Newspaper Page Text
I Profesminiat Lards E
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Fire, L ~ B TEnCe
411 G i sding
W 4 By by i
HOIM . RS, Masag
Telep:: it wiets aad they
‘wi“rcce.~ e At atievidiion
CE, '-“ 5'.3‘ : ',: 4 -E, 3 i,,
Fresh i and dysters
Iv :
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PHone 26 L SRtEwa Ntradd
H ELK: e
At ,
Rooms 4t
Will pr= :
s ’ sthe
Johnni: “iae Brougthon
} Teachor of Pian
Syathatic : Metho
Pupil of ‘ierr sounis Schovobel
FRED & oT7l¢: HAb W
Booi and Shoe Lakers
212 . fine Stree:
Fine and “übstantial coan
| Promptiv Done.
BR. Lutiis & URKE? l
Rooms 208 204 1-2, 2v.0 : i
& = : bty i
; o SE R
DRH j- L‘& E uwgd‘:L {
IL§g,@,e cealisi
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throa
i ;
815 Century Buildiny {
é__.«,a-fl. eSSRR L Rt
fice Fourth Floor Garbutt-Donavan Blde
Office Hours:
10to12A.M. 3teßP. M.
Phone 266 Residence
. % 469 Office
1 Specialty:
pases of Wemen and Children
. Try The
3est Place In Town,
P. & R. B. OWEN, Props.
19 East Pine Street
Dr. J. i ETTTott V Dr. F E K.eefer
Office lurs, 8:12 a.m. 2:05 p.m.
Offices—ll-212 5-Story Bldg.
jtzgerald, Ga. ‘
I can obun money on farm
fands for yu ut reasonable inter
est rates fon period of five vears.
Talk it ove with me, Ifll can
not do betté than anybody else,
there’s no han done. If vou ex
pect to need ny money this Fall,
see me at opc, Don’t wait un:il
your neighboigets 1t all.
68-tf, Clayton Jay.
e—— e ————
: Wood fyr School
. The Boara ¢ Educa‘ion will
receive bids for furuishing wood
gor the schools, Seasoned green
our feet long orheart dead wood
rs wanted. Addiess your bids to
H. B. Ritchie, Supt.
| Announcements
"or Alderman.
At the request of friends 1 here
by unvouvice myself a candidate
tor A i tvom the second
ward. Your support and vote
i i ioprecinted
J.-H. Burke,
For Alderman.
I bereny apnounce myself as
i for Alderman for reelec-
A eorg the 4th ward, Your
e port and vote will be appreciat-
Burr Stokoe.
For Alderman.
At the request of many of my
frievcs, I hereby announce as
cai cidate for Alderman from the
first ward. 1 11l appreciate your
~upport and vote in the election of
Dec. 17. 1912
B. Harold Beaul.
or Alderman.
At the solicitation of my friends,
I hereby snnounce myseif a candi
dsxte sroms the third ward, Your
+4 1 fluence earnestly solicit
ed .
. A. Jolley.
#or Alderman
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Alderman from the Third
Ward, subject to the December
Primary. Your vcte and influence
will be appreciated. '
R. B. Fletcher.
I announce myself a candidate
for r<-election to the office of Al
derman for the 4th. Ward. If
smored with your vote I shall do
my full daty to the best interests
o' the eity. :
Clarence A. Miller,
I arrounee myself a candidate
for Justiee of Peace for 1537 Dis
tiect G. M Ben Hill County
« neh olection takes place on Dec.
7 1912
Yur vote will be appreciated.
Chus. B. Teal.
¥ or Alderman
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for .ilderman from the First
Ward, subject to the December
Primary. Will Appreciate your sup
J. Lee Pittman.
" For
I announce myself candidate
for the office of Alderman from
the Second Ward.
I will appreciate the support of
the voters at the city election on
Dec., 17, 1912.
C. A. Fretwell.
For Water, Light and <ond
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for re-election as a
member of the Water, Light and
Bond Commission. I will appre
ciate the support of my friends
and assure the citizens a contin
uance of faithful service if elec
ted. W. H. KENDRICK.
~ Estray Notice.
