Upson pilot. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1858-1864, May 26, 1860, Image 3

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|f!i7%5 0n 1 Crn., *,_ I farday morning i May 26,1860^ I Notice. I and correspondents of the Pilot must ■ if**** oUt t !ieir advertisements and communi hand. We are willing to correct Buried* l * orthographical mistakes, but ornis no nght to supply—without establishing alike dangerous to Publisher and Patron, and deaths must be sent or left ■ G** i,vsom responsible friend—or'it is im- t - jeV can appear. These rules must be ob er[(, enable the Editor and compositors Wf* :r ’, fD ,| to their legitimate duties. The correc- Br ’ a .^ kftS ( oV iug to the loose manner many per ■ -ness) is tl> e chief annoyance-connected with Otfice. <*rTT’hts should be handed m at least two ■ ld yfcre the day of publication. IkT Joseph Walker is <yur agent in I ™ J |Q g to receive subscriptions advertising. __ I KA f/HcATION MEETING. I of Upson county are Lpectfully requested to assemble in I,Court-House in Thomaston, on t, first Tuesday in June next, to rat- I the proceedings and nomination Lhelate Constitutional Union par- I , t t Baltimore. I CorNTV Executive Committee. I The Chalybeate Spring I jjj.; 3 spot so celebrated for its health B, a i: : :t;nral beatify, has been recently much B /r Vt .il by the present Proprietor, Dr. The cabins have been newly pain- Bjiiij'l ‘.vliitcwaslied and t,he Spring witli any change- in the original formation, Bk Iren walk'd iu with marble and eu ■r ~,i !.y un elegant circular st ructure with lattices and a cemented floor, The Bp Ball Room has been converted into B;r> comfortable Parlors for Ladies and a Im i).n ing S;.l<on some distance veinov- Bsilrow the main building, is now fa* ad ■r uceti toward completion. The Dr. w ill j ■yon have the whole lighted up with gas. 1 It refined society, excellent medical wa- Br, good eating aml drinking, kind atten ■’ in. rogt-thei with .Music and Dancing can i ■dieer the invalid and make the healthy Hmankfri/ for blessings, then the Chalybe ■ re. will h- the great Summer resort.— ■ With such an attraction in our very midst, 1 v 5 worn! rto us “that any Southerner I >iii*l go to Saratoga or even to Virginia I he eased of his cash, be snubbed by gree- Idy Landlords and impudent Servants and I; jitter breath in small close rooms piled Isp with tremendous trunks and bandbox -I*and tortured at last to death byperfum |dfo|w mock tiohletuen and flippant, I useless helles. We too often spurn the |ft.bures at our feet, to follow the phan |ba, pleasure, iu intricate mazes through I the world. IS* T .Ve return our thanks to lion, j ‘lnia Hili, Senator Iverson, Hon. John A. L uiiu i lon. Thos. Hardeman, Jr. !'’speeches and documents. i~S* Ou a loeeut visit to Talbot coun- Ih “’e find the prospect for due crops of wheat, cotton and corn most promising. ‘‘Clear a* a c never understood tile full meaning ’ ‘‘is o\v\ saying until John Bell was nom- Kifi-d for the Presidency. That Bell is 1:1:10,1 r.t pure metal, and gives out no un uum sound, as we shall prove when we lve more time than at present. He is a ive State all his life and yet he is elas t"r his vote on the miserable Kansas ’ (which Senator Hammond said, i't s o have been kicked out of Con ltßs by the South”) with such squatters l demagogues as Stephens and Doug iS We shall show that his reasons for ‘•it vote proved that he loved his native ian( h both wisely and patriotically, and faithful among the faithless. she X. Y. Evening Post furnishes the blowing anecdote about Judge Douglas a Republican : ‘ Well, Judge, we are all speculating on Par chances, what do you thiuk about f ’ “I don’t know” he replied, “but they swindle me out of the nomination.”— Aud it they do, suppose we put you up .Chicago—will you stand ?” Os course . is was bad-inage and the Senator replied iG me same vein “Send your committee to nh a -d if I don't do anything better for eru & lve ’em some good whiskey, and H “ill talk the matter over.” English Ladies Fond of Outdoor Es- Ucise.