Upson pilot. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1858-1864, January 04, 1862, Image 3

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®hc Gipson §ilot. Tliomnston, Ufa., Jan , 4®. 186^2- Kinulin? matter on every I*aare. BY TELEGRAPH. From Europe and the North! k Surrender of .Hanon sand SSideil. Diigland for AVar! New York. 24th. —It is rumored here that Mason and JSlidell have been restored find will be sent to England by the Europe to-tn orrow. The New York Express of to-day says that, it is rumored that in an interview be tween Lord Lyons and Seward, the latter read a letter from Minister Adams ten days ago, in which he said that the United Spates must give up the prisoners, if it was de manded, on the ground of illegal capture, as their arrest was contrary to the iaw of nations. It was believed among Englishmen in New Yok that the Queen would abdicate on account of the death of Prince Albert. The British government is about sending non-commissioned officers to drill the Can ada Militia. Memphis, Dec. 28th.—The Cincinnati Commercial, of the 25th. contains late news. The special Washington correspondence of that paper, dated tie* 24th, says that private letters from england indicate that 1 lie people are insane with wrath against America. Even the lowest classes of society round the Government on to fight the United States. Lord Lyons has postponed his official communication to the Lincoln government at tin* request of Seward, whose advices from England were not so late as those of Lord Lvons. Tile feelings between Seward and the British Minister were friendly, The L mdon Tinws says that Gen. W oolq the Anieriean minister to Brazil, had de ni m lei that Gov. Maratan should he su p-*rc >d *d by th* B azilian government, for ail >w[n r coil sq oii *s to the C mtedeiaite —i w ir steamer, Sumter. IhcmraNn. 2,)(h. — lUltinnre papers o{’ the 27th ren ;rt. that the Urire government, ‘gabies ii; Washington w *re burned on the 2i)fh, dos!roving 200 horses, a large lot of, for rr *, A *. 11 de, of X ‘.V H UUlwhilv, mad * a TOW ♦” ini war soeaeli in Ihe Smate <m the 2/th, protesting aginst the United States lm mdliitmg her se*f ou >rt j trie haughty in aohmee of Eugiau-1. It js rmoenl that the Conffidera'e stt-a:u *>* Su yjb r [< m the coast of Brazil. ♦!oc*roving ! ’ aiied Sta ■ < j s ahi;n*ng. Gen. Seorr had n>r rea dr •<! Washington on the 27th. It is rumored that lrs re turn was caused by imp >rtant information h“ desired p a*s on‘ill yto communicate to the Lmcmi eavernrnent, X vauviMg 1) c. o l -A s;> ’cial dispatch frni ft mkinsville says that Col. Forrest's Cavalrv. ?ib mt :> V) strong, niet the federal cavalry of about the same number at Sac re mento on Green river, on Satan<la\, wlien a skirmish ensued. An *ut 5 1 federaln were killed, wounded and taken prisoners. Our loss was Capt- H. Chay Merriwether, of Louisville, an lone private killed, ond one wounded. ’ The enemy fled in great confu sion. A gentleman arrived here from Louis ville."the 25th. He says that pilots cannot b ‘ had for the federal gun boats to go down the Mississippi, in consequence of the sub marine batteries placed in the river by the “rebels” at Columbus, Kv. It is reported that Prentice says there will be no forward movement of the feder al troops towards Green river, till Lincoln position on the slavery question in do - ‘"kichmoni*, 31st. A dispatch from a re liable gentleman dotted at Centerville day, states •that Seward has released Mason and Slidell. # , . . f i p About 200 Etiglisu vessels are at t , port, of New York with colors at. half mast on account of the death of Prince Albert. Richmond, 28.—Up to Christmas, the Lircoln Cabinet had not unaravelled the Gorditn knot of English troubles All the prominent European powers sustain Ln- Knd in her policy in reference to Mason hiurSs expedition of light draught Steamers for the Southern coast is about (prepared for leaving. L - New Orleans, Dec. 27. A part of Gen. Pope’s forces, under Col Davis and Mai. Marshall, surprised a camp of the cnetov, on tin 1 18th inst., at Milford, north ofAYar rensburg ; a brisk skirmish ensued, when the enemy finding himself surrounded, sur rendered. Wc took 1800 prisoners, inclu ding o colonels and 17 captains, also 1000 stand of arms, 1000 horses. 