Newspaper Page Text
HlLkh n. RC«8KLU - - - Kdltwr.
BBS.B.UVHELL, ... Au’l S«llUr.
To the PatrauB of Ike Argus.
It was our purpose to eularge the Ar-
ous on tbe 1st of Octolter last to an Im
perial sheet, 26x40 iucbes, and bad en
gaged tbe necessary material thereto,
but was disappointed in getting it. We
still intend to enlarge, so soon as mate
rial can be procured, and to improve tbe
paper otherwise.
We deem it proper to state, that here
after all political discnss.on in these col
umns and mention of men and measures
bearing upon politics, will be the exclu
sive prerogative of onr Assistant, Lieut.
Bbxi. £. Russell, who, in future, will
have entire control of that department
of tbe paper, and we feel authorized to
■ay that the interests of tbe Democratic
party an thereby entrusted to a safe and
trustworthy aentineL Onr province, as
editor, shall be to seek alone tbe devel
opment of the country’s resources, and
the advancement of tbe moral, religious
and educational interests of tbe public,
especially, of South Western Georgia,
ignoring, altogether, matters bearing on
political subjects.
Willis M. Russell.
Sugar and Sy rup-flaking.
Notwithstanding the unprecedented
drought, whicMtas continued, with but
slight interruptions, for n-arly three
months, last passed, and which has lteen
very damaging to the cane, there will be
a larger quantity of sugar and syrup
made iu this section of Georgia, tbe
present year, thau has ever been pro
duced any one seasou before. Our ob
servation has been pfotty extensive in
this county, and presuming Decatur fit
ly represeule the adjoining counties,from
what we have seen we are disposed to be
lieve that there is not a farmer iD this en
tire region, who owns the laud he cultiv
ates, that has not this season planted su
gar-cane, aud as largely as his seed wonld
permit. The time for grinding this cane
lias now arrived, and could an observer
ascend to an altitude sufficient to enable
him to cast a look over this section of
the country, he wonld probably see, at
oue view, more than three thousand su
gar-mills actively engaged iu crushing
the yielding cuue, and as many fnr-
nices employed actively reducing the
juice to the consistency of sugar aud
•y™p. un
The New York Victory.—We give
below the result of the late New York
State election. It will be seen that the
Democratic majority foots np over 25.
000. This victory should give addition
al impulse to the ever vigorons and glo
rious Democracy. New York is now
thoroughly Democratic—her Legislature
being purified by expunging the Radi
cal scum which has so long infested it,
we will expect to see such a different
state of affairs under the new regime, as
will cuuse every Stute iu the Union to
do likewise:
secretary of state.
Nelson (Dem.) 337.742
Sigel (Rep.) 317,150
Deocratic maj iritv 20,593
Alien (Dem.) 341.576
Greeley (Rep.) 308.396
Democratic majority 33,180
Chaplain (Dem.) 340.718
Townsend (Rep ) 315,510
Democratic majority 25,208
The Marianna Courier, one of tbe
■most liberal and moderate in its
bearing towards carpet-baggers and
scalnwaga of any paper we know of
in the South editec by a gen'leman,
bae been branded by the miserable
aad detestible Reed, Governor of
Florida, as a seditious sheet, and that
it should be dealt with accordingly.
But the editor of tbe Courier, noth
ing daunted by threatened Executive
vengeance, gires Governor Reed
regular broadside with grape and
canister, and bis aim is direct and no
mistake. We hope tbe good people
of Jackson county and of the whole
State will see to it that the Courier
does not suffer for material aid at
least. _ _
Newspaper Consolidation.—Two of
the ablest papers in the Stateof Georgia,
tbe Macou Telegraph and tbe Macon
Journal and Messenge-, have merged
themselves into a mammoth double
quarto daily under the name of the Tele
graph <£ Messinger. This paper, we
donbt not, will soon take its position in
the front rank of American journalism
and prove a worthy compeer with the
leading Democratic press of the country.
We wonld advise onr friends to snb-
seribe for the Tekgniph and Messenger;
Cli»by, Bt*i<1 It Reese are its proprietors.
Bon. Robert J. Walker died in
Washington on the 11th inst. lie
was born in Pennsylvania in the year
1601; was the friend aud adviser of
General Andrew Jacksou; represent
ed Mississippi ia the U. S. Senate;
was Secretary of the Treasury under
Polk, and was appointed by Buck-
unmi, Governor of Kansas. At the
breaking out of the war he sided with
the frjorih. L _
The telegraph <9 Messenger complains
To the Members of the South Geob-
oia Conference.—We are requested to
•mV to yon that nnleas there is rein
sufficient between nowand the30th iust.,
to raise the rivers, tbe promised steam
boat cannot be furnished to the mem
bers of Conference, as advertised in the
Arous. Should there be rains, there
will be a boat here connecting with the
Gnlf Ttains on the 30th inst.
^ tUMi l.\ 1
We learn from the Early County
News tk -t Judge James Bush, an
old and highly esteemed citizen of
that county, died on the 10‘b inst.
The death of Mrs. Ann E. Bloom,
wife of the late Thurston R. Bloom,
occurred in Macon, Ga., on the 10th
State Fair.—Macon, Ga.. Nov. 16.
—Tbe cr wd here in attendance up
on the S ate Fair is immense, aud
every train brings fresh accessions.
