Newspaper Page Text
. Society News Notes
C A. Holtzendort
a 4 Floor Rooms 203 9:10
Ga.rbutt-1? novan sldg.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Dickey are
spending several days in Atlanta.
Happy Haverfield, of Cordele,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr
and Mrs. Sam Haverfield.
Miss Abbiebelle Wilkinson, of At
ianta, is the guest of her cousin,
Miss Kadie Griner, on S. Main St.
Mrs. Lavinia Harless, of Bartow,
Fla., who has been visiting Mrs. W.
A. Green. has gone to Indian Springs.
Miss Pauline Crawley is expected
home from Augusta Wednesday,
where she has been visiting relatives
and friends.
Miss Vera Hubbard ana Miss
Nina Weaver are in St. Augustine,
Hla., visiting the latter’s sister,
Mrs. Walton Capo.
Miss Ruth Clay, of Tampa, Fla.,
will arrive in the city Wednesday
to be the guest of Miss Isla Green
for several days.
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Turner leave
soon for Colorado Springs and other
points in the west where they will
spend several weeks.
-Miss Mary Alice Phillips leaves
tomorrow for her home in Lithonia,
after a visit of two weeks with her
cousin, Miss Kathleen Braswell.
Miss Alma Carthers of Elberton,
niege of Mr. J. E. Turper arrived
~this afternoon for a few weeks
visit with Mr, and Mrs. Turner.
Mrs, James Jones, of Raleign,
N. C., who has been the guest of
her sister, Mrs, William B. Moore
for several days, left Sunday for
hier home.
After a very vleasant visit to
friends and relatives in the city,
Mrs. G. C. Smith of Brunswick,
left Sunday for St. Simons Island,
where she is spending the sum
Mr. and Mrs. Georde L. Kilcreasz
returned Sunday from their honey
money trip in the north, and are
now at home to their friends,
at the residence of Mrs. C. E. Craw
~tey on South Main Street.
‘Miss Tallalah Atkins, of Cordele,
Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand ‘
Chapter Eastern Stars of Georgia, is
the guest of Mrs. W. A Green on N.
Main St. Miss Atkins is here in
specting the local lodge and was
: tendered a delightful reception at
~hall last evening.
‘Mrs. Louis H. Keim entertain
~ed informally Saturday afternoon,
+in honor of her daughter, Mus.
“George Cameron Smith who left
*Sapday for her home inßrunswic k.
Mhe Reception ball was prettily
«decorated with jardenierres of
tovely hydrangea and the luncheon
table had for a centerpiece a brass
tasket of golden pasturtiums.
Alrs. Keim was assisted by Mus.
©. P. Adaws and a delightful two
course luncheon was served. The
guasts included sixteen friends,
‘Misses Essie and Eula Evans
delightfully entertained a number
of young tolks at their home
Wednesday cvening.
Various games were played and
the music was enjoyed by all.
At a late hour delicious refresh
wments were served, Those enjoy
ing uhe eveut were Misses Leah
Parsons, Mamie George, Essie
#vans, Willile Barrentine, Eula
¥vans, Pearle George, Liliie Hyde,
Beli Howell, Willie Sue and Sudie
Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. John Evans
and Mrs, Ocklla Youmans; Messrs
Fwory Ennis, George Gaff,
Grady McDaniel, Willie Bryant,
Jonn Cooper, Larkin Gaff, Ches
ter Britt, Jim Evans, Griffin Dor- 1
miney, Corbit and Clarence Hyde{
and Cecil Clark. |
- » T
Drt. G. W.Mcl.ean
Rocms 512-513 FRHOCINZ 438.
Garbutt Donovan fuilding
Filth Fioor
Sunday Hours, 9 to 10
Miss Alma Roberts is visiting
friends in Ocalla, Fla.
Mrs. J. E. Mercer and Miss Blos
som. will leave soon for Atlanta to
spend a month or more.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dickson and
Miss Chester Wibanks. of Osierfield,
Were visitors in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. A.l. Davies and Miss
Clara Mae Davies are the guests of
their daughter and sister, Mrs. J. A.
Miss Myrtice Howell and Mr. Fred
E. Waters, of Ocilla, passed through
the city Saturday enroute to Albany
to attend the Baraca convention.
Misses Mary Eva and Ola Mae
Martin entertained very delightfully
last Friday evening at their home
on North Main St., in honor of Miss
Grace Beck, of Americus.
The house was prettily decorated
with quantities of summer flowers
and ferns, and the evening was de
lightfully spent playing various
‘games, interspersed with music.
Delicious punch was served through
out thedvening, and at a late hour a
tempting ice course was served.
The Misses Martin dispensed a most
delightful hospitality and the affair
was enjoyed by about fifty friends.
Miss Mable Rogers entertained
most charmingly Monday after
noon, in honor of her sisters, Mrs.
J. M. Cobb and Mrs, R, C, Keller,
of Uniontown, Ala., and Miss
Woodrow, of Philadelphia, who is
with Mrs. Alex McDonald, The
party was from 4 till 6 o’clock,
and the tables for rook were tastily
arranged on the spacious veran
dahs. The punch bowl was very
gracefully pres:ded over by Miss
Blossom Mercer and Miss Iliza
beth Pryor, and at the conclusion
of the game, an elaborate course
of refreshments was served by
Miss Rogers and Miss Rosa Mae
Those erjoying Miss Rogers’
hospitality were: Mesdames J. M.