I have taken up two mules at
my place east of the city, and
this to notify the owner to call
for them, pay for keep and this
ad. Oneis a black horse mute
with mark in right ear, and the
other i 3 a red mare mule with
mark n left edr.
34-2tp R. F. D. No. 3.
On account of ill health, I am
forced to sell or rent my chicken
farm and garden. This is a soft
snap for the right party to step
right in a paying business. One
mile north of town.
83 3tp M. Griffin,
Fitzgerald, Ga., R. F. D. No. 2.
Follow the crowd to The Ben
Hill County Fair. d ‘
Judge Maddox Wants
To Hold Two Oifices
Atlanta, Oct. 31.—Judge John
W. Maddvx, of Rome, who was
in Atlanta yesterday, is quoted
as saying that he intends to hold
on both the judgship of the Floyd
county superior court and to the
presidency of the State Mutuai
Life Insurance company. It had
been expected, particularly a
short time ago when the Judge
sat in a case involving insurance
qnestions, that he would feel the
necessity of resigning one or the
other office. |
Judge Maddoxjaas said, however
that he thinks he can retain both
without one conflicting with t! e
other. His view, however, is not
shared entirely by members of
the bar on one hand or by insur
ance men on the other. Repre
sentative men of both professions
for time past have been frank in
their criticism; it is not fair to
the public and not fair to J udg«
‘Maddox himself, they say.
The situation has already been
brought to the attention of the
state insurance commissioner and
to the governor, but it is under
stood that neither official has yet
expressed any opinion on the sub
ject. That the Judge, in justice
to himself, will be forced to re
linquisl one or the other of the
offices, seems to be the general
opinion here. The question has
been raised, indeed, as to wheth
er he can hold them both law
fully. '
In the event Judge Maddox
should prefer to resgn the judg
ship, the most proable applicants
for the bench are Hon. G. R.
Hutchens and G. E. Maddocks,
the son of the present judse. 1
is said that G. E. Maddox woula
stand a very good chance, as he
'managed Governor Brown’s cam
lpaign, and is credited with hav
ing, as well as his father, a strong
influence in the executive office,
Bocker s 3iven Death
New York, October 30,—Chas.
Becker, former police lieutenant,
convicted of procuring the murder
of the gambler Herman Rosenthal,
was today sentenced to die in the
electric chair at Sing Sing during
the week of December 9. Sentence
was pronounced by Justice Goff.
The prisoner and his wife ac
compunied by the sheriif and depu
:ties Jeft the grand central station
i;ur Ossiuiug av 11:55. Mrs. Beck
‘er bore up bravely. She will take
!up her residence at Ossining.
~ Becker’s execution will be stay
ed by a notice of appeal, soon to
be filed by bis counsel, which may
require a year to determine.
Becker heard himself condemned
without any show of emotion oth
er than the closing of his eyes and
the compression of his lips,
J. F. Mclntyre. Beckers’ chief
counsel, who suffered a nervous
collapse after the close of the trial
was unable to be in court toaay.
His condition is serious though
not critical. .
World’s Greatest
Battleship Is
New York, Oct. 30—The super
dreadnought, New York, greatest
of the world’s sea fighters, was
launched today at the navy yard
at Brooklyn.
Forty thousand persons, includ
ing Prusident Taft and the seere
tary of the navy, attended the
Miss Elsie Calder, daughter of
fßepresentat.ive Wm. Calder, of
‘Brooklyv, christenen the ship.
Atlanta Locker-Clubs.
Atlanta, Oct. 31.—The chief of
police is making a second tour of
inspection of the Atlanta locker
clubs, observing how drinks are
being kept and sold. Whether
any further raids or arrests will
follow the inspeetion has net yet
been announced. |
Missionary Notes.
The Missionary Study Classes
of the different Wards have each
ben reorsairized and met lact
Monday for the first time. An
enroliment of forty-five names
is very encouraging for a begin
ning, and we believe even great
er interest thun existed last year
will be manifested. ‘‘China’s
New Day’’ is being studied and
is full of material which will en
lighten and arouse interest.