65 wagons, and a quantity of tents and hagage. Our loss was 2 killed and 8 wounded. The enemy’s loss is not known. ’ ,’V ■ —■— ’ Liberality of tlie M3> Ilegfimeiit. Wq learn from letters that the Bth Geor gia Regiment contributed several thousand dollars for the relief of Charleston. The Mocon Guards alone made up over four hundred debars. C‘a3£ for Voiatsauecr C onigj>Anacs. The Confederate Gonernmen has autho rized the undersigned to raise a regiment of Infantry, to serve for three years or du ring the war —which it agree to fully arm and equip. Companies numbering sixty four men and upwards, will be accepted and ordered into camps immediately No bly has Georgia responded to the call made upon her. Georgians are found in every camping pround from the Rio Grande to the i ‘otornre. But mitriots and soldiers of Georgia, again the call comes for ment, MORE men ! The enemy is swarming on ■ our coast, to wrest from us all that we hold deaf, our liberty, our honor, the hon or our families and property. Friends’ oi the South remember, to be conquered is death and disgrace, and blots out sunshine from every borne and fireside in the South. 1 was orie of the first to strike tor South ern Independence, both, at the ballot box and in the field, and with Divine assistance and the help of niv countrymen, will fight until we drive the last enemy from our soil. A. Leyden. Atlanta, Nov;, 18. 1861. aiviniw ir a O.J&F ruvmue** wtvt r*wtr Y*-xsjsr. s mtn f t- m $ jSO To Voters of a V.mur-iy. A OCORDiNG t > the request. made by ‘‘.Many Citi- IA i'.ms.” we, the a ulersigned, now announce our selves as Candidates for theolP'*o of Sffoviffrmd FVpurv JONATHAN STAMPS, Slrff. ,7. J. STALLINGS, Dept’y SIT ft*. r s' *!?.<* Votor:-; o2* ETjys©?* €o2Bty. \\r r , SUING to <lo whatl v'n r-.w the soldiers, and W having nothing but my ’ Ltor, t<;bestow, f offer my -elf a Camti Lite for Reir iver *f Tr.x Returns, at the nex f election : a-al O’ elect \i, tiie tees of the gHlice texceot aetud e v ;>ei;se.S) si; G 1 be aoplied to the suj)- •o *i *'t .•>•} • >’ iatuilhi.h <iir*inet'h&ir absence. M. H. SANDWICH. ~h> t'ifi v oT.veo cf &risnn Oonss.Jy;. \J E ALE AUTHOR.Y.KD to announce'A.. B. VIAL- V v (j'L'V. as a Mr the otlice of the next .7ajHtary.v!eetii->p, with G. L. r . Birdsong and Owen C. iSLarm-m-. Deputies. . , To Tre Vclamsa ‘Di u’ jjsoii C'ommLV* rpHE ETtIENDSof WtL!il.\M if. BROWN, aursounee i J. biui as:; esudidaf'e for T<ix Goliectot at the ensuing eh'i-e.iei. Mr. Dniwo is now in th ‘ service of Ills ci.-untry a! Ihmsacoia, let: :1: i> ; ’ at home in time (if else led’ to collect the tux for 1 SCri, VOLUNTEER. TotSse V oters Counijr. \IpHLE returning my th.anks for past favors, I an- V ? nounee myself as a candidate for re-election as Clerk of the Suoerior Court, at the ensuing .January election. ■ CHARLES WILSON. ikpt MMsimhibi* (c?j ft 60 GEORCrBA—CocEUy-: \TriIEREAS, Landrum M. Jones, applies for Letters Vy of Administration on the Estate of Geo. W. Jones, who died in the army of the Confederate State of America, at Lynchburg, Virginia. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the ‘l l Monday in Janua ry next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 7th day of December, 1861. 30d Wm. A. COBB, Ord'y. GEORGIA-lipfion County: “\T7“HEREAS, James H. Lawrence, applies for Letters Vy Administration on the Estate of Zackariah Law rence, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, if : any they have, on or before the 2d Monday in January I next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under niv hand, this 7th dav of December, | 1801. JOd ‘ Wm. A. COBB. Ord’y. Postponed Administrators Bale* AGREEABLE TO AN ORDER of the court Os ordin ary *>f Upson county, will he sold, on the first Tues j day in January next, the negroes belonging to the es | tate of Gilly Sanders, late of Upson county, deceased : Julian, a woman, thirty-eight years old ; Mary, a j woman, twenty years old; and her two boy children, one four years old, the other one year old. Sold for the benefit, of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of Sale. DUKE WILLIAMS, AdniT. il /th the mil (uutexitf. Nov, J 6. ISfit. 