Newspaper Page Text
' »wRut tttSB Hixiat^Srstp
®te ^liabruto JVrawjs ^“SS 06 * «>j*t**»«*.*»
—■ <* to ; Jim^Vraidy" entitle 10 tiie busmeafl
mns^ da il^at a* untemnnewKvc rate,
KHlHrday Naming. January 10,
Di'iaectatic Smniuaiioiu
CongrcM :
1. A. II. HANSEL!., of Thomas.
, 'i~ NELSON TIFT. of liomglierty.
3. nrOH BUCIIANAN, of Coweta.
i«Uioa; is. iWsm, of Putnam.
C. WEIR BOYI), of Lrnnykin.
TOCNG. of Bartow.
or It*e agaltogetfc
no^x*r<3StJcntaUcl if)p4rs6flj popSr
ar 'x(-3®& too- many Roads of 4lrtf
country; Cut should be sanc
tioned by StocSSidlders whose inter
est is at stake, the Board is At a los?r
to understand! The managers of the
Roads that persist in this kind of
warfare are capable of doing an im
mense amount of injury to otherwise
IVe will fnrdisli the Af&tA to cltrhS'of
ton or more tist&es A’t iiic reduced rite
of ?2,lWpc^yWir.-
Any one 'jrfio' if Ill send bs five new
subscribers, with the money, will be
entitled to the paf^’r ono year without
♦barge. (tf)
Th:-: Oldest Tr.iL.—©r. Jessup, of
Syria, has given us some wery inter- L, 1
eating information with reference, to *■
policy is the great cedar trees which still
flourish upon the higlr» taflle lASds
bt Lebanon. If we rerfieinberi he
dies Xheir origin several hundred
yeafe before the ■fristian era. So
- rerannerating lines without in way
way benefiting those under their
control. How far this poliey is to be
carried, Ci when it is to cease, the
Board 5s unable to predict, but it
is easy to foresee the utter ruin that
must follow its continuance.”
A policy, that cost the Central
Railroad afoiie^tFie past year, largely
over two hundred thousand dollars !
Bibb Cocaty.—Our subscribers in
Hazard ffestifbt, Bibb County, ft*,-, will
•X* Reward, Esq., who is authorised to
receipt tot tlie same. (tf)
<L A. Batts A Co.
f Ilavc just received, and have now on
hand, the felgee't assortment t>t Garden
tlfiED defer btfoiight to this market, wliicli
they warrant fresh and genuine. They
will receive in a few days a carefully
selected Stock of Floweb Seed, which
all are invited to examine.
db-de^-foi* 1 ^ItVuberyand Box;Plants
tilled on shaft noti'eo. Now is your
time; sendjn yetiY 'oVdefes.- They have
awjui creel lent assortment ci Station
ary, Blank Books, Perfumery and Fan
ny Articles.
fer Malting
S iftfcSra'lSeorgM » cohered by wuy as
desirable'for fanning purposes as any lection of
the State. These lands produce corn, oats,
^ j jm W . ; sweet potatoes and cotton in great, abundant**
_ar to flUthcBWC record is concerned, I Sugar cane flourishes luxuriantly, yielding most
jftrhtfps the oldest single Breeds that | delicious syrup and a fine article of sugar. Even
known as the Cypress of Somma, in i m ** ot is heifig successfully cultiraled on certain
t , i 7 ~ , 1 kiods of lands, and tobacco pays handsomely.
Lombardy. It was known, says an: , ’ , j / „ ,
. J . i ■ ’ f t iY«A,io great variety, abound in the nvers and
aecomu, to be in existence in the f j a k cs ^ oommon throughout this regiohf irtd
not ia
TO —
Jp Cheapest
So f
time of Julius Cscsar, forty-two years
before Christ, and is, therefore, more
than one thousand £iAe hundred
years old. It is one hundred and
six feet in height, and twenty feet in
circumference at one foot from the
ground. Napoleon, when laying
down the plan for his great rbad
over theSimplon, a lofty pass of the
Alps, diverged from a straight line
The purckaseof the Savannah Stock t0 avoid injuring -this tree. The
Tfce taie Report of Uic Central
Railroad Company.
