Newspaper Page Text
mjcxal Organ Ben Hill County,
p i
We believe that a large majority of the
" farmers in this community are in @ much bet
_ ter condition than the farmers in any other
' section of the state. And we contribute this
. largely to the fact that thesc particular men
have learned the advantages of borrewing
_ money from a bank, instead of buying their
- supplies “on time” B by
4 A large number of our new accounts are
* Farm accounts; and it will be worth YOUR
. while to arrange to borrow money from us so
. that YGU can pay cash for your needs.
" First National Bank
R Fitzgerald, Georgia
. Capitsl, Surplus & Profits, $200,000.60
and Gray Meet In
Joint Memorial Service
“galigt church, in East Harris street,
\next Syndav at 11 a. m,, there will
‘betheld a memorial service,” which
‘will be not only.unique in its char
“cter but will also serve as an ob
‘jest lesson to illustrate the extent
'@f the healing process of the pass
ying years in closing the breeches
\caused by the: terrible- fratricidal
sémggle of the sixties. |
| The occasion will be the annual
_memorial service of the Grand Army
me Republic, which, in this in
_gtance, is to be converted into a
{joint memorial service for the he
#p2s who wore the gray as well _as
for those. who wore.the blue. . The
‘gervice is being arranged by mem
~bers of the 0. M. Mitchel post, No. 1,
Qf. A.R. in co-operation with the
“ pastor of the church; Rev. E. Dean
Ellenwood, who will preach the me
} morial sermon, and a -cordial invi
‘tation is being. extended by the
“members of the Grand Army post
_to all of the Confederate Veterans,
Sons of Veterans and Daughters. of
the Confederacy, in the city to be
. present and participate in the ser
" vice. O.M. Mitchel post G. A. R,
" and the Women's Relief corps will
'attend the service in a body. =
EMPIRE| Stop-Consider-Come
Express paid on purchases of
$5 when money comes with’ order
$ 7.50 Silk Dresses, - $4.98
- 10.00 Linen Dresses $5.98
About 12 of these Silk Dresses, if
- your size is here, $4,98. :
" Sheets, Towels, Pillow
o Cases, Linens
Pillow Cases at... 9¢
worth 12¢ :
Sheets, full size, 65c
worth 75¢
New Calcutta
Matting Squares
This is a Porch Rug---Odorless, Un- 4 48
breakable, fast colors, 7x9, Feet ..._.."%e
ox(2 Feet..... . 6 75
Rev. E. J, Jammond Preaches
Comiencement Sermon.
}_ Rev. E.- J. Hammond, pastor
of * the *: First * Methodist ~(M. . E.),
;Chui‘ch"at Titzgerald, preached the
’Mmencemeng , sermon ... of ... the
‘Rochelle High School at'the Audi
torium last Sunday morning. He
was greeted by a laige audience
.and he delivered to them an appro
priate, eloquent, impressive and
instructive sermon, which was wel
‘received and-highly appreciated by
all who heard it. At night he
preached an excellent sermon to a
full house at the Baptist church.
During a brief call on us he express
ed himself as much pleased with
Rochelle and greatly delighted at
theswarm tecwm% had
received at the hands of our people.
While here he was the guest of
Judge and Mrs. D. B. Nicholson., We
trust he will come again.—Rechelle
Era. 3
Mrs. James H, Barnes and little
son, Norment Arthur, leave to
morrow for their home in Bruus
wick, after a visit of several weeks
with her mother, Mrs, J. H.
Shaffer and family.
Toweis at........... 7%¢
worth 10c
Table Damask at 39c¢
worth 50c
N° MATTER TO YOU WHY we are selling these new crisp Summer
"1 goods-at-such savings--the -main things is that we are selling them and
prudent people from all over this section are taking advantage of it---Have you?
us by choosing us as their deposi} ry.
Treasurer of U. S. ;.3
State thclals.:\s
County Officials ........... ....ccccoeeethe. 8
City 0fficia15............ ..coooovnerosilson.B
Railway Companies -§s
Insurance Companies ......... 58
C0rp0rati0n5............... .8
Companies......... ......ccoee ceveeneeccienne®
EXecutors...... ......cccoeeeeeenneeeccidenn. @
| Admini5trat0r5................‘.........L....i
GUARRIINS. ... ... 0o overes oniie
TrERSUIEr'S ........c...cecnvennnnennceacsnres i
CAgents............oooeiiiniiin, 8
~ Secret Orders ..................cocooeneeen @
Societies..............v.oieeenecciiiinnnii o @
_lndividuals, both rich and poor .... 8
. Untl Our Doposte Totl ... 3400,000.00
" With 'this’ positive’ proof ‘of ‘the’ excéedingly’
high faver in whish we are held by many, we are
- encouraged to invite new accousits. " v i
The Exchange Naticaal Bank.
Thursday, May 30th.
Decoration Day
“INEst Thursday, May 20th. is
Decoration Day, and there will be
quite a pilgrimage of Union sol
diers and others to go from this
city to the National Cemetery at
Andersonville, where 13 thousand
Federal soldiers are buried. .
The graves will be decorated, and
and the memorial exercises con
ducted will be interesting to all
who attend. A special train will
leave the A. B. &A. depot at 6:30
‘Thursday morning and ample ac
comodation will be furnished for
the crowd. ?