, Gen. Wade Hampton arrived here
tl ia morning. He will deliver tbe
Animal Address before the State
Agricultural Society.
Hon Mark A Cooper delivered an
address tins afternoon upon the de •
tiny of Georgia, ft was an able ef
Beats Our Bullock.—Brick Pom
cov says he knew Reed, the carpet
bag Govenor of Florida, in Wi-con
am. and that he ia one of the biggest
general dead-beats known, that he
would ride in a railroad dost to ea-
cape pay ug fare to a conductor, and
that if the parties who paid him that
$12 500 had only kn wn tbe man tley for ^ Wattr
» Ivob
Major Geueral John E. Wool, the
oldest general officer in the U. S. Ar-
nxy, died in Trey, N. Y, on the 10th
iust., at the advanced age of 82 years.
Mr. Anderson W. Reese again con
trols the Macon Journal & Messen
ger, and has become both editor and
proprietor, having purchased the
paper from Messrs J. W. Burke A Co.
Gen. Browue assumes the editorial
management of the Southern Farm
& Home. Success to all tbe parties.
Admiral diaries Stewart, one of the
old commanders of the U. 8. man-of-war
Constitution—commonly known as ‘‘Old
Ironsides,’’—died on tlie 11th inst., at.
the advanced age of ninetv-two years.
The News*
Tbe heirs of an alleged owner in
1783 lay claim to $30,000,000 worili
of real estate in Louisville.
Mr. Peabody’s remains will be con
veved to the United States in a Brit
ish man-of-war.
A gentleman in New York proposes
to erect a monument to George Pea
body by one dollar subscriptions. I
should be done.
Amos Kendall, in his beqnests to
his grand children, gives to e ich $26.
000. excepting one, to whom he gives
but $10,000, because be was in the
Confederate army.
Treasurer Spinner is qtiiie sick.
The Ship Golconda sailed from
Fortress Monro for Africa on the
15th inst., with a large nnrnber of
colored eramigrants.
The Bishop of London preached
the fun ral sermon of George Pt a-
Thayer’s Circus was sold in Cincin*
natti some time since for $13,000.
Montgomery November 15.—The
Alabama Legislature met to-day, and
the Governor41 message was read in
both houses. It is very Conservative.
He comba's the calls made for mar-
yial lavtr and ays, there has been no
' necessity for it; Rets forth the general
peacefulness of the people and the
advantages offered in this State for
immigration; favors a reduct'on of
taxes and a limitation of the State’s
endorsement to railroads. The nws-
sage iR generally regarded ns more
moderate and conservative than was
New York, November, 15.—J- G.
Knel. Cashier of the Second National
Bank, has committed suicide. Cause
—losses during the late gold panic,
The officers of the bank publish a
card pledging themselves individual
ly or the bank’s obligations.
New York November 15.—The Cu
ban Junta have honorably discharged
the < fficera and crew of the Cuba at
San Francisco. November 15.—The
eastern bound Western Pacific train
and the Alin Ada Ferry train, each
traveling twenty-five miles an hour,
collided. A number of dead were
taken from the wieck. It appears
that the acciden‘ arose from a switch-
tender mistaking the gravel t->r the
regular train, and said “all right, go
Washington, November 15 —The
President has appointed J hups R.
Wheeler of Ma“sncbnsets, Consul at
Kingston, vice Aaron Gregg sus
Raleigh, November 15—The Leg
islature met here to day. There was
no quorum and tbe two houses ad
journed until to-monvw.
conhl have saved $12,000, the other
8500 being ample to buy him.
Catch our Bullock riding in tha
fashion when he can have a pecial
train at the expense of the State.—
Sav News.
■I>\. U
1827—>TAR IX THE « tt-T—:«<»
As i*«,t pt*e Final. .I.*.rna). < <*»«>'•«! *•’
U ivPtwtlistn. A*
ri ulfr.ral mid hi.-iet.lilo nteiEgenee current
Rc'igiu* mill u' *J. £**'*«■ ■ *,
l»r Willi.a, * a-.d J >. i’aWWEii. F- 50
per tern i: advance; f * 1
-ulso-riboi; send f..r Leci en. Caw *
w!».> snb*rrn.eNOW tyei tire p«| er
<nee of >He »«-ar FREE. AtMre-# W II.LIAJ1
NON A CAXTWEI.L. Cincinnati. Ohio-
WEST! fc
Fever and Ague, or .Chills,
c *°8urttirf
6241626 I
H ^ —
|Utr 2Uvfrttecmrnt$.
A. 3. OnODMAS,
Lynchburg, Va.
H Mvnts. T. JfVEBs,
Savannah, Ga. Lynchburg, Va.
^rur 3diTrti$rmcnt$.
O. solomTlT
i«poarsKii.E*l.KstN TPaiPPA
«BPA ll « ,9 * S ’
A'JEXT !—t.ri:
4 REi
iaival «i4T
The Remains of Mr. Peabody.—
Queen Victoria has shown a noble
consciousness of tbe true worth of
her position in giving to the mortal
remains of Mr. George Peabody the
ceremouiul honors of Westminister III) \\ 1
Abbev. Tins sovereign act, remarks A-fIV. B 1
the New York Tribune, succeeds wel 1
to her better than qu* enlv solicitnd*
for the heahh uf^>iL^Tjiurfd|nliilHU
thropist. It was tne nomage one
good person should pay to another,
and the best respect we can render it
is to say that it made ns almost forget
that her kind hea ted majesty was a
queen. Such a deed is in itself a
benefaction, and gives Vic ot ia a cla m
10 the gratitude of both hemisphere*.
