Upson pilot. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1858-1864, August 03, 1861, Image 1

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<+ - A. MILLER,’ Terms $2 0!) A Year,- THE UPSON PILOT Gr. .A.. M i ER , Editor ami Proprietor. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Terms of Subscription. ~~ In advance, for 1 year, $2 00 If payment be delayed 6 months, - - - 259 If delayed until the end of the year - . 300 Club Rates. Single copy, $2 00 Five copies, ........ 8 00 Ten copies, - 15 00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proportion $ 1,5 J each. Payment always in advance. —_—.o„ .■ (QJice over A. Wjrrill 4’ Co.'s Grocery Store.) ■—■ * t . Kates of Advertising. Advertisements will be charged at the rate of one dollar per square of tea lines or less, and fifty cents for ■each subsequent insertion. Profesd mal Carls, not exceeding ten lines, will be inserted 12 months for sl2. Liberal contracts made with Merchants and others wishing to a Ivortise by the year. For Announcement of Candidates $3, invariably in ad vat ice. M irriagos and Deaths inserted free, when accompa nied by a responsible name. Obituaries of over 10 lines charged as A Ivertissments. We commend the following Rates of Advertising by contract to business men generally. We have placed them at the lowest figures, and they will in no instance be departed from : BY CONTRACT. | 3 mos. j 0 1110s. | 0 1110s. | 1 year. OXE SQUARE. Without change, $6 00 $8 00 $lO 00 sl2 00 Change l quarterly 700 10 00 12 00 16 00 Changed at will, 800 12 00 14 qq 18 00 TWO SQUARES. Without change. 10 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 Changed quarterly 12 00 18 00 24 00 28 00 Changed at will, 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 THREE SQUARES. Without change, 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 Change l quarterly 18 00 22 00 26 00 31 00 Changed at will, 20 00 26 00 32 00 40 00 HALF COLUMX, Without change, 25 00 30 0 0 40 00 50 00 Change Iqu irterly 28 00 32 qq 45 00 55 00 Changed at will, 35 00 45 qq 50 00 GO 00 ONE COLUMN, Without change. 60 00 70 qq 80 qq 160 00 Changed quarterly 65 00 75 qq 00 qq 110 00 Changed at will, 70 00 85 qq 100 qq 125 00 Lagal Advertising. Sales of Lands and Negroes, by administrators, Ex ecutors ah l GUardians, are required by law to be held on tlie first Tuesday in the m nth, between the hours of ten iii the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which*the property is sit uated. Notices of theso sales must be given in a pub lic gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of personal property must be given at least ted days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Dabfcdrs aid Creditors ot an Estate must be imblished forty ddys. N >tice that application will be made to the Court of Or linary for leave fcd soil Lind or Negioes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be pub nsli'3 l thirty days—fdr Dismission from A Iministration, monthly six months—for Dismission from Guardian shin, forty days. ... . , R lies for pjcecldSiire of M irtgagemUst be published monthly for four ninths—for establishing lost papers fir the full space of three months—for compelling ti tles from Executors or Aluiinistrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following rates: Citation on Letters of A Iministration, “ Dismissory from Administration, ouu 11 < * “ Guardianship, 350 Leave to sell Land or Negroes ® ao Sales of personal property, 10 days, 1 sq. 150 Bates of land or negroes by Executors, 3 oO Estravs, two weeks, 1 jL Sheriffs Sales, 60 days, * ii 30 “ ■ r> - Money sent by mail is at the risk of the Editor, provided, if the remittance miscarry, a receipt he ex hibited from the Post Master. fftoteiflttal Cants. p. W. Alcxrtniler, attorney at law Thomaston, Georgia. nor 25,1850 —ly ” gTa, miller, attorney at law, Thomaston, Georgia. ~ C. T. Goon* Warren & Goode, A TTO RNEYS AT LAW Perry, Houston Cos., Ga. nov 18, 1858 —ts THOMAS BEALL, ATTORNEY at law, Thomaston, Georgia, f.bll 1860— ly The Union cf the Steles:-riitirct L'fce tie liilcwf; Cr e like. 111 fee.” THOM ASTON. