About Daily southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1859-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1860)
nr BY It. M. OltME & SON. The Daily Recorder is published during the Session of tlie Legislature for •1- Six copies will be sent for $5, or twelve copies for $10, and the papers directed as desired. Post Masters are re quested to act as Agents. The money must be paid invariably IX advance. Rate* of Advertising. One Square of Ten lines or leas, one insertion $1 00; and Fifty cents for each mbsequont inser tion less than one month. >- 1 Mo. MILLEDGfiVILLE, GEORGIA. WET>NEfifDAY, NOVEMBER 91. IrtflO. 2 Mo. I Square $5 00 8 00 t “ 8 00 11 00 3 “ 10 00 14 00 4 *• 12 00 10 00 r. “ 15 oo do oo fl *• 18 00 33 00 7 •« ... do oo as oo 8 ** ...«d 00 30 00 y •• .. 04 00 30 00 40 *• 05 00 3300 Advertisements not marked on copy for a speci fied time will he published until ordered out, and charged according to the above rate. POST* OFFICE. Miu.ed«kvii.i.e, Nov. 10, 1800. The Post Office will open at..81 O'clock, A. M. Closes at 104 A. M. Opens at ‘0 P. M. Cruses at 5 !’■ M- K. 8 CANDLER, I*. M. The Cars leave Millcdgevilleat,6J O'clock, A. M. And return at 181 P- M. Leave at 8 45 P. .M. And return at - 18 M. House and Lot in Mount Zion, FOR SALE. fftHE SUBSCRIBER offers for snle a MX A liouscaud lot in the villaj'e of Mount Zion, Hancock co. Tit” house is a conifert- JUilL aide one, apd is situated on a lot adjoining the 'Acadeinv. CdnBopHStf wfth the'lbf wuch'T offer for sale, are 200 acres of laud, which I will also sell. To those having children to educate, tiiis is a splendid opportunity, ns the excellence of the Mouut Ziou male school is universally known.— There are 30 or more acres of wood-land on the place I offer. M. DENNIS. Entouton, Oct. 30, 100(1 44 5t RIVERS fit, STANLEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1RWINTON, UA. Will practice In the Ocmulgee and Southern Circuits. JONA. RIVERS, April 10.1800. 15 38t ROL1N A. STANLEY. NEW LAW FIRM. RUTHERFORD & HARRIS, MACON, GA. W ILL practice Law in Bibb and adjoining comities, and in the United Staten Court at Savannah and Marietta. —ALSO— In any county in the State by Special contract. ihk RuTHxeroan. ChsblxsJ. Hauku, John March lOIStiO. lltf. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to nn : ’mmnee the name of Hon. W. O. FOSTER, as a candidate at the next election for Judge of the Oc* ninlgeo Circuit. October 15,1860 43 tdo WE ARE REQUESTED to an ’noiHiee the name uf OLD BOB MICKLBJOHN as a caudidiite for the office of Clerk to the City Council of Millcdgeville, who thnnktul for past favors, solicits the votes of his old friends aud .all charitable men who fed a willingness to assist a needy old man.—Election Hist Saturday in Decem- ber. October 33. I860 45 tde WE ARE AUTHORIZED to * nounre the name ut JOHN SCOTT ns a candidate for City Marshal, at the ensiling election. Mlliedgevillo, Oct. 33, I860 43 tde \VfcARE AUTHORIZED to an- ’ nouuce J. ROCHELLE TRIPPB a candidate for Clerk of the City Council of Milledgoville, nt the cu- NOTICE. I ain offering for sale my Plantation in Pntuam comity, containing about FOUR .HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE ACRES. There are on the place about one hundred acres of bottom land, as good as any in the connty, and abont one hundred acres of wood land. It lies upon the waters of Crooked Creek, abont a mile and a half from Oconee River! There is a comfortable dwelling Itonse and the necessary out- houses for a farm of this size. I will sell with the place, oorn. fodder, and stock of every kind. Persons desiring to purchase won! do well to come and examine the premises. THOMAS CLOPTON. Pntnam connty. July 3,1860 37 82t Je ' Al! Dwelling House, Lot and Store FOR SALE. I OFFER FOK SALE, inv Dwel ling Hcmsti in the village of LINTON, Hancock county. Lot containing four and a quarter acres, more or less, with a good Soring, and one of the bent stands for Hel ling Goods in the State. I have also a Stock ol Goods on hand (hut can be bought with the Store— all new. 1 will soil all together, or 1 will sell them separate, as the buyer may wish. Any person wishing to get to a good school, in good society, aud with intelligent people, and in a county whore peace and plenty urevuils, will do well to givo me a call, as 1 am determined to go on a farm. 8. D. SLADE. Linton, Hancock co., Oct. 23. 