Newspaper Page Text
Thmßio. Be*. •
Our Advcrtiuers- Ajain,
We lately visited one of the most mag
nificent edifices in the world, dedicated to
the noblest of purposes i. e. the education
of „oor orphans. The founder of that Col
le,’e, the late Stephen Girard, has left the
following testimony to the benefits of ad-
TU “lhave always considered advertising,
liberally and long to be the great medium
of success in business, and the prelude to
wraith. And I have made it an invaria
ble rule to advertise in the dullest times,
a long experience having taught me that
money thus spent is Well laid out; as by
keeping my husiness continually before
the public, “it has secured me many sales
that 1 would otherwise have lost.”
Commenting on the above, tbe Ameri
can Kail way Times says that this is just
the experience of ninety-nine men in a hun
dred, who are in regular business. Some
men think that they are so well known,
that they need not advertise. They make
a great mistake. It often happens that
‘lie profits < * a singie salt 1 , made ihrough
the influent 1 ’- of aTi advt reisement, in some
resnectabh- n- wspaper, will more lhan pay
fi r the advi 1 tiseim nt for ten years. \V
have known eases of t veil nutre beneficial
results than this, hut a moment's reflec
tion will teach any man tha: he cannot af
ford to keep his sign out of ihe newspa
pers, which he knows is read by bis cus
tomers, if his competitors have theirs dis
played there.
But let us come home. If you wish
Lands, Negroes or Horses, examine the ad
vertisements of the Sheriff and Dep. Sher
iff. if you wish to rent a house or rooms,
to lie accommodated with a horse, carriage
or buggy or take your ease in an Inn where
every good thing will he furnished you by
an attentive Landlord on satisfactory and
reasonable terms, look at Mr. Cauthorn’s
advertisement. Don't fail in this connec
tion to call on Dr. Boyd at the “Trout
House” when you visit Atlanta. We have
known the Doctor from our youth and can
say no better hearted man ever catered to
the wants of the public. His reputation
as former Proprietor of the Charleston Ho
tel is co-extensive with the Union.'! We
think good Landlords are the great promo
ters of civilization and happiness. Men
arc never dangerous or wicked so long as
they wear clean shirts, sleep on clean beds
and eat clean victuals. Your lean and
hungry men from the days of Cassius to
the present time, head riots and revolutions.
With such hosts as Mr. Cant horn and I)r.
Boyd, the weary traveler will fully appre
ciate the beautiful lines of Shenstone—
Whoe’er, has traveled earth’s dull round,
Where’eer, liis footsteps may have leeu,
Will siuh to think that he ha* found
His warmest welcome at an Inn.
If you wish to know exactly when you can
ride over a first rate Rail Road accompani
ed by a safe Engineer and p >li e Conduc
tor, cast your eye on J. B. MieluVs notice.
Take care how you trade for a note, paya
ble to C. Shelton, or Mr. Cast Jen will b<
after you with a sharp stick. Mr. N. Gay
ens would too, he pleased to have his fel
low-citizens vote for him as Tax Collector.
M e have no doubt Mr. Gayens is a very
excellent man as he is v. illing to be placed
before the people by the American Party,
as a Candidate. See the'notice of Judge
Bethel, as to the election of a Board of
Directors for the Thomaston and Barncs
ville Rail Road, You who have money to
invest in the be*t paying property in the
State, look long and well at Messrs. Grant
and Respess advertisement in relation to
the sale of the Flint River Factory.
Fuss! Puff!
Editors arc sometimes accus* and of puffing,
but who could help puffing such cigars a
we received onTu sdaylast from Mrs. Tin
man 01 They are home manufactured, and
we ask ur Iner.ds again to encourage be-mi
industry. We return our,.th inks tor tla
gib and acknowledge the gratification w
have derived from the gentle weed,
when worked into shape by such skilful
Move fora new County.
M e understand a Petition to form a
new county out of portions of Upson,
hike and Monroe, has been transmitted to
the Legislature. A protest numerously
signed has also gone on from this county
and another is now open for signatures.
e believe public sentiment here is unan
imously against the movement.
Godey and Harper.