w.We have rbxd, with no little con
cern, the report the Central Railroad
Banking Company recently
maclopublic, feeling an interest in the
continued success of that great Geor
gia enterprise, yet regretting the su
icidal policy its President has seen
pfloper Xo adopt in reference to its
ddmpetnipn with the Atlantic and
Gulf Railroad. We were satisfied, as
this report demonstrates, that the
extraordinary measures adopted to
wrest front the Gulf Road its . legiti-
m&fe business, would end in disaster
to the best interests gf the Company,
YYtvdiey produce
the shadow of justification for his
condnct. The committees which met
to adjust Ihoearring© of river-freight,
ajipointcd by the competing boards,
fatted ii» thbir negotiations* fcblSPftM 1
account of the unjust demands made
by the C. & S. AV» -(Jcmmittee. The
Gulf Hoad Committee, we do not
in the Gulf Road, with the view to
secure its control,.and the effort to
censure the dirtcto»y «f that road
for yiefficiency, is another acknowl
edgetnent of the failure of the Central
in its efforts force the Gulf into a
compliance with its demands.
The management of the Atlantic
and Gulf . Railroad will not puffer
frdm a comparison with that of the
Central, or any other road; nor is
there an intelligent man, not biassed
from prejudice, who would hazard
his reputation by seeking to bring
the conduct of the Gulf Road into
Disowned.—We have received the
sad intelligence, say3 the Pensacola
Observer of December 29th, of the
drowning on Christmas bight at the
month of Escambia river, of Joe jerni-
gan. and son, and Bill Laskey. The hats
of -the parties were found, also the oars
of the boat, but up to the present time
nil efforts to find the unfortunate men
have proved fruitless. In addition to
the above disaster, we have since learned
that fire negroes who Were on the ferry
boat were also lost.
honor of superior antiquity, however,
is claimed by some in behalf of the
immense and venerable tree, in Cala
veras county, California, which is
supposed, from the number of con
centric circles in the trunk, and also
from various other reasons, .to be
more than two thousand five hundred
and sixty-five -years old 1 Compared
with this, how insignificant the “by
reason of strength,” four score years
of man I
New Orleans; January 8.—-Gen.
Rousseau died very calmy last night at
eleven o’clock,* having taken leave of
his fiiends and staff shortly before:
Manifestations of regret are universal
d; mbkwcvo anxious to adopt a plan
by .which. unfriendly competition^ I
Florida Congressional Election.—
Returns from the late election' come in
very slowly, and though the general re
sult is certain, we cannot give such full
details as we could wish. The returns
received are as follows:
Duval ,\j,
Jefferson... .
Madison •: t ;
....' 30
First Round of Quarterly Meet
ings for the Bainbridgs Dist;—Thom
asville, J an. 23 & 24; Groversville, at
Beulah* 30, .31; Decatur, at Fowls-
town, Feb. 6, 7; Bainbridge, Feb. 13,
14; Springliill, at Springhill, Feb. 20,
21; Camilla and Oclocknee, at Beth
any, 27,28; Colquitt and Springcreek,
at Damascus, March 6, 7; Fort Gaines,
March 13, 14; Blakely, at Blakely,
March 20, 21; Morgan, at Morgan,
March 27, 28.
Brethren of the Conferences, in or
der to render our meetings the pres
ent year as pleasqnt and profitable as
those of the past, we should all be
in our places at the first Quarterly
Meeting, to aid in adopting plans, the
wisdom of which the future is to de
velop. This should be a year of zeal
ous and persistent effort on our part
are brought by the wagon-load from, the Gulf.
