Newspaper Page Text
^he§<imhidge Jtogiusi
Bct. ff. I HAMILTON,
• • Editor.
Asjsis’t Editor,,
feg. (Wfulait.
»»l«rO»y Morning, Jane lath, 1800.
The Christian JMfnisMrylhe only
Hope of the Country.
A respected contemporary think*
liO has found A rcrTledy for tlie demor-
alizilion of the times, and that remedy
the faitbful preaching of the gospel.
He then proceeds to lecture the ministry
Andrew Female C® lege.
The annual examination and com
mencement exercises of this popular in
stitution promise rare entertainment to
. - .. visitors. It will probably fur surpass
«nrl give them such wholesome advice any similar exhibition ever witnessed in
the State, or out of it, and will go far to
The crops are growing rapidly and are
looking well. "We saw no discouraging
indications, respecting the fanning in*
terest, on the route.
We would commend to all visiting
Colquitt the excellent hotel, kept by
Judge J. V. Heard, who keeps a fine
table,' comfortable beds, and polite ser
vants, and is nnxions to accommodate
bis guests, and render their stay pleas
ant and agreeable.
in the premises as he deems necessary
to a proper understanding of their
duties and calling. They should con
fine themselves strictly to moral ques
tions, clearly defined, such as '‘Thou
eh Alt not steal ”—"thou shall n:U bear
- fain vciUmt against thy neighbor,” and
not go out of their way to denounce
customs and imnsemenis that no moral
law can be found to condemn, namely ;
dancing, theatre-going, &<• (fee., for by
inveighing against these “innocent
Customs, they destroy their influence
and claims upon the confidence of many
“sensible people.”
Our contemporary seems to ho aiming
tight, and, to tbe eye of ibe uninitiated,
is a tafe and reliable counselor; but he
hits wide of the mark. The very prac
lice* ho would hare the ministry wink
at are really the most fruitful sources
of the wide spread dcmoralizaiion of
which he speaks, and which he would
have remedied. Gross sins, which are
indulged by the self-abandoned and
reckloss, are not the evils to bo regard
ed as specially elaiining tbo attention of
- the reformer. The most of the drunk
ards wc see staggering through our
streets, wholly lost to shame and self-
reproach, first acquired a taste for
strong drink at the fashionable party,
where the wine cup was freely indulged
rs an innocent beverage. And so an
investigation into the causes of oilier
departures from the path of virtue and
religion will disclose the same truth,
that in a large majority of instances
the ball-room, theatre, circus-ring or
other places of amusement sowed tbe
seed’s which produced' a harvest of sin,
and shame, and eternal ruin.
Pure religion, that which alone can
save the soul, is from God, and so thor
oughly changes the heart and mind
that “old things pass away, and all
things become new.” “Tbe Spirit itself
biJareih witness with our spirit that we
are the childrenof God”—yea, “created
nr.ow in Christ Jesus.” We are now
\ made to “rejoice with joy- unspeakable
and full of glory.” To suppose that a
child of God, “who is buried with Christ
by baptism into death,” can take pleas
ure in the light and foolish amusements
of an ungodly world, is simply an ab-.
surdity; and wc are surprised that any
one who ever road a page in the Bible
could believe ball-rooms, theatres, and
such places of carnal aiimsement lo be
In consonance with that spirit of heav
enly mindednesa and Christian purity
inculcated in every chapter and verse of
the holy b -ok of God. “If any man
*’ love the world the love of the Father is
not in him,” says our Law-giver.
We believe, with our contemporary,
that great responsibility rests upon, not
only ministers, but the entire member
ship of the Christian Church, in regard
to the deliverance of our country and
people from the demo.alization that
pervades all ranks of society; aud it is
evidently our first duty to acquire that
moral power which the magnitude of
the work before us demands, and which
alone can be secured by a'consecration
of our souls and bodies to God and
In what wc have said-on this subject
we have had special reference to pro
fessed Christians, and not to people of
the world. Nor have we indulged in
mere speculation: wc know that wc
•peak the truth. Man’s only business
on earth is to recover from the fall, and
make his way to heaven.
establish ihe reputation of Andrew Fe-
m ale'Col lege as a snperior institution to
any female college in the South or
The President, Dr. A L Hamilton,
will please accept our thanks for an in
vitation to be present aiid wituess the
*6X0101308. Should it foe within our
power, we will avail ourself of the privi-
-Cge. ana make one of the immense con
course of people that will doubtless be
in attendance during tbe week.
The following programme will satisfy
the reader that the occasion will be one
of surpassing interest:
The primary and preparatory classes
will be examined in tbe College Hall, on
Friday, June 18th, from 8 o’clock, A. M„
to 2 o’clock, P. M.
The regular college classes will bo ex
amined in the same Hall, and embracing
the same number of hours per day,
Monday and Tuesday, June 21 and 22.