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MOIIMMi. AUGUST 3. His E. A. &. 3. W. Spivey, AT T O li N E V S A T LAW, THOMASTON, GICI.GIA. Au". 27,1859. nil ti. THE CASH is REQUIRED Fol’ ALL JOU WORK DONE AT THIS OFFICE. ‘OB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS ASH mSPATUH. at THIS OFFICE. j. I©nor® © o gllorncn ill §aw, THOM ASTON, GA. REFERS, BV PERMISSION, TO: H**x J 1! Lumpkin, Athens Ga. Hon A. II Stkhukss .... CrawfordvilleGa. Wm H Hull, Esq., Athens Ga. Col G. A. Millkr - - - - Tbomaston Ga. Hon. T. R It. Copu, Athens Ga. March 23, 1861, ly W M. A. LIT TI. L, JMtotHfn nt Xau\ Talbot ton (deorgin; Professional atteiiti< u given to 1 usii eSsin ihe C< unties of Muscogee, Taylor, Talbot. Marion, Harris, Upson * AND SCHLEY. March 30, ly U. E. KKNNON. R- H. BULLOCH. KENSOJf &. BULLOCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Hamilton, Geor ia. VT7ILL practice in all the counties of the Chatta- V ? hoochee Circuit, Troup and Bferriwether, and in the adjoining counties in Alabama. 0 Prompt attention given to collections. All business entrusted to their care will receive prompt attention. One of the firm wii.l be found at the office at all times. Office on the East side of the public square in the brick building. Sittings of the Courts in Harris—Superior Court, 2d Monday in, April and October. Inferior Court, 21 Monday in January and July. Ordinary’s J >u t, Ist Monday in each month. September 26, IB6o*—ly. , THOMAS MARPFMAN, Sl’. OVID G SPARKS_ Hardeman & sparks, WALE-liUUSE AND COMMISSION M er eli ants?, Macon, GrcdTgia- WILL give prompt attention to the storing and sell ing of Cotton, and the filling all eiders for plant ation and family supplies. August 25.1860-1 y. HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN, DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES Os Every Description Corner of Cherry and Third Streets , MACON, GA. \T7"E would call the attention of the Planters of Up \V son and adjoining counties to the above Card, be lieving we can make it to their Interest to deal with us. Mncon. Ga.. November 10.1858. pov2s—tf. MARI Nt BANK OF G EORG* A. Agency at ’lTiomaston. WILL RECEIVE Deposits, and sell Exchange* on NEW YORK, SAVANNAH and MACON. Collections Made, And promptly remitted at usual rates. W. D. WOODSON, Agent. TT ‘aston, Ftb. 11, IB6o—ly. A Rare Chance to make Money! AGENTS wanted in every county in all the States (except Virginia, No r th and South Carolina alrea dy disposed of.) to sell Brooks’ pateert pb uglis and Seeding machines, also for the State of Georgia, to sell Wells’ patent Spring Matrass These articles aie what they profess to be, and no buml usr. Any a gel t < 1 common ability, with reasonable exertion, can mahe from one to three th’ tisand dollars a year, w ithout ai v risk. For part-ioii’ars. a?u>ly to GEORGE J. LEWIS General Agent. Thomaston. Jan. 26 ’6l to Jan 1. ’69 _ UPSON OOUNTI R., R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. _ ON AND after Mot dry If ill of /] i t p e Train will leave lb must* bc so Leave Thomaston at 0.45 a. m Arrive at The Rock • 1° 30 a. m Arrive at Bartlesville ... - 1115 a. m Leave Barnesville at - ‘ ‘ -45 p. m Arrive at The Rock - - • 3.30 p.m Arrive at Thomaston * 4.15 p.m A. J. W HITE, Superintendent. Thomaston, June 2. 