Our polite Assistant Post-Master, Char*
by \\ ilson, lias placed upon our table the
December number of the Lady’s Book and
Harper’s Magazine. These publications
are to 6 well known to need commendation
from us. Mr. Wilson is the Agent,
Payments to the tpiea Pilot.
The following amounts we have received
to this date as subscriptions to the Upson
Pilot. If any payment should be omitted,
when notified, the error shall be corrected :
J. W. Elliott, $2
W. R. Jackson, 2
W. W. Gibson, 2
W. W. Heartsfield, 2
A. C. Rogers, 2
Rev. J. M. Weaver, 2
James Goode, 2
W. G. Horsely, 2
Benj. Walker, sen., 2
T. W. Riviere, 2
Ed. Travler, 2
J. M. 8. Greene, 2
R. D. Sheptrine, ‘ 2
Simeon Rogers, 2
J. W. Hightower, 2
Baswell Brown, 2
Joel Mathews, 2
Win. A. Cobb, 2
Crawford Rogers, 2
S. T. Noel, 2
T. G. Andrews, 2
Wm. G. Andrews, 2
Dr. C. Rogers, . 2
S. T. Norris, 2
B F. M i hews, 2
B B White, 2
R. B Lisle, 2
A. t). Roberts, *.
A. J. Williams, 2
W. B. Trice, sen., 2
A. G. Smith, 2
Thus. Cauthorn, 2
P. W. Alexander, 2
James Andrews, 2
J. 11. Brown, 2
G. W. Davis, 2
W. H. English, 2
Robert F. Bradley, 2
Leonidas Richards, 2
J. F. Hightower, 2
Dr. James Anderson, 2
Dr. J. C. Chatham, 2
A. J. White, 2
F. F. Mathews, 2
R. A. Ford, 2
Jno. R. Roberts, 2
R. M. Collier, 2
W. Whateley, 2
J. Colquitt, 2
Robert Colquitt, 2
John A. Laseter, 1
S. Grunt land, 2
Dr. J. W. Townsen, 2
Drury Womble, 2
Z. Lawrence, 2
T. J. Nelson, 2
R. F. Patillo, 2
C. V. Collier, jr., 2
B. W. Reeves, 2
J. B. Castlen, 2
E. C. Grier, 2
W. B. Spain, 2
G. A. Miller, jr., 2
Z. T. Stevenson, 2
Geo. G. Cobb, 1
W. W. Owen, 2
G. H. Furgerson, 2
Judge I. Clienev, 2
J. B. McCoy, * 2
R. B. Woodall, 2
T. IC Patrick, 2
S. Thorenton, 2
I)r. E. R. Nelson, 2
N. Terry, 2
Dr. J. I). Owen, 2
W. H. Mcßorey, 5
G. W. Gresham, 1
W. W. Fisher, 2
W. A. Brand, 2
Mrs. M. A. Sullivan, 2
O. C. Gibson, 2
R. S. Hollo wav, 2
W. S. Middlebrooks, 2
Mrs. S. F. Pitts, 2
James Horselv, 2
J. E. Cobb, * 1
S. E. Mills, 2
T. J. Holly, 2
G. L. F. Birdsong, 2
John B. Abercrombie, 2
Too good to be Lost.
The facts contained in the following an
ecdote have been communicated to us by a
friend, who vouches for their truth :
A Minister of tlie Gospel living less than
fiftv miles from Thomaston, who occasion
ally sports a very white patriarchal beard,
lately visited the Capital of the State.
Ministers sometimes, like other men, have
the weakness to imagine that white beard,
though the symbol of wisdom, is not al
ways beautiful. Probably too, this con
clusion was arrived at through the impor
tunities of some city Professor of the Ton
eorial Art, anxious for a job—barbers be
in'’- ‘’vnerallv pleasant fellows and fond of
fun. However, let this be as it may, tbe
Minister agreed to test the virtues of hair
dye, and forthwith his beard, which but
lately was white as snow, bolted by the
Northern winds, shown like down upon a
raven’s wing.
Our good Minister metamorphosed as
aforesaid, returned home late at night and
quietly sought the bed of his sleeping wife.
