Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, April 04, 1873, Image 2

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Term* of* PinliM’ri|iioii s One Year * f 8 (XI Six Months 4 bo ThqfhMonths., ‘i ou lumKdbty in adpav /•. • To i4ty sntacrtber* byth mimth, fiev'-uty-iive ••cnu, served by* carrier*. * MACON DAILY ENTERPRISE *■ W — 1 + '***'• rvßz,prTKi BTrHr Momiiiiu *T STEVENSON & SMITH, KOITOUM A..N I) PIiOI'KIKTOMM. MACON. CA A r 1111. 1. 1-7:1 CANTON'S FATE. A MISSISSIPPI TOWN I.KPT IN ItL’INS BV A FURIOUS TORNADO. Til K WOItK OP DRHTUCTION KPKRCTRD IN II ALP MINUTE. Mkmitiih. April I.— The storm at Can ton, Mississippi. seems to litre been much greater than was inferred from the meagre dispeic-hes An extra issued from the Mall ottlce Saturday morning ttys: "We Imd gone te press last night and hud begun printing oil our paper, when iherc came up the most fearful and destructive tornado ever experienced in this region of country The clouds had lieen very threatuing and vivid, and the iuceasaut tlakna ot lightning piesaged a thunder storm, hut 110 one ex peeled the fearful gale that suddenly burst upon us at about eight o'clock. Families Hilling peacefully at their (besides, not dreaming of danger, were in a few seconds 1 1 be rendered homeless, and barely escape with their lives The course of the tornado seemed from the northwest, and its track was scarcely over seventy yards in width ; perhaps not as much as that and lay through the center of the town. Houses were utterly demolished and blown away, leaving bare walls standing, twisted and distorted in all manner of shapes. Brick wills, buildings and solid chimneys were blown dowu, missiles were sent through the air, such as timbers, bricks and pieces of wood with tearful force. The occasion altogether beggars desciption. The l’earce House is in ruins, and the stores and shops above it, wue of which was a one story brick store, levelled to the ground. The old stone house is a wreck, with the roof ing, galleries aud plllais all gone. Dwell ing houses that are mere heaps of timbers, kitchens and outhouses were blown abso lutely away, yards swept clean of living things, poultry, dogs and all, vanished utterly, substantial dwellings torn from their foundation, heavily laden cars blown from the trsck, huge pieces of limber cur ried nearly a hundred yrads. and buried where they fell in the earth, will convey an idea of the ruin accomplished last night, nil in about half a minutes time. Mrs. Powell'S .residence and one occu pied by Mr. Hlengeilaud, neighboring cottage, It. C. Smith's residence, a cottage near the old cemetery, the colored Metho dist church and a small cottage occupied by a colored man and futility, near by, were utterly demolished. The wife of a colored man was buried beneath the ruins aud insluully killed. The colored preach er was buried beneath the chimney, but not killed as was first reported. A number uf people were hurt iu this neighborhood Hubert C. Bmilb’s residence wus lifted bum its foundations aud moved several leet, Ids kitchen, outhouses and every liv ing thing iu the yard were swept away, nothing but the crumbling walls left J. K. Powell's kitchen and other outhouses and two chimneys of liis residence were blown into fragments. Win. Baldwin's residence has its roof staved iu. This, together with the Injuries done to tho rooting, windows, feuces, etc., generally is what was done ou the southeastern eud of town. But, if anything, the damages ou the Square and in the northwest quarter of the town even greater. The Pearce House, as mentioned, presents the appearance of a w reck , also, Colonel Jones' buildiug adjoining. The barber shop, a one-story brick store, occupied by Mis. Hubn as a confectionery and baker establishment, all are a mass of ruins Mr. L. Ludeman, who was at Mrs. Sulm's, bad au anu broken, the other iumates es caping uuhurl, though the house was ut terly demolished. The iron fence that tuclosed the court-yard is partly down.