1860 —ts, “ notice! THAVE this day appointed Jeremiah D. Momand, mv agent and hereby authorize him to arrange and set tle all business for me, and to sign my name to any and all papers that may be necessary in the settlement and arrangement of my In in ss, and he alone, is au thorized to collect or receive any monies due me, or to make any contracts by which J will be botr and. EVE RAGLAND, j July 20th, ’6l. nom 34 8-t * T di 1c i * &Fl opriet or* FORT SUMTER!! Confectionary and LMirg! m*W allaco, INFORMS the Public, that he keeps always oh hand, CANDIES, CAKES, NUTS, FRUITS, PICKLES, PORTER, ALE And every REFRESHMENT suitable to the tease a and at prices agreeable to the times. , The Candies. Oakes, &&•&&•$ are of his own manufacture, and he is always ready tu fill orders for . , PARTIES, PIC NICS AT THE SHORTEST NONCE Shop, next door to B. B. Whites’ Shoe & 800 Manufactory. April 6. 1861, ts “G R A SITE’ IIALL,” OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, Macon, geoegia. B. F. DENSE, (Late of the Floyd House,) dppT'6 ts Proprieior. Atlanta Marble Yard. D. N. J ULSON, Agent, DEALER AMD WORKER IN ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, MONUMENTS, BOX TOMBS, TABLETS, LEAF AND FdOT STONES, FUENmXE, MARBLE, &C., V Office and Y aid on the correr of Pench-Tiee ar.i Walton streets,ojiposiie F. A. WiiHsins’ Fun iiuie Sun. Also, Agent fr .tl.e sate of Iron Railing lor Graves, Verai dalis, Paiks. &c. Dr. J. C. Drake, Dm mas, ton, Ca., will iccctve and forward ary older bit with Atlanta (>ct< 1 pi 6, If6o—ly. *> Tho mast on Ho te 1, Eovglit WESLEY A. SNELL. K :o. \T7IIERE veil will always frdCrcrl Faie. Gc<d V\ Ro< ms, Prompt Attei ti< 1., n tl bhdettle ( lcig es This well known latge aid extei si\e Ltll L. Its recently utidei g< 1 e tl on 111 h Ic} aiu —1 vi J j.nud, and ra< b to< m w ell f. 11 < and T]': f1 and l y ]un) 11 and) - ite attention, the fubsciiUer hot es to leteDe a liltial hare of patronage. YOIIK IS 02V 77 A ND. WESLEY A. SNELL. ?-homnstnn. Ca. April 13. 1861. ts A- .AV 111 Olt T r WATCH MA'KER AND JEWELER FOBMfIRLY OF oIfIFFIX, CA., IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN TKCM ASTON G\. . Shop Two Doors Below Dr. Stipes Office WAR RANTED. Thomaston. April 13, 1861. - -ts A. C. Moore, Resident Dentist, THOMASTON, GA. \FFICE over DR THOMPSONS’ store. I wliere I am prepared to attei and to al (jHSpppL lasses of Dental Operations. My w Ol kT.F s my Reference MANUFACTURING! AMD 8EE1” THE subscriber weu’d resp ctfully arrrurre to the public, that he is Mat ulaciuiii g, aid x] ects to keejt constantly on hai and all n.M lei < f t] lit b tt< m CHAIRS, be ex] ecis by usii g gc< and n atenal si and employing good we.ikmen, to ]i<(i.e * and nlutn tin] vfoik. lie 1 usii ess hinder lie dimtitn <i WILLIAM BAIXY’. whois hi own t< le an cxtelkv.l Chair maker ; and tliii ks be i ever wt si eaten Fj in* ing Wheels ;an article always <n 1 r id. Teinrs Cash. J- C. ZIMMERMAN. P S All manlier of substantial rrViret fun imre rn hand, and made to order, at ti e usual teims. Py rlrse attention to Yusiiless, I Lope to meiit a hleiri s b ’e of iiublic patronage. J. C Z. Thomaston, Feb., 23, ISCI. ts. MEDICAL NOTICE! DR. D. W. Memand having located in lb niaston, . ters his Professional services to the j üblic at and will give ]>romy)t atteiition to all calls riiade ou him. Office next door to Snell’s Hotel June, 29th IS6I. t-f . . ‘ NOTICE TWO months afterdate application will he made c the Honotable C< urt of Otdit ary of Upson C< unty. for leave to sell the Land and Negrces, belonging to the estate of Dr David Kendall, late <f said County do* ceased. DUKE W4LLUM6, Adm’r- June 15,1861 2m, ————ls Vi I niieo Aiiiiitirr iC