—English ladies of established po rtion, whose genuine modesty no one would Gunk of questioning, and who belong to Julies which have been the best in the untry for hundreds of years, engage in ‘ Ust exercise which many of the soi-dis "f! u *dies would think as vulgar. They A lv ® spirited horses all along the beauti- lanes and by the blossoming hedge ; w s of merry England. They ride on °rse-back with brilliant cavalcades to via uil the spots sacred to historic fame, and 0 | r °mance. Thej think nothing—even 1 lady Arabella or an Honorable Geraldi "a—of walking five miles in the country, suitably dressed for the purpose. They billed in archery. Some of them even i e after the hounds, and harden their istocratic hands by rowing pleasure boats a sty ie that would captivate the hearts 01 whole Sknylkill fleet. For the Upson Pilot ttrtr meeting. May 11th, 1860 His Honor Abridge G. Cabaniss being in the chair, P. W. Alexander, Esq., Called the atten tion of the Bar to the fact, that a most esteemed member of the Profession, Thos. W. Goode, had died since the last session of the Oottrt, anj moved the appointment of a Committee to re port suitable resolutions upon the occasion. He also suggested that Ob. Gibson, Esq., the oldest surviving practitioner at this Court, and the ear ly friend and associate of Mr. Goode, be made chairman of the Committee. The motion being adopted, Jlis Honor appointed the following gentlemen upon the Committee: Ob. Gibson, John J. Floyd, P. W. Alexan der, Jas. W. Greene and Thomas Beall. At a subsequent meeting, Mr. Gibson made the following report: The decease of Thos. W. Goode, though oc curring some months since, has left a deep and painful impression upon the minds of thi> Bar. He was the first attorney who ever located him self in this part of the State; and from that time down to the day of his death, he was ever found, unless prevented by sickness, at the pus 1 where duty and justice called. Modest yet firm; plain and simple, yet resolute in the discharge of his duties and the enforcement of the rights of his clients and of himself; he moved straight forward in the discharge of the obligati>*ns of his profession, ever relying upon the justice of his cause and the principles of the law for his precept. His reward was abundant; for he wore and enjoyed to the day of his death the entire j confidence and respect, both of the profession and of the people, by whom he was freely trust ed and honored. He made himself an example of integrity and legal skill, secured the esteem and affection of the brotherhood, and yet always wore his laurels with the modest assurance of a true-hearted gentleman. But death has invaded our circle; yet the cloud of our sorrow is spanned by the rainbow of promise, assuring us that our brother now rests from all his labors. Resolved, That we have heard with grief of the death of our old friend and associate, Thos. V . Goode, the honored son of Johu and Eliza beth Goode, who for over a quarter of a century fulfilled his mission as a first class lawyer, in the Courts of Georgia, and in all the walks of life was a nan of sterling integrity and most amia ble demeanor. A'soloed, 1 hut we tender to his stricken fam ily the warmest sympathies of sorrowing hearts in their great bcreavem* n t. Resolved) That wc will wt r the usual badge of mourning for thirty days—and that this re port and resolutions he spread upon tV records of the Superior Court of Upson County, : ,nd published iu the “Dpsou Pilot,” and that a copy be furnished to the family of deceased. The presentation of the resolutions was ac companied by Mr. Gibson, with feeling aud ap propriate remarks, in the course of which head verted briefly to the leading incidents in the ca reer of our deceased brother., The motion to adopt the resolutions was seconded by Judge Floyd, who paid an eloquent and felicitous trib ute to the character of deceased, in which the entire meeting evidently svmj utilised. The motion was adopted unanimously, and the proceedings ordered to be published and spread upon the records, by Judge Cabaniss, who accompanied the order with a few remarks, in