Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 15, 1847, Image 4

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t o Planter* ami Farmer*. * MILI.S, Grimling Mh at arid CtirH, nr anj kind-I C.i.uu rate'll or ued m any Karin i>r Phintufion, sml may j>imji< 11. *1 **> water, hniu, wind ar horn* power, and will du in work wuh giv.ii rapidity *mt perihelion, and nmy > p..t up and hep* in **--■••■ •• ••- miMi any person. It i* a per.’* rt t*r mII m imniatm •, \il a.upt fd to the wants *l*t*s-. •) f arla r and i'l liiut. and is .n.'.ou'.><■• ‘ . , eht-spesi and iMkt Mill .•>• offered t • tin j.. .lir. I'ri'wm wishing to inirrlittir ske Mill ! any c*unt\ in t)• Suite , ol Georgia, willa.ld.vaa ROBERT FINDLAY, M.uvmi, Gu. A perfect Mill lor grinding earn will cost only $ J. CKR I IKK A I KS. This is to certify that I Innin iu'!t i.n plant at F.r/ r* t ild's patent h >re ton.xi r with ou-it‘tin* pit. n ; u;r Mmim Mi!l,:ii iI am • itistU-d lhi* Mill winch run te i;- •I with an ordinal ) pin p"* l Gi decidedly the licit kind of a l*.n .. itii Mill ih.i * lias yt in n invented, and that the p itent hone p*n. i lias man v ;i.!v int:u< ov r lle rdi- . utrr one used by tlto plant’ r* toi .r.nniiig foimn JOHN c. POV THU LSI*. Waynesboro', Ihnkr Cu., 0.1 , I h 12, Im;, Tin* undersigned h ive in n the I .’/.jerald Patent Portable mill ami horn- power, ia o;n rati non M,-. J ( . i'.iytln. -* p an! u**nl AO doubt ‘ ttitj b eom acquainted with their tu til*. W* >i it grindi h two horse*, an<l it ma !• line meal, nearly as fmt ..s :iu ordinary ton vs iwin s grinding; hj waterpower. I . *. C\!\ I Fi: * J. It. I*lt I >’ < IT, I . T. K 1.1.1 x I ON, W. M. DOUGLASS. Waynesboro', Burke Cos., Cos., r. b. 1 if ‘*7. lam now U'inp -nv of'he ’Timers Id's Pat* nt Mill*, ni•• ’am *.iti- Bril that the Mill iII that it m . ,ir> rented to Le. Savannah, Dec. 18th, 1546. D. L I.I’.TC’HK.K. lam running th* Mill with Mr. Fletcher, :<’ ! the mm -I i. it the better I like it. Ii undoubted!) excel* anything of imMiil hind tmw extant. ll* blLl.l -'1 Savannah, Doc. l Mi. We, the undersigned, have M itin sv il the operation <f t i !•'it* p> i aid Wheat and Corn Mills now in one in this nty, ands ■ t<i c nli* dent that those Mills cannot tail to uni t tin :ipproh. .*n nol tin pub lic GEO. r; I Alt 11 s, savannah, 1846. DK\SLOW & \V EUSTEIt. 1 havi* one of the above Mills in us. at tin K.slav i Steam Grit Mills, which I will exhibit to any c- nt tertian w ho ini; 1.-lt to •• e it iu operation, and I can m-t eh*-, rtully recomm; >d it the pub'.c. It will grind corn faster and btu.riliau an> other Mill I v< r ic* will, the same power. J. F.SLAVA. I Mobile, Jan. <>, 1H47. The unJer . ;ne.l hat inp seen the above MiM in ej • , .•u at Mr. j Kalava's Mill, votild *ay that it far excu ds imv iuui lion if the null Lind that we have t-v.-r seen, and won 1 (I r .<I nmciid tl lii iv> i ) ‘me in want of such an article. AARON GAGI, r \ mp ell. o i • v & co. Mobile. 1840 J. 11. KIN K.ltS & CO. Macon 1 I) r. SUPERIOR OOTTOWT OX . ‘tibserihf r nm.ld iiii .m the plant* i *.t iv- f ■ | lias rt-moveil his c otron tiin Kacmry to t i Minty. < *’ frun Macon,on the r.tad l adinp from Mueon to fror.ion, % h i> # In intends to manufactuiv Cotton <-ins of a q"alit) ‘ipe met.. an> !i*. Ins ever before made, if po*ihli*. In the const! ucf nn of hi- (.in*:, ♦ lie will particular!) guard apnimt the possink it> nf i:.kinp In■ IV'.no ‘ thettin. And here h would remark, that it i- impossible mratiin ro tak fire front the box a without tl” grna ‘ n riter on tin* part of those who havethcn.anagemfntoftli. iii t.ins that p*-< l"i*nt. in nine linndr and and ninety-nine timi n out of u tiiousund t hl.l tin from u different can-e than the box, which tie subserihi r w i!i comph i* l> guard against in thefvina h* makes in future. vxll be xndeof the bct materials, and warrantee to perform as well as any Gins made in the S ate. He <•. m exee l* .t wm'* r-po.v. r to turn his machinery, *tnd a good *aw-miil right t hand, winch will* n b e him to sell (in* on as good term* as any other factory m tin Siat* . March 1, Pt/. Q W. MxSSKV. GRISWOLD’S IMPROVED COTTON GnJS. fllHl nb | iisohl extensive scale, and t inhraces this opportuney to thank hs numerous euitnaier* tor tin ir liberal pat r....tge In r< 11 *i'i . 1 estimation in wlueii his Gins an held ( h.ay •> kin-wn lim i tin fact of his having sold more than two thousand during the last three years—probably ten to one over any other f.n tory in the s .te. Ibis eviden-e of the superiority of hi* Gins, is accounted I* r by his being the first to introduce the late improvements, ami k vpj ng the h ad by yearly adding new mu >*. Hi • tir-t at mil nnj r..v. in*mis made the quality of cotton perfect, tho.igh * • were r;.tU. r sl.m. Hi* third made them -uftl/i. nily f.. It u only remained to make them more durable and convenient, w hit h has been done he hi lieves effectually, by several new iniproveiitcntj. tiie present year: In -uics, he ha* the exclusive rigt t to.-the State, with the prixilegi of other sections, to furnish K in’* I’it nt Water Roves, which are 1> ticveil to be ten ii durable thin any o*ur, by th*ewhn have made a ter trial of them ; and infallibly s. cure agaiiet ft sc by > friction. His fine Gins wil! gin Certon n well aw gin can. Hi* g *nts will vent planter* generally, and exhibit •*|ii i rnens of hi* lute improvement-*, and point out their itdvnntagi* hi time for all to engage and be supple and before the next’ s. a- I son, or engagements can be made by len. r, directed to him, Clinton, Jones County, Georgia. Gins will he delivered at the purchaser's I residence, in any part of the Slate except the Cherok*e ennutus, xvhere they will be It ft at the dej ot on the railroad most conv luent Vo the purchaser. AII warranted to p* rim m well, if us. and ac< ordit.g to the direction* sent with each. SAMUEL GKISWOLD. March V 4, JH47. LATEST IMJ'ROX EM EAT I S iOTTft.A Ve i r’ apet'lfully Inf. .rin our turn.’- uwl the 1- fin • t-.-n. i iIU , ▼ V of Alabama ar.ll ufgi.i, t!t:;i In OIJIAKDCOI It \ (.IN MANUFACTORY niut'u I .p. ration. It is amply supple and with tin vtrybmt materials whiih cculd he •elected. The n.aehintryr is all new, and c< nsiiuctid on tin most ‘ approved plans for the manufacture of lot n t;n,s. Th mai-iii.list and workined t mploy.vl m the etubli Inner.t, are skilful and experit nci and in the busiiK a* ; and we hav made su< li mi i-rovemi nt** in the m* chani*tu aim • onsimctiou of vor < ;in> that w * feel certain, hi ever} case, to fort.i-ti aG in wlmh will p.riomi ad mirably well, and give the pa. vba*. rentire satifaet < ti. In tin- w.i\ ... . co amen | I several hundred of our late improved Gins to Plan, i m v.irnm parts of the country du ing th* u-aM.ii, at and not one fth nuiu'.n ha* failed to give general sat.-* ai tioii, bo’.li in spied ai.d lie- .an.p e ui Cotton. OIIDHIIS can he s< nt to us by ri -.1. or contract- mad. with our Agent* who nrv tibvelliiur tl.r. u.rb th. i. untr. GIN 1 * will b<-s.ntto any part of iki country, and in allca-iswar ranted to perform well Persons addn ‘*ing the Proprietor* by mail, w ill direct tin-r f tf* r* to Columbus, (in. L. i. I AYIA>P ‘ Cos. April 1,4 m 7 Girard, \'n c AaiivxT ruitwriTUßE. TAS. 11. COOK, J)2 Urosdway, opposite Trinity Church, offer* for sab-a full and complete asMirtment of Cabinet Kureiiure, which he warrant* to be equal to any in the cityui the lolluwing unuvuallv low rates : Mahogany Chairs, from $?0 to S’ so per dozen, “ Rocking Chairs from sto 15 mi h. “ Sofa*, from 13 to 17s * k “ It urea ns, from S It* ,0 * ** Card Tables, from 10 to 25 “ “ Centre “ fVom 15 to f>o “ “ Rei>atvad.