Sunday, June 20th, at 10 o’clock,
A M., Rev. A. A. Lipscompe, D. D.,
Chancellor of the State University, will
preach tbe Commencement Sermon.
Wednesday, June 23d, at 10 o’clock,
A M., the class in Physical Training
will give a public exhibition; aud at 8
o’clock, P. M., Mrs. B E. Bussell and
Miss R. Taylor will give their Annual
Musical Cbncert.
Thursday, June 21th—Commencement
Day—at 10 o’clock. A. M., Annual Lit
erary Address, by General John B.
Gordon, of Atlanta, Ga.; and at 7
o’clock, P. M., fifteen young ladies v.ill
read their Graduating Essays, and Di
plomas be'awarded,
Friday, June 25 fib, nt8 o’clock, P. M.
the young ladies of the College, under
the direction of Mrs. M. J.R. Hamilton,
will give a beautiful Presentation of
Classic Tableaux, concluded by ti Can
tata—Flora’s Festival.
N. B.—Programmes ,of tha different
entertainments will be distributed in due
Prbf. Affleck and Mr. Pulaski, distin
guished musicians, both of them, will
assist at the Festival.
We hope to see crowded audiences.
A. L. Hamilton,
The Bans ee of the South—The
Banner cf the Somh is now the only
weekly paper published which raonrns
at ihe grave of the Lost Cause and
which keeps alive its memories.
It is eminently Catholic and Sottlh-
ern in its tone, but just .and charita
ble to all. Father Ryan, its Editor-
in-Chief, is a brilliant and fearless
writer. He has proven himself an
able defender of Religio tl Palrla—the
motto of his paper, which is rapidly
gaining-in public favor and growing
in circulation thionghout the whole
country. The subscription is $3 per
annum. Specimen copies sent free.
All communications and business let
ters should be addressed L. T. Blomf.
& Co., Publishers Augusta, Ga.
first. There is only this difference: this North. Merchants would do well to order their
stocks of brooms from tbe ‘ Georgia Academy
Macon P. O.—The latest advices
from VYashington bring the glad news
that the incendiary Turner has been
notified not to trouble himself any
’further about bis bonds as Macon
L. W. Andrews. Esq., has become
Associate Editor of that ably conduct
ed journal, The South Georgia Times,
whom we welcome to the fraternity
editorial with the utmost cordiality
and the best of wishes.
A Mistake.—It is altogether a mis
taken idea that the favorable or unfa
vorable reports of the local-press, re
specting the growing crops, have the
slightest bearing on the price of cotton.
one is not so largo as the first, aud is a
shade darker^ and has black eyes; it
proditces fbfe black-striped caterpillar,
which destroys the cotton in a very
short time' after this dark, black-cyed
fly appears.
When this fly -appears, in my opinion,
it is no use to attempt to do anything,
for they are too many in number; but
if any remedy can be applied, it must
be done before the black-eyed fly can
The oq!y remedy that seems practica
ble (and this one may fail), is the build
ing of fires in the cotton field*; and this
to be of any nae must be done by'all.
Oue farmer may build fires the whole
season, and.if bis neighbor does not do
the same, it will do no good. Let there
for tbe Blind.’’
Georgia may well be proud of ibis monument
of her civilization and refinement. The indi
gent blind of Georgia, are received without
Charge for board or tuition. Those knowing blind
persona. Would be doing an act of humanity and, by directing them to Prof. Wil
liams, of tbe “Georgia Academy for the Blind,”
Macon ; or informing Prof. W. of such persons.
Hay we all learn to feci for each other.
Lumpkin, Ga., June 3d, IS69.
A GENTS wanted for ‘Women of New York.
( nmplcte expose of Female Life in the Great
Metropolis. Sensational, tieautifuiiy, illustrated
Sample copv post paid for $2. Address New Youk
Poos Co., 145 Nassau St.. N. V. City.
,[Froni the Cuthbert Appeal.
8aiul)ridCuGibert & CoUsm-
fcus Railroad.
The public pu 1 sc continues to beat strongly
in favor of this new enterprise* and ‘he sub-
stription rolls i re daily swelling in magnitude.
Soon the private contributions will reach the
A Visit to Colquitt.
W6 visited this importantlittle village,
on the 5th instant, to attend the 2nd
Quarterly Conference for ColqnitUCt., in
company with Rev. Geo. C. Clarke, P.
E. We met with a hospitable reception
and were the recipient of many acts of
kindness daring onr stay. The sermon
on Saturday morning, preached by Rev.
Mr. Clarke, was an cxcelleut discourse;
very practical and convincing, and was
well received by the audience. On
Sunday morning, at 11 o’clock, the Pre
siding Elder again preached, aud his
congregatioruwas one of the largest we
have ever seen in this section of the
State. His subject was the prediction
of Isaiah of the ultimate triumph of
Christianity throughout the earth; a?td
the able and e’oqnent speaker completely
enchained his hearers for an hour or
more, in the delivery of a sermon ne one
in the State could surpass.