A young negro boy, whose business it was
to make tires, Went into the room the next
morning to discharge Ins duty. The boy
had not heard of his master's arrival, and
when the bright flames illumined the
apartment, the boy was horror-struck to
perceive a hunch of black beard pr ‘truding
from out the sheets. He rolled his eyes,
and not daring to take a second glance,
broke for the kitchen as if pursued by a
thousand Devils, exclaiming, “ Aunt Sal
ly! aunt Sally! somebody in Missus’ bed,
fuss ahead in the family-—sure"!
We learn that the good Minister and his
amiable wife now laugh heartily over the
incident and the shock occasioned to the
honest simplicity of the poor boy by th*
strange fashions of this world.
Mr. Jordan’* Work.
We have examined some inside painting,
executed by Mr. Francis Jordan, for Mr.
Webb, of tjiis place, and deem it but a
just reward of merit, and for the informa
tion of those citizens of Upson who may
need the services of a Painter, to say that
we have ncverscen woikdi nc neater or bet
ter. Those wit-hing work in his line would
do well to see him soon, as he says if “Jor
dan is a hard road to travel,” he is always
ready to take that road when out of work.
Upsan caves in.
The potato we mentioned last week turns
out to be “small potato” when compared
to the one sent us through Peter E. Dennis,
Esq., from Jose] h Brown, Esq., of Talbot
ton. The potato sent us weighs 10 1-4
pounds, aid Mr. D unis writes it is the
least of four which weighed fifty pounds.
We see that the Editor of the Milledge
ville Pi corder has received one from tin*
same gentleman which weighed 14 pounds.
On the potato question, Talbot can take
our hat! “No more till (Ft l, ”
Gouldy Family—Bible in the Schools —
Teley ra j >h — Mr. Field — Ha mm on i f’s
Speech—Sunday Preachiny—City Oji
cials Royers Hurry Prostitution —
Criminal li< cord—Board of Education
—The Weather.
On Sunday last, after weeks of suffering,
>ne of the seivant girls of tin Gouldy fa in
ly-—at first not supposed to be in danger,
died. The youngest boy, also not at firs
considered dangerous, is now almost hope
less. Mr. Gouldy lies on a line between
life and death, with his brains protrud n
ut some two or three inches along li*
head. Mis. G. is beyond danger. Th
tihers in doubt.
There are nine in grammar, three prima
ry, and one negro school in the city, when
he Lord’s Prayer cannot be read , nor tin
Biltle used ! This is one of the results of
foreign influence.” In those wards, tin
Trustees are foreigners and catholics, ant 5
herefitre, American children must not Is
aught the word of God in their own na
ive land, because it don’t suit men’s no
ions who were born elsewhere, and they
come here to learn better morals.
The Ocean Telegraph, “Jbr the presnit ,’’
s “ below hiyli tcati r mark ;”and Mr. Field,
after a short race of human glory, has ad
vertised himself at his old business—mak
ing and selling paper, as being better than
spinning wire.
Senator Hammond’s speech is consider
'd by conservative thinking men la re, a
treat speech ; and it w ill have a go id in
duence, while Seward's will have just th
•on'rary effect..
The Academy of Music and the C topci
Institute, the largest two buildings in h
itv, are engaged for tie* win cribr Divin
Worship, and will be filled every Sun !, y
veiling will at ten i ive li carers. It v. 31
Cuvier occupies, and has for some time,
he Cooper Institute. Dr. Tyng, 1)
Adams, and a large number of
ministers, are to supply the Academy.
The City Officials are creeping out of -he j
indictments by technicalities , one of which
is that the district attorney was not in tin
country when his name was signed by bis
Young Rogers, for the murder of Swan- 1
son, was bung last Friday, being only one j
>f four whom I mentioned some mon ks;
since as all likely to escape ; lie, poor soul. 1
had few friends and no money. Canceled
has ids fourth trial in December.
The prostitution, as officially known and j
reported, costs the city two millions a year j
and debauches every age and color, from
on to seven*y years. About dm e-foiirtlis
fit attaches to foreigners, while that pop
ilaiioii. c-‘inparativoly, is nothing to ours.
I mi of 17..428 arrests by the police in Ju
ly last, nly 2.1‘54, including negroes. wa re
The Board of Education of this city for
in-xt year, ask an appropriation of
000, and yet there are 20,000 children in
the city out of any school
We have now snow, icefrain, wind and
Nov. 18.