The sarfaceeTThese leads is, generally spank
ing, neither fiat nor hilly, but undulating. The
ctima/e is cooler in summer and warmer-in winter,
by. several degrees', than in higher latitudes:
Diseases, mostly of mild character, are some
times prevalent in the summer and fall; yet the
coonirjr is 'by no means as sickly ns is generally
supposed. The mortality is not ns great as in
either Middle or Uppor Georgia, and is said to
be taro per cent less than in any other part of
the United States. Society is as refined and
cultivated M in any part of the Southern States,
and religion* and educational facilities are good
and abundant. Water is not as cool a3 in the
granite region, yet it is clear and healthy, and
the supply plentiful, ft is a great mistake to
suppose that the colored population is less peace-
Able and orderly here than in other portions of
the SouA. ' ffcey arc quite as much so, and are
Yet lands in this section are selling for almost
nothing. Many first rate improved farms can
be bought at ten dollars an acre; and in many
instances, for half that price, or even less: An
excellent plantation in Decatur county, con
taining 112i acres, a comfortable dwelling and
all necessary outhouses, also 2000 bearing fruit
trees, (apple and peach,) was sold a few days
ago at tiea dollart an acre. Another noted farm
in that county, containing 2500 acres, is now
being offoped at four dollars an acre. It is well
worth ttceuty. A plantation of 1500 acres, 450
cleared, tbe balance heavily timbered with yel
low pine, a comfortable dwelling and all out
houses usual on a farm, a well of excellent water,
within hve miles Of Thomasville, is offered at sia:
dollArt an acre, this plantation has a variety
of soils, and produces corn, cotton, sugar canc,
wheat, Ac., in great abundance.
These fewc4St3 Srh given to show at what low
prices land mai* bo bought in this most desirable
section. Why it is so low deed not be accounted
for. It is enough for the purchasers to know
the fact; and, moreover, that this whole region
is connected by railroad With Savannah, and
will soon he connected with Upper Georgia and
the North-West by anew railroad now being
built from this place to Albany, Wirdi will b3
completed this yeah.
Of course these prices cannot rule long. The
writer does not own ah acre of land in this sec
tion; yet he states the foregoing facts from per*
sonal knowledge, and for the benefit ofttil inter
ested. He will give further information; and
QN and after this date, and until further
notice, COTION will he taken by the
— O F —
From all Foints on the
and Flint Rivers,
icomprised in tbeir!$ww ,n *
*■ which wont, ^ n
form of sheet music ten Ui E cr,v W * tf
Songs, Ballads, and Duets
accompaniment. THE HOME !■ '
tuning marches, wdltza, polks,
was,, contra dance,
four-hand pteeea. THEm.V& fc
A continuation of the same els*7tr
the ••Home Circle." SILVER Co?
duets, trios, quartette, with I
with phuio acc’s. Gems or
Gems of Scottish Sow
beauties of the .Standard
The Oran* Boom, a CMilerti(,r’ u 7? a
mental Gems from Offenbach', aT
Dnchesse,", "Belle Helena "A*!! 1 -
others. 1
PmcEs. Etch vol.. Road* *««•
Cloth, fell gilt, $4.00* Sent by "
address. u"
277 tVashin'4ba L
C. H. D8r.SO.VA Cft. 711 Bro^tel *
who have erred, desire a bet’fcr Si*
in sealed letter envelopes, free
fitted return the postage. AddnuT
Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. '
to advance the spiritual and'temporal
intGreefe of the Church. The times
demand action; and lot eacli one of
its do our duly.
[if] Geo. C. Clarke, P. E.
Fort Gaines,
and Apalachicola,
Gr O O D S
Juki Arriving!
Will color gray hair* permanent b|j'*
•Sold everywhere. Nent by mail'
" sWr* “ '
Address Wn». Patton, TreagQftT
Magic Comb Company,
Agents Wanted ForTfe"
■A T-
And Bow they hived. Fought..,,
for Dixie, with Incidents andSL.
es of Life in the Cdiifcdfrat;-
He SficKSt and Cheapest War M ] (
After January 20th, this LINE will run in
connection with the “Alliance Steam Ship
Line,’’ and give Through Bills of Lading to
New Orleans at $1 50 per bale
For farther particulars, apply to A.
WHITESIDE, Agents Central Line of Boats.