Colqnitt represents a fine agricultural
region, and is thought to be very heal-^
thy. Should the Cuthbert railroad pass
throngh it, we know of nothing to pre
vent its doing a heavy business, and
competing—egemfnHy with neighboring
The Growittg Crops.
During the past week we have been
blessed with a warm sun and frequent
delightful showers, and from all qnar
ters we have favorable reports of the
growing crops. We do not kuow a
farmer who does uot regard the pros
pect, provided the caterpillar and
lx>ll-worin do not destroy the cotton,
as eminently flat'enng.
From our personal observation, and
constant ’ enquiry among the best
planters in this section, we are com
pelled to regard the unfavorable re
ports respecting the crops in this
region of the State as unreliable, and
probably made to affect ihe price of
produce, either at home or abroad.
There is no appearance of cater
pillar or boll-worm in Decatur coun
ty that we have heard of, nor do the
reports horn other counties, of the
presence of tlicsc dreaded foes,
amount to much more lliau an appre
hension thnt they will appear this sea
son earlier than usual, and, hence, do
greater damage to the cotton. Thus
far, however, neiiher worm or other
destroying agencies have done auy
thing to blast the prospers of the
planter. All species of crops are do
ing well, and promise an abundant
harvest, Some fields of choice cotton
we are informed, will more than av
erage knee-high, and some Btalks al
ready have eighteen and more squares
upon them. We also hear of cotton
Corn will soon be made. A few
good seasons of rain, and this crop
will prove equal tor that of any year
within the List decade.
The only trouble now is an appre
hension of the early ravages of the
caterpillar aud boll-worm ; but this
may prove grounuless. Let us hope
for the best. “Sufficient ante the day
is the evil ther -f.” ... _
Rev. J. O. A. Sparks, pastor of one
of the Methodist churches in Key West,
died very suddenly a short time since.
Gen. Jordan bad succeeded on the 3d
m joining tbe Cuban forces. He lyui
with him seventeen hundred rifles, new,
and of tbe most approved pattern.
The Cuban Republic is divided into
four States—the Legislature is composed
of one house only—the President to be
elected by tbe Legislature—religious
and civil liberty gnarranteed—all citi
zens over twenty-oue allowed to vote.
General Cespedes is now the President
of Cuba, aud Mr. Morales Lemus Min
st er to this coun try.
A Friend to the Confederacy.—It
is not generally known that Spain was a
strong sympathizer with the “Lost
Cause,” and especially that she at one
time ordered steps to be taken for active
hostilities against the North; yet My,
Secretary Perry, of the Anvjriean Lega
tion at My-Aral, so states in a recent
letter. He says: “The desire of Spain
to divide the country was so great in
1863, that the government of that coun
try ordere 1 hostilities to commence on
With the exception of a alight deflection in
reaching Culquitt, the county site of Millc, fur
which many substantia! reasons arc adduced, we
predict the route will be almost as the croiv flies.
A bend to Morgan would involve an additional
cost of $75,000, while to take Blarely on the
route would probabiy require a hundred thous
and more. .. ,,
These figures we get from official sources
Now while we heartily wish tha* every town
and village within striking distance could enjoy
the benefits of direct railroad communications,
still we do not think thnt tbe success of the
undertaking should bo imperilled for the grati
fication of certain localities. Nor should wc
weaken the prestige of tbo project, as one of tha
grand links in the highway to the West, by giv"
ing a tortuous course to the road bed in quo*-
be concert of aelfcm, and it may be that handsome fig!lre of ncar a half ^llKm dollar:
thin great enemy of the cotton plant can j Even the most sceptical now concede that the
be destroyed, or its progress checked j speedy construction of the Road is an assured
Until tbe cotton would be nmde;-aud if j fact. The sentiment in favor of an air line or
the boll worm be produced by a fly, it j a near approximation thereto, is well nigh tinau-
may be destroyed in the same way, and ; imoa3,
at the same time. Let the citizens of
every district, or neighborhood, hold
meetings every two weeks, at some con
venient point; let each one report his
discovery, and suggest the best plan by
which this fly can be destroyed. Let
every farmer look well for tbe green-
eyed fly. When it appears, let all begin
to bnild these fires; this is the time to
destroy the caterpillar: for if one waits
until the black-eyed fly appears, then
he had better begin to make arrange
ments to compromise bis debts.
The time to look for the fly, is a little
after snuset; if there are any in the field
they can be seen very busy around the
cotton plants. They arc apt to appear t,on ‘
first on the low parts of land in the field.
The time to build the fires, is about
sunset, or soon enough to have them
burning well by dark. Build very small
fires about ten yards apart in every
eighth or tenth row. Be careful not to
have the fires too large; in that case,
the fly would be driven away by tbe ex
cessive beat.