~ Closing Prices on Gage Hats
Only ten 6f these beautiful Spring and Summer Hats--
Charming styles. Prices reduced a third to half less
than formerly.
Lingerie Dresses, - - $3.98
Girls’ Dresses, - - 49
Dainty white Dresses, size 14 to 42, values
$6.98, for $3.98
Girls’ Dresses in finest Maras and Ginghams,
values 75¢, for 49¢
O R B I e e NRV 0 W
W. R BOWEN, President - J.A. MURPHY., Manager :
Getting Funds For
Lelebration of 4th.
TS S wRa Ry o SR | N
* C’g‘mmd'w' Stout and Booker,
members of the Blue and Grey
Association, are soliciting funds
for the annual 4th of July cele
bration. The merchants and oth
ers are subseribing liberally and
the 1912 celebration promises to
be one of the best. The Blue and
Grey will meet at their park Sat
urday, May 25th at 2 p. m. to
complete arrangements.
Mr. M. S. Harrod is quite sik
at his home on Ocmulgee ave.
Fair Association
- Met Wednesday.
In response to a call from the
Fair Promoters, D. L. Martin, the
subscribers of stock “in the Ben
Hill County Fair Association met
W ednesda y afternoon at the
American State Bank. The stock
bolders met for the purpose of
getting organized for the 1912
Fair sometime this Fall, }
Mr. Martin was unanimously
elected President; L. Robitzsch
vice president, P, F. Clark secre
tary and treasurer, and Griffin &
Griffin, Attorneys for the Associa
tion. The Fair Association is com
posed of the leading business men
and farmers of the county and
there was a splendid representa
tion at the meeting Wednesday,
including the following: D, L.
Martin, L. L, Griner, Geo, Gray,
John Gray, Byron Bryan, Ray
mond Davis, C, W. Hayes, J. W,
Scarbrough. J. R. Horton, H. M,
Dodd, D. E. Griffin, J. A. Griffin,
P. B. Owen, Marcus Luke, lili W,
Walker, Jas. L. Dorminey, Lewis
Thaver, Frank Hager, E. M,
Whitehead, A. B. C. Dorminey,
L. N, Buek, Newton Waskins, L.
‘Robitzsch, I Gelders,sE. W.
Bryant, ‘R. L. Jones, . N. Gid
dings, . C. Glover, G.%C, Ball
Robert Owen, L. H., Simons, S.
M, Bullard, E. N. Davis, and P,
F. Clark.
~ The President was authorized to
purchase 25 acres of land at the
teud of Central avenue lying just
beyond Merrimac Drive, which
‘will be used for Fair purposes,
For the purpose of selecting &
Board of Directors, the names of
all the subseribers were placed in
ithé* bat -and Wennyfi‘.@s:}.dfl
out to constitute the Directo
‘The personnel of the Board of Di
rectors thus chosen couldi't pos
sibly have been improvéd upon
even if each member had been
carefully selected, as will be seen
by the following list: J. B. ¥,
Dixon, J. H, Moss, Lon Dickey,
M. Dickson, L. L. Griner, D. B.
Ware, E. N. Davis, R. J. Pren
tiss R. L. Jones, J.. W, Morris,
A. H, Thurmond, A. B, Cock, J.
C. Glover, T. M. Wilbanks, D.
- 20 Per Cent Off
Men and Boys’ Suits
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, choicest weaves
Boys’ Suits--you can take 20 per off all regular
10 Per Cent Off -
Men and Boys’ Pants
Hart, Schaffner @ Marx pnd Crown Trousers,
choice, best style and tailoring, 10 per cent off.
20 Per Cent Off |
Trunks and Bags
If you anticipate going away,this is your chance
---any Trunk or Bag in store 20 per cent off.
s 1 T tms
VOL. XVII. NO. 3¢9
City Court Adjourned
In City Court of Fitzgerald.
To Jurors, parties and witnesses:
The City Court of Fitzgerald will
not be held on the fourth Monday
in May on account of the - condition
of the farms and the necessity of
harvesting the oat crop but will be
adjourned to some day later, of
which time notice will be published.
All jurors, parties and witnesses are
excused from attending on the 4th
‘Monday. The appearance and mo
tion docket willbe called and de
fault judgments will be entered on
Monday, May 27th."
This May 24th, 1912.
Judge City Court of Fitzgerald.
A regular’ communication of
Pine Level Lodge No. 353 F, &
A. M., will be held in Masonic
‘Hall Monday evening May 2Tth at
8 o’clock. All qualified bréthern
are cordially invited to attend.
; P. L. Keefer, W. M,
‘W, M. Whitley, A. J. Swords, J.
Ly Berey; R{ E; Lee, C. W. Hayes
g,i + Pavlk, H G. Powell C. G.
Sandiin'and B M, Dodd. -
. Messrs:iriffin & Griffia were in
strueted to'-meke arrangements
}for ‘procuring:a Charter for the
Association. The President was
‘authorized to appoint an executive
‘committee consisting of five mem
bers, -to co-operate with him'in
all preliminary matters pertaining
to the 1912 Fait 'and every effort
will ‘be put forth to malke it the
biggest event in the history of the
county. 4
Prompt Careful Attention
To All Mail Orders