10*J <;i OI?C;i \--l pson Bounty : WHEREAS Samuel T. Burns, applies for Letterso Administration on-the Estate of Martha Mauldin, lam of said county, deceased. JTiese are, therefore, to .cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, ii any tliev have, on or before the 2d Monday in January next, wiiy said letters should npt be granted. (Given underlay hand, this 7th day of December. 1861. 80d Wm. A. COBB. Ord’y. Administrators Sale. VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from the Honorable V'ourt of Ordinary of Upson county, u iii le sold he|o>e the Court House doormat Tbomastbii, Upson co., on the first Tuesday in January next, the land and ne grovs belonging to the estate ot David j . llutcliinson, <ie<jeased. Terms made known on the day of Sale. J R. HUTCHINSON, Adm’r. Nov. 16.18(t. 40d. Administrators Sale \Vf ILL BE SOLD before the Court Home door in W Thomaston, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale: George, a man about 86 years of age ; and Dumas 24 years of ago; said negroes belonging to the estate of I>. C. Steele deeer.s- sMd for the benefit of the legatees- and ci edi tors of said estate: Terms made known on the day of gale. I>. KENDALL AdmT. (h: bonis non. Nov. 10. 1801. 40(1. Administrators Sale. \AT ILL BE SOLD on Wednesday the 16th January t t next, at tlie late residence of Mrs. Martha Maid din, of Upson county, deceased, all of the household and kitchen furniture, also the perishable property. Dei., 14, 1801. 3t S. T. BURNES, Adndr. Nsotice to and Ci*e<Mf©s-s. A LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of John JjLDorrougli, late of Crawford county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and all those having demands against said Estate, are requested to present them, according t<> Law Jar,., 4 LBO2. 4<>d Wm. G. PRATOR, Ex’r. wwrmLf s vr- --M-Tcr&r> .n w M. iwrn §tw JircnLoimife. El | U EBUOATIONAL || MISS M. VALERIA WHITE hile retarding her most sincere and hsart ? f thanks td the citizens of Thomaston and j vicinity, for the favors and patronage which they have j so liberally bestowed. U e past year, would respectful- j ly announce to the public, that Iter school exercises will be resumed on next Monday the Oth inst. . in the dwelling house adjoining flip residence of O C. Sbar nian. formerly oceti])ied by Dr. J Jin Goode, where she will be pleased to meet with alike favors and patron age which she lias heretofore received. Miss is a graduate of Monroe Female Univer sity. Site was ;m acceptable Assistant Teacher for twelve months in the same Institution. She B also competent to teach music on tin* Piano, j and give instructions in several branches of Fancy : and Ornamental work. Thomaston, Ga., Jan.. 4, 18G2. *** i-V ‘ “ a< ” MISS EFFIE L. CARAWAY \I7ILL open a New School in Thomaston ? \ T on Monday next, the Oth inst., in the dwelling house, one door below Dr. T. 0. Heard’s office, where she will he pleased to he favored, being well known by all the citizens of Thomaston and vicinity, with a lib eral patronage. Miss Caraway is a graduate of the Covington Female College, and needs no commendation, for she is well known to be an amiable and worthy voting lady, fully competent to teach all branches of the English lan guage. Thomaston; Ga., Jam, 4, 18G2. *** Soliool aXTcstico. Thomaston Female Academy. rpHE PROPRIETOR of this Academy would return j JL unto the citizens of Thomoston, arid vicinity, bis , warmest thanks for the liberal patronage which they afforded Mrs. J. Al. Greene, who conducted the school j during his absence in the Army. He would announce to the public that Mrs. Greene j will conduct the school the ensuing year, and would be pleased to meet with the same favor and patronage which she has heretofore received. The exercises of the Academy will he resumed on j the 3rd Manday in January next. J. M. GREENE. Dec., ?4. 186*1. ts NOTICE. Lost or Mislaid. ALL PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED not to trade far a ! Note on Abrum Joung, for eighty dollars (sßo> made payable to David Abbett and due the 26th day of December, 1861. DA A ID ABBETT. Dec;. 