-, from : to 50 Feather Beds, Hair Mam use*, and Bidding of the fines: quahtie* and at the lowest mark, t prices. N. it.—No extra clmrgcs for packing & .-liippin--. Feb 14, 1847, [Telegraph ropy.] tmi filßchichi Dl ho. It 8. ol PI.F.DGE. Vo Rro*her shall muke, buy, sell, • r use a* . w WaW.C a b< vet- g., any Spiritu us or Malt Liquors, aaSr/ vSbS* w,,,t ur c • C /* This Division mets regularly I'.VKH Y Friday kni-nin ? nvio.i. _ *< their -As Hall. JO*. MUR DUCK. W. I* J. H BOOV, R. S. \N Jsn S7. 1817 41 POWDEiI! rOWPER.: FPHF. un.lersigm and are Agents Ibr th* Ed* u l*aik Tow der Mills, | and keep at all times a full supply on ha .and, which they bill m lot* at factor) prices, adding t vpi n* •* hi* p ace SCOTT, CAIUIAUT tk CO. Jan 20, 1R47. 17 iaoK ol SXBS&—r?Axzi3. &.c. J X |UUk 1 us. iMsorted rtw edcH (nm, sre*x?sr Cu*.l SiCfl, Gciiuan utui ii! ii red l?tocl, *OO Kegs .\ntie, 100 Boxes 8 liv 10 \V iiulew Glmsh, 150 du 10 hv 1* do 50 d*i 12 hv 14 do 50 do 12 tv 18 do For an).* I*v Feb 24 2 KGOTT. CAUIIART A FOb VOB4COO exaAftft. 6)/"Kirk BOX F.S Tnbat’cn, varieu* H • ind*, Cigars, .!o 50,01‘0 Regalia do tin 20,000 FunHielLi* do d< For stile by SCOTT CAKIIART v f'O. Feb 21 _ 2 | \I O %j \SS L *a. H If 1 Molasses. Just received and loi nulo bv IVb J 4 I fICOfT, CAHftART k (!I * oik, waxssxnr. aus 8H1.3. Phelps’ and Jones’ (in, grtWW 4”'l (Jo \ O. \V'hiskey, 50 do N. L. Rum, Por *nl* hv MM NROI r, CARH ART A CO II srpi ift at M o r r. n nhart c o. ■cßßKoxcmi uan, rilllF und* rsigned keeps fhll supply of the a’Mive article on Land, P and sell it at One Dollar anil a quarter per honjut ru*h otttu i Jan 90, 1*47. 47 SCOT l\ CAUHAIt l Ik i O. t.t • t:. JUST receivt’il und Tor li'O hbU. of fn.t rnt ’ Vn.thorn Litnr At th.- “RIO U RAN DU HOUSE.” Mnrrli 17, 1847 5 I 189 MtKW\§Mi*. ON ih 18th int. m man by the name of J. IfOI.SrCI.A\V, hM a Horae of me. to go 11 mile a into Tw i^gs' county, line* wJsjrh time neither mini nor horte him* been m up. The man is about 5 feet U inches high.daik buir and even, drrgn coat and pant* of neat hotneaptin, a milnr ttidrah satinet. Thu horae i* a il.irk bay. about 7 yearn old, n litll* unip on hi* none, one hiud foot, perhuju th? left, while rt little above the hoof, and works finely. I'h above reward will be given for man | and hor* duliveied in Mar-on. with proof to rnnviet the man, or $25 for the horse, saddle and bridle. The saddle not rath cr worn, with a quilted reul* THUS. J. SiII.MIOLSI .lt. Macon. March 2itli, KJJ7. 6 j ITT The Semin*'!, (Tnllnhnaanc. Fla.) will publish 3 timea, end forward the account to me. T J. S. Twenty Dollar* Krwnril. fIUK II AN SWAY fr*> i!i ri *< eof C<,| T**• %. 11 t| Jonlan.i i Pyi!‘l- 1 . mnij’, *n the id I hi. nary , tail, no ..M’ rl AMAV DA. about • ii* v- v 4’it lA y J eye* black. Mo i* r iticrb w tli* mi dium r r>\ j - <ii ti *>r count* tie tic * hen , aeiimtW-u to, amt itarmnefi a little itt h* r*p h, par- 1 11 riilar1 1 when iji an Ml Hun* . • r ki lb >*i* reward wiil b given if muftiicd in jail • I grt tier, or KM4 If *h live red in Mai on to Mr UOBLU 1 * Anlinda ha* v.-triuut acquaintance % in Maenu, Clintn", VutitUello. Madnou and fulaiki. M.LL.V A. liK YA V. M* I'M 147 lt f 7 Tbwlafinn Uepnhliiaß wili puUliih iht aK>e ttHicr •rward <Jhe> r *•. e #, Csi , Sic?.bAsija? ijiTj b *** O r • ffHAS. .H. RaCSX.HK. m e\v sifiiirvtt s>?, How Keceiving AT Sto.-a ’ Es S£ 7S ••ON COTTON AVKNI K ” THE EAUfiEST STOI U or Taney and staple Iti'y Hoods, To l/e found in the interior oj Georgia. k 1J U.R.S i nn<l 5*4 Brown Homespun*, 5J tv 14. *£\/ Jtl do UamibtirgN him Drilling*, .> ('uses Bleached Homespuns, f.} a I2J. fi'td l*ices FriuiH, 6| a 20* liithi “ Muslin und Muslin 2o a 37i. I’m It Fi 2it red Jmottel .Mu.* Jin, S*haded l.awns, dlmiieeey I’laid-t, 11**.perv Muslin, :t(*4t I'teeea Detlima ami (’oilMlfldcs, Columbian .Strip* *, 12J 1 i it til i I trll “ rant Reseca F’liiid*, Stiijie.i JCrem!ms* (iiiinhroona, 20!) I’c ['fit Georgia N n keen, sl. I'i.tnle’t* Linen, Line ti Howies, l’laid Htik’fs, Glotes, I!>-i- Pry, Ln-'es, Lilgiut:*, White Muslim, Bonnet* and Bi.-inei liil)- h -ti*. Flowers, Uimitv Frioyes, Childrens Caje, Linen Hdk’ls, Silk <).. Cml ire I Ins, Parasols, &e., &e., iVc. All will he sold nt the lowest posaitile caull prices—please coll to ltd v .amiou both slvie and prices. W. Ci. BANCROFT. Mnrnn, Mar* h X 1017. 1 Uufgfing, Hope, Twine, I'll IKsti'tsciib* rsarenow receiving their f. II auppli* * of CiltO*. J r EIUES, which tlicy offer to ilm h uUI It i’ iel* Hi*d the public g. m rall) ,ai ui*u -ual low prices. Wi huvi now in store, m.i! meiv mg— -100 pi- >* heavy (iui.ny Bagging, 200 pi ■ c > *in av y Kii.tuiky do. II SO i-.iil* kcullick) Rope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lb*. Tw im*, ? I/O” sacks Salt, l i,i . j iSv.i * *l* * Iron, i, •. Hi*. Hand, Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 hh l. St. Croix and Porto Utro Sugars, I otf. Crushed and Powdered do. I ‘-0 hags Hm> amt Java Coffee, (0 box*s I ohacco, 100 \ Nail, t ,0 o ill*. Cast, German and Blister Sferl. A; ..PAIN IS AND OILS of every description. F,. BON n. Mrnn, lift I, t!4 anti liimy 4^oo:i*. 2 /"k hIF.CES black and colored drew Silk*, j|g 1 d<*. chang* able do. d<* :i do. Satin strip*d do. do. * do. French Mennors, 5 do. s iper Alpacca Lustres, 25 do. black and cob red Alpuccav, 45 do. Cashmere and Caalnaer* n’Kcosre, 20 CavSincr* Robes, gradual, and and pyramid, *: fiingham do. do. 5 > po * • Scotch and F.arJston ( ii gham, 25 do. Embroidered Twiiltd d*. 200 ) do. Flints,comprising a great variety, ‘W do/.. Ni ck i ies, assorted qunljtu s, 20 do. Hemstitched 1.. C.Hdkfa. 10 do Men’s I. C. Hdkfa. Jic met Muslin, Sv issdo., Victoria l awns, Cambrics, he. Ca-hnit/rc. Brocha,and Silk Shawl*, Cin up Shawls, great variety. Ladies'Kid G nve, do. half-hand Silk, Gimp*, Fungi , Buttons, Cords, ‘l anes, I.aces, Edgings, Velvtt It ibb.ilis, 2 cases Cotton Flag 11*11.f*. 1 do. Pongei Silk do. 10 pieces F.iigliMi Silk do. 25 do. I nth Linens, 5 do. do. do. very fine, 20 do Linen I.awn. Table Linen,Table Cloths, Linen Shcetinjr*, Diapers, Kc , now in *tore, all ot which arc offered at wholeaaie or i* tail, on accommoda ting terms, by GRAVES, WOOD & CO. Nov tl. IM. 10 Tri nt iu i iigs, rl ui in ■u g s SOMETHING new in th- sh;tpe of Buttons, fur trimming I.r.di**’ Dresses, just received at I Jan 27 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Pot:i*li, Polinli. V LOS. i’otush jupf received ami for sab* bv nil t (.EOItGE I’IV.VIS, Druggist. ! Pit 13 _ _____ _ A’ : (OV mins. Hew Oi l. at,. Sugar, ■lt * 5 do. Clarified do. ! In store and for sale by C. DAY & CO. j March J j lew kosiii! \*-w tiotodsl! f3l HE suhecriber in now daily receiving and opening anew Si and beautiful stock of Sl:ig>ic sand ft'imcy Das GOOBS. Which will be eoIJ at very low prfct>£- Purchitsera are re* * 1 rjnested to cull ami examine for tlieutselv t>. The following ‘ article* compiiae part of tii* Stock : l eu. h (iingliams, Royal Plaid do Half Mourning do.. Muslin Ginghams, Plain and Striped Muslins. Donna Isabella Jo. Donna Itndorn do., Donna Muzarka do. Ilernini Isabella, Black Hernani, j Y\ bite Muslin Robes, Small figured F.nwtia, KmKr*iitl*>rt*J Btirngp*, Satin Striped do. Cord und Striped do . < >gneola do. Dutchess Moutpensicr Silks, Jaconet Muslins, Sw s* do. Check do. Pluck Striped Silks, Irish Linens, Linen Lawn, L. ('. Hundkerchiefs, H. S do. Work Collar* and Chimi/eUs, Kid Gloves, Silk do. Twisted Silk do. < ’alicoe*. Mourning do Half do. do. Scotch Diaper, Huckaback do. Cotton Diaper, Damask Table Covets, Toilet (luih*. Book Muslin*. Corded Skirts, Marseille* do. Linen Check, Blenched Homespun, Brown do. Blues striped do., Bonnets, Artificials, Ribbons, Palo Alto Plaids, Kentucky Jeans,CottonCusaitr.ere, Silk Velvet, Suspenders, Turkey Red, CmbrellaH, Parasols, Parasoled?, Sun Shade*, Shell Combs, fine Feather Fan*,hue Ivory do. French Gnmbroons, Tickings, B--ides a variety ot other articles too numerous to mention. Marrh ‘24. * f> AMOS BENTON. FOU THE YEAR I*l7. