Newspaper Page Text
official Organ Ben Hill County,
Provide for the Future
Have you saved the money you eamed, or did you
yield to the impulse of spending all you made? Did
you foresee the opportunities for safe and profitable
investments that are daily offered, or were you satis
fied to eke out the existence of an impecunious clerk
all your days?
Better think the matter over carefully and start to
save. It may come hard at first, but soon you will
begin to wonder how much, instead of how little you
can save.
$l.OO starts an account and we pay a liberal rate
of mterest on Savings Depostts.
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, G:zorgia
The Bank for Your Savings
If you're going away
The present discount of 20 per cent off Trunks
and Bags will help some in paying the expences of
the trip---Best Baggage---Big savings.
Interest Increases
Prudent men and women in Fitzgerald and throughout this section know that when the Empire Store declares a reduction it means
actual savings to them--savings on merchandise of Empire guality--quality that has stood the test of 15yrs of good merchandising
9 7 ® _w >
Here’'s the best thing YET!
Rt aEITIgRy E.. 3 %
“||||“ il |if you men don’t buy a
! f "
b R= g b "”'""flm | Hart Schaffner & Marx
llllllzh = g
=2y Qfi \\ e X "||\ ‘ Suit during this sale its because you don’t know what
| / A:n‘ .fi- 2 l ‘'n ! good clethes they really are---
(|fl \ “{’ “\“I L It's the best chance you have to buy a suit---
| |’ 1’ op I ¥ The best chance we have to make a permanent cus
"fls“‘ :(“ :-‘,/// g i { tomer of you--—-
W 2 iFo e ‘
”ll , i:; - \\ = a~ or we're selling :
Y Sy All Spring and S
J/#mi . WY pring and dSummer
' ZHI A< g = ,
u i e - Suits at one-fourth off
(I ] Z And it means a good deal to you when you can get
// S \ , such good clothes at the following prices:
//, // | “ $25.00 Suits, % off, now $18.75 ,
ey, - ‘t\~ \ 250 « Haf, ¢ 1688
Lk ' 2000 « 2% off, * 16.00
7\,} W 1850 « ’gof, * 13.88
\ ‘ e 1500 « %Hoff, * 1188
S 1250 « X off, * = 948
/ : 000 <« Lol v LBN 4
i W A b The Boys Department, also in rear of dry goods sec
' tion 18
£ \ Brimful of Boys Stmdy .Clothes
/ ‘ f Clothes made after our own strict specifications from
v 711 carefully selected fabrics. Chosen for ‘“wear’ as
: / F well as for “looks’ -~
3 ' All at one-fourth off.
"/k/ _ Boys $lO Suits $7.50 Boys $7.50 Suits $5.62
r i fi « 850~ "#BB *M ° G 789
et s R All Men & Boys Odd Pants 1-4 off
New Manhattan Shirts
$1.50 - $2OO - $2.50 - $3.00
No Fade Shirts, $1.25 Remington Shirts, $l.OO
New Neglige and Soft Collar styles.
Boyden Oxfords 1 per cent
Douglas Oxfords O OFF
Edwin Clapp Oxfords, all leathers, $5.00
Gengral Assambly
B sssam .
Meets Jitne sBihl
se'\ ¥ .
The general assembly™will ‘gneet
for the fifty day summer session
on June 26, and is expected to bel
a busy one. Although Jack Slato;\x}
president of the senate, is in'thé}_J
midst of his gubernatorail cam
paign, he will preside over the
daily sessions of the upper house,
giving his campaign such attention
as he can between times.
Judicial, insurance, and banking
reform will be three important
matters to come before the legis
lative body this summer. Thejudi
ciary, the bar and a special legis
lative committee have worked in
harmony to bring about changes
for the better enforcement of laws
and measvres along this line will be
introduced early 1n the session.
A special legis'ative committee
worked more than a week to ret
at the inadaquacies of insurance
laws in tbe state and they found
10 per cent off every Rug and Art Square in
stock for the next 10 days
2 yard wide Linoleum for kitchen, hall
or dining room for $l.OO a running yard.
in This Summer Sale . Empire Store
Straw Hats
$3.00 Yacht Straws now 2.50
208 o « 1.80
i - - “« 489
W.R BOWEN, President J. A. MURPHY, Manager
- There Will Be Light.
¥ The postsand equipment for the
White Way*have been grdered*and
Fitzgerald will soon boast the Jest:
lighted businegs district in Georgia.
The gfi;ter and Light Corpiiissjph
will fukpish, theSgureent, the pp
erty’ pwhers and erchiditd 'paying
for thb,j‘%ytalation. "Phefiwié)ex_é}\fay
will probably be- extended -thé
entire distance’of the paved district’
‘ag soon as completedy. ,; -
Georgia far behind other si&tes in :
this respect. Bill to brimi“l≫t.‘
desirable changes Wwill be introate
ed this summer, -The bahking
committee will advocate establish-!
ing a state banking departmen\
entirely separaie from the state
treasurer’s office.
