Newspaper Page Text
Official drgan Ben Hilj county,
Farmers, Buy for Cash
If you'll just take a minute to figure it out, you'll find
that you can make tremendous savings by paying
cash for your supplies.
ready and willing to furnish our farmers with cash.
Of course, they cannot be expected to overstep the
bounds of safe banking, but in every instance where
the responsibility of a farmer warrants a loan, the
demand is supplied.
Come in and let us know how much you will
need this year. Our treatment will please you.
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, Georgia
The Bank for Your Savings
EAL 3 A @ % &
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25 Per Cent off Regular Price of e\ \ViE
er Cent off Regular Price of any b O V=
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f our Men or Boys Suits. 25 P & VE
or our lvien or boys Jduits. er W/ A /I
4 ‘
Cent off Men and Boys Trousers m oS
———— ’. \\ J'3<’;;—¢‘
THESE clothes will look mighty good to you---bright, clean cut, snappy---new patterns, <— '\ 9~} ,),\\ \
: : : 0N P~ =
lively colors---easily the biggest as well as the best stock we've ever shown. sYz \| s) r
B L S ONGE : ] L
We have built up the biggest clothing business in Fitzgerald by giving better values in the best clothes made. o S ey \‘, |
We shall build bigger by a continuation of the same sterling methods of merchandising that have inspired the | M / /’ i o
confidence, good will and patronage of this entire section. i // / S i
/b Gaflty ¢ 1
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Our Hart Schaffner & Marx, and all other makes you buy here during the present sale, | “AR= i
° a . ’ [ %
are as fully guaranteed as if you paid regular price for same. i ol
o e Regular $25.00 Suits now $18.75 Regular $12.50 Suits now $9.38 . ’ éY}S—
Specials- Dry Goods Section| - =» - s T i T Yse v -
& 2000 ¢ o 15.00 Boys ¢ 808 « " 6.00 j ——
I—‘—_' o 188 e o 1888 “ 750 + + 8.88 E
' RIBBON SALE SATURDAY e e v 28 o e < - 468 SNSRI
h o 2 S 3 6 6 - . i : %-‘
' Wide Hair 150 d foi vilics Every Suit in stock is included. 5.00 3.78 : l\
; Ribbons Y to 35¢ Black, Blue or Fancy patterns—all go at 25 per cent off. N\ i n e
. 60 pieces Dainty Hair Ribbons—sample pieces : 50c Knee Pants now 38¢ $2.50 Odd Pants now 1.88
| from American and Foreign mills—Persians s ti . o e n a 300 % “« 295
Plaids, Stripes, Dots and Solid colors. Widths oy an S $l.OO -« e e s n S 400 «o “ 3.00
from 3to 5 inches. Every piece new and desir- ; 125 . “« « 95 500 <« i’
i ol The new cuts, in the best : c Hart Schaffner and Crown - 3.75
able for Hair Ribbons, Sashes, Trimmings. materials another pair 1350 « ¢ « 112 Trousers. Perfect in quali- 6.00 «<« « 450
P s e e if they rip. 200 '« o 180 ty, style, fit and wear. Pl e “ 5.62
BLOUSE LINEN Fringed Spread ¢ - i
250 yards Blouse Big size, our regu- a les lsses ens 0 S XOr s
Linen for childrens lar $1.25 quilt. —— , , ’ cent
dresses-—-15¢ value, This sale for
Hemmed Napkins SUIT CASES Dorothy Dodd for Ladies and Misses Boydens fine Shoes for Men A generous 10 per cent saving on
—_—— ( ——— 1 5 Grovers Comfort Slippers for Ladies Douglas Men and Boy Oxfords every pair of shoes in stock during
Big lot of Breakfast A good case for . . ; : g ;
Napkins ready for little money---light @ ====| - Piehlers’ Childrens Slippers Thompson Bros. fine Oxfords ‘ this clearing sale T
use, 50c kind Dozen strong, durable, for A : g
’ » NS R 30c ones for 40¢
Mohawk Valley 20 ] H E B Bflys Stl' aw Hats 155 v o
Sheets, 81x90 - | per ct. off | ig"} .A 8 Somgc ¢ ' ’
Full size for only | Trunks, B 1 1;’ e € B - ' 1.00 Hats now 78¢
72590 size for 59 HTEnks, bags || fiemam & STOE E ene tl‘aw &is 200 .« 1.50
o ——————————— T 5 S e e W.R BOWEN, President . J. A. MURPHY, Manager o'oo ; “-'“5O
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Street Paving Co.
1 e
0o The Job Adain
~ The street paving company has
‘commenced work on the new con
tract with the city to pave twelve
more blocks in the r usiness section,
The excavating which is necessary
in order to lay the concrete foun
dation is now being effected on
east Central avenve, beginning at
the court house and working west.
Lhe surplus dirt. removed from
the districts to be paved is being
dumped on Sheridan street, be
tween Central and Ocmulgee,
which is a very low place and the
dirt used in this way will prove of
considerable advantage,
Give us your order for a porch
swing. We make them reasonable
and can please you. F.M. Graham
& Co. Phone 14. 45-tf
Keep your eves on the ads and
learn where too find vour wants.
Rest Room In ' § Story
For the benefit of our rural
readers we wish to call especial
ittention to the Ladies’ Rest Room
in the Five Story Building, which
was instituted several weeks ago
Ly the merchants of the city. The
Rest Room is not being patronized
to as great an extent as it should
which is due possibly to the fact
that there are quite a few who do
rot know of its existence.
The Rest Room was installed
for the beuefit of the ladies from
the country who come to the city
shopping and do not wish to go to
the hotel for rest. The room is
comfortably eqripped with chairs,
lavatory, etc,, and the ladies are
invited to feel at perfect liberty
to go there for rest at any time
they are in the city. Toe room is
on the second floor of the Five
Story building and you will ex
perience no difficulty in locating it.
Is your subscription paid up?
Records of Georgia Now
Ready For Sale.
The colonial revolutionary and
confederate records of Georgia been published by the state
and are held for sale by the state
librariaa at the uniform price of
$1.50 net. within the state and
$2.25 outside, the latter price
covering the cost of delivery to
any point within the United States,
Many of these volumes contain
matter not hitherto available at
any price. For example, volume
18 and volume 19, parts 1 and 2,
contain exclusively the early sta
tutes of Georgia from the first
session of the legislature in 1754
to the session of 18035, inclusive.
Some of those persons who are
familiar with the history of the
early statute law of the state mavy
recall an incident several years
ago when they were invited by a
certain northern publisher to sub
scribe at $1.50 per suvscription,
to a contemplatcd reprint of the‘
precise material, only less com-
£ mems Beeaiie,
RESOURCES - $300,00000
- BT e 20l
plete, that is contained in volumes
18 and 19 of the Colonial Records
of Geoigia, sold by the state at
only $1.50 pir volume.—(onsti
Mr. Raymond Davis has let the
contract for a bungalow to be
erected on his Merrimac Drive
property, right next to that of B.
T. Strickland, and work has al
ready been started.
Mr. Roy Dutts wiil leave for
Jacksonville, Fla. this afternoon.