Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Ben Hill County,
"-'jkMany a man’s success in life in due to the fact that he’
has systematically laid by some money, and when a good
investment opportunity presented itself, he was in a posi
tion to take advantage of it. Many a man'’s failure In life
has been caused by his neglect to save a part of his earn
ings, and .when sickness or- business reverses came upon
him, he had not the wherewith to successfully overcome
v Don’f you be one to suffer these embarrassments, but
prepare yourself to grasp some of the many opportunities
that daily arise. ;
. Start an account with us, We pay a liberal rate of
interest on Savings Deposits.
- First National Bank
e Fitzgerald, Georgia
,‘ - The Bank For Your Sauings.
Gradu=tes Will
~ Receive Diplomas
The class of 1912 will hold their
graduation exercises to-night at the
Court House. The program was
published in our last issue and the
exercises bid fair to be both en
tertaining and beneficial. State
School Commissioner M. L. Brit
tain will deliver the baccalaureate
address. :
The indications are that the
court room will be taxed to accom
modate the crowd and those de
siring good seats should ¢ o early.
The class of 1912 has made an
exceptionally good record and the
Board of FEducation and faculty
take pleasure in giving them their
diplomas. ‘ ; :
. ».The class is composed of Raiferd
Dozier, FKthel Haullehen, Lihda'
Jones, Pear! Linreman, Herman
Martin, Mark AMathis, David
} Panlk. and in the commercial class’
are Bdward Perkins, Rosa Rinks
and Glenna Russ.
There Will he no admission fee,
Y v an din connecti sk N
All Reductions %y e conneeton ninued wn June Ist.
New Arrivals for
-this week’s selling
~ New Linen Coat
Suits at $5.98 and
o o
- New White Wash
Coat Suitsat $7.50
New Auto Coats
" $2.00 to $5.00
‘White Serge Even
. ing coats $7.98
" For the cool evenings.. .
! ‘Lace Chemigites 50c to $1
‘ff-:New Band Laces 10c to $1.50
‘New all over Laces 50c to $2.50
i New Linen Laces 3¢ to 23c¢
‘ New Wash Collars 25c to $1
New Waists at $1.48 to $3
“Tailored Waists 49c to $1
‘ ‘New Silk Fans 23c to §3.50
‘ New Jap Fans 8¢ to 28c¢
\” New White Dresses for Chil
dren 59c to $1.25. A
|J W. Haygood Cited
To Appear Before
, ~ United States Gourt
Utah Woman Charges
Lawyer With Fraud
Macon, May 17. An order has
been signed by Judge Emory
Speer, of the United States Court
calling on John W, Haygood, an
attorney of Fitzgerald, to appear
May 23, and show cause why he
should not pay $6,686.89 to Mrs.
Caroline ‘A. Kilgore, of Sache
lcountv, Utab, which sum i%is
lalleged the attorney has fraudu
lently withheld from the Utah
| woman in a certain business t.ans
[L_glcijp.g_,.ng,;__.co_n_s"ummat d for her
sore ye rs ago. B -
" The charge is toat Mr. Haygood
was given the power of attorney
F_Lwelve vears ago to seli certain
lands in south Georgia for Mrs,
Kilgore, and that having sold the
lands he sfterward induced her to
take $2.9282 for them. il
We want all our friends to share injthese special reductions of our May Sale--dollars
are stretching to unusual lengthihere---crisp, new stylish, merchandise at savings
that amount to something. ¢ 10 el g e A e e
20 Per Cent off Suits
L oy B P
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hE VS o
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A Conyright Hart Schaffaer & Marx
The Leader-Enterprise is antho
rized to announce . that the Dodd
Supply en 211 East Pine street on
every Monday for cash only will
offer to sell their large new entire
stock of shoes at and below actual
cost, This will include their latest
styles of slippers and high priced
shoes and every purchaser that is
not satisfied with their transaction
at that place the cash will be
cheerfully refunded, This shoe
sale begins next Monday, }
us by choosing us as thufr depository. .
Treasurer of U, S. R 8 ’
State 0fficia15..............c...c00rrenn.nn.$
County Officials ................ccro.coen.. 8 |
City 0M1cia15............ ccoliums o vvviens®
Railway C0mpanie5........................8
Insurance Companies....f.\.... S A
C0rp0rati0n5.............. coeceeeieeeeee. 8
Companies......... ‘ R
s o e
Executors...... $
Guardigns........ ... ... ... B
TEORtOBE. ... 0. N
TreaßUrers .......ciiishilin. cisiionniinn s
AEBUEE. ... ... i i
Secret Orders ............................... 8
Churelhle = ...l B
5ha1etie5,..;........ ...l 8
Individuals, both rich and poor ....... §
Until Our Depositssigtal ..............8400,000.00
" With this' positive proof of the exceedingly
high favor in which we are held by many, we are
encouraged to invite new accounts,
The Exchange National Bank.
: I : '
10 'per cent off Pants ¥
W a e e L.l ey
This inciudes everything in Men’s and
Boys Suits and Odd Pants. .