How about it? Why should
you observe it? Because this
campaign is being conducted un-
Jer the auspices of the Protestant
churchesof America through thi:
combined home mission forces. "
Because Home Mission Week is
.11 attempt to impress upon every
‘man and woman of every church
of every evangelistical denomi
nation in this country the su
nreme importance of saving
America for the kingdom cf God
and to convince them that they
have a distinct personal respon
sibility in the performance of thi:
stupenduous task.
Because the American Home
Mission enterprise is the biggest,
vroadest movemeat in the United
States and stands for the physi
cal, social, intellectual and relig
ious emancipation of all the peo
Because every Protestant
~hurch in America should become
1 part of what promises to be the
xrcatest movement of the church
of 1912.
BECAUSE the Woman’s Home
Department of the Board of Mis
sions is dependent upon your ir
dividual help in creating interest
in this part of church work. The
great need of twenty thousand
dolars with which to meet pres
ent obligations of our woman’s
work makes it necessary for uni
ted effort and special collectio
must be made a special work of
ilome Mission Week, Nov, 17 ¢+
The present condition of «ffairs
in China makes the proposition
rather a serious one, which en~-
fronts our missionaries, politi
cally, but we are glad to state
that it has not abated the desire
among the natives for the Chris
tian religion. Are we doing our
duty owards China?
Mr. Bramwell Booth announcse
that the Salvation Army is to
place a staff of fifty officers in
China to organize the Army’s op
erations 1n the Middle Kingdom.
The reports from our mission
ary schools ia Brazil, Mexico
land China are indeed very en
lcouragring. Since the opening of
‘the present session all the build
ings are found inadequate, be—{
‘cause of the great increasein the
number of punpils.
May the time speedily come
when these buildings will have
been enlarged and increased in
number sufficiently to accommo
date every native who desires ad
Yours fraternally,
Superintendent Press Work.
Revokes Licenses of
Four Insurance Co.’s
Atlanta, Nov. 3. Comptroller
W. A. Wright has barred four
companies from business in Geor
gia, revoking their licenses. They
‘were the Home Friendly Society
of Baltimore and the North. Car-i
olina Mutual Providence Society
of Durham, N. C., both assess
ment life eompanies, and the
Georgia Mutual of Macon and
Gordon County Mutual Industrial
of Calhaun, both assessment fire
companies. They were barred
for failure to comply with the
terms of the new law.
The insurance commissioner
has called on all the fire compan
jes for the small tax assessed for
the purpose of paying the ex
pensesof a fire marshal and that
official will be designated as soon
as the amount is collected.
Meet your friends at Ben Hill
County Lair, :
COFFINS 2o & i
iy 4 ST ARE s
CASKETS mniiNi o
All prices from the Rt CTN IR
cheapest to the best. All calls receive our immediate
attention. : 1 : : g 3 :
Day Phone 116 Night Phone 375
Engines s
Agent for the best Gasoline Engines. Expert on Gas
Engines—will give prompt attention to all calls in my line
on how often you send your shirts, collars, cuffs,
etc., to this laundry, until they're no longer wear
able. That will convince you that we prolong
the life of linen beyond most washers and ironers
Test our work---we can stand it.
White Swan Steam Laundry
Let us figure with you before you pur-
Purchase your Building Material
F. M. Graham & Company
Mill on East Magnolia St. Office East Pine St,
'Phone 14. FITZGERALD, GA.,
Mrs. Lucile McCrory
Teacher of Expression, Piano and Voice
Musical History A Specialty :
Morning Class in Physical Culture arid Hygiene
Studio 3rd Floor, Corner Room Buice Bldg. | Phone 69-J
Wall-Fretwell Realty Company
Real Estate, Renting, Loans,
Fire Insurace, Collections
’C Oal The Fitzgerald Ice Company wishes every
———— body a warm winter. But if you are cold
‘remember that we sell the best heatins material. Phone
us your COAL orders. Price $5.75 per ton.
October and November Delivery
Let me show you my prices and
Remember The Dead! styles of Monuments.---Twenty
three years Years experience in the business. A postal card will
bring me to you.
G. W. HERRINGTON, 503 N. Lee street, Fitzgerald, Ga.
e L e sGI i i
Farmers! “our price Is $lB.OO Per Ton.
Baker Supply Co.--Opera House Building