Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Ben Hill Count
Lovelv Dolls for the Children at the Empire Store
Kid body and Jointed Dolls
25¢, 50¢, 7Tscadupl $3.95
Empire Store Savings on
the New Silks and Woolens
36-inch Messaline in solid and
fancy stripes—special.. ......... 980 Yd
27-inch Serge Silk in new stripes-unusual values f0r.... 75¢ yd
- 36-inch Serge Silks in the
new stripes--unusual values for 980 Yd
Black Charmeuse 40 Inches Wide—New-for .......... $l5O yd
Special 18-inch Tatfeta and A
Messaline Sitks--50c values for 390 y d
Crape de Chine--uew street and evening shades ... 98¢ yd
The new Serges, Whipcords,
Diagonals, 98¢, 75¢, $l5O and 48c Yd
§o¢ all woo! Dress Goods, 36-inch widths . ............2%¢ yd
The new Gilt and Silver $
bead bands & allovers 15¢ to 2 .98 Yd
The new Braid Trimmings in Persion ._......50c to 75c yd
The new Venice Bands & $ I ‘
over Laces for yokes, 10c to 3.50 Yd
Fine silk siripe and sofid color Poplin and Repp ... 26c vd
Fleaviest best I°¢ Gingham,
datkt epd Heht' ... i 90 yd
Best Calico, Simpsen’s, Amer., Chero. only best Tc lind, B¢ yd
Punjab, the best Percale-- ‘l' :
all colors—ls¢ va1ue5........ 12/20 Yd
Pansy Outings in solid white and colors, 12 ¢ quality, 10c yd
Westlake 32-inch Gingharns,
in special new patterns ... IOC yd
100 pieces new 10c Dress Ginghams, all fast colors ... 9¢ yd
About Your Future
Do you know anything about it? Have you
any idea what is to become you when old age
creeps on you, or in case some sickness or acci
dent should be visited upon you?
If you have given the matter much thought,
you have certainly determined to do the right
thing by yourself--to judiciously lay aside a part
of your earnings. If you have not done this, you
had better do so now. If you are an intelligent
man or woman, you will give the matter serious
We hope that this consideration will lead to
your opening an account with us. $l.OO opens
an account. : ’
®®. j : "
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, Georgia
The Bank for Your Savings
Cenrtal Christian
Sunday morning sermon, W hat
is Christianity ? '
Sunday evening, Rev. Burton
will give his second sermon on the
Jewish Tabernacle, illustrated with
oil paiutings on canvass, Come
and enjoy these lessons with us.
Mr. A. H. Thurmond, cashier
of the First National Bank, went
up to Commerce Wednesday right
to spend Thanksgiving Dav with
his parents.
Missionary Notes
The regular devotional meeting
of the Woman’s Missionary Socie
ty of the Central Methodist church
will be held Monday afternoon at
3 o’clock. Mrs. E. K. Farmer
Mrs. W, O. Wooten, Rec. Sec.
Wanted—To buy a small farm
near Fitzgerald, not more than
four or five mile out. W holly
or partly in cultivation. Apply
to John Roberts, Lee-Grant
Hotel. 92.2 t.
- e L
Dolls of every &ze—-Bisque head Kidlyne Dolls—Kid body Jointed Dolis— Celleloid
unbreakable Dolls—Fupny character Dolls—
Dolls for the Children and grown ups too —A great line of good quality Do'ls in every
size from the tiny Celleloid to the big 28 inch Bisque—
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New Ladies & Junior Coats
In Ladies --the new Greys, Tans and Blacks $4.98 to $13.98 ,
‘ In 13, 15 and 17 year old Girls Coats---$5.98, $6.48, $7.98, 9.98
FURS! FURS et o M oenon conresl.9B 1 $16.48
Christmas Ribbonsiim s saby ivsons- 1C t 0 50cyd
Dorothy Dedd
Shoes for Women
Boydenand Doug
las Shoes for
Men and Boys
These Hercules Swits |
Parents are liberal in their praise of these Suits—Such good mater
ials---fine patterns and splendid tailoring and then our introduction
prices mnake the saving quite a little-- ;
Suits or Serge or Fancies $5.00, $5.50, $6.50, $7.50
Ages 6 to 18 in the two and three button Coats--2% to 10 yrs in Norfolks
These Jerome Watches ars sure enough good
Afld a watCh Fl‘ee onz2s---nice Christmas present for the Boy---
Vv K.bu:.n.xresmom J A Muiriitiisaiiopgos
Trust Company Expan-
Sion in the South
Atlanta, Nov. 28 —Trust com
pany expansion in the southern
states has been marked during'
the past few years. Thisis true,
not only as to the organization ofi
new rust companies, with largel
capital stock paid in, but of en
terprises which have achieved
prominence by many years of
service. Itis likewise noteworthy
that special attention is being de
voted to developing the business
of trust departmente, in attract
ing appointments as trustee, ex
ecutor, administrator and as
fiduciary in connection with cor
poration financing.