Bainbridge, January 15, 18H9. 2t
— A N D —
Ac., Ac.;
Vfo. .Vend for Circular and see our term
description of the work. Address JOXESt*
CO., Philadelphia, Pa.; Atlanta, Ga.; or j
Fresh and Reliable,
For S4tc
will act as Agent for any who may wish to
Majorities for rarnes and -saunders,
Alachua (probably)...... ,400
Hillsboro 5
raight fee avoided, and the roads j OoRrmbio (probably).
mri4o te Work m harmony together,
syttiat neither wou[d infringe upon
the rights of the ether.
The chief difficulty in the (/ay of
an-adjustment between the roads, in
tins connection, in our opinion, was
tfre' belief, on the part of the C. & S.
W. hoard, that they wero onmipotent,
and ron!d sooif fbree the Gulf Bond
to yield to their sftperiofity. But
Mr* WadleyV report proves they
placed a fnlsj? estimate Hpon ihe
ability of the (ifrlf Road successfully
to Compete with them. We make an
, ;;Conipai'ed witli tlio stafceineiit lor
tho yeaT ending 30th November,
TSnt, it will bo soen that our Road
eamdugs liave*?arten off' $21*2,226 57, t
wTide the expenses have been reduc
ed 31. This decrease
in oiu* earniugs is due ciimost entirely
to the reduction'** otrr rates for trans-
jiortation, which we have been obliged
to make in* order to meet competition
froar oHlcT Sues; tvWSe otfr' expenses
Irnya hhceieaialy bcennear^ flipmTto
what they were the pittiottf year."
Ike italics are ours.
This reduction in; the rates pf
transportation was made solely with
i tisw to seoure freight to which the
Gulf Road was legitimately entitled,
■r sn&cient -proof of which is furnish
ed |?y ithy riinotts .redaction ccun-
pla*SP«"6f byrtfiggehtTehiafr, tvllolias
been beaten at- lna^own game. As
Joe Brown declared, at Chicago, “a
is toDe^noped rresidcnt Nvadley has
Majority for Hamilton over Barnes
<6 Saunders in 10 counties.... -. .3,066
- Returns from all the other counties
(including all those who will give Barnes
a majority) cannot reduce tbe majority
more than eight hundred, thus electin
Coioh’el Hamilton by a clear majority of
over two thousand vote* The vote,
with the exception of a few bounties, lias
been very light indeed, neither party
seeming to tffke mndli interest in the
Saunders, so far as heard from, has
received less than six hundred votes.—
Jacksonville Union.
Bishop Lay.—Some of the Eastern
Shore (Maryland) papers consider it a
matter of doubt whether Bishop Lay,
now of Arkansas, will accept the position
of Bishop of tbe new Diocese of Easton,
to which be lias recently been elected.
By a substitution ofv“the C. A S. W.
Roads - ' for* '^Shclr lilfes’- -mc-aniqg
thedull Road—in the following ex
tract from Mr. Wadley’s report, a
mis-jAdeij&m indvnjust chaige, is
Paris and London.—The iollowing
comparison is taken from the latest
census returns of these two cities :
Paris occupies seventeen and a
half millious of acres, and contains
two millions of inhabitants and fifty
thousand houses, London covers
seventy-seven and a* half imlliens
of acres, has three millions of inhab
itants and three hundred and sixty
tkonsand houses. The population of
Parts averages forty per house, and
that of London eight. Most of the
houses in Paris range from four to
five stories, fffiiie in London they
aTe'two or thTee stories higb.-
Oglethorpe College.—The exeri
ches of this old institution was re
sumed on the 12th of this month, un
der direction of the following facility :
Rev. R. C. Siirrtlr, Chairlndn of. the
Faculty and Profes=or of Mental and
Moral Science and Belles Letters,
Sylvan us Bates, A. M,, Professor of
Latin and Greek Languages.
.. Rev, C. W.JLane, Chaplain and Pro-,
fessor of Maihematics, Astronomy and
. Samuel G. White, M. D:; Lecturer
on Chemistry and Natural Philosophy.
Ii. -IL Ramsay, A. M., Assistant In
structor in Mathematics ar.d Lan-
January 1st, 1869.
