Macon daily enterprise. (Macon, Ga.) 1872-1873, April 12, 1873, Image 4

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LAWTON & BATES, WHOLESALE PROVISION AND GRAIN DEALERS, l nurlli Sirrcl, (N*xl Door lo laoloii A Willingham.) CHESAPEAKE GUAM)! WE *r nilll Agent* for above TRIED anl RELIABLE FERTILIZER, and after FIVE YEARS' ex|H*rienee in selling It, unhesitatingly recommend it to our planting friends as equal to any manipulated Fertilizer made. IT IS NO EXPERIMENT. In no cane has it failed to give entire satisfaction. Numerous bsatimonials in our posses alon, from some of ouj most successful planters, will satisfy any one as to its merits. jOfti:* A BAITGK, 109 rherry Street jTbolwes * c©., H 2. TIIIUI) STREET, 83. CORNER THIRD AND POPLAR. WnOLKHAI.K DUALS* IN Western Produce, Bulk Shoulders, Bulk Sides, Bacon Shoulders, Bacon Sides. The finest brands of NORTHERN and WESTERN HAMS. Tho finest brands of NORTHERN, WESTERN and GEORGIA FLOUR. A full slock of TENNESSEE HAMS, SIDES and SHOULDERS, always in store. HAY, COHN. OATS, POTATOES, for seed aud for the table. LAUD, and a general fcssorlmcnt of SHELF GOODS. The finest brands of TOBACCO, as well as medium grades, WATER GROUND MEAL from the Bibb County Mills. Together with a general assortment of PLANTATION SUPPLIES. J. HOLMES & CO. Guernsey, Bartrum & Hendrix, DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF i ..-.-I PAINTB, 1)0088, _A_ gf- '■ _. V - i BLj TANARUS = L Oll.B, HASH KS, EEL* M'l I SfcE I PUTTY, MOULDING, HARDWARE, WUi KKTS, l ie. 1- ———J CARPENTERS’ I tools. BA.Ijt7BTIinS, N3BWBI. POSTS, AND ALL KINDS OF TURNINGS. FACTORY—DIXIE WORKS, Wnmoom*—BlitluV Ilior*. Poptar Slrwl, Mnoon, Uu. TENNESSEE PRODUCE HOUSE. D. GOOD k SOI, Proprietors, (>?* Tliii*l Mn<oi | Georgia, WHOT.KSAI.K DEALERS Ilf PROVISIONS, Grain, Flour and General Plan tation Supplies. We make TENNESSEE THODUCE A SPECIALTY, and endeavor to keep full supply of HAMS, SIDES & SHOULDERS TOGETUEH WITH Corn, Flour, Lard, Butter, Hay, Corn Meal, Bran, AND SO ON TO THE END OF THE CHAPTER 500 DOZEN EGGS In Store wliicli must be sold iaioicdiately. D. GOOD & SONS. CASES AND CASKETS THE FINEST, THE BEST, TOE CHEAPEST METALLIC CASES AND CASKETS, WOOD COFFINS, CASES AND CASKETS, V*. / AT • , ARTHUR L. WOOD’S. Next to “ Lanier House.” ,HT Night and Sunday calls answered from the “ Lanier House.” feblo-Brn GEORGE T. ROGERS’ SONS, WHOLESALE GROCERS. FLOUR A SPECIALTY, CHERR Y STREET, MACON, OA. Flour! Flour ! ! K D CARS FAMILY FLOVK, In 50 and 35 lt. Sacks. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY * CO. Potatoes ! 50 BARRELS POTATOES, WILL BE SOLD LOW TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENT. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. BROOMS, ~ BUCKETS and TUBS, JUST HECEIYED BY Seymosr, Tinsley & Cos. mar 23 tf. ESTIMATING AND BUILDING I AM now prepared to make egtimatos and contract for the erection of any kind and style of building needed, and would solicit a share of tho patronage of the public. I will undertake the building complete when de sired—brick-laying, carpentering, plastering and painting. J. C. KEEL, tn 30-lni WANTED To Purchase Immediately. A NY person or persons having a small MARKET GARDEN from two to three acre-. not over one mile from the city, for sale, can hear of a purchaser by applying at THIS OFFICE. On the place must be a dwelling house with from four to live rooms and all ne oeekary outbuildings. The place must be in thorough repair, to cost not exceeding f 1600. ap!s AGENTS WANTED FOR BEHIND-SCENES IN WASHINGTON. The spiciest and bestselling book ever publish ed. It tells all about the great Credit Mobilier Scandal, Senatorial Briberies, Congressmen, Rings, Lobbies, and the wonderful Sights of the National Capital. It sells quick. Bend for cir culars, and see our terras and a full description of the work. Address National Publishing Cos., Philadelphia, Pa, Atlanta, Ga., or Memphis, Tenn. apls 2m ™ For all forms of Chills, k /ITTP and Fever. Intermittent fIUU Ji nrr __!iu() Remittent Fever are found in PIIKK Ure** Fever Tonic. UU Unit contains no poisonous ingredients, and cures Ague by cancelling the Ague Poison in the BLOOD, and eiectiug it from the sys tem. Box of PiUs with each Bottle. Cures UUANTEED by W. t. HAMILTON St TO. apls-2m Cincinnati, Ohio. dh I From 35 cent*.