Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Ben Hill County,
n owm ® # ®
fom B Sencational selling &, Empire Store
Until Christmas , the l)
QUICK step in every department of this big store--Unusual value giving every one of the 20 business days that
remain--choicest lines here for your choosing:-bigger--brighter--better--than ever before in our history---
For the Ladies and Girls
Lace Collars-- :
Shirt Waists--
Best Kid Gloves--
Finest Silk Gloves--
Silk Hosiery--
Vanity Bags--
Hand Knit Slippers--
Bed Room Slippers--
Silver Purses--
Hand Bags--
Coin Purses and Chains--
Trunks and Bags--
Lovely new
Just received the big
gest Ribbon stock of the
season--New ideas for
Christmas--all widths--all
colors--Prices start at lc
ayard and go as high
as you want--
Trunks and
Suit Cases
Make the most accept
able kind of presents--
10 & Off
10c Outing f0r........... 9c¢
10c Ginghams f0r.......9¢
12%;c Ginghams for ..10c
10c Bleaching f0r........8¢
10c White Lawn f0r.....8c
About Your Future
Do you know anything about it? Have you
any idea what is to become you when old age
creeps on you, or in case some sickness or acci
dent should be visited upon you?
If you have given the matter much thought,
you have certainly determined to do the right
thing by yourself--to judiciously lay aside a part
of your earnings. If you have not done this, you
had better do so now. If you are an intelligent
man or woman, you will give the matter serious
We hope that this consideration will lead to
your opening an account with us. $l.OO opens
an account.
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, Georgia
The Bank for Your Savings
A Christmas gift that will save you real money--
e Off Lad d
10 & Ladies an
@ e
Girls Suits and Coats-—-
NEW‘stylish Suits from leadirg American makers in the
seasons most wanted materials---
AT the Empire Stores regular prices these were sold low
3 enough in all reason—and prudent thoughtful women in
Fitzgerald have enabled us to double our previous years
business by their ready realization of this fact--
THEREFORE we predict the liveliest selling under pres
ent unusual Christmas reductions--its a saving the wise
ones will be quick to take---
And the Ladies and Childrens Coats at the same reductions
10 SEX off all Art Squares and Rugs
Beautiful Axminster Rugs and Squares, Lovely Sherwin
Persian Squares -Apollo Squares in Greecian Patterns—lts a
big saving folks—you can start now at $4.25 and go to $29.25
and save from $1.50 to $3.25 on any big rug you buy--small
rugs at same reductions---
After the number mentioned has been served the price
will be 5¢ yd--Only best grades are sold at the Empire Store--
J. & P. Coats Cotton 4c a spoal
Butterick Patterns 10c & 15¢
Wunderhose the best for 26¢
Thompsons Glove Fitting Corsets
Bon Ton French Corsets
$27.00 Suits now $24.30
$20.00 Suits now $lB.OO
$15.00 Suits now $l3 50
on SPECIAL SALE Wednesday
10 O’clock at the Calico Counter
The first ‘25 customers can buy best 8 yds l 9 c
6c and 7c Calico--anv color: .. ... ... .: for
3 QO’clock at the Calico Counter
The first 25 customers can buy best 8 yds I9c
6e and 7c Calico--8 yd dresses for .....9 for
$25 00 Suits now $22.50
$2O 00 Suits now $lB 00
$12.50 Suits now $ll 25
| | sTORE
W R BOWN. President J. A, MUxPHY.Manager
Atlantans Oppose
Of The Change
Street Names
Atlanta, Dec. 2—Declaring that
the incessant changing of street
names has been a maria with At
lanta in the past, and that the time
has come to put a stop to it, For
est Adair is leading a determined
resistence fight azainst any further
changes. He is backed by many
citizens who regret to see names
that were given streets to com
memorate beloved or heroic citi
zens ruthlessly changed for some
more modern appelation,
Episcopal Church.
Second Sunday in Advent.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Prayer and sermon
11 o’clock.
Evening Prayer and sermon
7:30 o’clock. ;
A cordial invitation is extended
to the public to worship with us.
Here's real money, men--An Empire Store gift--
worth while!
ceve OFf all Hart, Shaft
10 Off all Hart, Shattner
& Marx Suits & £
E'VERY MAN in Fitzgerald knows the value of
Hart, Shaffner & Marx clothes--knows they're the
best clothes made at every price from $lB to $3O--and
it gdoes without saving that the reduction will make
lively selling at this popular men’s store.