Rev. J. II. Campbell,
Thomasville, Ga.
Death of. John M. Harrington.—
John M. Harrington, Esq., a well known
member of the New York bar, and for
merly assistant district attorney, died
suddenly at his residence on Sunday
The • New York Tablet announces
that nearly §50,000 has already been
secured in that city for the American
College in Rome.
Land Agency.
The undersigned has opened an Agency for
the salo of Land in this county, and Ihe South
ern portion of Georgia. In middle Georgia
land is selling at from ten to twenty dollars per
acre; an“ R is believed that, by proper efforts,
the price of laud in this sevtirli winy be greatly
enhanced. HiJextensive acquaiiiance throtigh-
out tlie State and the United Stj^es, giv^j the
subscriber advantages as an Agent poSsciscd fey
but few.
Parties having land for rale will hijieft the
same in writing, state Quantity, quality, price,
direction and distance froui Court l'cttrc and
Railroad, and ail other fact? calculated to secure
its sale. And parties Wishing to purchase will
apply tt) the subscriber for information.
Where rales are made by this Agency, or
through its influence, fivo percent on the amount
of sales will be charged. If land reported to the
subscriber is not sold, i o charge will be made.
Office at his residence, near t lie Variety Works.
Addross, Rev. J. 11. Campbell.
Thomasville, Ua.
T-. R; WARDSLir,
Bainbridge, Ga.
Evea brought to this Market.
W iLL be sold be^>l*6 the court house
door, in the town of Irwinton. Wilkin-
son comity^ on the first Tuesday in March
next, within the usual in.urs dr sale, Ihe fol
lowing wts of wild, uncultivated land to
wit—Nos. 81,41. 4:1, 48, 71, 78, in the 2fith
dist-iiet—2CC, 29*2, 2y:3, 295. Sfii, 80$, 3G(>.
354, 379. ::95, £;iu in the 27th dislriet, atid
392 in llie district; all of said numbers
and districts being originally Early county,
but.a porti u tl-eicof m*W Ij’ing ir. the conn
lies of Miller and Decatur, iibd each pf sai.l
lot? 'c'dn - tuning two l.undrid liiid file tii
more or les3.
Sold under an order of ths Coiirt of Ordi
nary of Wilkinson county, ns the properly
of A. C. Blown, dco-a ctl. for the benefit of
the creditors of s.-ii.l deceased. Tru.M* Cv<=u
Jan. 5tli, 18G9. B. A. WHIPPLE, Adin
Early County News copy and send bill
•Venus Office tor collection.
O 1XTY days after dale application will be
AJJ IT ‘ ‘' "
Henry S. Glover, of Jasper county,
has been appointed Assistant Assessor
of Internal Revenue fur the Third Dis
iTict, and W. H. Petes, Guager for the
Fourth District Gf Georgia;
nm:’e to the Court of Ordinary of Miller
county to sell the lands belonging t > the
estate of Win. Weaver, late of skid county
deceased. This January 13th, )8«9
jiliifi 14 ELIZA Leaver. Adm’x.
B aker court of ordinary—is
Chambers, January 13, lse-9. Ezekiel
Reiitz has applied for exemption of person
alty and setting apart and valuation of the
Corrected Weekly by
No such cold weather has visited
Florida since 1835—so say oiir ex
changes. Ice was formed an Inch in
thickness at St. Augustine on the 12th.
../.'.......Its ito &
-.....-..Xt IS ©
lav* .- .'.fis 40 (A
Sugab—Light Brown ft ja a,
lb 23 <a
Crushed .............ft 25 (A
Sracp. . -ga i qo XT
laws, was a fraud, and the parti as impli- SS*ulv *** 2 75
ealed were guilty of compounding a
Attorney General Evarta has declared
that every compromise made in the case
of a seizure, under the internal revenue
We learn from tlia Savannah papers
experienced ihe truth of too adage, that the negr0 insnrgerits coaticno to
mi making the foregoing confession, rj' ,• ,_a.