— It is twisted, beut and broken, opposite the Pearce House, as If by the might of a giant; and the court-house itself, one side of it Is actually leauing eastward, while its roofing is iu tailors We take up the track of the storm god, and in the northwestern quarter of the town we find families shelterless Hud cot tages piled up 1m fragments Mr. John liawcotl's house, anew ami substantial building, was blown down, uud either from a lamp, or struck by lightning per haps, took tire In 11 brief time all that remained of a onee happy home and its comforts were charred ruins. Scarcely anything was saved. We visited the spot where a poor widow lady, Mrs. Harrison, with her family of children were contem plating their wreck of a borne. It was levelled to the earth, and not a timber left standing. The family had providentially escaped by going to a neighbor's on the approach of the storm, livery where iu the path of the tornado, buildings were rased to the grouud or left rootless. Last night, after the storm, was a scene of the wildest disorder. The llatne from llaw cott's residence showu against the black clouds of the tempest The lire hell rang, and the people lushed hither aud lliither. Cjuautities of timber and trees obstructed the streets. Men were moving from point to point to rescue those in distress. The tiremeu were bravely at tbeir post, en deavoring to drag their engine to the scene of fire. Women with infants iu their arms went about the streets distracted, not knowing where to go. It is Indeed miraculous that iu all the destruction of houses, where houses with families in them were so destroyed that not one stone was left upon another, that onlv one life was lost. Tpsre were mirac ulous escapes from sudden and frightful death. A number of persons were Injured more or less. There is no calculating now the amount of damage done to prvqierty. We stop our press to give what we have been able to gather at this lime. So far there is no news from the country. We visited the ruins of a friend's residence, hearing that his house was blown down, with the view of assistance. Ho was standing guard over the pieces ; aud was the only living breathing person or thing aDywhsre about, he having removed his family He greeted us cheerfully, claim ing to he the happiest man alive, that amid all that wreck, aud he pointed to it, he aud bis iamily escaped alive. He had been struck dowu senseless by something fulling, and when he recovered found that no one else was hart. The kitchen, out houses, dogs, pigs, und poultry had all laken unto themselves wings. Mrs. Sliu gerland, we learn, was only slightly hurt, although her houoe was destroyed. Among the miraculous escapes was that of Mrs. Lucy Fuweil and family, llcr house wus destroyed, aud the guests aud boarders at the hotel, and iu the buildings near by, narrowly escaped with their lives. It was all done in the spaco of a half minute. The darkies thought it was judgment day, and we don't wonder they should. Borne thirty or more houses were de stroyed, and a, larger number were badly damaged. One negro woman lost her child, aiftl it was only found to day at a house some distance removed from its home, where it had been kindly cared for. It was not much hurt iu its perilous ride of the whirlwind. A negro man is re ported missing, as are also one or two ne gro children, it is wonderful that so few persons were hurt, and it seems that the same hand that Imd sent the tornado, was specially interposed for the protection of the helpless and distressed persons. Per haps fifteen will cover the number of the injured, mosl of these hut slightly hurt. No estimate can, as yet, be given of the amount of damage sustained from the loss of properly, Imt it is believed 100,000 will fall short uf covering it. We learn that Mrs HawcoU. Mrs. John Ilawcott’smother, was severely injured, having been caught beneath the tailing building, and she was only rescued by some gentlemen, who were passing, in time to avoid being burned witli the ruins. She states that the house wus struck by lightning