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS At E. WOOD HE FT’S. r HF subscriber having made arrangements to receive goods * direct from first hands, will be constantly supplied* with the most desirable goods of the season, and will sell them to cash rusToMKKs nt u very small advunce; so that those pay ing cash fur goods, will not pay credit prices. My stock tun- S 1 c Mos Black ami hltir-Msck Plain and Figured Silks; black Safin Str'po do; Liuht and Fancy Colored do; B ilzatincK und Ber . Primed I awi.sand Muslins; Fluid, Scotch a:id FurLtmi Ginghams; ('ulicoe* of every tjnality und price; Geotgi.t .\ ti.kei ns ; Cottoriaden arm Krnmlins for Pants; White and Brown Linen Drill; Drapt de Tuv and Summer Casximers; (inmhroou* and Plain Linen Drills'; Blnck, W bite und Brow n t otlon Hosiery ; Black and White Silk lln-e; Spun Silk do ; j W Brown and Mixed Hull’ lines; Kid and Silk Glo\en and Mils , Bonnet, Cap, Lustring and Satin Rildmi s; Silk and B* rage Scarfs end .Neck Ties; ('himaxetts and Muslin Collars ; Scotch. Itusin and Bird Diaper; Cotton Diaper und Bb’.tched Cotton Drill.*; Bed Ticking and Apron H'hecks; Vcrinoaud Moiiterv Stripe*; Brown und Bleached Sliinings nd SheetiugH: together with ton thousand \ .trifle.* und pat tern* of good*, too numerous to mention. All of which will be -old, for CASH, u* kw as any can or w ill r-ell n t hi* or any other city. Customer* from tho country are invited total! and examine for thcniHelee*, as 1 urn certain that no on** will have ! reason to be dissatisfied with the harffaina that w ill he given. Store tie*! door to the Post Office. (O’ Don't for gt tto rail. Macon. March 34, 1817. ~ fi New store A New booth. ihinn , Glass A JUi r then •tea rt. fIIHR autiacrlhera art-now receiving and opruinga gem rn I a*nrt J rni*nt of ihe above goods, at the •tort- lut ly o'-i-tipo and l*t Mr. A ii.Hutti, corner of Muibti r> ami St-ct.nd is. ami up| uitr the Waahiugtoii llall, whirh they ohn at wholoult and retail. | heir •t<>. k hi part conaista ol the foiluu ior : H -m wlute Dining, ‘l ea and 1 filet Seta, Light Hltie do. do. dw. do. t lowing** do. do, do. do. * White French t hint Dimng Sit*, Do. do. do. 1 1 a do. Ovid hand do do. dv. do. White do do. Jug*. White Granite, light and flowing blue Juga—ll • ?*•*, Plaice, l>ihra, Dak* ra, and tv r Diahc * to mi rh Dming Warre, A general aaortin* nt of common Ware, t ut, Preaa* and and Plain I umhh ra, cut and Pr* *ed Goblets, Win* sand Cham j agnea, Preaaed and Y gg and Jell) t.lasaca. * Cot and I’ii ••• o Mil rnr Diahe* and Rapima, Cut, Freeaed and Plain Lamp* and Cym.ii.Mich*, l>o. do. do. Salta, # . j Cut Decanters In sets and pairs, # . Hoiar Lamps- HriMitma and German Silvtar Qastvre, l.ooking Cilaaar* var*-n tires aim st)i r Stone buking Diah* s hrf,hr. kc. • * J Th< •••*•■!*•■ r*deem it |tr|M-rto state that thr> have ailnnteil |be CASH SYS I K.M, to which they intend strigt t t edhtrr, and by whi h they will be enabled lb furnish ever) and sci iptivn ot giaida in tin rr line pruts. * H> I>K K JOM A „ II ft J. yml. tuk* older* A*r yhnry China D-riu.g. Ia and loiVt Set*, which they will fmnlh at the importer* pnc**, acding only the rxpen-ea tmin New York. MnCmN, Hr||l, ♦, JQQ Siindcies. J’wr iirrmrn, < V.lnr on.l |*uirtt#J Tub# ami Ruckvtd, l’**vere| HticVeta, U ilbiw ILialieU ami Brooma, f Vilur i ‘hums, Wait Ti aaarirteit ai/,*a, do in arita, I.o*king ( * In ■* -<**, Knieea nnd Purk", Plated Korka. (IMnlng and Di-ecii,) Plated uni! Britannia Hpcnna, Bfaaa and Iron Candluaticke, • 4 Curtain Pine, Shovel and Tonga, Also, a gennrul a*aurt'nent of China, Cil i* and I'lMlwnwirt I'.l. ‘JI 8 4w HVIIK K I<)M s. ‘ ctr* or. Ass. tIECAJfTSR* IB caiM.iid tt., ’ “ T..n,1.|.’ r . I ** ATlwho, n Mirwr Dtshw, ‘ I•• •l.impt, { Salt. no. m _ iMDEfcjoyrs. ! 11l New Stock ol XVmebcs, Jewelry aiul I'aiiey <Jotls | fMHR unihrdgncil, having purchn( *1 th* stock in trade of Mr. C. ! i K. Went a drill, Waivlunsk* r and Jeweller, aml tsktr. the More 1 firm. rly occupied hy him, Hit* n*!* l oi.(inning tlw iiu bniiM u ili | ail its branch* *. liming full und new tovk ol'GOOitS, he tniiora 1 tli*'attputioii of t U citi/.i •* of Macon and it* vicinity to the laun** 1 mining which may b* to mil ( Fine Gold amt Silwr L* v. r, Horizontal,Patent m.d VmicalEfc capi in* nt IVA4CHFS. fin I<l (innrd. Toll uihl Vi-m CH A IN*S, Pr*#M Pin*. J-IMger Ear Hmg, < ••*l*l Chain Kt Unit - Brae* let*, Gal i, Sill r and St*‘ i *>i” ci le* und Eye Prutecioi, ! Gold and Silver *’ util*. Gold J** i.a. , Gold and Si!v* r Watch Key*. Gold and Silver Tiniubl**, Silver Comb*. Silvi r and Pearl li< Ii Slid* *. fiofil Sleeve aid Collar Button*. Gold Stud.-* and (.'ham bin!* *. Gold l.otket*, Heart* and Cros / ; Card Crm *. I Steel, Sillier and Gilt Bead*; H*ad Orna m- /•!*. ! Jet (’oil*; Ladit s’ and Gen. h u n's Turn*. Superior Pen and Pocket KNIVES. Mci*or*, Rarorsand llu/.- r Strops. I oo'h, Lathi mod Nail RRUSIiI.S ; Shaving (’ream, i Rial German COI.OGN 1. fine Silver P!ated CASTORS ; Cake Basket*. Candle Stick*, Wait* r*,Cupa, Snuff* r* and Tray *. Dixon'* fine Ware, in *et*. A l*o, c* ff'< <■ and I * a Pots. Stiver set* of Knife, Fork and Spoon. Spoon*. Watch Stand*, Fans, Peif.mi* ry, Fane’ r.ond*,R c. j {/’ All of which w ill be sold at the* very lowest C A SJI pr cs. ! \V AIt*II KS of every description M KPAIR ED in the l. -t manner. All Watche* sod or r* pair and will b warrant* dto keep ;• od tin e, or tin. cash r* fun I. \N att o-. sent from any pun of th- country will i-. c c v* the tame ntlrii/i;>n. at and be ri paire*i on at rcutvnubU tei mr ut • though the owner wereprest til All kind* of Go and and Nil* * r Work made to order. C /* IKWELR Y of * very find neatly r* pair* and. SPEC I'ACLE GLASS!. adapt*d to mi ages. H. L. BURNETT, AVatchmak*rand Jeweller, F.nst il Mulberry Street, m the New Brick Block. Nlsaa, lIR, 19. IK ) 40 \v atches, JEVVKI.KY, A C. A C. cy, S. It. DAY would inform hi* friend* and the pu Lie that he lias bought the Slock for m* rly bel**nging to C. G. St. Jehu, i*c*a*d, jFjy* JAt conaistilig of gtlo and *iiv r Mate ht >. Gol* f*.b WWr and Gii rd Ctiuins, (n>!*l,nhir t.nd St*l.fpc tailc* Gold I! ai * U is, C !> sps, C old Sm>| s. Gold and Silver 1 hiinble*, Li-dita’ Hroaeln(ient*’ Pin*, Kntve*,Sc *<r*, Ua*or, Ra*or Sir- p-, Tooth and Han Brush *4, PiHtoik, an t many more things, too nuni*rou* to mention Hr will have new stock constantly coming, ami will order goods utthe r< quest of those who may wish any think it hm ln.c. r^ErAiitiwa. Watch** and Clock* Cl*anel and IDpuired nt the *hort*M no tice, and done in the best pmaible mam *r, and airriMnl to ktrp ! good time, and done at the cheapest price. Rings Pins, Bract-j It t* repaired iu the best possible Fngrmii.g also ntanyix ***Per**un would do well to call And see wbut he will do, and there i* no doubt hut they will be pleastd. Muc i*, Jan. /li. \rAIJTIIi:S (MUTUAL LIKE) 1 >Sf HA>( F # COM | l*.\ NY, 5 5 W ALL STREF.T —After matin* d* libti.*u<>n the 1 Trust*es have become convinced, and th* xptru nc eof old fat.