She has done what she should do ;
am , that, it seem* to ns, ir the very
crown of womanhood, and of royal
Macuu Fair.
Macon, Nov. 17.—It is estimated that
there were about 15,000 people on the
Fair Gronntls to-day.
General Wade Huinptou delivered the
address. He was most enthusiastically
In response' to a welcome from Presi
dent Yancey, Judge Woodward, of Pa.,
and General Capron, of the Agricu.tural
Bureau, addressnl tbe people with great
Some trotting races came off in the
evening. Weather fine.
Grant said lie would have no policy.
Perhapi this is why he is determined to
have everything else be eau lay bis hand*
Corrected Weekly by
Wacom—Cleai Hides* lb -3 %V/ Z
Kibbed Hides* lb *:i (u*
Shoulders.. .... * -lb 20 (fa
CanvaMttdHants.......> 28 Oh
Flour—Hnperttne bbl 8go(f»; 10ot#
Extra J Fi*milj * *.... bbl 11 fK) (a 14«Mt
Meal 1
Rice lb W
Coffee—Rio lb 35 (fa
Parched lb 15 t?)
Java ft ra'
Sug^L—Iifflit Browti.....■ r.^ 16
Clarified lb 18 (&
Crushed lb 25 (ft
Syrup c a l 55 (a 73
Salt Hack 3 (H) (a 3 *26
Tobacco—Average lb 75 (fa 1 (H-
Wheat Bran lb 2 (3} 2)a
^eed Oatb bu 1 35 (ft
CO bU 1 Oflfi
tha caiabratad Pump,
•atirely tatttlft.
tf-iraMt anu (Riia.
M«: aqaal to the
good oM-lhihioofi!
voodoo Paaq* and
MlMthaahftlf Mt
mm*f. laally anrangod
•o aa to to non-frNi nt
aad ia mattraetioa «o n mplo
• at an, mm c*s set it up sn*
—sp H ia rppair.
OLD Number 205, NEW Number 173.
Oppucitc Haptoood 4 let MjiV,
Savannah, G* l .
. I'i»irn th*
To a Largr. W-ll >eieeoct and
Al a amali atiTai'C** trrtn
In the NordieMi mid Faslei.i Market*, coni
pri-iiig die fi'di-wisg *«d many other
article.- .
aaa boxes Soap,
1IT IS y sired.
A* Agents for the »-i*i«-n* Mnstif i-tnrcrs
of Virginia, we are prepared to ti.l all orders
fril* €VtTV or>»de an<1 al\lo. si MitniifBcturen*
irtepo GT'Te ptiy the hitfliw* prieen ft**
Ac. « v30
Pistcri il Family
MOSTI OI UL l; An .( lK:i ’
C«uifahiN more tiiau 1,m b . •
IratiORH; Left-., nee . ii»r. ^ r
am.- rraitfka »r script,, r ,., , tu,.' 4 '
Uci ealupical Table., T*bi e » „r H .
Coin*, etc., a beautiful Hmi! v *V^
Album, etc., etc. It in &
/iiblc, for tbe use ol faniuii>-
and others. Our Agent,,are burtae,
ed barteet. For circular. A.' f ,1, "‘‘'cm ’
E<>t u EIlii INK
show. ha» be- u
phyficitn b St. Lt*uiei» ^ - ■
Syphili**. ti«»n’«»r»heH,0 ! eef.Sfrlelure. Oichitb
f’ernia. and Rupture; ail Hri- aiy Dinea^e at d
^yphiliric or Morcti ial afflieti«n.H ol the thn-at.
Skin or Hone*, are trialed with unparalled
8periaalorrheo, Sexual DebiJi'y and Impo-
teney as the result of self-abune ir V"uih. - exua.
excena in mature year*, or other cau*e, and
which prirdnee Hone «>f fhe t«»i owing effect*, an
nocturnal emi-Hiona. bl -fcbeH. debility, distinct.
• iiiei ie't* of eight c«>Dtuai >ti of Meaa.evil tor bod
inge averai.m to the noeit ty «f fi-maiei*, Uoo* of
mtm-rt and >txual power, and rendering mar
riuge improper, are permanently cured.
lir. Whiilier pubii«hea a Medical PampKUt
relating to venereal dineaat.8 and the diaa^'roio*
and varied Cwnaei|&cnee« ot aeif abu.-*e, (bat witl
be «eut to any addreto* in s ed eDve»«*pe t«»i
two #ramp . Many pbyniciau8 introduce paiienIf
o the Doctor alter leading bi medical patnpUr.
C' miuumcHtioit coBfideittial. A friendly talk
will cift you nothing Office central, yet retiretl
—No. 617 St Chari t« nicer. St. L**uiH. M .—
Hours, y a. in to 7 p. u>., Sunday h 12 t» 2 p. m
j l*oxes Candle9,
| ^00 Factory Cheese,
Aa State Cheese,
i u
-in. -
Most Popular Juvenifj p aB .,
America. J “ r ®
NOTHING ? EC 1 Alii ax, |
ESI.Y ORIGINAL 4 Flit i'.,
.1 * i tiU—laier^etK iu* u ana worn- n t«» mj.