Tormld inlfe s«r Miths^ Vhicfi
the stockholders of those roads would
do well to ponder and reflect upon:
“The policy of tbe C. & S. W.
floids is-to offer transportation by a
longej^and more, expensive pputo at
redOeUtT rSte*.' Tfiis ui Tnrff obliges
a4»fttcttoB fttf tbe natorttl elmnnel,
and in some 0t^»»= 4Ounter comi>et-
divexato, when tte opposition jril!
corue iu and snrrenJer themselves to tbe
officers of the law. Nearly one hundred
have given themselves np.
The Abgus Los a efmdation through
out the bounds of -the South Georgia
Methodist Conference, which is one of
the most important actions for adver
tisers in the South. tf.
Col. John W. Duncan, a distinguish
ed Georgian, died is Atlanta a few days
J. Berrien Oliver.—This gentle
man, late editor of the Tallahassee
Sentinel, is notv a commission merchant
in Savannah, and one of the best , and
most accommodating in that city or out
of it.'
The Thomasville Enterprise,- in it3
It should be remembered that tirtse are Retail
Pbices. Large orders will be filled at Lotraa Rates.
■BACOst—Clear sides.......... ft 21 ©
Ribbed sides ft 20' @
• B> 15>4©
Meat. -
..ft 20 @
bbl 12 00
bbl 16 00@
........bu 126©
@ 75
Tobacco—Average .V.V....'ft~ 50 % 90
At a called Meeting of Milford Lodge No. 181,
a committee of five brethren were appointed to
draft resolutions in respect to the death of
James W. Nichols. The following are the
resolutions adapted 1
Whereas, under tlic hidden providence
great Father of the universe, our
esteemed brothen, James W. Nich
earns, ami I will pass upon the same at my
office, ou the 4th xMonday, ins!. J
B- P. HjJDSPErn, O.linary,
B aker sheriffsSALEs.-wiiibe
sold befdre trie Court House door i.i
the town of Newton, Baker county, Giot-
gia, between the legal hours of sale, on the
1st Tuesday in February next, the following
property, viz.- The North half of Lot of
Land No, (98.) ninety-eight in the 7th diet, of
Baker county—levied on as tbe property of
Joseph Bimmons, to satisfy a fif a issued from
tbe Superior Court of said county, in favor
of Julia A. Everett "Vs. Joseph. Simmons.
Also. Lot of Land No. (160) one hundred
and sixty in the 7th district of Baker coun-
ty—levied on as the property of Andrew H.
Mitts to satufy a fifa {torn the Superior Court
of Miller county in favor of Franklin W.
Bivins, Joel T. Walker, Ei’rs of Joel Walker,
deed vs. A. H; Mills-^-property pointed out
by Plaintiffs attorneys.
Jan2:td3 WM. JACKSON. Sbff.
GREEN APPLES, <£C. ( tftC.
And everything needed to Eat or Wear,
to Work with; euch as
&c., dew, &c.
ian]6 15 tf
Georgia baker county .--court of
Ordinary in Chambers, January 8!h 1869.
W. II. Adams has applied for exemption of
personalty and setting apart and Valuation
of homestead, mid I will pass upon t he same
at my office on the 4th Monday of the pres
ent month. D. S. HUDSPETH,
Jan 9 2t Ordinary.
Wanted AGENTS.^
everywhere, male and female, to introdnetfc
vine Improved Common Seme Fatmbj Srtint j.
This machine vyiU etifcch, hem, fell, tuck.-k.
bind; braid, and embroider in the
manner. Price'only $18. Fully warrci.w
years. We will pay $1000 for uuy matluuti'
sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more eh*.
than ours. It makes the ‘'Flastic Lock .Stile
cry second stitch can be cut, and still the 6
not be pulled Hftirt witiidut tearing it. Wep
from $75 td $200 pec. mouth and exponwti, it,
mission f^oni which twice that aiUouut tube\
Address SZCOMB Ife b*(7.; Pittsburg, h:
Mass.; or *St. Hollis, Mo.