- ! lished t ompanie* fully warrant the conclnsii n, tl at the advaiti g** ; nt Lif*- Iti-ui’ance on the Mutual plan, may be extended and tliffm.**! w ith greater convenience to a large cla** of contril u'ora, nu with ■ equal *icurity to all the assured, by requiring no greater amount of the premium to be paid in cash than the company will require to me* t it* eng igeruentH with promptitude and tidelity. It has accordingly b* en detern-ined that in all cases win re th ar- : nnal premium shall amount to g o, ami 60 per cent, thereof shall : j have been paid in cash, an approved note may b giv*u f.r the n- ! j maining 40 per cent, payable t welve month* altt r date, bearing six | p* r cent, interest. 1 lie iutertat to be paid annually, but the prim . ! cipalnot to In called in uutes* the exigence * of the oonpany r* - ! quire it, giving sixty day* notice, and then only by a* , essm*-iit.* pro 1 r;ita to the extent that may be required to meet the cugagcnit nia of the company. It is coiifnl.-iitly anticipated that a system, the operation of which i* *o fair and equitable, m.i well calculated to place the ben* fit* ami blts-ingsof Life In*urinc-c within the reach ot'all. and at'he-ame time ena'olc esi-.'h cni'i itnitor to share equally and fully not only in it* benefit” nt-eeury, but also in it* profitsofaccomulatiuii, will mu t, u-i is believed to deserve, the favor and confidence vl the public, i he particular advantages offend by this company ate: 1. A guarantee capital. 2. An annual participation in the pri fi. 3. No individual responsibility Inyondthe amount nf premium. 4. Those \* bo insure fora Us* period than lite,participate** qually I in the annua I profit* of th* 1 company. 1 he Sautihtt company confines its business exclusively iu Insu rance on Lives, and all insurance appertaining to Life. Tht Kates of Insurance on One Hundred Hollars. | Wne I Scveni F j One Seven For Age | Year jYcarsjL j Age. Year. Years Life. 15 j 77 ! 83 }I 56 ! 40 169 183 320 20 1 j 95 1 I 77 ! 45 Jl 91 196 3 7.1 25 130 112 201 50 191 209 4fo t 30 l I 1 136 23' 55 212 321 J 75 35 jl3O 1 I 5.1 !* 95 I 60 II 35 491 700 TRUSTEES. Jim. * Ti. I’. Ogden, Richard E. Purdy, Thos. W. Ludlow, j Jain* * Brown, O. Rushnetl, C. F. Limlsley, 11. IV*. Hicks, Richard Irvin, A. M. Merchant, T A. Norris, D. A. ( oiu*tck, John Cryder, j V. M- Wetmorc, James Harper, It. H. Morris, Robert H. Coleman, R . F. Carman, Spent** rS. B* i.edict M. O. HowtJ’ls, Wm. 11. Aspintvall, Luting Andre ws, Henry K. Bogart. J. D. P. OGDEN, A , ?*, MCUCIIANT, Vit.-President. LEWIS BP.N I ON, Secretary* PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary. sj‘ The conipauy wilt also insure tli<* live* of fifav*. lIYD£ & JONES, Agent. Macon, Sept 2,1846. I'-’ 9 • T.lna Insurance Cos in pan*;, i OF HARTFORD, CONN. fJIHE uncleraiennd will Hike risks against Fire in I tltis city, Griffin, Forayih and ether towns in the State, on as favorable terms as any responsible Company. They I will also insure against the risks of River Navigation; their : present rates ate,3-4 pet cent, to Savannah.anti 7-8 toClmrles- I ton. REA Ac COTTON. Macon. March 90. 1845. 5 LIFE lArr/tTRAINCS. FJIHE Now York Lisa insurance nntl Trti>t Compnnv hav -1 ing established an Agency in the city of Macon, persons liny elYect Inaurunce with this Cottmpanv on tlieirown Lives nr th Lives of otheis. and eiihcr lor the whole duration of life or for a limited peiiod, by the payment of a small annua | premium. STEPHEN ALLEN, Pncidcnt. CHARLES C. PALMER, Secretary. E. BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, Feb. 3, 1P47. yst i)E LOACHE & VVILCOXSON, Manufacturers and Dealers in •4Sh.*a, CABKIAGES I uabnes* of m: ttrf ni:st'Kii*/to.'v, ni’LUBRIIV MACOW. ORORGXA. I)c L. Sc W. have constantly for ;ilv, on the best terms, KP|Mit: ixlcs, Mi ps, ISuntls, LiimpN, puncli L u tb Patent and Tap Leather, Plated and Japanned Harness Mountini's, Paints , Oils, Varnish , Src. March 10, 1847. 4 SAS9I .S. SADZ>X.£&. MORRIS V W PSTI OTT nA VC nn hand n flint raf.’ nasoitinrnl nTS \DDLR'A, If AR NLSS mid C .UtRIACH: ‘I KIMMINCiS, of nil kind*, which they will sell at prices to nlt the times. Tlu ir fm ili* r >iu.4 are suoli hflY*tHby run *ell lowegihun an) other establish* rncnl of the kind in the cite. (Jive us a mil lief.iro you buy, is nil we ask for n reconi •nendntioß. RLPAIRINIi done nt redtu ed prices, in a work man-like mnnner. C-otton Avenue, dooi to A. J. D. \V. Orr. Dec 3, 1846 42 CARRIAGES, (At the oil stand of the late /'. Wnglty,) A’I.ARUT. of liar COACHES, lIARUOLCII i:s, ROC'KA W"A VS, ud I * l’( i( i I Lrt, (with* a ini without * direct, from J. M. iJumhy'* teltbrsted otauuliu-tory, N. J. Tersons wiahifig.fioptl Carriages, W ill find it to their interest ki examine Hiesevriieles before purrhasinz elsewhere, an a . large nssoitimyii w ill be kept conetnntly on bend and ottered on the most fnvnrnble terms. Orders reyvjved tin aces built to any pattern, and war ranted to do gorftf Service ami giva antiafactioc, fotli in artlolt and pi ice. T. 11. PLANT, Agent. Ml'.. Ji”, Carriage Rrpiiring. *|lH V. suhscriiHr h* procurnl chi- i rvici *of goS.I workmee in thr 1 varion* bra **h vs of Carriage Making ; and with a good stm k or i ho ci mt*-rials, is prt paled to do all kinds of C A Hit IAG K It K- i H i I KING at short noticr, a* well and as cheap a* any ih r est ib oi- mi. Mari h m m; 1 M >* I \vi . Ag. m WOCS A. SXIASZ.SV MA YR |a*t received anoth< r large lot us WINDOW hHADF.S, aome elegant pad*ms, and of uuni'uaiiine to suit ail) window*. ■ \l*o loim lllsck Walnut Wiiulla**Ht(Uleads,ofptfttrnisuiv<fln nh wMeh raniiai fail to please. !>• cl 7 4tif 1 r/x/isxosor/ cotton sees. Genuine and no •Mistake, ‘ |l f I I.L be off, r> and fbi*ah* In a few day a, at the house of ROXS ft v v BHOriIKHS. Ih- Xeed obtained m>m the above lurutiomd 1 h’ HM may be cmjideutly relied in a* uenulae % being ruiaed 111 H, Ao'it y'* piautal.on near Ymoo Cay, Nina. Price Four Dollar* per bushel. A iso a sample of U. Ab'K)' Cociuiicau be seen a* th* ir 1 Hire. A II BIIAKKB, Msenw, tan P, tS|7 % 4 Tt. AVHIKY'M Ar* f ~ soaJ irniTni.. I\TO. I, 2 and 3, in Uarreha him! Ilnlf llst’ Is forsnlrliy INr.b , .’i 5 “eorr, c u;hart ro. noYD iroxrcs, ITlaron, Cj€*orgi:. * a FpME subscribers hovr> taken that well known ,/ I Hotel, tin? Fi oYI* Hoi ‘K.uml air u-Hociutcd I liSSilflU ‘Older tho firm of BROWN At LAN 11.11. ;l I a I It will he needlPHu to make promise*, hh one ol : -t-2SA. ihe firm lia9 Iren well known aa keeper ol llie Washington Hull, and tlm public hip acquainted with his man ner of doing business ‘I Ita Tahir and Bur shall not he stii pnsaed hy any one, and their Stables ate airy, with firm diti lloors, and not surpassed hy any in Georgia- Chaises aic reasonable us the times will permit. THOMAS A. BU<n\\, STERLING LA NIK 11. fJTT” I’ll* stibacriher solicits his old friends and patrons at Ihe Washington Hall, to give him a call at hisnew stand. Sr. Lamkk. N. B.—The oflk e of the Tallahußsee and Columbus line of Stage kept at this House. Julv 9, 18ffi. i>i:ti:s: j. w ili-iaii* Has ufc.n d.f WASHINGTON mpie.i. u continuance ot public pmionagt . Milton. \..v 18, I*4*. OAsrsnao. rjHIK subscriber is now rrceivina n .(ilciHiil assurin',-nl of. a lino superfine linen plv uml star (.'mpt'lini;—lit I, 10 mulch. Those wishing’llie urliclc ill plesse eive me u Icall. <-i 1.0. \V I'IUCI . j I Pel gi. nmi. —i ItTOTICE. r|IIIRF.F. MONTHS nfier npplienlion will he ms,ln lo I ilieOnnnl Hnilrond .nil Banking Oimipany nf Georgia, fir renew til of Scrip issue,l hv the Cniinnissimier., No. ill, ,la -1..