which he expressed his entire concurrence in tlm action of the meeting. A true extract from tire minutes. CHARLES WILSON, C. S. C. Hood on Dueling Tom Hood describes an intended duel which was prevented by an amicable ar rangement made upon the ground. The parties—Mr. Bradly and Mr. Clay—rivals for the affections of Lucy Bell, fouud it necessary to appeal to arms : But first they found a friend apiece, This pleasant thought to give— That when they both were dead, they’d have Two seconds yet to live. To measure out the ground, not long The seconds next fbrebore, And having taken one rash step, They took a doeen more. They next prepared each pistol-pan Agafttst the deadly strife; By putting in the prime of death Against the prime of life. Now all was ready for the foes, But when they took their stands, Fear made them tremble, so they found They both were shaking hands. Said Mr. C. to Mr. 8., ‘‘Here one of us must fall, And, like St. Paul’s Cathedral now Be doomed to have a ball. “I do confess I did attach Misconduct to your name; If T withdraw the charge, will then Your ramrod do the same V Said Mr. 11., “I do agree; But think of Honor’s courts; If we be off without a shot, There will be strange reports. “But look; the morning now is bright, Though cloudy it begun, Why can’t we aim above, as if We had called out the sun V* So up into the harmless air Their bullets they did send; And may all other duels have That upshot in the end. Black Republican Nomination.— ChL cago, 18., May 18. —Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, was to-day nominated for the Pres idency by the Black Republican Conven tion in session here. He was nominated on the third ballot bv three Majority. This was brought about by the aid of Simon Cameron, ol Pa. .. Black Republican Nomination —The telegraph announces that the Black Repub lican Convention at Chicago, has. nomina ted Hon. Abram Lincoln, of Illinois, for President, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, for Vice President. i CONGRESSIONAL Washmgtcn, May 22.—The HouseCom nntteeon elections to-day reported in favor <**- **• Ulair, of Missouri. .In the House the General Appropriation Bill was deba ted, and the Pacific telegraph bill amend ed. The Senate concurred in the House amendments to thq, Deficiency Bill, and it how awaits the President’s signature. A Conference Committee was appointed on the Consular Diplomatic Bill. The Terri j tor iHl resolutions were further debated in the Senate, but no action was taken upon them. Washington, May 23. the Senate, a bill was reported pro viding for the negroes at, Key West, taken in the Wildfire , also a bill providing for j the construction of seven steam sloops of I war. House concurred in the Senate bill for the increase of the pay of naval officers, and passed he civil and Executive appro priation bills. The Japanese Embassy visited the House and Senate to-dav, and were verv hb-hlv gratified. _ Special Motifcs. A CARD.— lhe Legislature of the State of Georgia having passed the following Act, at , its Session of 1858, prohibiting the drawing of Lotteries within its jurisdiction, *<Ycr the Ist day of June, 1860, we will, on that t<vy\ remove our entire business to iliningpiu Delaware WOOD, EL.-V v O W ilii: _ ‘ ware. . AN ACT to repeal a,-, • i .>-ts .flaws, authorizing Lotteries in . .. and for other purpose.- SECTION 1. the (rent if „}>■ mb •; < f (A r yia do enact: That from . ..I .0 .. first day of June, Eighteen Hundred nr 1 <ixty, all laws and parts of laws authorizing. . toi-ics in the State of Georgia, or rhe v nding of Littery Tickets in said State, be and the same are here- < by repealed. Approved by the Governor, December 11,1858. May 19, 1860—4 w ~XVootlrufTTs Cos rit •=•> *0 . IT is a general acknowledged fact tha-t these Buggies are tar superior to any now used in the State. They run lighter, ride easier anti last longer, than any other ; Buggies; hence the increased demand for them in many parts ol this State, also in Tennessee, Alabama, and Florida. If you want a good Buggy or Carriage of any kind it will pay you well to go to Griffin or send your orders. Woodruff keeps a large stock from the fine j Coach down to the iron axle Plantation Wagon. AiH-il 14th, 18G0—tf. JANITORS of Public Institutions, Hotel keepers, Bankers, Merchants, Wharfingers, Warehousemen, Captains of Ships and Steam boats, Storekeepers, Housekeepers, and others, should procure Aleyer's Jiftraculous 1 r ermin De stroyer it never fails !! Washington City, D.