Newspaper Page Text
Uficial Organ Ben Hill County,
Sometimes there is a.tendency on the
part of a bank to get in a rut and STAY there;
and this is especially so if the bank has, for a
number of years enjoyed a good business.
But despite the large resources and con
stantly increasing business of the FIRST NA
TIONAL BANK, the officers of this bank are
ever on the alert and always awake to every
opportunity for serving the hank’s patrons.
If this is the kind of treatment you would
like to receive, we’ll be glad to have your
. AT .o T
first Naiional Bank
Fitzgeraly, Georgia
Capitel, Tu-vlus & Profits, £ 200,000.00
Baptist Parson Killed In
.. Duel With His Cousin
Waycross, Ga., May 19.—When
Rev. C. 0. Bennett was killed today
at Millwood by Carrey Bennett, di
_ vorce proceedings filed in Ware su
~ perior court yesterday by the form
er's wife were abruptly terminated:
The trouble between the Bennetts
named had been of long standing,
due to allegations regarding Carrey
Bennett's relation with C.O. Bennett’s
4 wife. The couple had separated and,
until yesterday, Mrs. Bennett had
not visited Milwood. This morning
Carrey Rennett reached Milwood
from Kirkland, and before the train
pulled away the fight that cost C. O.
Bennett his life was over. . . .
. Lye witnesses state that C.o.Ben
nett fired first. The wild bullets
found victims in the crowd about
the station, J. W. Murry, the agent,
. getting one in his right foot, and
‘gam Murray, an eight-year-old boy,
being hit in the right leg. Carrey
. Bennett was shot through the 'eft
hand, and a bullet grazed his breast.
He is just 20 years old.
The victim of the fight was 38,
and for four years was a minister of
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Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx ; :
These are illustrations of our Hart, Sc,haffner!
& Marx Suits that are going at |
-20 per cent Discount -
until June Ist--We dare say you've never
seen such elegant clothes sold for so little
this early in the season--
Boys as well as Mens Clothing carry the
same reduction while present sale lasts--" Till
June Ist---Mens and Boys Odd Pants 10 per
cent off.
Send Us Your Mail Orders--Prempt Service
State and National
Hitdware Men Meet
Athens, Ga., May 20.—The seventh
annual convention of the Georgia
Retail Hardware Association will be
in session in session in 'Athens this
week, beginning this morning in'the
Georgian hotel's convention
haltat 11 o'clock. In addition there
isat the Mass auditorium a hardware
show participated in by more than
thirty-five of the leading whnlesale
hardware dealers of the United
States, more than ' $120,000,000 be
ing represented in these firms.}
Fifty or sixty wholesalers, members
of the wholesale firms and officers
of hardware corporations are already
‘here for the meet. o
. For delicious and - refreshing’
driaks go ta Gity Deng Co. 1.
the Baptist faith. His last letter to
his wife told ber not to: come-back
to Milwood. The wife, four children,
father and several brothers survive.
Carrey Bennett is a cousin of the
deceased. -He was arrested near ‘
Millwood by Sheriff Pittman and
Deputy Cannon and brought to Way-
us by ch@ofiing us as their depository.
Treasurerof U. S. ..................cOOO. 8 ~
State 0fficia15.........................00c....$
County Officials ........... .....ccocoee....s ;
City 0fficia15...........................8
Railway Companies ....................... 8
Insurance Companies ......... ..........$
C0rp0rati0n5.......;....... RAiibsnibriik B
C0mpPani®5...............0.. bl iR 8
PRmS it s 8
Executors...... ... aobioniioille . 8
Administraters.................c.oeeevine . $
Guardian®. ... ........0 L. . L iasn 8
Tr05tee5............... LoSßad L srdi
Treasurers...............occecivconisiviis A 8
APONLS. .. ... i s s iR
Secret Orders
Soclettes ...............0 vi B S
Individuals, both rich and poor $
Until Our Deposits Total ..............$400,000.00
With this - positive proof of the exceedingly
high favor in which we are held by many, we are
encouraged to invite new accounts.
The Exchange National Bank.
Court Sustains Miss Portmess
i The many qu;_ei;ds of Miss Sue
V. Portmess will be pleased to learn
Lt_}b;'at the Sujreme Court of Georgia
has sustained the, verdict of the
{Felto‘rsnperiumflourt for-$3,500
‘and interest against the North At
lanta Land Company. _ ,
It will be remembered that a trio
of:land speculators, Long, Mitcheil
and McLean; constituting the At
lanta corporation, through fraudu
lent: representations, caused Miss
Portmess to transfer all her property
and money to these people for some
suburban property in Atlanta of
doubtful value.
S er Reducti Conti
till June Ist., in every Department at the Empire Mercal{tile Company
Final Reduction Gage Pattern Hats.
