball and there is a red : " Ukn- TI.RMKN, EITOEB WHICH BOX IS THE LIT- Tut jokemJ” Being a calporteur with no other capital stock than tracts, we do net fee 1 specially called upon to answer. And Deacon Boud is in the same pro dicaiueut. Oraut yesterday telegrapher! to Jell Long to seud up more certificates and documents—that the thing had not come to a head yet. Jeff and tire Deacon must be careful about tire reading of that dispatch or else the little joker will not be found under thuir box. They must read between the lines and understand that “ more certificates" means prepay all packages directed to the White House sent by Express —•• documents," —well, that is a corailary, naturally following the demonstration of certificates. CHATTER 111. We went over to young Harman s law office last Friday aud borrowed his copy of (sbakespeare until Saturday, iu order to have a quotation from Cardinal Wolsey on the fail of greatness ready at hand so soon us wc heard of the change. But as the change has not yet been officially an uounced, we haven’t returned the book. But this tt the quotation we iuteuded to give la case he did have to give way to Belcher: So farewell to the little good you bear me. Farewell, s long farewell to all my greatness ! This Is the state of man: to day he puts forth The leader leaves of hope; to morrow blue And bear* hit blushing honors thick upon him; The third day cornea a front, a killing frost; And—when he thinks, good easy man. full surely Ills greatness la a ripening—nips hla root. And then he fella, as I do. 1 have ventured, LAW little wanton boys that swim on bladders, This manv WMWI In theses of glory; But far beyond my depth: my nleh blown pride At length brokeunder me; and now has left me Weary and old with aorviea, u> tho mercy Of a rudo stream, that must forever hide me. Vais pooip and gioiy of this world, 1 hate ye; I feel my heart new open'd. O, how wretched la that poor mas that hangs os princes’ favors’ There la betwixt that smile we would aspire to Hart tweet sat wot of priori*, and their ruin. More pangs aud fear* than wars or womru have; And when he fells he fells like Lucifer, fierot to hope again. The Farmers’ War on the Railroads. Hr. Louis March 27.—'The Democrat's Peorin, I'll . special says the fanners of that section are organising for a war on Him railroads A meeting was held there hi day. at which resolutions were adopted declining that they intended to prosecute the war on the railroad corporations until the farmer's tights were recognized and respected A permanent organization was effected, and n feeling of earnest determi nation was manifested. Thus reads a dispatch to the Western Press. To one iniated into every intri cacy of commerce it will excite no sur prise. To those among us who are paying one/ dollar per bushel for corn and ten cents per pound for bacon there may be a mystery which needs explanation. The writer, a native of the South, but often visiting and sojourning among tho far mers of the North-West, would say that lie never saw a pooler class of laborers thau they for the opportunities they natu rally possess. They have a soil which almost invariably produces forty or tifly bushels of corn per acre, with wheat, oats, barley, bay and so on, in proportion. Any calculation made upon the reward of the producer, tmsed upon the price paid for these in Macon is ss Inlse as a politicians, vendica tiou of himself Take a bushel of corn for iustance ami tiaee it back. We find that Win Ward of Noble county, Illinois, raised it lie sold it to a speculator for 15 cents in the field. The speculator paid 2 cents for gathering, 2 for shelling, 8 for sacks to put it iu, 1 cent for hauling to depot, and ten cents to his railroad for carrying it to his Louisville commission house. The drayage and commissions, storage, tux, rutage, lossage, wharfage and elevalorsge runs the price up to at least five cents per bushel more. The price of the corn now stands 4d cents per bushel. A merchant, in Mucon telegraphs for it. It arrives with railroad charges from Louis ville to Macon amounting to 44 cents per bushel, making the net cost 87 cents. The Mucon merchant Is therefore obliged to sell it for ‘JS cents to $1 in order to make bis expenses and u living. Bacon, bay and all other species of Western produce merchandise can thus easily be traced back to these farmers of I’eoria, Illinois, with a like result. In passing among them we have always found them poor in purse, seedy in cloth ing, that dependant look on tho counte nance ulwsys portrayed in a man who has no money. Tho little, fussy, consequential conductor of the lightning express train, with its well dressed people on board, springs from the platform of the stations of the fanners, gives them a look of con temp, and if one should get upon his train ho is treated with a cavalicrisli air truly refreshing, when the thought comes up that he is only the stream of the source. An essay could well be written here with plenty of Bpice and moralistic deduc tions. But the plain truth is the prosper ity of