Later from Salt Lake.
St. Louis, Nov. 2.3 Lake dates
of the 30th ult., reached St. John’s on the
19th inst. The news is unimportant. S
- weather had been experienced in he
Valleys and there was considerable snow on
the mountains, causing great suffering to
A number of trains had arrived, but
o‘he’s encimeed at the Sn h Pass. :o
wen h t out the snow storm.
The arrrtv was ge.* f ing al ng fin lv. A
lirge number of Ind’ans were met on rou e
but all were peaceable.
just and fear not
j __
Later From Europe.
K XT R O R A..
” Halifax, Nov. 29.—The steamship E\i
rppa arrived here to-day, with Liverpool
dates s o ihe 20th. She brings the follow
ing report of ihe Markets:
The sales of cotton for the past week
fo<‘ 57.000 bales, of which speculators
tot>k 4.5 ‘O, and exporters 7,IKK) bales. All
grades have* advanced, hut the most deci
ded improvement was in Middlings. Hol
ders ofhr freely, bu- are not pressing their
stocks to sale. The sales of Friday were
B,Oi ;0 bales, speculators and exporters ta
king 1.000 b lies each. The stock amounts
to 332,000 bed s, of which 247,000 hales
are American. The market closed steady
at the f >ll owing quotations
Fair Orleans. flpE 7 3-Bd.
Middling Orleans. 7 1-1 fid.
j Fair M -bile. 7 l-4d.
Middling Mobile. 7d.
Fair Uplands. 7 l-Bd.
Middling Uplands. G 7-Bd.
’ Breadstuff's dull. Consols 98 1-4.
Havre.—Ties Ordinarie 1 08.
Carolina Rice was dull.
Further by the North Briton.
The steamship Europa, (which left Bos
ton on the 3d Nov..) had to put into
Queenstown, being short of coal.
Nothing had keen heard of the steam
ship Indian Empire, which left New York
for Galveston, in Ireland, on the 23d of
There have been heavy gales on the
English coast, and many disasters are re
ported, hur none to American vessels.
Later news had been received from In
dia, hilt the intelligence is unimportant.
Fears are entertained in England as .to
lie safety of ihe ship Agineourt, long over
due from Ans nilia, wi.h a large amount
of treasure on board.
The L uid-on Times has a hopeful ari
•lo on the cable, arid urges ;h> Directors
>f he A fn ie T 1. .gn ii Company to ac
:c]>t the offer fP: 1 -ss a* Hughes to work
lie cab!.- w! h •; wri ‘ills rumeiHs.
The Em Ish I*oj lia.uiu has been fat
her ]r i ted •> he 13 h January.
Flour very dull. Wheat quiet. Corn
very dull. Sugar opened quiet but closed
ict-ive. C ffee firmer. Rice advanced fid. ;
Carolina quoted at 18s a 23s fid., for mid
dling to fair qualities. Rosin is steady
md the common grades scarce at 4s 2d a
4s 3d ; medium fine fid 9s. ; fine 12s a 17s.
Turpentine dull at 39s fid a 4<>s.
London Markets.— Sugar buoyant and
• vo I
1 urn lv advancing.
M >ney easier -and American securities
ir<> im inijii’ovcd ilemaml. otrlo oCKkn
have advanced a little.
Nt w York Market.
New York, Nov. 29.—Sales of cotton
to-day 2,000 bales. The market closing
firm wiih middling uplands at 12 l-4e. —
Flour heavy, sales 9.500 bids. Wheat
drooping,- sales 30,000 hush.; Southern
Red $T 20. Corn dull, sales 33,000 lmsli.
Turperrino heavy, 47 a 48c. Rosin buoy
in t $1 .35,
St. Louis, Nov. 25 h.—The South pass
• rrespoiuh*nt of •; lie Republican newspa
• r. says: A biPle occurred between the
0 .\ -m! Sink Indians, on die twen’y
: 1 1 in which ten of the former
v j-i Th* fi.-h grew out of the
v ns : lies of the Crows.
\ <i neral Wilson passed the
S u!• ]’ U.\oher2B h. The weather
*v s <jit ia- * v. re and large numbers of rat
io wen- dying tfl tlie Toad.—The mail for
Sab L ike had to lie packed hrough to i,s
d< -s inrii ien, in eonsequ- rtee of the heavy
Sl] AV.