(i Hill IVhrnnrv, 183 G, for’one Sliure of Stuck, sliincling in llic inline of Sinnlersiin nil llie honks of suid companv—laid 01 iwi 11a 1 Scrip having linen Inst i r inislnid. JAMBS IUCHAKDSON, Ailm’r. | Ma,nh 17 3ins nf /. Smnlcrsnn, dec’ll. STATE TAXES. rfIYFIK Tax Receiver’s Bonks are now opened at the Tailor -1 mg establishment of Tho>. Mason, in Macon, a short di-dam-e fioin Shotwell’e corner, where ull poisons interested 1 me solicited to cull, from 10 to I OVIOI k W-M. C. KENNEDY, Tax Receiver. March 10 _ DU i ’ G s1 ’ on E. IJTV, JVC BAHTIiETT #> Gl AS just received,at his Drug Store on Mul I 9 berry street, a large stor k <f'Drugs, Client icals, Paints, Dye Stulls, Oils, Glass-ware VN in dow Glass, Perfumery, dko.; in fact, every thing usually kept by Druggists. Having made bis purchaser, lor t'ash, and from first hands, in New Vork and Boston, he is enabled to execute orders at ns low juices as tine, fresh and nt xadulleraL and article* can keobtuiued Hi any establishment in the southern country. physicians, Manufacturers,Planters, and Ifealers are invit ’d to call uml examine his stock before they make their purcha- I p ( .„ Macon, Sept 25,1815. IW drubs and Medicines. trill IF, subscriber call* the attention of rhvsician*, I Planter* and oth> rs, to his full stuck of i)KU(;S, MKDICINKS PKHrt.MKHIKS, DYE STVKVS, fce all of which are pure, frtsh and unadulterated— ‘'being able to know when such is the case,” having had an 1 xperienre of fifteen years in the drug huin **, ami rec iret License by the Medical Hoard of Phyn licians of this Stan ,as a> Apothtcnry. March L 1*47. 3 GEORGE PAYNE, under Floyd House. It l. B. BRANDHKTirS Vcgrliiblc IJnivcrssil Pills. ryiHIS mtvfcieiiu* is acknowli dgetl to be onr of tin most valuable § ever discovered ss a purifier of the blood and fluid*. It is su ptrinr to Sarsaparilla, whether a* a sudorific or al'erati* e, anti atandN infinitely before all the preparations and combinations of Mercury. It* purgative propertn sure alone of incalculable value, for these pills ni.iy be taken dail; fir any period, and instead of weakening by the cathartic effect, they add strength by taking away the cau*e of weakness. They ha* e none of the miserable effects of that and. adly specific. Mercury. ‘I hi tieihar. not injured—the bones and limb.* are not paralyzed—no: but instead of these distressing symptom* new life and consequent animation is evident in every move ment ofthe body. | These Pill*, fur colds, coughs, tightness of the chest, rheumatism | in the head or limbs, w ill be found upen< r to any thiugimagint <1 of the power* of medicine ; and in bilious ass. ctions, dispcpMfa. and in all diseases peculiar to women, they should b resorted to at once. For snip Ml .1. B-li nes’ Bonk More. On Colton Avenue Opposite Washington Halt. Jnne 25. 1845. 9vl ” 50 OOZEIT WIST Alt’s hnhuni of Will! Cherry. DO/. BOTTLES of the genuine article just received •/v *an 4 lor huln hy HR I'NO VIRGIN'S. N. I>.—Country merchants wishing to purchase to sell again, enn he supplied on reasonable tormw, by applying at our Mu sic mid Jewell v Store on Cotton A venue, Mueon.Ga. BRUNO & VIRGINS, or Sept 9 30 J. A & S. S. VIRGIN. Et()R WOK Dll. It HOW X LEE'S VERMIFUGE, the most plea-ant and sure Worm destroying Medicine known.—A niong Children and infants there is no disease o dow and destroy ing a* W o mis—. t run* into and causes count leas numbers of Com plaints, csttb. as fevers, bowel comploint s ,chronic aiul nervousdPease*, Jkc. Drs Brownlee’s Vermifuge is prt pa-ed in a mnniu r which rentiers it a ‘e, pleasant and etfertual, giuni to the most tender infant,or used by adults of all age*. —Sold wholesale and retail by the Agents, < B. it Ul viovn & Cos. 278 Broadway, corner of Chamber street, , X. Y-MACON, J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS. A pi >1 1, 1-147 3n.7 ai'X’l. | COMPOUND KLUII) EXTMAC I OF Jr BUCHU, (uionmn. Crrnnta,)— An agreeable, safe and valuable r. nntly for of the bladder, obstruction, of tin* urine, chronic gonorrhoea ami gleets of long standing. The medical faculty pru i nounce it efiicacious and speedy tor ail complaints of the urinary ,' v g;ins, gravel, chronic Itucorrhcea, morbid irritatien ofthe ur*iha, due.i’“ s vs the prostrate gland, retention and incontinence of urine, chrotiif rl. u umansm, Kc. !-Al>D Ik CO. Wholesale Druggists, 139 Maiden Lane, x- . York ft, whpm orders will be addresst and ) April 1 1 3m.” __ J .IkW, S. F.I.LIS, Agen** Maeon. rp 1 1 y ‘—Give my articles a trial andjudge for | • ,<■>/-I tem ranlU&n .‘• * otrrfimrnteU, orthemom y J “ k ‘ 1 'l-.y V.KV I.USTHAL HAITI “ F.TOH ATIVK. This universally approved and admiml ai.-i’ e from arm nt spirits, pungent e,sent, a I oil, and other and struetive u*a!‘ rn Is, c leans th*- hair expeditiously, rnders it beautifu! y bright. Si.J imparts to it the delicate fragrance of the flower. Hair waMudwith t‘ ••Ex tract *n*>n l> comi . pleasantly - ft ami lux’ i >mi in in; grow th, n - will pi kiiively bring in new hair on bald heads by iiause;ana hair that has been inadt harsh, and is turning gray ‘L falling out, by the use* ot spirit or other improper pr paration*, w ill soon l>* restor ed to its natural color amt brilliancy by a few application* of the Leu , Lustral. It is a preservative bahlitest, and an infallible core in all affi ctions of the skin on the bead, as datulrufi’ and for preventing the filling olfef i lie b ur and turning gra y. It i* the simple produce amt immediate extract of some plants nl utary for the hair, endowed with properties *o highly cleansing t iiat it disengages the epidermis and capillary tube* ol the corr sive ac tion ofthe perspiration, ami ofthe dry ai <1 dead particles that it de |HMit**s. I his preparation purifies the hair, gives to it a beautiful gloss and softness, and an agieeable uml vis it} mg pcifume. EVIDENCE. , Nature is in inexhaustible mine, in which experience and study uillulwas* find room to excavate ; it i* that source, alone, which produces ull that nun <-il invention, and which he would do belter per hap*, to muut adaptation. I or sale, w h ilesalc ami retail, hy JUI.KS HAUEL, Chemist and Perfumer, 120 Chesnut str< • t, Philadelphia, and ! March 2% 111 GEOH l PAYNK,Misan. TRUSS E f|lH” subscriber takes this opportunity of returning thanks for | the patronage he has received, ami begs to inform the public lie ii, now ready to make doiibleaml single Trusses nfany size, and wi: I w arrant them to he easy an i eft'< ctual. lie a Iso nrtkVs A*- dommal Supporters, which have proven very i ff ctual. The alnne articles can be madt from measure: the sub-cribs r will give instruc tions to that ff ct to those who will do him the tutor to call on bun. The greatest uhf cts hi cases of H rma, }k*. ix to have springs to uit the case uml fit compaetly. Old Trusses repaired and re-tov r and. Also fiw gum-elastic Kreiuh Trusses fr sale. ‘I he subscriber bus been working at the above business fora number of years; also in miking Surgical and Dental Instruments, wlmh nntl.ta him com pt tent in th.