This plan of building fires to destroy
the caterpillar is not a new one; it has
l>een tried by some, with .what success I
know not; but, I thlnk^jf the plan
could be generally adopted, it would
prove beneficial. I Lave seen tbe greeu-
eyed fly, and now is tbe time for every
farmer to be on the look out for it, and
as soon as it appears, build-his fires if
no better plan can be introduced. This
plan costf no money, and very little, la-'
bor; aud may save the cotton crop—and
all know the importance of saving this
crop of cotton. p. O. J.
]Correspondence of the JJaiabridge Argus.]
Caterpillar in Lean Co., Fin.—A
False Report Corrected.
We published, week before last, a re-
'ort brought here by some one from
Florida, whose name we do not know.
our Southern border’> Perry intimates tliatoll0 of the cotton fields of Colonel
that it was through his active interposi
tion and efforts that countermanding
orders were sent out.—Sav. Republican.
Finding of Miss Eva Jones' Bolt.—
The remains of Miss Eva Jones, of
Florida, lost from the steamer United
States in December last, says the Louis
ville Courier-Journal, were found in the
river near Yevay, Indiana, a few days
ago, and were identified by her name
being marked on her under clothing.
Central Railroad.—This corpora
tion has declared a dividend of five
per cent, on its operations for the lust
six month*, which will be agreeable to
War “grim-visaged war," has given
us the name of two of our most pop
ular colors, Solferino and Magenta.
Why may not. the fruits of peaceful
scientific discovery suggesi a designa
tion as well ? Let anyone hold up a
bo: ile of Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid,
and he will involuntarily say “what
a splendid color!” Why not dub it
“Prophylactic ? Let the modists make
a note of it!
[ orrespondence of the Argus.]
From Slitchcll County.
Messrs. Editors :—I uoticeiu your last
issue, that you seem to thiuk that re
ports concerning the caterpillar have
been much exaggerated. I hope they
have; and I also hope there may be a
large crop of cotton made this year; but
the indications are. that the caterpillar
will soon appear, and there will bp but
little cotton made. I do not write in
this way to discourage nny one; neither
do I put this forth as aprophecy; I only
wish to give my opinion on this all-im
portant subject, as to the operations of
the caterpillar, its origin, d;c., aud the
best mode of its destruction. Tbe boll
worm has already appeared, and isdoing
considerable damage. I counted in my
field, to-day, eleven forms on one stalk
of cotton, that had been perforated and
Williams, near Tallahassee, had been
stripped of its leaves by the caterpillar.
The following letter to us from Col.
Williams, not only contradicts the re
port as a baseless fabrication, but speaks
cheeriugly of the cotton aud corn crops
in Leon:
Tai.i.aiiasse-, Juno 1st, ISM.
Mr. Editor :—I was shown, to day, a piece
taken from your paper, beaded “Tbo Caterpil
lar,” that if I were to allow to go uncorrected
would give a false impression as to tho condi
tion of cott n crops’ in our county. You allude
to having beard of a field of400 acres of cotton,
on one of my places, as having been ruined by
the dreadful scourge ; “and so great bad been
lire havoc that barely 400 stalks remained on
the 409 acres.” IIow this rumor could have
been spread, I am at a loss to know—certainly
from do expression of mine—for, ou the contra
ry, on many hundred acres of cotton, that I
have planted. I have not seen two stalks that
have been in any way touched. I did see. sev
eral weeks ago, a single that I
bought to be the genuine cotton worm ; but
friends pronounce it to be simply tho gras3
worm. The fly has been seen by several, but
with such seasons as we are now having, little
i r no injury can be done by them. What is in
store for us, later in the season, I am ut able to
say—but at tbe present our county never pre
sented a brighter future for a good yic'd ol
corn and cotton.
Trusting that you will make the necessary
correction in your pa er, at least, so far as tbe
mentioning of my crops arc involved,
I am yours, Ac .
In the location ol the proposed route, indi
vidual interests and oven the wishes of entire
communities should be' ignored, if in conflict
i'h tbe grand design sought to bo accomplish
ed, which is the fair remuneration of the st-ck
holders, and the highest good of the greatest
numbtr concerned.
It should bo remembered, atso, that an active
competition will exist between the Albany and
Thninasville Road, and that under review, anil
it is of the last impor'ance that eur Hoad should
run as far East as possible, in order that it may
contend successfully for the produce of the rich
tract of country, which will bo. as it wero, debat
able ground for Loth on'erprises. To travel fa'
away from that region and almost within sound
of the steam whistles on tbe Chattahoochee,
simply to go by the county *rte of Early, j?
asking too much at the hands of tbo projectors
of the Road. They could better afford t buy
tbe town oi Blakely and let the inhabitants
build anew in some morqconvenicnt site.
While we do not therefore attach tbe least
blame to our Early friends for wishing tbe Road
to pass by their doors, we are not witli ut hope
that when the inexpediency of the step is made
evident to them, they wiil in that event aban
don their attitude of quad hostility to the ctif-te
und -rtaking, and join heart and hand in the
werk of construction.