and thus set ou lire. Over it all the skies wore perfectly clear, and the stars looked down serenely upon the scene of destruction below. Ocean DlnNter. The wreck of the steumship Atlantic off the Nova Scotian coast ou the night of the 31st of March or Ist of April was perhaps the most appalling disaster which has happened for a quarter of a century. The details are simply beyond the horrible. The vessel was one of the finest belonging to the White Star Line, plying between New York and Liverpool. She left Liver pool on tho 20th of March with one thousand people on board —in mid ocean bceame short of coal, und in this struit changed course and tried to make the Fort of Halifax. But [in doing so the Captnin aud his officers seem to have gone Into seas un known to them. Then at the hour of two o'clock at night the vessel struck upon a rock of a rugged and sterile coast. At the moment of striking the storm god was on the ocean in all his might aud sublim ity. The vessel aud its people were in ids bauds as a baby’s toy in that of the grasp ot the giant. The thousand human beings were Unis suddenly and unexpect edly brought to the very face of death in the most u\\ ful form human nature ever shrank from. Of this one thousand persons only two hundred and tifty are known to have reached shore. Individual instances of poison, deaths iu tierlhs, deutlis on the decks, deuths in the boats, deaths in the water, deaths ou the ropes lending to aud on the shore, all have each a particular chill of horror. Aud here is an instructive lesson of how feeble are the inventions of man to overcome the storms of the ocean, to -combat the elements which God sends upon the earth and its waters. The lesson teaches that we are still in the hollow of ills hand. The Storm in Rutland District. The storm of Tuesday did tluf most damage iu this section in Rutland District, some seven or eight miles from Macon. It tore up trees by the roots, overturned houses, and destroyed a great amount of pioperty. The house belonging to Mr. Berry Wil lis was completely demolished It was tenanted by Mr. Mellowers, who, with his wife, was standing iu the door. A power ful gust of wind took the roof aud sides of the house, and after carrying them some distance, tore it all to pieces. Mr. Mc- Bowers and his wife were left lying on the floor of the house which was left by the wind. It was a remarkable escape from death. The kitchen was taken up and carried six feci from its foundation. The stable of Mr. West Stubbs was blown over aud almost destroyed. Mr. Cullen Johnson's kitchen was over turned and demolished. About thirty acres of wooded land re ceived a visit, aud the trees torn up by the roots Luckily there was no one injured by the depredations of the storm kiug. Cincinnati Is to be represented at the World's Fair, ut Yieuna, by a lot of pic tures of hogs. How hogs are created, born, and raised, how they die, how their hair is singed front them at slaughter houses," the process ef smoke houses fat aud lean meat, bacon, soap, grease, lard, indeed Cincinnati, is to go the whole hog aud nothing but a hog at the Yieuua show It is represented as i a hog on paper. It is km>\vu here locally i as the biggest hog in our pen. aud the ambition to point ont and get worldly fame is nothing else than the n aturalm instinct of a hog. A Connecticut man swears to au ox w hich trots its mile inside of four minutes, and offers to enter it for beef steaks DIED. In Richmond, Va., on the 30th nit, MAUD ELTON, only daughter of Lewis H. uud Alice B. Andrews, formerly of this city. "He shsll gather the lambs with his trm, and carry them in his bosom." FOF.RAI. INVITATION. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. George S. Dasher and family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their son GEORGE, from their residence on Fourth Street, aear Oglethorpe, at ten o’clock, Saturdat Mous ing. April 5, T 073, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS RALSTON HCAIjI*. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday, April sth, 1573 The charming Artiste, CHAIM THOMPSON, In her beauti'ul impersonation of JANE EYRE! In her dramatization of Charlotte Brontes’ novel of that name. Supported by FREDERIC ROBINSON And the Company from Lawrence Barrett’s Theatre, New Orleans. gTßrserved Meats at Brows’* Book Ntore. apl3 Stthfrisat Opening for the Summer. HATING rented the house and grounds of Mr. N. Binswanger, on Tatnall Square, I will open it as a place of resort during the spring and summer. The best Lager Beer will be always kept cool aud nice, as well as the finest brands of Wines. I will be pleased to see all of my friends and the public generally sn next Sunday, when it will be thrown open. The strictest order will he preserved. E. M. BROWN. upl4-lwfrsatsu AUCTION SALE! BY O. E. BESORE, Auctioneer. 1 "WILL sell In front of my Btore on Satur day morning, April sth, at 10 o’clock, two Pianos, (one very fine), one Parlor Suit, tws Grover & Baker and one Common Sense Sew ing Machines, one fine Spring Mattrass, one Feather Bed, Mahogany and Black Walnut Bedsteads, Pillows, Stoves, Lamps, Glassware, Crockery, and a lot of House Furnishing Gocds. Also one fins Buggy, and two very fine Oil Paintings, and a lot of Ohromos, one Marble Bed Billiard Table complete. O. E. BESORE, apr4.2t Auctioneer. C. C. BALKCOM. W. B. WALLACE. BALKCOM & WALLACE Beg leave to announce to their friends and the public generally that they have opened their store at the same old place, but in a handsome new BRICK STORE, where they will be pleased to see their old friends and as many new ones as may wish to give them a call. ALL RIGHT AGAIN fi tg-fldu j ■sums aqq jo aommuiquoD s qpfios innjqoadsoj Xatp sjoav; qasd jo; injqunqj, •op ‘saoud oq si uopoßjspus aajmutwS iaqi pus ‘qq“noq aq übo qsqq qsaq aqq si qDoq's jpqj, *ouii NOIFIAOHd P UB AH3OOHO sq; ui SuiqqX J3AB ;o Ajddns pn; Jadq [[im Aaqq 'saojoqajoq sy ■aonpojd Xjjunoo pue sojjaoojo FOURTH ST., NEAR BROWN HOUSE. iFOR SALE. A FINE set BED ROOM FURNITURE, (Black Walnut.) Apply to M. B. GERRY*. apl3-3t FOR RENT. A GOOD, COMFORTABLE SLEEPING ROOM. Apply at apia-tf THIS OFFICE. FOR SALE OR RENT. A FOUR ROOM FRAME HOUSE, TWO acre lot, good water and all necessary ap purtsnauoes. Terms reasonable. Apply to WM. McGEE, mariXMm No. 9, Cotton Avenue. SOUTH MACON DRUG STORE! Fonrili Street, near Arch. the generous patronage of the A public the proprietor is increasing his fa cilities for accommodating the citizens of his portion of the city, and is gratified at the re sponses they have given to his constant ettbrts to build up a business so necessary- to the com munity, and also, that just dealings, close at tention and PURE DRUGS, have gradually won the confidence of the peo ple, notwithstanding the sneers of many, and Uie interested efforts of others. We have on hand Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Lamps and Fixtures, Garden Seeds. Etc., Etc., Etc., which are as cheap, and as good as can be bought elsewhere. To the afflicted we would sav. wc will com pound your prescriptions' with great care at any hour, day or night. S. I>. EVERETT. uiar27-t'in FOR RENT. ONE LARGE HOUSE or two TENEMENT HOUSES. Apply to OLIVER, DOUGLAS it CO. inarit Don’t Read Is! WT E "re wow ,n receipt of a fresh and invi- W ting stock of CHOICE Famiii Sroceries Consisting in part of the following: Fresh Fulton Market Beef, Ferris’ N. Y. Hams (unexcelled) C hoice Beef Tongues, Hecker’s Self-raising Flour, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Crackers, Etc., Etc., Etc. PARCHED Rio and Java COFFEES, GROUND FREE OF CHARGE. Oolong 1 and Im perial Teas, AT TO AND 80 CTS. PER LB. GERMAN GROCERIES A SPECIALTY: Segars! Segars! PUTZEL’S DELIGHT ” AND “ PUTZEL A JACOBS’ FA VORITES” Are the most popular Segars in town. Try them and (you’ll smoke no others. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER. GIVE US A CALL. PUTZEL & JACOBS, Second St., Dainonr’s Bloek. marl 8 GEORGE T. ROGERS’ SONS, * O WHOLESALE GROCERS. % * FLOUR A SPECIALTY,: CHERRY STREET, MACON, fXA. Flour! Flour ! ! tad O CARS FAMILY FLOUR, in 30 and 8.1 lb. Sacks. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. Potatoes ! 50 BAKRELS POTATOES, WILL BE SOLD LOW TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENT. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. BROOMS. BUCKETS and TUBS. JUST RECEIVED BY SeymGnr, Tinsley & Cos. mar23-tf. ESTIMATING AND BUILDING I AM now prepared to make estimates and contract for the erection of any kind and style of building needed, and would solicit a share of the patronage of the public. I will undertake the building complete when de sired—brick-laying, carpentering, plastering and painting. J. C. KEEL. m3O-lm LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ; MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. J. B. ROSS 4 S. T. COLEMAN HAVE IN STORE AND ARE RECEIVING DAILY THE BEST SEI.F.OTFn , 1 r,n bIOOK OF SPRING DRY COODS! . FOR TIIE WHOLESALE TRALE! This side of the manufacturers, which they will sell as low, and on as GOOD TERMS AS ANY HOUSE NORTH OR SOUTH. BEAR IN MIND OUR STOCK is FRESH of this season's purchase, and can no ** be excelled in Extent, Variety, Newness or Cheapness, WE HAVE SUPERIOR FACILITIES in handling goods WHICH PURCHASERS WOULD DO WELL TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF. OUR shToI stock IS THE BEST WE HAVE EVER TOUCHED. o ALWAYS ON HAND A Full Line of Domestics AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. >o JUST RECEIVED! Fifty Cases of Selected Calicoes, The Prettiest Goods in Macon Since the War. mar2o southern STEAM SOAP WORKS IS NOW PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE THE CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP! As good as anything now offered in this market. All Orders Promptly Filled. BLASIN GAME & CO. PROPRIETORS. aplt-lm A Grocery House —on- MULBERRY STREET, WITH ELLS (fc LANEY as Proprietors ; Epicures, gentlemen of taste and the public generally as patrons. Fish, Game, Oysters a specialty. Fruits, the finer grades of Groceries, Canned goods below stairs. ICE! ICE I! ICE!!! We have regularly opened the summer cam pa gn with Ice, and wifi now have it in any quantity desired. Orders in any quantity, from a pound to a carload, filled. OUR RESTAURANT. On the second floor, our Bar and Restaurant is now, as heretofore, stocked with, the finest liquors and the choicest game and other meats which can be bought in the markets of the United States. EIXS & LANEY, DR. WEIGHT’ HAS removed to Boardman's Block, over Pendleton oc Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second sts., Macon, Ga. nov7-ly. MILLINERY-- MISB WARD would be pleased to have her friends and customers call and examine her new SPRING SELECTIONS of Millinery be fore purchasing elsewhere. She is daily de ceiving- all the novelties in the MiHineryline. You will find her at the well-known stand, corner of Cherry street, and Cotton Avenue. mariO-lw FOR SALE. A 84000 House for §2500! I WILL sell my place on-Windsor Hill, n elt to the market garden of Mr. Patrick Long, containing 2 acres of ground, on which is a good four room framed house, double kitchen, stable and carriage house, all under a good fence—bounded on all sides by streets ami al leys. It has a high, healthy location and splen did water near the house. I have occupied this house for the last three years and have not had a case of fever and ague in that time. TERMS— 82500 cash. Titles made complete, ly secure. This is a bargain. The building oi the house aione costing the money asked. JESSE JORDAN, At store of Geo. F. Cherry’s Blake s Bloc*- mar2l . dentistry. DR. EMERSON has returned to Macon am! will resume the practice of Dentistry MONDAY, 17th of March. Barly Pure Peruvian Guano IRECT from Peruvian Government Age”l - sale by mar 27 JONES A BAXTER- Flour! Flour!! Flour!!! 100 BARRELS WHITE ROSE. 100 Bbls. WHITE LILY, 25 Bbls. “PLANT’S EXTRA,” 300 Bbls. other brands in quarters, and whole sacks and barrel*, now m store, for sale by. JONES & BAXTER mai-27