Act* of ili‘ L‘j;i liitnro.
1 An uc to legalize .he sitting of he
Superior C urt of Glasscock.
Also, to make legal the adjournment,
and to change the lime of holding the
2 An act to authorize the Ordinary of
TroUji county to pass upon the application
of the administrators of James M. Potts,
dec’d., for leave to sell land and negroes
bel inging to said estate,&c.
3 An act to authorize the Court of Or
dinary of Gordan county, to pass an order
.in vHcaiiiin mi horiydn.g the sale of the
lands and negroes belonging to the estate
of James C. Longstreet, dec’ll., late of said
conn y, on tlie first Tuesday in January
n<-x;, bv J, fferson M. Lamar, administra
tor, with tbe will annexed on said estate.
4 An act to appropriate money for the
payment of such Judges of the Superior
and Supreme C un is, as hold commissions
hearing date subsequent to the passage of
the Act of the last General Assembly, rai
sing the salaries of those officers.—And
torthe payment of certain sums to It. K.
limes, and W. M. K *ese.
.3 An act to relievo J bn and R becca
Green, of -he • -oiin y of Bibb, from the
pains and nli* sf bigamy or aduhery,
and f>r • h r i ftrp ‘ses.
fi An acr •> c rff -r certain jiowcis upon j
pers ns hen in named, and au harize a[
seidem n be;well •hem.
7 An act to au bonze the S ate Treasu- :
rer to make certain advances.
“Another Harp in Heaven.”- —On , nr
way from the office to our domicil, fin
weeks as we nightly passed a small but neat j
j tenement, through the window of which
we nred a solitary couple, sitting hy a lit
tle table on which dimly burnt and a common
lamp, apparently absorbed in deep and sol
emn thought. The summer of life searec-
Ily seemed to have touched them with its
I rosy fingers, and their constant abstract ion,
; for this reason, attracted attention.
The frequency that the little cottage
j was passed at length made us, though nev
i er introduced, acquainted with its inmates,
j The ladv at last bowed in answer to an
| inquiring look, as we passed her at the o-
I pened window, and finally we ventured to
address a kind salutation, the
morning when we saw t iio s 4ouple stirring
V* down the street,!
boh to walk, and we went
.-I mAgether, Wt - remarked. -The f,. s’
’ ’ cheer. It is a beam of suu
litrh: to,’* was ikgg
<ad iiMimr
“X i. n t to in!” sadljStipli. and tile kuSH
“one moil h >ince li: ijX&t danced nvowKt’
our li ; a toned voice
cch ed nnnicallv in £a|; a golden
light b.-amed in >ur .now.”
“Yea,” added the husband, y
I hough be evidently needed its balnfl i
his partner in sorrow; “Yes but aiKtwWJ
harji is now tuned in heaven.”—And this
was the secret of the gloomy vigils by that
little table, with the lamp dimly lighting
the room. Ah, in how many houses in
this city has the light gone out and the
music ceased since summer, clothed in roses ‘
was ushered in by the jocund
How little do tin* great mass, who agaiifl
eagerly engag? in tin* whirl of business,
know of the sundered tics and the sad
memories that east gloom in hundreds of
households! — X. 0. Picayune.
How tiif. PitF/SS is Afflicted by Dead
II fads.-Railroads occasionally complain of
dead-heading, but no institution sutlers so
much from it as the Press. A sensible
writer says:
The press endures the infliction of dead
head ism from tin* pulpit, tin* bar and the j
s age, from corporations, societies and in
dividuals. It is expected to yield its in
terests ; it is required to give strength to
weak ins i u‘ ions; eves to the blind, clothes
to the nak. and, and bread to the hungry, it
is asked to cover infirmities, hide weakness,
and wink at improprieties; it is expected
to herald quacks, bolster U]> dull all hors,
and Hatter the vain; it is, in short, to be
all tilings to all men; and if it looks for
pay or reward’ it is denounced as mean and
sordid. There is no interest under the
whole heavens that is expected to give so
i much to society without pay or thanks, as
the Press.