- above business. It is w nil pb a til re 1 cun rift r to the most eminent practitioners ct Surgt ry and Medicine of the- city of Macon. The subscriber also carries on the GUNSMITH BUSINESS in 1 all the repairing branches ; also Cutlet* Ground ard set. Coir n Gimhh ts constantly on hand. Opposite I‘ost Office, Macon, La. 3 I March L 1*47 HAILI.Yk SYKl'l‘ OF Will) CHKIII4V—For eough*,colds, asthma, influenza, whooping cough, hpit ting of blood, ami all pulmonary diaeanaa. BAII.KWS SAKS \IAKILLA-Kor all diseama nrisinii from an impure Mate of the blood: unit rheum, Nprofuln, king** evil, chronic rheumatism, dynpepaia of the akin, hones, old mleant, ate. iI.MLKY’rt FRVKR AND AGUE RRYIEDV—'The most vrrluahle remedy—finitely vegetable preparation—nd *uie cure. BAH.RV'S AMERICAN VF.RMIFUOR—A sure exter ininutor tf worms from the ayatem, in feuerul use throughout the United State*. MAII.KV’S UNRIVALLED MILITARY SHAVING CREAM —3 hie nrti I • hna stood the tout of oigln veare, and twined for itaelf a high reputation throughout the'’ U. State a, Canada, and moai iiait* of the world. BAII.EVS SUPERIOR INDELIBLE INK—With end without the preparation \ warranted the best article* of the kind in u-e. For sale hy the I)rusgitsgenerally throughout the country, and ul wholeaule and retail hv \VM. iJA|LF,y, Proprietor, Apothecaries’ Hall, •corner of Fullrn and Snmla streets. Also for sale by GRAVES, WOOD & CO., Macon. I h>c :i. IR B ’ 42 ]^RK % H CAN AH Y s;: ia •*> ot th#sr,.i t , 1 “ale by J. II tk W. S. ELLIS. . Mmrrlt .1 • 3 * i Mod on Cofluiidifd* | /N/N BUSHEi.S, wananlcd genuine, for sale bv MWF D M A. J WHII CONFECTIONARY_AND GROCERY. J. 19. DATIOI It I S rerei*ine his ncwsitpply of Goode in Ins lino, among which he particularly calls the attention of In* custom-. era to. J A liorre article of old Brandy, {Madeira, Tort and Clar- j 11 Wines; Tinkles. Spiers, Preserves, ( akrr, Candies; Also a fine assortment of Segara us various hrnuds—warran ted imported Havana Srgurs; | He will keep a constant supply of Oranges, Apples, Oni- I one, Potatoes,('hm**c, Butter, Ruisins, Figs, Prunes, Almonds, and other nuts; All other nrti< leu usually kepi in that line. ; PM KI.ED oVM F.lh by the kcp. iMficoo, lift I \ 1 nt. g. i ■ tciT) too b V. 77 *Hvn| anfi fur sale by CHA3 !!. FRE r’ M’ V Marti IT. IS4T. 3 liisicun :iml Wis cm Ball-Osad. C.<7, CN ■t ’ ■ 1 : i r A-jS •-S O’fa.Wobc?. i ‘ out, fSncon to , Stlfinto. ON and after Thursday, September 10th, the trains of this Rood will l>, mil a- follow* : Leave Macon doily t 9J, A. M. Leave Atlanta daily at 7J. A. M. , . Connecting at Macon ** ith the trains of the Central Bail Rood,atm at Atlanta with those of the Georgia Hail-Hoatl uih ** ay. Stage* for Montgomeiy connect daily each way with the train* nt Barncaville. making ontinuou* line from t lmi!etoii, S.C. m Savannah, Macon, and Colt mbu*, Georgia. Stages for the Indian Spring* connci t \* iih the train* at ror*ytn daily, each way ; nod for Meriwether Spring* and West Point,at Griffin. Fare between Macon and Atlanta, 1M r 'o Do. * 4 do. Griffin, 250 Do. “ do. liainesville, l"J Do. “ do. Ftirsytb, 1 00 EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent. . ih'. iiH, ‘ l4 1 ’ ■ ! .Uncoil A Wcirrn Rnlli-onSI. t ! SKPrF.MBEii IBlI), 1846. 5 i mi Cotton rut strut. j (T O f j’ON will helrtkonover this road from this dute, at the J following low rules per 100 lbs. i Krt m Macon to Crawford's 0 et. —Forsyth 10 c—Rurnca vilbi pij •.—(irifiin lo *•.—Joneshtiro 20 c.—Atlanta 25 c. I‘kom Atlanta to Joueshoro IJ| cent* —(irifiin 1.0 c.—- Rarnexville 20 c.—Foibvili 20 c.—Craw ford’s 25 c.—Macon 25 c. Al! Cotton passing ftom the Macon and Western Railroad to the Centmi Rond, will be charged 30 cents per 100 lbs. front .Macon to EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent. I Sept 1(5 31 STRONG 6c WOOD, SIGN OF THE ISIG BOOT, th ick Building opposite (r. M. Logan Co's., r- n-q 4 RE now receiving and opening a large r- I /V and splendid asuortment of BOO'I ri, A lor at rodlicet I prices, or as low a* they cun be purchased in thin or any other South ern market—comprieing in part the following kinds, viz : i (tent's fine Frencn Gall aewetl Boot* ; do. do. double sole do. do ; d<). do. stout do. do.; tlo. do. pegged do; do. dotTtde soled do. do.; do. light do. do.; do. Culf and Kip Napoleon tapped rlo.; do. fine fine Calf half Bools and Brogans; do. do. 4’loth; Lasting and Goat Brogans of various styles. Men's Kip and thick Bools; Boy *s Calf, Kip and thick Boots ; Youth’s do. do. d-i. For Ladies —Fine black Gniter Boot?, thick and thin sole ; fine colored do. do., vurieiy of colors; fine .Morocco, Kid, Pal ka and Lace Boottees; fine do. th). and Goat Walking Shoes, fine do. rlo. Slippers, Ties and Buskins, block and colored. For Misses —t*aiter, Polka, Kid ami Goat welt Boott*es and Buskins; Kid Slippers, Ties and Cloth fixed Buskins, black and colored. For Children —\ large assortment of Polka, Gaiter, Seul, j Kid, Glolli and Morocco Bootleen. Men's, Women’s, Bovs’, Misses’, Youths’ und Children’s 1 leather pegged Booltees and Shoes, of all descriptions and qualities. Anew and beautiful article of Metallic UuLbsr Over-shoes, for Gentlemen, Ladies and Misses. To Haulers —B,7so pairs of Plantation ur coarse Rrogaoß;n prime article of Men’s double sole Iron uml Wood tacked Russoh and Black; th>. do. single sole do. do. do ; Boys’ und Youths* of the snire qunliiiea. Also— 15 dozen prime Gals Skins; 10 dozen Linings of dif ferent colors; 100 U lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather; 700 lbs Oak, | Sole Leather., Lasts, Pegs,Thread, .Hh, nnd nil other articles usetl in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. aSS ITS AYR ( APS. Anew nnd beautiful Stock, of all description ; Men’s and Bov*’ P;<!o Alto HATS and CAPS. Gentlemen's fashionable Beaver and Moleskin of diff ipnt qualities ; Men’s W hite and Block Wo< l Mai-; Mii’s, Bovs’ and Youths’ CAPS, of all j descriptions an. l qualities, •Macon, Oct 14, 1811 35 83a9**! D\ Y n-criwet a c. npl. te a*"ortm nt > f Gentlemen'*, Youth’s nml Boy** Hat-a vl caps, amongst wl i-h arc — Black and Drab M-avcr, fashionable ami broad briiu. HUckand Drab Nutria “ “ RTsvk and Drab Common “ “ YottthNand Boy’s Hh sand Cap*—a great variety. Panama, I. gh>rn ami I’alnr Leaf llat*. “ Monterey ” (> luz< and Mat*. Wool Kata of all qaaiitit , with manp th r *yle, making my *(oefc complete—all of wl.ich will be solr* at wholes:*le or rttail, at v ry low price*. March ?, 1347. t l K W IMG II I . J list received by xti-ons & Wood, try; -w 4 SPI.i- NDI ! assortment ,f Spring ami SammCr (ms >7 wli \ IS, of tin lut st sty Is, viz : Ry’ 30 dox. Gtiillenicti’* Panama Katu, aasoited, 15 do. tlo. Pefial do. • 10 do. do. Double Brim Leghorn Hat*, >0 do. do. Singl Brim do. do J do/.. C.ntl- men** S L gliorn Hat*, 50 do. Min’* Palm Liaf tlo. 5 do. liny •* Petla I do. 50 do. do. Palm Leaf do. ALSO, 2 Ca*c* Gent*’ Fine Drab Bex v • r Hat*, 4 do. do. “ Black tlo. do. 4 do. do. 44 Moleskin tlo. With a g'-m-ral assortment . f oh* r\ • of Hat*, such as Men’* broadbrim Black, White and Drab and I'uliionaUe Furand rii\ of varittu* qualitic* and price*. Also, a tine lot tu (it nti. men * .in.l Boy** C APS, of all sti leg, anti qualities, and prices. All of which ar. offered at very low price*. March 35 f T ] :usi’ ESOEIViiD, feifcjr - i huge assortmnit of Gentlemen's (4. fine lioiits. Al*o a large assortment of MEDIUM FINE STITCHF D AND PEGGED BOOT'S, togctln r “itli aline assort tut lit of LADIES’, MISSES and CHIi UkKN’S SHOES, to wliieli we invite the att*n tn.ii of ihoe wi-tiing pure base. WHITING &. MiX Macon, v arch 10. 5,. fUIVSdt & tO. 1* 9 WE removed their original stand adj fining v’ 2 H tl,e Mrtr'igrr Ofifire, where they have for the last *|lf tlir. e yurs been constantly employed ill making BOOT’S Kn anti Sll()ES fur tb<-tr cu-tomer*, to tin tr shop next door to Mr. K. F. I.t-wiv’ Bakery, and immediately opposite w-wW'br Floyd H'Uitr, \\ limv they will be ready to receive all orders for work *n their tin- , amt execute (lit m in the same satisfac tory and sop .io;* a f• in rly, April 5, IHJ7 Mn 7 f fctnulgee Iron i'-’Hiittry anti , fJr.