Cobb, R. C, Keller, C, A, Holtzen
dorf, Thomas J. Dickey, George
E. Ricker, G. P. Mingledorf,
George L. Kilcrease, J. C, Bush,
James L.. McCarty, Jack Mayes,
John Russell, A. K. Russell, J.
C. Irving, A. J. McDonald, J. B.
Wall, R. E. Lee, and Misses
Woodrow, Blossom Mercer, Inez
and Verna McLauchl'n, Elizabeth
Pryor, Epsie Campbeli, Maay
|Powers, May Wilcox, and Rosa
Mae Adams.
All fitted in suits, shirts
and underwear at Golden
burgs Excursion Rate Sale.
Mr, B. T, Strickland went up
to Cordele to-day on business,
Mr. Farrand Osborune has ac
cepted a temperary stenographic
position with Commercial Agent,
G. A, Cartwright of the A. B. &
A., to relieve Miss Vera Hubbard
who is away on a vacation.
Mr. William McCormick left
to-day for Macon to attend the
Funeral Directors’ Convention.
The last days Golden
burgs Excursion Rate Sale.
Mr. Clyde Z. Walker has re
signed his position as assistant
cashier of the American State
Bank, to go with the Southeastern
Yaryan Company, with headquar
ters at Brunswick.
Mrs. Fey uiticEß ENTERTAINS,
One of the most delightful affairs
o° tle season was the Disp'ay Rook
Party given Thurday afternoon from
four to six, by Mrs. T. F. Hemming
er, in honor ot her sister, Miss Ad
diegene Cars»n, of Toomsboro, and
Miss Mary Colley, of Dawson, who
is visiting Miss Modena Powell.
The pretty little home was beau
tifully decorated with potted plants
and cut flowers. Bon-bons were
placed on each of the playing tables,
and punch was served throughout
the afternoon. Anice-cream course
was served after the games were
Those invited were Misses Carson,
Colley, Mary Powers, Lobingier, Isla
Green and her visitor, Barbara Har
liss, of Florida; Iva Rogers, Nobles,
Mary Bailey, Modena Powell, Mrs.
Turner and Mrs. Muldoon.
| Mgs. Moore's “At HoMme.”
‘ Mrs. William Blunt Moore enter
‘tained most charmingly last Friday
afternoon at an “At Home” from 4
to 6 o'clock in honor of her sister,
Mrs. James O. Jones, of Raleigh, N. C.
The living room and dining room
were lovely with their effective dec
orations oi pink and white Hydran
In the receiving line with the
hostess were Mrs. Jones, Mrs. J. M.
Cobb, Mrs. R. C. Keller, Mrs. G.C.
Smith, Mrs. John Russell and Miss
Mable Rogers. The guests were
met at the door by Mrcs. Curtis M.
Wise, and were ushered to the din
ing room by Mrs. George E' Ricker
and Mrs. J. C. Irving. Serving in
the dining room were Misses Kath
leen Brasweli, Ruth Abram and
Mary Alice Phillips.
The many friends of Miss Daisy
Locke and Mr. Clifton Indram will
be interested in the announcement
of their marriage, which was quietly
solemnized Thursday at F't. Valley,at
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
R. A. Locke.
The bride recently moved to Fort
Valley, having lived in Fitzgerald
the five years previous. She is the
youngest daughter of Mrs. Locke,
and is an attractive young worman
of sweet disposition and charming
personality which win for her
friends wherever known. The groom
for a number has made Fitzgerald
his home, holding a responsible posi
tion with the larmer-Garbutt Co.,
cotton dealers, and being a young
man of integrity and splendid busi
ness capacity, is held in high esteem
by his employers and all who know
Mr. and Mrs. Ingran left imme
diately after the cermony for a visit
with his family in Opelika, Ala., and
after July Ist will be at home to
their many friends at the home of
Mrs. E. Graly Hale on Central Ave.
Mr. Henry Brunner left this morn
ing morning for an extended tour of
the old country, visiting Germany,
Holland, Honolulu, England, Italy,
France and other countries. Mr.
Rruner came to this country from
Germany when an infant; was rear
ed in the west and was a Union sol
dier during the civil war, and this
is his first visit to his native country.
He will be gone several months, and
the hearty good wishes of num >rous
friends go with him for a most en
joyable trip.
Professor Yeomans, of Ocilla, was
in the city Saturday, enroute home.
Mr. Jesse Gibson spent the week-e
end with friends in Jonesboro.
Mr. Harry Rogers, of Ocilla, spent
Sunday in the city with relatives.
Mr. D. W. M. Whitley left yester
day for Indian Springs to attend the
annual convention of county officers.
Mr. W. H. Ellington has received
the sad intelligence of the death of
his brother, Mr. G. T. Ellington, who
succumbed to heart failure at Mont
evallo, Ala., last week.
Boy Scouts, Attention!
The Boy Scouts’ trip to Bowen's
Mill is postponed from Wednesday
to Friday. Scour MASTER.
WWQWWVW"vvvvv -
* G @
Remnant Sale
Will continue till Saturday night the 22nd.
1 New Remnants being added each 1
day. Remember you get them at
2 just one-half (/2) price. 2
One more week in
our Clothing De
at the following prices:
Suits up to $25.00 only $14.98
< . 1650 “ 12.48
. s 9.48
25 per cent Discount off all men
and boys Odd Trousers
Boys Suits less 25 per cent.
New clean stock, NO “brought
"~ overs.”
Special reduction on ladies,
misses and childrens
All American Beauty Corsets
2 Price.
One lot of mén and boys Hats,
worth up to $1.50,
only 93c.
5 Story Bldg Sells it for less Fitzgerald, Ga.