Iu Tallxitton Geo.. on tli* morning of the 23d ult .
hy tin* Rev. ,1 \Y. Hinton, M;ti .1. F. Baxter and Mrs.
Sarah 15. Bozeman, all of iii> above place.
O t, th<* 10th u’t.. at the residence of M R Meadows,
M>-s. Ruth Black after a plot acted iilue-n. in tin*
81 t year of her age.
Office ok thk Upson Pilot, )
Thomafiton, Dec. 1. j
COTTON—'The receipts at this point continue light.
Prices from 10 1 2to 11. There is a good d&nand,
and the above prices are readily given.
MACON. Nov. f>o. C'ttcn. —A good demand at
10 12to 11 1-4. Receipts better than l'ora week or
two past.
Columbus, Nov. go.—But very little Cotton is com
ing in this morning, and ‘tiil less offering, as mo.-t
planters are storing: the little that is selling is at an
advance effected yesterday and maintained this morn
ing. We <|U >te .Strict Middlings lie., Good Middlings
11 1 8 a 11 1 4c.
SAY ANN All, Nor, 29.— Cotton —The market has
been in .-trite of excitement to-day. ‘He letters jier
Afriea came to hand, and her orders br< ught out most
ot <ur buyers. The accounts per North ltritain report
ing a slight advance on all qualities, give more tone to
this market, arid the active demand enabled holders to
advance prices, civ quotations are. therefore raised
about l-Bc. all round. The decline in receipts is be
coming more perceptible, footing to-day only 1 !, 2 : ’
bales, which is the smallest quantity arrived on any
one day since the 7fh October. The exports are'grow
ing heavier a-d the stock will probably be considera
bly redu ed in a short time. We quote from 1U 1-2 to
12c as extremes. *
Advance in Cott n —f otton advanced an eighth to a
qua ter on Satu day. Good Middling 11 1-2. In N.
York on Fiday there \ia> an advance of an oightht—
Middling Uplands 12 1-8. Sales 3,(*M) bales. Satur
dav. sales 1.000 bales and a quiet maiket.
>.jpy. <■: a 1 1 l> TfSlgW
Oilin’ Tlimnaston A illc ■
Kuill’OUd Cos., Tliomaston. Nov. 3t>. l>v>B.
THE annual election for a Board of Directors of this
Company, for the en uing year, will be held in tin*
Coil t House in Thomaston. on Tuesday the lltli day
of January next, at 12 o’clock. M. A genera! atten
dance of the SLtoek-hnlders is earnestly solicited, as 1 u>-
iness of much importance to the Company \\ ill t>e sub
mitted for tiicir consideration.
dec2—4w TILOS. F. BETHEL Bres t A ‘i
Ifv indu e to submit
J 1 to my fellow-citizens tm- Tax i Upson
C< U'lty. at t!ic e.-Mling election ill the iK/lumtjL
tion of tii** American partv. ‘'|L
dec2—lt *
Notice, Americans ;
I 1 ie metnbers of are
. assemble at the CVt W- on the
first Tuesday in leeenTf;er next. cat-dtj
dates for c. u tv officers. to be nr Jat the eiisling
ua v rie iion. By oi •
ie old gentleman is ‘-till on hand and i a eandi-
X date tor the office ot County Treasurer for Up on
is u <ty. at the en- unig Ja: uary ejection, subject to lire
nomination of the American party.
nov2f—tf ’ A. WORRELL.
h ot icy,
am a candidate for Tax T rt rio p at the ensu*n *
A • 1 *ct o i su! ! ct to a nomination by the American
nov2s—tf ROBERT SMOOT.
\\T e ar< *authorised to anneu ce the name of Robert
M A ties at. a candidate for Tax Collector for Up- j
son county. I
lare at::V.ori7ed to annru"ee WiLaejr L. Ow
en as a candidate for Tax Receiver, for Upon
t.ovll ts
j ©7
Special Notice t# ( n[iitii!ists!