18(10 43 tf FOR SALS], MY PLANTATION in Hancock county. iin It coutaius seven bundled and fifty acres, laSEmore or less, lying on tlm waters of Blioul. derbone creek, adjoining lands of Major Cope, land, U. H. Mapp, Esq. Jarrell, Joshua Barnes, Thomas Miircliman and Seaborn Jeruigan. About half tlio tract is in the woods, ouu hundred and fif ty acres fresh laud, some forty or fifty acres of low ground. Upon the place is a good dwelling-house, negro-houses, and also a splendid giii-liouse and screw. The piaco is well watered—several good springs. Any one wishing to bay such.a place will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. \V. J. MAPP. October 33, 1860 43 tf For Sale. 'll N t IHMMtitJUK affsM for sale his residenco on Jefferson street, inline, diutely south of the Stnte House. The lot is pleasantly located, and lias upon it all necessary out buildings, besides n boiler, a well of film water, bath house and also n diy well. Apply to H. M. ORME, Jr. Millcdgeville. August 3ft. lHtitl 35 tf A: suing election. Mlliedgevillo, Oct.. 10. I860. 42 tde WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of PETER H. FERRELL»*» '««• didate for City Marshal, at the en suing election. October 16, 1800 M _ WE AKE AUTHORIZED to an- *110111100 till! nemo of LEWIS K\nim> ns a candidate for City Marshall, at the ensuing elec- 9 tde 2>T- C- BARNETT, * the PEOPLE’S candidate for re- election as City Clerk,—thankful for the office, hores|iectfully solicits the support of all. Milledgoville. Oct. 10. 1800 42 tde MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. I October ), 1800. $ THE SURSCRIRER’S HOUSE will ho opened for tho reception »»f Members of the Legislature nt the -approaching session. Call and see me. E. 8. CANDLER. Milledgoville, Oct. 2 I860 40 tf HOARDING HOLSE. Tho House of Mrs. Peter J. Wil liams, will bo open during the Session of the Legislature for tho accommo dation of tho Members of tho Legis lature. Milledgeville Oct. 9, 1360. 41 tf Dickson House, RINGGOLD, GEORGIA, BY W. A. CAMP. The abovelHOUSE is situated about thirtvyarda west of the W. A A. Railroad Depot, and is most convenient to the travelling public. The under signed having recently taken charge thereof, will spare neither money or pains to render his guests comfortable and easy, and hopes by his long experience in the business to be able to give uni versal satisfaction. W. A. CAMP, Proprietor. November 22, 1859 47 NOTICE. W ILL HE SOLD at the residence of the snb- scriber, in Montgomery county, the follow* ing property, viz: Five hundred and thirty-three acres of Pine Land, well improved, about seventy-live acres under fence ami mostly in cultivating order, with two good wells of water, nil necessary buildings, all in good condition, with a well designed and gotten up store-house, with as good a private stand as is any where to be fuuml. Also, will he sold at Lite same time, all my household and kitchen furniture, corn, fodder, horses, cattle sheep, Ac., ono pedlar’s wagon, two buggies, four yokes of oxen, with a good timber wagon well rigged ont for hauling timber, with chains, Ac., with what goods may be on hand At the time of sale. All sold on tho 30th day of November next.— Terms on the day of snle. JOHN McQUKEN. November 6, 1800. 46 3t VOLUME II.