It’s perhaps the greatest chance you've .
cver'’had to be fitted in such “high
grade stylish’clothes'at these prices---
$3O Mens Suits for. . . $24 " $25 Mens Suits for .. $2O
- Meas Suits for- .. $15.20515 dens Saits for . $l2
$12.50 Mens Syits for. 810 $lO Mens Saits for. ... 3;;8;
810 Boys full Peg Pant Suits now ;... §8
87.50 Boys full Peg Pant Suits now + ... .$6 ]
£8.50 Boys full Pag Pant Suits now. . $5.20 3
35 Boys full Peg Pant Suits now ..:....... 34 |
Mew Manhsttan Shirts 31.50 to $2.50.7 ;
Remington and Mo-Fade Shirts $! and 31.28
Boydin Oxfords---Stetson; Hats. 3
e " * gy ¢ Y vty
R PR e
“& TRt . ; . w‘gfl:"s«" T ..'r:;)is‘ib oo
ey : . eI ara SR )SR TN ]
AT T $E 21 1 b ;;{-,,-.@,,1‘; g;’;ie’:-:’f;‘
4 I EADUTL S P 241 ety rpagals
‘4;-»«"‘%"”“ B iBBW Sy WS
LRy R T HEUSE 433005 s AL B 4 B Retadtd FEILGTC R
) genn Aty Dhapmily BN b iRt
T K . ke 8 '
St sy B 2 ih - B
Tte (L] 985 .
W R BOWEN, Prosident J. A MURPIIY, Man .
D B gl or $
Bstier goods for sam2 monay--3ame. goods for less money.”
Fair Association
. There will be a meeting of the
stockholders of the Fair Associa
tion Wednesday 2p. m. May 22nd,
at the American State Bank, for the
purpose of organization.
Ample stock having been sub
scribed to assure eminent Success.
Let every one who has subscribed
stock be present if possible as it is
very desirable to complete the
‘organization at once and get down
;xto detail and construction work.
‘ D. L. Martin,
-86--3 t Temporary Pres.
Sons of America Will Meet
| Again in Sumpter.
~ Americus, May 15.—With rep
resentatives of twenty Georgia
camps ip atterdance, the Patriotic
Order Sons of America, assembled
in annual convention this morn
ing in Americus. Mayor Edward
Mathis delivered the address of
‘welcome, to which response was,
i‘made by National President Pope,
'of New Jersey. State President
J. E. Sheppard, of Americus,
presided at the session and likewise
addressed the convention, A fea
ture of interest this morning was!
the presentation of an immense
pational flag to the Americus pub
lic school by the local and visiting
representatives who stand for'pub-'i
lic education,,
Two military companies escort
ed the delegates to Furlow school
campus and fired a salute as the
handsome flag was raised, while
twelve hundred school children
sang “‘America.”
~ The derdicatory exercises were
interesting and impressive
throughout. The visiting dele
gates were entertained tonight at
a handsome banquet
At the conclusion of the busi
ness session this afternoon Ameri
cus was complimented in being
szlected as place of meeting a year
hence: President J. E. Sheppard
was again elected to that office,
with J. P, Bowden, of Reynolds,
vice president, and J. I, Greek,
of Fitzgerald, past prcsident.
Third National Bank
: Awards Contract,
A matter of general interest wiil
be the announcement ~ that the
Thir¢ National Bank has awarded
a contract to Charles Ed ward
Choate, . of - Atlastay for the pon-|
struetion.of a'slo,ooo bank boild-|
ing on their property at the corn
of Pine and Mane strects. .
Mr. J. C. Holder has returned from'
a visit of several days in Atlanca.
Great Values in Dresses
$6.98 Silk .Dresses for $4.98
' These were veryspecial at regular price--for
34.98 they're a great pick up. : d ity
$6.50 Lingerie Dresses $4.75
'Embroidery and lace trimmed Dresses. ' Linen
and Lawn trimmoad dresses values $6.50 for $4.75
89¢ Children’s .Dresses 49c
* Newest styles in trimmings---best celors
$1.25 Children’s Dresses -88 c
Some of the dresses in this lot worth to $1.50
all newest siylss=-23t washiag colors. | .
New Princess Slips 98¢, §1.25, $1.50
garments in this lot worth 50¢ to 785 c more
Ladies (towns---2xtra special---98¢
valusgs in this lot worth to $l.BO ]
By 5 Y
L 3 44 le%ig]
-\\ll ¥ 4,
} i TS 0
RESOURCES - $300.00000
Richeson Sane When
He Killed Girl,
Is Sane Now and Governor Foss
Says He Must Die.
Boston, Mass., May 16-Clarence
V. T. Richeson's last hope of: escap
ing the death chair next week for
the murder of Avis Linnell, of Hy
annis, expired tonight wiien Cover
nor.Foss announced ‘that he would
not refer Richeson’s petition for com
mutation of sentence to the execu
tive council. e i
l The statement from the governor
followed closely the filing of the re
ports of the special insanity com
mission, which declared the con
demned sane, although subject to
fits of hysterical insanity.
The commission found that Rich
eson was sane at the time of the
murder, and that he is sane at
In the death chamber at Charles
town the prisoner has borne himself
calmly since he was transferred
from the Charles street jail Tuesday.
flt was apparent that he still hoped
‘that clemency would be extended
to him, and -it was believed today
this alone was keeping up his spirits.
- The statement issued by Governor
Foss'shows that 'fhé " alienist found
that Rich¢son’s family wag afflicted
very, generally .with insapity, and
that the condemned man himself is
a neurotic, a somnambulist and a
neurasthenic and subject to hyster--
ical insanity. ]
Pichlers Slippers for
Mfisses and Little Folks
Bring the” Chil
dren in for them--
staewden 4¥ o finagt
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