7, 1861. ff IV o T I < : K Lost or Mislaid. t LL PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED not to trade for J\ a note on John Thompson for $2lO. dated some lime in MnV. 1861 —due one day alter date, and made payable to P.JVK Thomas. Also, one on Thompson & McCrory, for S7O, dated some time (1 think) in June, 1860, Willi a credit ol £60 —due one day after date, and made payable to P M. Thomas. The notes are now traded to John A. Cochran. Dec., 21, 1861. 4t* P. M. THOMAS. NOTICE. TAL KING MY ABSENCE from Tin rnaston in service, JJI have procured fur the benefit of my friends the services of Df. Goode, who 1 cheerfully reo rninend. T. 0. HEARD. HAYING permanently located in Thomaston, I offer my professional services to the citizens of Tlioinns ton and vicinity, 1 can he found during the day at the office formerly occupied ly Dr. Heard, and at my res idence at night. JOHN GOODE. Oct., 10, 1861. ts >1 A X I I A0 T I IM.N <i! A INI 031 SEES” •■.(>: THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the ])ublic, that he is Manufacturing, and expects to keep constantly'on hand all manner of split bottom CHAIRS, a. id lie expects by using good material and employing good workmen, to produce good substan tial work. The business is under the direction of WILLIAM DAILY, whois known to he an excellent Chair maker ; and thinks he never was heat on Spin iim Wheels; an article alwavs on hand. , J -r Terms Cash. * J. C. ZIMMERMAN. P. S All manner of substantial cabinet furniture on hand, and made to order, at the usual terms. By close attention to business, I nope to merit a liberal share of public patronage. J. C’ Z. Thomaston, Feb.. 23, 1861. ts. % T li ohias to n Hotel, M'tTfljl’ IBGTXgIIt ; lisi.l'i# J!V A. SNELL. TTTHERE you will always find Good Fare, Good I V V Rooms. Prom]it. Attention, and Moderate Charg es. This well known large and extensive HOTEL, has recently undergone thorough repairs—newly painted, and each room well fitted up ; and by prompt and po ke attention, the subscriber bones to receive a liberal hare of patronage. WESLEY A. SNELL. Thomaston. Ga. April 13, 1861. ts HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN, DEALERS IV STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES Os Every Description I Corner of Cherry and ’th ird Streets, MACON, GA. TT7"E would call the attention of the Planters of Up ? V son and adjoining counties to the above Card, be lieving we can make if to their interest to deal with us. M-‘*on, Ga., November 19,1868. nov2s—t*„ Sundries. THE .undersigned have instore, and for sale, 3(1 bale* Gunny Bagging. 300 Coils Machine Rope. 4<>o Sacks Salt. 400 lbs. Bagging Twine. 8 TJbds. Tennessee Bacon. 6 “ do do Shoulders. 3 “ Sugar-cured, Canvassed Hams. 8 £i Molasses. 20 Bids. N. 0. Svrup. 16 Hlf. Bids do. 40 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 16 “ do Laguira do. 60 Kegs Nails. 40 Boxes Adamantine Candles whole, half, and quarter boxes, together with a good stock of STAPLE DRY-GOODS, embracing in part: Woollen Jeans, Lin seys. Flannel. <fcc., all of which will he sold as low or lower, than the same article can he laid down from anv market in the State. WOODSON & REDDING. Tuly 27th, ‘6l. nom 35 t-f XOTICE ALL persons are notified not to trade for a note on William Spivey for $760. and a note on Daniel Bell for 100, both made payable to C. T. & J. Goode Ex ! .editor’s of T. IV. Goode deceased, and due the 25th of next December. Said notes having either been lost, or misplace 1. JOHN GOODE. August 31st, 1861. nom4o NOTICE! CEREAL MILL! THE Cereal Mill, Well known as the I’otler Mill, is in good repair, and as one of the firm is now absent ! we hope our friends will patronize us liberally, as one will not be here in person to solicit custom. KYUON c<V BROOKS. Thomaptox, May 11, 1861. WANTED. 4 I\e*ro W26sasi ivanted IMMEDIATELY J-3 Lone competent to Cook, Wash, &c., for a small family. Apply at this office. JOB WORK NEATLY EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH AT TI lIS < ) FKIOK.