-C.JuneT, 1859. Sir : —Your son has applied your •‘Vermin Destroyer in the President’s House, and from the report made to me by the Watchmen and others about the establishment, 1 have every reason to believe that the Rats have left the. premises. Very respectfully, ‘ JNO. B. BLACK, Commissioner of Public Buildings. flew -Vrrvtisrnmtfs. RAILROAD MEisbtito! SIT is requested that a meeLiij i --sm** held in the Court House iu Thomas •• ton, on the first Tuesday in July of the Stockholders of the Thuiuaston & Bavue-vTie Rail Road, who have been excluded; for the purpose of adopting some plau to protect their interest in the Thomaston & Barnesville Rail Road. All the old Stockholders that have been sold out and feel that they have an interest to protect, are request ed to meet. OLD STOCKHOLDERS. May 2fi, 1800— 4t*. ©Am ©i M©A © A £l l iVJ Y, Chalybeate Springs. PROFESSOR J. C. Duesberry the celebrated Danc ing Master, respectfully informs the citizens of Up son and surrounding Counties, that he will teach danc ing in all its branches at the CHALV BEATE SPRINGS this Summer, commencing Ist June. A number ONE String and Brass Band will be in attendance. Days of Tuition, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdaj afternoons. Terms: For a course of twelve lessons embracing all the Fan cy dances TEN DOLLARS. May 26, 1860—ts. NOTICE. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Upson County, for leave to sell the land belonging to the E-tate ot Fran cis Mauldin, late of said County, deceased. May 26, 1860—2 m. M. H. SANDWICH. Ex’r. G EORGIA UPSON COUNTY : Whereas. Frantis L. Matthews applies to me for let ters of Gdamianship of the persons and property of James M. Jeffers, Sarah Jeffers ami Nancy T. Jeffers, minors of said County under the age of fourteen years and orphan children of Charles Jeters', deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause on or before the first Monday in July next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand this 28d day of May 1860. May 26,—5t. Wm. A. COBB, Ordinary. Trustee’s Sale. ¥ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, be fore the Court-house door in the town of Thomas ton, between the legal hours of sale the following pro perty viz: Elbert a man about fifty-three years old, Rose a woman about forty-six years old, Alex a man about nineteen years old, Ceely a woman about twenty years old. Susan about seventeen years old and her in fant child, and Lethy a girl about fifteen years old.— All sold under a decree of the Superior Court of Upson county on a credit till 25th Dec. 1860. for the payment of the debus of the late Raleigh Green. May 26—tds. JAS. M. SMITH, Tfustee. ALL HAIL THE POSITIVE REMEDY To Cure all Tobacco Cheicers and Snuff Dippers ISTo Huimbuig! TO day I offer a remedy to take the room of Tobacco which will in two weeks break off the most obsti nate from the use of Tobacco. My remedy is free from poison—it quiets the neives in the same ratio as Tobac co—is a tonic narcotic —is theunparalled and best rem edy for coughs and consumption. Who will not for the paifrv sum of $5 to quit the use of Tobacco, the yearly cost of which is from 15 to 30 dollars. Send on your money, the return mail will bring you the only remedy now known to triumph over Tobacco. Each package will he accompanied with full direc tions how to use. Jf it docs not come up to what I have said, I wfll pay the damage by returning your money and with my life. lam permanentlv located in Talbot. Address A. J. GREER, May 10, 1860—ts Bellvieu, Talbot t’CL Ga. NOTICE . AGREEABLE to Sfn order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Upson County, will be sold before the