Qniition)—Do not be imposed up<^V
paitics paln.iug off worthless cant-fron
under the same name or otlierwiso. dim,
only genuine and really practical cheap -
“Geo. P. Rowell k Co. offer to advertinf-rs
complete method of reaching .the public, tiunfe
uowsiMipers, of any agency in the coai;tn.-L
ficld (0.,) Transcript. ‘ _
'' V! S
GEORGI A, Dcc;tIr Lbnntv.—Wm. Powell,
guardian t*f C I/ofia'son. having appi ed
to the Couf t of Ordimii-y of saiil county for
a discharge from Iiis guardiansliip of C. P.
Donalson. this is, therefore; to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause,'.by filing ob
jections in my office, why the said Win.
Powell sliou'd not be dismissed ■ from his
guardianship and receive the nsual lettersol
dismissiofi. WM. POWELL
janlO 14 4^1
V '-'D' 3 ? NILVVH N -A‘ ]f- v '03M iv-t
'' .-\7 uVQ ,v/r»C I 1-1 I ~
^dVOS 13110,^
Lynchburg,V*. Savannah,Ga. Lynchburg.Va!
AgeuU for the Sale ofN. Carolina A Va., ’
auk Snwliing 'fcabrnBi,
— AW D—•
186 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga^ ’
the highest prices for Hides, Becs-
wax, Ac- j anl6 J5 3(I4
Town, at reasonable rates-
He solicits the patronage
... „ , R . - - , I*. J. MATHIS,
; which no traveifor refufes. And, whereos, fb% ! Kulter county, January *6, 1S69. } m
latest issue sars the above of Capt - “jstie circle of]Slha3 thereby been broken, ' rtTconT vAira-Awr 1 “
rji; , . , and our beloved brother has been called to hi. , DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSWTP'
Uilter, and we most heartily endorse U final account with the grand Archuect of the I THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore extow
because we know from experience, and j ^cLe. kid'll^tt^he death of I ffitlfdWveT^LtaUon^t. 4 p Co "^“‘ U ***»«*»&“
speak by'nnderstandino*. Cant. Oliver I Brother J. W. Nichole n b»v.. loot « ! ind-K,,..! _:ir . , y al consent. Portlet
Honey, Glycerine, Elder, Flow*
er, Boqnct and Balm,
„ Tn J3' I ® ,i ty. Style and Perfume Warranted equal to
tbe Enghsh and sold fully 50 per cent, cheaper which
accounts for the great ftUiugTTff iu tb(i demand for
the Jl^ 11 f SOap3 ’r and 4116 un P*' ec odented success of
the American Company ToUet Soaps, uow
sold everywhere in the United States r
Manufacturer*. Philadelphia and New York.
sell the Aspcr.
lri« $E. The aimplest, cheapest an?
0L0 stitches per* minute. Liberal indu^m^ntK 'to
. ., Graito Rapeds, jilen., 8ept 10, 18C8.
The people seem to be crazy about Tour Em j,-,
«r Axes. Kease v «ndm^ty2oz J eTm^ ,ACK ‘
Yours truly,
W. D. F.
If you want 7o Advertise,
If jou want to Advertise,
If you want to Advcrli*.;
.Send a &tainp
Seud a Suriqi
Send a Str.inn
four New Circular;
bur New Circular,
Our New Circular,
Containing Lisu,
Containing Lists,
Containing Lists,
Of nil the Best Advertising
Of M tlie Best Adverti.-im? Jb-i ■
Of all tlie '.’est Advertising MSliuna i
The Names ure Given
The Names are Givrii
IhS Names are Giriiii
• ,. ,< . Alu1
Tlt'd i rices are G vcn.
Tlie Prices are Given.
The Prices are Given.
Yon Gin Kst.inmh tie O'
You Can EstinintetWO'
You ('an EstimateilwlVi^j
Ai d
a; And
Make Your Older Large er Pwsll
Slake Your Older Large or SwuJI.