The legislature will algo have
considerable work on hafyd to
straighten out legislation pyiged
last summer and which was tangl
ed up in some way. Fhe Ault f'g
port, covering the investigation of
the agricultural department, will
be submitted, and bills introduced
to.make needed changes in that
department. .
Calcutta Matting---seamless, ordorless---
colors that wash, yard wide, 35¢ yard.
And a great chance for you
® ® D 7
ladies and girvls inthe 3
Ready-to-wear section. =g
: B
Interest abounds in every part of this new Ready-to— /\
wear department of ours--for dainty, desirable sum- e n\ 2
mer dresses and other things are priced at unusually (Y ’§T@\ /R %
attractive reductions--- ”':‘742: [ \ ?\ '
In Coat Suits for instance: ' . =3 WA
Former $25.00 Suits will go for $16.68 <\ ,§ ,\; P S
w2OOO @ w 0 - THEA i AN\ Ll
a 1500 ¢ “ “ 9.65 ' 77/ [N t\
And Dresses reduced as follows: il i T
Former 5.98t0 7.50, silk and linen dresses, $4.48 §@A é’, Nl :
4808 1280 ¥ 6.45 Rt J / o
Fine $12.50 Lingerie dresses now 9.48 [Ay \‘;\“.\ !" L \
Wi 1050 g 8 «“ 12.80 RS _ il ot
Silk coat suits $35.00 to $37.50 values now 22.45 \\ \ \ ‘ it
Childrens Wash Dresses L | A il ,[
In sheer White for baby at 49¢, 75¢ and 98¢ ages 6 \\ ‘ A fL
months to 6 years. White and colored dainty \\ ‘|
Batiste, Bto 14 years, 98c to 1.98. Junior sizes jigg ;| LS | _
13, 15, 17, Wh'te Lawn Dresses $1.19 to $3.48. © %”/]l/// A : /g
Childrens Percale, Linen, Gingham Dresses, 8 to TN !f §oL e 1
14, 49¢ to 98c. | // T ol
Baby Caps 25c¢ to 49¢ ~ ‘ _
Dainty Caps formerly to 39c now 25c. Finest, to "’ f
75¢ now 49c. o/ :
Savings in Ladies and Childrens Muslin Underwear
Childrens good Bleach Drawers, sizes 6to 12, for 9¢ Ladies Princess Slips for 98¢, $1.25, $1.50
Childrens 25¢ Undershirts, sizes 2to 8 for 19¢ Ladies Fine Nainsook Gowns for 49, 75, 98, $1.19
Childrens Night Gowns, size 4to 12, fox 28¢ Ladies Combination Suits, comprising corset cover
Childrens Fine Nainsook Gowns, 8 to 14 §oc¢ and Drawers---ideal garments, 75¢ and 98¢
Choice of those
lovely Gage Pat
tern Hats, 6.65
On sale Wednesday morning,
values in this lot to $2O.
Beautiful, becoming Hats of
newest Summer style.
T caetond Ruleg E gy WA AT RGBS S
Capital Being Raised
For A. T. and A. Road
~ Tifton, June 17.—During the past
‘'week $40.000 of the capital stock
of the A. T. & A. railroad has been
stbscribéd, bringing the total sub
iscribed capjtal up to $65,100, with
$20,000 more pledged and Tifton
and Nashville yet to be canvassed.
All along the. line the work is pro
gressing rapidly and even the most
pessimistic now concede that the
‘entire amount will be subscribed by
July L., N
A meeting held il& Ashburn yes
‘terday afternoon so aroused the peo
ple that within two hours $i8,500
‘was subscribed. J. S. Shingler alone
con¥ributed $lO,OOO. Five cars of
enthusiastic workers went over to
Ashbuyn from here and all returned
rejoicing over the road’s prospects.
' Everywhere the project is being
pushed as eagerly and enthusiasti
cally as a hungry negro eating a
juicy Georgia watermelon.
. Earlier in the week Doles contrib
’uted $5,1000 to the fund and pledg-
Summer Shoes 10 7. Off
It's a great chance to buy the best shoes America
produces, for men, women and children at such a
substantial reductions--10 per cent off summer shoes.
Specials Dry Goods Section
TRI sn . o e
. o
De T R
American Lady Corsets 50c
Sizes 18 to 26 only. Regular $1 to $3 values. Chuicn 50c |
VOoL. XVII. NO. 46
l LRI SR P 2
. RESOURCES $300,000.00
{ed sufficient to make it $lO,OOO.
’Oakfield contributed $1,500 and
pledged $3.500. Milltown and Amer
licus have already contributed $15,-
000 each.
A meeting of the charter mem
bers will be held in Tifton the early
part of July and the company or
ganized, and the work of surveying
begun at once and pushed with the
greatest possible speed.
Mr. Eli Grigsby, of Leary, Ga., is
here visiting relatives.