Court house door in Thomastor* on tle fim Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, one Negro man named Jack about twenty-two years of age, .sold for the purpose of a division among the heirs of Allen M. Walker late of said couuty dec’d. JAMES H. BIVINS, JOHN L. W’OODW’ARD, Jr JOHN L. WOODW ARD. Sen. Guardian of the minor Children. May IP, 1860. tds. GE6fc(Sl A tPgON COUNTY; - Whereas Matthew H. Sandwich applies to me for letters m AiSt&imstration on estate, Within the said County of Upsou, of Mrs. FratWies Payue late of the State of Louisiana deceased. ,• These are therefore to cite And admonish all and sin gular the knwired and creditors 6F s^id # deceAV<*d to show cause (if any they have) on or before t,he *r-t Monday in July next why said letters shotild hoi ‘* granted. Given under my hand this tfkh May iB6O. , WM. A. COBB. Ordinary May 19—4 t. *** JEWELER, J. (4. BRoWM W ill attend to Cleaning and Repairing WATCHES, CLOCKS; and JEWELRY, At Heard & Traylor's Drug Store, THOMASTON, GEORGIA. May 12, 1860—ts. BROOKS’ WOOL FACTORY. THIS Factory is situated in Meriwether County, Ga., five miles Soulh-west of Sandtown, and is now in lull operation under the superintendence of tVell expe rienced hands. The subscribers have purchased a wool carding Machine vfiffi Bur Machine attached. They feel confident that they can give perfect satis faction to those who may favor them with their pat ronage. |jf Wool should be washed well in cold water. Terms Oas-UL, the usual toll. J. M BROOKS, R. H. BROOKS. May 12, 1860—601* Notice^ ALL persons indebted to the Estate of William Bryan .ZX deceased-, are requested to ootue forward and make pHVßient immediately, also those having claims against said Estate will present them in terms of the law. M*y 12, 1860—6 t. JASPER BRYAN, Ex’r. TYO MONTHS after date application will be made p the Ordinary of Upsou County for leave to sell all lie wild and scattering lands of Win. D. Taylor debased, at a private sale : fine the benefit of his heirs andcreditors. UEL S. TAYLOR. Ex'r. lay 12, 1860—2 m. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. \ .L persons indebted to James G. Whatley, late of JlUpson County deceased, are requested to make payient to the undersigned. And those having de maiis against the Estate will present them according to Liw. ALLEN G. FAMBRO. WM H WHATLEY Mly 12, iß6o—6t. Qualified Ex u “V\ r aiton Gr. Jordno Attorney at Law and Solicitor in E; ity, Hardaway, Macon County, Ala. XATO J- continue in endeavoring to attend to nilr TY Professional business that may be entrusted to hu management in any of the Counties or Courts in the Sate, except the Supreme Court. Post-Office, Hardaway, Macon county, Alabama Having recently removed from the Office formerly oc cipied by my late brother-in-law, John M. White. Esq. Haulaway, Feb. 18, 1860—ly*. WOODRUFF & CO., Griffin, Georgia, ARE now receiving every week, fresh .1 supplies of fine CARRIAGES, ROCKAWAYS & BUGGIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Carriages and Rockaways of every size, varying in price from S2OO UP TO $1,200 y.y, ctnd A'- Tup Ztnyyiw. of every style, of the celebrate Ooncord Buggy •• iaUing the lead—being the Best and lAjhiesi Running Buggy in America—one worth two of any other riiake. HACKS, AftD Jersey Wagons, AND Iron Axle Plantation i:1 H J WAt>NS FOR 2, 4 AND 6 HORSES, All work for this Repository is made to order and warranted. There is perhaps no repository in the State whefe so much care is taken to get up superior work, and this is the reason why .so many persons in different parts’ of the State order Car riages and Buggies from Griffin, may 12, IB6o—-ly. estray- TAKEN up at mv house 12 miles South of Thomastou, on the 29th of April, a kA Yellow colored HORSE, with black legs, \v| main and tail, about sixteen hands high. %| ti* The owner is requested to come forward, 81” - 1 * >r H prove property and take him away. May sth.