the Northwest is superficial. It be longs to railroads and railroad combiua natious. They allow the farmers to make just enough to keep soul aud body together, following exactly the same plan aud the same theory of the Southern master of Africans before the war, according to what these virulent abolitionists used to say about us. It would lie a good joke for the South to start s society for their emancipation. (Jeoriria State News. The meuingitls Is raging in Cedar Town. A negro woman is now lu jail in Cedar Town for burning her infant to death. A countryman deposited last week one thousand and five hundred dollars in gold aud silver in the savings department of the Eagle and Phoenix Manufacturing Com pany of Columbus. On Monday night last the storehouse of Messrs. Simpson & Arrington, at Rock mart, was broken open and goods to the amount of three hundred dollars stolen; consisting of meat, lard, cheese, oysters aud dry goods. No clue to the robbers. A uegro named Bill Thomas bit off tho lip of another uauied Bill Holt, in Colum bus Thursday. Both arrested. On Wednesday a colored woman was found dead in the woods iu Russell county Alabama. Foul play is thought. Two small negio boys, of Columbus, Beu Olivei and Stony Barringer, engaged in a lively fight Friday, aud grown brother banded Stor.ey au open pocket knife, and with if be subbed Ilea severely in the neck, making a broad deep gash. Had the cut been a little lower, the wound would have been mortal. When a baby is bwru in Early coudV all the women in the neighborhood S° to worry the feeble mother by co*£ r*,u ing her with, "Oh, isn’t it a ft* e child, aud just like its father !" On Sunday evening M Charles San ford aud Col. H. D. Ca~‘rs. were thrown from a buggy in Co'ington, iu conse quence of' their h"*c taking fright at a hogshead in the ’tK*et. 001. Capers was seriously hurt *nd for some miuutes ap peared to been killed, but we are glad to lea-n that be is recovering, and though be was severely bruised, he bad no hours broken. Mr Bauford escaped with some pretty severe bruise*. The buggy was totally wretted. A young lady was Cued $ 15 and costs in Augusta for plucking a few flowers from the cemetery. A tiger has bees found in Cblumbia county. A force will soon be organized to capture him. Hon. Horatio Seymour, of N. li, was iu Savannah Sunday NEWADVERTISEMENTS Cbatrii. Rxikoad and Bamkiko 00. or (4A., Macon, On., March 31, 1873. Notice to Consignees. /“lONSIGNEES era requested to haul their V 7 goods from ttie Depot promptly. Our Warehouse* ere so crowded with “ accumula ted freight” thet It wilt he necessary to store a large quantity in the Warehouse at East Macon on after to-day unless you relieve us. W. F. SHELLMAN, spll-lw Acting AgentC. K. R. FOR SALE OR RENTT~ A FOUR ROOM FRAME BOUSE, TWO acre lot, good water and all necessary ap purtenauees. Terms reasonable. Apply to WM McOEE, niariso-lm No. 9, Cottoa Avenue. THE FIRE IS QUENCHED BUT our spirit cannot be, therefore we have made another rtart on Third Street, be tween Cherry and Mulberry, opposite Central Bank, where, with a full stock of line Grocer ies, Wines, Liquors, etc., we will be pleased to have our old and new friends call on us. iiiW-‘.tt JAMES HARVEY. ESTITWATINO AND BUILDING I AM now prepared to make estimates and contract for the erection of any kind and style of building needed, and would solicit a share of the patronage of tho public. I will undertake the building complete when de sired—bricklaying, carpentering, plastering and painting. J. C. KEEL. maO-lrn GEORGE T. ROGERS’ SONS, WHOLESALE GROCERS. ; flour a specialty,] CHERRY STREET, MACON. ------ C4A. FOR RENT. ONE LAKGE HOUSE or two TENEMENT HOUSES Apply to OLIVER, DOUGLAS & CO. mar 27 SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! Fourth Street, near Arch. rpiIROUGH the generous patronage of the JL public the proprietor is increasing his fa cilities for accommodating the citiiens of his portion of the city, and is gratified at the re sponses they have'gi ven to his constant efforts to build up a business so necessary to the com munity, and also, that just dealings, close at tention and PURE DRUGS, have gradually won the confidence of the'peo ple, notwithstanding the sneers of many, and the interested efforts of others. We havo on hand Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Lamps aud Fixtures, Garden Seeds. Etc., Etc., Etc., which are as cheap, and good as can be bought elsewhere. To tho afflicted wc "fould say, we will com pound your proscriptions with great care at a*y hour, day or night S. D. EYEItETT, mai-y-fim CHICKERINC PIANOS. SOS, #475, SSOO, $525, Etc. THE only first-class piano in the market— -Bold on reasonable terms. Also, PIANOS at $365, $290, 300, *350, etc. Largest catalogue of sheet music in the South. Send for price lists, catalogues and specimen copy of GEORGIA MUSICAL ECLECTIC, only fI.OO per annum. GUILFORD, WOOD A CO. marlO-eodlm dice Leaf Li A Very Choice Lot, JUST RECEIVED, IN PACKAGES TO SUIT THE RE TAIL TRADE. For sale hv B. H. WRIGLET <fc CO., Commission