—Eight samples QpT mailed free for ‘.15 cents, that sell at sight for four dollars, to any person iußibb County who will act as agent RANDALL & CO., TO? Broadway, N. Y. j | *) SAMPLES sent by mail for 50c. that re- I IZ. tail quick for *lO. R. L. W OLOOTT. ISI 1 Chatham square, N. Y. “m THE FINEST Billiard Tables IN THE STATE! rpiIKEK OF BRUNSWICK’# TABLES, X best assortment of Cues, plenty of room and good light, cau be found at tho Broil House Billiard Saloon. Call around and see me, if you want to enjoy a SSStf CAREY W. COX. Sptsvood Hotel, NEARLY OPPOSITE PABSENORR DEPOT, (Only one minute’s walk.) MACON. GEORGIA. Board 3.00 per'Day. T. H. HARRIS, Proprietor. I-tf ATTENTION! THE SODA FOUNT! —AT THE SOUTH MACON— DRUG STORE! IS now in OPERATION. THE Prescription Department is well sup plied with choice drugs, to the compound ing of which the proprietor gives liis special attention, and the number of prescriptions daily dispensed, shows that the public appre ciate his efforts to accommodate them. EVERETT’S REMEDY! For Chills nml diseases of the Liver, justly celebrated wherever known will receive special attention the coming season. . Let all in our part of the city call in and cool off with Ice-cold Soda Water, and buy what they may need in my line, and save a long and useless walk. S. I). EYERETT, Fourth Street, near Arch, aprOtf MACON, GA. lilwEr )D PURIFIER, is unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poisonous substances in the Blood and will ef fectually dispel all predisposition to bilious de rangements. ■ theirwant of action In your Liver wild Spleen V Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin dis ease, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, &c., &e. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak ness and interia. Have yon of the In tent ini'. V You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful inllammatiou of the Bowels. Have you weakness of the IT terlue or Urinary Organs? You ure exposed to sutferiug in its most aggravated form. Are yon dejected, drowsy, dull,slug gish or depressed in spirits, with head ache, back ache,coated tongue and bad tasting mouth For a certain remedy for all of these diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and pu rifying the vitiated biood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces; for buiiding up and res toring theweakened constitution USE JTURUBEB A which is pronounced by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris “the most pow erful tonic and alterative known to the medical world.” This is no uew and untried discovery but has been long used by the leading physi cians of other countries with wonderful reme dial results. Don’t weaken and impair the digestive or gans by cathartics and physics, they give only temporary relief—lndigestfon, flatulency and dispepsia with piles and kindred diseases are sure to follow tlieir use. Keep the blood pure and health is assured. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, Sol i Agent for the United States. Price One Dellt r per bottle. Send for Circular RHEUMATIC SYRUP To CORE 'iEEUIIIL OR MONEY REFUNDED W SIOO REWARD FOR A C ASE of Chronio or Acute Rheumatism. Gout, Seia tics. Headache, Lumbago, Ague, Nervousness or Kidney Affections accepted for treatment that I cannot cure. n022 tf For sale by J. H. Zeilin A C*., Macon. IHJJT.Ti™ Send for our Illustrated Cata- UU UJUrlllU logue of new books on build ing. A. J. BICKNELL A; CO., 2m 27 Warren street, N. Y. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.—SO,OOO ad. dresses, to which specimen copies of Smith’s. .Ilngnzine will be sent free. Agents wanted. Write. PL.INY F. SMITH. 51 Liberty St. N. Y. 2m FOR RENT. A GOOD, COMFORTABLE SLEEPING ROOM. Apply at apl2-tl THIS OFFICE. $5 to #l£s PcrDay . Mad *by AGENTS selling the ' American Quilting Machine! AND OTHER NOVELTIES. Secure territory at once. Address 11. D. BRIER A CO., )au34 tf Atlanta, Ga. L. N, WHITTLB. GEO. W. OCSTIN. WHITTLE A Gltm.V, ATTORNEYS, Ac.. AT LAW, NO. 2 COTTON AVENUE. MACON, GA. 82-107 DR. W. W. FORD, DENTIST, 84 Mulberry Street, Same Rooms with Dr. Emerson. Office hours from 8 % a. m. to 1 p. m., 2}{ p. m. to s>s p. in. fel>4 3m B. IAWENTHAL’S BAR & LAGEB BEER SALOON, (MXSSET’B old stand.) Opposite Medical College, Mulberry St. THIS Saloon is supplied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars in tho market, aud sparkling Lager Beer of superior quality. Free lunch every day from 10 to 12 o’clock and extra lunches served up at any hour in the day or night. Swiss Cheese, Goose, Duck, Ham, Salads and anything that may be desired for lunch. nov24-tf COUNTER FOR SALE. A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL COUNTER— suitable for a Bar—is offered for sale. Apply at THIS OFFICE. mars-tf FOR SALE OR RENT~ A FOUR ROOM FRAME HOUSE, TWO acre lot, good water and all necessary ap purtenances. Terms reasonable. Apply to WM. McGEE, mar3o-lm No. 9, Cottoa Avenue. JAKES H. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN. BLOUNT Sc HARDEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE, at entrance Ralston Hall, Cherry street. 49-380 T. B. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ralston Hall Building, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GEORGIA. 123tf Millinery and Fancy Geois! MRS. A. BULKLEY. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. No. 6 Cotton Avenue, near new Court-house. feb2o-tf MENINGITIS. IT DIDN’T KILL HIM. ON the contrary he is now better prepared than ever to execute all kinds of SIGN PAINTING. nis Shop is situated on COTTON AVENUE over J. H. Cherry A Co’s store. J. H. MERRYDAY. mar!B LINES & WING’S JOB pßimiwc •* ” 1 ’ ■’ ,vr. , ESTABLISHMENT No. 58 and 60 Cherry Street, IS NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF PRINTING / SUCH AS CARDS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BTLLS OF FARE, NOTE HEADS, INVITATION CARDS, HAND BILLS, DODGERS, ETC., ETC., OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THIS PARTICULAR, AND WE CHALLENGE THE STATS TO EXCEL US. Change of jSchedule. Double Daily Passenger Trains TO AND FROM jacrsonvillf AND ALL POINTSJN EAST FLORIDA Over 100 Biles in Distance U i,,| IS Hours la Time Waved: Office Macon A Brunswick K U Cos i O Macon Ga., March 21, 13. ' N and after Sunday, 28d Instant imJ, ger trams on Uiis road will be run us r ' lows: ,u ‘- D*Y PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILV (SUNDAY* „ CEPTED. ) ’ Leave Macon H ... Arrive at Jesup ’ “ ,7 7“ Arrive at Bfunbwick y - M Arrive at Savannuh **• v Arrive at Jacksonville p - M Leave Jacksonville „ "j p - u Leave Jesop *• * Arrive at Maeou " -Vf o ‘ M NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY “ Leave Macon u ' Arrive at Jesup ?•”” r - M Arrive at Savannah .(..ijr, A - M Arrive at Jacksonville. ii'-nn *' ll Leave Jacksonville **• H Leave Brunswick a.Ji V ‘ u Leave Savannah V.L, *• M Leave Jesup i [. !/ M Arrive at Macon !!.'!!'.!!! 6-15 * M Passengers for Tallalmsse and points west Live Oak take the 8:45 a. m. train f Passengers for Brunswick take the sain* Sleeping cars on all night trains. HAWKINSVILLB TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS *• CEPTED.) Leave Macon 3.30 p Leave Hawkinsville ' " Arrive at Hawkinsville _ " Arrive at Macon ! 18:50 a m W. J. JARVIS, mar2s-tf Master Transportation. Flour ! Flour!! Flour ’ ” 100 BARRELS WHITE ROSE, * 100 Bhls. WHITE LILY, 25 Bbls. ‘‘PLANT’S EXTRA," 200 Bbls. other brands in quarters, halves and whole sacks and barrels, now in store and for sale by ’ JONES & BAXTER. mar 27 FOR SALE. A S4OOO House for $2500! I WILL sell my place on Windsor Hill, next to the market garden of Mr. Patrick Long containing 2 acres of ground, on which is a good four room framed house, double kitchen, stable and carriage house, all under a good fence—bounded on all sides by streets and al leys. It has a high, healthy location and splen did water near the house. I have occupied this house for the last three years and have uot had a case of fever and ague in that time. TERMS—S2SOO cash. Titles made complete ly secure. This is a bargain. The building of the house aione costing the money asked. JESSE JORDAN, At store of Geo. F. Cherry’s Blake’s Block. mnr2l DR WRIGHT, HAS removed to Boardraan’s Block, over Pendleton A Ross’, corner Mulberry and Second sts., Macon, Ga. nov7-ly. $lO A DAY." Easily made by an Agency of “OUR OWN FAMILY DOCTOR-’, Best medical work extant. Everybody buys that sees it. Unusual inducements to Agents. 746 Broad £* *3= way to make money. >_>iu Pure Peruvian Guano from Peruvian Government Agent. For sale by mar 27 JONES A BAXTER.