10 per cent. chopped off right before Christiras, is a gift that
prudent men will be quick to take advantage of.
All Go at 10 Per Cent of Regular Selling Price.
12.22 for suits worth to $16.2
= |Ol SUItS WOItN 10 S
OVER a hundred suits in this lot, men--they're
mostly $l5 to $16.50 sellers--we’ve bunched them
all at one price for this Christmas sale--$12.50.
BLUE\, §lack and Fancy Styles, all in this lot--and
the size runs from 33 to 48 chest measure. ;
And a Christmas Gift for
A watch and fob free with every one of
the BOV these Hercules All Wool Suits.
Serge Suits--Novelty Suits--two and three button styles,
with full peg top pants for the 11 to 18 year fellows.
. Smart Norfolk and Sailor Suits for the little chaps 2% to
10 years—nobby —new —good wearing—
ss.oo, $5.50, $6.00, 36.50, $7.00 $7.50
And you'll find these the hest boys’ suits you'vy ever seen for the
money—all wool—rain proof—moth proof —perspiration proof.
Alsofsurate Boys' Suits $2.75 to $4.50
Mothers—Fathers—Here's a chance to stretch your Christmas
money —They’re Woodbine clothes—all sizes 6 to 18 years.
Ladies of the Macabees
Pay Handsome
Death Claim
Lady Laura Miller, Record keep
er for Hive No. 9 in the state of
Georgia, has just been favored
with benefit warrant in the sum of
one thousand dollars in payment
of claim of Ollie M. Howder
This is a real endorsement of
worth for the ladies of the Maca
bees, and should make every hol
der of a certificate, in that protec
tive order, prize such certificate
more highly.
The Hive No. 9 is in a prosper
ous condition and well officered.
Prof. E. L. Brittain
Elected President
Louisville, Ky,, Nov. 30.—E.
L. Britain, of Atlanta, was this
afternoon elected president of the
Southern Educational Association.
W. K. Tate, of Columbia, S, C.,
was elected vice president.
Dorothy Dedd Shoes for Women
Boyden and Douglas for Men
Douglas Shoes for Boys
John B. Stetson Hats
Manhattan Shirts
13,975,000 Bales
For the 1912 Crop
New Orleans, La., December 2.
—This season’s cotton crop will
total 13,975.000 bales, according
to estimates compiled by the New
Orleans Times-Democrat from a
canvass of reports from corres
pondents in every cotton-growing
state, :
This estimate does not include
linters and repacks,
The correspondents generally
report that the farmers have been
free sellers at current prices. The
crop, it is stated, has been picked
and ginned with unusual rapidity,
The Times-Democrat figures on
production by states as follows:
Alabama, 1,250,000; Arkansas,
850,000; Georgia and Florida,
1,900,000; Louisiana, 450,000;
Mississippi, 1,100,000; Oklahoma,
1,100,000; North Carolina, 950,000
South Carolina, 1,250,000; Texas,
4,750,000; Tennessee, 275,00; all
other states, 100,000. Total, 13,-
VoL. XVII. NO. 93
For the Men and Boys
Bath Robes--
Watch Fobs--
Cuff Buttons--
Stick Pins--
Special combination
boxes of Hosiery, Neck
wear and Handkerchiefs
Suit Cases--
Special values in Men
and Boys Underwear--
25¢,.35¢, and 50¢
a Garment--either fleeced
or ribbed--
Dolls! '
For the Children---A
special purchase of fine
Dolls--Full bodied kidlyne
Dolls---Esquimo Doils---
Fancy Character Dolls---
Bisque Dolls---Celluloid
Dolls--all prices from---
e to $3.98
Rev Guyton Fisher
Goes To Macorr
The morning papers contained
the appointments as red out at the
sessions of the south Gecrgia Con
ference in Savannah yesterdav.
Rev. Guyton Fisher, who has been
pastor of Centrsl Methodist Church
for the past three years, will be
situated in Macon next year, and
his pulpit here will be occupied
by Rev. George W. Mathews.
A class in ‘““Training in Bible
Study” was organized among the
women of the Baptist church,
Monday p.m. with Mrs. Ellison
as leader, The class meets in
ladies parlor of Baptist church
each first and third Morday after
noon at three o’clock, Visitors cor
dially welcome,
Now is just the time to get that
suit made to your individual
measure, while you can get it
for about half price. Big range
of patterns to select from.