THE FLINT fcIVF.R FACTORY will be *nld at the
Court House j n THOM ASTON, the first Tuesday In
January next, to tie’ highed bidder, for aj*provd pa
per. in three annnil iuslaluients, payable at Chrutmae
1868. 18i'.0 aiid I**sl,
The place iiH'lu 1 - -ixty -five acres of land, eemfnrtw
ble dwellings for the helps a gond store-boue, (a
prime stand for Dry G.<o.l*o. good wara l oue, a
goo<l grist mill, and the factory lnildiii|ib machinery
for manufacturing 1.000 bales of Cotton yearly, <■
Lmore machine si„.p, Ac.. all in good running order,
how. and will when sold, be inanu taolu ring aa
■■LG U :ts any mill in the State. The concern rf
Proprietors in the last six year* sE> -
! 11$ 1Y F4\ H**USAND DOLLARS. Uin 1 <*tM
■kMBoHF **6] n * h neighborhood for Corn W 1 ent.
< ic'je i.' r ■•’ w A ter alb.;ding at
W u<* It ill tuoth.l l
Foniv I'Jjm/KKm- .• I • ■!. . •*< h to in :u* I'rtn
! ru.iv be shipped . any quarter. Th
! place ofS*'f^*od no-men:s to .• -..ns desiring to
bnrk it a*id pr.-fit able busmens. unpara,-
■'•‘led in ’l.lKri if: > A nuin>.*r or cir''Utnstr.i'ei <*.-
? duee 1* ••. ■ :?<•* this i” pe-;> f'r
j'tjsfe. St'iffwHßeg v.i par, >v. .. D to buy to ji*e
phe place t: ex.t!..l: with a v mpeteut
t HVisible, th* business to go o*i without
that the hands may not be thiuwn vui
of employment.
I*. AJ. J. GRANT, > n .. _
N RESPLSS, 5 rro P ru ‘ Uf! '-
dec 2 _td
Macon J.-u-nal A Messenger and Telegraph
tcopy throe times anl send hills to this ottie.
RlTill he sold, on the tirst Tuesday in January next,
ts before the Court lb*use door in Thomaston, with
in the :egrl hours of sale, the following property, vit :
One negro man slave, named Bob, of yellow color,
about twenty five or six years old, levied on at the
property of Jumes S. Walker, to satisfy aft. fa from
Upso„ .-upeiior Court in favor of William K. Caatlen
vs. James 8. Walker and I’cter W. Alexander, endor
Also, at the snnte time and place, 300 acres of lard,
more or less, being the place lately occupied bv Fran
< is M. Richardson, adjoining John M. S. Greene aid
William II Cox. on the north, Abner Abercrombie on
tin* cast, 11. B. Mabry on the south, and 11. B. Mabry Jolm M. S. Greene on the west, Humbert rot
knowti. ah in the sixteenth dbtritt, originally Heir
ton now l psoii county. Levied on a 5 ! the joCp'rtv cf
Frauc.L M Richardson, (<> satisfy a ft. fa. from Upeea
Superior Coti-'t, in favor of Jeremiah Mathews vs. raid
I aucis M, Richardson, for the jinrchase money of raid
land. I’ropeity ]H>inted out by plaintiff.
Also, at tin* same time and place, one sorrel berre,
about 1 \ -ars old. Levied <-n as the property of
James M. Reed and Philip Reed, to •alisfv two rub
pu na fi. las. trom Ups.m Superior Court, one against
James M, Reed and the othei against Jhiiica M. Reed,
I'iiiii;.. Ht-.-d and .le}itli Reed, and tiotii in favor of
Jettcr-on Murpliev. Properlv pointed cut bv Jeflersej
Murphry. ABN FR ABEKCRoMBIK! Sheriff.
November 30, 1 SoB.