—NUMBER 10. Fall MILLINfEHY! VIISS OARR LYX ha, just returned from New York with a beautiful assortment of FALL AND WINTER OOODS. Consisting ofall the NEWEST almost desirable styles of French Hats of every variety. Also, many rich and fancy artle is, beautiful Em broidery, elegant Laces and Veil its, Head Dresses and Dress Caps, Bead Netta, H tr Pins, Bonnet Pins, Fancy Buttons, Lace Valh Inches, rraeh and Amartei iYlswsrs, and a very large and well tHMcA Meek of RIBBONS, MARSALAIN Silks, Hoop Skirts, As., die. Call and examine for yotirsolvcs before purchas ing, as it will he much to your interest. 8ho is thankful for past favors, and solicits a liberal pa tronage from onruity and surrounding counties. Milledgovillo, Oct. 30th, I860. 13 tf Tailoring Establishment. T he subscriber is now receiving his stock of Fall and Winter and flatters himself that lie can please all tastes iu his selection* of CLOTHS, Oassimeres, cfcc. Oarinonts made to order, with NEATNESS and DISPATCH. / (Jive me a trial and bo your own judge. THOMAS/BROWN. Milledgeville, Sept. 25, 1600 ill) tf Entirely NeW! Entirely New!! fWtlfil is it? NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! I lf AVE JUST RECEIVED my well selected Stock of IT 1 ©,11 Goods, consist ing of a large supply of Dress Goods, Domestics, Hoop Skirls, and Men aud Boys and Servants Clothing. Also, a large assortment of BOOTS <3& SHOES. A good quality of XEOBO DltOGAXS at $1 00, and BOOTS at $2 00 per pair. Also, a good assortment of Gcnls. Furnishing Goods, Consisting of Shirts, (extra fine) Drawers, Half- Hose, nml every thing for Gents, wear. Sncli an assortment has never been brought to tills market before. ' Attkxtua print *ut*puv ot* □EXauttss ojceidQL C29stiipsa 9 which mil be sold VERY LOW for cash. Also, a large assortment of Cloths, Cassimcrcs and Velvets, Superior to any ever brought to this market. Il you doubt it, call and see for yourselves and lie convinced that I have, by far, the REST and (J il K A P 1C ST stock of FALL GOODS ever l»roiiglit to (his city. l I promise to sell my goods cheaper, for cash, than any other house, in the city. .1. ROSEN FIELD, Wa 9 ne Street, Two doors abort'. Grices Sf Clark's Drmj Store. Milledgeville, Sept. 11,1869 37 tf F. G.. DANA, (LATE DANA & WASHBURN) FACTOR & COMMISSION MERCHANT. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. I CONTINUE the above business at. the old stand of DANA iV WASIIIHJRN, 114 Hay Street, and am prepared to make liberal advances on all produce consigned to my care. August 7. 1860 23 26t Clialtulioochce Lauds tor Sole, ftfSfc THE Subscriber will sell his residence |kj| -jZLiu Clay county, aud his property, or the place if wanted, or the laud separate. The laud lies nine miles below Fort Gaines, on the road leading from Ft. Gaines to hlakely, containing be tween four or five thousand acres; 12 or 13 Hun dred acres cleared land, well ’miirovcd, good land good water, good new mills. This land can be divided to suit friends that nifty want to settle uear each other. I will sell one hundred negroes or more with the land, aud other property if wanted. Also 850 (eight hundred and fifty) acres best of farming land, in Early county ; lies on the big pond or the Kmiy and Haber line ; small improvement. Also 700 acres on AycocU’s creek, same county, small improvements. Call and look and a bargain can be bought iu either place. M. W. STAMPER July 24, I860. 30 19t STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! I HAVE JU8T RECEIVED a large lot of Cooking Stoves and Btove Fnrni- tnre, which I will sell low for CASH. Call and examine for July 10,1800 88 tf *' Notice. D r. O. W. 1). GRACE, take* this method of informing the citizens of Telfair and the adjoining counties, that he is permanently located at HUHHARD’H MILLS, six miles above Lumber City, and offers his professional services to the citizens of this and the adjoining counties. From his long experience and well known skill in the management of Cancers and Tumors, he hop •« that all who are affiicted w ith these dreadful dis eases, will give him a call, and he guarantee a perfect cure in all cases where the diseases have not progressed beyond all medical power*. Thankful iur tho liberal share of patronage that has been extended to him in the past, he confident ly hope* it will be renewed in the future. REFERENCES. Dr. Jackson Clarke, Montgomery co., Ga. Dr. Simon Wooten, Lmnb«*r City, Telfair co., Ga, Dr. Madison Thomas, Coffee co , Ga. Rev. Thomas M. Ilrantly, Telfair co.,Ga. Rev. Matthias Powell, Telfair co., Ga. November 6, i860 45 3t 1860. GROCERIES. 