Vf theCfdcbrated Ho if Shuttle. v *eWisg..
iTice ^515. The only reliable low price nlitUtU ina-
chine ever ro; de. It lia»* the under fc-. <1 amt usen tin
straight needle. For particulars and sample t'f sow’
ing. address the manufacturers. E. W. Bi-xvlb 'c
Co., C iurinnati, Ohio.
^ 1 1 *' , ' r S'ln-ri"
V 1 t/V/ tjJ'A't/U tced:#«rc/^»y. 5*iilat n*.-
paid Weekly In »gft.tJ* everywhere celling mt:
Patent Everlawtfr.g H'hrte i*e t’I*»fhc}» lim s.
f’a 1 at «»• w*t»e f«»r particular? to. the Hi a
Wire Mi fa. 261 Xo.fh Third Sr.. Philadet. P,i
\^TED— verywhw-ACFATS.-
S100 to $r5dpt r month, male and female, -'o
inirodace the Geimin«* Improved comm
Family .sewi- g Machine, underfeed ;u d
»vv-rfeedstvk*s. Frfeeonly {18 Thes»* m -
l-Litics will Btfch. hem. fell. tuck. l*iwd. btai.l.
cord, gather and embroider. The cloth mv
not be pulled apiirt even afttr every nth r
-fitch is cut. Every machine warranted five year
We W’ill pay the above sjilary or a co.mnisM.ut’ fro''
which twice the amount can l>e tv«de. A(1 dr*-ss for
tertnsto Agents, &c., Okurge >Tc£athron & Co.,
Nashville. Tenn.
Caution.—Do to’t imposed upon bv other v-arties
palniiiig «4ffwort!ilt ss cast-iron utHch.ineM. under the
same i ante or o'herv fse Ours the only genuine
and practical manufactured.
jtyeefal gotiffsii.
To tli« Alvinbers of th« South
CSt-orgia Coaferrm e.
We are authorized by Captain Ab •
Fry, of tbe stenmlwwt. “C. D. Fry.” t<-
say to the members of the South Geor
gia Conference, that hr- will have a Ismt
at Baidbridge on MONDAY the SMITH
NOVEMBER, which will leave for Fort
Gaines iiajnetliate.'y after the arrival of
the Gulf Road cars, and vri'l reach that
place iu time to make tu A connection
with the train on the Smith Western
Railroad, enabling ministers to reftci.'
Cnthbcrt on Wednesday morniug at
9 o'clock, Decemlier 1st.
Ministers and their families will be
carried at half-fare. 3t
November 6th. 1869.
Striving flachiBcs.
If you went a good Sewing Machine for 40 dn'lnrs,
call on G. W. Lewd, at tire Clothing Store, and get
one . »f Wildou’s >h rttle .V tchinen—stitches alike 011
l*oth aides. For tdinplicity, durability aud beauty,
they are without a rival. G. W. Lewis, Agent for
Southern Georgia oc*2H 4 fim
U. P. !»■»»,
nnv20 8 tf
not sicken the stomach, is perfectly cafe ia
lialf-bbls new No. 1 Macke- do« end under ell circumitaaoes, ul
re I, fe the only Medicine that will
half-obis, new No. 2 Macke
kits new No. 1 Mackerel.
100 w It IfF ».t p. r= ™,
Fever and Ague
Always Steps the Chills.
This XfflAi-inA K w boon before the Fublhf *
fiitoeh years, and is atiU ahead of all e’Jier ’‘e' 1 ''® uiicuiati. n. »» »i
known femedfe* I* does not pnrg* °^ E .- I '- 0LUK *"»"•
All It. w uhscfihert fur Tbk I.ittu •
‘ot the it w vtar, «hwc I' >1( j 'll
-®i" be‘-f« tbela*t »f N-v,«iW r , will ' r '-' *'
tbe Nt.vt inber and Dect-nibfr N Uf , lf (
'• “ K blTTLB C' Pf itn I as » |,' lp ,' J /t
linn lbait any <>lbtr Juiei.ile .VaJaxi,
wold, and i* betlrr w.-rfb (P| e | rip,
ibe. niENHStne pnltli.-hed. K. "f
ara eimblnl r„'l^
- i. EI'OLUKata-,^
limber 12 rrm-; ur Ste t. «hj „„ f ,j,
> lo run-*- ahstfib. It.-a»tilul
•iib.c ilie NOW. Hack mfinbr
*Mtl. Atbirrsa ALFKEl'L.
l , nhii.«b< r*. Chicas.., Itiin, ia.
'"niati.r r Ek
»I*E>, i.
11®“% for 18t
The Dead Democracy.—Notwith
standing Grceiy has killed the Demo
cratic party time and time again, on
paper, and sundry- .Sonthem editors
have preached its funeral and duly bur
ied it. it presents a moat lively appear
ance whenever an election takes place.
511PIII18; 314,320
Popularly known a* the -HELVDERSON, KY. LAND
S.ALL,” gnuited a special charter hr the Kentucky
LBKlalatare, and endoracd by tbe Uovernor, the
UnRed State* Senator* and SCO of the moat pronunent
citixena of Kentucky.