\LS<) a‘ the same time ami jilr-ce, will Le gold, owe
lot oi ‘and. numher 2D> in the llfteenth district,
lorme ly Mur,toe now Upson county, containing 202 1-2
ac:-s. nuin*’ or less, adjoining Bradbury Bmoot and
others an*l Koovvn as tin* Ivirkj.atrick lot. Levied on
a- the propert y of John Kennedy, Tnd now In the pon
ses-ion ot ihomas Kennedy, to sa-isfv a 11. I’n. issuvsl
from Upson Superior Court in favor of Daniel I). In
---vi’ Pr the u-c of ‘i homas Hall vs. John Kennedy,
Ihcpertv pointed out nv James W.‘ Greene,
ALo. lot of land No. 1 11), in the fifteenth district wf
oiigiiirtify Monroe now U|e** eoimty, containing 2f)2
1 2 acre- more or ie-s. Levied on as the proiiwtv of
Georg* \\ Wa.k**: a id now in his possession, to satis
fy a li l, trom Lp n Supe i..r Coiiit in favor of But
e]{ K:■ ig v-. G ‘oige W, W'a’ker. Pio|<erty poinfef
< tit by the ]>!aintiitf
Also, one sorrel mare, about 12 years old. of medi
um -i/.e Levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Up
son Kiipe noi- ( i u t in favor of B wilt A Buggies and
Pete K. Butts, transferee, vs. Greene T. Hancock, aaid
property now in p*-ss*‘ssion of Hiram Thompson, hut
found -uhjei t to the above ti. fa. bv the verdict of a
Jury. J. R HU iCHEKSON, D. rtbff.
November CO, ISIS.
poSTl'bM.'li SALK.—At the znme time* xnd place,
.i will be sold, the h* Use and lot in the extreme
I northern part <>: lire town ofTboma‘ton, now occupied
by Joint Bland, containing one acre more or le**. Le
vie ! on as the property of John Bland Pi satisfy two fl.
las. issued from the Justice Court for the htilat Dis
trict. 0. M. in favor of James W. Greene and Janies M.
Str.i'n. assignee* <>t Hen.t-fieM A Lewis, vs. John
Bland. Levies made by John W. Beall, Constable, and
returned to me.
1 November 30, 18G8
Thomaitoa or Barnesviile R. R. Schedule.
—,—. The Thomaston train leaves at 10,
‘I daily, (e/.-ept Sundays,) and
. -L-f.*—'_£:* ‘.**-■ nivts at Barne-vill* at 11:20, A. M ,
Lease Bartic-ss,;lf at 2:30, i’. M., and arrive at Thou*-
tl>tC*Ti ‘it 1* V I*. M.
dcc2— lv J. R. MIC K IF. Sup*
‘Phi* oMabli'hment has undergone ‘erne repairs, and
j X many oi tin* rooms have been newly furnished.
1 ‘I be proprietor pegs leave to tts-ure the tratellix*
public that he is prepared to accomnirsfate them w'tb
comfort in satis factory stvie. Come >ne ! Come all!
Horses. 1 biggies, Carriages and Hacks kept
for hire. TfHiS. CAUTHORS.
TBumaston. Geo. December 2. IH.;>B--tf
Brwo rooms under the Hotel, one occupied a* a Drof
B Store, the other used tor tlv V st- Office.
the Dwelling House* with all intweesary out
building*. Well, Garden. on Railroad street.
1 wiil also rent the new two-story Carrijge Shop om
llie block east of the Hotel.
Also, two large work rooms in the -bop eaet of ta'iwk’
Hamberget s present residence.
lor Vnt-ther j.jirticulnrs ajijdv early to
SGeo.. December 2—ts
out Souse, ~
JR . J . J). HO V ty.
ik**n a lease of the property, and intetnf#’
b up” and have thing* as they should lie.
g'ad to see h‘S old friends, and oth*r,-
•it this flourishing city.
Griffin pajienq tlte/Columbus Weekly En and €"-ner Stone. aiA Montgomery (Ala.)
yyiftklv Mail insert two months atid send on account*.
N ofltrO.
\ll persons are hereby notified not to trade for a note
. made payable to Chat field Shelton, for one hutl
lred and two dollars and fifty cents, and signed J. B.
Uastlen. and die- tlie 36th of December next.
dect!—tf. J. B. CASTLKN.
1 Look at this tJtA
r ri.e undersigned ha- this day received a fresh eupply
X ot very liat,ds< me Prints. Ladiea’ Dress Goods, Kid
( Sea Islat.d Homesymiis/Cassinieres, do*., whicih
he will sell \e v lov. fail and see bis band some
to< k. * * {JOHN THOMPSON.
Tlmmaston. Gi., Nov. 21.
r P ie 0.. e .am uc by J. B. Mickie and th* o*4
1 occurded by J. 11. Hays. Possesion given tit*
day of January, 1863. Apply to
n ov if— -V