- dtitie til: oil. ( MACON CF.O.) r II F, subscribers Intv ing erected anew Establishment, now ■ offer fc ’lie public,inducements that they have never hud before in that line of business.— Mill \\ rights,Gin Maker*.At. 1 will find it to their advantage to give us a cull: we w ill gnat untee all our work to h good, nnd nt lue lowest price—we have a goo<i stock of Patterns on bund. 1 A good Horse Power for sale. CH \*. P LEVY & CO. 1 Cotton A venue, near Macon 1L Western R. R. Depot. May fi, 1846. 12if . TJttcon Iron *V Sir ass t oitnttry, AND MACHINE SIIOI*. fJIUF. subscriber having recently made large and important I additions to hi* former list of patterns ior Overshot, Breast and Tub Mill Geering, is now preptued to execute or ders for Flour Mills,Cotton Factories, Horse power Mills for plantation giinding, Ac.; al o Cotton Presses, Gin Gear, Plate* and Balls, and .Mill Irons of every description : all of j which will be made of the very best mateiiul and workman . ship, on reasonable and accommodating term*. ■Macon. June 17. 1816. v!8 ROBERT FINDLAY. imn*ohtio\. counection hitherto cxifelmg bt-lwet-n the undt-r*ignrd for | t'-anmcting a Warehouse Bu*iin a, umkr the firm us GUNN WILSON, is thi* day dissolved by mu(u l consent. DANIEL GUNN, M:con. MII3II 31, t*4!t 3w7 W. T Wit.SON. spring Mi;i)i< na:. XIBVS <fc CC'S Concent nlni Compound J'tvid Extract cf SJ VKSAPMUI.- A— tor the cure of mII tbs. n*s arlait g | from hll impure sut-<r the excessive • r iinpn pt r u- ...f Mercury, imprudences of living, exposure*, g. ntral debility from climate. Ike., r> novating ami i stoniig tlo wb l. sy*t m Thi* medicim- may be had wlioltsab- or r* t .il of the Agent*, April i SmT i HL (h W. 1 l. is. Mae rt. I.niidrctli’s (*:ei’<lcii Need*. IU?JT receiving n FRESH supply of the above superior Garden Seeds. Order* will he received for'Frees Ai Plauta from Lambeth's Philadelphia Gardens. By J. 11. At \V. S. rLLIH, J"n 6 Masonic Hall, Mncon. 1 (IP Merchant* and other* supplied with bj||g ofOruga | nnd ‘letlicines, low fi r cash. SII AKi:it G 4RBU Gross nnil I'lotfi r Serifs, * All of ll;<; grow 111 of If* JO. fj 1I1F; onderAigi.ed has been npjminl and ho|c i.gcnt in the ri* v •• *■ of Macon, forlhesale df the Shaker's wall known Seeds. I hive received Fitfv Thousantl Pi per* w it It primal di option* ‘ on each paper for planting, which will be sold veiy low nt w ludesale or retail. i I * nion Buttona. do. Sctfa, Potato or >lnltiplving Onions, all kind* of Garden, Flower, anil Gras* Seeds, known to (ho agu- ; cultural world, *Hrly Sweet Cunt, Ate. I>c3o Ifi G. A. ELLS. Next door to \\ ashington Hall. \T IKET.Y NEGlto WOMAN, g. and JO y ar*. and her fixe Child’ei i—two l>o * mul tlim girl*; ag- rrom four i*oinh* *• *bv ny. ai* Tln u . man i a good plain rook . w rhi raid i dim •ml ull healthy uml hk< ly. Ihn will lv sold li w fir cu*h,or in credit* until ilo first duy of Dtcentfo*r mtt Apply to Mqi'on. \ |r 1 1 I 7 SCO If. A• H *R T V CO. Safe anti l.ii trt; Stable. fjMIIE underaicnen re*p.'etliillv inform their ■ friend* and the public, tat they have w 1 openfld rt Sr* at r. in Macon, for the nurroseof t V s ‘I.E ANDI W FRY BI’NINJ NS.nnd V / V wd, re spec |ftll |y anlii if a share *t imblo- fuitronsge Their Stub lea are counret* and w ith t! eFI (lV | Hill Sl'., and everv attention w ill be paid to CuatoniorS in order to give erl aatiafaetinn. Their Stable* are Isrre, new *n,| commodious, with Urn’ Lots *rd ever;- et>li*-' , nteut e. 4 rveiih umihl don ell tc ,'ivn us a osll. N. HAWKINS, .. . J M # . HARRIS. Macon, Apt.. *3 1549. 1 bJI! UTEIt SHE iIKFs S * l-P!.- ’ l * • *‘i u u liri i u mU) in .'• •) ’• ‘ nvoft'i ‘ r in the tuunol Amtricuv, buim r county, within th- e. un if’ ur* ot va- c the fi,Rowing propttt). o n : Four acre* of Luna lyiriK l ” ,lu ‘ nurib'ust i. ri‘- ‘* iu- t l in t'n.* 2mlt district ol’ origi'. Al) l- i< w f.i.. u’. • , Dr John D Gregory now I • >, well itM. ‘ • pi p, i-ty of Philip For. yih, to safnly om tl .it- i-- •. l Sumter count >, in ol C I arc It B. Pc t. u It- l ii prop. 11 \ i.oiiit kl oui bv sh f.-intant : v > I * l >• • • hv a toi ftabie. tiHF.KN M. V-ilh.. 1.1 it. ~, A i*o. at the* *anie time nml u'sci* will i *- *tid, llu i- H *t half of Lot of La.‘tl numbi r loiTy-r. or at lb. s. district foriginally Let- now c uni’ r tmiiaj,, l< \>< oi. c* ih j ~, fit) ol Ni f*>-i t H iiiinons, to sa bsly otic ti t from bnmtt r buy r, - Coiiri, in favor of Joshua Drake >. said li-in inons : nrop>i,y .r t ; t-d out by Emuii Smith 1 OUT UC K F. 1 liOMrSOn D. Stiff SUM T Ell MOUTc'-AGE SAIL. Will he sold on ilk-first I'liesduy oJui** mx, btfore the court J hou*’- door in the town of Attifricus, biimiVf county, within the usual hours of sale, tile f .How mg propert, t-v ‘* l ’• Thee*t half of Lot of Lind numbt rone iVundii *1 •“d eight)-eight in tbt- 2ftth district of originally Lee now Hum ter i'**tint>, U vita m t as the property of Sidney Few, to satisfy one mong. ** b (a from Sumter Superior Courts in favor of Mit-ajall UutKanan v*. eu, d bw ; propi rty pointed out it. is ill fi fa. April I, 1X47. 7 GREEN M. WHEELER, Ship HOI V9ONMI i: S*IIT SALl^—Will lie outlie firm Tuesday in May next, al flic court house door in the town of Perry, Houston county, within (lie usual 1 hours of sale, the following property to*w it: All that plantation adjoining the village ot Ilaym-villc, in **id county, lately ownetl nml occupied by ]R nry A. V**> y, and compri*. ing the follow ing purcebol L ml, tow it : < tie htindidaml twentj. f out and one-fourth non* of Lot No. 11 : elc•ven and eight y-otu- and one-fourth acre* m the nortli-eust corner of I.t No. tlit*iy--I\v.; tbit. , teen Hen s more or less of l.o* No t\n Ive, and fiftten sen* rt Lot No. twelve, all lying in the thirteenth district ol Houston county, with the improvement* tlureon : bviitl on a* the prop* rty of Ht A. Ve*ev, to *ati-fy a fi fa from Hon*ton Superior Court, in fitvoroftke IlHiik of Haw kniHvilh, agamat said Henry A V< *ey. March 31 7 E. K HODGES, Pep Sbff 4 I)ML\ISTKA t OR'h B UJ:.~ Pursuant to an ! Z>a ortlcr of the Court of Ordinal v t ( f Bibb county, grunting leave, will be sold ul the Court House door in Baker eountv on llie first Tuesday in May next, the undivided half ofthe fob lowin'/ Lots of Land, numbered 152, 103, 169 anrl 193, in t| )e second district nf said county of Baker, and on the same dm will be sold at the Couit House door in Mncon, Bibb’ the Tiact of Land on Walnut Creek, adjoining John H.l.owe Kilpatrick und others, in Bibb countv, I clanging to the 7s tat# of John Martin, deceased. Sold fur the benefit o! the creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day ol sale, 22d dav of February, 1847. „ , THOMAS D. VVAI.KER, Aifinr. I- eh 21 y A•f *; I 1 ST h vronvs salk.-'v.m i.- suid onTh, I\. hr* I I uc*itsy in May mxt, lit fur* tin- court house door i>. I. utter Macon county, a mgi-o mai. named B< b, belongu g u , .t. t-i tate of Green B. Hi-iok*, tlt-cise(l Sold f. r the tu in fit of the .... uml cr ditor* of said dec’d.