Even though it docs not run directly through
the centre of the county, the benefits derived
fr in the RAad will ho almost inea’culaide.
Sinking individual pr feretices as to route
etc., etc., tbe people of this region sh-uld unite
as one man and push forward to completion this
important enterprise.
Is better ‘ r:: our regular shaped Axes f ir these
reasons: First— It cots deeper. Second—It don’t
stick in the wood. Third—It dues nut jar tho
hand. Fourth—No time is wasted in taking the
axe out of the cut. Fifth—With the same labor
you will do one-third more work than with the
regular axes. Red paint has nothing to do with
the good qualities oc this axe. for all onr axes
are painted red. If your hardwire store does
notieep our goods, we will gladly answer in
quiries or fill your orders, or give you the untuc
of the nearest dealer who keeps onr Axes.
Pittsburgh. Pa.
Sole owners of f! dburn’s anJ Red Jacket
Pit INTER •?-£?•
L Illll 1 Lit NEW YORK.
and the printing material
accompanying it, • every
man can do his own print
ing neatly, quickly and
cheaply. They arc so sim
ple in construction, that ft
boy ten years old can easily
manage * the largest size.
Printed instructions arc
sent with each office, ena
bling the purchaser to get
at work without a previous
knowledge of printing. A
circular, containing full de-
cription, prices, testimoni
als, fcc,, sunt free to alh Our
Specimen Sheets of type,
cuts. kc. . ten ».ents. Address
F ire extinguisher, riant
Syringe, Window Washed and Gardes
Engine, for §5. Send stamp for. circulars to
N. E. P. PUMP CO., Danvers. Has.*.
Clerk’s CrrxE, Scpbi ve Court
Alev ,—A!
Tito following is t |i« nrd*„..' - 2 ’ S «
Circuits have beet, entered
for the ensuing June Term nr °.'i'
Court, with the jiumber of J Ul * Sit,
county ; ’•“*** from
SO. T.1 WKSTKRN aua-rt
Baker '
Donglitei y... . v
uidule UKCUIT
■ No ease front thnvCircuit.
No case front this Circuit.
Cnr.ROKKE circuit.
93000 a j-esir. Address Fox ,t Co , Saco, JIaiuo-
$100 to §250 rantrrd. &ure Pay-
Salaries paid weekly to Agents everywhere selling mir
Patent Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines. Call at or
write for particulars to Girard Wire Mills, 2C1 So.
Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wanted AGENTS • per month,
everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Gen
uine Improved Common Sense Family Sewing Machine.
This machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, quilt cord,
bind, braid, and embroider in the most superior
manner. Price only $18. * "Fully warranted for five
years. We will pay $1000 for any machine that will
sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic scam
than ours. It makes the “Elastic Lock .Stitch.” Ev
ery second stitch can be cut, and still the c oth can
not be p lied apart without tearing it: We pay agents
from $75 to $200 per month and expenses, ora com
mission from which twice that aitfount can be made.
Address .VECOJ/B k CO., Pittsburg, Pa.; Boston.
Mass.: or St. Louis. .Vo.
C’» ntion.—Do not bo imposed upon by other
parties palming off worthless cast iron machines,
under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the
only genuine and really practical cheap machine
" talapoosa crncuiT.
Cur*oil. *
Fulton •
ru.vr ctrerrr.
Monroe. #
Spalding I
no mi t i n arcum
H it
Kavtoii’s Oil of Life cures nil pains
end aches, and is tbe Grcat^Rheumatism
Ivav(on's Oil. of Life cures all paim-
and aches, and is the great rheumat
ic remedy. tf.
T HE Meridian Bur iter, for Kerosene, adapted
cither for Sun or common chimney. \gents
wanted in every town in the country. S.fmp’es sent
by mni- prepaid on receipt of 30c?. Every variety of
Kerosene Lamps. Bracke ts, r*bandeliars, etc., for pri
vate houses'.-halls and churches, constantly on hand.
Orders for sample c.tses of our latest styles of lampi
filled promptly ut lowest prices.
702 Arch Street, Philadelphia
The newly invented packet
ime piece, s n i t a b l c for
itlser gentleman or l;*dv,
n handsome motal cue.
white dial, gilt lettered
*ras? movements, sound
and vervieenblc with key
complete. A tnif.perinnocnt
po?f-pitid to any parr of the
eecipr of Or.c Dollar, or three
a *vion is nor given, in*mcv
W. -CO IT & l* A UL. 43
7*hc Oroide W-.i cb
United States on
for $2 50. If sat?
•tfitndcd. A »ld r*
Chatham street. New York.
$15. P. 0. orders
mi registered letters oub
CorrecU-a Weekly by
The subject of enclosures of land and
stock is being discussed by some of the
press. We would rejoice to see such a
practice prevail eveu in this section of
tbe State. Its benefits would be incal
Scott’s Mogazine for June, has been
[Correspondence of the Bai bridge Argus.]