Sale starts Wednesday--Hats now on display in Central avenue window
~=gmhese dainty correct creations of Americas Master Milliner's are marked at prices a third to a half of former
T-[ selling value---Such chic becoming millinery has never before perhaps been shown in Fitzgerald---certainly
i'npt at prices of presentl.‘ifeductions---Everf Hat in window marked in plain figures---with former and' final clear-
ance price. :
These are from one of the eoum
try’s finest mills——-Mercerized
and Lisle thread vests---in new
low cut styles. | o
‘Finest mercer_ized"vest—silizs
‘taped-regular and extra sizes™" C
A fine Lisle Vest--silk taped 15
regular sizes only c
Lisle fine ribbed Vests in 10
‘regular and extra sizes C
THe 1 RE
New Laces
Vals—sc, Bc, 10c and to 25c yi
Cluny--Sc¢, 10, 15 and to 76c yd
Ratine--15¢, 25c and 50c¢ yd
5-10-15-25 and up to $3.50
25c and 50c¢ ‘
Ben Hill Purchases Blood
The County Commissioners
have ‘invested $175 in a pair of
}- bloo&bqhnds,’ which arrived yes
s from Arkhnsss. Tho hounds
are fing -looking fellows, alrcady
trained, and the officials feel sure
they will ‘prove indispensable in
tracking " escaped convicts and
criminalsat large. The dogs were
sent to the convict camp, to War
den Tyler,
Read the ads and learn the best
places to trade at.
Alabama Paving Co.
Gets Contract.
At the meeting of the City
Council last night, the contract for
paving the twelve additional blocks
in the business section, besides
those alveady completed, was
awarded to the Alabama Paving
Company. These are the people
who have just completed 'four|
blocks of paving on Pine and
Grant streets and the contract for
the additional work was awarded
to thcm not only because their bid
was the lowest but also in view of
the excellent quality of the work
just delivered the city. Sl
There were. five bidders for the
contract, including The Alabama
Paving Company, whose bid was
$2.20 per square yard; The Geor
gin Engineering Company, $2.27
yer square yard; The Jamison
Hallowell, $2.21 per square yard;
Y. Briddle, $2.26 per square * ard;
and the Southern Paving and Con
struction Company, $2.25 per
squire yard.
Richeson Goes To Death
Boston, Mass., May 21.
Clarence V.T. Richeson was
electrocnted at 12:17 this
Boston, Mass., May 20.—When
Clarence V. T. Richeson, the slay
er of Avis Linpell, reflected that
he probably had less than twelve
hours to live, he expressed a de
sire this afternoon to see bis bro
ther, Douglas Richeson, of Chicur
go, who is “in the city. Daw
Richeson decided “this-altorioon
that he would not ga to his bro
thee, ' 7N e T b
" The condemnéed man slept sourd--
ly for four bours this morniag,
after being awake nearly all.night.
He was calm and even cheerful. at
times during the night, occasional
ly singing a hymn or repeating
his favorite scfiptural passages. l
; . 9
at 49¢ : 98¢
.Notice the show window--
great variety of other styles
on inside-—at 49¢ valus to
75c at 98c values to $1.50
sizes 6 te 14
BABY-(ages %5 to 6 years)
Where Teachers o
5 Will Spend Vacation
The Fitzgerald public schools hav
'ing adjourned for the summer vaca
'tion, quite a number of the teachers
| are planning to go or have already
‘have gone away for three months’
rest. Some will attend summer
school, while others intend to pass
the three months visiting relatives
and friends in different sections of
the country. :
Miss Willie Willis is in Elberton -
with her parents.
Miss Julia Conn left several days
ago for Milledgeville to be at home.
Mrs. Ellars and her son, Raymond,
will leave sson for Indiana to spend
the -summer. R
Miss Cloe Beall has gone to Louis
ville, Ky. i
Miss Annie Lawton Is with rela
tives in South Carolina. i
Miss Natalie Martindale has gone
to Nashville, Tenn. .
Miss Adalaide Reibsam will spend
the summer in Detroit, Mich.
- Miss Dovie Blair, after a short
visit with relatives in Marietta, will
go to Denver, Colo.. for a stay of
geveral weeks. - - ’ '
" Misg Polliec McLendon is at her Blofitop.
'Mife ‘Washburn will leave for
Nooisvifler 5@ s
“Mts.. Brabham; Mrs. Lee, Miss
Emery and Mrs, Saunders will make
their visits later in the season. &
_FProf. Ritchie exspects to attend
the summer school in Chicago. after -
spending’ a short while with relatives
in Commerce and Milledgeville. :
Prof. Morris and Prof. Nicholson
will remain the greater part of the
vacation in Fitzgerald.
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RESOURCES - $300.00000