—4t. ARTHUR ADAMS. Land For Sale; WILL he sold to the highest bidder, before *he C house door in the town of Tliomad county, on the first Tuesday in July i/ .u ing lands, as the joint property >*l the dude: -.u. wit: All the lands in said county formerly known a: the Sledge place, containing four hundred and thirty odd acres: said place lying in the South East corner of Upson County and adjoining the Lands of Zaoli Sneed. Win. Worthy, Seaton G. Day, And others; Situated about 4 1-2 miles from Culloden, and about 1 1-2 from Hickory grove. There is on said place about 100 acres of rich bottom land cleared and in cultivation , 100 acres of rich flat land cleared .; the balance of the land lies well and is good upland very little worn. Said place has about 140 acres in tRe woods and well tim bered. There is a good new framed dwellrng-hotise on the place, with all the necessary appurtenances tVnd improvements for a comfortable and convenient resi dence, all of which are new and substantial. Terms will be made known on day of sale. W. C. BIRD, ) p S.S. BIRD, ) The premises will be delivered to the purchaser on the 25th of December next. May sth—tds*. A NICE Assortment of Crockery and Glass ware just received at VINING & SULLIVAN'S. AN Entire new lot of HOOP SKIRTS all ?izes, for Ladies and Misses, just received 5t VINING & StJLLI VAN’S. i AAI HOOP Skirts, not the same ones as adverti.-.- _LUU jLed last Fall, hut an entirely new lot at VINING & SULLIVAN’S, March 10, 1860— ts. OCASES Moleskin Hats, latest style, rj for sale by VINING & StLLIVAN. ] FRENCH A American Soft Hats, in great variety, J at VINING & SULLIVAN S. Urgal Advertisements. Georgia, upson county: Whereas George W. itay. applies IN me for ! T .e Guar dianship of the persons and properly of Martha Jane Kinsey and Georgia Ann Kinney. minors ol said County under fourteen year'of age, anti orphan children of Raiford Kiusev, decease*!. These are therefore to cite and admoni?:; all persons concerned to file their objections in my office (if any j they have) on or before the first Monday in June r.exi | why tlie prayer of the applicant should not he granted ! and letters of guardianship issued to him accordingly. Given under inv hand this :Mth April, 1860, i April 28 —5 t. WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. NOTICE. BY virtue of an order of the Honorable tie <"■ tint of Ordinary of the county of Upson, will be sold on the first Tuesday in June t ext within legs’ hours of sale before the Court house <U*>r in the Town of Thomaston, Geo., the following nqmed negro slaves, belonging to the Estate off harity Walter, deceased, to-wit: Abram, a man, Jeney a woimyi Wiunya woman nml Luke a man. Terms of sale, Cash*. N. F WALKER, April 28—tds. Administrator. AGREEABLY to an order of the. Court of Ordinal* of Pike county, will he sold in Zebylon, Pike com ty, for distribution among the heirs of Daniel Hightov I er deceased, on the first Tuesday in Jdne next, the fol- I lowlrtg m**n>es, to-wit: Hampton, a mart 45 v£ars of a Will, a man 33 years of age. Perry, a yellow boy 8 year?! Os age. Matilda, a liousewoinan 20 years of age. and hhr two children. Terms: A credit until the 25th of DihxdnbPr. A. G. FAMBIIO, C. C. HIGHTOWER, J. C. HIGHTOW EK. April 21, —ttiS. Guardians for the Children. rdl : _ GEOKOIA, UPSON COUNTY.—COURT OF OR DINARY. November Term ißs9.—Whereas Wil liam A Smith administrator of tlfg Estate of Mrs. Pris cilia IV. Smith deceased, applies at this term of the Court for Letters of Dismission. It is therefore ordered that this rille be published in the ‘Upson Pilot.” once a month fV>r six months, re turnable to the June term next ensuing of said Court, that all persons cpnCemetl may have notice of said ap plication and act accordingly. Ati tle extract from the minutes of said Court. WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. November 20, 18- r '° o*n, WlN~otice! E hereby offer for salt* the tract of Land with dwelling-house and improvements known as the late residence of Thomas W. Goode deceased, contain ing 210 acres more or less, about 40 acres of which are well timbered. The dwelling-house is pleasantly situ- j ated 3-1 of a mile from Thomaston, and has a good gar den and fine orchard attached, together with a P house, kitchen, smoke-house, dairy, crib. barn. v“°l es ’ and all the surroundings of a farm. It is a most delightful situation. , W” also offer for sale the house for* ‘ 'nown ;v.