Georgia Academy for tlie Blind.
Mr. Editor : While in Macnn, attending the
Southern Baptist Convention, it was my good
fortune to enjoy the hospitality »t Prof. W. D
Williams. Pr ncipa! of tbe above named Insti
tution. I have thought that a notice of its con
dition, prospects and aims, might not be anin-
teresting to yoar many readers.
It occupies a conspicuous aud commanding
eminence in the city of Macon. The building
is largo and commo .ious, admirably adapted to
the purpose lor which it was erected, and
adds a great deal to the architectural beauty of
the city.
As its name implies, it is a sc hoot for the
blind—not an asylum or an infirmary. None
but those hopelessly blind are admitted. Tbe
coarse embraces two departments.
First—Tbe literary and musical. I. this,
blind children from eight to twenty-one yeats,
destroyed; and tbe plan of destruction j are reC eived. They are instructed-In the Ko
to tbe caterpillar which I will give, may j g ish branches usually, taught in our academies
also help to destroy this l>est of tbe cot- j and high schools; and iu vocal and instramenra:
ton. As to tbe origin-of the boll wortp, I tun.-dc.
or its production, I have HO idea; but! Second Handicraft. In this they are taught
presume it is produced by a fly, as is ! ,ri,dca ’ by <rhich thcT ean * u PP ort tbemsciv ea
fhe caterpillar.
It should bo remembered that those are. Retail.
Prices. Large orders will be tilled at Lower Hates-
#acon—Cleat sides. lb 2 L (at
Ribbed sides lb 20 hit
Shoulders lb 17 Gj>
Canvassed Hams jb 25 @
Flour—Superfine bbl 8 00 Cat 1000
Extra-Family bbl 11 00 @12 00
Meal bn 1 50 («>
Rice lb laiiiS)
Coffee—Rio jb 23 @i
Parched ft 15 tjj)
Java..; ft 40 <«i
Sugar—Light Brown ft ] 5 <a
Clarified ft 13 @
Crashed ft 25 (■)
Syrup gal 75 fat
Salt sack 3 50 (3
Tobacco—Average lb 05 1S1 J 00
Wheat Bras ft 2 @
Need Oats hu 1 35 ^
Corn.... bu I 50 Gt
TI i’ie A mcr-
icsrii K»« it tins;
The implefit, chcapes-t and
be«f enftthif' machtm* over invented. Will knit 20.
Ptitclu'H per minute. Liberal induci'mimtu to
CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis. Mo.
Ask your Doctor <Jv»riigi;Lt for SWEET
tiLlVINE—it bquals (bitter)"Quinine. Is made
only- b\ F. STEARNS, Chemist, Detroit.
[| AT More Valuable than Clold.
, u Lrl 1 For paiiimlars send two 3-rent stamp*
to AIX.US TE TUPI.V. Box lf ‘27, C'incinm.ti. O.
fto gidmttecmcnts
L OSCAR JACKSON. Warehouse and Com-
mi-’Mon Merchan t, Bruton’s Wharf, foot of
W E. RU THERFORD k CO., Keepers Liverv and
Sale Stables, Broad street, r^ar of Sharon House
No. 4 Dey Street, New York-
Great reduction in price. No' 1 $35; No. 2 $40; No.
3 $45. First-class Agents wanted. Address as al»ove.
Secret History
TL,- oetou-iuig rel .twm ..wi ,larUi..g .. iXul mrex.
made in this work, are creating tiie mo«t intense de
sire to obtain it. The tecrei political intrigue*, kc.
of Davis and other Confederate haulers, with the
Holden ysteries from •‘Behind the scenes in Rich
mond are thoroughly ventilat'd. Send for Circular-
anc. see our termR. aud a full description of the
/’R—de.i.tuA, Pa., ALanta, Ga.. or St. Louis, TTo.
L5* If required, Agents need sox pay fob coors
Agents wanted everywhere. Rend for Circular
S. C. THOMP <>5T & CO.,’
13ft Federal Street, Hostou, mas,.
T H1RTV Y EARS’ Experience fn tlie
Treatment of Chronic nmt Sexual
uisrasM—.1 Pagtiolngical View of Marriage. —The
cheapest book ever published—containing nearly
:tu0 pages, ur.d 130 fine plates and engravings of
the aut.tnmy of tlie human organs in a state of
health and disease, wi*h a treatise on eariv
errors, its deplorable consequences upon the
mind and body, with the atuh rs plan or treat?
tnent—the only rational and successful mode ot
cure, as shown bv a report of cases treated. A
Tuthful adviser to the married and those con-
t-roplating marriage who entertain doubts of
their physical condition. Sent free of postage to
any address on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or
postal currency, by addressing Dr. DA C’llOIX.
Nu. 31 Maiden I.ane. Albany, New York. The
author may be consulted upon ary of the dis
eases up tl which his book' treat, either person
ally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part
of the world.