Merchants. marl S Macon, Ua. , To the Public riMiE undersigned having purchased 1 the interest of Mil. B. W. Smith in the EnTKKPKisK .Ton Office are now, as heretofore, prepared to do ri'irE; JOE PE ISTING ! In all its Branches. Our office is well stocked with superior Taper, Cards, Envelopes, etc.,and with the latest styles of type, and we (latter ourselves that we cun compete with any office in the South iu Quality ana Price DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, LINES & WING. 58 and 60 Cherry Street. Don’t M TMs! WE are now in receipt of a fresh and invi ting stock of CHOICE Fail Groceries Consisting in part of the following: Fresh Fulton Market Beef, Ferris’ N. Y. Hams (unexcelled) Choice Beef Tongues, Ilecker’s Self-raising Flour, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Crackers, Etc., Etc., Etc. PARCHED Rio and J ava COFFEES, GROUND FREE OF CHARGE. Oolong and Im perial Teas, AT 70 AND SO CTS. PER I.IS. GERMAN GROCERIES A SPECIALTY; Segars! Segars! “ PUTZEL’S DEEICIIT ” AND “PUTZEL & JACOBS’ FA VORITES ” Are the most popular Segars in town. Try then* aii*l 'you’ll smoke no others. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER. GIVE US A CALL. PUTZEL & JACOBS, Second St., Damonr's Block. maria SUGAR CREEK PAPER MILL! MANUFACTURE BOOK AIVD NEWS FAfER See the Enterprise for specimen of paper Highest cash price palp for OLD NEWS, un sized BOOK PAPER, and pure WHITE PA PER SHAVINGS. WM. McNAUGHT A CO., mtr ßl Atlanta. Ga. Flour! Flour ! ! 0 CARS family flour, in SO and iIS lb. Sacks. SEYMOUR, TINSLjJY A CO. Potatoes ! 50 barrels POTATOES, WILL BE SOLD LOW TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENT. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. BROOMS, BUCKETS and TUBS. JUST RECEIVED BV Seymour, Tinsley & Cos. marto-tf. SOUTHERN STEAM SOAP WORKS 13 NOW PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE THE CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP! As good as anything now offered in this market. All Orders Promptly Filled. BLASSINGAME & CO. PRORIETORS. m rSI-lrn Spring Trade, Wholesale Bps ATTENTION! O S. WAXELBAUI k BEO. Have now in Store $3000,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS! Clothing, Hats and Notions Which will be sold lower than can be bought from any other , Joliiii House sontii of KewYork. Having a resident buyer in the Northern mar kets, who takes advantage of every “drive,” and often buying Staple Goods Less than Cost of production, and is daily sending us The Latest Styles TY ho 7 lßit Nw York only once In a sea son, at the time when the demand is greatest and prices rule highest. Give us a call. Sol. Waxelbaum will take lri < S SU F e poß * in >? y° in prices, or in selling goods lower and treaing you better than any S. WAXELBAUM & BRO., 4 . 5 47 Second Street, and 34 and 36 Cotton Lnue ' mar3leodlmo A Grocery flense —ON— mulberry street, A LANEY as 'Proprietors; Epicures, gentlemen of taste and the P u ,o -'c generally as patrons. A-'ish, Game, Oysters a specialty. Fruits, the Gner grades of Groceries, Canned goods below stairs. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! We have regularly opened the summer cam paign with Ice, and will now have it in any quantity desired. Orders in any quantity, from a pound to a carload, filled. OUR RESTAURANT. On the second floor, our Bar and Restaurant is now, as heretofore, stocked with the finest liquors and the choicest game and other meats which can be bought in the markets of the L uited State*. n,„,s ELLS & LANEY, DR WRIGHT. H a ® removed to Boardmaa’s Block, oyer Pendleton A Ross’, corner Mulberry and second sts., Macon, Ga. nov7-ly. millinery. MISS WARD would be pleased to have her friends and customers call and examine her new SPRING SELECTIONS of Millinery be fore purchasing elsewhere. She is daily re ceiving all the novelties in the Millinery line You will find her at the well-known stand* comer of Cherry street, and Cotton Avenue ’ inar2f>-lw FOR SALE. A S4OOO House for $2500! I WILL sell my place on Windaor Hill, next to the market garden of Mr. Patrick Long, containing 2 acres of ground, an whick is s good four room framed house, double kitchen, stable and carriage house, all under a rood fence—bounded on all sides by streets and al leys. It has a high, healthy location and apltn did water near the house. I have occupied this house for the last three years and have not had 8 ™ e r,w/ ev r and “Sue in that time, i TERMS—I2SOO cash. Titles made consplete y secure. This is a bargain. The the house aione costing the money asked. x JESSE JORDAN, At store of Geo. F. Ckenr’B Blake’s Block. mar2l Dentistry DR. EMERSON has returned to Macon, and ■will resume the practice of Dentistry on MONDAY, 17tli of March. marW Pure Peruvian Guano D IRECT from Peruvian Government Agent. For sale by mar 27 JONES A BAXTER. Flour! Flour!! Flour!!! 100 BARRELS WHITE BOSE, 100 Bbis. WHITE LILY, 25 Bbis. “PLANTS EXTRA,” 200 Bbis. other brands in quarters, halves and whole sacks and barrels, now in store, and for gale by JOKES & BAXTER. mar 27