< the School-house, a very comrrn han,lso,, ’ e bu di r. with la- : , w, th ten acres at ,.tl , )1( | ()i j, ..i s ..c- intend selling as soon as possible, . H „ i.'ninn to purchase would do well to apply to us ;:t an early lay. CHAS. T. GOODE. ) Executors of JOHN GOODE. \ Thos. W. Goode. March li. 1860 ts. n .-;a rr/ masi ©lot mu n© HOOTS and SHOES, HA TS, rs- 0. , A ;C. o THE Subscriber having opened bis splendid Stock of Read y■M ad e Clothing in the room next above A. Won ill’s consisting of almost everV article. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, DRAWERS, NET SHIRTS, Cotton and Marino, and a large assortment of Gentleman’s shirts usually worn, and of the latest .Approved H’asiiion, ftliil t r.ollava, 4L... Kl(lks a Choice tinn Os FatlCV Hats, of the lat style, of every size for GENTLEMEN Si BOYS. Also the finest Stock of BOOTS end SHOES, ‘con sisting of every quality and size, tlia* h. ever been <>f fared for sale in a Southern Market. And last though not least I have a few Boxes of most excellent TO3A C C O . The above mentioned articles are now opened ready for sale, and even the most fastidious cannot fail to be suited. Ladies and Gentlemen call and examine for yourselves. W. A. SNELL. Thomaston, Ga., March 10, IB6o—tf‘. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE Subscribers would solicit from the people of Up son and adjoining counties an examination of their large and varied Stock of BPS3|!l© & @ (U) m M I K Goods consisting in part of Gro de Rhine, Foil laid, Bayadere and Poult de Soi Silks, Berage and Or gandie Robes, Organdie Muslins. Lawns, Lace Points, Lace and Berage Mantillas, Embroidered Collars and Setts, Berthes, Gloves, Hosiery, Striped Linens, Satins Ait Men and Boys’ wear, Linen Table Damask, Towel ling. Pillow Casing, &e., &e., with a complete stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS. lEiATS tfc CAPS, fioots and Shoes Ready-Made Clothing, in great variety, beautiful styles, and Low Prices. Crockery, Glass, Tin, Wood W'are, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Saddlery, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Iron and Steel—all the above departments are full and com plete. DOMESTICS, DOMESTICS. 6 BALES Osnaburgs, 3 Bales Tickings, Macon Sheet ing*. Brown and Bleached Homespuns, Lonsdale Bleached Sheetings. Cottonades and Summer C&ssi nieres for sale by the Bale Piece or yard. Choice Family Groceries. THE attention of housekeepers is invited to this De partment our stock lias been bought low for Cash and will be sold at a small advance on cost. 10 Hlii's, Ca de as Molasses, New Crop, 3.1 c. p. g. 10 p,h jfpw Orleans Syrup, - -65 c. p. g. 2 : P I’rime Rio Coffee, - -14 c. p. lb. CY rifled Sugar. - - .- 10c. j>. lb. Lx Clarified ditto, - 10 l-2c. p. lb. 0 lulled Powdered and Granulated A. and u- -with a mil and complete stock of articles sou and in a Grocery store. We would return our thanks to our many friends, who have so liberally favored us with their patronage, and would assure them that nothing shall be wanting on our part to merit its continuance, and we confident ly offer our stock for their inspection, believing that comparison will demonstrate that it is offered at as LOW PRICES | a any house in the interior of the State. WOODSON eSc REDDING. April 28, 1860—Q. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING M A O II I N KS , The best made. Send fO a Circular. Great Central Agency for the State. MACHINES OF ALL KINDS Repairer! by E J JOHWTON & CO. Watch Makers and >/■ icclarp, MACON, GEORGIA, Macon. March 31 1860 ly THE CHALYBEATE SPUING,. Meriwether Cos., R Purchased these Springs, i intend opening them ou the Ist cf June. FOUR-HORSE COACHES will leave Geneva and Thoina- to- for the SPRINGS on j the arrival of each passenger Train. i i April 28— tISJ. C. *5. LEITNEK. M D DIS SOL U'l i o . r PHE copartnership of DRAKE A FLEW'ELLEN 1 the practice of Medicine, was !w and <” list., by mutual consent ‘lh >f : ‘ 1 ill please coni? ‘Srwnid p i *1 < ’< • •’ hi delay 1” C ’ be firm must be > A. N. ABBOTT. ABBOTT & l.j.t WATtEHOUSi Corner of P'!,itrhaU anti Mitoholi Si. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WHO J. ; FSAi L V I)EA L EUS 12, PRODUCE :ml Provisions oi 1 A.ry tfp.d <• ... J Bacon. Lard, Corn, Meal, Flour. Ft A . l-> t ikee Lhne. lna- t*r 1 Cement. -.** Cash orders re.ipecft'uUy solicifetl and ’w n > tilhxl at the lowest market j>rice. April 21 Pm PATENT vet a :.j. ; ‘a T IIA\E at this time and will contii ue t>> k<* 1 hand all si/es of r isk s I‘amnt Metallic rose wm and finished BURIAL CASES V i he last improved style and will deHver them at the hhTtsefe of the deceased with my hearse at the shortest notice; or a liLeral de duction will be made if sent for by tlenr ow„ convey ance/ John n. weub.‘ Thomaston, April 11, 1800—ts. JANSEN, HALL & MEBKLE, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, P YE STUFFS/ liTC., BTC., ISTo. jVlmden T^ane, IKEW-VOllk. o— ■ 0 jF 1 Chemical Preparations l*ent Medieiiiea, Ac., manufactured to oi l*” on reasouiblo terms, and satisfrv*Gon guurantfeU. New-York, April -•* 4 * IBR*>—Bm. A CABPTOTIE SIpEBIM The Rev. i J liam ( osohovk, while laboring as a mission *’ m Japaji, was cured of Consumption, ivhan I all means hail ih l*>d. by .*t re*'ijj*- ontnined from n yarned physician residing in tile great c ity of Jeddo. ‘ 1 “is resipe has cured great numbers who were sutlei - ingfrom Consun>ption. Bronchitis. Sore Throat Coughs and Colds, and the debility and neivous depression caused by these disorders. . Dooirowr, ~f beneiitting otlnv , T • —* mi- ‘ 1 P > which 1 have brought home “ uh ,ue > to all who newi U, free of charge. Add- ■* Fev. Wm. Cosorovk, __ •riu Baltic-street, Brooklyn, N. \ . April 21, lo<io. 3m 3 H 3 J M to S K Y A Si* , GIUI FIN, GEORGIA. All Work / M Fh” WM. R, HANIjEITER. Grifiin, April 21, 1860.—1 y. THOMASTON & BARNESVITI.E R., I?. CHANGE OF SCIIEDI Li*. ON and after WV 1 Train win ,eav *‘ l lu ■ Leave Thomaston at Arrive at The Rock - - - - 1 Arrive at BarnesVilte Leave Bartlesville at - - - - ; ■ < Arrive at The Rock - 11.15 1 . Arrive at Thomaston - (.w> p m C. ROGERS, President. Thomaston April 14,18 C 3NTKW £ SU,AIMER GOODS. (K SUIiUPVA'S’ Fate just received a V large and beautiful Stock of Spring itncl Summer Groo<ls which they will s“ll at low prices. Our Goods have been selected with a great deal of care, and we think we can warrant satisfaction both in prices and quality. Our /Stock of STAPLE GOODS is very large, and prices very low. W'e would particularly call the at tention of the Ladies to our lot of X> POSS Gr ood. s Embracing MUSLINS, BEKEGES TISSUE-SILKS, <?c. M r o would also call attention to our MANTILLAS, L*Cfc POINT!?, MILAN'S, DUSTERS, &c. We have bought largely in these Gcods and are offering great bargains. Our Stock embraces everything ui-ually Yefd in our market, such as, Bleached and ftrYv’i shirting and sheeting, Stripes, checks, Ticking, Prints, Muslins, l’ereges, Tissue Silks, Farmer’s Drills, Linens, Cottonades, Cloths and Cassiineres, Table and Towel Diapers A beautiful lot of Ladies’, Misses’, Men, Boys and Chi! dreu's SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS/ BLOOMERS, &C. READY MADE CLOTHING, of all grades—of the very latest fashion. Hoop Skirls and Bustle. = of the most a] proved style a rice lot of Embroidered Goods. Watches, jewelry, &c. Were we to till up one whole side of Hje Pilot, all upon an examination would have to exclaim as did the Queen of the South, the half has not T.c-n told. March 10, 1860 ts. YINIXG SULLIVAN. WOOD, EDDY & CO’S LOTTERIES ACTIfOUIZi.n RY TIIE STATES OF DELAWARE, MISS* ‘LET AND KENTUCKY, >raw daily in public •’ .he •’ h> .cos#'’ Sworn Commissioners. The Urn • 0 io s ” orate! ut Wilmington, i>laware, iml St. Louis,- M ' m i Prix 2 HO to 4^.1.00,0001 : 8- ‘ ,O TO Y2O ! tr Circulars, ‘’!’ ! Scheme.* to be drawn, will lu* sent lrts if expense, by adii’ \V< ■ L DO., St. Louis, Missouri, or, W< ‘O., Wilmington, Delaware. March X 18 *