C ONT4IMNG Important Physiological Informa
tion to young men contemplating marriage, sent
r^TITT-^i-V^r’’ S' nt ^, Ad ' ,, ' l!r ' 3 the CHEMICAL
iNSTITLTE, 4.J Clicfon Place, A. Y.
Southern. State amt County Rights for sale. Great
o .'vlS' f ‘ ,r <: ‘rcular. Address WEAVER 4:
JOA K8, Manufacturer*,, /'itttburgh, Pa.
There are two kinJs of caterpillar, and
two kinds of fly that produce them; one
i#tlie forerunner of tbe other, and is a
. , : producer of the other. The first fly that
received, and is filled with interesting i ■, , , ,,
’ , . . . makes its appearance resembles the can-
matter. We commend it te our readers j J]e fly> ^ * mmethiag krger , and has
. o t e t mont ,es in t e j prominent, green eyes; it pro
duces the green worm, which feeds and
grows on the cotton plant. When it is
grown, it winds itself up in an oblong
ball; remains there from two to four
weeks, then it reappears in the shape of
a fly, which very much resembles the
as one
Subscribe for it.
The Mary Swan steamer sank in the
Alabama river an the 4th. seventy miles
above Mobile, with nine, hnudred bar
rels freight. Hie boat is a total loss.
Biind men are admitted, if not too old to learn
a trade. I embraced the invitation kindly ex
tended by Prof. Williams of testing the profic -
eacy of the pupils.
Some nf them read with a cnrree’ness and
fluency really astonishing. The course of study
is much more extensive than I bad svpp sed.
fiouie of the students were pursuing Algebra,
Mental Philosophy and kindred branches.
Every thing that can be done to mitigate the
terrible loss sustained by this unfortunate class,
and to prepare them for usefulness and duty, is
careinliy done.
I saw chairs which bad been beautifully bnt-
?; AN ZS D , ^ ■ nARDLVG’S New Illuminated and
Illustrated EditmDs of the I.TFF OF 1 (ItHIVT
The works are now ready for delivery. Address for
Catalogue of the best Selling Subscription Hooks
\V. W.
.... . --- HARDKC.Pa,
.Publisher of Harding's Edition of the Holy Bible.
13ATENTS — Munn & Co., Editor*
*- Scientific American. 37 Pork Flow,
New A ork. Tweuty-t hrec teats' experience
in b aining AMERICAN and EUROPEAN
PATENTS. Opinion no charge A pamphlet.
108 pages of l aw and information free. Ad-
B uilttci* sciaror catalogue ol an new A ■ c.iiect-
uraltio kt and Jnirnat*. Address A. 1. favor,
s Co.. Pubasbers. Troy, N. Y-, or Springfield, I1L
T HE Ladies Elastic Supporter, (a. C. SLiU-
. sons,) for monthly ttse. Simple, convenient and
1 °r rale at millinery and fancy goods stores.
Samples sentby mail on receipt of one dollar. Dr. J
Ga- *°le agent for South Ca’ree
Una. Georgia. Florida, Alabama. Mississippi, and La.
WEaTErx circutT.
. No ease from this Circuit.
Hams........ ;;;~-
Schley ’
Twiggs \
Baldwin.' -v.-..mtk \
.Jasper. • 1
.Jones .«*•*>•. 1
Olia tf ooija i
Floyd.,. !
A petition has been receive’ by thenir-t-
bors of the Court from ihe members of i|, t
Southwestern bar. asking that the South-
western and Peiauln Circuits be !,-]i<'d-
and nol taken Up until af'er the »<ij,aim
meiit of ihe Superior Courts of those'l!r.
e tills. 1 I earn tint it is more I Inn pr ,| M |,
liiut. an order will be pa-s-d or the first d.y
of tlie term, transferring bolli of (;. r l
cuils to the lo el of the entire docket, ’ll,,,
would I live been done on the npp leatj „
aforesaid, bill the .1 udges did nol con-iih-r
that they bad Ihr power to pas, lj le , r |. r
except, in term lime.
Toe bar frtin the Middle Circuit will,!.,
wdl ; .o Hole l.l:"s. ns the cases I'nmi i|,i
I'oiirl. will lie ri I SI. cni el, if Ihe older Iran*.
f.*i ring the iSoutliwes t ru mid Patituln Cir
cuits should lie passed.
The bar is respectfully referred to ll«
14th, ,,0 h, and .i4d dltlles ot the Suprenip
Court, which are strictly enforced, and whi.h
'requite that. Cilis of Except inn, tha'i J;.. specify the points of -rr-r in H K
judgment of the Court below, lint rack
•Judge aud the Reporter slmli be.furnished
by Counsel for plaintiff m error, wilbnory
oi the iitilol Exceptions,, and that tv,mod
for both pi aim ,ff aud deCeiviliu.tsfi.JJ fur
nish dueli Judge aim the Krpnrfei wtk a
statement of the points, to be made. tog.dor
with a list of the uuthoriiics upon v.hcii
they rely. 'A 1). IIAKkl.SOX,
I), pufy Clerk hnpreme Court.