1860. ffioxxj'-ies! facades! Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! scottToaraker, T HANKFUL to tliuir friends and patrons for their continued confidence and greatly in* create l patronage', hep leave to any to them, that whil a they do not profess to sell “lower than the lowed,’" yet, for tile same articles, and on tho snino term i, they will sell as low ns any other. Wu can lie found at onr old stand, opposite tho Post Office, whore wo will be pleased to wait on all who may favor us with a call, with n full as sortment ofall articles usually kept in their line of basilica ■; consisting in part of the following ar ticles: StTGEA-H. 50 bids, Refined Sugars, A. 11. Sc C. Crushed, Powdered and Loaf Sugars. 6 birds, choice do. COFFEE. Java, Costa lticn. Mnricniho and Rio, TEAS. Imperial, Young Hyson and Oolong. Cuba Molasses & N. 0, Syrup. Ch »icc Canvassed Hams and Racon Hides, Reef Tongue* and Dried Reef. Fill Uhl Market Jleef, 2(lp Hacks and bbls. Family Flour, fm boxes Htultz and other choice brands Tobacco,' Henry Clay, Mount Vernon, Palma Lnhijnh, and other line .Sugars. Toilet and Family Soap, Co-tile Soap. Pearl Starch, Soda, Cream Tartar. 100 bogs Nails, Iron, Cast and Plow Steel, Nail Rods, Collins’ and other Axes, Hoes, Trace Chains, Log Chains, Mule and Horse J lames, Plow Lines, Long and Short Handle Spades and Shovels, Manure Forks, Wooden and Hollow Ware. Hardware and Cutlery,....Lime, Plaster and Cement,....Ragging, Rope and Twine. Liquor!* of nil Kinds. 20 baskets of lfcidsoick C. P. Wine London Cordial Gin..North Carolina Wheat and Rye Whiskey. While Lead, Zinc and Fire Proof Paints. Lamp, Sperm, Linseed, Train and Ncntsfoot Oils Paint, Varnish mid Whito-wjudi Rrushes. 100 Sucks Sail -300 Bushels Corn. 1,000 pair Kip and Russet Rrogans. 24 doz. Wool Hats, Ac., Ac. CALL ARD SEEM Milledgeville, Sept. 11, I860 37 J OB PRINTING, of all kind*, promptly and neatly executed at thi* office. W HO HAS BEEN WATCHING the Net York Market, for some time pent, hits returned with nearly all the novelties in Ilia lin< Hia lung experience ill buying and the advan tage he ctijuya in BTJ'5riJSr<3- FOR CASH euablea him to offer inducements to CASH BUYERS. Hi* stock of SXX.^8 arc very nice, Hlsstuckof MILLINEIIY cannot he surpassed anywhere. CALL AND EXAMINE. N. B. The ladle, w ho bavo charge of hi* Mil linery department will have their opening on Tue* day, October 2d. MiHedgeville, October 3, I860 40 tf FOR SAIjR t I OFFER FOR SALE MY PLANTATION ly ing 1 4 miles North East uf Eatuuton, between Parker* Bridge,and Garner's Furry l{uitd. consist ing cf 4h(so Aonsm, About Ona Hundred Acres Wundlnnd, Fifty Acres of Good Button Land, 30 of which Inis been cleared. If not sold by private sale, I will sell at Pul. lie outcry, on the 1st Tuesday iu December, I860. J. 11. TRIPPE, Milledgeville. Apply toH. M. Tbipck. Kutnmon. 39 tf. 3%2<2/ (Dil sf/a/As ami UPHOLSTERY GOODS. rpiIE subscriber has constantly on hand a full JL assortment of the following goods, to which the attention of purchascsrs is invited. OAHPBTXWa-Ki.gl»h Velvet Medal lions. English Tapestry Velvet. English Tapestry Brussels, Wire Brussels, English mid American three Plys, superfine two Pits—all wool; and Gotten un i Wool Carpets—Hemp, Wool, Dutch, Ac. STAIR CARPETS—' 'civet, Rrusscls, Venetian and Cotton—ofall widths. DHUOaSTB —Wool aud Linen, from 1 to 4 yards m width. Dordcrod Crumb Cloths of all sixes. rLOOR OIL CLOTHS—English and American, varying in width, from J of a yard to 8 yards and o: all qaliliea. UPHOLSTERY OOODS—Satin and Worsted diitimaks, Gotten and wool do.