Newspaper Page Text
Otficial Organ Ben Hill County,
6 &5 ®
Empire Store Showing of newest Fall (oods
~ Lvery day the leadership of this big store is more clearly illustrated in the showing of these new Fall and Winter
lines--quality--generous selections in every line--and liberal savings on each purchase--are the reasons that make this
store the popular trading place of Fitzgerald and this entire section--
& Lovel ;
& Lovely new duits an
RN :
@Js Dresses for this week—
& W?a["f:}.; \\ They come and go daily--Lovely Suits and Dresses they
i[,j L are too-—-beautifully made-—-just the correct style touch---
i :I*/(H '\ Individual styles, no two alike-—it’s no wonder Fitzgerald
{l/I,' ”J “,.\\? \ Ladies are picking them up as fast as shown---
| ‘ ]%[}i“t} \}s,‘@“ Many of these charming Suits scarcely reach the De
e ‘\&fé\' parment before they in are possession of some discriminat
ei i i
e /‘.,,'si;j,;;{ ! / ] ing and wise purchaser---
\ { "/‘/’gl‘.;;fj' j}i’ll i3’ f / They’re the cream of present seasons styles--elegantly
,“ ! /",;';I, ifif*i IH / tailored--correct in every little detail of style--and our de-
I’k‘i\ {//’H ‘\|l " partment store way of selling them saves you from $5.00
| \‘" f /‘,’s i jl‘ to $lO.OO on almost any suit you purchase---
b ¥ -
(1 olt Nobby Coat Suits for Girls $9.98, $10.98, $11.98
' ;;z”“/yljfjfi \\'\ They are the new Juniors for 13 and 18 year old Girls
. ['{r//, ,l;\\ : . °
J%; ,‘.\‘}\v‘éw New Diagonal and Whip Cord Suits $13.98, $16.98, $21.98
prinfzessl | :
m@ § - More new Silk, Charmeuse and Serge Dresses $4.98 to 15.98
Nice Little
Little things that give the
correct style touch to the new
Fall costume---
Vanity Bags 28¢ 80c and $I
Card Cases and Vanity Boxes
50c to $1.50
Vanity Bag Chains 23c to $1
New Hand Bags 50c to $1.98
Robespierre Collars 25¢
Childrens Patent Belts 25¢
Gold Front Beauty Pins 25¢ pr
Gold and Silver Bar Pins 25, 50
° ® ,
Piehlers Children’s Shoes
Patent--tan & _
gunmetal--best &
style---best e
wearing Shoes U
for Children NI
and Misses--- Bl \
$1 to $3 S
Negro Burglar Shot
by Dr, Holizendorf
Fitzgerald has the consolation
of being rid of at least one of the
thieves who have been breaking
in houses for the past several
weeks, for at the coroners inquest
held over the body of the npgro.
whom Dr. C. A, Holtzendorf skt
Saturday, different articles were
found in his possession that proved
peyond a question that he bad
been identified with several of the
In the negro’s possession were
found the following articles, a
pocket knife stolen from the home
of J. C. Buckley, a watch charm
stolen from Mr. Jack Rogers’
bhome, a pistol stolen from Mr.
George L. Taylor, a pair of pants
belonging to Glen Ryman and a
suit of clothes belonging to Mr,
C. A. Miller.
His last act of thievery was the
Lovely Fall Milh
Gage and Friedman Pattern Hats
They’re the most becoming Fall Hats
we've ever seen--and there’s a style
touch about them that you’ll not find
in the ordinary makes--
Charming Hats at every price from
$4.98 to $13.50 in the choicest crea
tions from Americas best milliners.
'New Childrens Hats $l.OO to $2.50
Velvet Trimmed Hats--Felt Hats--
Some real pretty ones in this lot--We
will be glad to have you see them--
stealing of Dr, Holtzendorf’s ducks
and a coop of chickens belonging
to someone else, Dr, Holtzendorf
Jocated his ducks at the Lee-Grant
Hotel and upon Inquiry learnea
they had been brought there by
‘an unknown negro the day before.
;The next morning, the same negro
showed up at the Lee-Grant with
&a wheel-barrow full of chickens
‘and the clerk immediately phoned
Dr. Holtzendorf. The Doctor
!came and as it was very early in
the morning started out unaccom
panied except by his duck thief
for the lock-up. .Before reaching
the jail however, the negro became
unruly and tried to overpower his
his captor, and was really in act of
doing it when Dr. Holtzendorf
managed to get his hand on his
pistol. He shot twice killing the
negro instantlv. The verdict of
itbe coroner’s jury was murder in
Three more salesmen wanted by
Cherokee Marble Works apply to
'C. W. Hayes, manager. 75 2t.
The new Shoes for Ladies Fall and Winter wear "™ Suus twiwin
Shoes of newest style--the good fitting--good wearing kind--$2.50 to $5.00
W.R BOWEN, President J.A. MURPHY, Manager
~ We pay
- Express
Charges on
Cash Orders
of $5 or
Miss Ollie May Howder Dead
A telegram from Mound City,
Kansas, last week, bears the sad
intelligence of the death of Miss
Ollie May Howard, who succumb
ed after a short illness. Miss
Howder was well known here,
having formerly lived here. She
was a daughter of Mr. J. W.