Tip* Savannah News, Augusta Coat
fit.utioiiiilist, Columbus Enquirer, Matin
Telegraph, Federal Union, Alliens l;,,r.arr.
Atimiiy N^ew-, Uinnbri gr Argus, IVopr'i
Iteieinler. Monroe Advertiser, and l>,ilt„n
Tones will please give this n-tiee two iascr-
ti ns, aud send bids to this office.
Change of Schedule.
Agents to sell the Homf. .Vul'iile Sewixo Machine .
It make, the Lock Stich. alike on both shies, has the
tinder-feed, and is equal in every respect to any sow-
mg machine evir invented. Price *25. Warranted ! I*ave Jacksonville at.
years. Send tor circular. Address Johnson, ' Loave Live Oak at......
Gcxebal Supebixtexlent's Office, )
Atlantic and Guif Railroad. J
fiarannah, April 3U, 1S69. )
AN and after JFonday May 3d. Passenger Trains on
VF tins road will run as follows :
(j' lnda - vs excepted) at.... 6.45a. m.
Arrive at UalDbndge 5n _
Arrive at Uvo CHk? ■ P ' “•
Arrive at Jacksonvflte ..
Arrive at Tallahaijsep..
vJ the Honorable Superior Court of Said
Com tv : The I’elit.ion of ri. U. dielclier. IV.
W. Wright, W. T. Worn and F. .1. All,be,
citizens f sail Comity, respectfully slmv
that 'bey have nssocia'c l tlieiuse ves U-
getl er f,,r Ihe sole slid express surprise
protecting the property located >u the Cir
Oi Uaii bridge, of said county ami Slate fr”*
destruction by lire. T ey fnr hers unviVft
t'mir pla* e of doing busnessis in saiJ Ci‘J
of riainbriiige. and they desire to be incor
porated under the oun*e and style of "O.'K
NO. 1,” for the term of twenty years. 'There
fore, your-petitionera pray your Honor hy
an older to be issued out of your Honorable
Court to constitute ‘hem and such others »*
they mny associate willi them, the whole
not to consist of less than Thirty nor more
than Eighty members, and their successor 3 *
body corporate nod politic under the name
und style aforesaid ; and by that nanis to
sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
insurer, and be answered unto in any Coqrt
of law in this State ; to have and use a com
mon seal ; lo make, ordain and establish
such by-laws, rules and regulation! as n |0 y
be necessary to enfry int • effect the object
of .tbe Company. To purchase ami ho d such
real and persona! property, rights and priv
ileges as maybe necessary in carrying out
the object of tl e company, for securing fhe
debts-dtie to the same, anil to dispose of eoch
property at their will and pleasure. A'd.
your petitioners further pray that the offi
cers and mein bets of said company, may 0 4
exempt from Jury and Militia duty fo k> n g
as they remain ac'ive members of the »!>•*•
All of which is respectfully submitted.
This 4th day of June, 18HU.
. . S. L. BELCHER.
June 5—4w
R ECENTLY occupied by Mrs. Johnson, u.
neaiti open for Ihe accommodation of
the | ublie. The parties it charge of th e
‘"King House.” f- el no hesitancy in clai-
for it the rank of Fi'RaT-CLASi*. and wnj
leave m, means unemploytd that will teno .
to the comfort ofttieir patrons.
Bainl,ridge. June s H69. 1dl_
.... , cn bCa "“' jU J “ ot ~ l-larxf*: Co., Boston, Moss., rittsburgb, Pa., or it! j Leave iiaipbridge'ii'. *
tome-l by the inmates of ihe lasiilution. They M°- j Arrive at Savannah (Monday’s exreptedVmt 5 00«
make brooms, equal to any brought from the *30M«ti \LARV. Address U. s. BmxoCo .x. Y . 1 Mays 31 x ra
v.-..v.v.-”v.r.:;.v. S: administrator^ sals-b* «*■
9.50 p.m. , ofw urd$rfroiQ liu Court o.f Gfdioftty 0
B ker county, Ga., rill be sold before the coni*
house doer in the town of Newton, Baker eooii'
! ty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in July next, »>*
' °f land Nos. &1 and a2 in rbo 7th district o
Arrive at Quincy..... •...V.V..1200 p m
V'aveTalfthL°o it”! ir'a-1 f tt f u,ed «ir in the town of Newton, Baker eoatt'
fsrer. T W II.3d MB. ' t *
.......11.40il m.
Loe’ft m! B » k «r Couaty. each lot outaieing 259 “* r “
excepted)at . 5.00a m n» re or less; belonging to tbe Estato of he n 'V
H. S. UATKEP, Ocnl Sup’t j net Perry, deceased. Terms cssb.
1 Ray 23;iQd • M. G.- PERBY. AdmJ