—Terms on the day of gale, IDHN It HAHVK.V, Adm’r. V>>II\ISTH \TOR’S S\l.F\-'Vill be gold on the Dr-t I tiegday in May next, before the court house door in the tuA-nof Perry, Houston county, a negro man by the name of Hu, 35 yesrsold A Is. Lot ot I. and Vo. 78 in the 14th digtritt of Houston county, joiniiit lamb of Westbrook, Fitzgerald, and oihcra Said N* ground Land *• Id * the property -f Joshua l’attiihall r t . uea*td, £>r the benefit of creditor*, lei-ms cash. ’ HKTANI HATTON, C. r. O. a >d administrator de bonis non wills the will stint vc<l ; March 1,1*47 4 ’ A'iV 11 N ISTU VTOKVS s \ I,U. Will be *old on th* I u .day in .lime mxt, at the court hou<doorin thvtovi. oftv.ry, Houston county. Fifty Acres of Land, lying and joining! ( burn * Culpepper, numbt r not recoil, cted. Sold a* ihe iu-ouerty of .1’ pb < til pepper, late ol Hoiutton count), d<Ctat and. bold tor tlu betn fi. of tne h ir* of said UcctHSt and ‘lVrniN on the i'hv March 10. MT < W11.1.1A MS. MOOKK. Arlra-i ----ft IJ.M IN IST*’ ATOli’S S,\ 1,1-. Will b- sold on thr /’ll first rmsdaytn May mxt,at the court hotiae in Walker conn ty. L.t No 109, in the Bth district, 4th section, now Wglk. c county Also wiD be sold on the first Tinsdsy in May next, at the court ‘-.oue in 1 humai rounty, Lot No. H 2, in the 14th district formerly j Irwin. All void a* the property of Lewis D. Wimberly, dicctird, late of i Joins county. Term* c**li. j March 3. 1 847 *3 O. W. M ISSF.Y Ad-e*,. BOS rp'ONF 1 \ n.MTVJST ? VTO ’S S.\f,r,~\?reca’y t in nrdtr I Aof the I ul. nor Court of Tula*ki eo.nty u ben *ir i -gfor or"- n <vy pur >o-e, w ill he Hold m fore the - ourt house doer ir. the city cf • Macmt... n hr hr t lu*.ay in May next, 197 Shares of Capital Stock in tiic Merchants Bank of Macon. Sold i. .Do pro-tori? of the e.tate of fuhn Haw!,, dtet fts.d fortli, benefit of the heirs and creditors of*sid < state. 11 ie Lb r-i CHARLES E. T AYI.OH , Adm’r. CAROLINE M. RAWLS, Ailin’*. March 3,1147 §t j 4 D.UIXISTItATOK’S S VI.K.-wmi hr .uid on fth Ur*t liKHil.ty ill June next, t the court house-of e.iclt cotintf ■ in w Inch the Lands lie, the follow ing Lot* j In Can p t I ‘• c .ntv, Lot 1 No. 157 ill the )4th district, on.l lot No. JO j, h. Jd .it-lrut! In . Heard com.y. I.i't No. *5 in the 4>li tl. strut Soid as thepujerty ) ofM'trdock L Mat’.• son, deceased. Tini*ca>h Nf arch 71 7 W. H f \ -‘OVN, • dr-.V. •- * 4 i H \ i, i A gtveabli to an order c i - *i'* Hon .rat h* the Inferior Court of Twiggs cot i rj, “hen -rttmg ran f'ntiri ol Ordinary, will he fold before* thr. Court I loijhi* it.or, within the usual honra of h.,!p. on the frit I’tiPsd t v m Mn v next, in liwinvillff, | win eouiiU . Ga . Lot o* l. ititl, Mu. 176. Iving ai t! htin_* in the second district cf ►aid county. Sold 111 rn pm cm nt III.* Pst b'of Silu-* Bri.w-n of ! “ i ;i.H cii.ioi v.dr. r ise I. for ihe benefit ol th* heirs rnd ered rtors ol sniii deceh.*ed. Terms cn>-h. WM. I’R V’ v, Cx’r. Marion, ALirch3, 1317. > • r 4 A47” Hid R i-. \ S J nines \V. Cannon app’i s *• . p fir lct'-.i ? T .-I I": . i'-i.ifi froo hi* hirt'ier I: ‘ : • i•’ |:! |.er(,u i. n .l pro, erly cf l.ydia Sand. .s. f Will inn Sanders. I li.-st- are th r. f.r* to cite and admonish all and siogui: J, t ! ri and and creditors us !1 comenisd, t h- a| y> * t \ ~fi Cr w ithin the time pr. scribed by law, to th.iw csuh if an <.', s why said letter* may not be gr iiit.d. Given under my I and JOih 1647. M’H’hl7 ‘i(M * I<\\G ’cHri *. RV. D C c GCOI J4iiii —I psaii < oiuiiy. r 310! befiue me. Vnriiti B. Damei, n Justice of u-* 9 Pe ic • for si.i.l cotmtv, bv Jpsp Al organ, an Ij-i. iv ><rrrl Mare, w ith the right hip kn .eked down, uh.nit tweiitv vents i l,, 'F -Appraised hv John Pearson ami .John (’. Jordan,to bo worth twenty-five dollars, this 25th February, 1847. .MARTIN B DWIEL, J. P. A true Extract from the Eslruv Book of said countv. „ , lrt wji. a. Cobb, c. i. c. Mareli 10. 1017. 4 • Air ■ I .BAS Ehzu <-th Colson sppiits tome lor letters of si!- \ V intm*trati..ll on the estate of Jacob Colson, dt cess and. 1 iu *. are* therefore to rite and adm ni-h allaiid singular the kin. rid and creditors of naid debased, to in and appear at ntytifllct w.u.- in llie time pr. st üb, dby law, and make their ohj. ciion ilL*i.v tier have, why said letters ltould not be granted. Given under my band at office, thi* sth March,. 147 March 10 5w4 ISAAC Met BA BY. Pep C C.O. w _ r (Jooigia-siunirr 4 oimiy. armTHEHEAS William J I Ml, Rpp'i* *t n . tor iett r* of admin ? V it ration on tin estate of Samut IM. J. hnson. dec* use and. 1 heat* are therefore to cite and admoni.|i all and -ingulsr tin kb,- du (land creditors < f *8 id diet **<(!, to hi and apiiarst fnytffitc W ithin the lime prescribed hy law, to show etust il any they him, why said letter* should not fi- grant'd. Given under my hand at cfftc, 1 Mih March, 1 47 MHr. li * s** ISt AC c BAI C. C 0 Gcoi'Kiit —Mncon < ouuiv. H Elt EAS Daniel W. Snmh app , • for lett’ is of administrs V Y lion de bonis non on the estate wfßartholouw w I huinus, Lie of said county, deeeas* and These are tlieretbre to cite and admonish all and singular tl ® kin dn .land creditors of said deceased, to be and uppi ur at iiiycfflo wnhin the time prescribed by law, show cause tfany they have, why • aid letters should not he grauud. Given under my hand 23 J March, 1847. March 24 M W W. COR RETT, C. C. O j >laic 4>( Gi’orXiit-lliMioti < ouui). Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purposes— March Verm, 1847. Present (heir Honors William Lue. Edwin C. Tnrnt r, William Ti ice,.lu*(ices. fpHt p. tun.n of Joe! Mathew* resat etfully shtweththst he k* 4 | fully din. barged the trust reposed irt him us guardian of Elis belli Youngblood,and prty*the C urt to bedismi-std th. rtfrrm Whereupon it i* ordered, that said petition be published iiT the Georgia Messenger in terms of the law, rtquiringali person* cue cernetl, to show <£*i -e if any they have, why b tiers oF dismiMio* should not be at the next May t rm of this C ourt. A true extract irom the minuu sol said Court. Maifb 10. 1847 40d4 \\ M A. CORR Cl.rk, >L T >1 IV PUS after date abplieation wi Ibe made t I t ie h • h ii* t U < the Inferior Court us Upson county wtousiinry if,, or.itii.i -y purpo*. *, for have to sell the Negroes belontinr to tic ! estate *f William Hobcrt'-on, d* cea*cd. j Mite btl 7 JOHN W ROnr.BTSOV, Adfa’r Iconic HONTIIV alter date.anflji.-nt ion will he ma.l# to the llomiiuhle (’tiiiri of Ordinary, nt Crawford rotinD hr leave* to m il all ihe reul estate of John Bryan, deufAici), late of sai l county. ARTHUR BRYAN, Admr. HANNAH BRVAN, Admix Feb 24 2 IJNsHJII ‘!() V I IIS afte.* date application will be madet* th, It f nor Cohi-4 of Bibb county, w ben *itm ga* a court of oi.'inary. fin nave to Hell the r. 11l estate of D. li Sanders, l|t •! 1 w i b g* county.deccast and, for disi ril utiou. ELI AS II I'.ALL, Adm’r. de bonis non, March 17,1847 p. with th Will annexed. AfOVPIIS afterdate app ,- vi will be mud* t ’ tin b nun .ile Die Court of Or.l -my, of lJ,**’i the real (Slave Osoitging m hit >tb An’ Duiiv, * ■ J(JI Juardii ‘ A pr I 3, 1847 (1 :OTTCfI. ! rjTirc *lf RTF IUH „I Sum., r ro, M)r will h.rftfur r I pub.i*!tiiJ in the UiOtgta Mes tr.r, at Macon OKKKV M ’ H VLE R h r . 1 March 30, 1847 4” 7 I* V lIIOMI D. Sbtf Ant ice. fPHE firm nfH. 4, J Cowles is dissolved bv mutual tou 1 neat*llie outstanding buainesnol thf firm will b - -*f I Lv ot ihn undi’tsj Tied, and the nmn* o tin* fit?*- wjllba onlv up**d in asttlematil. HI’NRY (lO'V'I.M, Mac on, M-irch 2'.). 7 JERRY TOW I V.H. _ AT i. A* •’ s fnv 111481*4* left xmiiic tJiit 1 KE'iAl IA L’shhla ex'ruicr 2'l boxes extra (’tn wing T’ b'icco LV) “ “ fine ttinokitig do. IS “ Orangea. 10 “ |,*in**i a. 20 Id la. fine Iri-li Potatoea „ .*o drums Fig*. M boxes, halva* and quarter*, Rsi-tua. |b I,his. and hall hll Pi kind .‘‘had. 12 kn’s prim** * iitshen Butter. 25 bills., hall 1d.1a., und lion *of RostOll, Ptit cr, F* ***** l.euiou. N* a(rt and Snd t Crackcm. 2 hhds. id extra fiun Lamp Oil. Sufmilor Oliva Oil. . Mmrrl* 10. 1617 _ _ • • 1