( appal Prize $150 000,
Prize &»0 00
H.-re is the latest effort of the defunct j ^''2“ ’? Toh * cco
J Lki di alu ni'ri-t tftlukbir city !<>t> iu Ut-odriRiii Co..
concern :
“It bow seems that the Democrats
( : !IS UTlNPlRD MAXUSP, named
after a we : l known, proclienl Planter ol
G firg'.i a> d S*mth Carolina enmbine* i•• a
•■nneenira'ed form al tbefertiliz gelement.
iieeessorv for tlie production of
COTTON, rats 11WHE1T.
*nd b\ «'* n*e i» C"rt-iin to i- ereo-e noi only
tbe ’ teld. bu* to in prove tbe quu'i'v of lb-
crm iict* Il i* oia.le wiib a gpe-inl \ iew i
■ l-e wr *8 i f he S il* of the -.onlh. and e i
bi* r-lied iijxm a* in excell-o-.e •>! m terio
eonir.iniie biifi |v >uh*taiiee*. h.
gieni e*»*t o* wliieb lia* heretofore pre* Inde.*
'heir liei: a in common lire. it. can be ■),.
pemied on a* nniforu. always reliub'e, nin'
productive o good cr'|w.
Albakt. Ga.. “••■ten her Igr.g
Having m fu l knowledge of tbe c mpo**-
to.o and | rore** o 1 ' 1 to*unfa tore of il,.
*t.d Rlt E FF.UTII IEER.” d Idive . o he-it*.
ti«n in pronouncing it *o ben m<«> lellnbe
fert liter one ot tlie bicat in use. and mw
particular!* adapted to the aoil of Georgia
•nd Noulli Gsr-dins,
Tn va* H. Wiiunciiam.
Priee per ten. 2;"*) b»
Ky. None11 tbi* pmpert) i, woith leer than #»V) j Priee per lo-.. 2* 00 le
per acre each in go,d: and most i-f it hs worth fo.n, on wppreVe.. c t\ liccejttn• cc.
X-» 1st
( SLW'OtoS.WWper are R-M(i« the above piize*
will liave a mai-irifv in tbe Omstifn-i“ 1 * t '® f f5.0QOta cuirency. two of
tinnal Convention wiiich is to meet in j 5if^<tehKt«vcu p)S?Sl^Iheiy?
Springfield nest month to revise the drawuisrii!! take pace DLtLMRijf actb, no. at
constitution of Illinois.” j *?'’ #T,,, Su l“'»"‘g. «• nl for Sou l> Caro
f at once of y<*ur"ncarevt club I ‘ina. Georgia and AlabsniL
P. a.. Wll.l.lAf.'HAMT,
•be m-hot the l*>t few
Tlie blessed State of the late lament- : properly renter, d. bry It once ot ;..ur nemreet club
. , ,, .. .1 a*e:.t. or remit b} Elprtes (pre paid). Draft. Port O.
ed rail-mauler has gone Democratic, and I money o-drr. orrqp.tcrai letter, t- eiti erof the loh
the victorious party is going to remodel ! ''‘‘owiiifumh-hfuDde^me
a Constitntion which the Rntlit'ala have 5* H 1 *! t ^ h r FMrmer * B" 1 *® Hendwn-u, Ky..
R B. .J^xatMfer. roimuercial Hank. Loui»\ille. Ky
Pt tbe tarrliuess of the State Fair com- "imply infamous. The attention ^
tnittee i«> their arrangements for tl.e of Southern mourners at the late funeral b. o. rhoma*.. aehicr, Ldingtou. Ky.. >
ucoouimulatlou of those who have ceremonies over the dead Democracy is w - R TT ‘*' r ~ c ” hitr Rmk. 6wen.bncn, Ky.
goods W eKtlibit at. the Fair. : inviterl to these little tllintm. The Rail- II -INTiO)—Aoi^nw—cvcrjwt rrc u> wl’ llrni). I>oor
m * ..... . . 1 ** BcJ» f.ciriit dourv or dw, ilii pi. Oi.lvteiimm-
Oen J<»e J.ihnsUui is attending the icals of the North have seen them with at «■ wnrk towf)n»t <>nr. sa-imwa proetaw,. ,d- p„ r . a ic i, v
• d‘«a* Ooaa a.1,1, IUkctactosz, Last Hampton. J
Savannah. Georgia.
gute Fair in Macon.
special alarm and consternation.
J bOTXU 8 6 Ul
J. I*. D1 KIX-OK A ro.,
^a-nhriuge, Go.
kits new No. 2 Mackerel,
c .se Preserves and Pickles,
boxes Starch,
| cases Tomatoes,
bids. Flour,
boxes Bi Carb Soda,
case« Potasli and Lye,
^0 bids. White Wine Vinegar,
^0 bbls. Cider Vinegar,
00 cases Sardines,
^0 bags Pepper and Spices,
. ># 0 reams Wrapp ng Paper,,
59 cases* (lysters,
ly cases Condensed Milk,
lib’s. Soda Bi.-cuit,
25 bb!». and boxes Lemons,
26 bbl», and boxes Sugar,
25 >bls. and boxes Ginger Snap;-
5a 1 •bis. Je;>auiine Whi.-ky,
^^bbls. Gibson Whisky,
bids. Boubon Whisky,
bbls. Gin,
| g bids. Rum,
5.» cases Cabinet " bisky,
^ cases Nectar Whisky,
59 cases R -binson Co. Whisky,
59 cases Old Bonbon,
59 cases Scliiedam Schnapps,
5a cases Holland Gin,
cases London Cordial Gin,
I 6q C ^ ses Brandies *
cases Port Yt.J ne >
5) cases Sherry Wine,
£ j cases old Madeira,
25 cases Solomons’ Bitters,
0U cases Stem >.ch Bitters,
75 c’iests a id caddies of Tea,
4o half b<»xe3 Tobacco,
89 caddies Tobacco—all grades;
bids. A. B. and C. Sugar,
bbls e> tra C. Sugar,
—— bbls Crashed Sugar,
bag* Rio Coffee.
packets .lava Coffee;
tubs Pure Lard,
Bre:»k r a.**t Bacon Ham*,
Bac»n. I>ry $*Jte«j Meant,
iiu'Ur, S;t|.**•»«!». aucea.