Make Your Order Large »f SiualL
Our Lists of I (id
Our Lists of loo
Our Lists of 100
Local Papers
Loeiil Papers
Local Papers
And Iligh-Triced
And High-Priced
V s Uig -Priced
Are Largely Used by Advertiser*,
Are Largely Used by Advertiser*
Are Largely Used by Ari(either,
Becauee the special Rated
Because the Special Rat^S
Beeause the Special Sates
And the Choice Position Offered
And the t hoioe Positcn Offers 1
, And the Choice Position Offered
Make Thera Pay.
Make Them Pay,
Make Them Pay.
Send For A Circular
Send For A Circular
Send For A Circular
Geo. r. Rowell & Co.,
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,
Geo. P. Rowell A Co.,
Advertising .Agents,
Advertising Agents,
Advertising Agenttf,
we know from experieRCe, and j la ^ at ^elestial body above. j under tbe Arm name <
, r ’ Therefore. Resolved 1st. That m the death of j this day dissolved by
understanding*. Capt. Oliver j Brother J. \V. Nichols we have lost o most wor- ! indebted will please c-om- forward an I To’
has shows hi,good hj sbssdos. jXTiSS^SSUSS?'SZ’iiZi a K’i?' Itab “ to “* E ' i »
: Al. _ _ a:* .1 . • _ J 1 . w a dntinn rail ! T - X “ 11 * OJll I Ii.
; January 8, 1869. 3m
ing tbe editorial tripod, and seizing the j dat,on of “h the virtue*.
. . . — . . 2d. That by bis death the honest poor of our
goldea opportunities offered an energet- vicinity have lost a friend, and the community i TT„ r ;n„fo., n. , .c
ic Savannah merchant; we know his j a »? d "*$*,***{ . , ! boB **' t ° at the ent!rc intere3t of »«•
... , • , ... . ... . , 3 “- That wc sincerely deplore hu death aod ; <»• W. Farrar, tho subscriber will continue the
manv interior friends will coincide with i ttf«ler our eareest CTEtpathies to his sorrowia* ' - -
. , . | ,. , fomi!y. 8 busmeas as heretofore at the old *tand on
tins endorsement, as thorongllly as tbfcr j 4^ That as a memorial ff our reject, that J South Bread Street. He weririd make knownt
are at present, endorsing birn by their theimpletSentsof lie Lodge, and the room, be 1w
. , . .... draped" in mourning, and tiat each member b * mend? that he j coustantly receiving new
patronage and confidence, m tbeirbusi-j wear thcusualb.dgSforthespaceofthirtvd.vx .. . ,
1 5th. That while we cast the mantle of'charity i a '* J * U0D! 10 h ’ 3 ■*"* *7 giod*. boots, shoes,
C °“ !nl iaJ emniate liquors, Ae„ which he well.
1 Alial&ior fiitto M Virginia,
died an tlie 8th inst
Success to the ex-editet, and may his
merest)tiki e.Ypericnccr be so bright,
tKkt jdnrnalistic wiil-6-t^e-wisps shall
neVer'agairf lure him from his course.—
Savannah Advertiser. \ . -•
Tbe "Bed JXcajrr” is for sale by all remnnriH.
hardware dealers and tbe msn n f^ 1 ^l n ^ poMfl>le
Lippiacott & Bake well, ^
The house of Geo P; Rowki.l A Co. «
the only one in the business that luu'^l 1
used advertising to any great extent to *■
vance its own 'uteresfo. They spend Rtf-
sums, and find by personal experience
advertising pays best”—jV. Y.
Dealer in
FHtsbargh, Pi
■ and Bed
6th. That the family of Brother Nichois Bo j low for tbe cash,
furor bed, by the Secretdrv, with a cepy of the"*fe
Resolatisnj, and that they adso bo i.ubiiihed in
the Bainbridge Argos.
B. C. JACS3GN, >
J. II. COOK, )• Committer.
I. H. HAND, > «
AgricnltoYe, Horticnltufe Mid Tfnral
j. m. a «. n. kcestsb, ia»n^,.
Saddles, Bridles,
Buggy and Carriage
j* & a at $ s s
Rubber and Leather
- harness-trimming 9 *
No. 72, St. Julian and 105 Bryau Sfc*/