—Broca- telle. Reps, Lace and Muslin Curtain*. SHADES, CORWICES and tixtures of all kinds. White and check Matting of all widths, always instore. Rugs, Door Mats, Ac. The dimensions of entries and rooms being giv en, oil cloths and carpets will be cut to lit, without extra charge. An experienced Upholsterer will cut, nml pre pare for the window, Damask, Lac.c and .Vuslin Curtains. I). iV B. S. LATHROI*. 140 Congress st. 57 St. Julian 8avannnh, Ga.. Sent- 25, I860. 39 6m FjflWO MONTHS after date, application wi,i be X made to the court of Ordinary of Jasper county, for leave fo sell all tho negroes belonging to the estate of William W. Walker, late of said county deceased. HARTLEY WALKER, Adm’r October 9 I860. 41 2m Administrator’s Sale- CTATE OF GEORGIA, Laurkss Coc»tt. On tha 1st Tuesday In January next, will be *old st the Court-home door iu Dublin, in said county within the Jawful hour* of sale. Iota of land num bers rtvo, (5), six, (6). one hundred and forty-seven, (147), one hundred anil forty-eight (148), one hun dred and fifty-four, (164). in the seventeenth (17) dist., of originally Wilkinson now Lauren, county, each of tlie said lots Of land containing two hun dred two mid one-half acres, more or less; also, lots of laud number ono hundred ami twenty, (13ft) one hundred and twenty-one, (121), one hundred md t ; woty-nine. (139), in the twelfth (12) district of originally Wilkinson now Laurens comity, eaeh <ot containing two hundred twoand one-half acres, more Or less. Also, lot uf land number one Imndred and eigh- '■y.-Hix, (186) in tlio first (1st) district of originslly Wilkinson now Laurens comity, containing two hundred two and one-half acres, more or less. Also, ten acres, more or less, of lot number two hundred and thirty-two, adjoining the town of Dnb- iu, in Laurens county, embracing the residence of •he lat* Francis The mas, deceased. ... , Also one-third of town lot number fifty-eight, (58) with Store-house in the town of Dublin. Also, four likely negroes (lo-wit). Sarah, a wo- nan, about forty years of age; Edmund, a boy, ih.nit five years old; Lula, a girl,about 3 years ••Id : Thoimis, a hoy, about, (i months old—sold is the property of Francis Thomas, deceased, un der an order from the honorable Court of Ordinary f Laurens comity, for tlie benefit cf the heirs and ri-ditors of said deceased. Terms no the dav of sale. F. II. ROWE, Adm'r, November 14, I8U0 46 tds Executor’s Sale. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Laurcss County. On tlio first Tuesday iu January next, will bo sold at I lie Court-house dour ill Dublin, within the lawful hours of side, lots of laud lying and being m the first district of originally Wilkinson now Lauren* county, and known ami distinguished iu tlm plan of said district as numbers, 163. 1«3, Isy, 413.214,215 and HI4, except two acres off uf the last named lot sold to John li. Cochran, Esq., each lot containing two Imndred two and one-half acres, re or less, it being tlie homestead plantation of the Into Henry C. Fuqua, deceased. Also, all that tract or body of land lying on tho East side of the Omnee river in Laurens cumitv, adjoining lauds of Tho?. M. Yopp, Clias. L. Holmes, Young Keen, and hounded on the West by tlie Oconee river, cuiitainitig fourteen Imndred acres, mure or less, better known as tlio Powers Plantation. Also, fractional lot of land number 236 in the first district of originally Wilkinson now Laurens county, containing sovontouu and one-half acres, more or less. Sold as tlie proporty of Henry C. Funna, de ceased, by order from tlie Court, of Ordinary of Laurens comity, and for tiiu benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. Terms on tho day of sale. This 8th day ef November, I860. ROBERT ROBINSON, Ex'r. November 14, I860 41; n). Administrator’* Bale. W ILL JJE SOLD before the Court iionse door ill the town of Eatuuton, Pntnam oil the first Tuesday iu Jamiaiy next, be tween tlie lawful hours of side, tho following lamed negroes: Mary, a woman of dark complex- ion. 45 or 60 years old, Jane, a woman, 21 years •lid, yellow complexion, and her child, Mauervy, copper complexion, seven yenrs old. Sold as tho property of Alsey Folds, lato of Putnam county, leceased, fer tile benefit of tlie distributees and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. B. 11. ODOM, Adm'r. November 15. 