('.cam Tartar,
Mustard. Tub-. BUckin^.
Bru-h*i*. PifK*ii. Mm1«s e j.
6.V rt, l*n. Hrimnn.
^b»t Powder ami Cap*. Liverputti Sr‘1.
Table C:d Fi«»h.
llei'ing, Lobatert, Hake
Crocery Business.
t® 1 (I lb* aH.>ve s; *.d» having beei. vclrc*-
e<l arj-,. care, a- *1 wiih *bn inten i- i. v ,y |lwl
■if meuiiug. loOiv fall.i-l extern, tbe want* uf
ma in? pum.a-e. t-.r »E> i L.ISG. u j|| be
ple.-td Iu re» i>e a OALL aht-n gwla are
■e^iml m mj hue. eeO« tm
Sold by all Droj^istar
10 TUB WOBK NG CLVSa.— 'V« are tow
prepan d t«> turnidu all cla.-we with con?*tan»
ruipl'-y inenf at ln<uie. the whole «*f the tin-e »*r
for the^pare tii"inerit8 Bu incs* rew. iitcht ai»o
i>n>fit:ih)e. Pert«oiii« of either h» x eawly ear»
fr*'in 50c l(» $5 per eveiiinj;. aud a proporrional
sum by devoting theii whole time t«* the hiuti-
•esF. Boyf» and gi»ls< earn nearly an* m«ieh men
7*1101 all who :*ee tbi?* n* tice may **end heir t ame-
toil reef the husii iet». we m »k«* tleii> u»*para!le ed
To aueh os are not *ut sfiwd we will e*:*'
$1 t(» pay f*»r the trouble of wr-t:* # Fuli tat *
ieulnra. a raivahle Miinpfe, whteh wF? d r -
inirrerce on. ami n eop\ ot The People’*
Li>€. ary Companion —on© of the large>t a»*d be>t
vfinily pubMene'!—ail rent free by
mail. Rea lei i you want permanent, profitab 7 *
w-*rk t addret- E (’. dLl.G &. v'0. Augu ta.Me
Asl& your Doctor ot nrngxht f »r SWEE'i
ttCHNINK—it equals (bitter) Quinine. Ia mad*
oiiia b> F. STEARNS.t'liemist. J'etr**it.
Containing a Fairy ^fory or ClirbtniM®. p.
Pnxxiei* *i d W'lnderr.«re paeeii flL
e>J Seat FREE on r.f, ip* .t 2 p.„'''
I Il SA '18 A CO . 24 lir utu f; |.| g. ''
HdKtiin.’ Mae nci:U(*etti* (
ttjeXTK'R’S GrloR."_Tho _ KF < L' l ^.
ti 2-2.MIO w»ld. T.-1 * how 0. bout, train ^
iL animal* from mink to boar, fllit.iaiin-1","
Mpagt-r, wvll bound; ovnvlau j,
Money refunded if not aaHsfl. d' Only &
addreaa MUX-14 H A ' O PnMirh. rv.’Hin^
717 OMEN of New York
111 lit Unde Wo.Id n, t k , , “J
III < 1‘r- 1 he sin* of every class 0 f oviuj tl .
I/If lioeed. Artritl the Jiaitroad tv Swii Ki-rit,
9W Jantter are up. Mure tuotiry ia K «>r ,iii
If .gent* than any other bool. ,w!
p-eaaev all the time *• print fiisteiii,ii~|, /„
igeot took IIS ordera in 10 days. T4UpORoe 4;.jj... 1
t ations. I*iice f:t 50. Apevtr wautid; did!,.'
Y. iSO*JK CO.. 145 .Vassal! street, .V. y.
^•DMt/rHINO in the Star for ErereLt*iy, .y - \
r* THr. WJlST. ISfll. tt, K W e
»• Ak*r. aivtag eurrei't seenlar new*, luiw* u
• ;r. UnxiAMsow hi. s. t «.twill, n ivjoiB
idvanrp. lowtuiuniB to new subserilM-r..
specimen. Addrean "IU XA.M.SiiN * fAMViU.
f'iiicinnati, Ohio.
T’n Purest. B^staud Cheapest ( OTinoy SEMI!!
THE iti h•- HJ JOMlt wiii change auy colored
uair or beard t» a peruutuoiit /ilack or /frown One
Comb sent by maii for $1. “'or Male by merchants and
i ugRint* genei-aliy. Address Magic Coxub eoaipam,
priugrield. Mssh.