The Atlanta Trust Company,
of Atlanta, formerly the Hillyer
Trust Company, is making a bril
liant record in handling trusts of
all descriptions. The policy pur
sued by the company in handling
bonds, mortgages and other in
vestments has been exceptionally
successful and has attracted
widespread interest in financial
The banking department in its
latest report of September 28th
which does not include trust
holdings, shows aggregate re
sources of $1,543,751. The capi
tal is $500,000, surplus is $540,
Thes management is under the
direction of Henry Hilyer, presi
dent, George S. Lowndes vice
president; William Heard Hillyer,
vice president and treasurer; J.
Scott Todd, Jr., secretary; T. C.
Trippe, trust officer; Evins &
Spence, counsel. |
Hant T
Formetly Known
2.7 :
As “Tom™ Wilson
Atlanta Nov. 28.—Did you know
that Tom Wilson 1s going to be
the next president of the United
States? Very few people know it,
but 1t is true.
An old-timer from the North
Georgia mountains, with keen
blue eyes, a beard that looked like
Florida moss, and 2 hickory shirt,
came to town this morning for the
first time in many years, He had
to come on a wmule because the
railronds don’t ruu in his neigh
Oue of the first things he got to
talking about was politics, and one
of the first questions he asked was,
“Who is this here Woodrow
Wilson that married a Georgia
girl and used to live 1n Atlanta?”
It was explained to him that
Woodrow Wilson was the young
man who attended school in Co
lurnbia, S. C-, and who later hung
out his shingle here as a lawyer,
and other intimate details.”
Finally the old man exclaimed,
“Waal, it’s jest as I thought
and that’s wky 1 been a’questionin’
youa.- That ain’t Woodrow Wilson
at all; that’s Tom Wilson; I used
to know hiin and a fine boy he was
too; ’m giad he’s goin’ to be
An investigation bhas proven that
the old man was right. The presi
dert-elect’s name is T. Woodrow
Wilson, and it was not until lo_ng{
after he had attained to the dignity
of a man’s estate that he became
generally known as Woodrow. Hel
was Christened Thomas Woodrow
Wilson, and his boy-hood pame
was Tom, |
Celleloid and Fanny Cha_ra:ters
10¢, 15¢, 25¢, 50¢,75¢, $1
Royal Worces
ter Corsats
AR SD b L e
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Grady Hospital Abu
e lg}uhce In Collision
Atlanta, Nov. 28 —The Grady
hospital ambulance is sick again;
in fact it is so seriously inaispos
ed, after hitting a suburban ex
press car andtwo or three telegraph |
polls that it will have to be ope
rated on for the epizootic.
There seems to be a jinx on the
grady hospital ambulance. It has
been hurt oftener than any of the,
mangled pstients it has carried, It|
has cost lives as well as saved them;!
it has even been hit by a train of |
cars, :
In the most recent accident,
which happened vyesterday after
noon, the driver and interne, onlv !
occupants of the vehicle, miracu-!
lously escaped injury. ‘
R e i
You can buv vour general line,
of merchandise of us lower than |
any house in the city, t:v us, |
87 6, Dodd Supply Co. ;
Mr. L. Goldenberg has returned :
from a business trip to Atlanta, |
Thompsons Glove
Fitttng Corset ---
Fifiy years of best cor
rect makind.--a Corset
that really fits the fig
ure--gives comfort as well
as style to the wearer---
$l, 1.50, $2, 2.50
American Lady Corset
---all regular stock 1-3 off
special lot on sale at 50¢
Empire Store Savings on
the Little Things—
J. & P. Coats Spool
Cotton, a saving 4
of 1c a spool.__ c
Pourid packagde best
linen writing 2 5
paper 50 env c
International 200 yd
6 cord spool cot- 3
ton, 5¢ spoels. . f
Sample lot, 15¢, 25
Huir Combs i 0
chowce for_._ c
. Pouad can perfora
ted top Air - 25
Float. Talctm c
Corylopsis Jap Tale'm
4ib cans, the 25
new odor .. c
Lot Buster Birown
hose in blk & 26
tan, fice ribd c
We Are Beating The
/Christmas Bells to It
Merry Christmas! What’s the
use in waiting till the bells chime
out Christmas bet)re extending
greetings? We may be a little
ahead of time, but we mean It,
just the same. Merry Christmas?
[he fact is, we have been working
on Christmas things, and thinking
about Christmas, till it alimose
seems to us this really is Christ
mas. You will think so yourself
wh2n you see our Christmas stock.
Ceme in and ohservea little Christ
mas spirit. Meanwhile, just to
whet your appetite here are some
¥ the things we are offering: -
$3 00 dolls for $1.50. :
$2.50 dolis for $1.25.
$1.50 dolis for $l.OO.
$l.OO dolls for Tscts.
Come, our line is too numerous
to mention all the articles.
Dodd 5 and 10 Cent Store.
VoL. XVII. NO. 92
\fi.lfl. -
Jfi / l
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v‘,u’{ ’/,’/:r[! '.v\
10c Pearl Buttons all
s'zes in this lot, 5
fine pearl, dozen C
Shaker Si'k Mercer
ized Cotion, 100 2
vard spools for c
Fren-h Biistle tooth
brushes, val- 'e
ues (0 £s¢ for c
Hair Brashes of stiff
bristies 25. 15
grades for . c
Sterling Silver Thim
ble, heavy ') Sc
quality 50c & -2
Paragon Hiir Pins
in larde sizes, ‘
for full .pask_ .. c
Finest Boxes linen
Stationery 2 5
and envelones c