1 B 60. 7 tds B Y VIRTUE of tho hist will and testament of John Holliman, deceased, will la- sold at tho Court-house in the town of Entonton,on the first l'uesdayin January next, within the usual hours of sale, three negroes, a man, a woman and a child, ages about fifty-five, thirty-eight mid six venrs. Terms to hi! made known on the day of sale. D. L. HITCHCOCK, Ex’r. Nov. 13, I860 C"' 1 "'] 46 tds l^t.kttlJANi' to the lust will and testament of 1- .Stephen Howard, late of Jasper county, de- •1 used, will ho sold at tlio late residence of said de- c ased, ou Thursday, the 15th day of November next, all tin! perishable proporty ui' said deceased, consisting of corn, fodder, st.ieli ofall kinds, farm ing utensils, household nml kitchen furniture, Ac. Salt! to continue from day to day until all is sold LEWIS LINC1I. . JAMES B. llOWAliD, < l x r “- O-toher 23. 18611 <g| p Administrator’s Sale. 4 (.BLEAKLY to an order of Jasper Court of i V Ordinary, will be sold on the first i’ucsday in laiiuary next, fmtr likely negroes, to wit: Kcsinli, n woman 3S years old ; George, a hoy 21 rears old; Billy, a hoy 16 years old; Marshal, a ooy I I years old t sold us the property of Alfred 1 iolscuheck, deceased, for di vision among tlie heirs and creditors. JOHN C. DUMAS, Adm'r 7u,v - *'• -F. tds S' made to tlio In mumble Court of Ordinary Laurens county, for leave to sell all the lands ly. ing and being in Lauren* county, belonging to the estate ol Boling liohbs, deceased, late uf Laurens cuunty. DRKWRY HOBBS, ) , , , ANDREW J. HOBBS, j Adm September 11, 1 Still 37 2in T WO MONTHS after date *m»Mt(itIon Ayill to made to the Court of Oruinary of Piifnnm County, for leave to s, II negro man, Felix, belong ing to John Ledbetter orphan. JAS. N. LYNCH, Guardian. October, lit. 1866 40 o m T WO MONTHS after date, application will he. made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county for leave to sell one Imndred and eighty acres of land lying iu said county ami ad joining binds of Mrs. F. Bonner. J. R. Moon- and others ; said land belonging to the estate of W. C. I (uinpliries, deceased; to be sold for division among the heirs of said deceased. L. W. MOORE, I-. , K. T. LINGO, (E*"- October 9,136ft 41 3m U NDER AN ORDER of the Court of Ordina ry of Putnam county, will he sold at the Court-house ill tin. town of E.itouton, on the first 1 Iiesday 111 December next, within tlie usual hours of sale, four hundred and thirty acres of laud, "lure or less, inljoing lands of estate of Abel Far- mr. Lynn and others, being tlie place w here- n h. It. Lcvcritt. deceased, died, and to he sold ... I.. 41* 1.: . 1. • lor th To nf sale. Oct 9,1860 benefit of his heir of sale will ho made known on the Jay WILKINS LINCH, Adm'r. [WBCj 41 t «L •Trustee’s Sale. A GKKEABLY to an order of tlio Superior m t, "Ii°f , '“ l<lw 1 iu county, for distribution, w ill he sold before tlie Court-house in .Milledgc- V10, ‘' lle '“st Tuesday in December next: Ibe Plantation 011 the east side of the Oconee adjoining laud* ol Gen. Sunford and Sylva- mus i mice, known a* the place of Je**e Daniel, dee. ased, containing 575 acre ere or less. One halt ot the above mentioned place is good river hot:,.in, the balance good upland. On Lie premis es is a good dwelling-house, out-liouses, giu-heuse and screw, with all other necessary improvements. I arson* wishing to purchase would do well to eidl and examine the premises- Apply to Daniel E r |lc her, Millcdgeville, or on the plantation. Terms made known on the day of sale D. R. TUCKER, Trustee. October 16,1860 43 jj.