A j 1 A /V How I made it in six months s.*crrt and
qXJLaIV sample mailed free. A. J. l udam, A. Y
0 K® WH1TT1FH* 9 Wylie street. Pittsburg,
/*a., of tT;iit>n-wide repitiaon, treats all venereal
MseaHcs; h]«o. Meinimtl w’**ttk:te»M, iiii}»r»fe»jcy, Ac ,
the result of self-abuse. Send 2 stamp* for sealed
Minphli t. 5t# paj'eM. No matter who failed, atate tlie
case. Con‘rail.ti'-U free.
We are Conilntf!
i UK Great (M^iitnl «al«* of DRY
> and F aN< Y (>0»»Ds r uni will present to any per-
'<>n pending us a Citsb, a Wutcii, aVilk Lres*, Piece of
Free of Cost.
send for Catalogue of Goods and jjpmple,—deliver-
d to any addresM free.
J *. II t WKt* & C O.,
12* A 230 Federal St.. Huston, Hum.,
P. O. BoxC.
X b.—Sample* given mt app’ication fi r catalogue.
A D AY.—33 new articles fdr agents. Sample*
free. H. B. .SHAW, Alfred. Me.
P HFBCT MAXIiOOV —E*-sv* I- r r ne
•len. on the evil* of SELF-ESN EliV -
i i)V, with certain help f» the erri- g ami no
: rtn iatc. *nl in *■ alH letter envelope*, fre,
1 eh rge. Addr *■ Howai It J .ss ctATt v, b-.x
Pbiiadelphia Pa.
Tlt<‘ t flvb-nifd
Stewart Cook Stove!
OVER 100.000 IN USE
Will do more work with the same amount of fue*
tuao any other Stove ever made.
Excluuive Mannf ctnrera,
pamphlet* sent free.
•VANTLD—A<»LNTn. f f j5U per m>*nth t<. M j. t #
LY8EW1AG MAi BINE Price t.idj $1M. - w
i. d:i'-emeiits to ;ig* i:tn f Tliin in the n.wutj r lM
NVwirig Mocbii e of the oay—Dial s the f-v •>»
• Elastic L«K.'k Htit4•h , ■—will do a# y Li. <i > i V».t, t
•an be done on auv maclii < -I- O.liOO mm! .m’rt,
■lemuudcoi-Htiiiitty iucree i u. *V‘«u i> tL< tin.;..
*iil e ;iu vgeucy—scud for c c ilurt.® % n nn
vf ivgert. Address : EllObO i u..
ji.iSriacl ill setts. Pittsburg. Pu., t>t Luiiis, Jn..
waves, better than ever; Jthcii, me, nuj; L«y
sizt : 40 columus fciega..t r3 -tielj uiti ‘ kva;v.
iue** gr. tis t evffry aubscriber. ( n y 7.»c. f.»r a
yeaff—Sfeel plate FKEK—'peciiui i.s Go i tv—ndiir..
HA JfNEK, -!if sdule. N. H.
KM f-K & IA -K > AT!!
A"ent» wanted every \%h* et ^e*. tie* Viut rhoii
Kn kiting .Haebiui, th only
Kttiuiug Machine ever iiivtiikd. i -i e V.iii
knit ’20.000 .stitches jie. iuinutc*. Jddtt ms am; uu.i
Kniitiw) Macnini Co. it- ston Mas- L ia*»
Wh » have nuifi irmly lieen uw-kaini
At Industrial LxbibitiouM in this count*>.i“- t
ti.eir work is the a< kuo^%l-«t||« <1 <*fMlidfl.e
Fli « letirr Iu it*dt p.*it»uent. respecthiii) kau'M
that with extended uiid pt ffet teo i s, an;
the excla. ive ubj* t f recent kupiovetuei.n-, that
are pr*»ducins» yei more ptr/ec' Org iiu L ein rvtr V
Ul gre. t variety as tor tjie aud j.if e, i«- |
public and pr/vate uses, f<-r I>ra.sir g Jchius Hi i
nes, Music KoozWs. Conceit Kfihts Li dgt h. s Uan
Hchoeis* Ac., in plain and eiegunt eape». hI* - i v li.i
t.iey are enabled by tlu ir uueq'iHUwl fu
luauttfaeture to sell at prices ot iufeiioi w< :k
'ITic recent improvements in flu se oigaus I*a® •?
increased their nsefuiuess and popularity ti-1 fi--;
x; e unqut stnmahiy the mopA de-ir;tbie ii.FL- .v i t
btaiuabie for family use, as well »f rbuiciu,
Mcboo'g. A6.. while the prices at which they tiu
fforded (f50 t«* #10i>0 each) adapt them to tbeitfr.i..-
and req lirementa of all class s. The\ an oj - y
* dap ted to secular and sacred imiFir. ;;re ei-
furniture, occupy iittie spuce r are hoi i:; hlrfa ((*'• ;f
of order#—not n quirit g tuning once, wheff »r u: ‘;
forte is toned twenty timi s.— are very durabru-
mo e easy to learn to play np*-n than tbe pia; * f ►
The M. ana H. Organ (X». are now FITS''
tavk Olgas**fur$50each: nv*;o«:T.»VK • oa'OW
stop*, with two s*44 «>f viiiK \T-*hh,
»*thcr styles at pr<»p *rti-mate rate-. .