Howder, and a sister of Mrs. W.
B, Brown, both of Zion City, Ill.;
also a sister of Mr. Will Howder,
who is an army officer. The
many friends of the deceased
will be grieved to hear of her
death, and extend to the relatives
their heart-felt sympathy,
Hon. J. A. J. Henderson, of
Ocilla, was trausacting business
in the city yesterday.
Young man stenographor want
ed by Cherokee Marble Works.
Apply to C. W. Hayes manager.
L 15-2¢.
New Silks--Woolens
@ ®
Dress Trimmings--
Yard wide Messaline and Serge
Silks, solids, fancies $l.OO a yard
38 inch Crepe de Chinee in street
and evening shades $1.25 and $1 yd
Fine wool serges in all the popular
shades, $1.50, 98¢, 75¢c and 50c¢ yard
The new Gilt and Silver Bands and
Fringes at 15¢ to $3.00 a yard -
The new Venise all-over Laces and
Bands 10c to $3.50 a yard.
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Copytight h;fincr & Mar~
Overdose of Chloral
Kills M. Robertson
A man by the name of Robert
son, and giving Orangeburg, S.
C., as his home, died yesterday
afternoon about 2 o’clock as a re
sult of an overdose ef chloral.
The poiscn was administered
by his own hand, although it is
the opinion of the proprietors of
the Marion Hotel, where he was
stopping, also of Dr. Goethe, that
the man had no intention of com
mitting suicide. Shortly after
taking the fatal dose he told the
housekeeper he was ill and asked
for Dr. Goethe. The physician
was immediately phoned but was
not able to answer the summons
at once, and when he did reach
the house, Robertson was ina
dying condition. It is believed
Robertson took the drug as a last
resort to having his trial for for
gery of a check postponed and
Our Hart, Schaffner and
Marx Cloth rtal
winners !
Its a cinch, men--to buy such hand tailored fine fitting
Clothes as these for our present prices-- .
. There’s no chance to go wrong--Finest all wool fabrics that
fit you right now--Every suit guaranteed to wear to YOUR
satisfaction--newest styles, best workmanship--
Over a million men in America
are wearing Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Evidence that they’re SOME Clothes isn’t it? If you don’t
know about them, ask the first well dressed man you see--
he’ll tell you about them--
The new Blues, Blacks, Mixtures--
Suits and Overcoats $lB to $3O
Come in and try on a Coat or two--you’ll see why they’re
the best-- :
Our new Stetson Hats, Derbys, soft Shapes $3.50 to $6
Manhattan Shirts, “Known as the Best” $1.50 to $2.50
BoydenShoes $5.50, $6 Douglas Shoes $3 to $4.50
Special Sale Silk Socks 6 pairs in Box for $1.50
These Boys Suits __ &9
;?5?'3 = [
at $5, $5050 $6 ?fsiés"gl \
| AN
wonderful values g ‘*;/ 2
For the 6to 18 year old Boys ;“ lq “fi |
Mannish Clothes for the little fellows, ¢ »‘\\\i ¥ mm{i i\
6to 12 year sizes. Snappr young mens ‘[\ ‘ mm 3
styles for the larger boys |3 to I 8 years ) )
peg top Pants, swell Coats. e /’
There’s tone and character in . every 4“\‘“!} {\\
one of these Hercules suits for boys--- i &) S 8
and you get not only the newest and 3:%
best styles but the best fitting, best &
wearing boys clothes we know of-- {‘,‘gé 4 .
Start at $2.50 and go to $lO.OO-at every 5 Jf| B 3
price the best-- o ) S
given to all
Mail Orders
that he doubtless thought the
doctor would reach his bedside in
time to save his life. His trial
was set for 2 o’clock yesterday
afternoon and he took the fatal
dose shortly after one. It is be
lieved as that is the time he went
to his room and later called for a
physician. Dr. Goethe states that
judging from his dying symtoms
death was caused by an overdose
of chloral.
Persons And Gungle
Open Tailoring
Messrs C. C. Persons and Paul
Gungle have to-day opened a first
class tailoring establishment at 117
East Pine street, right across the
street from Maffett’s and are
ready for business. They will do
a general tailoring business, press
ing, French dry cleaning, altering,
hat blocking, ete., Mr. Persons
states that it is their intention to
do only high class work, and they
Wunderhose 25¢ pr
Best Ever Childrens Hose
School Hose Linen Toe and Heel ISsc¢
In Ladies fine Lisle spliced Heel 15¢
“These are remarkable wearers”
‘expect to put a style to the suits
which they make that will place
them in a class all to themselves.
As is well known Mr, Gungle is
one of the best tailors that h: &
ever struck Fitzgerald and made
for himself an erviable reputation
while with Willis L. Smith and
later Morrison.
Mr, Gungle will have supervis
ion of the tailoring feature: of the
concern, and Mr. Persons will
’manage the business end of it, We
think them a good team and their
individual popularity and energy
will no doubt draw a large patron=
age for the establishment.
California lion hunters did a
pretty good business last month,
according to recent reports issued
by State Comptroller Nye, which
shows that 38 lions were killed in
22 counties, and the state has paid
a total of $760 for the scalps.
Mendocino county leads the other
counties, five lions having been
brought to earth by hunters up