For the testimony^ of the a«i|»eriority r.f
gans, the M.ts**n fir H.mlhr Organ Go. r--Bp cmijJ ^
ier to the. musical prat* asion general j; anwj'w
the most prominent musician* in tlie l OiatTj, *
many of eminence in Europe, ha'in? gl %tB ■**,
testimony that the Blaron & Ham in
others. A circular cnntaiining fht** testniWBJ®
will be sent to any oue dt siring it m
circular, contSioiirg full particuters
inat umenta. with correc t drawings «'f the
styles and lowest prices, which are fi.ied aBaaiw**
ble. Address ,„ A
69fi Bro^dwnv. v y . 754 Tremont et., Kw*.
tpc v t . » .leutcine. •’
W post-laid, oit r ce t«»f ill cents.
E. .1 FOOTE, (author it MMfaal Cmm• -W,
. *u Lexi.iifton Ave.. n or. Ea»*t 2Htii street, N*—^
— »*>rwii£® !-*
A WaY'irtshie ia ', .
C mfortanJ * ,,re *' ,,r ,h< K " p, ."n>e- I”
-A pairt «>n riTrij-t nf 1® critiu- Ad.I.e--
8. R. FoOl'E, N... 120 Lexi'.
\ l
I* hefer than onr regular ?ha|.-„ .v*«, fir these
rea.-i’i'*; Fir*i—It eat.-deeper. Second—It don’t
-*iek io tbe ivot.d. Tbiid—It does net jar the
and. Fourth—No lime i* wanted iu taking tl e
:x« out of tbe cut Filth—With the same labor
• <u will do otic third, more work than with the
egnlar axe.-, lied j-.gini ha* nothiog ».. do witt
he good qaw!i>ie* », thi* axe. for all o U - axe-
ire paiotefl *ed. I* V'-nr hardwire *!■ re d*»e-
oot keep oar go.-d* w- will gfadl.v ao-w r ir.-
,airier or fid y-nr orde, -. or give y.. n the naiui
■the u are-' dealer who keeps ,ur * ves.
Pitirhureh, P«
-o e owner* of 0 lborti’* and Hed Ja.kei
FRE 3 to IOOK AG’ * S
»•«•*! .T" 1 " h »"d*oiiie t.-o peetn- of oar
aew n.Li.a rated f.imily uiai.e t.
,oy Iv-.k ag o . free tddr. *- \ I
r.uN'L PFIILIMIIXH (O.. Philadelphia.
Pa., la Ua., o St L ui- ,*io *
A*pS , rl.'p17 , 'f- P •' « w o Mwke .he
- 1 * P *! n " 1 F* -4 sure, aau- and practica. liu d.
■’•ilm?t F * r i!!t e . r, r t t M;k e Kai *' r ' Opener ai.dF.ui-
..liiTll.’.t yearly p-otit- maybe dtm-
i m ' alUt> p, ’ ,,r made riels.
Kle^t!!^! k o* lwr Eoglieh aud Urrman.
Hu-'dr d/in" r * ® ,U l!U ' < * *“ * few towuaiiie*.
“f Ug e cat. titui'u-i
. a rework during tne Fob .nd Winter. Farmers
il'* * * ,nB “ T ’®«hmake«IOO,*rm.)|.tU. Send
rTJ'f.' * • Vf 1 ”*" ZLI'lLl.n. Met UHl‘Y fc t o .
hiladerphia, flt, laiwinnati, Ohio, or St, a»
$75 to $300^5^
<e., our PvTKtrrWatr.- 'vine CLOTHKelJ* 15 *- “
Huds n River Wire Worla, 75 Wil iam •m”’ •
York, Chicago. Richmond or dfemptiiii.
* LRS. G iOD RUTTER—»’mb fr< m \
4»^>f uiiik. without dru^* vc'd25• »'' '
ai»d ***t recipe with full pa^ticids *• ** r • W
aide. Addre-* N M. i-U?TON. IVilmmg^:
TO X T. A LT-. ;
Both iu qmiH.y aod qua. tit.V ° ft*- 1 ’ J .'j !s
'geotr wid te-iif.. being the p |,r,
•he c-iiiitry, *e;ii”g eaeh aitide I-'*
.hipping all Go- dr the dav theorJet' r |.,,
haring a large .lock 'n relei-t from " , .,
Go -.d* bought e^prefsly f"r f* 1 ' ,rl "'' k,v«
•■ati*ry all that we are rail «b|e. «
I reference hv permirriot'j. Jerda®* ■ r,,' f
•I o-ge S. Wiirtd .w A fc’ .| B -ton Silver
C .: L-e A Shepard. „. ojj|.t!l
P S.—Send f- r cirenla-: adores" . • p
A KENDALL. 25 Hawley rt.ert. b-
. ffi.-e h..x K
r i peranaui-e oftuelant Willand "^'T*.!!!. d.
Park, late of Merrtvr. ther (’oni.t.v. f „ , c '
-old before the c, nrt Hoc- ^ !
Greenvi!F, Meriwether Oo"ntyM' , ‘’ t )if
in December next *1 the land Iw* 01 ..{ri’d- '
of *aid deceased, to wit. tie Fdluw* - ,-j-r i*'
onimeroved lands : Lot S“ * 1T1 .. .--'•giir-sf'
V I-'T" 4
mimtrwfd lan<ts : let
^•Iqnitt t ’onutv (va.: I> t- -* nfi
378 »» d Iu t-u- 27th 1 'irtri t • f i <* ’
wH bbiing ’.5"Keren e»ch. A*•*
of a division. Titles U
Ottobsr 15th, 18604>tdii.